Video 71
Bhagavatam 064 : Who can be called a sadhu?-- Bhagwan Sri Krishna Says
Shanta karim booyakasha annum but the moon of Surrey Vishwa harem Gurgaon Assad regime mingi Burnham shuhang Lakshmi contem Kamala annum you give he the arnica Miam Bundy Bishan 'm babu-bhaiya harem sorry below clicker not there devotees and friends today is a very auspicious day why the special day we can see because it is in both side as we call in sanskrit peut-ĂȘtre from both side there are very good days very holy days the one is Akshay Aditya in the front and at the back the Shankar Acharya guarantee Adi Shankaracharya guarantee so these are the two days in between this Sunday in particularly in Chicago we just missed the auspicious moment of Akshay Tritiya the last night at 12 o'clock that that particular moment was over but still there is lingering now how to know who is a good shadow this is the discussion that we'll have we listened from Bhagwan Shree Krishna the very important why the company of a holy person the anyone any one of us in the beginning of our spiritual life what we do you always try to go and to live and to develop a communication with a holy person but we don't know who is an holy person apparently the dress and the talk that he gives like that only we follow we believe and then come in a session afterwards god for read sometimes it becomes very fertile do you understand oh no this is not a good person and we have spent a long time with him unnecessarily so this is a very important for the devotees for those who want to have the guidance of a holy person who is a holy person secondly this is important for those who are having the desire to become a holy person like a sadhu I'm using this particular word sadhu I am NOT translating it as a monk or a sannyasi sada means a holy person and this holy person can be anyone may be a mendicant among recluse or a householder how by developing the qualities what are those qualities that we listen from Raghavan Sri Krishna himself in the bhagavatam now we know the three very important questions that the would double asked to his master and friend shri krishna the first is if we add the product of maya how can we go beyond maya this really i am the product of maya and Maya we know we have already discussed is binds it covers it puts us into difficult situation and in the situation which is in reality it is not there but we think it is there and that is the basis how can you go beyond that and that is the question now a sweet is made of sugar and I asked the sweet to go beyond the sugar it'll be like that how it can go beyond the sugar it is made of sugar so obviously this is a very very vital question we have already discussed it but in summarizing the God's answer is I have revealed the knowledge in the hearts of the Rishi's those knowledge are Shastra at the scripture know from the scripture what is truth and what is untruth what is beyond Maya and what is after Maya in Maya discriminate it and go beyond Maya so the what is the possibility the example that I just now gave sweet and the sugar it is not like that it's a mirage a man in a mirror G is just seeing the Mirage but Minard is not real so obviously someone else can come and guide him let us go you see there there's so many things ok let us go over there let us see what is really it's nothing so similarly the same way when we go and see that is called experience the people in the young age they think oh we will drive the car very fast we will go to this bar we'll go to that dancing bar and this is the life we will enjoy after the experience he that same man says to his son please don't go how why because experience so we can we know what is Maya how by seeing our own personal life and also after learning the scripture and from the words of the great soul so how to go beyond Maya then reply the God said I have given the truth expressed those truth revealed those truth how to go beyond Maya and it is recorded in the scriptures and the monks there leaving that truth go and learn from them then discriminate yourself bechara what is that bechara you have to analyze what is false and what is true by that way one can go beyond second question was are there two souls bound and liberated the God replied see here the beautiful reply yes you can say so how among the people you can see a person who is completely free from any bondage he's a soul but he is completely free and others are bound he gave that wonderful example of two birds of the same plumage and these two birds are living in the same tree but their behavior are completely different one is constantly because of the natural tendency he cannot be quiet he's experiencing either good or bad either happiness or misery that means he's eating the sour fruit or the sweet fruit so that way is constantly going on and he's not at all happy he's not peaceful suddenly one day he saw on the top branch of the same tree same like him another bird is sitting quietly peaceful happy and the presence of that bird gives the happiness to others then he was wondering he how could you do that the answer I have taken my we drawn my mind from all these things I am NOT attached I'm doing everything by not attached with all this the human being who is attached is suffering human being in the same circumstances in the same world not attached it's not suffering so apparently there are two souls and the third question when you come that you can can there be two souls then the answer of the God is no in reality the soul is one and never two and that is from