Video 3
Bhagavatam - 1.2.16-34 ( Book 1 - Chapter 2 - Verse 16 - 34)
[Music] he the destroyer of the demons kangso the darling of mother devaki and the guru of all om peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading bhagavata chapter 1 book 1 chapter 2 and we read up to verse number 16. no no 7 16. so how the devotion progresses that is being indicated here how the gradually love for god grows that has been described here so we just reading a few verses before from 14 therefore a man should with one pointed mind hear about praise worship and contemplate upon the supreme being the goal of life the master of all devotees constant contemplation of his deeds that means think of the spiritual the sporting of the lord krishna how he played how he danced how he sang like that the constant contemplation of his deeds is a veritable sword for cutting us under the mondays of self-centered tendencies of work which only goes strengthening the knot of egoism in us karma binds us so it can cut if we meditate on the glory of krishna and his krishna means we are very liberal vedante is very liberal the rama you can think of christ you can think of buddha whoever may be your ideal the god incarnate thinking of their divine sport one can cut those karma ball mana which man of insight will not feel attracted to those accounts of his deeds that are endowed with such potency now 16 verses by restoring to sacred blessings one gets an opportunity to associate oneself with and serve holy man test for food taste for hearing the holy divine sport of god does not generate here for ordinary people unless those people they have relating to the sacred place they go and they are getting an opportunity of the holy people associated with oneself and serving those holy people such service strengthens one's faith in spiritual matter because they live with god so being close to them they can feel that the truth of god increases the desire to hear more and more about the lord these are the tests of a devotee his desire to hear about more more more that is a sign of love growing for god and gradually generates an in instinctive delight in such hearing instinct comes whenever there is some urikatha holy discussion discourse going on they run from here to there to there and there no you know online people browse so many things but the devotees will browse what where is this song going on where is this devotional discourse is going on who is the very holy man talking something no interest grows so that's a ruchi spiritual life in bhakti school that's a great development that here growing in ruchi means a new test for god people find joy in other things but you are finding joy in something else which is connected with the divine sport of god ramakrishna think of ramakrishna ramakrishna was born again is playing in the mango group ramakrishna is playing in the role of lord shiva and going to samadhi ramakrishna swimming in the uh streaming in pukur that pond which is close to the room he's singing and dancing with the devotees and then go on thinking of his childhood that means as soon as you are thinking like that your mind is always getting tuned to rama krishna who is nothing but holiness purity love joy blessedness so today we start verse number 17 of this book page 8 it is book 1 chapter 2 17. the friend of the devotees when you think of him purifies the heart of those who take his name that means the power of the name is such the name you take the name of god it purifies the heart you become so absorbed in god consciousness he manifests in the heart of those who hear the accounts of his deeds god he means god or you are thinking of krishna or you are thinking of whatever is your chosen idea christ buddha rama hidden as you wish to devata appears in your heart like a living entity so he manifest in his heart of those who hear the accounts of his deeds means his childhood play his adult good situation or when he is giving advice to the devotees like ramakrishna's life gospel gives us all the description everywhere so that one can spend the most time with some divine thoughts and it erases all the evil tendencies blocking their spiritual development yeah all the things which blocks our spiritual growth they can be wiped out by listening so shin natang he who listens and which chants those name that makes the punna means pure and damtasto although means we use the language of her in ordinary and civilized enough pieces all this is not bhadra we're not gentle which is not pure those are all right that means all these scenes all the negative thoughts they are wiped out it is all the evil tendencies we do that means it totally cleans up all the scenes misdeeds are all cleaned up 18 months [Music] if you do on like that day and night the noise bhakti bhakti devotion noise means very dedicated one pointed one pointed love for god bhakti develops where the devotion will go not on material object but in bhagavati means bhagavan in god with uttama sroka whose glory is supreme glory that means his mind gets attracted one pointed devotion comes for those of the lord here when the obstruction obstructing evil tendencies are mitigated through constant application to the service of the holy man that's yes eva holy person's service has been established very strongly in the entire bhakti literature because they holy