Video 76
Bhagavatam 046 : Avadhuta - Way Of Learning
that is beginner distiller Shanta Gorham [Music] who Jagger share now but Marvin solutions we shouid our [Music] governess attrition me the Varnum she Wanda Lakshmi kontin common iron you give me the honor Gambia Bundy Krieger now we are almost of the end of the conversation that the King nimi was having with the novel Yogi's the nine brother Yogi's they came and the King nimi he was asking question after question and ever bring on giving the answer and the seven questions and the answer already we have started now the eighth question was what is the fate of those who do not adore the Supreme Lord so that was the question and the answer was given by Thomas James the eighth brother of the Nava yogi and he said now this is Hinduism now suppose someone is not worshiping the supreme lord what will happen to him but who - someone were from the game so the Chalmers the Jogi is describing that we're from this people came who denied even the Lord so he said Mooka Babu guru par deeper Purusha Ostrom is aha Chuck - ara Genji Lieber na GU knowing be brother only the generators that world otherwise all those words are very familiar to you people from the supreme beings face Mooka bahu the arms guru the ties and body where the feet and along with four asramas four burners were created now water burners brahmana Kshatriya Vaishya and Shudra and what at the ass rama that is brahmacarya grhastha vanaprastha and sannyasa again and again this is the whole the Hinduism if you frame it that these are the periods of life one life if we divide in hundred years so 25 25 like that it says for us traumas and then it is a four corners the brahmana he is coming from the face and Babu from there are the Kshatriyas and bushes from the Guru thigh and so they are holding the whole society and others are from the field now he is giving the reply to the question that was asked to him that if someone is not worshiping the supreme lord what will happen to him yeah a sham rushan shock shock art no problem is sharam novelty that those who are not not urgentiy those who are not worshiping a Bajoran is honored Rasta patentee etapa sir the last Friday that I gave a talk on the bhagavad-gita every month I go to Naperville and I give the term the bhagavad-gita and study actually it's not the top like here we are starting slow characters local so there at the 8th chapter of the bhagavad-gita at the end received on Krishna is telling those who are worshipping God with desire they go to the path of means those who are worshipping God without desire part with form they go to the local that is of the gods and others they fall down so these three types of 4th is there those who are following the path Gianna and the understanding that they themselves are that there is no other so these are that the Hindu conception what would happen to me after my death very clear idea is there but who is this me if I understand that I am God I was created by God and I am God then there is no question of travelling here they are all these so this very clearly he mentioned the who among them do not adore the Supreme Lord among them all the forecast brahmana Kshatriya Borgia and their duties are also fixed those who are intellectuals they are promised not by birth this is a big discussions are there almost all our Hindu scriptures are supporting but in society the corruption comes the misuse so that is a different thing but the scripture says this beautifully the division is there for our summers the four periods of life and then four Berna those who are intellectuals the doctors the engineers the researchers brahmana and sitting those who are protecting the society they are Kshatriyas those who are supporting the society with the developing the economic vicious and those who are supporting the society with the physical labor they are the sudras and these are very nicely dimension and among these for those who are not worshiping the Lord that means the morality they are not keeping where they will go so obviously they will go down and not only that in the coupon assured Kotoko nation particularly it says those who are worshipping God but we desire oh this life I am not satisfied in the next life I like to be these I like to be that different type of desires are there after with that desire when they die then they will go to this world because the good work they did so everything has a result so they will go to the swirl girl but after spending some time over there then they will come back according to their desire see they say maybe in this life in the human world below so that is also the same answer in the Bhagavata not the last question they tell me in what different forms and colors the Supreme Lord is worshipped by main in different ages was the question of the Mimi does the ninth question Carvajal the rishi the ninth brother of the Naga yogi he said that in the Satya Yuga the color of the Lord was white and he was having four hands treta-yuga the color of the Lord was rate and he was having four ends do opera occur the blue and he is having two hands and Kali Yuga the mixture of black and blue color and he is having the two hands and he's known as Narayana so this is BA the bottom we are reading in the bhagavata all these wonderful ideas and this father water is a piranha so we have to understand in Indian Scripture these are all very clearly given purana is always based on one particular god the brahma piranha they'll only speak about the Brahma Shiva Purana only unit izing are talking about the Shiva and this however the karana is a Bishnu so naturally they always say about the Vishnu and business