Video 68
Bhagavatam 033 : The Greatest Gift
shudders under the instruction and also the health at the Great Lord the churn the omelet Goomba and then they deprived the assurance and only the Devers the sons of the Aditi's they drank that nectar so obviously we can understand the enemity between the brothers is permanent so the assurance and the day worse they were completely different but you know friends that sometimes some people after the research they think recently recently means nearly 80 90 years before the one gentleman he was telling the shooter was a plan was true and the Devers also are a plan Devers were educated and they were well-established in the society or shooters were also highly educated and they were great engineers so this assurance they developed the different type of constructions and Indian Peninsula the Indian subcontinent so this is the way they always think the shooter the moment we think the shooter winds are all bad people no they were highly qualified people the engineers and they develop the townships but they could not fight with the Devers and all the time the neighbors is to come and this to defeat them so this was going on and here we find that sukadeva the exponent of the bhagavata then sometimes some people the things I talked about the means the only the live street life history of Krishna no it is basically the Bishnu the Lord Vishnu's his activities and also the different type of activities of his devotees like Prahlada Narada and so many we are not reading those things we are only picking up choosing some of those important events and trying to describe so this this time the decade and we came to know that all these people they were sitting over there then suddenly that King I think you have not forgotten that all the whole story started the win the grandson of Arjuna he was cursed by a brahmana and he wind and was waiting for his death only seven days left the whole story is going in one or two days and he said to the sukadeva the great exponent the son of Veda Vyasa who composed this purana I have heard that the Great Valley the king of the assurance give a gift to the Mahavishnu is it true and will you please tell that story and sugar is going on giving him before telling a story he is telling giving the description of the man on terra's the sukadeva revealed the knowledge about the man on Terra we know the Indians they always did know about the mantra the word that we always use the Manhunters what is this mantra it says there are chattel UGA's the four different periods of time and this period of four Yuga's when it is over certain darker treta kali this the circle every time it goes on a time will come hell all people will be good now all of them will be helpful all of them are religious that's concept Eluga not all majority we should say majority of the people because good and bad is always there whenever there is light there is darkness so obviously whether it is good that it will be bad but the bad is less good is more certain yoga then tapa tent raita tell Colleen then one mantra is over one Yuga is over this is the calculation I should have written that zeros about the 100 how many thousands of years that there has been calculated in the part of itself and that it says when the Chattanooga shuttered operatically is over then the Dharma goes in a peculiar condition it is there but not revealed it is done now it is the duties of the softer cheese you know the subtly she's the great seven the Rishi's holy people who can retain their personalities even in the place where there is nothing separate all become one even then they are retaining their personalities they're called subtly she's and Shami be vacant and that is considered ceramic eating himself say the one of the that subtly she the great personalities it is now their duty once again to rediscover the sanatana dharma the eternal religion and established the Veda the four Vedas the subtrees is the two again the circle on set the DARPA triticale it will go again one and when one circle begins one person become in charge of that he is Manu and that period of time is called mantra and there are so many ma news the Mulrooney is not one and there are 14 according to the calculation he said like that sukadeva after explaining that continuously the same thing is happening don't think this is the only time eternal the same thing is going on repeating Swami we become this one of his lecture he is telling you know today I am speaking to you maybe sometime before long long before the same people are sitting like this and I was talking like this and these words we are told will you believe and really it is going on happening happening and happening every time maybe I before also I came and can say this too and maybe you people who are also sitting in the same chairs in the same way is only repeating the beating and repeating so this why suddenly dimension like this to make us aware this is not truth don't take it so seriously this is going to change only so keeping at the background this thing that these are all changing the things so we have to understand truth and now again the sukadeva begins is the eighth book called scandal and 15 chapter attire and the here the king pariksit he is mentioning to the king please still that thing Munden thora and all those things he is not interested because he knew the time is short I want to know why the bali was a great giver used to give everything when he was punished by the Mahavishnu he wanted to know that truth and he mentioned Mahad go to Harlem in on within a I am NOT alone all these people are interested to know so na means we interim so Mahad go to Holland inna shook them started narrating but he was the grandson of nada he mentioned fast why