Video 27
Bhagavatam - 2.1.10 ( Book 2, Chapter 1, Verse 10)
guru [Music] we salute krishna he's a son of deva the destroyer of the demons kangsha and chanura and the darling of the mother jason and the teacher of the world we salute him again and again on peace peace peace so we are in the second volume second book ditios kanda they call skanda and that's the first chapter of that and what should one do this very important discussion is going on and what to do when death is very close very serious question how to spend my time what will be the best utilization of the time so this answer comes from shukadeva shukadeva was the son of a basso the great saints bhasa his son and he was so pure that he was born immaculate in a way that from the lord of creation god has to lift his veil of maya but the moment he was born that means he was born in a moment when there is no maya that means he was established in brahman he was born as a brahman ghani the noah of truth so from that boy who donald he is a spirited child of only living in truth no maya ever covers or crosses his mind so he was suggesting to pariksita which pariksit the king pariksit who has been cursed that he will be die he'll die within seven days by his snake bite so [Applause] here it starts last verse 10 it says you are dear to the lord therefore i shall expound this bhagavata to you those who have a faith strong faith in this text will soon attain to enduring love of the lord so he's talking about king pariksit that you are a good soul pure soul you have faith in god and trust in the truth so i will relate to you what you are to do now 11 words o king it is settled view it is the settled view of the wise that the chanting of the lord's name is the one common means for all spiritual aspirants whether jogins for more men motivated by desires as also for all renouncing months to attain the state of fearlessness so the fundamental point this bhagavati is emphasizing take the name of the lord chant the name of the lord that's why bhagavatam who is trying to meditate and contemplate and tune yourself with divine for men motivated by desire may not be that high ranking their mind is not tuned to god or attracted to god but maybe for worldly things their pursuits they are busy even for them as well as for all renouncing ones even the monks or renunciates who have given up everything for god it is equally important for all of them that we say yogi who is meditating it is a good practice to do god take god's name for that those people who are not that pure but engaged engrossed in the world with duties responsibilities and with so many desires in the world and attract them whatever may be the condition or even only announcing monk the suggestion of deva is that all should practice now repeat the name there to stay attained to that state of fearlessness chanting the lord's name that we pray every day chant the name of the lord how unceasingly unseasonally so that the mirror of the heart may be wiped clean for the purification of the heart everyone whoever be there in whatever context whatever condition whatever situation is one either a monk or people entangled in the attachment of worldly things or or a yogi so that should be the practice so they should vein is longevity for a man ignorant of the real value of life going to his infatuation for senseless indulgence bhagavat says sit in a way i can see you yeah right left see yeah pain is longevity if you like a person leaves for a long time it is vain useless the trees are leaving for hundreds of years no there are stones and rocks for thousands of years that's also life yeah there is life dormant life so he says when 12th verse says 12 says that [Music] foreign of the real nature real value of life what is the real value of life so it is even every person living long time he does not understand the real value of life why going to his infatuation for senseless indulgence because it is common when the mind gets engrossed into something else his mind does not go for something higher those who are in it is a mind cannot stay at a time two places whose mind moves towards the worldly thing mind is getting away from god on the contrary one is moving towards god means the world is receding from that mind it is a simple thing if i am here i am not in the san and diego in san diego i'm not here you cannot be at a time here and there so similarly it says that it is because our mind spirituality is mind nothing else to mind bhagavat says it is the mind which indulges into the immediate sense objects and get infatuated in that because of that the life long opportunity given one lifetime but it is not the ignorance takes them not to understand the real purpose of life real value of life why we are here ramakrishna said even then if god comes before you will you say oh lord give me some hospitals and hospitals and dispensaries for his higher spiritual life hospital dispensary is very important because because it is a helping god in the god in human form but that is one level your mind becomes much purified then you will think that this world will remain before my was born this world was there and now i am living it is here in in this form i die it will be in some form but what will be the purpose of life what should i seek in our life that's a so the life's utilization it's the longevity of life even if one gets he is lost if he does not understand the value of life god realization is the value of life experience of the bliss is the value only purpose of life so pain is longevity for a man who is ignorant of the real value of the life going to his infatuation for senseless indulgence far better is an extremely short life be it even a few moments lived with an understanding of its real value and purpose four with that knowledge even that sort of period short period can be used for the attainment of the ultimate good unlike the long life of a heatless man blindfolded by sensors infatuations