Video 29
Bhagavatam - 2.1.8-21 ( Book 2, Chapter 1, Verse 8-21)
[Music] we salute bhagavan sri krishna with the son of eva the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura with the dear darling of the mother devaki the world teacher and the refuge of all i salute him again and again own peace peace peace be unto us all soon reading the bhagavata back to reading of the bhagavatam we are on book 2 chapter 2 verse number 8. here the question came how to meditate on god and meditation may be in the form and in the formless aspect many people cannot do meditate cannot meditate in the form it takes little hard on the imagining the body and features so you can meditate another way seeing the whole universe as the body of lord's body so you can see the shining divine shining behind everything so now this we have come to the point where this we are discussing today here in the sukadeva the great share of truth is teaching this to the king pariksit who is dying who is going to die within seven days so that advice is being given we are also dying we only don't know for us seven days or 7 months or 7 years or 17 years or 70 years no more 70 years we cannot expect but yeah younger people can expect 70 80 yes but anyhow but when the death is coming close and that is certain we will die there is nothing such as certain as death is it not in the world of reality what is the ultimate reality this is the reality that everyone will die then that's the question was raised what is the most astonishing thing in the world and the response was that bhutani every day we see bhutani gatchanti jamula ayanam the created beings are dying in and going to jammu alaya the home of jama the king of jama jama's house but still people are so attached to the world and worldliness that is the most astonishing thing we know that we'll have to leave everything behind but still we think this is mine i'll have to do this this is important that is important yes so long we are in the human body we have our responsibilities please do that that's why you can do your duties but don't get attached what you are trying to hold will it stay with you how much you struggle tell me one person in the world of billions and trillions and trillions of people born and died and become king or queen or emperor or oppressor or a very benevolent person is there anybody is there anybody still alive so this is the foundational thing the that is most dangerous thing and it is the most astonishing thing in life knowing fully well that everything is transitory momentary and i will also die but our attachment does not go away we fight for petty things it's meaningless let's say and but should we not do anything yeah do that because to purify your mind you do means why we do work karma is done but it's purification should be of the chitta chitta means the mind intellect ego your emotions purification all mean memories of all will be purified pure and and when his mind is pure you see transparent god and you eternal substance which is we are searching for so this is the wise decision to do the duty be in the world detach that's why there is a song like the water which you find that sticking on the lotus leaf have you seen lotus leaf there is a lotus spawned in l.a and you see there you go the water how it sticks on the water it seems that water drop of water is holding it as if it is really attached little wind comes boom it rolls down like that that's a padma patricial leaving the world detached because any moment call me come tell me who whose call when will come who knows that we have so many instances happening all around us every day but this is called the attachment so how to get out of it so think about think of eternal god the eternal the birthless the deathless which is unchanging hey you discuss in different languages in the language of the devotion you say it is god the personal in the language of the vedanta you call it the sachida ocean of light ocean of consciousness and non-dual beyond time space condition beyond all uh the manifested universe that absolute reality in the in the path of yoga you call jivatman paramatman you tune yourself to the paramatman the supreme ahman their language but going to get engaged into that do your work at the same time be aware of this reality so this is the point so here that advice is being given to [Music] pariksit by sukadeva he says one should someone should meditate life should be a lie because this person who is surely the the king was very pious king that's why he immediately detached from his all other worldly responsibilities and duties and escaped freed himself we say i want duty what shall i do but king polish it was he did as soon as he had only seven days in his life he didn't judge how to avoid that i can do this i can kill that simple snake what sally the snake can do to me i'm the monarch of the country can i not protect myself from a snake but he didn't think that way he thought oh death death is knocking at my door so what shall i do now so this is the response coming here so meditation and he said meditate on what that lord which is unchangeable which is not limited by time space causation not limited by our mind and anything is unlimited absolute but as i said you cannot do that absolute meditation though it appears easy but we do get back into the thought it is limited something as i give you the example you think god an infinite infinite like vast sky now close your eyes and think god is vast sky what do you think you are making a circle hemisphere no and map that much is your concept god is like infinite ocean think about pacific ocean now what are you thinking pacific ocean big how big is that limited by your mind as much your mind can think that is your pacific ocean even it is not close to the reality of the pacific ocean and pacific