the absolute point of view now comes another step I am summarizing so that we can memorize it we can remember it and because these are the teachings we have to apply in our own life those who were of course sincere so we have to apply this in our own life how by understanding this what to understand the soul is one from the absolute standpoint and again it appears meaning from the empirical standpoint so there are two views one is empirical prathab Hasek and Babu Herrick the Pratibha Sheikh which is absolute which is one cannot be too but Babu Herrick there are many documents the Ramakrishna those who have read the biography you know many many times he experienced these express these he said I saw this temple this image of God is Kali and all the utensils that I used for puja and that cat and the lady over there and everything is nothing but the consciousness so they are the separately the cat is there one lady is there and the image of the goddess is there temple is there everything is there separately but that particular point Raghavan Sai Ram Krishna saw empirical point of view he saw everything is one one in the sense of consciousness they have different bodies different names and forms but in reality they're all consciousness this is a one point of view the same serum Krishna he is behaving completely differently when he is in the Babu arica yogurt the Babu Harika and dear he is asking that one lady not to touch him why she was not in his character good sure see Ramakrishna was very erotic er so naturally it was difficult for him to even the company of those type of people those who are good people you will find if the very worldly minded people selfish person people they come you don't feel comfortable in their company they're not doing anything just sitting before by your side but you are not feeling comfortable why it's not physical it is the waves of the mind waves up the length that is coming and touching you you're not really comfortable with some people were good above your same the wavelength you feel good you become friendly so similarly there are two points empirical and absolute point of view an empirical point of view so these three questions that we have already discussed and this akshay idea so you know the why these Hindus they believe there are many stories that they're particularly one story very interesting that you find in the Mahabharata once each was their shuttle nikka this chat annika he was telling a story to the Judas Tadeo he told Judas tira you do any good per whatever you'd like to do anything the good performance then you do today because today is akshay atresia and we are also the same way akshay treaty a day so this akshay Tritiya raja judiciary at that time he was the king and he wanted to perform some Yogi's or something satanic at all you better do it today why then he said there was a family of a Brahmin the Brahmin was very cruel and very egoistic but his wife was very good then one day a hungry person came to the Brahmin family and told I'm so hungry will you please give me some food then this person immediately got up and said go away from here I don't like to see you he said no I'm not going to give anything to you wife hard it and she came and told that gentleman please don't go away please be here and she gave him not only food the clothing and also the footwear and it was a scorching Sun so she gave an umbrella to that person also give water to drink and the man was very happy that's not little money so that he can go and Spain somewhere so the person was very happy and he blessed whatever good work meritorious work you have done it will be permanent Akshaya so that is the Tritiya was the father bottom duty authority of the third day of the moon so it will be Akshay the permanent referring this story mentioning the story satanica told Yudhisthira you can also do from then onwards the mostly the Hindus they always try to give these gifts that means an umbrella effort applaud a little money and food to the holy people and also to the poor people doesn't need it why thinking the same way that this gesture this good work will be permanent the effect of this good word will be permanent and you know the farmers in India all over they begin their agriculture and tilting or plowing the land from today so that is also is there and there is a auspicious day for the temple dedication maharaja Masada's barclays jai jai Ram body thus temple was dedicated on the 19th April 1923 it was Akshay 3-tier day in action India the kings they used to begin their tax collection God is good for that Kings not so good for the subjects of course but the Kings used to start their tax collection on this particular day and it was termed as punahou the bhagavata says the poor Sudama there's a story in the Bhagavata we just heard from the mahabharata and in the bhagavata Sudama those who are connected with little the life of shri krishna must be knowing that this person Sudama he was very poor but he was a friend of krishna how both of them went to the same teacher in India that was wonderful think that whether the kings on the Prem's are not or the poor man son all of them wish to go to the same teacher the same school and this to live in the same way there was no difference now we have lost that tradition that we have copied others other traditions they have the different because of the economical and other condition India through ages thousands of years they new human mind they mainly research on human mind so they knew this thing should be there a rich man's