because when the charity charity is the Tana we will come to that is the one of the greatest thing in austerity and the spiritual practice the donna so he was the son of Prahlada most of you know the exalted character of prelada he was a devotee of the vishnu and he went against his father even and in steve ocean he was defeated by the in Rome the Indra the king of gods he defeated bali bali was then the king of the others he was the leader of the shooter's indra the leader of the Gods the Devers and assurance this time in the defeated him and relief badly so he was thinking what to do certainly now when we start thinking nothing is going to happen everything is lost something comes up the one brahmana came to him very powerful he was insulted by the Devils he was the chakra acharya shukla Hari was having the tremendous powerful in a mystical power he could even make the date alive just by sprinkling some water in uttering the mantra he came he to the bali and saw the bali defeated the body if you accept me as your guru i will place you in a very hi condition do you like to accept me as your guru but you have to listen to me every word of mine and you have to practice whatever I say bali accepted him the shukracharya became the teacher of the asuras and british potty is the Guru or the teacher of the dealers now these two brothers dares to fight now added by two teachers brush with he never liked shakur acharya shukla taja never never liked brhaspati so that is the whole thing slowly coming up the British potty so he understood that this time the difficulties are coming for the Devers so he was trying to meditate him to solve the problem but in the meantime the shukracharya he asked bali to practice some austerities princes one thing is very interesting whatever we like to achieve we must have to practice austerity the religious practices and then only we get all these things whatever you want the name fame wealth power success everything the shukracharya he was guiding Bali to practice some austerity and Bali very minutely he practiced all those and he became very very powerful and one day Bali was ready and he went and he challenged the Indra Indra was inside his capital Swarga sirga was the capital of the divas the is call in English we can say heaven but different is a description is the end of this alga that svarga the description in the Bhagavata very clear it is mentioned what the people can enter in there those who are pure hearted thing we only are allowed to enter and they can enjoy these these these are the things there's a swell girl this beautiful blessed that's a picture the depiction is there Bali wind and Bali got many gifts now from different people and he went and blew the conch this is the call for the world I am here come out and fight with me the two different types of fight award this to happen the sometimes only the two kings will fight even in the history we find that instead of involving all the people and killing and so many people come the decision will be if you can defeat me Bali came and challenged indra indra was a very intelligent person he immediately understood this is the person i defeated few years before how come now he has come to my door to challenge me there must be something the instead of coming out i come i will fight with you indra from the back door perhaps this is my case he went to his guru leadership Athene and said said what is this I deleted this man and he was having nothing I destroyed everything but now he has come within this one or two years and he is challenging me the British potty in the meantime through his meditation he understood what is going to happen then he said this is a very bad thing for you you have to go and hide somewhere you cannot defeat wooju sanam volume J tomb Nasim Arthur asticus channel would you see bullying now the bully the King has come no one can defeat not you only no other gods no one will be why because he has been protected by the God himself and who is that God again that Vishnu and the power came through Bali's teacher his guru shukracharya so you know that one thing happened the Shami Vivekananda went to Kashmir so naturally he was a crowd puller the people started visiting him and nearby there was a muslim saint for kill so he used to have some small gathering now those people also went to be waken under the forty became very angry what is it that is all group these two come to me and that man has come then he wanted to show his power and he was truly having some spiritual power so he gave the Kurds this biblical and that you are going okay I am giving the curse that he will have tremendous the stomach ache and he won't be able to stay here even more than two days and that truly it happened so much of pain that we become they had to come down to Calcutta and then he went to Mara the Mona Devi with the complain against the ramakrishna and he said what type of taku you are having he could not protect me from that the folk it is nothing I practiced so much of spirituality and how could blessed me and now only gave one curse and I am suffering mother told two words she said who gives the power to forgive your knuckles around Krishna this naturally for kid was also practicing austerity he gained some power and secondly she said your suffering means salaam fishness own suffering the Salam Krishna is suffering himself why because he had to give if you are practicing austerity meditation prayer you will sure negate the power of God how you're utilizing that power that is different that depends on you but anyone here also the pearly practiced well you got the blessings of God and no one can defeat him now and he was telling would use cinnamon Boojum is very powerful believe G to NASA Martha jatin conquering