Video 26
let us start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i salute the guru the world teacher sri krishna who is the son of vasudeva and the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura the dear darling of mother jason and the supreme lord of the universe own peace peace peace so we'll be starting today it is called skandha two one the volume one is going on once kandahar they called the one division is done and now the second division started with its first chapter one but it is the prologue what is there in the second skanda of this bhagavata it is now very briefly described and there is very what description to know what is coming in this second skanda second book book one second chapter or you can say sub chapter will come so the second skanda which is starting today of bhagavatam there are only 10 chapters so this has 10 chapters and each chapter has some verses so it is one of its its small divisions but it is very significant from the point of view of the development of the bhagavata literature this spiritual literature which is known as bhagavata related to god lord vishnu krishna narayan this is in very significant from that point it may probably be the nucleus of the original bhagavatam that means the key point of the entire which came to be developed into the present text this volume of bhagavata has come the nucleus is the this second chapter in chapter 8 of this kandahar is asking the lord god the creator god is asking lord visnu to give him some instruction so that that would save him from the attachment while engaged in the work of creation because brahma is the god of creator so when he will start the creation work quite likely that he will get attached so he's asking vishnu please guide me how can i work i obey the order of creation but i don't get attached that's very important point anything people create have a fascination to hold on anything i am doing for a long time very difficult to give up i might even in monastic tradition sometimes we see this and through this night it comes because of the alertness now it is it is lord's work i am only doing selflessly niskama karma so the lord brahma is also asking mahabishnu they oh lord please i am doing but how can i do it without attachment so she's so serious that's why yeah even so many big guys big guys get sunk into this attachment visual attachment is such a big thing in reply maha vishnu gives the instruction contained in four famous verses of this second skanda 9 chapter verse 32 35 32 33 34 35 these four verses they he gave the instruction what should be how can we detach at the same time you create you you become the creator of the whole universe but creating that you don't get attached that's very big job people write one small article and that also he likes and anyone touches that word my copyright so little painting they put a corner name my name my thing and that's also true that's also attachment uh and that's all satisfied in one sense a good attachment because i have trout taken trouble to make some time and work on it and wrote something no one cares that means also my intention is people will care reading appreciating or commenting so that is very natural it is not this is the nature of creation that's why brahma is called the first god that because even these his one he knows and is very aware of the problem so how to avoid that which came to consider to be as the soul of the bhagavata how many thousands of verses it is called four slokas of the second skanda ninth chapter verse number 32 to 35 what it says the meaning has been given here just i quickly read that before creation i alone was there being no other of the nature of cause and effect different from me so i was alone i was the only reality there is no cause of me i am their primary cause after the creative cycle ends also i already exist i created the creation was not there and when it dies i was before and after this destruction i will be there it is my creation so this universe which seems to have separate existence is also myself deriving it substantially from me alone because what is this universe in the artwork every scratch in the what you call the brass it is the artist artist is embedded into it so in every creation i am involved but i really am not i am separate from that before creation the creation was not there i was there now the creation is there i am still there and creation destroys i'll be there so and so when everything is dissolved in its cause that means mahapraya great dissolution what remains is only capital m myself that is the verse number 30 two who will read later on afterwards what is the present what is presented on the atman without any substantial reality apart from it and what fails to leave anything as residue apart from the atman when it receives to be presented know that to be due to my divine power maya so whatever you see it is all my divine power that's called maya such presentation is like a reflection totally dependent on the matrix and like darkness which leaves no residue when it dissolves as darkness darkness is darkness but when light comes it does not remain anywhere darkness totally disappear simply maya totally disappear the great basic element of nature basic element of nature totally dependent on the matrix and like darkness which leaves no residue and the great basic elements of nature combine and constitute all objects high and low pure and impure though entertaining into combinations formed by them these elements do not lose their elemental nature and take on the qualities found in the combination so five elements no 24 cosmic principles they call or five elements five elements remain always the five element combination permutation combination makes the whole universe so i created this with the fundamental elements which also their characteristics don't change though entering into the combination of form by them these elements do not lose their elemental nature take on the qualities found in their a combination they can thus be said to be in their combination and also outside them at the same time just like that i constitute these beings in that same sense i have entered them but yet i have not entered them in the sense that my