son should know the others also were very ordinary afterwards when they are growing up the king's son will be the next king but he will know the people they live like this said he will have the compassion understanding and his rule will be perfect just that was the system anyway the krishna he went in the same school with Sudama and they became very close friend and then afterwards when the grew up Krishna became the king and the Sudama the ordinary Brahmin so he was very poor one day there was nothing to eat so sudama's wife a little taunting he said you always talk about your friend Krishna who is the king now why don't you go to your friend and bring some money we are suffering Sudama told see he is a king and I am a poor Brahmin there's a two different but friendship is totally different but she was persisting so Sudama started and to go and meet the king krishna but you cannot go empty hand you have to take some gift to give to the king what to take she was so poor - somehow he collected at some flat and rice and that he took to the Krishna and when Krishna he made the Krishna he was completely taken aback oh my god how can I talk to Krishna I thought the Krishna of that school day no it is not so what to do he was hiding the gift the humble the flattened rice but the krishna was not only a king he was the god also so he understood he knew he acts Adama here how is it how can you be there come here not only that because of the training that he got in the school there is no ego in the Kings mind the Krishna's wife and Krishna himself they washed the feet of the Brahmin because he was a Brahmin so they was the feet of Sudama and then told Krishna told what you have brought for me he gave that ultimately you know what happened so don't ask question to me how it is possible it happened and that is recorded over there in the Bhagavata when the he gave those flattened rice the Lord they take took those and then the accident without giving any return gift to Sudama asked him to go back Sudama was taken aback but he was ashamed to ask anything any favor from Krishna so he came back but his love for Krishna was there in his mind Oh Krishna Master forgotten he's so busy and no problem I will manage but when he returned back he saw oh my god his house was full of wealth wealth and well does he call it Fortuna everything he got on this particular day so this is called whatever you give and you get thousandfold more in return so one should be very careful if we are torturing anyone insulting anyone criticizing anyone punishing anyone doing any bad work which caused the suffering of others thousand for return will come back on me so it is better to be careful and give as best as possible so there are two process to earn good merits it is better to always do the good thing how to the merit meritorious work there are two ways one is Dhanam charity another dhyanam spiritual practice mushara de devi she said i will quote the original language bengali she said jar Archie shame Mapo journey she chapo in a very simple way she said that those who are can afford having some wealth must donate and those who cannot donate don't have much so they should repeat the holy name of God japa the holy name of God so that that meritorious work also will return back to him or car this moment we are also performing a meritorious action what is that reading bhagavatam we always says the reading bhagavata mot the holy scripture is the best way to are married do we are reading the bhagavatam not Krishna Gabe would never another option to go beyond his Maya the first we heard the Lord is giving wood dhaba what is the question - how to go beyond Maya and he said you better go and have the company of the holy people there's a second option first option read the scripture and discriminate that is a path of knowledge you cannot depend on others you have to depend on yourself you go to their guru and the Guru will say hum Graham Marsh me the Tama see that's all I am that supreme Brahman you were also that then you have to analyze to understand that means your basic should be very strong you know what he said general it is possible one day Bhagwan see Ramakrishna he was apparently discussing about the bush naba we of spiritual practices and then in one point when almost he went into Samadhi and he came out with the how can you help others Dayal you cannot do that they are the compassion no who are you Shiva Shiva service service you can serve there are many other were also there when the Salama krishna said that not daya but Siva not compassion you cannot show compassion compassion goes with ego I am superior and you are not so I'm doing the compassion not like that so in that sense daya and saver is service I am humble I am serving you Oh God that these are the two difference great difference so so many people the harded ceramic is uttering only narendra not afterwards swami vivekananda could rightly took it understand it he immediately was in great joy came out and told his friends oh what a great teaching if I get a chance I will spread this message to all over the world and that he did afterwards service to man is service to God so that is so this is the way you have to understand he said then the fast you can go beyond Maya through the path of Gianna and I have revealed those truths in the hearts of the Rishi's and they have recorded it in the scripture read those understand that discriminate ponder and go beyond Maya and second option he is telling that dedicate all action and the result at the divine feet of God