Video 20
Bhagavatam - Book 1. Chapter 15 - Verse 10
[Music] [Music] [Music] we salute bhagavan krishna the son of vasudeva the destroyer of the demon kangshwa and chanura the dear darling of mother devaki who is the source of all love and joy and the guru of the world we salute him again and again on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are here reading the last chapter and this last chapter last part of krish bhagavan krsna's passing away story so arjuna was anxious to know now his elder brother was anxious to know what happened to inquire about bhagavan krishna when he left the kingdom of what called kingdom of yudhisthira and went back to his own kingdom in dwarka which is now also there still now that yeah dwarka is still there but it is sunk under the ocean as we are hearing now the great destruction will happen and uh los angeles will go under the ocean new york may go under the ocean like that that dwarka went under the ocean and they found the ruins now uh exploring by the naval naval department government army naval and then they just found that there is a big city as described in the in the book mahabharata description is there and all those city with drainage system and built up big palaces and and and the tools and you are archaeologically proven that it is very old like that so arjuna was sent to inquire about how is krishna doing so i don't get any information so go or you know you are his friend he will be delighted and also see get to know and he's not coming back and back and back so judith becoming very worried why it is happening is there any thing happened is he dead or is he sorrow or he's lost what has happened and with much anxieties and worries ultimately arjuna came back and he was very grave and judishi asked why are you so delayed why did you not come early what has happened we are worried about it and this and that and then what he said continued and then he said ah your shri krishna has left the body so that's a very painful story you know and knew bhagavan krishna knew that first of all he god came down in the world to destroy the evil so the two right to india there are many kingdoms small kings and some became very unworthy of being a king bad things immoral not looking up that after the benefit of their good of the citizens no not taking care of their welfare only keeping themselves engaged in singing dancing drinking and as royal families sometimes go worst so they're all engaged like that to destroy that demonic okay so that was the cause of this two brothers problem came arjuna and yudhisthira and others and then he tried to compromise them and failed and then again then the war was inevitable and after that war so much was destroyed and by this the kings were also killed the evil king they took the side of durjeez and good people came on the favor of arjuna and bhagavan krishna so this big war happened and all destroyed then what happened then the whole india was free from this type of destructive negative kings and bhagavan krishna gave shelter to the kings who were kept in prison for for what for whose thinking he that king was collecting destroying going into fight with other small kings and then defeat them and bind them and bring them and put him into prison so that he has a planning that he will when he will be succeeding in certain numbers he will make a big jagda and in that juvenile he will cut all the heads of this all these kings so all types of nonsense things was going on society was you can imagine what type of society was it at that point then they were all destroyed by bhagavan krishna and now the whole india is pushed but again this judu clan in which krishna was born they because of krsna's presence they didn't understand they become so they also became very elegant and good parents but the children became very arrogant and so arrogant and they also engage themselves in drinking and drug and these and that so to destroy that the bhagavan krishna is the plan let them be destroyed also so that was the situation when krishna was going to leave the body his own lineage of the family no they become unruly unethical immoral and they are teasing the holy people insulting sages all those stories that big stories are there everywhere in this book is so great if you take one line you can have a big story about 10 pages story even now so i am not very much well versed with them but i listened but i forgot so many stories so anyhow so then bhagavan krishna when he was going to leave the body he told arjuna you please take care of these queens who are there and take them to safe place because this place where i am now after my passing away it will be a then of all nuisance so so you take them to safer place but he could not protect when when he was bringing them arjuna's prowse he says we'll read today that ah my power as krishna when krishna is gone the same heavy weapon is with me same man arjuna is here but i could not do anything powerless this is the point that whatever we do there's a power behind this god if we that this that there we get disconnected then this you are useless worthless yeah then that that that comes back that we'll hear today so he was then arjuna started saying oh great king yudhisthira i have been betrayed by hari betrayed in the sense whom i took to be my friend why how big he deprived me of my brows which was once the wonder of even the gods because he took away with he's going away he took our minds