pristine entity is not affected by the nature and experiences of the combinations that make up the body of the change so i i create but i don't is exhausted it's if it is like this it is talking would be what to bother i created myself it happens by my maya the whole universe is there with the element five element and that element is considered to be maya with that i created but i am not exhausted with my creation i remain the same without creation i remain with creation i remain but i appear to be attached but i am not i am separate what a seeker of the truth has to grasp is that the substance capital which persists always unaffected through all its transformation as its various effects or forms but suffers no diminution when all these effects or forms are eliminated into causal condition the supreme spirit is the ultimate substance so this creation comes that's why here the creation and destruction is in hinduism is like the evolution and involution evolution in evolution it does not die that's why it is called creation is also infinite individual person can realize god for him delusion goes away but the cosmic play suppose so many brahmagan is in ramakrishna order no when they realize their wisdom they are freed from all this but we are still continuing some of this present who are now struggling will be illumined but the rest of the for the rest of the thing the world will continue so that's why it's called the creation is not one time issue and destruction is one time issue it is constant evolution and involution it goes back to the source of the five elements and comes out of again manifest again comes again manifest so this is the creation theory goes on and it seems that i have created and i am finished with it but i am never finished i am detached and i am something different from that so creator and creation creation god does not exhaust himself in the creation that is the point god has become the world is this this idea is wrong because god is much more than this world this is only one part of his mental expression what he wished i am alone i'll be many that desire itself created all these things by heart by the elements you can say five elements or you can say 24 cosmic principles also but you retrace back that will be five elements only one part limited part one one simple part that means i am much more than that that is the idea which is given that is that is the code that's why it says the mahavishnu gives this instruction what i read just now contained in the four famous verses which came to be considered as the soul of the bhagavata under the name sloki bhagavata this is soon followed in verse number 43 of the same ninth chapter with the statement that brahma instructed his son narada in the bhagavata having 10 characteristics so in the same chapter verse number 43 there we find that the brahma himself is instructing the narada the son brahma's son is narada he says narada he is instructing him about the creation now from the end of the of chapter 4 to the end of chapter 9 he is giving a synopsis of the entire scandal too seconds condo the conversation is between brahma and narada that means brahma is instructing naruto is listening the son and he became the illumine soul and sukho is only quoting this conversation in this conversation we get a brief statement of the cosmic theories and the theological doctrines of the bhagavad-gita which are elaborated in later sections this may be stated briefly as mahabisnu what are the points mahabisnu is the supreme being and everything is an expression of his power or beauty so what is what it is mentioned in this chapter at the end of the chapter 4 to 9 there it says this maha vishnu the lord narayana is the supreme being because this is the bhagavata book narayana is everything brahma shiva all will come to learn from him that is the glory of the this puranas when you read this vishnu purana vishnu is the great shiva purana shiva is the everything and everyone will have to learn from him bow down to him to create devotion in your devata that is the purpose you are a lover of krishna so you do think he's the highest your devotion will grow but that also brings some fanaticism also but what he says mahavision is the supreme being and everything you find in the whole universe is an expression of his power vishnu's power that's your power or bibuti business power bibuti or shakti time karma nature these three form the combined creative force which starts the creative process how creation start one important is time in a particular time it happens you can plan but anything happens in a particular time time karma the action and the nature from form the combined creative forces which starts the creative process the first aspect of creation called the sarga or evolution of 24 categories from math doctor to buddhas or elements is described as the in some details these elements cannot combine without the creative will of the lord activizing them these are all me elemental thing no if the ins the bricks mortars then steel sand etc are ingredients but ingredients cannot mix and make a house you need a conscious entity behind and that conscious entity element cannot combine without the creative will someone has to say i will make a house or a medicine will to be employed or an engine engineer is to work on it so some will force is necessary to use this element to make it a creation creative post lord subsequently the cosmic shell is formed when the divine will penetrates the categories as if these categories of elemental thing are there and the divine will god wills and then they interact and start and creation starts that means the cosmic will of god is essential there a short account of bisharga or secondary creation follows bishargo or brahmas creation consists in the formation of the fourteen spheres they are called fourteen spheres no seven palo alto vitalo [Music] and seven heavens put in plains that all are created by brahma's will so that 14 spheres of the cosmic shell and the inner inhabitants of these spheres in earth how many billions and trillions of jivas are there so this is also created plane is created and the inhabitants are created by spheres of species they was developed main human animal