ocean is only this much in the context of the earth and earth is little like that in the context of the other big planets and bigger planets and go on on stars and galaxies where is this we cannot conceive that's why we start from limited we are limited we start thinking on god has come down in a limited form in the form of god in the form of personal god like avatar rama krishna buddha so here they are talking about today verse number eight about meditation meditation on the form but how to do meditation on the form say you think on krishna okay but what happens when you think of krishna he's not in krishna he goes everywhere minus krishna so what to do then this is this process is good we can practice this some meditate on him capital in the space within the heart think that in the heart angus and that that thing in the in the thumb like shape of the heart there resides a space inside it's like a micro meditation meditation on the microcosm macro look at the vast sky ah no and you go down into the micro feel that in the heart on him there is space within the heart what is as being of the size of it limited by the heart and size as the size is there in that and having the lotus and think that there is a divine entity the lotus discus conch and mess in his forearms think of a divine entity there this helps us to keep the mind engaged in the thought of the arms and weapons and the features of the divine his face is calm and peaceful think of that and here he is a divine entity called cry known figures are better to take we normally take ramakrishna someone takes krishna someone takes christ someone can take rama no not matter but take that he says his face now all the arms very concerned and they there are lotus in one hand and lotus and discus and another mace another concho the meditation of krishna narayana is called sankhya chakra padma dhari one who holds in four arms he has that's the meditation on the narayana form so in his four rounds four things are there meditate first grows from the thing from the we can easily think oh in the hand there is a mess to strike no oh there is a circular weapon chakra this is the lotus in one hand and sankhya culture blowing conscious like that so it is there the forearms just start from the big size you know outside from which attracts when you look at such deity your first attraction goes on to this thing then you think you are thinking in the face the face of the deity what is that face his face is calm and peaceful think about that that you are focusing from the hand forearms and going to the face and face is peaceful and serene and his eyes are beautiful like lotus petals and is wearing cloth cloth yellow like the pistol of the caramba flower it is giving an example how yellow is that what is the color because in kadamba is a tree with fruit we have a flower bearing tree so its color is close to that color to give an idea people can easily meditate yellow color he has armlets earrings and item shining with precious gems with which they are studied he is the god of the universe no the gems and dolls are all started with that amulet is here this year here all ornamented thing just even external going from external face face to the immediately the body and things which are attractive then he says his feet are established in the blooming heart lotus of great yogis and you feel that his feet the lord's feet is like blooming in the heart that means in the heart all the yogis are meditating in the feet of the lord the divine lord his chest is marked with the presence of mother lakshmi his neck is adorned with the brilliant gem ghost tool and neck necklace something naked these are all the description of the narayana as is meditated upon by devotees of the that school of meditator you can find your whom you meditate you can find the speciality of your object of meditation so he said and his frame is surrounded by an unfading wrath of assorted flowers and leaves his he is bed medic with luster's girdle rings and bracelets and anklets his face smiling and beautiful is framed by his curly locks thing that his hair is kardi krsna's hair his cardi but all the details of his personality if you look at a person if you describe from here to ear to eyes to what wearing what is the ring with the necklace describing every details of so that your mind is coming out from the distracted thought concentrated on each thing which is near the personality of that divine this is the way to help mind running into other objects by the movement of his brows [Music] and he casts his glances with a playful smile on his lips he seems to be bestowing his blessings in abundance on all with wherever he is blinking whether he's looking as if he's casting the blessings all so we are also getting that blessings one should meditate on this form of the lord until it manifests itself in the mind steadily now from feet to the head hair arms all these things surrounding him associated with him with the ornaments he is wearing all these you should try every day meditating on these details and then what will happen don't give up till it appears in your heart reality suppose we people meditate on ramakrishna but see we cannot hold the mind there why if we struggle this way or try to force the mind to think of the siram krsna's hair ear eyes eyes nose you are putting the mind not to run outside but around the divine body of your incarnation you can think of christ you can think of buddha you can think of any ideal you choose that's called chosen ideal chosen ideal means you choose what appeals to your heart or your guru chooses for you so until it becomes think part by part of the body the fingers the how the finger each finger you can concentrate to put the mind it is called mind pulling from outside to the object of my meditation so that the time