Video 13
[Music] [Music] he we salutes bhagavan sri krishna the son of vasudeva the destroyer of the demons like kang and chanura the teacher of the world and the leader of the universe our salutation to him again and again so we are back to our reading of bhagavatam and that is we are in chapter 9 of the volume 1 and verse number 25 so we heard that the bhisma was praising bisma on the glory of krishna he was talking about the glory of bhagavan krishna and in that he said that you are well he said that he is beyond bhagavan sakshata narayana there's beautiful prayers of praise of bhagavan that is the are the the beginning of everything even of the brahma and other gods and goddesses shivam and only the gods like they they only understand the glory of oh krishna your glory we only understand and lastly we said by concentrating one's mind upon whom with intense devotion and by reciting whose names and glories with one sleeves a dying aspirant is liberated from the bondage of desire and duty so bhagavan that is the glory of god that at the point of death if someone remembers him repeats his holy name and thinks of him so he becomes free from all duties and bondage no and that bhagavan made that bhagavan which is radiant face beautified by his benevolent smiles and lotus like eyes who is generally really realized only in the heart of in meditation remains before my my very physical eyes till life leaves my body so he's praying oh lord remain here till my body this prana leaves this physical frame it is bhagavan in the bhagavad-gita said that last thought last thinking when the body goes if you go on thinking of god and then you need not have to be born again you're all karmas are passed away that's why we this is a cherished desire of our devotees how you live the body that's why you say people when someone is dying go and chant arya ramakrishna in our tradition other tradition they will chant whatever their tradition the name of the lord now suta the narrator now said after this then yudhisthira asked bhisma so bhisma was lying on the who was resting on a bed of arrows many questions came in the mind of yudhisthira the elder brother of the pandavas many questions relating relating to what relating to virtue in the hearing of the assembled species then that truth noah the knower of truth bishma then expanded responded to this question of judishira see bhisma is lying imaginary scene bhisma is lying on the bed of arrows he has no body consciousness so he is that is there no how can one stay yogis can you know and at that time judith did a good time and judy steele is asking about the virtues what are the virtue of human life what is the duty of father and mother all these things questions then the bhisma who knows all the truth truth noir expounded in brief and in detail shortly as also greatly with illustration drawn from the ends and traditions giving citation from the old examples old stories a variety of themes what are the themes the duties of men in general what should be the duty of every human being their duties according to their burden and astronaut shah turban my ass restaurant what registered to one brahmana shaktiya vaisha and sudra brahmin class shatty warrior class businessman merchants and working group the society is divided in dance and time in the four divisions so describing what is the duty of ibrahim what is the duty of extraterre warrior how you should be just doing just type of war what does not mean reckless no there's great discipline in it you cannot kill another opponent in this way that way all these rules are there so what is the duty of that because everyone's goal is to performing these duties they will realize god that's the main thing whole indian society philosophy is centered around that you do you should draw your levering class or your construction people or those who actually for whom we survive in the society so they their duty they what they will do and how they will reach god so a god realization for all but there are different duties performing duties so student astronaut president this is also oriented towards god realization how this brahmasari will push that open that so what are the duties of this ibrahim brahma joshua what is the duty of one who is in a grihasth married life no student life married life retired like born of pastor life and the fourth stage is the astra so now life so these are the astronomers borno and astra these all these duties was described by by judishtira asked the question and replied by bhisma and twofold is not the question wherever in society previously they used to live in the society age of course one is but mainly so long they are student so long then they go and get into married life so long 25-25 year that was the division normal calculation was like this the two full course of conduct laid down in the vedas what is twofold code of conduct shreya and prayer these are the two direction attaining the worldly prosperity and salvation prayer is the worldly prosperity and salvation freedom from paul bondage rules of charity kingly duties you are a king what should be king's duty because they are all kings no arjuna bhima himself page 141 verse number 26 to 28 so the kingly duties duties of one seeking liberation what is the duty of a king what is the duty of a person who is seeking for god and how to realize god money whole amount of human understanding that question and it was asked by yudhisthira and bhisma lying on the arrow bed is responding to this duties of women duties of one pursuing the path of devotion