bird plants etc all these fears together are conceived as the gross form of the lord all this type of thing is called the gross expression of lord every important feature in it being identified with someone part of organ of the cosmic being all powers physical and biological all species of being and their faculties are identified as expressions of the divine viviti or god's splendor and a location is found for each of them in the body or formation of the cosmic being a total divineized conception of nature fit to meditation is given that means you know everything is god created himself as it is in his hand which by his will this all creation has been done so everything is divine look at the world as divine expression of god the description of the divinity divine play in nature is followed by an account of divine play among living beings this consists in a brief description of lila avatars or sportive divine descents the list is in some respect different from the list of 24 given in the first condo krishna is not given any special grade although his incarnation is treated as greater length the description of creation and incarnations is concluded in with the significant statement what is that oh dear one i have in this description given you a brief account of the universal being the first cause there is nothing by nature of cause and effect beyond beyond huri so cause is also very and effect is also huri he is the support of the cosmos he is not involved or bound in it this vedantic philosophy is given god creates but he is not involved into it by his presence things happen it is like that the fire does not do anything fire only burdens its nature keep it anywhere it will burn it will create heat and light but in its presence your rice dal and everything being there you get cooked it makes a kitchen it makes a soup it makes a curry so but fire does not do anything but fire presence is necessary so this is the point this god is only there and his will acted and this entire creation of diverse creation of different names and forms and gods and angels animals and beasts and plants and trees and mountains everything are created by his will the big big people only will that will do know those as much powerful person if he says we want this say ceo of a company he says let this be started that will start engineers will work out when what he wants his subordinate engineers will start working he does not have to need not have to involve into everything but his will is enough for creation so god lord of the universe maha vishnu by his will everything is created he tell brahma create and then brahma's power will work to others and let there be light and light came this is the bhagavati in which i was instructed by the supreme being a brief account of the lord's glories have been given in it you may elaborate it you may elucidate it in whatever way you think will be helpful to generate devotion in the minds of men for him who is the support of all the universe so who is this description of creation was given by the visnu maha vishnu to nana naruto to narada and naruto has been asked i this is the main principle now you elaborate as much as you like so that people can get it and people can get into devotion and loving god they can get out of the maya the second skanda das contains most of the cosmological and theological doctrines of bhagavata so this chapter is very uh not that bhakti is very only love cry and dance and sing yeah heavy badanta comes here that but but hari krishna people will not talk about much here because it is too much vedanto actually they say bhagavati is very impartial no gyan or karma yoga bhakti all combined together but sometimes tough vedanta comes there and see detached how detached you can poetically present it with the sweetness something but vedantic realization will be the analytical part of it it is detached it does not do anything its presence witness consciousness sakshi sakshi kevalo neer gunastra and in its presence all gunah works and it happens by the maya sati by the power the will divine here you are saying divine will and in vedanta maya it is a shakti to manifest this the fundamental elements are there the elements whose element element comes from where where there is no creation there is a song brahmando why do you get munda mala the heads of skull when there is no creation that means that creation came from him so it is came no it is will god will and it happen so the question is that the actual creation is mere will divine will or vedantical maya no difference and he upon and all creation happened in standing split that you also do when you go to sleep in your dream you don't say let me dream but when dream comes instantly boom when you dream that thus the creation comes little by little little one person is created and then next the road is created then the car is created then too many cars in too many lanes and get jammed up and then or some person is fighting with something so little by little inch by inch created in your dream you would create your demon just to go to sleep and boom at a time whole scene comes and the play goes on and that play is sometimes fun sometimes frightening sometimes terrifying sometimes joyful sometimes miserable so these experiences continue it is like that in the cosmic plan of creation god's plan is like that this that says vedantica perspective this is a dream as you dream night dream the god is dreaming because god is dreaming it's created spontaneously and we are all there in the will as god willed as you will in your dream who will play in what role who will say what it's a very serious subject you analyze your dream when dream comes and in the dream you see so many things who created all these people your mind is there any other person any other entity no so your mind has become your enemy your friend concrete road still structures beams house everything your mind has become and he and you are also in between there so this is whole place similarly in the brahma's creation it is his dream and there we are all just his will how he that's why ramakrishna says the belief does not move without god's will that's the divine will it's a very pretty philosophical and very in the purana