part is the Rama and also the Krishna the that is why they said Narayana the create mean now sometimes some people say oh we were not in the we are in Kali Yuga is the bad ad either but if we wear in the sub T you got Rita yoga it was so good we could go to the Rishi's in the Satya Yuga treta-yuga to Rama Chandra dwapara was a little difficult period but Krishna was also there but you know what in the bhagavata says the great rishi narada he is telling cut our dishes for our arjun kelabra Chanti son Cobham Kanu collude efficiently Narayana piranha neuron a piranha maximum people they will be devoted to the cards and Narayana in this Kali Yuga maximum people isn't it the Kaliyuga means all bad thing Kali Yuga and why just by taking the name of Lord most of the people will be liberated in the sector Yoga it was very difficult and other yoga's very difficult to realize God Kali Yuga because the God knows that so many different things have come and all their mind and the senses are running for those so obviously he has minimized if you take my name you will be liberated mashallah demony Devi say the about City about city about City now some Shia have no doubt if you dig the name of God you will be liberated Raghavan see Ramakrishna said the name of God the God of the same if you are just taking the name of God then you are remembering God and if you can visualize your mantra you see the God himself so this is and not and another thing that mothers say marks are the MiniDV now the door of the spirituality is as a it's not a lot only thing necessary it just give a push and it will be open up t so this way the present time is really very good now that all this is over the King nimi was highly satisfied and the people who were around listening to these novel Yogi's and the total instructions that the novel Yogi's have given is known as bhagavata-dharma this Pavlova the Dharma and they followed the bhagavata-dharma and then they all got liberated and they were very happy now what the others will do all gods are looking to listen and the cards they discussed among themselves the Supreme Lord has taken the form of Krishna and he came and he did all this over here the leader the divine plane now he is preparing himself to depart from this world that you do Kula he all the start and because they become very egoistic they never understood the God is with them so it was God's will that they should be destroyed and they were and all things happened if Krishna was getting ready and the Kali was waiting for the Krishna to leave this world so all the kings and are the gods and other Rishi's they all rush to the Dwarka to have the darshan of the Krishna that is the distribution goes on then after the darshana they were all thinking that Brahma he said Oh Lord now your mission is over whatever the teaching was supposed to be given you have already given now if you like to continue it and continue but you should Krishna says no hundred years I have lived over here so 100 years I have lived some people are now also going over the Krishna the one hundred seven hundred five nowadays hundred years Krishna according to this body where he lived and he said enough now I should leave so he prepared now what the became and whatever came and told them you were me master you were my guide if you leave take me also along with you I don't like to leave without you with always a great pianist then the priests nurse aide see even the ordinary being even that animals can help themselves and you can't what is this the instinct and the discriminative power animals the survival instinct and the human being they are having discriminative forward power that is the speciality of the human being we can judge we can understand so that is the way you should come to me and you know that I belong to each and every one I am in the heart of each and every one understand that with I was a great soul but he wanted that the ordinary people should be helped so he said no when you have saved it must be true but I don't understand this I am bound by all these desires like ordinary people I am bound by the desires he was the only one who can save me please save me so he was going on telling but the Krishna was determined he was drinking no you are having the discriminative power you should help yourself Lord Buddha also said like the Krishna saved the human being should understand what is true and what is untrue and they should go for the truth and what is that truth eternal and what is eternal God only except God there is everything is temporary so Krishna was saved like that and good he also advised art no deeper over be your own light the most of the people that be constantly following the Guru and the someone and slowly they become a card that is not good the Krishna is not developing a current he is giving the philosophy this difference you should understand we like we are very strong in other things but the moment it comes for the religion spirituality we always think that this person can save me and we follow that person and slowly slowly we start closing our doors and windows for everything except that particular it becomes a current very narrow its forceful for some time and then get stagnated see if you look around the society even find the when someone is there because the charismatic personality all things are going on then after some time where they are nobody knows so like these it goes on and goes on and it dryer but the philosophy it continues but Shami began the came over here in America he didn't talk about Salama busines he talked about the life and philosophy of cinema Krishna Hausa Ramakrishna lived philosophy so that was is