will go not in vain meditation sitting either sleeping or going to think something else minus what i want i am repeating the mantra but practically i am doing nothing through her hand and finger she used to put oil on sriram krsna's and she used to cook for srirama krishna she used to do her japan with her finger see how all this finger see anyway how to let the mind not roam around in its own whimsical way you we are giving freedom to the mind okay go wherever you like no mind think this but think this if we give on one word it will not stay we are we are habituated to see the gross objects so give some gross object like of the body of ramakrishna and it's part of the of the finger and nose and hand and feet and whatever so so that the mind hangs on and on and then this thinking in this detailed manner what happens it becomes a reality sometimes one day in imagination it is called the today's imagination becomes tomorrow's realization because that is truth you may say that true but shall i see god there by this process well yes because it is truth why truth because the scriptures say so because the yogis have realized how many people have seen the vision of christ how many has experienced rama krishna no so these are realities if you can visualize that in one day it will be tangible so that's why he says that one should meditate on this form of the lord until it manifests itself in the mind how steadily steadily means constant it is there it does not run away one should meditate on each part of the lord that's important each part of the lord from the foot up to his smiling face meditate from starting from the feet and then go up up and every particular visible part of the body because there are divine we have our body it is made of bunch of bhuta hype elements now buddha's body is also made of five elements but they are purer element ours are thomas element raja's element their element is satico element so one should meditate on each part of the lord from the foot up to his smiling face one should concentrate on one part at a time one part at a time fix your mind multiple tasking people do multiple tasking does not happen in meditation if you multiple then you are distracting it is no meditation multiple money you are doing two three things together no but multiple meditation means concentrated one thought at a time focused he also multiple tasking word is really how much practical i do not know if you read keep the book open and you're reading and listening to someone talking or two together do you read the book or do you really hear nothing have you here have you read here happy your mind is there is it not so it is haphap that means it is not your joy in reading neither joy in reading neither joy in listening or hearing or doing any so two things can be done during cooking you can put the dal let it boil relentless and you can cook the rice also here and at the same time third you can chop vegetables so you are preparing for the vegetable cooking this can be done because this is doing its work it is doing your you are only looking whether it is not getting burned and that much time when you are looking at that you cannot do the work perfectly here so multitasking is it very new term but i do not know perfected work is not possible with multitasking one task at a time is the best so this is also right so you see it you cannot think of the hole but think from part by part and start from the bottom from the feet and go up passing the each part from put up to a smiling face one should concentrate on one part at a time passing from the lower ones upward until the mind until the mind gets purified and the part meditated upon becomes clearly manifest in the mind you are seeing as it were you seeing his feet totally focused there and you see the feet you're focused in the face feel that face is only there and you can as if i am seeing you so till that comes we will have to consistently practice practice practice that is the suggestion so long as a man has not gained intense devotion to the lord the master of all the witness of everything one should meditate on the gross form of the lord at the end of one's obligatory rights with great attention and sincerity so so long as a man has not gained intense devotion no this type of thing will be trying means mind still have interest in other thing not that much in the object of meditation if someone gives you a choice as food one which you have not tested and doubtful and another which you tested and you enjoyed where which direction your hand will move which you have tested and enjoyed no rather than which is not known and for us that's why i said so long a man has not gained intense love for that devotion for that the master of all the lord division to whom to god who is god god the master of all the witness of everything the master of all the witness of everything that means he is the witness of all universe no that's why it is skill you can hide whatever you do you can hide from others but you cannot hide from god he said even he would do something shutting the door and no one in the world has seen or known but god knows because he witnesses everything so our god is eternal witness of everything the whole universe the witness sakshi say that god so long we don't get love for that one should try to meditate we should try to meditate on the gross form and gross for means the virata form this form of the lord at the end of one's obligatory rights after performing whole days good work obligatory rights means obligatory duties responsibilities then you sit for meditation like this till the form becomes tangible and life full of life and living with great attention and sincerity so that is given one good suggestion one can meditate this way focusing in every part of the body of the deity and focusing part by