Video 77
Bhagavatam 060 : Help Yourself and Be Free
let us begin with this Stilton Shanta God who Joker share No but the moon album solutions the Swart harem governess attrition me you wish [Music] sir we know the condition in which the dialogue is going on between the master and the disciple the master is Raghavan Sri Krishna and the disciple is a great soul would double now the situation was it was a tomb day for that particular the country we can say all we're living people were killing each other the same plan but somehow they became so egoistic they were killing each other and slowly slowly other elders and ladies they were trying to leave that place only one person who never thought of leaving Sri Krishna he came to him and say said I am going to stay with you oh you also please come along with me along with us or if you are planning to die I'll also die with you now that was a situation the deer said Krishna he is giving him the advices which are pure on 20 the Adama is asking the question and and he is giving the answer friends we know the Sri Krishna he delivered Robert Gita and the situation was also like this he was talking to Arjuna and it was also a war field where people are ready to kill each other there he delivered the highest philosophy here also we find he is giving and he said in the beginning look at it you are my devotee it's okay but don't think that I am going to help this is a very important don't I will come and do everything for you no you have to develop the your qualities how I am saw such as here majority of aparigraha all these Yama and niyama you have to practice this non-violence practice a truth non-stealing then self-restraint and also not accepting the excess gift accepting then niyama cleanliness soldier containment santosha austerity top aha then study of the scriptures worth dye and meditation on God he should permit on so these are the steps this we find in our yoga Shastras also these are the basic thing to prepare the mind for God realization or to understand the higher philosophy to understand the fire philosophy forget about the God realization these qualities are necessary otherwise it is very difficult to understand the source up in philosophy and then he is telling one who wants to and that is in the 11th book taint chapter and sixth verse is telling one who wants to get liberation he must follow Amani amat sara Daksha need mama dear so Rita a sucked whare studied kiasu on suya a MOOC about again he is telling that you're following needs good but these are the qualities you must have to have free from pride Imani mana mana described the Sanskrit word mana that is a vimana so mana be sprite a matzo free from jealousy this is the very wonderful the quality we can never go beyond this and majority of the people it is very difficult very very difficult even for the children also they'll be the jealous suppose you are giving more attention to your junior son the senior will be angry the jealousy is involved in our nature but if the jealousy is there then we can never really why because God is in everything the moment iva having the jealousy was separating the God so this is the subtle point we have to understand this there should not be jealousy and jealousy will go if there is no pride Omkara I sense then he is capable Daksha sometimes some people can't do anything then say okay let him go for the god realization now it is the wrong conception God realization means they must be very very intelligent then pinpointed attentive and they do each and every work perfectly Daksha they will never forget Bhagwan see Ramakrishna he was rebuking one of his very close devotee this is a scolding to make him perfect why because he left his umbrella they were sitting under the tree and after that that gentleman said I am Krishna notice that he brought down river and then after the discussions and all that all of them they came back to his room he did notice that he is not with his umbrella then hey where is your umbrella oh I forgot so you cannot remember the on Praeger and your mind is so scattered how do you think that you'll be able to meditate on God this is very very important thing each and everything should be minutely kept and remembered where I have kept and what are the things we know that our the guru day the tenth president of the orders and the G he lost his eyesight's but he used to make his own sometimes is to travel and he'll be making his own box the bag how many sharks he is taking and then these and they're everything in you particularly medicine most of the time after reaching over the area where is the medicine and the helper would say quite forgot that that's what he used to do everything himself and he told don't touch it because he knew very escaped he will go and in his room we have observed he will go and he will work and picking up things and keeping things in such a way as if you can see people don't believe that he can't see so that is the attentive way and when you go and open our shoes before the temple we should be careful majority of the time here of course some of the Indian temples are having some separate rooms to keep the shoes but still people are very fond of giving the shoes outside the room is completely empty the racks are there but the world won't give so that freedom we always take and when keeping it and when you are doing how do we take somebody else shoes then another problem so this type of the mind can never that's why they are stealing the know you have to be