teaching everywhere but on table intended 'enter and vedanta was the lifestyle of ramakrishna to live like that so this philosophy and here Swami ji also say man is the maker of his own destiny and Serano Krishna in his own way he said don't think of human ordinary if wishes she can become God by realizing God mohnish become God in the term of kwanzaa ramakrishna God as a Bengali word using to make it more sweet it is not having any meaning but man whiskey Concord do you think the human are very weak or never know they can realize God that is the capacity all these things was told to whatever but whatever is it no God you must tell me something else I won't be able to help me so Oh Lord since you say human must be having power to realize self I have no doubt but I want you Grace and to achieve that Oh Lord the friend of all beings I take refuge in you it says in the eleventh scandal seventh chapter 18 verse and I have quoted only the last line Narayana not a succumb sharanam repartee Narayana not a succumb very human human spring is this 2d is the frame Steve something like that do you know anything is a friend stay good sir our friend will be nada so Narayana not a circumcircle means the bundu second means the frame so you are the friend of the human human being I take refuge in you Sharon and property then Krishna said I will tell you a story studio a young boy prominent boy and he made awful King Yadu and that is the story of the guitar trio about hooter that are tree about hooter he is not avatar he is not Rishi is a different type of characteristic of a spiritual person illogical ibadah there they are realized soul but they leave like very ordinary people so we will now study the that is very very interesting it begins with the story the one lady very biased lady she was carrying a heart disabled husband on her back and it was a dark night when she was travelling slowly she was trying to understand the road she came at the edge of the road and the dampening the lake of her husband touched the body of a sage who was meditating over there by the side of the road under a tree and immediately the sage became very angry and I the harlot cursed he who has picked me shall die at sunrise tomorrow tomorrow before thus at sunrise he will die now see this don't thing is as a story this is the picture of the society how people were highly advanced now very you are having the control over the nature but in those days people through the spiritual practices we're having tremendous power now we think of how it is possible to science a little bit that we are showing but to spirituality is to show like this now this lady the very pious lady immediately saved let there be no sunrise from tomorrow because the moment will be summarized our husband to entire so to denounce that car cars of that the Hermit she said let there be no sunrise to naturally the words of the pious lady came true and there was no sunrise the whole world immersed in darkness between dawn for continued for some time then the celestial beings and the gods all they were part of what is going to happen they all ran to the Creator the Brahma and the Brahma after listening to the advice you better go meet and breathe - lady canoes wha Anoosh wha there's a very famous name and there are nine ladies in the Hindu there system those who are considered as the most pious lady there one is the inertia this inertia we have the virtuous wife of the sage r3 there's a different don't think the stories these are all part of the history the UH tree was there but only problem in our writing you know that we've always go without giving the date time area like that they mentioned some areas but specifically the date time as they do here now to keep the history it was not there so sometime is same so they're all cock-and-bull stories now there are three the wife the the trill wife was unusual and these gods they went to her and said mother this is the problem all people will die without the Sun do something and they told the whole story this is the Brahmin lady she is also having that power and she because of our prayer the Sun is not rising in please do something or three wing to the drum indeed he insane now he again listen sister please we draw your words and let the Sun Rise I promise you that with my spiritual power I shall bring back the life of your husband the moment the Sun rises the husband will die that was the curse of the harlot and this lady the brahmin lady said there should not be any sunrise and unusua say let there be sunrise and let the word of the harmik be also true little husband died but i with my spiritual power will bring back the light to your husband so that was the society but the neighbor mrs. realized that power very few the missing two lives so this was the society they were having now normalcy came back brahma and other gods were very happy with the Anasuya and they offered a boon from here our story begins these guards they say it didn't have done a wonderful thing we like to give you a boon so please ask a boon now the question may if these gods are having so much power they can give a boon to the lady on the schwa why they could not solve the problem before without taking the help of donors world isn't it it is only to prove that these people those who are having the spiritual power and they can utilize it for the betterment of the society so the God could do do but still this is okay through and there we should be humble the most of the power that we people are having many of you are having so many different powers this our very good scientist summer doctors engineers professors and you are having lot of powers even some people