shakti also powers just as a body beat of a deer and near one becomes an object of repulsion when life is out of it so this world is very unpleasant place for me when it is even for a moment without the presence of the lord within because physically he is no more in the world so he continued like that it was by his favor now he is saying all my glory is arjuna what he did the world remembers me as a powerful warrior by whose power my krsna's power that's why one after another he's talking about how many many powerful acts krishna arjuna did by the power of krishna he is reminding himself this is not my power it is his power he was behind me that's why i was protected so he said by his by his favor i could easily overcome the prowess of many kings who had assembled under the influence of passionate love at the assembly of the pride and choice of swayamara of the dhuru buddhist court many that means when draupadi was to be married in those days there was a courthouse in the courthouse palace and kings will win all the young princes will be invited from all over india and who can marry the daughter of the king will be more powerful and strong or the girl will choose someone love at first sight or they will know oh this king is so powerful he has didn't done this royal war this fight with the tiger or deed kill so many people and the proud let me say every there will be someone will come and introduce every prince and talk the glory of that power and then and look energy and the girl if it feels he is my husband you'll throw the garland and that's the marriage that's that's allowed okay and then [Music] she was born out he came she's not an ordinary person so powerful and pure as you offer oblation to the fire that's called the jagna jagnaseni so offering was done out of that fire the mother drupa this came out one is so stainless pure so who will be fit husband for her so he should be not ordinary powerful person so she should be so arjuna says because of krsna's power i did that i defeated other kings and i could break the shiva's what is called gandhi or arrow and bow and arrow no no one can live there such a heavy thing others are trying to lift and they're falling down someone's breaking his back and arjuna went and let lip like that so he said it is not my power it was krsna's power and that krishna is gone is a lamentation with the remembrance of the incident so that is is it by the assembly for the bridle of choice hell drew for this coat could strike accurately the bow kept in a readiness the target of the mechanically moving fish and she cured drew foodie as a bride and that was one also broken oh that is me i am big mixing i am mixing with rama and krishna so rama broke that broke that open up this shiva but arjuna what he did i told the other day he was the the the the fish is hanging in the sky you know from some roof or something and there is a what is called disc rotating like that and in between there is the eye of the fish is visible you are not to fight like that that straight eye you have to see the reflection in a water and see the eye of the and then take the bow and arrow and hit and go there wow it's not an ordinary thing so he did it and he got success that's why he said and the readiness to target the mechanically moving fish and secured dhruvadi as bride so it was not my my power it was by lord krsna's power he it was by his favor another glorious story i could enable agni the fire god to consume the whole of the khandava forest overcoming the opposition of indra and his following indra is the god of gods he wanted to destroy the khandawa jungle forest but i stopped with a bow and arrow and stop it by krsna's power it was by his favor alone that your brother his bhimasena his brother is bhima five brothers one one brother is bhima so he must prop for possessed what was his physical strength listen 10 000 elephant power we we know of horsepower isn't that engine has called 10 horsepower 20 horsepower right it is not a horsepower thousand elephant power one elephant power is how much about 100 horsepower maybe that means invincible power that much power was vehma's power where he got the power but because of krishna see that is the inside there's a spiritual person seeing everywhere god's play god's force we are nothing we are instrument these are all instruments good instrument better power smaller engine smaller power but the behind energy is the same same electricity is running a big terrible turbine or a small motor engine a small night lamp and be glaring light in the what you call in the stadium so it is by his power it is his power so he is remembering that he says it was by his power favor that the women folk of those villains who have been made to be moan with disabled hair the loss of their husband who died in the great war the very villains who had in the open assembly dragged your willing queen by her disabled logs which had been sanctified by the holy waters and the rajasthan sacrifice so it was he by whose power the we have that that lady was protected no hundred was protected like that it was he means krishna who protected us from the curse of the choleric sage durbasha duruvasa was gotten one day there is a trick sage who was very angry suddenly he get made angry but he has a brahmagani but if he curse then you are gone so everyone is afraid so one day durbasa wanted to have an invitation and he had a big number of followers his disciples 10 000 and he