let there be short life may not one not get long life but short life utilized properly and god-centered life long life uselessly engaging in the only in the world and world and world what will happen world will remain now swamiji says dogs still will remain by by by doing good to the world we become under the idea it only dogs tell to straighten but is it useless no it helps us to purify ourselves by helping others by doing something doing good to others it is helping me so that is a path for spirituality that's why good work selfless work is important but if someone does work work work work work they become workaholic there is no lack of people in the world who are spending their time being alcoholic so for with that knowledge even that a short period can be used for the attainment of the ultimate good but that's what period utilize phukhas fully one can realize god no actually look at that it is very true we say that we are meditating for i got 50 years 60 years for i got the mantra when you know i got one to so many years back but what did you do so many years 60 how many years 60 to 60 60 years i got 60 years 60 years now yeah 60 60 such a world yes 62 years or so how many years 21 that that's he forgot that 61 i got the initiation from swamishankarananda okay 61 and now calculate how much 60 years 61. 61. 61 years 61 1961 1961 so 61 years 61 years what did you do i did i got initiation i do meditation how long had 61 years all the meditation period add together and during that period how long you dwelt with your all the business of the world all business programs were done in your meditation all conflicts all fights all arguments all anger all frustration we dealt in our meditation we did all these things how many moments you think of god this is a very important point to think about a day is good today gone no if you think about that how much intent thought was on god how many seconds how many seconds forget about minute so this is called god realization that utilization of that moment every moment utilization a short life life can give you liberation long life but busy busy busy busy busy with everything and the date one day the death comes let us go then i say oh no no no i have something to do hurry you will do let us go intensely and then after that you do something immoral what chaku said that in that home between them and you do intensely but you do something which is not immoral i say five minute sentence with immorality and five minutes in cells without immorality but still this will bear the later one will appear in some better result than the first one question is that how one should be thinking of god and immoral it is not [Music] okay how he will do that if he loves god he cannot do that if he's intense if it is not intense superficially that's why people do so many things but if it is intense intense type of connection happens then mind changes their mind becomes so pure as a shana mapi and they we have this quotation the sadhu song they talk about there is a sanskrit verse even for a moment sincere holy company this is the holy company intense thinking of god is a holy company even for a moment it is capable of crossing the ocean of sangsara and that that moment does not that's right that moment does not come mind it what i am saying that so many years i did sadhana not gone in vain but mind was attached to other things that's why god's thought did not become intensified and if that intensification comes because of the purification process it takes long time to understand i am doing meditation in the morning i am doing in the evening that's true but how long that's why when i heard first babur mara sami prima nandu said that who will that if one lives here for three days in balud mart but three nights he'll be liberated i said my god great only three nights so all these people who are staying in the below they're all certainly three days are they there there are two when i was maybe 100 workers who are working in different agriculture in in cow shed in in our garden in our cooking in our cleaning you know all this is a huge affair no so they are staying month after month year after year so there will be also all should be realized soon but later on i understood staying the physically in the below mode does not make that you are living in god if you can live with god for three days and nights completely forgetting the whole world you will realize god that is the deep significance begins what babu rammar has premananda said it is if we take literal sense the body is where your body is not you are not there where your mind you are there so if the mind is indwelling in god then then pure mind will come so that type of thing will not be those can happen for those those people who had sudden sudden illumination they didn't do any practice but just certain doing this that and sudden illumination come as a result they do not know why maybe because of the past life's good karma it has happened in a split moment but they cannot hold on to that because they are not practicing to stabilize their mental mood into that level that's why regular spiritual practice constant remembrance of god has been emphasized so the royal sage if that is the so it is that's why emphasize is there not to live long but you let be short life but that short period of time be totally focused and intensely practiced that you take the name of the lord and intensify that feel his presence dive into that no short time that also valuable rather than long time and doing all this we do all these practices no chanting dancing in the name of god no these are all we do hare krishna people they doing the singing and dancing in the name yes that mood is created but that mood comes in the spire of singing and dancing and you touch a little bit and then drop so fast when you come back you become the same old person that's just practice very deep spiritual practice remembering god all the time when the movement