part part by part part by part and then concentrating on one part with all the details until it becomes a tangible reality till it becomes a tangible experience of the presence of god in the heart when such a spiritual now 15 months when such a spiritual aspirant desire to leave the body he must give up all thought about time and location this person naturally is focused in god that's the point before death what to do forget about all these people think oh who will be there around me who will be there on me you don't need anybody rather their presence is meaningless it is you know what journey then rather meditate this way so that mind goes so tangibly there it matters little who is there one side from me or what is going on these are all then become secondary details when such a spiritual this type of spiritual person who have practiced and practiced and practiced desire to leave the body suppose time has come and he is capable of just thinking so intensely and give up the body he will forget where his body is time and location what time is this what location people die in india there are good locations means you go on the bank of the ganga holy ganga or you go into a place which is auspicious people run to banaras varanasi in india it is a unique space unique the people are in the name of god they can do anything and everything you go to high mountain top there is a holy place people will go there so their religion is so important in their life so if you forget the time you forget the location where your body is there forget time location you live in divine plane ramakrishna look at them thinking of ramakrishna and all this intensely you remain in that plane and this plane physically gun he should regulate his vital energy now he's talking about we have prana at the point of death what happens you see everyone dies the light breath comes out someone's mouth is high light breath goes out of the mouth some you will find that goes to the nose nostril they're sometimes bleeding they see then blame bleeding in the north mouth is shot but it goes to the nostril someone goes here eyes someone go here somewhere to the energy goes up so he's saying that prana will leave the body so let it go in a higher plane not to the lower areas so he is saying that it is the instruction yogi is not those who are practicing yogi they should know it because if the prana by you the life force goes this is lower this is much lower someone goes to the non-naval someone goes to the bottom so as the yogis as the higher the plane the prana life lives you are a greater yogi that means you have practiced your plane of existence will be higher and higher and higher and when it goes through this then you are not to be born again swami vivekananda passed away this is this here brahmara randhra through that life force went away they are not bound souls like us if they come they will come by god's to do god's work being free they are free but they come to do good to others so he should regulate his vital energy sitting in a form an inconvenient posture and establish control over all the senses so you will try is give up the all thoughts of time location regulate the vital energy as i said the energy which is let it not go to lower level let it rise up rise up rise up rise up now and control over the senses yeah but that means the eyes are not seeing outside the ears are not hearing outside this skin is not feeling cold heat don't when sensations are made numb because mind is concentrated in the inner idea where is our mind we live there is it not we feel pain but if you're you can be distracted from the pain you will not feel the pain gross example the children fell down and crying and at that point and distract his attention with something hey hey yay and then you see this child stops crying he said reality no so we also if our how much pain is there if it is distracted from pain point you will not feel the pain we know the examples like ramakrishna cancer pain in the throat but he is putting the mind somewhere it does not feel anything shamituriyanondo having the carbuncle operated he's not in the carbuncle so doctors did operation he didn't feel anything but when he was in the body he cried out so this is the point restraining the mind uh tele sitting in a form and convenient posture and establish control over the senses that they do sit like this consent in mind focusing on all these things will be detached from outside and now 16 verses restraining the mind with purified intellect mind to be controlled by my intellect mind mind and intellect what is the difference mind sways around shall i go or not go sally eat or not it that's the mind vacillating between two ideas and what is called intellect i do it that's called intellect that means form determination of the mind is called buddhi buddhi is intellect so restraining the mind how will you rest in mind with the purified intellect you have to control this mind which runs here and there like fly fly runs out and eats filthy thing also funny honey the fly can sit in the honey and eat drink and also filthy nasty things so restraining the mind with purified intel this mind which is running to have joy and fun from filthy things sometimes sometimes good thing restrained by pure intellect and mind enter no i will only suck honey from god i am not going to sakhani from 50 things of the world now i am determined that's the intellect the strong mind behind will say no i'm not going to think of anything i will only go for god that's a pure intellect controlling by the pure intellect and now this intellect will dissolve in the eye sense it's very beautiful you see senses are withdrawn senses are going to the mind mind is going to inner purity it's called the intellect pure intellect pure intellect is going behind the ego and ego when merges