and become free from ego the second option karma yoga that's way in the third chapter of the bhagavad-gita is karma yoga second chapter of the bhagavad-gita because Krishna the same krishna's teaching the second chapter of the bhagavad-gita is knowledge and third chapter karma yoga and dinkum bhakti yoga the path of devotion so whatever I am doing yet guru she let us now see ajussi the Darcy yet yet apostasy Kunti that crucial mother Panem in bhagavad-gita whatever you do even the blinking of an eye our action - so we have to offer everything God I have nothing who can do it Karma Yoga is very difficult not only gana Yoga difficult Karma Yoga is really very difficult why there should not be any ego who can be a true karma yogi Maha veer gee ma be a new man she was a true karma yogi he was the gyani he was a bhakta and also a karma yogi he performed everything the ordinary work and also the the greatest work everything he did but he never said I did it I can do it that is really sometimes some people they will read some scripture and they will jump on the on the feet and say I like to speak I like to talk I like to teach the same thing happened with master martial master ma che was the knowledgeable man of course not very ordinary he was a very very educated person and one day in the beginning when he came to see Ramakrishna they in the beginning he said to see Ramakrishna do we have to go and give lecture in the Calcutta to teach people that this is not good and this is not like that see ramakrishna rebuked him this is the characteristics of a very good teacher immediately you know that something is coming up and to smash that you had to be harsh in the beginning with the words immediately he trashed him oh this is the deep defect of you Calcutta people Calcutta people means educated people you don't know anything just little bit of information that you have collected and immediately you like to share it with others and like to give the lecture and all so from here we learn so what should you do whatever you do whatever may be the humble thing that I am doing maybe I am just washing the dishes dressing the vegetables cooking cleaning H and everything little small little work and then I am doing something else maybe giving that talk I may be giving the initiation all thing goes to God only nothing mind why where am I so the Karma Yoga is also connected with the Gyana yoga and Karma Yoga is a combination of guiana and bhakti otherwise it is impossible to do Karma Yoga the Karma Yoga one should understand it is a combination of knowledge and also devotion I know God I have complete faith in God I know God has created me I am nothing but God but this moment I'm having little ego and I like to crash that ego by performing whatever the work the God gives to me through anyone and I offered that to God so that is the second option third option he says take the advice of the sadhus I am keeping the original word take the advice of the sadhu sadhu is a holy person take the advice of the sadhu and develop devotion for me the supreme god and that way also you can break the spell of Maya here in the 11th book 11th chapter 25th verse of the very bottom he saves satsangha la baa baa baa my mom some of our Sita sorry me dirty Tom's @v a goose' bin dirty padam I've broke those because in in Sanskrit the long sentence very difficult to understand so I broke it so it become easy satsanga love daya such Sangha means company association of a holy such means holy Sangha means company association naturally question comes and it came in the mind of a good diver so who is this earth how we'll know we sucked the discus chain the who can be called holy person who the world was a very highly educated person and you can understand he was the friend of a Krishna and great follower of Krishna but his part was knowledge so naturally discrimination those who are very intelligent they always try to understand things clearly do we see two types of people are coming to vagabond serum Krishna and one type when they are coming whatever the ceramic richness say they are also direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna we can say the Apostles of T Ramakrishna and this these people are never ever questions around Krishna those who are as they know they know so many of them they came the neighbor questions Ramakrishna but Vivekananda Narendra not it was basically very intelligent he wanted to know everything as it is who used to ask questions if we express the doubt he wanted to get that his doubts clarified rights Ram Krishna sometimes some people is to say why you were asking this he said there is sufficient but that moment the young are in they're not told no I want to understand it clearly and singing not in there not afterwards he said this is God truly God whom you see before our eyes suffering no he's true God that is called the true devotee understanding a person obviously like the Krishna how people understand that he is a God the ceramic is not very ordinary and not doing anything Krishna did so many things miraculous things gamma Krishna nothing but even then he was dead God the combination of the three guards the Brahma Vishnu mahesha era but in a very humble if you look at the picture of Serrano Krishna then if we say like that although you are because we are the follower you are telling like that but no if you read the biographies if you see the other works over then only you can understand is not an ordinary person then naturally how to understand asado see Rama Krishna himself said you