means talking the highest philosophy in a language ordinary people can grasp it and they can somehow manage to understand the highest philosophy with much intense focus of devotion and get out of the maya and then get freedom so the four verses of truth sloki referred to above state the basic basis of its metaphysics and devotional doctrines namely the unity of all in the supreme sachida but what is more it can be guide a guide guidance for the historical study of the text also for what is nowadays taken by the pious devotees of the bhagavata as a brief pre-statement of its doctrine is quite possibly the nucleus from which the bhagavata developed in the hands of different editors for example it is seen that naruto is giving given clear sanction to elaborate it the authorship also is transformed from basal to darada no doubt in the first condo also naruto and basu are brought together and it is formed it is from naruto that basra gets this prompting to compose the bhagavad gita so this bhagavata who composed is not the point nuclear points were there and this was analytically exposed by baso to naruto naruto is giving to basil like that in different context different people have been chosen to transmit the babe that bhagavata dharma the religion of the bhagavata to for the good of the masses but it is said that bhastra got the material through meditation normally it is said be ashdev meditated and got this all this concept one can legitimately ask the question why naruto being the author did not impart it directly to bathroom in place of asking him to meditate it is obviously an attempt to link an old tradition with a later development it only means that someone under the name of narada elaborated the text in the light of the existing devotional tradition so there was a devotional tradition coming down from brahma and others and then he handed over so naruto was given the responsibility to elaborate it the bhagavata takes light of the existence and still later more details were filled in by some others under the name baso so naruto is a devosi and baso is a human personality so it is transmitted from devo brahma narayana and brahma and brahma to coming to narada narada to beast the lineage is come like that to elaborate more and more that is the latest edition we are reading it must be noted that sanction for elaboration is not heterodox it is seen here that the purana itself sanctions such elaboration as is found necessary for promotion of devotion always you get the fundamental point and you elaborate it we do what we do in our talks and lectures we take some points of dupanish also the gita or the bhagavata ramakrishna or holy mother then you explain and elaborate those ideas that is our lecture so similarly bhagavat is the book which has come from narayana and brahma created that and brahma handed over that knowledge to devotion is devota and rishi the god and rishi narada and naruto to baso who is a human but extraordinary and only and he is devata only devoted and beyond that is the only sachidalan so these are the way so that this idea is preached among them in in masses so that they get into love and devotion the high philosophy to catch is difficult for the masses they believe god is there and it is sadhu is saying that's true they have their faith and love and by that they get quickly to the path of illumination so it is seen here that the purana itself sanctions such elaboration as is found necessary for promotion of devotion the fundamental object of the quran now this is the intro or prologue of the second skanda we finish this fast scandal now tatum about all this first chapter so one is the book number two one dot two two is the skanda and this is the chapter first chapter the theos chapter so sorry i i said the wrong thing it should be dethios condom means book number two chapter number one and verse number one we'll read the verse number one what is the verse number one what one should do at the approach of death because that is the way this bhagavat started no parikshit was cursed that he will die within seven days so what once you do when such dire situation comes in life suppose if i know that i have only five days in life intelligently how shall i use the time five days shall i go to chit chat with somebody and friends and do or go on cleaning the room and sorting the papers and vouchers like that's all i do or what shall i do hurry i have to leave the body disconnection from the whole world all people all my friends and all will go what shall i do let me think of god no so that is the chapter starts here the very what one should do at the approach of death that has been elaborated in verse number 1 to 25. second book verse 1 chapter 1 1 to 25 so what it says excellent question it is beneficial to the world it is not for your good who is the who is the king prediction so here sukure because the question ended in the last chapter sugar came and the king stood up with with all honor and humility and prostrated before sukadeva and asked i have this condition or few days what shall i do what shall i think of it what seven days how shall i spend my time i don't want to talk about anything else but that talk about that krishna the lord the narayana tell about his stories this is a real serious thing to understand people don't get the message they do that as if we think we will be living forever here so what to do when death knocks at your door non atmo all great men will approve of it and it will provide men with much devotional material fit for hearing it is the question is appreciating the question of the king and sukhodeb says i appreciate your question that and it will help you and also benefit others who will listen as we are listening now second verse [Music] apostle [Music] for men who do not know the atman and that therefore naturally no they are not they don't know the art of naturally they know the body mind and the world that means they are attached to this body mind etc the people who do not know the atman for men who do not know the atman and are therefore attached to their homes and affairs connected with it there are hundreds of things to hear about on worldly matters which however are alien to men of spiritual inclination