means to live with god so if someone is that that type of holy company one gets their most sadhana they need not have to do sadhana by their grace our mind will be lifted so when the obstructing evil tendencies are mitigated through constant application to the service of the holy and the study of the holy scripture then one develops a steady and unseekable love for the lord of abundant abandoning abounding glory abounding glory boundless glory and boundless grace god's grace god's glory in abundance one can feel that by holy people yeah so should not but you you take a little bit and do your sadhana you make your mind you are struggling to bring your mind to concentrate here it does not come if you go to a holy man your mind is uplifted and take advantage of that and do japa and then come keep that spirit practice in yourself you have to make it your own but it is a glory of the bhakti that if one can really think of holy holy person holy god holy lord then the all the negativities of the heart will be wiped out and when the negativities of their heart is gone then what we live in an unsacable love for god in abounding glory automatically manifest in your heart so it helps you but actually that's also very important point to holy person if you don't do anything and just go around the holy person no it will not do you have to take also you have to be open to that spiritually while you go to holy people my point is that you go to a peace market when you need fish you go to your holy person you need holiness you go to the holy in not taking that holiness you go and mix with him you see another man like he and another man like you and us so what will you gain out of that you will only be a critic more critic that say those people who live very close to a holy man they become more critical because he sees the human side only but he's open to spirituality and that i they can develop you can get the benefit of it take the benefit but practice should be done the tendency are you really the book is saying you'll be interested in listening to the glories you are not going to holy person just for fun and talk about politics hey how this politics and economic condition or social condition or discussing mundane things why you go there there are other places you they you would go better benefit so that's seen whatever that person is your internal holiness of seeing that person will make your heart fully so then why do you need to go like that if your internal holiness even if the person is really not for me is making you uplifted and holy if you do yourself but if you are developed you don't need then you will understand more if you are already like that why will you go that you will not understand now when it becomes holy then you will find the attraction of holiness why why why swami vivekananda is running for ramakrishna not knowing when holiness will be that you will feel what is that holiness then more attraction will be felt unconsciously you will be pulled purity pulls purity so that will happen to generate also and when it's generated you feel more intense now the last price you offer this is when all the overdraw evil tendencies evil thoughts all other things are wiped out by almost bhagavata they are talking bhagavata seva of the bhagavad-gita means who are connected with bhagavan and god and god's glory so those who are connected that means holy people that's right they are translated as holy people but main verses bhagavat means related then that service bhagavati then in bhagavan who is the uh greatest in the adoration that bhakti bhavati the devotion grows now taga [Music] when it happens like that with the growth of devotion when the devotion grows the mind becomes free from agitation agitation upward instinctive passion everyone has these passions and like greed and sexuality and others this type of instinctive agitations you get become free the products and they have they come why because they are the product of rajagoon and tamagoon sattagoon satiko quality gives you transparency and can take you see god and rajasthan thomas means passion and lower tendencies of human mind so they become when the growth of development devotion with the growth of devolution the mind become free and get out of that freed from these agitations which normal people feel instinctive attraction for passion greed etc sexuality etc did what are they they're the products of the rajas and thomas and gets established in a peace and poise of sattvality so they cross them thomas rajas and establish in the satiku quality 28 bars sangha if one becomes sattika bhagavati bhakti-yoga because of bhakti-yoga because of uniting with the bhakti bharavasa with love with god bhakti-yoga bhagavat the knowledge of the what is god god's knowledge [Music] he becomes free from all attachment and become devoted to god so in the aspirant who has through the practice of devotion attained to purity and poise of mind as also to freedom from every form of worldly attachment that is generated in the intuition of the supreme being has an absolute reality so that heart becomes more confirmed with the supreme reality that means their mind gradually gets off from the world and moves deeper into the god consciousness 21st bid [Music] money when the supreme soul is thus entreated within oneself the knots of the heart that makes one