the life life's values of virtue wealth pleasure and salvation with the means of attainment and so on so last questions were asked and these answers were given by bhishma while he was expounding this profound spiritual things he neared the time for him to en end his life so after saying so his last work is done and he is ready to leave the body and he was waiting that is called the uttarayana period bhattaraya period means the sun in the northern sole stage so that the day will be gradually there is auspicious time for dying let's consider for brahmaganis they can die anytime there is no timing but it is conventional that if one dies it's considered auspicious because he goes into the path of light and more light and more light you know and days are gradually becoming bigger and longer and longer and star sun moon is becoming full moon sir you say going towards fulfillment light more light more light so the soul's journey will be not in darkness that's the idea we get the northern soles of the sun which the yogis like um bhisma who die only when they will they have the will to die we have no freedom we may die anytime what time will come we do not know that's why we say when we die you people be around and chant joy ramakrishna so that is for us but to those who are realized soul they can wait let me die when the auspicious time come there's no need but they have the power and they can retain their body so this is bismuth-like person who has got the boom that he will die only when he wants to die not like us our karma will force us to die or not to die some people are suffering so much they want to die but still light breath does not go and who does not want to go and they are also taken snatched away from life no so we are ordinary people's karma but bismuth is not such ordinary us to bush one of the bushes of the eight bushes so he was waiting you you is like bismarck who die only when they will generally wait for their departure and they only wait for their departure that we find that even in ramakrishna's life he asked the almanac to turn and stop somewhere and then others think that he decided his day which day he will leave the body no that's why what happened when somebody vivekananda he also that turned the pages of the almanac and then stop somewhere and that is believed that he died on that day he wished to leave even we hear that here swami prabhan on the summit left the body on the fourth of july but it was third of july third of july his condition was not so good and here everyone was called and all the sadhus and nons that time many sadhus and nones were here monks and nuns were here all called one by one and i gave them sami brahman we are here roman on the summit did that he called pro one on the same and other disciples one by one who were around and ask everyone individually bless them everyone and then and then uh to buy from everyone and no attachment to anyone on the marathon he told us no he also called his sevaka's servants my attendants who served him and then called one by one one by one one by one and then get ready and he left so sami p was also here where on the from the third his health was not good he was waiting waiting and he's asking what is this time is ten o'clock night third night at 10 o'clock and again after sunday what is the time till it crossed midnight then it become fourth and he selected that day to leave because uh swamiji left on fourth so anyhow why he decided that his reason we need not have to go through that but swamiji will be selected the fourth of july and then so i we hear that some micro one on the left on the fourth so they have some control over themselves to leave the uh body in proper time whatever they select so this is bhisma was now after giving so much advice for duties of everyone in any every phase of life and then ultimately decided to give up the body now before giving up this was him to krishna this is the verse number 30 on page 41. oh did i read the right thing or no i am gone too far 125. oh ah we did so now we are in the verse number 30 30 says that great warrior who could meet a thousand combatants single-handed who is talking about bhagavan krishna bismuth him just to leave the body he's praising the lord krishna and saying that great warrior who could meet a thousand combatants single-handed he does not need any other help one single person fighting how much thousands of combatants there means so much power yes now stopped his speech being without any attachment he could fix his mind with eyes open on the lord with four hands who was standing before him in his luminous robe of your yellow silk so that great warrior who could meet a thousand combatants single-handedly now stopped his business this is for bhisma bisma stop talking then and then being without any attachment no attraction or attack losing their identity for the anyone that is the bondage no when last thought time if you think of anything else you are drawn back again to your own so if free from all attachment he could fix his mind with the eyes open on the lord his eyes was totally krishna was standing there and this one's eyes went just to the krishna with four our hands who was standing before him in his luminous robe of yellow silk mind was free from all sinful tendencies because of the practice of concentrated meditation on the lord he was so pure all the time and truthful and lived such a wonderful life for ideal so his mind was concentrated in the lord all the pain due to the wounds on his body caused by weapons disappeared as the lord