must judge his shadow in the day or also in the night that means in the public life also in his private life both you must understand you must judge then only you should accept he is asking Buddha why is asking this question sadhus Taba uh Thomas Lucca Mata ki Drake Buddha Bravo bhakti three Upolu jetty key three she said be a Drita now in two questions clubbed together and this is the 26 births of the same 11 chapter it's got uh Thomas loka beautifully the Sanskrit is wonderful though naturally uh Thomas Luca what Thomas Luca usually what is thus Luca Luca means that way of expression in that and when you call to God thus Luca it's like a poetry plane what Thomas Luca the best of those planes that means the best person approval you are the master so he said when you consider best among holy people sad estaba mata ki Drake then he said bhakti te puia j UJ t ki drishti sattva odd Rita what kind of devotion you like most then Hooda was asking the two questions today we will try to understand understand the answer of the extra Krishna of the first question what are the qualities of a sadhu the good qualities see again and again we find in the Bhagavata and also in the bhagavad-gita very clearly it is giving that the good quality is only that transform is not the physically transform what is spiritual development spiritual a physical no it is the thinking capacity understanding capacity D Shakti the subtlest of the subtle of the spiritual life one can understand but if we have the desire for this world desire for name and fame it is very difficult it's not possible so naturally Sodom means some good qualities and in the three continuous verses sri krishna is giving almost 28-30 qualities the Sado quality and in the sixteen chapter of the bhagavad-gita then twelve chapter of the bhagavad-gita there also is giving who is a good person whom I love most the all qualities are there here it says sadhu is a good person only person who not only himself happy by realized God after relates in God but he can guide you through his life what are the qualities let us read from here 29 30 and 31 verse 11 canto and 11 chapter 29 verse of the bhagavata which is called Hudiburg eita it says first Kripalu accreted du haut de teak shoe sir body nam satya sorrow on about the art ma sama sarah boo-oop acha acha ha very simple first Kripalu compassionate Marcia Domini Davy said if among if a sadhu it's not compassionate if a person is not compassionate he's not a human being compassion that filling the oneness with others when a person is suffering they were feeling that one is oh he is suffering or she is suffering so that is called creeper creeper Lu I saw a picture someone posted one of our monks in the believe mark now balloon what is completely empty no devotee so most of the and everywhere now the animals and birds have become very free they're coming one monk is sitting by the side of a power as a field and one squeal the small little one it has come and then it climbed on it's the shadows lap a young monk and the monk is feeding this creedal squid al wants to eat the whole thing but the wonk is feeding slowly that little squid all naturally it should not take the whole thing at a time so he is very carefully like a mother feeding and they grow in a little distance clothes are not welcome in a the squid all they can climb but the crow cannot come but he it crew knows that but he is also angry the crew is settling little distance when the feeding of the squid all will be over well whatever left give it to me so like that it's a beautiful picture someone posted that is called the Kripalu one should be compassion if a monk is not like that I liked a young man so we went to a place and they gave us some food and some of us to two for each so we think we were four so eight things they gave that young man he saw a poor little girl so he took out the his to portion so a give it to that girl I liked it very much why compassion so my portion I can eat something else I've already taken food I will be eating food and this whatever they have given it is good but I can share it so all of us were there and that little girls were looking at all of the face of us but that young man felt that compassion and he took out his portion of food and gave it to distributed among those poor people this is called compassion the compassion is necessary otherwise one cannot become a holy person a shadow the shadow is very difficult then accreta Doha he is enemy to none now some people may be criticizing some people may go against that person he will be dealing that situation that problem properly but he or she should not become enemy to that person when an opportunity comes I will try to trash that person who opposed me no no enemy t-t-tech shoe forbearing and set asara satyrs are said to means truth Sahra means the power truth is his power so DC's are really wonderful we don't have much time but I read a story that Raghavan Ramakrishna again and again he said stick to truth and I failed here in America when I came majority of the people ordinary people the ladies men young people they all tell the truth they don't hide so that is what I liked it most in this country in this society because they have completely free is a free society in India we were very truthful we were but after the subjugation for such a long long time I tell again and again this is because of the subjugation for almost seven hundred eight hundred years so obviously so it has become very difficult for us to tell the truth if you tell the truth they