every moment of life no whatever is going on internally mind awareness of our vedantic way thinking of myself divine self i am atman that type of thought should be constant companion that will make the short period intense life and that spiritual illumination can come he is giving 13 verse the royal says katranga there was a sage whose name was khattango what has happened knowing that his end was first approaching immediately renounced everything and took shelter in hurry in a tries so there is sighting on example of the past this bhagavata always cites the example of the past happenings as in citation so that you know this has happened with this he was a king and he heard that he will have only to live for so many days or so many months and and he totally renounced everything how difficult it is to renounce anything even for us to give out a book to take something little what i used it's my favorite to get out of that it's how much attachment internally we do not know it is hiding and laughing behind our mind so maybe i have not used it for the last ten years but if i said oh why i need it and let it be kept you know a tie of attachment so this katango he was the king and he renounces everything in a trice approaching me because he knew that he is going to die some prediction or something now oscar of guru line that means opera sheet or king parikshit this address is going to the king pariksit by a sukadeva he is addressing oh parikshit you have yet a lifespan of seven days more you have seven days more to live utilize that entirely for the hereafter that means the eternal life forget everything now because you are waiting for death for seven days it will hit you so give up everything all attachment utilize that entirely for the hereafter that is the eternal life when death approaches 15 verse when death approaches man sued with fearless and unperturbed mind cut off all his attachments for the body and all related entities with the sword of renunciation renunciation and detachment no this is the two key points of the whole bhagavad-gita renunciation and detachment renunciation cut the sword of renunciation renunciation means i renounced and renounce means no attachment to that just true throw away swami we can understand when he had left the body then his brother disciple swami ramakrishnan he was in madras and swami bibekan is dying in calcutta in berlin not our headquarters he saw suddenly swamiji's appearance and swami vivekananda appeared there he's leaving the body here and he had the vision and he's telling hey dear sushi so she's the nickname so see i i spat out this body and really next when he woke up and got the news that from berlin what came to know that yes some swamiji has passed away that is the point it has no value so that detachment that comes out of tremendous spiritual practice his spiritual life was very serious very private very intimate it goes inside that things will be there in the world but real spiritual people will understand this is a show peace going on and it has no end it is endless importance important thing tomorrow is the another important third day another important and is so much important thing in our life real what is the real value the real most important thing in life god that will get forgotten that's why karma yoga all paths are there so whatever work we do we can say at the end oh lord i did it for you that moment we are trying to correct but in between the time it is all work work work that is good one step intent step will be oh no work it is all worship so that is the work as worship work is worship that will come the ultimate goal so fearless an unpartnered mind cut off all his attachment from the body and all related entities with the sword of renunciation so o king parikshit that king they he cited another king's example the old time story is there the king katanga he knowing that he discarded immediately all connections you have to leave another seven days even now so you have time more time you use your detachment and sort of renunciation unfortunately cut off all attachment that means attachment free and the attachment from all things related to this body the relationship with the me and mine whatever is there 16 abandoning hearth and home as his monk and after bathing in the sacred waters of several holy rivers one should fix his seat according to the scriptural rules and a solitary spot with a pure environment he's giving suggestion what to do when you know that date is coming india was good when they did know that someone is going to die they didn't give you this type of today's medical science with artificial support to give the life carrying on the life for the person and they used to see that oh he's going to die okay they will carry the body on the holy bank of the ganga river and then the people will be sitting around there chanting the name of god and he will also be listening to that and gradually putting the mind in god they let the body drop gradually and then stopping drinking eating everything gradually gradually gradually and they silently pass that was the traditional way of living the body so here he are saying abandoning heart and home as a sannashin monk and after bathing in the sacred water taking a bath in this holy water he in a sadhuka whose faith is nearing he should fix his seat according to the scriptural rules and he will sit in a posture in a solitary spot where people will not chatter about world and worldly things with a pure environment that nature or some holy environment in our modesty balloon what it happens when this monk passes away his body is brought to balloon mot immediately from the hospital or wherever his body goes or wherever near my place and the monks will be then chanting all the vedic chants all the vedic uplifting vedic thoughts they will start singing some some uplifting songs chanting holy mantras saying rama krishna riyom ramakrishna like that to remind and create a