is going and he went to durham they said give me one day i will prepare some better meal for you but why not you go to arjuna and go they have no food to treat 10 000 of his disciples and the duruvasa himself no so he will be angry then we'll curse and buy their cars arjuna and the family will be destroyed so that was that was the bad idea of duryodhana so he sent them to arjuna and judith hiro and do this today when they reach their sandurabasa wanted to eat but what and draupadi was in danger everyone ate and no food how to feed so many people but there's a pot blessed pot that unless she eats there is some that pot will produce food automatically that blessing was there but that day she also ate and nothing was found and he remember she remembered lord krishna oh krishna save us we will be all will all be burnt into ashes by the curse of this dude rasha he is coming what to do and bhagavan krishna appeared and said yes see where is your pot where is your pot she finally is that pot but i finished my meal try bring it and there is one grain one grain somewhere and the lord took krishna took that grain and touched in his mouth and ate and said ah and his as after full meal we do express our what you call that satisfaction but with our symbol i say ah eating that gets so satisfied he started burping like that and he's fascinated and this this they are going to take a bath and with his disciple after eating getting back there coming for eating but as narayana bhagavan krishna took that and felt satisfaction and burping they all started filling up their stomach as it were after the bath and they started burning and they don't feel any hunger so didn't come back for food so see the whole episode tells it is a krishna who is supporting arjuna and his family drupadi protecting the whole family for the curse of this dude the philosophy right right yeah yeah that's why that's why it is a belief that you please god everyone will be pleased this means to stay jagatustam if you can please to star god can be pleased if you please god jagat tustum the whole world will be pleased just mean to stage a god system and it is like that that like you give water to the root of the tree root is god in life no if you water there all the branches all the leaves everyone gets the supply no so please god fast that is the lesson in our life there is another parallel story as the story has come let me remember that ramakrishna is coming from calcutta he was in calcutta rambush's house and when she was coming and he was in a boat from balram's house you go walk a little distance you get the ganga holy ganga and the steps leading to the guard and there is a boat and both people hire boat and from there the boat is going towards the dakshinesha suddenly ramakrishna like a child he said oh i am very hungry you know bring some food where they will bring the food in the boat on the camera and who these and latu was with him or has only one coin maybe few pennies so she said yes stop the boat the boat was stopped in certain and next in boat was going suddenly ramakrishna said so nearby stop stop his place says stop and then she gave the money to latu and la tu ran ran ran and found some some whatever money they have so gift give some a box of sweets and shiram as soon as they brought well okay let us go and ramakrishna ate every item one by one one and everyone is hungry all the young boys they are also more hungry and also that's he gave the money she also had at least one prasad but looking nowhere said he ate one after another and then took the ganga water from the ganges and then drank i said ah and as soon as yeah and they all the other three they felt their belly is full that's called god pleased everybody everyone become pleased this is also it is a story in the past we may think that it is all story but in ramakrishna's life it happened you can find a simile like that though it happened with three four people but still three four people suppose you ate everything my stomach will be full it does not happen but because it is ramakrishna he ate and he said ah felt the satisfaction so everyone felt satisfaction ah another story good another story and vivekananda you know under was then vivekananda went back from this country and he is in the now staying at bellarmore newly built below and when the newly built billion more it was the holy ganga there is no embankment so some embankment construction was going on and some big jana who was somehow this guru so he was working hard supervising the construction because when you know the tide low tide and high tide you have to quickly construct as much as you can when the low tide comes engage all the people together it is odd time you do not know when the low tide went up and you have to construct quick quick quick quick because if you just cannot complete before the tide comes it will be all washed away so it is very serious work and his hot sun he was standing there and supervising the work and swami vivekananda then after taking noon rest and someone used to give him one glass of juice water lemon some salt and some sugar let's see that's like lemonade like thing and it is very cool a little one piece of ice with it so it was enjoying no hot summer so and he that's supervising he saw from his baranda in the second floor that that began on the summit with a umbrella in the head in the hot summer he is doing such work so he ate he drank he drank finished almost and there was