Video 69
Bhagavatam 038 : The Philosophy Of Bhagavata
Shanda would you go share now but the moon solutions be schwa our governess attrition me hyung Lakshmi condom Kamala Jana Jana Bundy harem Greek is studying bhagavata and how does a very long time is study and this a beautiful scripture wonderful scripture it is something bad about the also settlers happy today we'll be discussing about the philosophy of the bhagavata body body is considered actually are very popularly known as the book of divine law because it promotes the divine love so that is skull that's the bhagavata but it is a said very strong philosophy now when you are giving some theory some idea and you are confident that help the human society to move towards the guard for the new variation there will be some causes the reason I just say Oh Sita what they close your eyes and you will realize god no you have to prove it individually it is okay but when you are the message to the whole world so you have to understand what you are telling you to make it understand to the people what actually it happens so this is a philosophy and what about the philosophy has two aspects one is a theoretical aspect another is a practical aspect and a theoretical aspect it is known as Brahma Radha look at it when it is a theoretical aspect it is known as the Brahma model but it's speaking about the Vishnu is talking about the Krishna but when the user fee that speaks that is the Brahma bada and the practical is the bhagavata-dharma there's a very famous world bhagavata-dharma that is the philosophy of love are the instructions of lab tours of God Brahma Baba or the theoretical part of the bhagavata it asserts that Brahman or art money is the only absolute reality you know that in India you always go for the one Shani be big and also said again and again and go for the one if there is no one there is no other conception to find out something which is one and not taking the help of anything else doing everything that is the problem the consciousness all pervading is a Brahman and however the altar is giving this the Brahman is the main and also known as Hartman this is an absolute reality look at this absolute means there is no second thing so with the support of these there is no absolute reality no - and you know in Vedanta when they discuss about the absolute reality they will go on discussing about how is it like Swaggart Aveda BJP arena like this there are trees are there there's only one cow is standing over there is it like this other things are there but only that is that absolute reality you are talking about no there is nothing now okay so that the Vedas ultimately I don't want but I have two hands and two feet and all that no it is not like that - no division at all that is called absolute reality without that nothing and nothing is there we have to keep in mind this fact then we are going to understand how this world has come with so many varieties all philosophies have to answer this bhagavata is based reading like this this is the only absolute reality but it is not a pantheism and a pantheism means that god has created this universe and in got it first it is like this until it is one when out of one everything like out of sugar we have met the sweets but there is no sugar stop over there is completely with the sugar we have made of this other sweets so if someone goes and said I gave you 1 kg sugar well just so that these are the sweets you wanted to make so these are the slaves the sweets actually transform into the sugar transform into suet so it is not like that it's not pant ISM pan and tea ism or is that beyond aunty ism it means of course everything has come out of this but at the same time is transcending that beyond that - that is called so that is exactly not only father water all Vedanta all in the scripture they think about this God is creating this now some of the people have little bit confused God has created this universe it is ok but out of world that is the main question the God is creating God is intellectual cause God has the power to create but something must be necessary to create out of word a very good cook but no ingredients about he will go how you will cook how my wife you do not know as excellent cook and please bring the dishes then she will say how it is possible because you have not purchased anything there is no provision in the house so that these two things are always necessary to understand or to create now here is the app so reality there is no - and again he has greeted them from what from himself the if that is so that Missy is exhausted the God is exhausted not been an theism so he is going beyond that to the xiaomi Vivekananda he spoke about this Pathan the figures of in New York then afterwards one lady she was really appreciating that and to make it more clear she wrote to show me be written on them I think you saved God is everything isn't it at all that I see is nothing but God the sharmaji said actually I told the whole Ramayana to you to someone and after listening the whole drama if somebody comes and say who is Sita then how it could be - like that you are asking the same of course all are not God but all the God has created these and God is beyond these out of this beyond so this is what the philosophy so panentheism that is also in the purgatory prime but when you are talking like this you have to give the proof how you got this you have to give the proof just ISAT and then someone came and told know that on do you have to give the proof that is also another speciality particularly we have found in the Indian philosophies you