into that atman then swamaji and now we are coming out from there that's why we are seeing the outside world ego next is intellect next is mind next is the senses and sense objects and nervous system and brain answer so restraining the mind with the pure purified intellect dissolving that intellect in the eye sense the i sense in the individual spirit i sense ego sense i to the spirit means the consciousness behind the i i i i the consciousness which allows this ego which is matter to function that is called the reflected consciousness i and the individual spirit in the universal spirit this individual i in the cosmic eye the aspirant established in peace then only one can really establish into the perfect peace he has nothing to accomplish thereafter by ways of duties sacred or secular if one can go to that level that person has no duty one can merge into the supreme consciousness god got this point how do we draw we draw the mind from outside to the senses senses to the his master mind all the information goes to the mind mind has two types good bad that is to be controlled by stronger mind pure mind i will go for god and that intellect strong in intellect will be i my intellect is my subordinate i am the boss ah my buddhi my intellect so i am the boss so we draw it in the eye and i going into the background consciousness called saccidananda no so if this process one goes so he has nothing to accomplish you have attained everything for which this human life that's finally attained thereafter by ways of duties or sacred or secular no duties where time the master of even the devas have no sway there is there is no time time is when you come back from the consciousness into the eye plane i ego i will go i will do it's all talking in the clicking of the time this period when i is no more suppose when you are sleeping have you any concept it is eight o'clock or nine o'clock or it is midnight or it is one o'clock or one thirty one thirty one minute one thirty one minute you have no concept but similar situation will happen to the mind here is dead dull in the sleeping time mind is not functioning here mind is not functioning because it has this the climax of illumination so at time the master of even the devas has no sway how can there be any place for any other deities of who will control the destinies of the worlds no we say oh this is groho this stars and planetary system is affecting my life peace restlessness etc but that zone there is no god there is no goddess there is no control there is no controller only atman the consciousness so there is there is no ruler to rule me anymore the individual soul has merged into the one drop of water marched into the ocean now you cannot say hey drop where are you there is no drop it is all ocean so there is no control or ruling by anyone else that state transcends the prakiti that state of merging is the state of it it has transcended the 24 cosmic principles and all the aspects of the evolution like sattva guna rajas and thomas as well as ego all the mahath great principle all these years transcended abandoning all the ephemeral entities with denial this is not the reality this is not the reality overcoming the identification of the cell with the body becoming established in exclusive love oh yeah exclusive love of the supreme being and embracing the lord's feet one understands the supremacy of that state related to visnu and all pervading being so now being identified into that cosmic reality brahman then what happens then this reality abandoning all the ephemeral entities the mind is not in the changeful universe anymore that the world has dropped from him with the denial because not this i don't know that's the other how the mind will move inward unless you give up this side so total denial this is not the reality this mind is not the reality my understanding is only a another aspect of the mind it is not reality it's i i was connected with this no no i am not that so all this overcoming the identification of the self the self and the body this i am the body this is my idea but this this sadhaka this spiritual experience has raised in consciousness there becoming established in the exclusive love of the supreme being because he is now totally in fallen in love with the atman inside no he has mars there the reunion with the atman embracing the lord's feet one understands the supremacy of that state related to the visnu who is everywhere so this way one can journey make a journey there is a place when they will feel that all the joy concentrated that is the feet of rama ramakrishna that is the feat of narayana pete means abode abode of bliss withdrawing oneself from everything objective with the help of the refined understanding obtained to the study of the practice of spiritual philosophy and discipline so what to do practice we draw oneself from every object with the help of how refined understanding bichara this is unreal this is not real this is temporary this is not eternal and to the study how do you get it we have to read this type of book which will talk about that again again remind us we are reading that's what you are getting when the book was over covered did you know about all these things now we are reading we know so study of the scriptures to the knowing to the study of the scriptures and spiritual philosophy what is the philosophy of life knowing that philosophy of spirituality and following the disciplines what are the disciplines i will be restraining my senses i understand my mind internal external withdrawing our senses into the internal level all this training discipline the sages then abandon his body then they say this will be because you have no attachment for anything and withdrawn from everything as a result how will it then he'll die is a yogi will die how the yogi will die that