a little maybe one seep or and ask somebody hey take this class and give it to passion he is his other name was passion her impression no passion give it to patient and if that boy took that place in a glass empty glass and he saw almost that little he didn't feel that little is there even and he felt so bad you know he's enjoying the cool in resting and doing and i am in the hot summer and i don't need your money glass of syrup but i am being ridiculed with this glass and this much so but but anyhow out of respect okay then say my last drop as in sleeping knife and as he drank that little little sip he felt his whole body mind and everything got perfectly satisfied and pleased so this is god's grace see that glory but whose glory because of the glory of the lord it's krsna's glory it is lord's glory so it was by his favor that the women spoke of this um it was it was he who protected us from the curse of the durbasa that story we told about so much no this says the angry says so krishna ate one grain of rice and felt that satisfaction and everyone felt satisfied and that's why guru vasa didn't come back for food again because their belly is full then it is indra's heaven the might of my arm which considered consisted in krsna's grace and my bow the gandiva was shot by indra and the devas for the destruction of the enemies o king he that source of all our strength has now deserted us so this krishna this lord of the world who has always our support always behind me always behind the five brothers no he is no more in the physical body so he has left the body 14 verse base 67 it was by his association that i was able single-handedly crossed the limitless and impassible ocean of kaurava armies that the armies of kaurava because their number is much higher than the soldiers who was in favor of arjuna so it was impossible to cross this army to kill the durja-dhana and their leaders no but by the grace of krishna we did it by the sitting beside me as charioteer and moving in the front of the enemy army which was resplendent with the presence of numerous kings was led by the celebrated heroes like bhisma drona he took away from those great car warriors their life mind and prouse by his mere look bhagavan krishna took sitting behind me in my chariot directed the chariot to run through the army of the kauravas and then took the power of the greatest warriors like bismarck like drona the guru of the teacher of all the rana dushasana and also arjuna etc so they are guru so it is he took away their prows and power and he helped me to overcome them it was by the protection he afforded that i was not even scratched by the mighty and unimpedable weapons used against me by bhisma karna itself etc that means all these big warriors they have invincible powerful weapons but krishna was behind me that's why all this powerful what you call the bullets or the missiles they have no effect in me i remain untouched by any injury how it is krishna so you see when we learn to know in my life what is happened what success whatever any glorious thing whatever i have done good it is all by his power it is his power his power his power then you are a bhakta that is our lesson anything happens in life not me then don't take the pride for yourself it's because of god's power god's grace god's blessings so this is the lesson what we are getting from here and and arjuna is openly declaring that at that point recollecting his whole lives all the great accomplishment he did it he whom the holy men worshiped for the attainment of moksha and all the holy people in the world are offering ovulation to whom god and here god has come down in the form of krishna no so actually all the holy men they are adoring god the krishna for their liberation moksha moksha means liberation who though the lord of all bestows his very self to the devotees to him had i assigned the work of a charioteer see my audacity the whole world is praying to krishna keep a glance on me i'll be liberated from one day's life and death i'll get eternal liberation and see my audacity i have made him my chariot my driver car driver huh nonetheless it was by his prowess that the opposing kings in the battlefield were stunned and could not use their weapons against me are they to kill me they're frightened because they'll have to kill krishna also then and in indian chariot you see chariot here is sitting here in the front no and with the bow and arrow he's standing behind so they should be very careful they should not kill krishna krishna the redeemer of the whole world krishna who makes them free and makes them liberated muksha give her a maksha that's why krishna protected that way they could not kill me because he is behind me and front of me here here in front of me the messenger and they should not be killed in the war there is a rule that you can kill the whom you are fighting with but don't kill the horses don't kill the charioteer so that discipline is also there and moreover here is the charioteer is lord krishna even they are trying to shoot some messiahs which are very powerful missile but it will affect krishna also so they are terrified to do that in sitting on their chariot also yeah that's the belief there is a encigna what you call the flag where hanuman is painted yes painted but it is said that hulu is sitting in a subtle body and protecting the chariot itself the stun where that the opposing kings in the battlefield were stunned and could not