have to prove it without that that is called there's always the scientific so when there are discoveries of the sciences some of other philosophies are very much afraid when someone told the Sun is not moving Sun is there we we are only moving something oh my no no no in our scripture he said that actually we are the cold world is in one place all other things are moving and if you see like this we will burn you you will kill you why they were afraid they could not get that the reason but in Hinduism reason what is the reason that you say that it is not pantheism it is parent ism but the reason you have to give so like all other philosophy father what the philosophy friends we are talking about that however the philosophy but as if we are talking about the Vedanta philosophy so it says again the suction direct perception died in perception is the best if you know it yourself then there will be no doubt so when you go to please visit and see and then you can come back and say oh I visited that place I have seen that person the Didact perception protection then comes olomana what is the hanuman anumana is oh it's coming up and they in dying so look around there is a bit green only two months before the rest not a single sign of greeneries all white or dry either snow or only without leaves the trees are standing just up or someone has visited that particular time and he goes back and said oh there is nothing not a single leaf in the tree he's true but partially true but when you look at these and say not sure where from all these have come I really leave you wonder this asses see all the green grasses are coming up and the oil is or everywhere they cut it so nicely everywhere you go as a beautiful when you have children we used to see the pictures of the European countries which to wonder oh how they could do this beautiful green grass as because there are a lot of land so auntie they're not there the grasses were not there it was covered in snow three feet four feet snow sitting on that for six months still then it is not died it gained in the snow melted sunrise dug and then this grasses came up and how you'll understand that summer has come you will hear the sound of the motorbikes how coming out at the motorbikes and they'll be keeping things ready so this is the life this is all subtle is going on so Alana is there on mana that is naturally inference there must be some strength somewhere so it comes up again so this is the one mana the God is creating and it is dissolving again the creation is coming is going on and on and on so that is Hanuman Obama comparison when you look at these holy people so nice those people are so gentle so Carty are so helpful so naturally and they don't know anyone but they love everyone and they are ready to help them how it is possible we never think like that if somebody is suffering the holy man gives a manikin then reserve so give that person where from the lands where from the spices come we try to imagine there must be someone greater than this he is full of love so if I find the person is too unselfish and full of love here and now then there must be someone the Supreme Being so that is called super mana comparison so we understand this protection dialect second aluminium inference Hoopoe mana comparison then chapter chapter means the beta you have to believe on somebody shut them when it was the only universe trying to find out India and other countries this to go out and Uncharted Seas and they never knew what is going to happen but still these to go out so courageous people and wind evergreen everywhere they were bring on noting nothing nothing also we are going in this way this is the way and then the this is all the stars are moving this side is that side that that became a map and next the people who are coming out and sailing in the same sea they had the man then you had to go and how to go this is the man the shafte Vida is not the man as some of the people not one or two many people they meditated with a very pure heart what is a pure heart no other thoughts no selfish thought nothing that's why when the mind is completely tranquil calm then the revelation is to come so that is the thinkers the Moonies so they said there is one which is all-pervading so that is called Brahman so now when these philosophies are what the philosophy says there is only one absolute real that is from mother Hartmann how to say after dialect perception also through inference comparison and believing the words of the great souls that is recorded so these are the four that we call it proves brahmana the district for mana now this absolute consciousness is also known in the Vedas as Paramatma - sometimes we get confused Brahman the wording here okay and then something Hartman okay this - we can remember but if we go on giving the list like that somebody will call the same brahmanas Paramatma then department then Brahmin Artman crucial Tama up Shara Toria Puma and many other names now we are confused those who are stood and suddenly we are talking about the Brahman now again you are talking about art month now we have to do mentioning that is the Ummah which is the truth through one so these are the different names we should not be confused the same thing at least as this Puma means all-pervading so someone like to mention like that bhagavata calls this as Krishna Hari Vasudeva Narayana etc so these are the different names for the same reality same being so theses we should understand when you are studying the philosophy different names but once Rama Krishna he said whom you call grandma I call that as call