means first mind has been withdrawn from everything and still there is a consciousness that i am merging into but body to stood there how to get out of the body then the prana the vital energy let it come from the bottom let it not go to the bottom and us let it be squeezed and that force go up and up in the plexus to flex us to flex us to flex us and then ultimately should go through this so that description they are giving here is saying that what will happen with drawing one for everything pressing the anus with the hill in order to restrain the vital energy which is called apana prana aparna these are the different names of the energy which is flowing in our body so upon is the downward force so known as apana from its downward course he should without restraint raise the vital energy little by little through the six centers we have seven centers no sat chakra bhumika seven planes also it is called seven planes what is that mula aadhara the foundation the base manipura next state anahata naval vishuddha throat aaga here and seventh brahmaradana the hole in the top tip of the head only yogis of high category they can go through this penetrating this as i said vivekananda died in here as the blood came out and that prana bayou the force life force penetrated that and left indicates that status of the yogi how great is that yogi swamiji was ah the vital energy that reside at the naval yeah manipura center should be raised further to the chest normally our digestive power demands in our naval zone so it should be raised to the next the heart chakra united with the aspect of vital energy which is called the prana residing there so it should be raised and connected with the next energy level prana level here prana means let's say our heart is beating no that's why people say he's alive heartbeat stops will he come no so so long the heart is beating you raise your consciousness of the prana energy from lower level to the higher level then from there the exponent should with the help of his willpower force the mind mind should go up prana should go up carefully raise the energy little by little to the root of his neck is a here root of the neck here to the root of his neck it's called vishuddha chakra and unite with the ududano there is he says these are yogis can know what is what mine so here is one one type of energy mix the lower energy into this then put the mind higher up up up up it goes to the behind the neck yeah we call bishop the chakra and unite with the vital energy residing there from that point the energy should be raised to the root of the tongue here meaning some say in the anga this chakra the yogis will see the true root of the tongue and the upper limit of the chakra this is the last point of the heart chakra from there the energy should be raised to the level of the mid middle of the eyebrows here is the rash last we should just start it here the heart and it ranges up to this part the bottom of the tongue and then tongue that energy pushes up into the eyebrows anka chakra the seven orifices that is the orifices of the eyes ears nose and mouth should be restrained to prevent the escape of the energy through any of this that means let it not pass through your mouth let it not pass through your nose let it not pass through your eyes tell it two two four to the year six mouth seven these seven orifices through which the pranama you can go go out sustain that and then if one is without any desire only if you have no desire in the world then only you can push it up from there and if one is without any desire one stays there for a moment with the spiritual insight fully uncovered and then piercing the brahmarandra here at the top of the crown one lifts the body releasing realizing oneness with the supreme being but that is the way yogi should leave his body how is he so [Music] how much practice they do this is yogic path of of leaving the body so one can be liberated by that way om shanti shanti shantihi [Music] so we'll read the next day this from the verse number 22 we have read up to 21 2.2.22 will start next time so we have some questions we are going to those okay the question is is it necessary to live in monastery as monk or none if we decide not to marry can we not live in the world as unmarried salivate with life devoted to god and have a small job yes that's good leave whatever is your goal you you are free to do main thing to control the mind and to master the mind to get an opportunity for your meditation to get an environment congenial for your meditation some of the devotees tell us that i cannot live in that house i am renting there i am in my apartment but the next adjacent neighborhood there is a high sound music boom bomb going on near the middle of the night i cannot sleep what the question of meditation what the question of leading a peaceful life and on a morning evening day they don't care for any time they have their own time and they are doing so that is the difficulty otherwise why not god realization depends on your mind purity of the mind it does not depend upon whether you are in the monastery or in doubt but monastery gives us a little better opportunity there is distraction is less rather in the monastery if you stay you do meditate people will appreciate that if you don't rather we will be unhappy why he is not coming to temple why is that is not good rather it will be ridiculed but outside if you don't meditate people will think you are right if you go for dancing and singing and nightclubs they'll be oh you scream this boy is good this girl is good but you see meditating what type of voice is that so outside situation inside situation this is the difference but it is all in the mind so if one anywhere we stay we give our thoughts to god then it is good that is the best thing for you the person who is