look lord's look fell on him beautiful description and krishna the bhisma is looking intently on krishna free from attachment from all other things his the body because he was a warrior so in this world there are so many wounds and bleeding here and they are cut but krishna get a glance like this and with that glance all his physical suffering and wounds disappeared his senses having ceased to run after any their objects that his senses are not turning to any other direction but to krishna only they are held in absolute stillness the eyes are transfixed on krishna the mind is transfixed in krsna's all the senses are focused on he was thus lying they are ready to die then he recited the following hymns addressed to krishna that moment now everything detached from everything again his last prayers looking at krishna he started praying as in as we speak in english so you are speaking in sanskrit may be difficult for us we think my god how we spoke such long sentences has the top but we forget to understand that is the common language as we speak english as we speak our mother tongue so sanskrit is their mother tongue so bhisma was saying what he said he he rahim started himself krishna this is also ibish krishna shiv his more watch oh looking intently on krishna free from all attachment and looked at him and started saying the praise what are the praise may my mind preach from every desire be an offering unto you the the supreme lord now appearing as a noble skin in the judo's clan but who is in reality the all-pervaded being who in the midst of his absorption in his inherent bliss desire to have a sportive diversion he was always his krishna is who who is krsna he started krishna is born in the clan of judo clan and in reality he is all-pervading being saccidananda see that's why hindu books know you go we read the chundi morning what they say mother is everywhere all forbidding sachidan and honey this is such children what is the difference between krishna and then mother why do you fight that's the beauty of indian spiritual tradition these rishis always point out foundation is saccidanando he is appearing to you like krishna born in the family of the youth but who is in reality all-pervading brahman being who in the midst of his absorption in his inherent bliss he was staying in his own infinite bliss and then sportingly desire to have a supportive diversion he wanted to play let's say ramakrishna is jagat leela this world is a play fun fun for god what is the fun why did he why he wants fun that i cannot say he wills he was in his own blissful state absorbed but he started playing a farm and then assumed his power of yoga maya taking the we call maya etc though he is not born but he is called samaya by his own maya and here they are saying by his power of yogamaya it is whose power yoga is not something else hey you come and help me it is his own power he exercised that power and yoga maya as a result of which has come forth this unimaginable vast flow that is this universe this whole universe has come out by the yoga maya we call by maya no brahman with maya this universe manifested so only difference is that in vedanta we'll say all in all mitta and here they'll say it is no mitha it is play of god god playing kailathi bhagavan brahmandi bhagavan god is playing he playing it is it is not you there is no you it is a god himself playing sporty mood that's why they say sporty men [Music] tamala barna ruby [Music] so he says as the result of which has come forth is unimaginable vast flow that is this universe the realm of being may i have i mean who vishwa vishnu is saying may i have unfailing and absolute devotion which seeks no liberation even to krishna the friend of arjuna who has an enchanting body of blue sting and ropes of yellow silk brilliant like the rays of the morning sun and his lotus face is fringed with curly four looks alaka so it is giving the description of shri krishna how he's standing before and he's thinking of that and he's praising that god but you understand he has full knowledge that he is the supreme brahman he pervades everywhere that it is he was in his own supportive in his own self in absorbed and in sporting mood he by his yoga maya the sakti manifested himself in this way everything what we see and himself also and he is standing before with the enchanting body blue is blue color krsna's body is blue ramakrishna said why blue is because distance so there is no color sky has no color but we see his blue sky it's because it is distance that gives the view so it is also krishna looks like blue because he is actually sachidan his hair rendered brown with the dust raised by the hoops of the horses he is giving the description he was in the water field so long so the hoops of the uh horses the dust that touched his face become like brown his face alone with the sweat caused by exertion in battle his armor pierced and blood dripping from his skin on account of a shark arrow shot by me oh per krishna of such description may my mind have unfailing hankering so let my mind go to that krishna of this unfailing 35 verse positioning the chariot between the two opposing armies and his friends abiding and consuming as it were the lives of the men are proposing army by look may krishna the friend of arjuna station thus be the object of my abiding love so he is giving the description of krishna one one description and saying that krishna this krishna who took this role and worked this way controlling the chariot and being the charioteer of arjuna let my eyes be fixed