feel oneself as an ego or embodied being that are severed the doubts of the mind are dispelled and all the accumulated karmas of the past life as also those of the offing are liquidated so we are here because of the karma three types of karma passed present what i did and what is stored in my stock bad karma's many stalked in our sangaskara and this life prayer of the and what am i doing now it is generating for future so when this type of love to ishara god in this way they are not thinking of god going to the holy people chanting the name of god then with his grantee he knots of the heart is caught asunder then the doubts of the mind are dispelled and third is karmas are all gone twenty seconds they are not the poets but the intelligent people spiritually spiritually inclined people kobis nitang bhakting parama all the time they practice bhakti devotion by paramaya mudamuda means by happy being happily they get engaged supremely being happy they get connected with this vasudeva bhagavati in bhagavan vasudeva that means here means krishna so in krishna in ramakrishna in rama in christ then bhagavati kurmanti atma prasada nim they for this reason wise men they joyfully cultivate the supreme devotion to vasudeva which bring peace and blessedness to the heart of man now why vasudeva should be the object of worship again why god should be the object of worship then again from the verse number 23 till the end of this chapter 34 so it is elaborated what is that satan rajasthan [Music] one sentence is so big baba so what he says quality raja's quality and tama quality personality supreme god is only one by the sakti by the power by the power that supreme maki manifest as three we are reading in vedanta all the time so this is a bhaktivu but you see how vedanta they are putting inside and the package is said bhakti but you see him inside you open the packet you find brahman how much you try to get out you cannot get out so they say what is the sakthi that is the power of they called yugo maya in in in bhagavata language called yugo maya maha maya yoga the lord the shakti power of yogamaya of the lord that has three aspects sattva or the process of peace and enlightenment such quality means it's a power that power gives you the power of enlightenment and peace satigue quality gives you peace and enlightenment raja's quality of forces of passion and activity and thomas quality of the forces of darkness and inertia so the shakti of maya of the lord has three aspects the one supreme being masudeva assumes these three aspects of his shakti for the purpose three purpose what one is creation preservation and dissolution sisti sithi laya three functions they manifest in three way comes to be known respectfully they are called the brahma qari is the vishnu sustained and shiva horror destruction respectively of them it is through the sattical manifestation of vasudeva that man attains mukti you want liberation the bhagavata says only true cultivating sattha one mukti liberation from sangshara happens so of them it is to the sattika manifestation of vasudeva masturbate has three forces sattva rajas and thomas creation sustenance and destruction and they have said what is the key in shutter quality you say shorter quality is the it brings peace in your heart it brings enlightenment and knowledge in your heart now raja's quality it gives the force that forces everyone to passion and other activities and thomas takes us to darkness and inertia so because of the three forces what is done then the creation brahma vishnu shiva but for liberation you have to go to vishnu why vishnu because it is sativa manifestation let's say you know ramakrishna there you will find only satiko quality in him nothing rajas no ego no passion no world no material anything it is only god and love and cry and weep and place prayer that is the only thing so it is then it is the satto quality you want liberation you have to be cultivate satiko quality not thomas not raju's and when you develop then god with sattva pure he will reveal in your heart 24th verse the earth would smoke and fire are products of one and the same substance and are progressively closer to vedic sacrifices for their performance the fire being an immediate condition required for their performance so many things are necessary earth you have to do some home of fire you need some ground on which you'll do earth wood and when you bar the wood there will be coming smoke and then comes fire there are all products of the one substance let's say all of them are coming from the same source and are progressively closer to the vedic sacrifice fire is the closest last item for their problem the fire being the immediate condition that is required for their performance no you can have the vedi it is called the altar we do on the in and then you'll see that when they do the sacrificial fire they put some drawing on the ground or on a metallic container and then they put sand or marred or something like that and then they put the fire organize the fire and fire wood and then the firewood then they put the fire but at the fire is put what happens the smoke comes when smoke comes people don't put any offering there but when the fire starts flame comes then only opening is possible so for doing performing the spiritual sacrifice when fire is the closest symptom when you