or defeating Bali NASA martyrs the questioner probably the Pavano be perjury twice shehram hareem is a it will be very difficult except the Ishwara the hurry the great God the Vishnu no one can stop him so that is the power he has already occurred with the blessings and the guidance of his guru shukracharya now what to do hide yourself then the Guru said you better go and hide so all the gods they were hiding and present-day language underground someone he took lot of money from India and he came to London Underground what underground he was living in his seven sister Hotel but anyway this is they call underground that they all went into underground but the mother Aditi she was in great pain why mother is mother maybe she's the mother of the Devers but the feelings are all same she started thinking my son's are suffering and their father Kashyap he has tremendous spiritual power if he wants he can save them but he's not doing anything so that complain was there her she was having two wives DT and a deity the deity was the model of the assurance and Aditi was the mother of the Devas but the father was questioned kasha was quite pushy was not taking any side he knew that whatever things are going on let them go I am NOT in this why because he was a Rishi you know in the pattern of tissues our teachings they always say five different types of attitude mental attitude one can have to realize God one is Shonda Bergin's Ramakrishna mentioned it again and again the Shanta is the attitude of the Rishi's there all the time very quiet with our partner without affected now you always think what is going to happen this thing that thing but the Rishi's that know what is going to happen they assert the - does and they can see the future selenium what is going to happen so he was very quiet he was not taking any side he as usually is to go and practice meditation trying to reveal more and more the truth and that was the the job of the Rishi's that he was to practice you know the Shanta Dasia bachchan mathura and suckier all these different attitudes you can have the relation with the God as your friend or as your son or as you beloved and as your master at the same time you can think that God is the supreme everything is under his control I cannot do anything so let me just look and enjoy what is going on so that is the way he was practicing one day he came to Aditi's house the two cottages so Aditi's cottage he came oddity was serving him but he noticed that oddities face is showing that she is in pain here he was addressing Oh noble lady has anything at first happened look at her sons are suffering and the rishi is now asking the wife Oh noble lady has anything actors happen or mistress of my household that was the address now the husband is giving the responsibility of the household to the wife and wife has to practice something so that husband is not blamed the husband is busy but in whatever so that was the division of work now if you ask them when the present date is very difficult I don't know how who are listening but if I say that the wives and the ladies are supposed to be in the house of lamenting the house properly immediately me to something they may start no it is not that is a division of labor and the mill is going out to work and coming back and the wife is maintaining the household and family is happy how the three things all wives or as they call house maker own makers they are supposed to follow what is that religious marriage they should practice everything the religious marriage and among that religious marriage every day they are supposed to worship in the house keep the house clean and keep things all the time ready everything everywhere so this is the first responsibility the religious merits they should practice and in that whenever the RTT is coming someone suddenly come and appear before you and you had to help do remember the Sita there are my on a story and she was so eager to give the arms to the Ravana she was not knowing that that is his Ravana and because Ravana came in the garb of a monk Sheeta was actually following the what a wife should do that Dharma of the wife the schita she went out why otherwise people will say Oh in the Lamas family they don't give any house there is no one there to help us so that is the wife always stick here second wealth whatever the earning the husband is bringing then she should maintain in very nice way if you read the life of master the money Devi the little bit whatever you know surround Krishna's no heart be all explained teacher all the devotees is to come and surround Krishna will send out to mother oh he has come he likes this type of food bring it and where from it will come who will purchase we need the materials we need many things but the mother she used to slowly-slowly all things used to keep because the devotee is to come from the Calcutta and the cities and these to give the gift mother is to keep all those things so this is the wealth means not only the money but all the provisions in the household see this our literature particularly the Bhagavad that we are reading is giving the ship to the human society what it should be so these are the responsibilities of the wives then happiness the wife should keep the whole family happy there's Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna is telling mother knows who likes what the she will be keeping in mind what the someone will be asking for this type of dish I'm on death type of this thing that if she remembers everything and keeps everything ready the whole family is happy but sometimes some people would say oh she is going on working just like a slave but nobody is taking care know that these are the duties of the wives and when the husband came there and when