are having wonderful skill to cook these are the powers manifesting to you God could do it but God has given the power to you so that you get the name when the Arjuna he was arguing that the priests line said no I should not try it with my own people my honky-tonk in let them come and me or let them take the whole war I can bother now what the krishna said ma equate the near top or bomb eva don't think that you are going to kill only have chosen you so that you will get the name and fame Arjuna the great hero I have already done it everything is already done only I have chosen you and do this you will get the name and fame if not all through the people who say Arjuna was a coward the neighbors say we'll look at the broad-minded person he could kill these people but he said no rather I will be and survive let these people enjoy this world no why because they are bad people they must be punished otherwise ordinary people innocent people will be tortured and being a king being a Kshatriya it is your own duty to do that if you don't do that you are committing scene so you must do that you must punish now if there are all the charges they say no that man yes he is clean - 323 people is okay but why should I kill him so let him go let him kill you what about the people they do like just should do like that no they just should say now I must give them capital punishment to this type of people and the society also should accept these are the way we have to be him the soldiers should be like that when they are fighting in in the world so this the Dharma different type of Dharma so he said over here Anoosh wha she practiced lot of austerities and got that power so the gods allowed hard to show and after that they are giving him Putin and the inertia as prayer was unique she said let Brahma Vishnu and Shiva born as my sons no no not only one trivial should come Brahma Vishnu and Shiva should count as my sons and the prayers were painted Brahma was born as soma not much known from Isaac white person so not much known the soma and Shiva do you all know him the incarnation of Shiva that is guru barsa he was the incarnation of Shiva and the tower the Bishnu himself he was the god real and majority of the people in India in this country forget about it mostly the an adductor our Maharashtra they worship the Tattler they know the dr. tree so the tree is very famous otherwise all over India very they are known but not that famous but that our trio is having three kids is the combination of the cetera gentleman so three hits actually the combination of cetera Yama he's the God so he is having that and equal six hands the bhaga bhaga means the power of God six power of gods are there so he is having the six hands the simple that he is the god with the paga shakti god's divine power in him and four tops this all the hindu symbolism is really very interesting the four dogs there is a four bidders and they're depicting the vedas dogs why because so humble before the master and always holding the master the bidders were in his control as the people they control the dogs and I went to a place a forgotten in India they worshiped at a tree but not in the form but by feeding the animals because the doctor'll of the animals so they filled the animals is a beautiful temple and in that one corner there is a place where we'll go and keep some food first the Tigers will come and then the others will count and next will come next ultimately the dogs they are all waiting in different corner you could see from the top we can see the the garlic Tigers are coming and taking their share and Greenaway then the others will come then the dogs will come after the dogs they'll be spreading the food for the birds and other small animals but they don't never kill each other the soup clothes never defied they can't take their share of food and the guava every day hundreds of people will be watching that is the doctor trio tempo and I'm sorry have forgotten that otherwise I could become your kite so you could go and visit their doctor Trio is having all the time a cow with him the cow is the symbol of the art so the master of the whole world and this is the doctor trio then the trio we find that he has been mentioned in the Jabalia pony sure you know in India the system is if you are going to see something immediately they will refer to the open issue if that is not mentioned in the Phoenicians they don't give much importance to that the so many stories that their people are talking about their own people so and each and every one will be talking about their own guru or the master is it the other people accepted it and people like those who have composed the Phoenicians so they go to the reference goes to the Venetians and we find that it he was highly spoken in the javelin Ganesha Naruto Bonnie then Jackie Evancho Punisher bhiksha Phoenicia and shunned illuminations these are not very known initials but they are you know 107 Pony shirts are there we read only level because the Shankar Acharya has written commentary of the 11 Upanishads so these are the major who punishes other position you don't read the minor punishes are there 108 Canisius so it has been mentioned over there the data trail when he was asked by the king you do that he has to why you're behaving like this who is your guru who is it what is your tradition you know in our country they will never ask about the father and mother they will be asking about your teacher so that immediately they will know you belong to this group of people this is your the way the culture so these two asked like that who is your guru he said I don't have any guru everyone from a good the young