can start that fire but when smoke you don't give when the smoke ghee you don't put the clarified butter milk in the ghee in that when it is smoke when it is ground and this fire only the fire wood is there you don't put the ghee on that so close to sacrifice is the fire similarly close to god realization is love for god so that is the point is saying for it is satya quality that reveals brahman that's why in life out of the three qualities thomas rajas and satra shatta quality is that which we should cultivate so it is sato that reveals brahman so also maha vishnu that means they love krishna krishna is maha vishnu when they say mahabishnu you know krishna ramakrishna you know that same mahabisnu appeared before his father and said i will be born as your child no so this gadadhar whom you see ramakrishna is a maha visnu he was born in the form of ramakrishna he is born in the form of krishna he's born in the form of rama so that maha vishnu so also maha visnu having the shuttle for his adjunct in his divine manifestation is directly concerned with the salvation of man so for liberation you are to worship krishna you have to worship ramakrishna you are to human incarnation that is the point because that is close to the example is very good as fire is the very close to the sacrifice no you offer the sacrifice when the fire is on so for your final liberation you need ramakrishna or rama the human incarnation for your liberation that's close to liberation therefore from time immemorial great sages have been arrowing only maha vishnu the pure embodiment of satya and the transcendent being those who follow their examples will attain salvation therefore verse number 25 bishop so therefore from time immemorial it is not today there that people are practicing spirituality it is thousands and thousands of years before also we find that those spiritual seekers they are vegeta they are worshipping the holy people are gray in the very beginning whom bhagavantam bhagavan the lord atuk sajam means krishna or nara you know or narayans forming human incarnation so it is sages have been adoring only maha vishnu the pure embodiment of satya satyang bishuddham in in krishna mostly even in krishna you can find some raja's action he has to take because you are the king rama he had to show some war but to fight archery and all this thing but that is not important even here the archery and others you see the rama in the ramayana the face of rama is always serene calm the sign of sakta sign of peace sign of joy so maha vishnu from time in memorial the people are doing who people the sages sages and saints they are adoring mahabishnu why that the pure embodiment of software quality and ramakrishna there is 99 percent there is nothing rajas nothing thomas and only samadhi only even in rama we don't hear that he's already in samadhi in krishna we don't see that he is always singing and dancing and going to this moment samadhi that movement to samadhi but in ramakrishna highest manifestation of purity and software quality that's why it is called abu taaro barista abu ta'ala is the greatest manifestation greatest among the incarnations of others buddhism is the highest does not mean that it is too different krishna is different and rama is different no he said i am same but question of manifestation and that is another way but we are talking about how we get attracted that's like many people who went with mother never understood who she is even vivekananda writing later about holy mother to his other brother disciples that you have not understood holy mother at all in time he will understand he is writing to sami brahmananda and others my god that's a very difficult mother when she hides herself so much who can understand that that's it so those who follow their examples will attend salvation so what we have to do we have to follow to worship as the munis author they worshipped that visnu and that's why they had the revelation in their heart the presence of the lord and therefore we should also those people who are following them they will have to follow this to get this end result 26 mumuk [Music] many people worship many forms of god they're all god's form but mumuksava those who are muhammad those one liberation freedom now and here god has different forms they give up the terrible forms terrible forms of god a mother mother's former same mother no sometimes takes the baby smiles all the time sometimes makes the face frowning face and frightens the child if he's doing something naughty sometimes i'll give you a slap of course let police don't know but anyhow so these types of activities are always gone no so the aspirants don't worship them who want to worship mother in the ferocious form ten forms of mother is there most people worship with been eyeing form kamala my mother kali also little sober but still my holding chin namaste oh my god very frightening that's why don't keep that murthy in your home people say bhaktas it is not good for um the household to keep such mother's divine form mother is in the mood of destruction so he cuts her head and the blood is pouring and there's in the mouth the blood is going again in her mouth oh my god it should be bianca frightening form so hitwa means giving up that type worship of that type of poems or different types of gods and goddesses they worship maha