duck shell near mama attachment to anything this is mine that attachment should not in anything not even the body attachment should not be there needed more mom no mom on 18 need mama usually need mama the word means mr. ax became another world a very cool no it is not like that this not mama et this is not mine nothing is mine nothing so obviously neither one gentleman the family they have given me his office table and chair I am using that obvious table idea and when he comes he sits in the other side of them he may think oh that was my chair then Shami is now sitting how is it now he has given it and here's the coordinate to like that I do not know which is really it belongs to me or not this body is not I was someone has st. the last another video of one of our strong is who passed away in Paris now his dead body is going inside that fire and he is very nicely kept people can't see so there is a door and this box nicely decorated going inside slowly and they are singing the song mother song and slowly the it goes inside nobody's pushing automatically is going and the door slowly closed but we were here now there is another side we cannot go and see him we cannot talk to him where he has gone the attack man he was the injured of that Spanish Center for such a long time and so many devotees the some people are solving crime so if we remember that even this body doesn't belong to me why should I be so much attached to it and so it is ego to tell his car need mama and formally devoted to the Guru Dedra so greed aha so healed so it means the frame who is the friend who is guiding you properly all the time looking after you should not do this you should do this seat over here I do like these do like that to use the suhee de he's thinking always or thought about you and tried to help you and you that is the guru who is trying to help you and you must have great respect for the Guru or subtler her not a steel when I am going to realize God when everyday if you ask when I am going to realize God this is not McDonald product that we go and get it when I am going to realize God the God knows so you have to wait you have to practice that's all what we can do whatever the Guru has instructed us we practice whether we realize God or not I don't know but everything to lose hope that is called non Satara or saturon ah don't be st or tajiki ah so eager to know the truth all the time ask in question and very good questions by which I can understand God what is God and one who has realized God if you go through the bhagavad-gita in fine Arjuna is asking the very interesting questions and he is asking you say that one can realize the Brahman the Artman and can live in this life how I recognize him between the second chapter of the bhagavad-gita they impart all these descriptions are there the how I recognize and then it says on a sugar free from in pain necessarily this is also you have to control this dream you know the moment we join the order and read some books we feel like giving some discourses or at least discussion on that because all new learning so obviously that is always there I joined in cherrick wengie and very few people used to come most of the time it is raining and when it is a sunshine day some people look there's to come the visitors and my duty was to take them round and show them and I do all the times to ask them what do you use your idea about God because whatever I agreed I wanted to then one senior swami - what is your idea I don't know but if you don't know how to tell them about that don't talk now you just listen you read you meditate and try to feel that don't remove a bulk unnecessarily you are talking your energy filters out and that man just he may see something else he stood upon young man came he was doing there is nothing like consciousness I can prove now naturally this 26 years I have practicing only consciousness this young boy came and he was telling it's very difficult to be calm there's a what you're talking about no you have to be patient okay so you don't believe that there is consciousness no problem you feel that you are also like the would go no problem for me so like that you have to be controlled or move about or Tajik Yasu this is very important and slowly we heard now we find over here the Lord is telling to help yourself and you have to help yourself and then you have to be free this body of ours who Taba is the Sri Krishna is telling oh whatever is the art of Maya is a creation of Maya this body is the creation of mine and what is my most of you the students of Vedanta you know the Maya is the power of God but it is separated from God God is not associated with it this is a tremendous terrible power what is that power he is having three qualities shut up Raja and Dhamma these three qualities of them and that with those three qualities even makes us dance all the time sometimes we are angry sometimes we are inner sometimes we are very good all the words of that Maya that these three and at the same time the Maya will cover the original thing and superimpose something else which is not there and we believe that the thing that has been covered the original thing we cannot even know so the thing that the Maya is trying to show us we believe that and result suffering so this is the Maya so the Lord is doing say look at this this a lot of Mayan in the the tenth verse is telling it's clear the idea guru shishya Purusha Ostia Supreme Lord GUI guna parotias guna that is the power that is Maya I am these they