immediately you will be punished because the kings were not our people so that is the reason it will take some time to overcome but this sectors are one who become a sadhu a holy person must stick to the truth but truth there sometimes the truth is there which should not be expressed so that is also I know the truth but it should not be expressed in some special occasions one must be very careful on about Atma entirely trustworthy on about their entirely Atma that means trust to a deal if sadhu cannot be a person he comes and discloses all his personal thing the sadhu should retain it should not share it with any other so there anything he should not do that that person will be harmed No so the completely trustworthy the in the Christian tradition also they go and disclose it before the monk their small two rooms are there monk is sitting in a separate room and the person who has come to disclose they tilt all their personal thing the monk is listening and then trying to guide and praying that is his job but he should not utilize those informations against this person never evil but sometimes you know the people cannot control the sadhu means you should be always entirely trustworthy and summer same sighted sadhu cannot discriminate oh this is my people they are not my people they speak my mother tongue my language so I should favor them never ever some people they make them all is the mistake like that never ever they should do the sadhus should never do like that all are equal but sometimes because you have grown up in some atmosphere and the culture and the food habit so you say I like those food it doesn't mean that you have favoring that is because of the habit because if you grow up so obviously one should understand that cerebral Pokhara sorry buddy he nam he's a benefactor and to everyone no discrimination again and again we have to understand if you want to be a sadhu a holy person whom the God will prefer whom the God is recommending others to go and learn these are the qualities if we in the moment we discriminate what happens I'm discriminating God's creation the God has created those people this religion each and everything one should read the biography of Avon's Ramakrishna he is the embodiment of religion and spirituality and from him we can learn all this we learn from the vagabonds real shri krishna in the bhagavata but unfortunately misinterpreted and try to put all these in whatever the shortcomings I am having I feel ossifies all those things one should not do that then in the next verse he said calmly a haughty deihi he is free from desire the who is a monk with a with God the no desire who is a good good person no desire calmly how did he he danta master of his senses Madhu is mild Shuchi his unselfish and a Kanchana without personal possessions we should not have anything on eho never does work with selfish motive or Nijo never does any work with selfish motive meet a book he takes whatever he needs that much Shanta master of his mind danta master of his senses Shanta master of his mind stealer steady so many different difficult times come but he is dead he why he knows God is there and if this supposed to be done it will be done God is there much sure mooney he is continuously all the time refused in me taking the refuge in me who is this me the ultimate guard here we make the D problem as because the krishna is giving the advice they then some people who loves that particular form of god shri krishna o krishna is the only god you have to take refuge in krishna only i think this is wrong Reznor krishna is a supreme god and that supreme god supreme being he has taken different forms in different times in different places for different purposes so we should take if you love Krishna no problem Ramachandra no problem so by that way we should have to understand the God manifested in this form and he's setting me means the ultimate God and mooney meditative constantly he is controlling his mind and the senses so friends these are the good qualities and then 31st verse he says are primitive always alert and sometimes he is talking about God and sometimes he is performing something very unreligious thing no it cannot be Oprah mater it cannot be sir in North America I had a very bad experience some people in the name of religion they wanted to learn the young people the college students and the high school students and they invited me in that place I also ain't and I found that person is insisting you know in India the boys sit separately and a girl separately in some of the modern schools in the city is there together they are sitting but usually it may be a co-educational school but this seat separately not like this country anyone can sit anywhere but there they always the girls in one side and boys in another side though they are studying in the same classroom with the same teacher but and that was in all natural naturally they were from the village and the girls were feeling shy not to sit by the side of the boy but that so-called holy man was insisting and not only that he was playing some that filled the music and that is of course the modern music and he was also dancing insisting them to dance what is there in religion and criticizing this thing that thing then ultimately when he gave me the opportunity then I told those young minds and they loved me very much that village because I was there for a long time so I told them see that may be many different type of thought waves will reach you but it is you who should discriminate and you should understand what