boy was very curious that is it do you think that all maybe gurus are yes but they're sheep shabu rule so monitor a guru and Shiksha guru are different the way the spiritual master giving you a mantra the name of God which you should repeat for to that ideology for your liberation so that is different shishah guru can be anyone anyone coming forward and giving you some advices which is beneficial for you there is no Shiksha guru and hearing fine that tatry is learning from the nature he never why the krishna advised who would cover his brain that you should go and learn yourself tennyson no you must help me like a little child then you must tell me then he is telling the story of the doctor tree why because everyone who were here in the nature they are your teacher you can learn from them that is the idea once I'm going to university not here in India and I was talking to the students and that was in the education so I asked them what do you think we're from the knowledge comes is it from our teachers at UK though we're from the teachers get their knowledge is it from the library perhaps one from the books this library they get the knowledge someone has composed written where from they get the knowledge they could not answer you know where what is the basis of knowledge this nature from the nature only all things come we only have hardness that we only discovered that it is already data in the nature so that is the nature one part of the Hindus one group of the Hindus they have taken that accepted dead and the developed Tantra so God is Kali she is the nature she is creating sustaining dissolving everything because of the power she is the nature and all knowledge good or bad they are all coming from that so in the doctor also we find in the Bhagavad we find that total now given the list of his gurus the first is the art the forbearance the first and foremost thing in the human life forbearance for little bit thing immediately we are angry and immediately we are leaving that particular place of the person and we start another life another life ultimately we learn nothing we get nothing and no peace what is the goal of all human life peace and if the piece is the goal the first thing should be for parents they must wait and wait an hour performance learning from the art the people are digging it and walking on it doing everything art is so quietly it can sometime if it give the shake than all people they are very much afraid art is very powerful but still we find that for parents so we must learn the for parents we will read in details from the Abudu Tavita in our next class the very interesting and highly activated highly art waiting disorder that's why the Krishna is guiding his friend would the world to learn from about Jota that a Krishna see each and every human being having the power of discrimination utilized that why you are depending on others the mostly in the devotion we are depending on God and when we are purchasing every day some fruits are offering to God and if anything wrong happens to us the first thing we do stop the puja for the God we're angry with the God so many days we are feeding him and he is not doing anything for us so we won't food that is bad this wrong there it is you that you are doing thinking so God is only in the other way helping you the first is the Guru is the art from art we are learning for parents the arrow-maker the arrow you know the previously that the olden days it was really really very difficult because if the arrow is perfect it should be straight and without any pain anywhere so the arrow makers their concentration is too much so you must learn from the arrow beakers Raghavan see Ramakrishna he said how you should concentrate some people who love to catch fishes they'll be anytime they will go and they will say to her tell by the side of the river or the porn and a group of people they are singing dancing and music is going on passing tree in a group this man couldn't hear or listen anything is his eyes on that when the fish is coming and dipping at them he will catch the constantly he was concentrating so Ramakrishna said concentration should be like that in another the story he said a man came and asked himself can you please tell me this actress I like to go to this village he never replied to three times repeated and then it became natural I agree and this man so Robin is not replying to me in the meantime he started walking in the meantime the man caught the fish and he was very happy keeping the pitch in the bag he's a hey good you were asking me something he said I was asking so many times oh that time you didn't listen I couldn't hear your words that is the concentration and when we meditate you need little sound immediately or you seek somebody calling me maybe that I have some duty so I have to go home we're always ready to jump up from the seat and then also I also something carry to there Howard phone now phone has become a part of we may lose our heart but the phone should be there so they're carrying the phone any little sound immediate so little this thing the concentration the arrow makers then the mind and tranquility and peace and then the mod sensitivity it is harmful because the more the whenever they see the light immediately they go and jump on that light we see in the electric light also they try to come but in those days it was all the lamps this to come and kill themselves quite sensitivity they cannot control whenever they will see something immediately they go and they are in trouble the human mind is also like that one must be very very careful before taking a decision one must know what I am going to do will this be