are body mera cheetah created how this body body means whole universe any creation how it was created created with the power of God the power of God this is one thing we must have to remember otherwise we'll be making a great mistake power of God but God is not associated with it not affected at all the woman's ambition is giving an wonderful example and making it very simple clear he said the snake is having the venom the poison but that poison can neighbor Catholic this thing snake is free from it just like that even the snake is having it within but the God is completely outside that's why in the creation they say even in the bhagavata also the padartha very clearly it says that there is a consciousness the consciousness is called near guna brahma guna bees qualities and the qualities are three do you have to renew it is a basic thing the three qualities the gunas are three the god is having that but completely inactive when it is inactive that's called me guna brahman it means negative it is not it is there but not activated trust then he thinks that he will do something he thinks immediately the waves comes on these three gunas then the God is separating himself at the brahman at the art man becoming Sehun umbrella one is near Luna without quality and no action no function nothing nothing what is the origin see and the end wind it is reflected and dad as if the same Brahman coming with the quality we call it Ishwara the paragon God the Creator and from that the creation comes slowly slowly there are many different ways they are explaining but from this quality so here the Lord says kirusha see who is the Buddha the one who is residing that means the soul the Paramatma parami the supreme Dharma he his qualities guna me I am these creation body is video cheetah now as a human being we are having two three bodies we can say first is causal body then subtle body and the gross body and we connected with the gross body we know the gross but you don't understand the subtle body and sometimes elderly people who have gone through the some philosophy can understand little bit of subtle body also because it is connected with the mind but most of the people they are thinking only this body so the gross body then the subtle body but he's also there and cousin barista Maya that is the cause and what is the subtle body then the second party it says here in the bhagavata this also called the linger shalida are also Sushma Sri Sri Ravi is the body and shook Sh'ma means turtle or Lingam is just a Linga is a symbol so fast is organ of action five orders of action the speech and feed etc five organs of action second five organs of perception that is our ear then the eyes the dam the nose the scheme all these five five five ten the calculation you have to keep in rectified and then the right thing then comes another five vital forces that is within us this is the vital forces is the prana apana vyana udana Samana and that is keeping our body otherwise you know the old type of treatment they always go to that how the ear is working sometimes that whole traditional the the medicine they will go and judge you in that way so that is called the Bronner's then other two so five five five fifteen and other two intellect booty and the mind mana so that is called the 17th abba-abba-abba ever means that your different limbs that is sukshma sharir when you die what happens this gross body if we leave over here and the sushma the subtle body goes away and what is the subtle body all this and the mind is their intellect is there all organs are also there in the subtle way and then it goes away so obviously all the actions that we have done physically and mentally all the records are also going a bit with us you cannot leave it no no no enough is enough you keep the record and I go no there the according follow you and the record oligo and then what happens will you listen from the calor so it does not end in one birth it goes on repeating Pusa I am samsara Tata bundle it was a boom sameen stir the soul I am these samsara this constantly changing what is the samsara that constantly changes that is anything that is changing sometime anything and this is from sorry samsara means the householder one would things dad which is constantly changing as true as permanent and horns to that only you live or share anything the one lady was free DVD she will never give anything the people knew and then one one day one beggar came she told my mother please give me something give you some ashes so she was cooking so she was thinking there from the wooden that ovens and ashes then that person told the bigger told at least keep that and let us have the beginning start opening your hand even with the ass that in lots of do so like that sometimes we think that will never share and mostly with vying the rich people didn't even act okay why they are afraid of that I read that one person he jumped from their higher building and killed himself why because he was having only five medians in his back so only five million so he killed himself so you're supposed to be he was a billionaire past perhaps and five million was nothing for him so can we imagine this is this why because of the so much of attachment with this world and that says boom sir I am sums are thirty but that goes on circling constantly what is the way around them and the Lord Himself is to be the way out is this the only true knowledge can solve this problem raised out of the wrong knowledge designs a bit there what is the