is good for me young people the naturally different type of thoughts are coming nothing wrong nothing bad but at the same time one should understand this much and no father the their behavior should be there we cannot go down like the animals so some people may feel hurt there because I am telling the animals because there is no other thing all we can say the ushers now we should not do that because we are human being or promoter that is alertness I am a human being I cannot do anything wrong like this Gumby rod MA he's balanced mind can be Rama balanced mind sometimes very joyful sometimes very subtle he cannot be a sadhu drit even having patience three-team on having the patience jitter Shara guna and conqueror of the six qualities that we will discuss a little about the Shara guna or money no desire to become famous mana de but all is ready to give others the respect kal po very capable any work is given to him he is capable to do sometimes some people have no use and they become wormy sadhu no not like that they are very alert and very capable to do the work and micro friendly card Onika merciful and Kobe philosopher their mind is all the time in that nice philosophy analyzing friends these are the wonderful qualities and sir that mom Tama and the next verse and the three Krishna the Lord he said sir such Tama Sat means sadhu Tama he's the highest among the good people this is called the shadows whom to whom we should go a person who are having who is having all these qualities so these are the qualities which begin with the Kripalu friends today is the coming the Monday is the celebration guarantee of Adi Shankaracharya a living example of a true Sardu we are reading all these qualities and all these qualities we can see in this particular person Shankar Acharya Shankara be Geum there's the biography of Shankara is there if the people are interested they can reach Shankara BGM it's a very young age he reads tablished the sanatana dharma the sanatana dharma the truth that was revealed in their whole pure hearts of the Rishi's and that was recorded in the scripture afterwards it was at a time in other for thousands of years a great movement that rose in India that is Buddhism and it is not Lord Buddha it is his followers and they contradicted the Veda and obviously there is a confusion among the followers of the Veda be the developed a wonderful society and then naturally the society was breaking what is truth what is good what we should do they were not killing no not physically in India the confrontation between the two religions actually two philosophies the confrontation of the ideologies never physical though they never looted or kill nothing like that but that was the Hinduism the sanatana-dharma in the backward this young man who was the son of the his father the Shiva guru and ma re Yama and he is from the Kerala the northern tip of the India southern part a southern tip we can say the India the Kerala and from there he came very young age he reestablished how by spreading the wonderful philosophy abed anta and this bed under is the the basis of unity in diversity and I will just conclude by saying a small incident that happened in his life this list begin with the Kripalu good problem is compassionate I will just end with quoting these the when he was visiting there the kombucha maka this is in the northeast part of India the famous temple and most of the people they worship over there they are called tantric in the tundra they sacrifice different things the one tantric came and he knew the Shankara is so compassionate and his truthful he told sir I have seen a dream and goddess is telling me if you can sacrifice the the blood of the Shankara aid of Shankara then he will get all the spiritual benefit so since you have come over here will you please sacrifice your life for my success in spiritual path Shankar understood is all that he's planning to kill him but he said that is called the compassionate thing he said okay you think that if you kill me sacrifice I can ready to sacrifice myself if you kill me we'll get the benefit okay let me go so they started but it was good that the shankara's disciple but no father he's he was sleeping he suddenly felt that something is happening to his guru and this is the disciple they always protect the Guru Guru is protecting them spiritually but the disciple protect the Guru physically so they served the Guru so nicely the disciple got up and he felt something is happening he came chased that man and then he took the nourishing mom or tea didn't they say like that that means he became very angry and he terrified them and saved the life of the Shankara but Shankara was very happy the Kripalu it goes to so that extent and in the life of sri ramakrishna mother Swamiji Swami Vivekanand we find that thank you friends thank you devotees it was a great day and each and every one should become sorrow and by developing this quality it is in our hand it's not that God will give you snot the Guru will give it's not that someone else will give we can develop these qualities and for sure God's grace will be on us and not only will be happy we can make others all also happy let us conclude with this law young Bramha warren indra root Roberta student a debatably BD sang paddock ramappa Nisha de Garland TM Sarna was teeter-totter gatinha manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes Tian thomna be do surah surah gana the buyer toss me namah om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hari Hyo peace peace peace unto all