wonderful environment there you can feel that is death or it is a rejoicing place it is a rejoicing place it is not a frightful place because when you are dying and if rather people make many will i'll say do this will that when i die that should be kept around me chant this mantra chant this gita chant the supernation then your mind will be lifted automatically last thought automatically detached from everything i have to give up my body also the soul is getting out so the soul should heal listen that's why we should also practice so that last moment that becomes spontaneous whatever we practice much that much is comes at the memory last thought there he should contemplate on the holy pranava they will contemplate our whole because ancient time the highest sound symbol of brahman which is three elements he should then steady the mind by establishing control over the vital energies prana through the continuous and concentrated repetition of the sid mantra of brahman um but we have our mantras that mantra before death he's saying he will take a bath street sit in a steady posture and then concentrate on god and the chant the mantra oh in the isolated place and think of the meaning of the mantra and get dive saturated into it but it will not come unless you practice whole life that time that's why other friends can help you with other people normally in household property they talk about your son has come daughter has come this and that okay rather reminding about god is the best service to a departed soul because then he will be tuned to the higher consciousness to control so the mind with the with the intellect as the driver of the chariot of embodied soul one should control the senses traveling along the road of sense objects the mind naturally goes to the outside that with the intellect help of your intellect and strong mind pulling back and carrying the mind with them the mind which is further disturbed by the subtle impressions subtle impressions we have done our past karma past thought so mind naturally moves towards that direction impressions generated by various action should be controlled don't think of them but it should be discriminating intellect fixed on the lord it is not important now i am not going to think of i've done enough of those thoughts i will think of god only who is the true bestower of the ultimate good so why i am thinking because by thinking of him i'll get the blessings and totally in there and that will bring me ultimate good in my life 19 the mind that has still then been contemplating the total form of the lord should afterwards be fixed on a single organ of the lord with intense and pointed concentration the mind should then be made objectless by merging it in the existence consciousness bliss that is the lord when the mind is moused in bliss that is the supreme state of maha visnu see you think of your rishta devata chosen ideal as we meditate every day he's saying the mind going different direction try to control the mind bring it mind like a steering you hold in your car driving the mind back to your heart and fixed it on the lord you are thinking of rama krishna you are thinking of christ you are thinking of buddha think of him because you are thinking whole life so it will be spontaneously that should come ramakrishna should come in the thought and then who is the true bestower of ultimate good and then mind that has still then been contemplating the total form then you think of the total form of the lord no his whole future and then it should be fixed on a single organ of the lord that means gradually they say you start thinking of the whole body of the body of this your ishta devatar what and may that means choose an ideal and then think that put your mind closer and closer and bring it to the face and think that bright brilliant face in another place bhagavat said that you meditate on the face which is beaming with joy which is shining with joy so intense the lord with intense and pointed concentration the mind should then be made objectless now you think you are thinking of the object then make it objectless form to formless it's a very wonderful way of meditation and at the point of death one is thinking that's the ultimate then you think that it is not the person anymore person merging into one reality the beaming face there and that light spreading all over and face disappear now person disappears it's all light and that light is mind should then be made objectless by merging it in existence consciousness be satchida that is we are reading verse number 19 if you do that that is your highest state formless absolute saccidananda that is called the supreme abode supreme state we want to attain manu jatra procedure where the mind will be absorbed and will find full satisfaction and that is the state call the vashna will call it is the it is the highest award great visnu the lord vishnu from which the whole creation has come this is that only language we call mahabishnu abedante is calling brahman so that is the only language is the different when the mind is merged in bliss when you can think that everything might form the whole form to the form to the face or a particular very focused point and that that is fully brightened and lighted and then you feel that it's pervading everywhere like satchita on the consciousness it is that is the state of maha visnu in the vaisnavas call it mahabisnu the lord vishnu the great lord mahabhism and that is called brahman in vedanta so 20 what is 20 when the mind is drawn out by the influence of rajas or made dull by the dominance of thomas the experience should with strong determination bring it under control through concentration repeated practice of the concentration will remove the weakness of the mind so suppose you are doing at that point of death trying to do all these things but mind does not listen it goes the opposite direction when the mind is drawn out by the influence of rajas we are trying