there are many people are dying that time they are talking about how much is the bank balance is there how much is this who will get what and distribution of the money and last moment you take this you take that they will take themselves you are going now think of god but that normally does not happen people even get involved into this so for devotional for men who do not have atman do not love god do not want thought that there is a eternal entity and therefore attest naturally they're attached to their home and their affairs connected with the home building house land property etc etc there are hundreds of things to hear about on worldly matters they will be rather interested even last breath hearing about other things and solving the problem of the world even then they spend their nights that is half of their whole lifespan in sleep and sexual enjoyments looking their daytime is devoted to earning wealth and managing their household affairs what a reality yeah these are eternal principles or the ordinary people those who have no higher life's goal what they do their life goes on like that day time working working working like a horse there is no rest because you have to earn money they will give money you would go everyone ask mama now nowadays they are making me work harder than ever no office nothing but no private time they can call anytime they can give you work you have to finish now within half an hour give it because you are at home so work work work work work no so day time goes like that night times either you sleep or something little fun and joy so they say [Music] nighttime noctu means night time nidra our sleep takes away a whole chunk of our night boy and then also the sense enjoyment and other fun or more disease whole night goes if i am sick what will happen whole night will go ah oh and the pain and agony is to suffer alone night time goes then some night goes away like either sleep or enjoyment or suffering physical ailment and anxieties worries they take away [Music] day and night then booking their daytime is devoted to earning wealth managing their household affairs and they spend their nights in this way though his body his children wife wealth and other apple abutanences of the physical life are found to perish man fails to perceive their perishable nature as also of himself going to attachment and infatuation caused by it is it bhakti book are you reading bhakti bhagavata and we are reading vedanta what is this book so people the dailies that's why be very honest to understand scriptures are scriptures they give the truth uncompromising truth you may be feeling these two hearts words they are talking but look at life life is like that that is the way our time goes our life goes our energy goes and we one day we find that death is knocking at the door so though his body his children family wealth and other uh appartenances importances of his physical life are found to perish man no everything perishes i love someone he goes away no my i create something that gets destroyed with much effort i build some something company some evil people enter into it and destroys so these things happening every day man fails still to perceive their perishable nature with all will perish including you you will be perishing this body will be perished going to attachment and infatuation caused by it and this attachment will bring pain infatuation is more made to live miserable life they sang from a though it is sin they will see but we don't see it seeing even we don't see it fifth person tasman a very beautiful therefore under this con context or king you are not like them but you o great see therefore and they it's called the skin of bharata's line sarvatma bhagavan haridish think of ishara huri the lord huri sir god lord ishwara all-pervading spirit and omnipresent lord of all is to be heard about listen about him its praises and remembered always by those who want to attain the state of fearlessness so those who want to attend the state of fearlessness they should engage their time constantly in listening to the glories of the lord on the majesty of the lord's play keep the mind in god that should be the only task before a serious student who understands life is what life is this and it is going to what it can present to me so it says beautiful source of all created being huri he is called lord hari he's called ishara the creator god so you have to listen all the time his glories your your speech should talk about god get to the business mart of your mind should meditate on the divine play so think of our hours is very easy this the other day ramakrishna lived yeah you think of him talk about him meditate about him reflect upon their divine play that is the idea [Music] for all spiritual experience whether they follow the method of intelligent self analysis that means path of ghana or fact of action karma consisting in this discharge of duties without attachment the ultimate objectives the attainment of the birth entirely devoted to him and ending with full remembrance of him so you follow the path of ghana this bhagavati is saying no it is not i am creating anything it's a gyan of octi where is the difference why people don't understand this philosophy because of their attachment to their own idiosyncrasies to a particular ideology but bhagavad does not say that you can follow the path of gano you can follow the karma or this mukti so the object is what is the object of all karma yoga organization is the attainment of the birth entirely devoted to him you're born from childhood you should devote for thinking of god speaking about god listening about god meditating about god reflecting on the glories of the lord to spain that way your work will go on but you can think this way your work is you are serving god so this spiritual attitude should be there walking even many ascetics who have gone beyond the life of adherence to be the commandments and prohibitions are established in the attributeless absolute are seen to take delight in singing the praise of the lord's excellencies it has been seen that many people muni many people who are the sages they become sage they need it they are bidding getting beyond all the do's and don'ts they become