earth mana with the chit chit means it can cut it can make you free how art manam victim that's all the bhagavata it is teaching us that you must know your soul your Atma otherwise we are making constantly mistake this body and the mind this complex the body and mind psycho physical being there this dog no there is another existence that is the divinity that is the soul then the Lord teaching the process how we can do that the smart therefore G Garcia through discrimination Atman the self Muslim just soul to admin Atman the self the true self and the second is art must stand from the soul cable impaired Amiga mía Sangha Mia you can unite the individual soul that is jivatma with the supreme soul forgot how it says G cos I through discrimination devotion is necessary actions are necessary concentration necessary but the main thing is discrimination otherwise you make a mistake grave mistake then someone and say that I always talk with God no problem you talk and have rather all these problems you can tell God but why these problems or be quickly but he thinks that he is talking with God and the self hypnotized how because the other things in his life have not changed the moment one has the alleged God he will become like Sri Ramakrishna he will become like chaitanya mahaprabhu he will become like Jesus he will become like butta so we know the standard if you have realized God that is with the characteristics of that person was realized God you have to allege God at the same time you are having your de family your business and the way you are doing these you know it is not possible so that this is the smart G kasaya this is very important you have to analyze again and again am I on the right track oh you will know that even of the right track one of our great Swami ji Swami Ramanathan and she used to tell us every night before going to bed you must check your accounts am ia better person today I am going to bed and the next new day will begin so am ia better person am ia better person am I am better person and what is that better person standing what is the better person that we understand can I feel for others can I understand that people are suffering and then can I pray to God for them instead of me this is the better the more and more you become unselfish the more and more you love goes and embraces each and every one that is the better standard and that is God you are going towards God the more and more you go close to the king wealth of the King and the power of the King will surely come to you and you know that the nominee is the president of America very close to the president of America is not president but close maybe an advisor maybe someone how he behaves those are the people are also advisor at the president he also basking in the reflected glory there is there because the power affects if you go towards God the gods quality will surely come to you and he loves a field love you will also feel selflessness he'll also feel the Sun wish attitude that those are the God's quality not ego so he says the small therefore g casaya after analyzing after discriminating Ottman on the cell art must come the soul the tooth world has been used self and the soul the soul that is within us and the self that is absolute everywhere you can go over there need need are said ADA was stupid thing get up come on and then the selfishness very practical person he sees slowly slowly he atop Craigh mom not at a time slowly slowly you're tardy moved the wrong idea that this body is real and step by step slowly slowly you have to the one wife the lady she was telling that sometimes you know they do fighting she was accusing her husband look at the neighbor he is having three wives but such a great person it left them and he is going for meditation and I am only you want and you cannot leave me you are so much attached to this world was a very good wife usually it never says that but she said then he said it one after another she is living look at me and right time and go away on business Tony you have to just pick up and go sometimes the people will ask how to become a monk and it happened when I was in after a custom used to go and sell the books in the fair and it was so crowded in Aachen Calcutta Book Fair is so crowded all the time people come in asking questions take purchasing book anyone young I came and I was sitting over there and backing a book the complete works of Vivekananda that God came sat down and he was whispering and asking the question sharmaji how to become a monk I will become a monk because just a towel and worry so next thing his father and other family members came to the Osterman hey you told him to pick a Big Mac and they can behave his left I just know I knew I was not that serious I never thought that my that that wise he will take so seriously so their boy is missing and won the towel is also missing so it is the you what they were accusing me luckily luckily he came back because he was not having much money so and in the train but the ticket checker and all that caught him and send him back so next day morning he came back so that it was good so how to become a monk not only just that is a symbol you need not to take anything what you desire to become a monk so the angel that is the beginning Tsubaki Chao and here it says remove the wrong idea that this body is real step resting still positive what is the steeple step the moment is the body what are the things will be there jealousy anger hatred Eco of those things will be good