me so naturally when we talk about Kali we always think that this is also the Brahmin another aspect of the Brahmin and only in a very practical way so far over the accept both impersonal absolute being and also personal aspect of the Supreme Being this is a from the Vedanta absolute Vedanta Advaita Vedanta if little division is coming which is it is both come on see Ramakrishna he also accepted this why because otherwise people won't understand for the benefit of the people this thing is accepted and absolute Brahman then you Shankara the Shankar Acharya he said in a very toned down way but his gurus guru says there is no creation at all is completely imagination but ordinary people who think either even think of that man is mad or I'm mad because I am seeing so many things still so naturally you have to make it in such a way so that the people can understand that in that way it comes to personal and impersonal both are there the personal God I can cook for the God I can help God in different way decorating God and whenever I go I purchase some nice fruits and flowers for God because we love the love is coming out the expressed in this way so the personal and impersonal thousands of people have benefited with personal God I have a God I have seen people they are caring their personal guard the question of the baby Krishna and then we keeping the baby Krishna and then in the morning they will say o Krishna please get up and then we singing this slowly the Krishna is getting out then washing the Krishna feeding the Krishna then only do you say now my Krishna will play I will go for a little out of work if you look at them you think are they all right but there's some great people so wonderful people full of love affection where from those wonderful qualities come from that one pointed ocean and that is called personal God so father with them he has brought down that absolute reality for the benefit of the millions in a personal God ceramic is not also supported this we all know just pure absolutely Ramakrishna and we need realized that Brahmin he realized only that consciousness in the form of light waves after waves team and trounced him he and huge building the temple all around merged in that light he was worshipping Kali but his fast realization was pure on Twitter so this we find all this every time but again he comes down and he is asking his devotee go ahead prayed to Kali and particularly Tuesday and Saturday if you go and pray then all your prayer will be answered the people are eating when the Tuesday will come a Saturday so they will go and they play at all the devotion I will still cocoon you will say Saturday and Tuesday we pray and today is the Saturday I was waiting for all these days to come the Saturday should come and then today I can't bring my prayer should be so this way always you can talk to God there is a and personal God in the part of what is known as Vishnu now another conception comes in the Bhagavata philosophy one is barber another is avatar the abbot Allah and the partner these are the two what is profit it means the one who has realized the bhaga bhaga means the gracious Lord the if you have realized the God then even known as father Subramani so that way one who has realized Brahman the Brahma be and his idea is very clear from being very on Brahma be barista the different scales of understanding here the same one who has realized that Supreme Lord Pavan his father so this table but said father photographer this however he has realized God but he is not about Allah these two different things are there so it says that father God can never become a Vdara when you see avatar the incarnation of God Avatara is one who brings down the Kingdom of Heaven or not in a political way someone has mentioned the kingdom of heaven on earth he has brought down that is avatar de Raghavan Saddam efficiency through the avocado one can get the conception of God sometimes the Jesus is also saying in the same tune those who have seen the Sun have seen the father what does it mean those who have seen the Sun have seen the father do you mean this body no the ideas the conceptions the activities so much of love and sacrifice if you read the life of Jesus Swami Vivekananda he was very much impressed the poor man traveling walking walking and walking all the time so that he can reach to the different people and talk to them think of that and this is a completely new idea you are pure as pure as the Father in heaven so this way he was going on telling so these are the contribution of the Jesus when the people came to him and this saw so much of love and power and knowledge they were wondering oh that must be the God when you look at the avocadoes the Krishna the Rama the Vans Ramakrishna we understand what this must be the way the God is what is God that is the that conception so Avatara actually bringing down the images pictures idea about God but not the however whatever does the realized soul they are understood that much come on see Ramakrishna game he is mentioning the some people they have heard about the milk some people they have seen and some people have drunk that milk and got the benefit of drinking the milk so these are the three different ways that this is the same way the avatars are the source they come down about the run the Sanskrit words when they use they use with great and other purposes not gentleman is about coming down we the ordinary people we are taking word gentleman and Genma means the boundary oh no no this enough is enough I am going to be liberated you can think like that but you have a bag full of