vishnu satyaga manifestation manifestation thomas god also therefore tamasic people gita also says the tamil sikh people the goram there are thomas they worship one type of gods and goddesses rajasik they worship another type shastika people that's why worshipping ramakrishnan worshipping krsna's childhood is satiko form of worship it's also worship or chinamaster there you go there are shin namaste ba in in in almanac you will find that that auspicious day when chin namastama appeared and that day people do kali puja that night no but we do the kali puja little denying mother kali mother kali well dakshina kali full of compassion like a mother protecting my child she's holding the sword and they'll you destroy my child i'll kill you so that's a very protecting mother so that's why we can go there but to that type of mother blood using and fire going and all destruction going on we should not satthiko people don't do that to us so it's [Music] that's why they say it is not the question of this which nature which nature who worships what which type of people will like to worship which type of god for your revelation realization you must have to be satiko super satwik otherwise other experience will come but vedantic experience of calmness serenity all through the bhakti going deeper and deeper deeper in joy joy joy and merging into that ah will not come unless it is satiko worship objective should be satiko your mind should be satiko with the rajasik mind tamasic mind you cannot attain that bhagavad darsun that is the god you can seek also god god vision will come but thomas exhaustion will have what did to fulfill what type of things not for ultimate i don't want anything i want you oh mother that will not come because there is still desire prompted by desire thomas and rajas and satya quality develop then desire free it becomes only i love you i want to be with you and oneness of that comes so therefore from time immemorial sages have been adoring on the maha visnu the pure embodiment of the subtle quality and the transcendent being those who follow this example will attend salvation so you also follow the path of the yogis munis who have worshipped god in the most sattika form 26 months 27 says [Music] she means earthly prosperity see pomp and glory money wealth prosperity project progeny children family for this purpose those who belong to rajya's equality and thomas equality they will bhajanti they will worship that means they will worship pitris for that type of so men with a dominance of rajas and thomas in them are drawn they will naturally will be drawn because of the samskara pulls them deities similar to themselves in nature similar to their nature the petries the fathers bhuta puttis lord of elements and pujaput is lord of cosmic surface cycle as they are the quest of wealth lordship and progeny children but now these people many people are worshiping in the whole world even in india you go how many millions of temples are there people are going worshiping offering flowers suffering incense but what they are asking for give me money give me home give me health good health and let my son get a good job and let my disease go away let my examination let me pass the students also go i'll give mother five rupees puja worship if i get a good mark in my school so everyone is going who is going there oh mother give me love give me devotion i don't want anything huh so that's why they are naturally inclined to that you know in calcutta we heard when this kobit situation came there's the worship of motherhood sitala shithola in indian tradition is the one form of divine mother she actually wipes out she's the she's the controller of this pandemic situation so probably the malaria malignant pork small pox chicken pox you know when we were children we used to know any any house there is someone in affected by that they will start the puja of mother sitala and that shithola puja was rampant in whole of calcutta during the kobe see why are you doing prone to kobe why don't you go to ramakrishna well ramakrishna cannot give all this thing he too he he is in samadhi yeah so you go to ramadan about samadhi but for your cure of kovid you have to go to mother oh that's billy may you're right right that is the way mother sit allah then for children mother sausti there is one tradition through those couple who are not getting their children so they go to worship one mother's form that's called shasti mata mother's born they worship that why do you go to the because you need a child so she by worshipping her she can fulfill your desire so they are drawn to that type of desire draws their type of gods and goddesses but if you liberation you will have to go he will not go for this okay i will have to take shelter under this god otherwise he may angry get angry no i know one god and he will do everything for by his will everything goes on that's a satthica feeling it's a very higher feeling and that is the way to realize god so it says but in in spite of these vasudeva is the one being to whom all disciplines and doctrines are ultimately directed the vedas have him as their goal so also jago and sacrifice yoga the yogis practices learning tapas dharma all have him as their aim in him is the end and destiny of man so but you go to vasudeva krishna or ramakrishna then there all these things