naturally everyone is having their and you have to fight with that otherwise it is very difficult just go and join in a monastery and then the next day you put on the girl and you think that you are religious man not at all your whole mind sitting over there whatever the dress you were putting on it's nothing your mind is sitting over there and he literally look at that man he is getting so many things but this organization is not giving you so protest particular now this evolved a thing comes the why the monastery is breaking so many the one the Christianity it go and see they have changed the size of cross they all believe in Jesus they all read the Bible but they all carry the cross the sizes of the process different why I believe Jesus is like this so follow me so a group of people will go and they're crossing this mall another cross it would be another with these another repeat that same cross they cannot change that but they are changing it go to Hinduism and even if they don't carry them practically the marks and if you look at there for a there are two lines straight line is a different type but he believes in Vishnu another person it is a piece shape or you shape he is also believing Vishnu but different why then they saw it on some Krishna said why if you asked it that is the Jigyasa because my ego I thought this is the best way so I've been following it also common problem don't go to others and he will mostly you'll observe they will never allow those people to go and mix with others neighbor why they are afraid the moment they will go and for us we always inspire people go to that church go to tecna's they took that temple for us no problem the more you go more you learn more you become a better person the more and more and more you were doing and understanding your better person so this is he says the element the scandal taint chapter 11 verse the smart G Garcia at mana at Muslim cable informed Sangha Mira Mira see a bus to booty yet acronym bus to booty slowly slowly but sometimes the bad thoughts are coming in remind the people they used to write to march out of the something arms mother back towards a committee in the mind what to do mother told in this Yuga Caligula and there is much more so in this you girl bad thoughts under scenes don't worry about that let it come and go like sometimes the black clouds are passing and again the blue sky will be there don't worry it will pass the bad thoughts are coming now different type of thoughts of passing is let it go and Lord Krishna's rest of the absolute liberation from the bondage of the Maya but there is some thing a long time pleasure in heaven is good heaven conception is coming this is we are studying the bhagavata as a book for liberation Mukti not so Alka the more most of the people they think that the ayah is doing good work why I will go to circle and the swagger is a wonderful conception and there we go we will Spain along and of course the Lord is also telling he will be there for a long long time but you know dad your old mine that also goes with you mmm it only this is the problem some mom you have to take it out you have to make an operation and then leave that mind over there uncle and here it says a 21 slow curve certain which are estaba Rushton sparta a sua Ostia biue under ayah what world so in even is the nish column without any result thus priestesses scriptures the heavenly happiness that we learn from the scripture and many of the script at this day he will go to heaven is also destroy we all go and then we destroy but there why rivalry even in the heaven rivalry is there no chance that you we have come to heaven all will be friends no way they're also rivalry is there and then jealousy destruction and waste what is the benefit achieving it what creative or so much of a fault we do only to go to heaven so much but after going over they refine some good things are there but these bad things are also there and the result good and bad yeah also good and bad yellow so in this world is also there good and bad in the heaven also and result if you go under the spills of the bad here to come down in that he sees so we have to understand these certain which are the stable to stop Sparta a Sulha tanta VI aha then what don't diary after you created for going to heaven it's not a matter of job you have to do a lot many good thing good work then only you can go to heaven all these things we are doing but still that is temporary after reaching over there that is also temporary anything that we achieve after doing something is debris this is the vedantic the truth anything for which I am striving and then achieving temporary I am trying to reach over here to get a job I get the job I come over here then again I crash my head why because the visa is not permanent again the problem as I get the visa permanent become a maybe the passport holder of America and I hope that's good now nobody is going to disturb me I'm happy over here then another problem will come another problem will come to constantly this thing because achieving something which is not original and I am getting the problem I have to reach to the original this we have to keep in mind what is my original nature if I get that original thing there is no problem at all but if I am trying to develop something and achieving something that will surely be temporary so this way it says like this the God is telling to his devotee very close devotee is a great follower good cover whatever see you are following me is