use their weapons against me as i stood on the ground while my tired horses were being given water when oh the horses need some rest in between no you can fight but horses has to be in both side they should be given rest to water to feed them something o king my heart is distressed in the extreme when i recall how he used to joke with me this is a bit one of the beautiful verses in sanskrit 18 verse it says that when i was my heart is distressed in the extreme because when i recall how he used to joke with me bathing me in his brilliant and charming smile how in serious conversation he was accustomed to address me as oppar though you know friend or noble one of the crews oh and so on and so on in the course of our close friendship maybe while resting relaxing eating or joking whatever the sarcastic or insinuating remarks i used to make he bore with patience and magnanimity as a friend to do with a friend and a father with a son and that is the verse number 19 beautiful arsenal autonomous [Music] one friend is talking to a friend and that time when you talk to a friend it is equal like equal friend is talking to friend there is no such desperate oh he is god i am talking to him no so used to chit chat is to make fun of each other we used to tease each other but you took it everything as like lightly as friend but you are the lord of the universe no so great king now that my heart is spiritless and weak because of the absence of the great one my dear friend and why we sir i have met with a defeat even at the hands of a few wretched hearts men on the high road as i was guarding the evacuation of krsna's family from dwarka as i said the krishna said take all these family members in a safer place but he could not protect them from the highway robbers and because krishna has no power though the arrows are there bow is there the person or juno is there but the inner force is gone the same bow aj the same arrows the same chariot and i the same occupant of the chariot these are present now as they existed before when even all the royalties bowed their heads in submission but alas lacking the presence of the lord behind these all of them have been reduced to utter futility like sacrificial offering made in the asses an illusory castle built in the air or seeds sown in the desert he's giving an example suppose if you put ghee clarified matter milk only on the asses what will happen there is no flame there is no offering there is no consumption so similarly now krishna is gone because of that my bow my my arrow has no power my car which is too so strong it lost his strength my hand have lost his power so everything is powerless it is like building castle in the air no it looks like that but there is nothing in reality oh king all those about whom you have made kind inquiries are no longer in the land of the living going to the curse of the holy men whom they insulted they lost their sanity of mind their family members as i said the kauravas milkman in their kingdom he was born and no one survived there because of the they because they their children become unruly as i said and they become addicted to drinking unethical more immoral life and as a result that krishna himself being there that they did decadence and degradation started and they lost all purity and sanity so they will they started as it happens when your moral values go goes away what happens a brother will fight again brother sister will fight again brother regarding land property minimum things because they all lose their balance so the total destruction happened in the family of the judos they lost their sanity of mind drinking inordinate quantities or liquor of liquor forgetting even the identities of one another they have all feasted themselves they have all fisted past and not feasted with fighting with each other in the death in a drunken brow only four or five of these friends of ours are surviving all the whole entire family has been destroyed by the feud between themselves in their own family member no you can fight with outside if you are together in your family but your family is divided then you are gone india was how the india became uh uh went into the hand of such a prosperous country went under the british empire how a east india company how because they betrayed among themselves fast and thinking that i will take this advantage i will my my brother i can deprive them then this how external force is supporting me with that i will be the position of everything but when they come they kill you also so you are gone so this is the way uh this entire judo clan is gone only accepting a few surviving it seems to be a law ordained by the lord that living beings destroy themselves this is very moral teaching for today's day it seems to be a law ordained by the lord that living beings destroy themselves by mutual feuds and prosper by mutual cooperation look at the world russia and ukraine what is going on live safely baba no i'll have to have this and one million soldiers are surrounding ukraine no ready to gone and now what the ordinary people will suffer for this the ordinary people will suffer no so this is the seems the law ordained by the lord that living beings they destroy themselves god does not do anything we destroy ourselves by mutual feuds and prosper by mutual cooperation if mutual cooperation comes we all join together the world would have been heaven why they should be homeless if they see the little total um [Music] fund and position the money in this country why a person will be in hunger why they will be homeless so much money give little bit equity distribution cooperation and love we can build heaven and me mind this that squeezing in a corporate structure it is always happening companies one meeting 300 people jobless go one day okay but what why they'll go what they will eat tomorrow so we can make ways and means to survive together cooperation that's why human society survives with cooperation and is destroyed among internal fight it is found in nature that large creatures feed on small ones that's natural big fish eating the small fish strong ones on the weak ones huh strong brother will be fighting and taking out the position of the small brothers and then the strong ones come into mutual conflict taking away all the wealth and prosperity from the weak people you become rich you become mighty then another person has the same interest on that area they get into fight and then then mutual destruction start human psychology they have studied this that is destroy one another even so in order to lightening the burden of the earth the lord used the powerful judus to destroy other powerful clans and finally made the yodus destroy themselves by mutual conflict first they become powerful by mutual cooperation and things but again they become so powerful like that now big small all these small companies are going on and now big companies what ah and you can get some a needle to a elephant whatever you want any item you need a book you can write you need a pen you can get it you need shoes you can go there my god whatever you water and how cowdung cake that's true rarely many indian things like this which is impossible to get here you order in amazon you get it and then in puja puja articles sometimes you cannot find anywhere in this is possible but just you sit here on your computer you order what is called the sindhur they will send you sindhur sindhur you know time vermilion put in the in between the saucepieces thing to put so but what about the small companies they cannot compete with them so they are all swallowed and then what will happen who will be the owner of amazon and if the amazon among the owners if there comes some fight then it disintegrates and goes away so this is the human nature so my mind is seeking refuge in remembering again and again the instruction of krishna always suited to the same with the time and place and giving relief to the troubled mind of man so my mind is now seeking refuge now understanding all these things arjuna says my mind is seeking refuge where at the feet of krishna and the lord of the world and remembering again and again the instructions krishna gave me in the bhagavad-gita i know in the santi gita always suited to the time and place and giving relief to the troubled mind of man so i am remembering what krishna suggested what he taught me in the gita bhagavad-gita now i am remembering all this again and again now the suta said the mind of arjuna which was merged in krishna under the powerful sentiment of deep friendship became pure and got settled in calmness thinking that all my lives all the glory behind this krishna his grace his compassion his friendship his love his spirituality protected me thinking thus again and again and again arjuna's mind got tuned up to the consciousness of krishna and then what happened as he became pure his mind become pure mind was restless before but thinking of the glory that's why it is said you cannot meditate but you can think of the glory of god you can think of the glory and the holy deeds of the lord that's called the leelah divine sport of the lord that purifies your mind so this is a spiritual journey also in our life if we can recall that whatever accomplishment whatever anything good i have done oh lord it is your it is you or it is yours so our mind gets subdued and gets in spiritualized in this way and as a result what happens mind becomes purified and then you become fearless so why am i too prayer he who has protected me from my childhood he will take care of me now what problem is more there he is more powerful than the problem so that type of confidence comes so it says that the mind of arjuna which was marched in the krishna under the powerful sentiment of deep friendship became pure and got settled in calmness by the power of devotion now intensified by continuous thought of the lord so his mind is now thinking krishna krishna krishna arjuna's understanding was freed from all impurities and he once again recovered the remembrance of that saving knowledge which the lord has imparted to him in the battlefield that is bhagavad-gita and which has been obstructed from manifesting the forces of time karma and world injury which has in between they forgot that story because after the worry war was over they started being in the kingship and the other duties and activities and also royal pleasure and things we do that we get the glimpse of god but in between we forget why when other preoccupation comes in our life our enjoyment our fun our other other tidbit thing comes it obstructs us so it happened with arjuna but now arjuna is coming back to his senses again by the experience of the supreme being he was now free from all the sorrows and doubts arising from the sense of duality as he experienced himself as pure spirit the hold of the gross and subtle body slacken and he was readily free from the he was ready