to bring it back to sato sato quality focusing in the divine within it tries to run away or it is thomas is going to do that as we do in meditation sleeping then dominance of the towns the aspirant the spiritual personality or the person who is leaving the body he should with strong determination bring it under control through concentration again pull the mind back and hold it on god repeated practice again repeated practice of concentration will remove these weakness of weaknesses of the mind 21st repeated attempts at concentrating the mind and the lord's form the supreme seat of all that is good and glorious will generate devotion in the mind of the yogi if they continuously again and again and again and again one tries then love for god will generate even at the last point that repeated atoms are concentrating the mind on the lord's form this which is the supreme seat of all that is good and glorious all that is good and glorious lord's feet but lord's thought is the highest that will generate if you think continuously again and again love for god will come devotion will generate in the heart of his yogi now the king pariksit now putting a question the king questioned how is dharana concentration practiced where should one concentrate how does it remove the weakness and impurities in the mind he said okay you say that it is to be practiced mind going to the outside sense objects you have to bring it back hold on at the feet of the lord but how is dharana practice how shall i practice every day this holding the mind in the heart where should one concentrate how does it remove the weakness of the mind and all the impurities in this mind that is the question very very question which we are confronting every day here's true again the sukadeva he's putting the same question again he's responding to this question how to practice dharuna is very technical because we also meditate meditation is not the thing we do we withdraw the mind first then try to hold the mind somewhere and longer holding is called meditation so here the question is very accurate question the a person they who is holding on practicing dharuna i want to hold the mind how should we practice and how does it will remove my weakness being mind is running to the objects how can i practice what weakness how can i get out of the weakness of impurities in the mind so she sukadeva said response to this question is a person who has succeeded in practicing steady posture in controlling the vital energies in abandoning attachments and in subdue the senses should fix his mind on the gross form of the lord with the help of the understanding so one should do first sit in a good posture say posture is very important because most of the time our sitting is not perfect so meditation time so at least meditation time the one should sit in a good posture steady posture and all the vital energies that means prana their control restlessness of the prana by pranayama little and abandoning the attachments mind i won't think of this i won't think of that those thoughts are coming no not now and in subduing the senses and controlling the senses one should fix his mind on the gross form of the lord that's why we need a way we do meditation before the photograph in the altar why do you to think of the gross form of the lord pawn to formless taking them past he said think of the form as our normal we start to meditate on divine form of god or incarnation or you can subject make it a dot of light that also can be done vedantic way up so first you think of the gross form of the lord with the help of the understanding this universe which is the grossest and the gross entities is the form of the lord in this cosmic form all the past the present and the future subsist permeating this universal cosmic form which is seven seats consisting of the five elements egoism and universal intelligence there is a virata purusha the cosmic divinity he is the real object of concentration it is a different idea he is giving how to those who have got initiation for them it is not necessary but this is a good suggestion you can think what is giving the idea that you think the universe your mind actually runs outside no so but think this universe of name and form so this universe which is the grossest of the gross entities this stable this rocks this trees plants these are gross things this body is a gross thing so the whole universe is made of gross things the is the and think this is not gross material object think that it is all god wherever mind goes that thing it is not mountain but it is the body of god god's body limbs of the body rama the cosmic beer bira to pollution the whole universe is his body everything is a part like like our body this finger nail here the uh all the skin and whatever you are seeing it is me so you think our lord maha vishnu the lord god this is the physical body everywhere it is he only it is his body as my body this is one part this is one part but this all included is me so you meditate on that god the whole universe which is permeated by that god and with this awareness cosmic form and in this cosmic form this cosmic from stars galaxies earth planets other sun moon etc in this cosmic form all the past the present and future subsist it is here in it past is there present is there future is there as swamiji was saying that we cannot you cannot do any change anything the whole world all the amount of good and bad is all they are settled only it changes his fall no you cannot drive out total evil from this very drives driven from here it goes in another your physical problem goes your mental problem starts mental problem goes then again somewhere some something happens which disturbs us so you cannot do it is all rather to think this whole cosmic reality is only god god's body that's a big great idea the meditation idea that the rather how to concentrate the mind it gives the guidance it is not concentrated that way think that