good but you have to develop all these qualities you have to try and after developing good qualities don't think you will go to heaven and will be there happily forever no that is also not there and after reaching to the heaven you have to come down here to come back and in the Upanishad also Kotaku nature says now the ship reached it a secret they are no good to be Imam locum he not remember me Chandi maybe in this life or maybe lower lives also because of your thought sometimes real people they are killing this man the head man and in the movies you will find all the time so creel there afterwards they think oh nobody can touch me but know there is a one sitting over there and keeping all the record automatic click on there will be no mistake all the bad work that you are doing all will be recorded and the next bird will be drawn to those places where he will suffer suffer and suffer and the other people will come and show affection to you and human suffering let me keep these are there but we suffering you and the moment he was stretching your hand for help who is losing the pride you as a human being or maybe as an animal so he says over here he enjoys in heaven till the marriage stuff is good and good days are exhausted the same way the funny shirt says in the Bhagavata also it says this 26 verse he enjoys in heaven enjoys of course till the minutes of his good deed are exhausted baba promoted east swerg a java putnams amaba'ti it is simple Sanskrit Harvard up to that promoter T's 1k promoter means enjoy and that's what the enjoyment is much much we can imagine of collide I don't know how to visit or not but maybe you some of you have visited you can compare this is promoted a promoter T means the tremendous joy promoter and there after that you have the exhausted what will happen then come the expiry of his marriage he fell down even if he does not want force by time Carla this is a great word used in the Hinduism again and again Carla column is time you're bound by time the moment a baby is born time is fixed for his depth we don't like to think we don't like to talk about it but that is the truth time is that the moment the time will come you have to go no one can help you so it sees Sheena Ponyo patottie her back on each uncle Charlie turn on each other know each other I don't like to go well now you must have to go so who wants to come down from the heaven to this earth no one but the caller will over land and throw again so that is the tremendously and if you are interested to know the details about it then you must read the 27th and 28th the slow curse that is giving the how the description what are the things that you have done as a bad work and what will be the result of it this is a terrible but I don't like to because this America again the people will go to court why I used to live like this this is only a lava that the scripture is telling either so I am mentioning if you are interested to know the details of that action and reaction action and the result it is 27th and 28th verse he says and to impress the idea that level is temporary the Lord is telling over here Eden is temporary that is for sure and if it is temporary why you are going over there may be for a longer period of time will be there but still it is temporary she says Luke Onam Luke palana mud Byam culpa GB Tom Lowe Cana means the spheres the heavenly spheres of the why he said spheres are there many different type of heavens yes because when you are thinking that I'm a devotee of Krishna after the death he will go to the sphere of Krishna whether all the devotees of Krishna will be there he will be friendly with them he will like them discussion and all that so that's that's why they say the Shiva Luka Vishnu Luka the loca these are all different type of places where it is amateur but they say the spheres are there because our mind goes over there not this body because our mind the subtle body goes over there so it must be somewhere the Shiva Luca Vishnu Luca and like this we say Ramakrishna loka whether we like to go over there because our Swami's with with the other devotees will be there and whatever the discussion and the songs we like we'd find over there it is good so I am a Hindu I loved Ramachandra but once I went to the Congo three and before going to the the point where the Ganga is flowing the beginning of the Ganga you have to rest ten miles away ten kilometres I think away it's called all baba stop some of you must have visited the rostrum and lullaby is a devotee of sri ramachandra so he will keep the food and the blankets and you cannot carry because it is so difficult path so we have to depend on allah allah whoever say unless you go to the temple that small temple is there and of the Ramachandra attain the prayer you won't get food and if you don't get food that means you are not getting the blankets also so naturally all people will go we also went over there damn country is our God so there's no problem the virgins who is going on so we were also clapping and the problem was small temple and you have to be outside and so cold outside but even then we were shouting Ram Chandra loudly to make power body warm because it's so cold so I had to call people are quivering Ram Chandra suddenly we noticed that in the small temple inside there only the lamps were burning I saw the picture of ceramic now someone has kept the picture of ceramic in over there then the other three shown is where it me right oh look at that Tucker is here we lovingly