things that heaviness will bring you down you cannot go out so that is the thing one someone was telling oh my god no I don't like to take part again I told now you are thinking after some time was the situation will change you couldn't they okay no problem what is the life is all right even seat and rider blame also on the life life is like these are there so this is not so easy desire the desires are bringing us down we cannot go out that is very peculiar very peculiar so about Hara is not like that so Christine Albert Gita he mentioned I don't have any responsibility over here I don't have any desire or still like come why because I have that love for the people the human being whom I created I inherited this human being and then I loved him so much that I come down Indian for two kind them that's why the other ones we are on occasional again and again he say only taking the name of Lord on do you have to think about him guna his qualities he must think now many people out there they are declared devotee of some God so they will be having a mark over here jaya sri rama everywhere all the his full grace Jerry now max it is written but if you go and ask who is this rear Amma oh you don't know the son of Dasaratha the Great King is a powerful that is okay then there's so many people are there like that the thousands and millions and kings where they are still the king is there then they gain what the quality sriram agenda do you think about that this is Ramachandra is going and embracing the guaca the guaca de luca's person who is to burn the dead bodies and to help the people to cross the river is a boat man and Ramachandra wind and said he's my friend impressed him maybe the Westerners don't understand this difference but the Indians they know if somebody is having some treat hanging on his left shoulder you never touch I am a brahmana and when he is walking in me so you can understand that he's a brahmana so Westerners understand but in India it is so much Ramachandra that God was brought over there he's showing us the love for them and the lady she was also from the very low crust and she was eating some fruits and dad she was offering to the God and God was so happy why she loves me so much that she's dinner the absolutely perfect fruit she wants to give me so he she is hitting that is the love do you think in that way in that if we think in that way then our God the see Rama will transform our mind all of us will get those qualities and whole society in the world the human community will become the place of carbs heaven so this we have to understand this is the avatar another conception in the purgatory find it is called Purusha purusa karana there's a about Salama business the songs are there the pollution what is this solution absolutely reality the pure consciousness has been realized as pollution through the analysis of three mental stages we come to understand that there is something inside us about which we are not very much aware but that is the main thing that's the main substance in us but we are not very much aware of it we are very very much aware about our body then again to some extent our mind and there it is we do not know that the body and the mind is working just because there is another substances there which is known as the soul the consciousness again prove it how to prove so the Vedanta always gives forward three stages chakra swapna Susu t-that conscious stage the dream stage and dreamless sleep that stage the way you have conscious body mind working with you are in dream stage body is not working but still you are working to your mind that proves without the body also one can work without the body - sometimes some people say is that ghost is there and the why not so we will in the sleep we are working so much and sometimes when we do not like someone in the dream we go and give him some beating and come back of course he's not affected animals but sometimes I am very much angry with someone in my dream I go I do I do really I do the action that is there so how is it so this is very very important you have to understand how it is possible because we doubt the physical body mind can work that proves now the third stage this is a little subtle when we sleep sometimes there is no dream also and we compare with consciousness and he come and say oh I had a wonderful sleep yesterday and I didn't dream even a sound sleep sometimes we say sound sleep of course ounce this is disturbing for others maybe if somebody is living with someone then his roommate will come and come to say can I change the room and go somewhere else so the one Xiaomi was there oh my god say he will be not only because the neighbors all around here all people and he will be sleeping nicely other people are working all through the right - not like that sound sleep is it really really very wonderful sleep we doubt the dream now the question is where from you got the information because your body was not there your mind was also not there but something was there we just come back and he put it to you the dad proves that except the body and mind there is something and that something is consciousness we call it soul sometimes some people they call it prana there's not that our doctor you be prana this is the life so that is pollution bhagavata will term that particular consciousness we just been through to the stages of three decoded puja pure consciousness it is there then similarly the guru Shah is projecting the world out of itself now comes another stage the first happy with the seat this is all thing is coming out of Brahman absolute reality