he found that the wife is not at all happy the first question was anything adverse happened and I am NOT reading those slow curls arses he is going on asking different things is it that something happened to your health or any gift came and you could not properly feed or give the respect to the guest anything happened like this is going on a DVD in submitted heart petition you are the father of both divers and shooters I know but my sons are suffering at this moment please do something to save them they're like a mother she is asking but look at the father the father he is not also breaking his own responsibility he's a Rishi so he is not supposed to take any side and he is terribly tremendous power spiritual power if he takes any site that so naturally but the only oh shoot us and the neighbors both are his sons he said okay but as a mother you have every right to pray for your son pray for your children so he never denounced her and then Russia he said you have to take the refuge in Basu they were the bar so they were the Supreme Being the moment we say that Vishnu immediately they said Supreme Being why be sorry Vishnu we have to remember that this is the Hinduism sometimes all the time they are giving two versions one personal card again impersonal being so this way it goes things he thought hard for you brother a system of austerity and also a mantra the invoke Mahavishnu this fire brother this is a wonderful way in ask under the the book eighth chapter 16 verses 22nd to 58 on details of the description of Perrault brother has been given and you have to practice it only for 12 days and if one can do it he is going to get the blessings of the Mahavishnu that they say with the promise you are going to receive the blessings of the Mahavishnu if you can practice the pea brother all descriptions are there then you have to apply the mod on your body and then you have to practice these you have to do these and then as long and then finally you have to prepare a porridge with the milk and etc etc so if you are interested you can practice all details are there and the twenty-second to 2058 verse they each come the sixteenth chapter in conclusion the kerchief said three things that makes a great God pleased only three things if you can practice then the God will be pleased what are the three things he said top o Dhanam Jungian top Adan Umrah Tom Ian Ian - ah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah Shia a Dodge Charger the pronunciation attack Shahji this other sahaja means Vishnu and he is pleased with three things first is austerity what is the austerity controlling your senses that is the first thing in the Hinduism every time they will ask you to control your senses and the senses means so many problems only five senses but the millions of problems will be there why the different type of waves are going on in the mind so have to control in the beginning at the root so that is called taboo tapasya tapasya sat opposite opposite opposite up - ah they say Indonesian by practicing austerity by practicing austerity then they achieve that what is that austerity actually it's not that I am NOT I should not eat I should walk barefoot or I should not do these I should not do that no not like that is controlling all your lower towards controlling your lower thoughts that's the tapasya there's some people that think if the monks are living inside the house they are not real monks and if the wearing the shoes they are not real monks or if they are wearing the clothing they are not real man's all wrong wrong conception conception that that is completely different the tapa means austerity and austerity means no negative thought should cross your mind that is austerity no negative thought about yourself and about others also then come the animal charity and this about the donna the charity in the hope initial we will read to that afterwards it very clearly says how you should give then the younger there is a sacrifice what is the sacrifice anything that we do for the betterment of others without expecting any result that is young Kia anything that we do here gone on top of karma not a jump carry amoeba that in the bhagavad-gita and the Krishna when they say that you were supposed to give away all your work the Krishna said no mirakian Donna and taka these three karma you must practice the what is that here again Yoga means immediately the Hindus will you have to light the fire and ordeal that is a shot of birth you can every time you can do I saw some people they will go and they open the tap and the water is flowing and they forget to stop the head or the light is burning they all just come out another person noticing that he will go and close that young girl and he never mentioned him and you have not done that you should go and do never he himself went and did it he's a wastage so that is called a young girl I have seen the people collecting the leaders when particularly the banana skins very slippery one should not leave it here and there in this country people are very aware so not that with our country it's very peculiar they just do like that but if you are taking care of that young girl any small small thing but doing for the betterment of others without expecting the result that is called yang dia and charity that Tana ena to shield adduction aha this attack Shahji vishnu is very happy with this three topic Donham and young girl the mother of guards but the mother so she got ready to practice that she started practicing Oddity practice that for long 12 days and nights continuously and as a start by her husband and finally and now the Shakur is describing Tasha brother Goethe Tata patha ban inada Purusha peta basa Jeju Babu shankha chakra the chancre Chocula da da da da that he