we called Ramakrishna taku taku is here then all the four of us what occur is here when everyone left we went inside and then we sat over there and we prayed there are some almost dry some flowers were there we offered we sang a song we were so happy why same God but in this form we like him seeing God but in this form this is my liking so that is that this is he is telling low karna Emily spares a different type of spares are there and then low kapahala hana and the lords of those are under my power MOT vayam Kalkaji baton who is this Krishna then this Krishna is not the Krishna that we see in the picture no this is all-pervading all-powerful Brahman so that is why he says all are under my sway all the under my power Brahman Imperium motto what is that brahmana even the Brahma the first born prema to D Parata for are you sure and he is leaving Piratas Paradas means to Paradas the ten thousand billion years of a human life ten thousand billion so that is a one Parata that these twenty thousand billion years of human life human life is that we counted at 100 so that hundred if you leave like that 20 thousand billion lives of the human life is a Brahmas life even in temporary after twenty thousand one so theses a call the even the Brahma is also temporary this Indra and all other gods that we talk about all temporary temporary means comparing with our life is a really long but still it is temporary comparing with the Eternity so the Lord says even the Brahma though he is having such a long length of time why you were going to him you will have to come back why not strive for the MFT now can you imagine what is Mukti and for the Mukti you have to renounce and what you have to renounce if the poster is offered will you become the Brahma you have to say no sir thank you I want liberation how many of us will be able to do that the moment the offer will come that it will give you the joy of heaven is that let us have that next life we will go for liberation no chance so you have to burn all desire each and every desire we think that desire means oh I should not eat this I should not visit there I should wear like this these are no disease what desire always have you noticed those who have read the biography of Sri Ramakrishna Maharaja they said if you want to eat something eat there's no problem don't get attached to that without that I cannot serve it not like that but do you like to have some the sweets or some ice cream no problem but some people who said no no we had long so you shouldn't have won't have the ice cream Shami be weakened there was a lover of ice cream it still of ask when his food is over he has said now enough and if you see Swamiji there is ice cream is it you can even sit down if you say he was bound no there's nothing so this is that we have to understand the pound not only this worldly life heavenly life also I cannot tell you the promises that we take at the time of sannyasa that is sanyasa sannyas is not a small thing give up everything everything everything and the artist called sannyasi atom share Katara shall take like a indeed the sheer cataract shall didn't even follow for anything why nothing comparing with even the heaven even the gods can you imagine so that decision RCB is that and he is telling Logan our local alarm Matt bye uncle fuji beaten brahmana will be my yamato d4 out the perahu shahe now the question comes there since God is the creator then good and bad work and his results also must be he's the ethicist that is when the question is this God is defeating this question the allegation by separation separating himself from the quality as I was telling you the before the guna now I will just quickly read this and I will conclude who are performing the actions organs hands are going either going organs are performing who are performed putting them to work gunas the gunas means the qualities the good qualities that will promote your mind are your hand to go and place so satyr Kuna will go and bless the same person in the tamo-guna will go and blow same hand now the tamo-guna promoting the hand go and give him a nice blow and you go and punch and the same sad to Hoonah is asking you go and bless you go and bless isn't it so who is performing organs who is promoting the organs to do that gunas and where are you did where you come in between you I have nothing to do this is the thing when long long back I was a brahmacari I was green from one astronaut to another I was walking and I found if you don't mind the as it always happened for the young people there was a lady going young lady she was going then one group of young boys coming from the front they wanted to talk to her and get her attention they were doing like that another group was following her the first group from the front didn't notice that and a second clue we were following her noticed it and they came to blows to each other but the lady went away she didn't look to the hoof Group one or group two and tail fighting for the lady on the street and the police came to arrest them so many things happened I was noticing and I was thinking this see that gunas are promoting me to do action and my organs are acting where I am just like the DMV lady go away oh you're fighting good go on no problem so can I do that if we can do that you afraid you have to separate yourself from your also from your gunas and that is called completely toggle the other doesn't mean these and giving up these at that Dialga means association with my organs and also my qualities