it may be God as Hartman answer and then he said we call it as Krishna Vasudeva etc and how it is he is going on telling like this and finally it comes then he said you know each and every human being can get liberated how because now giving the comparison the purusa is helpful the conception of Purusha is very helpful to understand the identity between the three man God and the nature and sometimes the Saddam Oh Krishna said para prokta and Ravana bhagavad means the scripture containing the knowledge after the one who is reading that and Pavan is the goal after reading that after getting that idea one will realize that conception so far without the Bhagavad in vedantic terminology they call it 3:43 two together so three poodle though the now the people then go on telling the stories the Shiva in one go he killed three demons three brothers so that was the 3 so 3 para like this like this 3 booty what is this 3 booty in one line first is the person the youth the human then the God and the nature means the knowledge Gyan Jia Jia in pedantic and they see a human being God and the nature so three pootie the purusa is none other than God the Hollywood philosophy except the conception of Maya but before coming to Maya how it happens now in the mind we are creating and the same way the Guru sure of the God is also created how as we create in the dream when you were creating what you wanted oh I need the cement and the stone and some of the carpenters and these that do you want that no you build a mansion without anything just because you are thinking if you have the wonderful conception then the more you have the imagination you can make so many things so this is the way we create half through mind but when we create it is so true in the dream we never think oh no I am dreaming them has anybody turns out like that Oh afterwards you come back and say oh I was dreaming if it is a good dream then I will blame someone who my a maybe the given the clock or someone making the sound why was nicely dreaming you disturbed my dream and if it's a fearful drink then it is good that you helped me to come out of that all is my creation nobody came inside and created the had proves that I can create and the creation is so real that all the reactions in the creation that somebody's like writing me loving me the affection love fear everything is present in that creation and when you come back to the this this world the world of the visit can level you see oh that was a dream but nice dream sometimes some people to see the gods and goddesses and they are so happy with that but the same way the guru should the consciousness that God is creating how true mind so that way that God is leading through mind his mind and his mind has a power that sculpt my arm through the conception of the Maya to the power of the Maya so he is creating so now this that's why the bhagavata they also accept the conception of Maya Shankar Acharya has been the power of explaining all these things main instrument to explain is Maya him aya the Maya you cannot explain there is no definition of Maya but Maya we can feel that is the thing we can understand the Maya we can feel the Maya but we cannot define the mire this is the problem now study yesterday I was coming the world little boy maybe hardly few months and father the mother worse but now it is not the long vacation so all family is coming out small kids are also the earth the yesterday I was coming back from Minnesota and hold that the aircraft was full of children and different type of sound was going on and and they tried to give the gift to the children but so many children they then decided not to get to anyone so only said oh we are that much so now I saw a little baby sitting over there and trying to touch me so now I said then after some time so why the mother is holding her like that she's feeling that child may be feeling pain with life action and immediately I controlled myself the white affection should go like that mother is there she will take care I'm not supposed to so this is there we're from the affection team I don't know them so any little children they are playing around you you feel it so much attractive isn't it well from the affection come who has given that it is already in the nature the similarly all those region has come from God what is also having the affection God is also having the love God is also having the care he all those qualities years given to us little little he is having maximum we are wrapping little so that both are same so Maya is the power of God so it says God create juddered the universe - Maya man create some solid this world through mine do we avoid same he is having the big big things and we are having little thing the a few gentlemen they were sitting in one place and they were discussing about who should be the president of America what should be the policy and all that then they say day what you do in your house who is maintaining or not that all small thing have left in the hand of my wife she is taking up all the small little decisions who will be visiting where we will go all those decisions I think about the big things you know push it with the president anon now that way we are so comfortable we're thinking the big God is no not that way God is truly creating the universe that shattered one after another to the power of Maya we are also creating our own world Wow but these people are very good and they are all my friends you know the when the people they come first and they see the whole devotees after few months they become so close any function immediately them you