nirguna the god got a state of beyond all gunas they ramante small gunanukatane they find joy in repeating the holy name and the is listening to the glories that's why our many sadhus at their old age they found that mahagani they are coming to ananda he used to listen this to this bhagavata very he was very endearing i i know that swami tirthanan was our teacher in the training center then vedanti is that but when he got the his [Music] the devotional relationship with god and hearing about the glories of god because mind cannot stay in a nirguna for a long time so it is better to come down and they live in the glory of god so walking even many ascetics who have gone beyond the life of adherence to vedic commandments that on prohibitions they have gone beyond the do's and don'ts of the vedic religion no these people attributes establish them in the attributeless brahman are seen to find delight take delight in singing the glories and the praise of the lord's excellence towards the close of the dua for the yuga the project is krsna's period when krishna left the body i learned this bhagavata purana equal to the veda of greatness from my father basso sukhodev is saying no when i was born at the end krishna has passed away so i learned this knowledge of krishna and his divine glory from my father the bhasa so o royal sage parikshit you though i was established in the attribute dispatch solute you know sukhodev is who sukadeva was born when no maya davis is born as a brahmagani born as detached person and no attachment for anything in the world and established in nondual vedanta so though i was established in that attributeless absolute my morn mind was spellbound by the lord's playful doings and i learned this bhagavatu which deals with that subject my father told me and i got interested into it you are dear to the lord therefore i shall expound this bhagavata to you o pariksit you are very dear you are very pure and your days are only numbered seven days you are in the world so i will speak to you this bhagavatam those who have a strong faith in this text will soon attend to endearing love of the lord so who will be good heart they will get devotion from it [Music] so that your devotion goes to the lord so i will tell you that means very very beautiful they say bhagavata is a book which is a mixed mixture of guyana and bhakti going off to some milan so today is april what april 12 now the question has come the question says we end here our reading now we go for the question sriram krishna panamas too now the question when vishnu says this is my maya that is just like the shakti of shiva right oh shakti of shiva right is then the term maha vishnu maya the same as satan trial shakti yeah these are all same language is different in vaishnava language will say one thing vedanta language will talk about the same thing but we understand the principle then it is same actually these are all different expression to make us understand that truth second question can a human travel to the subtle realms embodied for instance if a music xi'an is deeply inspired and playing is bina is he in the gander local at this time or can only gandharvas be there no i think i do not know but i think they the musicians who get really absorbed in great music they live in that moment in the gandharva loka because they they don't know they don't know do they really absorb in their music so deeply their body we see that and they're playing the surah but they are not outside they'll see the ali akbar and others great musicians they found we found that they are so much withdrawn inside they don't care who is there what is there going on i think yes they will be gandhar gandharvas are those who this type of people die so where they will go they will naturally go to a place where similar such atmosphere is there no so that's why after that they are in the subtle body remain there that's the gandharva so here the mind also remains in that lame plane so it is called gandharva loka in bigna ridaya here city actually becomes as the doctors is this is that still be what to bother bibartabad is the vedantic way of explaining as we read today even bhagavan creates this but he is detached from the creation we just read that he creates this universe not like us with any attachment seen that they will will comes and the creation comes and creation withdraws and goes and but he remains detached so you can talk you think that these are before tomorrow but i would suggest to compare two philosophies into one i am not very expert in vaishnava philosophy so i my statement may not be very correct but i would say better to understand bivartabada as a vedantic philosophy and then as what shakti god's will in this bhaktivada that will be much easy though ultimately they can be reconciled okay do races like vasu patanjali came on earth just to teach they don't have to do any karma or liberation oh they are already liberated that's why they only teach riches like baso suka patanjali they came or not just to teach they're they may practice also little bit ramakrishna came god himself appeared christ came but still we find that christ is spending some time in solitude totally no not known that period we don't know after the age of what 18 or what 14 no put into certain period about a dollar to 12 years or more we do not know and some say that he is practiced austerity and tremendous spiritual discipline buddha god being god he has to do austerity to show us that it is to be honored by your spiritual practice but they are not like us they have extraordinary power they are called or in our gospel we can find that there is sharokuti they are called ishwarakotis but the special category of people their purpose is only to come to teach us the humanity so so that we can follow their path and they have no karma normally we believe that they have no karma of their own but karma of course you can say otherwise why they come their karma is to teach others that is their karma their everyone comes for a definite type of work no but they come to teach others to elevate others mind to god consciousness so okay so thank you all and we'll meet you again at 7 30 in our class which is called santi gita um shanti shanti shanti you