with krishna may i have supreme devotion 36 may i have supreme devotion to the holy feet of the lord who by teaching the truth of the atman read the ignorance of arjuna who felt overwhelmed by the thought of the sin he would be incurring by causing the death of his own clansmen arrayed in the battle order on both sides saying that krishna who gave the gita in the middle of the battle i salute him let my love go one pointed these are the prayers of bhisma 37 in the field of battle in order to make true my word that i would make thee take up arm and thus break thy pledge word not to touch any weapon krsna says in this war i will never touch any weapon but vishnu said i did such a fight that to break god's own promise thou did actually abandon thy promise in the guise of protecting arjuna in imminent danger and holding in hand your divine discus sudarsana rust at me like a lion against an elephant causing tremors of the earth by your tribe strides forgetting even your slipped upper garment in the course of the charge with your armor pierced by the sharp arrows a murderous enemy like me and your body bathed in blood you did rush at me as if to kill me may that krishna up that battlefield looming vividly in my main memory be the refuge of my soul so it is all fun they are fighting with god himself no and god said i will not hold the weapon but bismuth fought such furious war to kill arjuna but to protect arjuna ultimately lord break his promise he is not saying you broke your promise but you say in the vein of protecting arjuna you took it was your compassion for me and i want to see that i i will do such such a war that lord will have to break his own vows that i will not hold the weapon i have to use the weapon and that happened so i take refuge in that krishna who protected arjuna breaking his own house all those who did in died in battle 39 all those who died in battle seeing you in front have been absorbed into thy being every diet everyone died because you are there looking at you they got freed from all bondage bhagavan darshan it is darshan ishta darshan you know so that was the plea and then also in sunday we say why not the asura looking at your face which is written like a rising moon so how they could not because your moon like face was giving soothing effect they say examples are all similar example that means to even those warriors or these people who are not high enough to get liberation to give them liberation if you you are present there you fought like this and you work like this oh you charming resident of arjuna's chariot with rains and horse sweep in hand one hand horse sweeping and another left hand holding the reins of the horses no that image may this mind of mind about to face death attain to the highest delight in you let me think of that and then find my mind delight in krishna and nothing else 40. may my mind attain to delight in him whom the gopikas gopis worshipped with their calmly gate sweet smile and love lord looks and as a consequence became overwhelmed with his love and began to imitate his doings in the infatuations of love and ultimately attained to oneness with him the story when krishna played the flute and then gopis all the gopis felt that tremendous attraction and ran to see krishna and then afterwards everyone saw that krishna is dancing with her alone and they felt the identity krishna and the gopi the individual soul and the lord dancing in unison so one krishna became so many and they are all thinking jibatman with the paramatman united so that is that krishna he is doing the infatuation of love and ultimately attend to oneness with him they all attain oneness with him 41 there shines clearly before my eyes the divine being the soul of my soul was looked at the wonder an intense delight by all in that grand assembly of sages and royalty gathered at the raja sacrifice of buddhist terror while he received the honor and worship of preeminence accorded to him by the master of sacrifice that means their signs clearly that means his bhusma is saying before my eyes i see the shining presence of krishna how the soul of my soul who was looked at everyone is looking at krishna when with wander an intense delight by all the grand sages who assembled in that judicious rajosu sacrifice judiciary become the king and there is a sacrificial fire they called rajosu raja to become a raja probably they performed that putting a horse in the hanging there i accept judiciary as the king emperor of this country so every state they go every state what you call the kings small kings they'll say yes i accept so that when the horse went around all and everyone accepted then they sacrificed the horse and that sacrificial sacrificial time many sages and saints all appear there's a holy function ceremony and there she krishna was standing so he's thinking of that krishna who is shining presence was there in that group of in the sacrificial program just 42 just as one sun appears variously as the light in the eyes of everyone so do one he resides as if separately in the hearts of all beings he created so he is only one but he resides everyone's heart so how as the one sun sun is only one but appears various as the light in the eyes of everyone and everyone's eye there is some light which allows us to see so like that the sound like the sun he resides as if separately the sun is separate there but sun's light shines in our eyes and we see things so similarly he being one krishna being one appearing so many he resides as if separately in the hearts of all beings he has