are gone all ends there in him is the end and destiny of man so human journey ends in god so you want liberation then you worship vasudeva that means you go to krishna and hindi says ramakrishna very kind very compassionate very pure that's why i say mahapurus malaji is to say no i told many times that you need not have to meditate if your mind is too restless look at ramakrishna's photo that is your meditation that will purify your heart huh most of us cannot meditate but because this ramakrishna's photo is the samaji's state photo when he's tuned to god consciousness that means when one is tuned to god consciousness only there remains only that narayana that divine that absolute therefore if you look at that unconsciously your mind will be uplifted so this is important they are giving some argument why you should worship god satthika god for your saktik realization if you are a rajya sikh and tamasik you will worship in the decoys in india everything goes with god if you want to steal then you are some one former mother mother i am going to kill today i want to get some money i am going to do robbery tonight so i am giving you worship some flower puja so that i get a good good good robbery and i can get good money by stealing or beating or killing whatever so they go to that type of worship no and also you want god then he will not go to that type of god he will go to that god be knowing god he has nothing you see sitting like that bare body there is no way gold jewellery rudraksha there is no sign of external pomp and glory so you have to go there 38 baht [Music] though himself beyond the gunas god is beyond all gunas we always know in vedanta brahman is beyond all goonas sattigo god is close to brahman or brahman himself so though himself beyond the gunas the supreme being has his inherent power atma maya is his his power constituted of the thrigunas of satya rajas and thomas though he's beyond guna but he has his weapon three gunas through which capable of subsisting in the dual can dual condition of cause and effect by virtue of this power the lord projected all that is seen as the universe so the whole universe has come out of god how see he has projected himself out how by the three gunas satya rajasan thomas though he is beyond though he himself is beyond he has projected out of himself this trigunas and the whole universe of name and form has come thirty first one is [Music] that power have been manifested all forms which are the combination of the gunas then he entered in into them by identification yet remain unaffected by them going to his immaculate self-awareness you know when we create something we write an article it's my article somebody has taken my article some point not benson me we get mad god has created the whole universe brahman created the whole universe by his atma manifested this whole universe naturally it should be attached to it but creating everything for fun no attachment that's why this whole world is created by god by god's power that is called the maya shakti here is called the ki yoga maya yoga maya by his power intrinsic power yoga means three gunas he has created this whole universe but and he has entered into it as it were and punished idea creating this entire universe he has entered into it so entering into that but he is detached that is the beauty of god's creation and anything we create immediately we try to write our name even the painting every painter will i have to write a corner in the name my name is my signature and someone cannot steal and tell his because i identification remains i have written maybe most articles sometime but i keep a copy of it because it is mine you know is it it's very natural i have i have prepared this that's why people pick prepare food and brings us and they say have you taken my food meaning what minus is there i created but it is attached but god's creation is not like that god creates everything but detached so that's why and that power having manifested in all forms which are the combination of the gunners he entered into them by identification yet unaffected by them going to his immaculate self awareness i am the atman that self is there 32 just as the one fire entering into the different pieces of food manifest as many fires according to the fuel no one fire same fire same bars you can find in the kathopunishad agni the same fire you put some salt in the fire the flame becomes different color you put some oil it becomes one color becomes different you put some your cooking food has overflowed and falling on the fire it gives a different color so so many colors are different but fire is the only one similarly just as the one fire entering into different pieces of wood manifested many fires according to the field so the supreme being the soul of all manifested the many in the various forms produced by the combination of the gunas so all these are happening by the gunas or prakiti three gunas by that what are the thrigunas coming from three gunas are coming from narayana himself it is his ma yoga shakti yoga maya they just said that god creates this university by his yoga maya power power of yoga 33 entering into all living beings created by himself by combining the effects of the gunas like the subtle elements the senses the mind the lord enjoys the same subjects through the bodies of these