questioning you are to decide that whether in this environment environmental help you need it or you can do it anywhere in the world yes god realization is possible but you see look at the history all the people who have got realized they try to get into secluded place actually you cannot meditate on the hollywood boulevard either really some cracked brain or you are totally paramount you are you are like ramakrishna like my person so that's a point is that it is doable everywhere but only monasteries convenes they give us little better opportunity scope and all the people those are here they are also same ideal they also want to realize god they also want to meditate and pray and read and suddenly the pure life as far as possible so that that is the benefit of it but you can realize yes having small job having your own privacy independence yes that's possible but that is little matured person with much strength can do that ordinary weak people will be always under the pressure of the environment so that is to be decided and another question what to do with mosquitoes and other insects in our house kill them [Music] mosquitoes and other eye insects in our house kill them simply because for your son this is not ahimsa this is not a crossing or hingsha level but oysters should be truly is not committing injury to anyone by word thought and deed but it is not the survival question if you you are breathing you should not breathe then every breath you are killing so many bacterias you shouldn't walk on your road because your food under the food you are killing millions and billions of bacterias you should not wash your body because so many bacterias are being all over the body so that's why we have to understand the language with intention causing harm to you i intently do for my survival eating food so you should stop eating food because you are eating grains why are you eating grains these grains would have bring out more life from that you take sprouts sprouts are healthy it's vegetarian why do you take sprouts and eating them put it it will grow its own plant will grow and you are eating them chewing them down no that is for the survival question so it is intention is the question so killing them for cleanliness purpose breaks bow of i don't think it breaks the power of but a state of mind will may come in your life that you cannot even kill one mosquito that's a very high level when you tune with oneness with the mosquito consciousness and your consciousness in one at one level so that is very high level but otherwise in our level for your your meditation if it is mosquitoes or insects are disturbing you how do you meditate and how will you keep a good health a malarial infection comes or any mosquito carries many germs so that is for that protection is necessary another example another question is coming ramakrishna gives the parable of the women whose mother-in-law gives her less work when she becomes pregnant and then no work after birth ramakrishna implies that one is in the hospital until cured he here it is it seems like karma falls away when bhakti comes yet swamiji t says that karma is the consummation of bhakti that one becomes busier after ganu how to reconcile here both the same thing when you say that ramakrishna said when you are doing karma karma drops off when you love god like a mother carrying a baby they do so many household work but when the time comes for birth baby giving the birth to the baby she cannot do anything she is totally engaged in the baby and after the birth of the baby mother's only major work is to check on the baby and take care so baby is god so in the baby in a subtle way in our heart not becoming a baby i cannot see his presence but when it becomes palpable and really he appears then what will happen our life will be turned around god and god only nothing else like the baby in the mother similarly so there isn't so that is the idea then karma automatically falls and yet some egyptian says that karma is the consummation of bhakti yes after doing karma only bhakti culminates into karma that karma is what that karma is not ordinary karma that karma is to be mentioned is a nishkama karma that means i see that all the holy people after realizing god attaining bhakti they are engaged in serving others doing good to others so that is the consummation of bhakti that it is the karma is the consummation karma is the consummation of bhakti bhakti is consumed in karma no that karma is not our ordinary karma this level of work we do that is mixed with our desires so that is the karma out of compassion and oneness extreme experience another question what is the significance of akshaya tritiya akshaya tritiya sanskrit meaning of akshaya tita in two words holds a lot of importance akshaya akshaya means which has never diminishing it never diminishes akshaya shaya means which perishes perishable imperishable that is the meaning imperishable and tritia significance the third day of the illumined half of the moon you see in the sky the moon will find little trace of third days appearance of the moon is abysmal so on akshaya trithya it is the trita yuga the second of the four jewels started and the sixth incarnation of lord visnu these are the what you call the um [Music] remarks from the puranas but the main thing is auspicious day akshaya means you do anything on today it will remain perpetual you do japa more you'll be continuing more very auspicious day whatever you do you give some gift then merit he will come to you and it will remain with you like that is a faith most auspicious day do meditation prayer whatever you do everything will be oh it is some description still there it is considered that maharishi beda by the basil the author of mahabharata started narrating this epic to the lord ganesha on this day that's another