created so created this universe and he resides in it he created that and creating that he entered into every being that means creation means we think that creator is separate and he created by the tools if you take from dualistic standpoint also to remove the duality dupunisha says that's true he was one and he said i will be many and he became many and creating many he entered into everything that means the difference yet ceased it is separate separate separate but it is here it is also he has penetrated there because he is everywhere he will have to penetrate everywhere nothing can exist beyond him in the space everything should be in the space all the stars and galaxies so space is the space so if you say space created this universe and space entered into it we can understand a little bit in similar way god created that nara you know created this universe we normally say brahma is the creator no here description goes all glory goes to narayana so don't get confused with this sometimes people say brahma is greater and vishnu is these and these are all different traditions to grow their tremendous love for god and my god has created this universe he is the creator he is the sustainer he is the destroyer now that idea is given so here also same about talking about krishna krishna that's why this bhakti sastra is always speaks to the highest esteem about their chosen ideal we ramakrish we can understand huh who is ramakrishna do you know who is ramakrishna ramakrishna is the from whom his whole universe has come no and then then not only that ramakrishna we are children of ramakrishna we have the power tremendous power we can cross the stars unhinge this earth and throw into their space my god this earth you cannot ten pound stone you cannot rise and throw and so i can raise this entire earth and throw into the space i can chew the stars in my almighty what is that meaning tremendous infinite energy i have done why because i am ramakrishna dasa so this is the same experience no ultimate truth is the same only in different name to to help us to grow in love and devotion so read of delusion multiplicity may i now become one with that un uni unitary being so he is saying just as the sun appears very variously has a light in the eyes of the everyone so no one he the lord resides as if separately in the hearts of all beings he has created read of delusion of multiplicity may i now become one with that unitary being so last prayer me being free from delusion read of delusion means free from delusion of multiplicity i just living in the multiple world this table bench rama sama all these warriors arjuna these that i you all separate separate let all the duality and separateness dissolve and i will merge into that now become one merge into one with that of unitary being that unit reality such satchida that krishna sachidan on the krishna so here devotees vaishnava devotees they take it is all krishna and no here there is no other person but krishna but they are forgetting what the definition of krishna it is not the krishna who is only with two arm and two feet walking in the ground but he is the lord of the universe the whole universe coming out of him and he pervades everywhere he sits in the heart of all so that krishna is the object of worship saying so this far the a washed washed away all my misconception veda the separation this is separate that is that's we live in duality that's the separation and three types of vedas are there so means and this vedas all division gun is only one one reality one saccidananda with this and moho delusion delusion makes us feel that these are all true this division i am separate you are separate my suffering you are creating my suffering i am creating your suffering all these are in ignorance mohamed delusion let me now be free from all maha and delusion and think of that oneness that was he stopped now the narrator continues again what he says then 43 hours krsna's [Music] then breathed his last saying this prayer that oneness let all division vanish from my eyes all duality goes away and all delusion goes away saying the mind of bisma bach his speech focused in krishna drishti the eyesight totally concentrated on krishna birth all the mental modifications and thoughts centered around krishna atmoni bringing getting absorbed his own self into the self so anta sasha he took the shasm took it and stopped the breath giving up the last breath that is the idea how their control no they know they prayed this way and this type of high level of thinking at the point of death here you breach the saguno and the nirguna sakharov and iraq are all bridged duality vanishes merging into that solute so this is the way to understand how death should be their ideal death these are the books for that reading and how one should lead the life so the last point all detachment all delusion will be gone away sudan division breathed his lust uniting himself with bhagavan krishna the supreme self with his vital energy suspended and his mind speech and sight directed to him in a unified mental mode monobriti all those assembled remain mute like a bird at dusk who is that no so then 44 hours all those assembled remain mute those who are in the whole total assemblies they are mute like birds the birds don't chatter anymore at the end of the day and the dusk when the sun sets what they do they come back and sit in their nest and tie to rest that means a tired bird bishma who did so much activity all to the life we are also like the bird a whole day working these and doing this and