created beings huh he he's enjoying being so many jeevas seven point five or four billion five billion it has become by this every day it is jumping you know so 7.5 billion jivas he has become only one god entering into everywhere he is playing himself with his own form that is the way the lord just created it and entered into it and enjoying the play fun as you enjoy your dream it is your you are the only person your mind is only one and in the dream you create your enemy your friend your big feast or you are hungry or you are fearful you are running away you are tired you are helpless you are all you are very powerful your preaching is your mental creation you enjoy why dream because you enjoy your dream though that time you feel but otherwise why are you going to dream so god creates this universe for fun only and he becomes all this universe but not attached to anything so 34 verse he the protector of all the worlds extends his grace and help by condensating to manifest himself as divine incarnations born among javas animals and men [Music] the protector of all the worlds extends his grace and help by condescending to manifest himself as divine incarnations so he also descends himself he creates the whole universe and he recreates himself that's a krishna come rama come like you and me they are born like a child as who you are they grow they play they fall they cry they weep like us and they die one day physical death you know but this is all him he becomes condescending to manifest himself he manifests in the divine incarnation he manifested the as the animals and as the men so here we end it it is first chapter and this has been spoken in nami what happened in the naomi sharon where sukhodevo came another in that chapter this here ends the chapter 2. so we'll start chapter 3 the next day okay so what we understood today that law of krishna love rama krishna brahma love christ love buddha the person they are god incarnate they have pure sattva three gunas are there with him but with the pure sato we can realize god given the example remember the example the in a home of fire you can have a ground on which you put the pieces of wood and you can burn it and when you burn also smoke comes then comes fire when fire comes then only you can pour ghee so to have the result of the homo is when you offer the oblation that means to get that operation when the fire is there fire is the satto quality ram thomas and rajas are the other qualities smoke is the raja's quality and the wood is the thomas quality the whole world and you can worship thomas see god rather seek god well as i said you go to worship malasadabi manusa is the god is you know in the areas where there are many snakes in india in bangladesh and other periods you see they worship mother monash that's what your divine mother her name is malaysia m-a-n-a-s-a malaysia is the goddess of snake so that snakes will not trouble me mother will protect you but that type of worship they do they don't go to worship mothers sita saraswati so why you get inclined because your mind in that level so you go to the simula thomasu mind with the thomas type of worship rajasthan mind rajasik worship shakti mind satthikovasi and satiko mind is necessary for god realization so your devotion should grow by holy company go to holy company and take those lessons and cultivate that devotion in you and then come close to god realization very beautiful guru okay so we end here om shanti shanti [Music] now if we have any questions i am seeing here okay it is the same question is it easy to get consumed by maya if we are looking at the image of sri ramakrishna with eyes open when we cannot practice meditation it is easy to get consumed by maya no no why will be consumed by maya we don't want to be consumed by maya that's why we are worshiping god god is the power maya is the power of god so maya is the power of god and that power keeps us identified here but cultivating praying to ma maya yoga maya say that we pray to holy mother ma please remove the we talked about that sunday lecture mother is the power yoga maya praying that what will happen my my ignorance will vanish and then i will not be bound by the bondage of thomas and raja's tendencies and qualities so when we meditate on ramakrishna with open eyes that will help us to get out of maya rather to get out of maya we think of holy company that holy company reading good books as we read for one hour chanting the name of lord repeating the name devotional practice meditation whatever we are doing in spiritual life they are helping us to get out of maya get out of maya and if we cannot do meditation that's why i suggested i didn't suggest swami shivananda mahaprabhu's maharaja he suggested that in this kohli yuga take the name of ramakrishna that's okay that will be enough and if you cannot meditate just look at him that itself will do whatever good it is to do because in him there is nothing rajasic nothing tamasik nothing that can bind us it is all renunciation all total knowledge wisdom total identification with sachidan on the self okay [Music] there was means gods deva means god those are effulgent beings that's why when they are we imagine our gods and goddesses they are one hello that the light radiant from there so they was means different gods and goddesses they are called devas