it is his body and permeating this universal cosmic form with seven seats it is only covered by seven coverings now the five elements what are the five elements the five elements we know the world is made of earth air water fire space and what uh earth city of water stage of fire air air and space this fight plus subtle two things are there ego and ego ego and that's addition ego and intelligence monobuddhi so so these are different ways of saying the same thing this whole world is nothing but the gross plus the mind and it is when you call its existence as a subtle body there is this seven you can say seven elements it elaborately they call 17 element somewhere it called 24 principles there is the virata purusha that is the pirate pollution purusa cosmic divinity he is the real object of concentration so every day you concentrate thus and when the mind to concentrate bring back to a divine form you can do that or you can think in this way this wherever mind goes you feel that is all the god's body big big body his body is so big it permeates everywhere in the interspace and this sun moon stars galaxies everything is interspersed with that okay so we end here today and we'll read from verse number 26 next day we have read up to 25 and we we'll have some question answer question answer if yourself um [Music] many that was going on in nuclear with this total devastation with the entire country yeah say you know yeah true but you know if you see that bigger perspective everything in your body how many cells are killed every time so how many cells are being born how much fight is going on cholesterol low ldl and hdl they're fighting all the time in the body and then all the blood cells they are fighting and dying and killing and but you are there but we are here we are happy but in the body it is going on so if you say god is a person then he is not doing his job good he can how can he tolerate this type of so that is the material uh perspective we cannot justify any vedanta comes there too that's why we call leela there's no explanation he said leela date is also leela one is it is nothing happening in the in the laser beam you see all the fun is going on it's real it shows everything real a laser beam when they yeah you go to the disneyland every night every night you find that they're showing some so in the space and it's nothing is there but you see everything so that is the one way or you can see this god is playing with god but for us don't say so for us we have to pray what is going on this much suffering and i couldn't believe how country after country you know innocent people are totally devastated like that in craziness of a person but any now quickly what are you doing give me just whatever somebody has written some good um i chant my mantra absent-mindedly which while doing tasks is choppa without full concentration better than not repeating the mantra at all or should i try to be as absorbed as possible in the task at hand i'd rather be absorbed in the mantra remembrance then in that task i find it difficult to do both the task and the remembrance yeah this is a question this is very simple question how to remember god and do work no you cannot do that better you have to feel that i am doing god's work first you start and think that you are doing oh lord i am doing your work so give me devotion give me concentration so that i can do it perfectly then forget god and do his business total focus when you do that of course if you have practice so much that it goes under current like you're breathing breathing never stops no because you are meditating or because you are not meditating that does not stop your breathing so similarly someone can practice mantra also and mechanically but that has its benefit also and maybe when you do it consciously we get a better understanding better joy suppose it is like this suppose you are taking ice cream with full concentration on the ice cream and tasting it you enjoy the taste of ice cream pool but you are talking to somebody and just gulping the ice cream ice cream taste is tongue is getting but you are not getting it so spiritual life is like that we can do japan but because with the work at added our we don't understand that impact but its impact is happening suppose someone eats with concentration and enjoys the ice cream and someone does not do and take two times three times the same quantity benefit in the body the benefit or good or bad work that will happen similarly chopper is good if we can do constant that's a practice wise is very good but if we forget while working that is nothing wrong if you think that i am doing for god that means do as best as you can repeat the name but when you are really getting into concentrated work then you think i am doing for him it is no less than repeating the mantra repeating mantra why repeating the mantra brings the awareness of god and if i am doing something for him then that is done the same purpose is served so that should be the idea one question good thinking of the universe as god's body be a view of qualified non-dualism or rather in a more monastic view would it constitute began that's true which way you think the universe is god's body it's a physical body that means there you are thinking of the world also and also god also so it is the physical body of god when it is me that idea is coming when you feel that i am also a part of that the whole universe is god's body so this is also a part of it so better it will be qualified non-dualism maybe that's the idea but if it can be if you really see the whole whole world is permeated with consciousness then it's a beginner you're attaining that wisdom you are coming back and feeling it is all permeated with one consciousness no so it can be beginner one but which perspective and what is the condition of the person depending on that you can define the state another is is it possible to aim any share willpower alone so you can write