for the state of beyond return so his mind now didn't stay in the body what will happen to me i lost my strength not he is now tuned to krishna as a result this identification with this body and the subtle body means the mind was slackened and he was ready for the higher state to return one question okay let me go a few few verses then hearing about krsna's departure from earthly life and the destruction of the clan of judas judiciary made the firm decision of taking the bow of abandonment he thought that let me go out of the world no my purpose is done krishna is gone what is my purpose pritha who is the mother of pandava on hearing arjuna's report on the destruction of the yodus and the lord's ascension gave up her earthly body by uniting her spirit with the supreme being to the one pointed devotion to him see they are so powerful they thought i don't know what to live anymore and they tune the thought of the lord and let the body can you do that even the yogis cannot do that no so they are such spiritual people so mother left the body the judiciary abandoned the kingdom uh it a thorn is taken from the body with the aid of another thorn and after the work is done both are thrown away so also the lord assumed a body for lightening the burden of the earth and having done it he threw away his own body also for the lord his body and bodies of others are alike he embodied himself as fish and other incarnations and abandoned those bodies having fulfilled the mission it is the stolen bhagavan took different bodies you know bore body fish body massa all these different incarnations that's about that 10 incarnations so but those bodies he took fulfill the mission and gave that body so here also krishna took the krishna form fulfill the mission of establishing justice and truth destroying the evil and then the body throughout the body in the same way he abandoned this body with which he lightened the burden of the earth but in the midst of these changes he remains the same but these are changes in the body but he remains the same just like an actor who plays several parts without changing his identity okay so i will end here then the verse number 35 i end here we will read next day from 36 now we have to have some question [Music] too so here is a question can we solve world's hunger problem by offering food to god only then yes you can suffer if you have that much faith and god gives you promise then it will be so but better our our work will be in the material plane so to feed the food to the hungry god the god in the human form who is hungry we have to feed him then the lord of the universe will go opposite way we give the example these are exceptional example because they are the shri krishna the god himself is standing before here ramakrishna standing in front sami vivekananda standing there himself and so even if they give it he himself is satisfied everyone gets satisfied but if we work in the physical plane everyone's hunger will be satisfied yes if you have can awaken the lord like a living being and can please him he feels satisfied everyone will be satisfied but be realistic we live in the real world i am talking to you you are you are talking to me so in this plane i am hungry you give me a food and you think that you have given god in me then that god will be happy praising the god so much food is offered on temple but still so many people are hungry in the world could you clarify yes very important question we give it to god see when we offer do we think god will eat away see if really god eats everything tomorrow no temple will give so much food to him you remember this small story in the ramakrishna story there is a family deity and the mom and dad they said that we are going out today my child you i am preparing the meal give the lord the food and feed him so and then they went away and the child has faith simple faith so he took that plate and said oh lord please eat lord does not come it's a photograph for us like a photo and he's saying no you're sitting please come mom said he will eat and he started crying and weeping and sobbing same from the photograph he saw somebody came out and he sat and ate and finished meal no and if i'm all after that they came back and they asked where is the food prasad then the child said i've got to carry everything [Applause] but you know how can that be so we give every day it comes back to us so we have got that faith and he is not going to do that but when the faith of a child will appear before us then he will eat and that day of course if you feel that god is pleased everyone will be pleased but i that's a very transcendental truth i cannot talk about that but every day if we really feed that prasad to the hungry people god will be pleased it's opposite way you have to go from opposite side from human to divine side there we are talking divine side to human side we god is what some people can understand who is god god is the sum total of individual souls god who is god is defined sum total of individuals you me and millions and millions and trillions of people no sum total you consume them together that is called the god so if you start here at least giving and that goes to the sum total a little bit of the sum total so that should be our attempt swami vivekananda's idea please take that idea feed my god the poor my god the hung hungry my god the diseased my god the lowly of all clan and all climb of all races and all countries no so