story it was on this occasion that lord krishna met his childhood friend sudama and blessed him with bountiful wealth and happiness the stories are there and the different stories of holiness lord krishna gave doctor patra to the buddha such a container that you can feed any number of people unless you finish your own food krishna gave him one pot it will be you you take out as much it will refill or to automatically refill as per another notion the river ganga descended on earth from the lotus feet of vishnu on akshaya tritia begins on this day all events mentioned are associated with vishnu or his incarnation so one of the most important ritual includes worshipping lord visnu on this day let's just think we read bhagavatam also today visnu so today is deadly dedicated to lord vishnu krishna ramakrishna and we also read krsna's related books one question for them which commentary of bhagavatam swamiji is reading it isn't it is not a commentary it is just a translation by uh you know it is called the srimat bhagavatam you can get it from our bookshop or vedanto uh you can see the link is given on your screen and it is called he has translated it and it is published from our ramakrishna what in india madras publication there are four volumes this is the first volume we are reading the link is on the chat oh link the link is on the chat another question when yogi leaves the body in a chromatic state then also prana leaves from the top and they are meditating on the divine when the yogi lives in the body in a chromatic state normally we also hear that whenever they die their my mental plane remains it's a body dying in a coma state coast it means body is already almost non-functional but his mind is not non-functional the mind is functional yes so so so i do not know but my concept goes yes they when you raise your mind in a higher concept con level naturally whether the body you are aware of the body or either out the body when it leaves the body it will go to the higher plane another question wonderful exposition on the art of dying how can we practice here by ourselves yeah we have to practice this as as what to practice he has already said you are not to control your prana and others but he has mentioned before that you meditate on god and do that meditation now the mind will automatically be in the higher level and when death will come it will be merging into the higher plane that's why our present spiritual practice should be concentrated on this what to meditate on god in the personal form mostly you are talking about the bhakti or impersonal also whatever you like to control the senses to bring the mind's attention from outside and focusing into one direction that's that type of sadhana what we read today it should be considered that huh computer one question when our time comes to leave the body what should we do devotee do how should we leave our body yes we should we shouldn't leave our body as just we read that is the way we should leave our body now we are factors of takur we are we are only to uh think about srirama krishna or whoever is your chosen ideal think of god meditate whole life as a result the mind will be raised into that higher consciousness our only activity will be how to raise our mind from this mundane changeable reality to the higher reality that is divine so follow your guru's instruction follow the practice you are doing day and night feel that this try to detach we should all do because nothing is permanent but i am here so long i am here i will have to do all these things but to understand this these are not me these are not mine these are all coming and going but me is belonging to the lord as a devotee you say i o lord i belong to you and you alone and think of him feel his presence as we said meditate on him from the pit to the head no part by part and then focus concentrate on one part and then forget yourself in that thought you do so much that your mind gets merged and absorbed and absorbed and absorbed so this is a sadhana last moment nothing miracle can be done the point of death comes if i know i will be crying oh my god i have to leave what will happen to me no it depends on the practice if you practice you should mold okay let that come i am ready who cares the body body is body body i know body will not stay but i am not the body i am one think of him intensely and merge yourself in that in intense thought and then you will be tuned to god consciousness that's all let the body go let the body go or don't go it matters little let it function in whatever way it likes is there difference between yogi leaving a body by controlling the breath and doctor living a body taking name of god as much my concept goes yes there is no difference only bhakto does not pay attention to where the breath is going out bhakta loves god in such intensity the mind ultimately automatically moves into that plane you know where we think according to our thought our mind lives in that area when you think of food where is your mind in the belly when you are thinking of sense objects it goes down when you think of god where does it go look at that i am i have used three examples you see where is your mind my mind went you know where does it go so what do you do sadhana to keep the mind in unlocked it thought that is only thing we can do and by that practice if one is really practicing days and days and days have lifted the mind in a level and prana will go to that level from that area automatically they are connected synchronized together so better not to pay attention my request will be all of you on me also not to think of all these things the yogic love god and and try to fill closeness with his presence that should be our only effort okay um we end here we'll meet you at 7 30 for the next class thank you um peace peace peace you