like mine that is called Yaga so hence if you separate yourself from the qualities and the senses you are free free from the result of any action you suffer because you think you are senses and you suffer because you think that your qualities because of your attachment to these things you are suffering gunas region tink Armani guna on ostrich at a Acuna Jebus - you know Samyukta don't a carnival Ani or so pretty nicely it says he says in the 34 31 verse it says that goon Ana's region take our money this quality scepter Raja Tama they are developing this in other when we were young the so many ideas are coming I joined only 15 days but so much of ideas then I went to the in church army and told Tommy G can we do this can show me or can we do that then he was sitting over there it or you think they try try and give me the report every time I tried I found no it is very difficult to do that so I came and told now that is not working okay try again try something else try something else slowly slowly you understand this is beyond your capacity you cannot completely change the whole world in overnight it's not possible that put the tribe Krishna tribe Jesus tried good thing completely transformed the whole world no we still am trying enough they couldn't do but I am trying why and to have purchased the church over here I am planning to him by differ religious groups and planning to ask them to be friendly and brotherly I don't know what will happen if they come to blows over there on the same diet it will be difficult for me to control them but still I'm trying why because all the good things thoughts that is there I must have to do sincerely but without any attachment I don't want the PISA world for that oh this man worked so much for the unity so peace worth no no no I'm working because my Lord Rawnsley on Krishna he said Giotto want todo but as many faiths so many paths so we have to demonstrate that if we don't do that who else will do and this is the time we must do that it closed slowly so that is guna so gently we have to keep in mind all our qualities that is provoking all our senses to work Jebus to grow some Yuta we should not react as as because we get a test we suffer now in conclusion we can say whatever he noted these four points from the krishna's teaching till now one for total freedom or the liberation fact of knowledge is the best second Artman is one without second please not to it is only one we will come to the question about that also third attachment with the qualities and their action is the cause of bondage and fourth realizing the Hartman is the only way to get complete liberation realizing the Earthmen these are now the would cover is a very hard nut to crack after listening all this him he is telling okay sir but how Jeeva mixed with qualities get separation you told that don't be mixed with your qualities but it is in my brain it is in my mind it is my personality how can you separate it there's someone is to tell me he use all the times speak very gently come to be rough I told that is my nature that is my personality I cannot change my personality so that is the same way whatever is asking the question to Sri Krishna you told the gunas are doing that separate yourself how can i because i am that guna both personalities those gunas and second question how do the free and the bound soul leave because in the world we see the same type of people how I will understand that he's a bouncer another is a free soul and third question is the soul eternally bound or eternally free they are eternally bound on eternally free eternally free we understood but are they really eternally bound these are the three questions but friends we have to wait for the answer to two months because there from January and February 2020 we our classes will be suspended and the March again will comment me and the first January we are going to have a celebration and that is called that Kalpataru that is that particular day and there is a specific time the Windus Bhagavad Saddam kishna gave the blessings to each and every one who ever came to him so have the blessings of the God and then start 2020 once again so one of our Swamiji from Sacramento he has come Swami Ishod dhanananda ji he'll be giving at all on this particularly what is the speciality of that day on that hilltop for half an hour then we will have a meditation a piece count time otherwise it will be difficult we are going to start it at 2:30 but exactly at 2:30 and we will have the pronoun mantra of the bronze Ram Krishna Marshall data and then the Xiaomi will speak you speak exactly 30 minutes and then they'll be concluding and the bell will ring and we will pray quietly for 10 minutes meditation and prayer for 10 minutes and after that a few songs the we will together will song sing and 2:30 to 3:30 after 3:30 there will be some snacks the Indian celebration without food is impossible there will be some snacks and all that please come I have enjoyed that again the 12th January that is Sunday we will celebrate Xiaomi Vivekananda's TT puja that they also please come so for this question next session will be in the March 28th let us change this mantra and content as because this is the last class of this 23rd 2019 after the liberty of 10 minutes extra young ballooning leuctra murder student II deeply stably be the song but the chrome open Esha de guy Andy young sama God Deanna was teeter-totter Catina manasa pasyanti yam yoginah Jana be do surah surah Ghana the by the Smee [Music]