that is feed them serve them god will be pleased with the attitude not with the idea of charity not with the idea of that you are a very big guy and you are compassionately giving someone dollar to a hungry person on the street but think that you are serving god another question i noticed that the furthest you are from god the worst god will bring out of you however the closest you are to god the best god brings out of you wonderful uh understanding we should be close to god we as we go furthest from god then naturally who remains if minus god who are we place born my ego my mind my emotion my huh think of your robot robot robot eyes robot ears robot hand no all these are there plus all these are there but there is eyes and there is mechanism hand will move leg will move all these are there no that means body is there mind is there intellect is there ego is there all these are there no but if the energy is not supplied behind that is god if you opt from that then it becomes a robot dead robot this body is a dead body what he means my ego remains my body remains my mind remains my emotions remain my intelligence that is the world so when you are off from god a mass of materialistic remains which is all detrimental for our life to exist suffering displeasure discontent all will haunt us but when it is connected with god it can do wonders so that's true we should be close to god even if i forget all that sometime let me remember now get connected get connected get connected as i jokingly say sometimes the god's hotline is always open it does not get engaged because we are million people praying he with a god will be answering my question first i'll do your question first you did not have to worry he can answer your question my question everyone's question when the rat cat the mouse the tiger the leopard the trees the plants and the hummingbird he listens every one at a time and respond to that so that is our god one question in the computer okay if krishna is protecting everyone then how come sometimes bad things happen to good people yeah you know bad thing and good thing is in our eyes is it not i expect this is good i think it is bad dude you was bad arjuna was good and good people suffered all through their life and duju was the king and enjoyed every palacial fun and joy and riches no but the the question is that protecting everyone protecting means what protecting our spirituality our inner peace our contentment who is more contented who is with god he or she or who is away from god with pride with ego as i said just the robot robot happy eye robert have some mindset as we do this is your work this robot have everything support god is disconnected eyes will remember i remain and everything remains but how they are functioning mind will remain ego will remain but they all function less because the energy supply is not running in proper direction so the body will remain mind will remain but they will be a dissatisfied mind distracted mind helpless mind full of anxieties and worries that mind but peaceful mind joyful mind blessed mind is that mind which is connected with god in utter distress one can be very happy thinking of god my support my love and a personal big support from society and others no can feel very unrestful very distracted very lost high tension high pressure high anxiety level suffer from those things so satisfaction comes in god that is why we should be sometimes it brings happiness that the question is that how come sometimes bad things happen and also bad and good you take you can understand what you mean by bad and good bad means material loss is bad for us anything someone insults me that's bad but in spiritual sense oh he's crushing my ego he's making me humble and saying also showing me the world is unreal see you are so good but that person got so much benefit from you and he is criticizing or she is criticizing see the world so it is a benefit for them which is bad in the eye one side that can be a sign of greatness also to analyze to understand the worldly character and to make a spiritual move so from spiritual side there is nothing bad if you analyze any incident in our life which has caused us suffering and pain these are the lessons those are points where we can awaken ourselves and rather pleasurable moment happy moments they have acted wrongly that time we forget god we think not of god but other things so it's a it is a relative thing but you know that if we follow the path of righteousness suffering is there and suffering is to be taken as a blessings of god because that is the moment we can connect with god not those moments when i am in in my riches in my pride in my pampered situation everyone say oh oh swami you are so great so great so again for spiritual life no because you will get uh absorbed in that oh host yeah i am so much no sauce also and when you say he's a sadhu he doesn't okay good because you will be aware you'll be aware oh my god they're watching maybe i should be better one so it can be taken in positive sense and spiritual life should be always and and these are lessons and these these awaken our inner consciousness so not always bad okay thank you all then we'll see you again at 7 30 in our shanti gita class shanti shanti shanti peace peace peace please class nikki gita please shanti gita the song of peace that class okay thank you all jaima is to be announced in the evening time tomorrow we get gospel class yeah in the evening you