must have to come without you I am NOT going to have that program you must come difficult so close they won't invite the other their own relatives the blood relation even invite the devotees why because we still nice to talk to them at the same wavelength in the mind you become friends you become like a and so close relatives why to light ology but this is a world this you have created your mind is created but sometimes some people will come and see it for within five minutes they of course I am NOT a good speaker the most of the people like to they start and then after five minutes they may start thinking I won't blame oh my god when you stop but anyway you are kind enough so it's sitting over here for our so here some people they come and the seat and the whatever may be the discussion they don't like it why because they had temperament completely different their world is totally different husband is thinking in this way wife is thinking in this way wife will always come to the shrine this she will do this you will do that not the husband why they're so close because the generator I create my own world that's why again and again we've here the prayer in the rebate so engine Vida this is my wife and me together then the happiness until here and in the prayer is also there we should think together what together why in the the chunky also the prayer is there to the goddess Durga Puja mano de mom the wider if the larger the wife is completely different thinking how world is different it will be so problematic for me so that's why our German or among the when you get it very good husband and the wife think your simplicity really really because this is very near why I clearly good world as God is fleeting the Java I am creating my world God is leading the Java to the power of Maya I am treating the my world through the power of my mind imagination so this is the philosophy of the bhagavata matter what the suggest some spiritual practices I will hardly conclude this way and friends we have got to wonder different singers so they'll be singing after this program I think you will like them because I didn't hear you do I am promoting but we take me some time to read the names named Indian names the servitor take some time but very meaningful name anyway this favorite is suggesting some practical spiritual practices here this we should note very carefully first is love bhagavata is all discussion of the bead on the right those who have studied the vedanta that you know there is nothing but with anta but the practices first they will say love the spatial effort has been given on the emotional aspect of the people love flow from both side God and person man when God love a human it is known as Grace when human love God it is known as of T so this two are the same when you are practicing of T you will get the grace the God is also loving you the fifth chapter of the bhagavad-gita from 13 verse to 19 verse sri krishna the god has given a list I like that person love that person who is having these these these dis quality so what is religion religion is nothing but developing those quads whatever we may be philosophy may be practices may be it doesn't matter what even you think is good for you must practice in that way god you must be busy to understand all the time truly developing those qualities to this first love and agility bhakti may be the personal God at the avatar and then after the lab comes the sadness pure love express itself as service you will find that whenever the people are in love with the children or maybe the husband wife anybody will go they will take the picture and see because they like to share that or they will present purchase the presentations and bring them like this like this and sometimes someone was dealing is thing you say if you forget everything including your name don't forget the birthday of your wife it will be terrible then so they actually always you have to remember the birthday otherwise it will be terrible so like their son is the wing the love is there at the same time sad we should be there in the this way what is the service when I love my god services to keep him happy how do you be happy summertime we should have a fan or something so that our nice clothes are fruits then flowers and the different decorations then pageants ball this way I like to serve the God the service is there and window you are serving God slowly slowly you are becoming self less that means you are becoming really really broad minded unselfish and when you become unselfish the highest kind of worship is nothing but the service to the humanity submit service to the being that's why shall we become the same tell me you if you are interested you can purchase the copy karma yoga we are constantly working but how to channelize that force towards God then come worship so tree first is love second disservice third is the worship pooja worship is the external expression of reverence service and love the worship when you do actually it is the love that is expressed we have seen when we were promised airings the training center I got that opportunity to serve inside the sanctum sanctorium of the bell mod and to go and touch the holy image of per one star Krishna my duty was to clean the slump is now but I think I don't have that another mentality of salvation Oh commanding is that the service is different attitude but still I tried my best I cleaned some Ramakrishna and then was the small piece of cloth and hand then a senior Swami he was the pujari he commands all your finished yes ravaging let me see he took her of that clot again come