doing that and doing that being tired you take a shelter shelter in krishna and now to rest now beautiful all the this is poetic [Music] [Music] so there all those who assembled remain mute like bird and at dusk and knowing that the great vismo had dissolved into supreme being brahman then they get absorbed into the knowledge of brahman 45 then their arrows and at the announcement of this great event the sounds of the kettle drums of men as also of the gods the good and the righteous among royalties cried hell and rain of the flowers fell from the heaven the death beautiful death no when he withdrew his mind like that and prayed like that stopped his breath within huh no the scumbag and then no breath and then his mind was totally focused and then he lo slept his body then arrows the announcement and that death has been announced in the warfield the military we call them when some police military officers die what they call it's called the state honor no with the cattle drum and bitten of the drums there with that honor it was all in the earth and then also heaven the gods and goddesses they also started but with the beating of the drum then judicial performed all the of seques according after that because bismarck his grand sire grand grandfather passed away the rights and rituals they will have to do so they performed all the rights and obstacles according to the code and observed the morning for a while through though vismo were attained to the highest state required none of this for him it is not necessary but they did it only why just as a rule society's rule it also performed all the last rights the overjoyed holy men all sang praise of krishna couched in the most sacred and meaningful expression and afterwards departed to their respective astronomers with their mind deeply engrossed in krishna all these sages who also came they also thought about him and then deeply engrossed in krishna they become absorbed in god afterwards judistira and krishna went to the sinapur to console the soros chicken elders like raster the blind king and his austere wife gandhari who are grieving for their son loss of their son 49 words then the great judistira with the consent and blessings of dhritarashtra and the congratulations of shri krishna then assumed the reigns of government of kingdom that had come down to him hereditarily and administered it accordingly to the laws of the land see so to the bisma died and with this type of life leading the life merging into brahman consciousness god won and the last last rights had done from the battlefield he went back to the palace and with krishna and then the blind king and the gandhari the wife consoling them and then yudhisthira become the king so this is the end of this chapter 9th chapter salvation of this month next chapter will be it's called krishna after the mahabharata war so this will be very interesting we'll read the next day krishna with the 10th chapter will start because now after the mahabharata what happened to krishna krsna's job is done here so he'll go back to hastinapur and then and then do whatever we'll hear about that next okay um [Music] so now we have some questions i hear so we'll question or comment okay what does any of these say about grieving loss i am about to lose my childhood home and it hurts i know i am supposed to say it is only an attachment it feels like another death of course that is true when we lose our home that's true very an ancestral home where our for a long history is there from grieving loss grieving loss we grieve when somebody dies any loss comes we feel bad these are realities of life we cannot and disagree so as you are also thinking losing your childhood home it will hurt naturally what can be done but i know i am supposed to say it is only an attachment no it is not an attachment yes you can say because we are as human being we are a test but this is the opportunity when we can think also if we can really retain or if we can detach to keep my in inner peace it happens it is a fact which is very painful if i am to leave my home which i live from my childhood you have to lose that yes you say it is not a matter of joke it is not simple philosophy in the head a realistic life but you see the war which we read just now they've lost their everything everyone is killing each other smilingly killing and then praising and then doing the last rights you see it is really to see the fun of it yeah see this disciple is saying i will break the oath the vows krsna has taken krsna said i will not take my weapon in the war i will not participate in any and be smoke such a warrior he fought such a way to kill krishna who is killing his own dearest grandson arjuna and they're keeping fight real fight it is not a matter of joke it is not a theory it is not a drama in real life yes that that killing is a with weapon with weapon and everyone is striking each other interjecting and deciding and that moment krishna came and did that how can you say krsna's body is also getting affected by that war is worse so these are realities these are also over in our life no this house we live a friend we have friendship is gone some relationship breaks all these are realities of life but gita or this bhagavata is teaching us it happens it is inevitable but how you can get out of it and what can you do under these circumstances that's the point what can you do that is the point if we try to detach try your best to hold on each one is struggling i will win the war i will try to keep my house i will try to keep this relationship