good or bad and this you need the quietness and that then only it will be impossible for you the sensitivity this is a danger for the human being an immediate reaction it should not be a person has come shouting are abusing you must wait and see what happened to this man there must be something behind some other people are also there what to happen if I Det so we eat and watch and see and you know what will happen if anyone comes to you to insert you and if you are quietly looking at him he'll be insulted and he will feel what is it I could not make him agitated I could not insert him so all those things go back this happen in the life of the Buddha but the Lord Buddha was the king naturally it was a beautiful this very good-looking person he handsome he went for begging and one person he was going on abusing him and going on telling all bad words the Buddha was quietly waiting you know the sannyasins if they go to some but his house for food they say mother please give me some food bhagavati big Chandi he and until they say no he cannot move so he was waiting over there this man completed then the Buddha heart quietly said can I ask you a question what is that suppose you are giving me something and if I don't accept those things what will happen to those gifts they'll remain it mean these bad words that you are using I am not accepting it is all yours so this is the way the trunk will be this we must learn from the mod the sensitivity should not react immediately then the elephant is a detachment so that elephant before death they leave every the whole heart and go to a secret place and wait for the depth it is very very rare to see the elephant dying normal depth if somebody has showed that anything happened not like that normal death the animal either - always live in the heart I always go along with that but when the death will come they leave everyone over there this is the detachment and moon moon is the discrimination how the moon is helping us to discriminate who can say all professors are sitting over here the moon when you look at the moon we always write boy all moon so beautiful exhibit cetera but the moon should teach me the discrimination how it is possible yeah oh no not like that see the moon has no light actually it is the reflected light the sounds light reflecting on moon and coming to us but this thing happened some of the people they are associated with some other people and they say reflected glory basking in the reflected glory and I am not having that quality somebody else as because I am his maybe son daughter or maybe assistant secretary and that man may be the original man with a humble the big boss is a humble was all his secretaries were only to me it is not possible I mean even the time comes and all this thing deep asking that the moon is like that so the discrimination am i truly capable to do like this because not my power so the discrimination should come to the moon then Osprey this renunciation Python the contentedness the Python Hager a jogger breath till the same they even they would move for food they will be lying in one place and waiting for the food to come near another yoga they will never move this is a huge body and long they cannot move so I I know them because I was in or natural for this jungle so I saw the other and I saw this elephant and I saw this so this each other they'll be leaving somewhere if you go and pick up the other 10-15 people there's to lift that and he is not doing anything not like others links you can leave it and can take to some other place and leave it to go sometimes used to put some food maybe a chicken before ate a chicken is running to eat one move she came should come close they don't eat elite support like that and for the moms also they say a jihad our everythi some monks they go to doctor door for food but some he'll be sitting and waiting for the God to send the food otherwise they only eat day after day it's called a jogger breath T the system of the fighter so that is then the ocean the equanimity the finish the treat the fish they die because of the greed and it be the saying that something is happening it is a actually it is a depth but even they cannot control themselves they go and try to need and they guard card then Cartesian the expectation those who are there with the rich people the all is expect the money the days and that from the rich people the constantly they'll be following him and from that we should learn no so some are the teachings negatively these people are doing like that I should not do so that is the and the wind is complete freedom and stillness the wind blows from the bat-pill places and then the bad smell will be there for some time but plays have wind has nothing to do with that it grows everywhere and same way the spiritual person he should mix with teach and everyone without discrimination but the issue should not be but are able to influence you so that should be the attitude shunning of the people those who are worldly minded people that is in the beginning of the sadhana otherwise when you have grown up you should be able to be with each and every one without being influenced by them so that is the wind then pre Jian and non-attachment that is the pigeon and the Sun unity how the Sun is given the unity because everywhere equally to go on giving some people they are bad some people are good some people like these and that and Hindus they're worshipping the Sun doesn't mean the Sun will go the special light will be given to the Hindus very clearly so that unity and equality that is when that the B B is the moderation the B they will go and we take little money from only one flower