with me and he was washing that and he saw so much of still the soap still was lingering in there so the white soap earth look at it tomorrow when he will come he will use this blood and we will be using that on ceramic is not our cool how do you think the smell of the so quickly there still it is not the work that you are doing it is the love that you will explain in expressing so that a liked I really learn from that and we will be giving the fruits most of the time our devotees will come and they will keep the whole thing here and you know we are the damn things some of our the people who are worshiping they'll simply open that same ops over there and okay okay but there is no expression of love reverence that is not there so you have to put it in nice way so that the God is impressed who so nicely he has decorated flower should be there and there should be very clean and then a little glass of water should be there otherwise after the food he needs to drink the water everything you have to imagine how you are serving the service with love is worship service with love and concern is worship and not that simply we go and then go on chanting and if you go to the shrine and Hindu temple in America you are understand if you go to the empty oh my god at the back of the that the image so much of dust and things all the luggages are all kept over there and they are showing great respect wrong they wanted any benefit out of that that's why bhagavata very clearly saved these three things love service and then worship not first worship first is the love if you are having the love and concern and respect for that then you service and when that do not together this is the worship so that is called the bhagavata and what is the highest goal this is long weekend so I can take some long time right City here the goal is the mukthi the goal is the highest goal of life is the book team that is Mukti means achieving or getting back the natural divinity and the perfection of the soul the sometimes Mukti we had a very clear conception not to meet God now I am mocked up to sometimes when these holy days we had a four o'clock when deal with the school bill is to go off and mr. Davi a loop that is to come out and it's not like that neck thing the mock thing is going back to your original source so that is called Mukti the Mukti means achieving getting back to the natural divinity it is not actual divinity is natural and abilities already there and the perfection of the soul multi can be achieved only by the super conscious experience of the absolute super conscious experience of the absolute friends I need a many to explain this suppose you are worshipping Krishna Vasudeva are Vishnu you have the image so naturally when you are thinking that I will go to God you are going to a limit what is that limited personal God so obviously when you are going to the personal God you are going close to the personal God are having the grace of the personal God to solve Sudoku soldier sauce tea all these names are there for the devotional people but when you talk about mukthi you become one with God and there is no difference God and you are the one we have to remember that that is absolute realization when I go to that same God I don't see that God like as I mentioned see Ramakrishna was worshiping a personal God is Colleen McCauley but when she the syllabication realized Kali not as a person but as the absolute consciousness so real nothing true Mukti liberation this is like this experiencing the super conscious experience of the absolute the philosophy of the bhagavata is very practical its main profounder is Shri Krishna about to show me we began the same now why Tommy G is talking about the prisoner and we are concluding with this statement because if we understand Sri Krishna we will understand the philosophy of the bhagavata and in this seek about some Sri Krishna Sharma T standing Sri Krishna is the first grade teacher in the history of the world to discover and proclaim the grand truths of love from upset this is the biggest repealed love for love's sake and duty for duty sake when I am loving I don't expect anything in return and when I am doing something I could expect anything in return so love for love's sake and duty for duties sake and according to see Rama Krishna this bhagavata this book this spiritual cinema Tichenor says is as sweet as cake fried in the barter of wisdom and soft I am loved so this is the bhagavata now happy whatta when it is an M theory that Libre we saw that is actually we studied the philosophy the practical side of the margarita is called bhagavata-dharma in our next discourse we will go to the bhagavata-dharma the very interesting this model that thank you very much even more than so people behave but I said hey buddy what is Oh people [Music] mutters OH people dena my now baby but uh today my mother again show up anymore Betty boo that's not a stray MA the people sock a ass Oh [Applause] but [Applause] [Applause] so that [Music] Phoebe people people we were there Oh my Oh love Oh Oh my oh mama mama mama what am i from Oh Oh I have no words to thank them so it's not a song is really really the devotional expression is a unique very good the way they were singing they are not singing for us they were thinking for themselves they were all that it was pouring out for the drama we could feel truly touching the soul thank you very much I'd like to give this book I was not ready again to be yes and as they're brothers they will exchange can you stick them down one more class I will meet you all when you finish your food and come back