try all this and ultimately what happens accept it and you see just visible died all went with great reverence and how he's lying down he's lying on the arrows who made this arrow a bed arjuna huh that is the way you love someone and you put him on the arrows this is the fact of life but now what to do see how that mind can be put to god that is the ideal they are presenting before us and you will have to think in their line to get the eternal peace this life is fun this life is a play it happiness is for two days it's loss is also two days it's gain is too much today i did this i was very happy i got this appreciation i did this other people didn't appreciate me that's also for two days two moments when death comes all things remain here all our achievements all our failures all our success what meaning it has that is the meaning to understand in life be your pla part play your part you are an arjuna you fight with your durjadhana you are a duty a kill arjuna do all this fight fight fight fight this day but righteous fighting that's the gita suggest that's righteous dharma do your dharma and then accept whatever comes and this tears will come in one way and another way duty will go on and detach okay i did my duty but somebody died somebody leave what is there in it so similarly i think this is the only solution to hold on the feet of god and to be detached that way what can you do try your best in the world you see what a brutal war you know and you know this entire how many occasions how many thousands and how many i do not read number i do not know how many you soldiers were in both army and how many were killed and how many are dead it is said that india what one time that time they are all young young to old lord are dead men the whole society was grieving in the loss and loss of everyone no but that is duty life's due to you do that do your own all things and hands off cry weep yes cry weep but no it is all fun it is all it is all lords play going on like that i think i am not giving any advice but this is the lesson we hear from the bhagavat so i do not know any other way other than this second every one i have question in ramayana it says the world is helped by four elephants what am i to make of this does anyone know i love ramayana so i am troubled by this quote we obviously know the physical earth is not held by elephants is this symbol or something how am i to understand this i would say suggest i have no idea but four elephants somebody says answer you read four directions the gaja okay that i am not i'm not entering into those ramayanas those part of ramayana my my my part is that you take the essential teaching of ramayana the gaja only four now i get the response from here it is from where in in our uh um amar kosha before that he said deva dhanava etc and he made before that i believe he is borrowing directly from hindu mythology the world total turtle myth is present in the north i mean anyhow i know i am not interested in all these things to explain that it is useless where he is holding in the trunk like that or the horse or in an elephant holding like that with the task those are things so i don't i am not interested we are vedanta students you take the essential teaching of what it is held by some force okay what's that you take the essence real teaching of ramayana not this what is called ah mythological part of it it has this explanation but i am not a mythological person so i do not understand that you please study and ask google google can help you i don't want to get into it i don't understand i don't want to understand my my my solution will be there love god see what you've learned from rama what you could learn the devotion of lakshmana and bharata how and how they are the ideal society how the ideal king should behave how the audience wife should be how the ideal brothers should be in the ramayana did that we learned how his ideal brother how it is ideal wife and then rama has been exiled put to exile and then shita said i will go why you will go you stay you are you are you are not being exiled i have been naked but she didn't she thought it is my dharma and she followed all through and took the all the trouble to live under the tree there is no protection and no food no shelter nothing so if anything to be you are not to do that exactly but the sacrifice and the love so all these things have there are so many things brother lok's mana and bharata bharat was not greedy bharat was so upset when this thing happened in his absence and bharata then i won't be king he never sat on this throne he put rama's sandal and on the throne and he sat at the feet and he ruled the country as a duty learn all these things in our life's duty which is really very painful to perform in our situation she it is rama he has ordered me it is his kingdom i cannot be he it is his kingdom it's god's kingdom it's god's world it's god's home it's god's family i am only caretaker i only do for to please him and i'm waiting if 14 years passed you don't come then i will leave i'm not going to rule anymore keep your words no so all these things there are truthfulness and how that can be cherished and there are in the even in life's odd situation like war abduction these are not easy things in life but how the society we can learn out of those teachings let us let the spiritual lessons out of it and make our life meaningful blissful thank you all and we'll meet you again at the 7 30 class in the santi gita the peace song of peace by krishna again krishna thank you shanti shanti you