salvador means all gods sarva means all deva means gods all gods all gods what is the all girls all the different aspects that we read today all the gods are there coming from one sachida who is when he thinks i will create the world he takes his power that is the shakthi we talked about shukti that shakti is today we heard name of shakti is yoga maya in the bhakti school they are using the terminology same maya what vedanta says is they are calling yoga maya and that yoga maya by the power three gunas are there through the thrigunas he creates this whole universe and enters into it so that the world remains so vivid realistic before us and now you want to go back to home then you have to go to yoga maya and pray and go to krishna or the aadhi maha vishnu they are talking about here mahabismu lord they they in the saskit they don't say but bhagavan they say so but translation has been done that way and that is a normally all the devotional school things like mahabharata mahabismu with the one one hand holding mace another is the disc there is another padma on lotus sanko is this conch shell shank and this is the chakra it's called the disc to destroy something and this is called the sound symbol of symbol of love bhakti well you can say om om is a song ok so jaima then we'll meet you again at 7 30 probably we see then we'll read that santi gita what is called song of peace song of peace by bhagavan krishna again bhagavan krishna but this is bhakti that is ghana but bhakti organic what is the difference i do not know they are talking about the three gunas they also talk about the three gunas they call the maya here is also calling maya and then you think of athman atman atman here they sing think of the quality of the quality don't go to the rajas and thomas there are gods and goddesses in different level so it is like you know why the but in in in in version of tradition it's called books you'll find demigod demigod demigod demigod means it is not actually demi they are not useless worthless god but god himself manifests in their level a baby is asking some candy to the baby he who gives candy he's a good guy is it not so if if he does not know go to today uh so many uh today who got the nobel laureate three physics today three people got nobel prize in physics about the environmental uh situation they worked on that so if one nobody it comes to a baby baby is not interested in it baby needs candy who can give me candy so if ramakrishna comes to a person who is asking for money you say money you touch me my hand will break so what you will do you cannot go to ramakrishna first asking for money you have to go to him give me ghana bhaktiva raga you want girl money then you have to go to mother looks me mother looks me is waiting with a container of gold and jewels etc in her container and holding it in this as she can give you [Music] but he didn't say that he didn't say that you said you start your work he said like anyone can give one rupee he gave one rupee ram krishna that he was very poor but very devoted to ramakrishna devotion was also there but for his family needs so he gave some one token donation one okay you take this you give any holy man give something does not mean that he is fulfilling but rama krishna's grace he became a big rich person and he became a owner of a press printing press and that printing place also ramakrishna's interest all the scriptures all translations of the old scriptures was first collected and printed appointing scholars they have printed that job that that printing press what was established by that gentleman whom ramakrishna gave one rupee in those days one rupee has some value but that was the initiative and to that he grew grew grew and for the good ramakrishnan is not given only for making him rich but ramakrishna has extracted more from him given all this all these children when they need money um used to give some money for the monastery expenses upon baby is doing the same money printing the text of the scriptures old in indian spiritual text who will spend money for that he took the initiative and he started printing selling and reorganizing things like that so in a way for his mission he did it but anyhow he gives of course but no one goes if you go ask him more then he will go into samadhi we are reading yesterday the occurred none on the swami in his uh on his wandering days he met one guy who was who wanted to give some money to akarna on the swami he said no i will not take it then he said huh i in my life who saw only one swami and one he was reductionist ramakrishna i am that luxmi marwari who gave 10 000 wanted to give 10 000 rupees to ramakrishna and he rejected it and i see you who are you then he came to know he is the disciple of krishna so you know so rama this is going to rama krishna why he does not like money he likes illumination and ramakrishna is here to give illumination satiko satiko is getting attracted to satyaga people many people come to ramakrishnan and don't find interest they go to some place where they will get some other facilities are available yogic power bibuti power so people are attracted they are not bad people but their mindset is rajosic and tamasic means worldly achievement world prosperity they don't need it there's nothing wrong they're not going to steal or destroy anyone okay jaima shanti you