again your question that will be easy for me that question has not come perfectly okay so these are the two questions we have responded that thinking of the universe as god's body will be view of qualified non-dualism that may be but it may be also thinking that it is all brahman what is the what is pulling the mind and making it focus on god is it buddhi or atma what is the difference between meditation and concentration how do i know i am meditating or concentrating okay the first question what is what is pulling the mind and making it focus on god pulling the mind means we know when you close i am i am closing my eyes my mind goes to some thought some place some person some incident but i am thinking of god so i'll have to tell them my name don't go there come back and sit here in my heart here is the lord think of his form divine form or think of his the refuge in light whatever guru has given focus that's why the pulling mind was going in another direction you are just trying to pull it towards you that's why it is called technically by patanjali that pulling the mind to focus in god god may be atman atma the self effulgent god may be a personal god so whatever bring back whatever your guru has told you to bring back to that consciousness the conscious entity in your heart accept what is the difference between meditation and concentration and these are all not must somewhere people made it may use the english translation as concentration the deep concentration is called samadhi deep deep deepest so concentration in different level takes name it says meditation it is it is nirvikalpu or whatever these definitions come according to their depth of concentration and the last question how do i know i am meditating or concentrating yes you will know meditating on concentrating means that time you will forget everything that will forget that you are sitting in whatever place who are around what is the building who is talking who is coming in and you will have no awareness of anything else but only you'll be aware of what you are concentrated upon scientists the the painters the artists when they concentrate their mind remains in that point so it is nothing unusual and that everyone can practice that but but for god then that is the con point of your question when we focus on god then we call concentration leading to the samadhi concentration samadhi dhyanam their related word that what intensity of concentration is the question if the concentration for one second you will find that yes you will find that when you come out of that type of concentration or meditation your mind will be cheerful so you are sitting where comes this joy which gives you soul much love and fearlessness joy you will find that is a joy somewhere outside also it's a subjective experience of good meditation or concentration is this that you will feel joy yourself and you will see the spark of that joy most of the places that as if that joy is everywhere so that is the sign that i am having good meditation now the question has come in if a sadhaka is nearing self-realization is he supposed to exhaust all his prayer of though before he actually reaches the culmination of his sadhana no no no nearly when one is nearly reaching self-realization means he's concentrated so much he's withdrawn from outside and going deeper into the realm of the heart and thinking of atman or easter devata bhagavata said first you think of this and then field of the physical one part of his body the baby face or maybe brilliant somewhere and then forget that it is he falls in light think about that so if one does that if that intensifies and the concentration depends then what will happen he will forget everything after forgetfulness if you really reach self-knowledge then after you come down you will be a different person you are not the old person old body people will see you in the home as if the same person but you're internally you are totally transformed you will be spiritually charged in consciousness of the divine what will happen as a result that after that you will have to still eat live sleep interact with people if you are not there 21 days continuously if in that concentrated state one remains for 21 days then he has no chance of coming back but if he comes back which most of the people we see they see these all these holy pictures they lived after experience they came back so they live in the eternal jaw everywhere and the body continues till they die that is the prayer of the will continue but that that is called prarabdha which has been started before the life continues trajectory continues but in the middle whenever or any point one gets illumination his world view changes he sees god everywhere he sees the sparkling joy everywhere he inside and outside so that is the benefit they get and culmination this the proud continues after that experience that means after god realization simple word after god realization the spiritual aspirant comes down and lives in the body the same way as it is going on till he dies but he is not affected by us by like us now if any pain comes we are very affected and any joy comes we are we are overwhelmed any sadness comes we are really depressed but that person will not behave like that whatever things come they are always free they enjoy life and freedom being in the body but not of the body suffering of the body you think that body is suffering what is there if if someone other than my say my friend is in uh one difficult health condition he is suffering but not me similarly this body is suffering on me that will be the concept joy and suffering of the body will be felt like i am they i am the consciousness i am sachida and they will see god everywhere so for them the world really changes but prabhupada will continue till they die okay done done okay so we end here and we'll meet you again at 7 30 for our next class which is what called the santi gita the song [Music] [Music] to you