not the whole honey they should suck they did go they take a little learning from that and then they come and they keep the in the stop again they go to another flower the similar way we should also take them this is for teaching for the moms the Mount should not go and see them in one house and go on taking money from that and help from the neighbor they should go door-to-door it says the traditional monks they go for the five doors that means the five household a little little food they should take that's all and in Indian the traditional monks never cook because they are not supposed to touch the fire they touch the fire and took the hold so like that here also I tried to follow the devotees they bring food and I eat I don't cook how could I don't know how to go so no I'm just kidding so this is this is the way the bramara that is also the meditation then the sky the sky is the transcendence it is so vast and then the spider bondage and liberation the spider the beautiful way the the our guitar trio looking at the spider he learned this spider can be liberated but the poor fellow creating that the spiders wave and then bounding into it it cannot come out so like that one should understand that I am if necessary if I desire I can be free I can free completely liberated this moment but my desires that is coming up within and binding me and the water is the purity and the holiness and the honey gatherer that is completely a various the honey caterer to you the delusion and then the child in all sense this is the 24 gurus when friends will discuss the teaching in a very nice way that that the toddler has given this car guitar trio Gita about who the Gita is a very famous book about to Tokita you can find here in our bookstore also those who are interested you can pick up a copy so in the next class we will discuss he was having these 24 gurus Raghavan C Ramakrishna and again mentioned about this about Nikita and this great sage of a daughter after purifying himself through meditation and sound is Geeta that is called spontaneously he went on during this Gita that is alberto gita the brahman is supreme reality the world is apparent like water in a minute that is the main idea of the Abuelita thank you and this is the story of the bhagavata very fascinating stories but in the next class we will have the opportunity to maybe one or two classes will be necessary and then we'll go to hood Tabo gita the person who asked oh god please help me and earth say you have a disc relative power i have given you the discriminative power then sometimes the children they will come and they will tell the parents please help me please do this please do that parents will say no I have given you the teaching you know this you must do this humans do that by that way they help them to grow similarly Krishna help our daughter I would double to grow and would ever learn from a Battuta how to learn from the nature and then develop the spiritual power friends what is spirituality we have all the time meeting in different places going to different places and in different names we are practicing spirituality what is the spirituality own it is some knowledge and what is that knowledge I don't belong to this world because this body this mind and everything is all temporary I belong to the supreme consciousness because from their owning I have come the moment the question was asked who are the people who do not worship God and what will happen to them for the people God Himself God Himself created these people and now that God is playing reading these we should understand it from the operating point of view not from the three divine I am God I am the purified personality and I had that Supreme Being only difficulty is somehow some desires are crept into my mind and I am bound by these worldly things it is all God's know that's true but I don't need those I want to go back to my original own and that is the God himself - thank you and the next again you'll study and before that let us conclude with this Tantra young [Music] balloon indra [Music] Rudra more soon indeed deeply stably be the song but the drama Monisha de guarantee young Sam the are namaste that de cadena manasa question the young yogi now yes young thomna be do Suda Asuna ghana the bar - auntie Shanti ready friends you know this in this month we are going to have a retreat the science of Japan ashram who is coming from Houston they will be speaking and the very interesting topic Friday evening old Saturday and Sunday afternoon will be discussing meditating praying living together in that retreat in Ganges if you are not registered and if you are interested please register yourself this is one and secondly you know that every year we make a function grand function and that is called fall banquet this time it will be on 15th September next month the 15 September and it is in the the meadows club and from 11 to 3 to physicists are coming they will be speaking on the physics and metaphysics and there's a very good toast singer is coming there she'll also sing some versions some dancers at the air food will be dear in there please come and you will really enjoy sitting together and enjoying the talk and program the minimum ticket is hundred-dollar then 300 and 1000 you can book a table also by with the 1000 and that means you can bring a 10 people with you hundred dollar ticket to 10 people you can come you can invite your friends and give take them over there that we are also just possible and it will be little help to the Vedanta society and the support moral support for our cause that we are working over here so this is called fall banquet 15 September thank you