appeared before her so when she was practicing this she got the result what is the result that Vishnu the witch's impersonal being took the form and what is that form the description is Peter Vasa the yellow cloth he was wearing and what is the you know craft the symbol of Java there's the Irish that is the symbol of the other and also is the color of fire the fire that burns fire is the symbol of knowledge so that is the color he was wearing to tune wahoo he was having four hands and he was holding Shankar the conch why the conch to call today morning you people have come over here why of course many of you have received the flyer many of you know that this is the Sunday service that we do over here but is it not you got it call in the heart that we should go there are many people in there but they don't receive that call this is the call of God that is the shankar as the conch when he is blowing it is reaching out in Islam they call it a John a John means the call again in the Christianity they have the bell for Whom the Bell Tolls is beginning with the wonderful story the bill that is giving the sound as if the call of God now this is the time you should come so this Shankar in the hand of Vishnu that is the symbol the God is sending out the call come to me come to me come to me how many of you are how we listen very few Raghavan see Ramakrishna if you have read in his life he used to go up on the terrace and from there looking at the Calcutta City used to give the call whoa where you are my children come I like to keep my wealth to you wealth means that knowledge spiritual knowledge where if you came because we don't like to listen to call but the call you God is constantly calling us that is the symbol of the conch and this the discus he is holding chakra why that is a symbol of the chakra as I was telling the man under that Chattanooga the four yugas constantly changing shut the dark data tree critically constantly changing so that is moving in his hand that is the discus Lotus is the form of the devotion so the devotion is the only way by which we can realize God a devotion is not emotion devotion is the knowledge and action to realize that that is called devotion and how to because the God is there he is supreme understanding that with that knowledge when I start acting that is devotion and there is no emotion at all the sometimes people they will be thinking emotion of course that particular quality of our mind the emotion we utilize I love you I take care of you I am concerned for you all these emotional things are also adding to make the force of devotion and that is symbolized by the Lotus and then finally the mess da-da-da-da-da-da his name was also da-da-da-da-da Krishna's name why the lord vishnu again appear before his father and said i left to be your son when the son was born father remembered that and then he kept the name gadadhara the one who is holding the mass why the means to punish and what is the punishment those who are not religious those who were hampering creating problem for the others it is the duty of the God to stop them so that is the gada Shankar Dada Dada the SIA Prabhu who the Tata here he is addressing the King brick sheet and others as my dear one because the Rishi the sukadeva is very happy so he is addressing in that way do you know what happened Raghavan on are the Purusha are will Buddha this is a great thing happened and he is giving the description the mother hadith he started trembling seeing that God before her she was practicing austerity praying but when the God came before hard there all the presence of God and it's very difficult so no he go and pray to God please come please come left to see if the God truly comes before as it will be terrible because we are not really prepared to receive the mother was prepared Aditi was prepared but even then she was trembling and then the Lord said o mother of the Celestials I am pleased with your faith and devotion Swansea in a pot retama beat that a suit on got Gupta's me now he said that I shall be born then he said a part of mine as your son to protect your children go toss me toss me means I will protect now this is the promise that the God took to protect your children the Davers I will take the human form but part of me first he said I will borrow then immediately he added a part of me why part of me then we find over here the part came but he said at the same time mother you should not reveal these matters to others even if questioned why matters of divine significance have to be protected from publicity if they are to fructify if the fruits the that is coming the result is coming only because of that that's after giving the initiation we ask the the disciples not to write it down anywhere or to discuss it with others you have to keep within why dad will give you the fruit and if you go on telling everyone I don't think that before because they regard himself the Lord God Himself is announcing that you should have to keep it very secret this is mine the mantra the small name of God but it is very powerful so we have to remember that after saying these the Vishnu disappear he's the father the car shop also say this is the way the God always act if only the mother got the region the father me kashaf of course he was a really new but even Linda in the doubt make me come might come in the mind of the father Kashyap how come why his son that's why the God immediately revealing himself in the meditation of the kasha balsa and Kashyap knew that he is going to come as our son in the life of Sri Lanka stalls where I am comparing this thing happened very recently though when we are reading about that car Shepherd and Aditi is a few thousand years before very recently same thing happened the mother of vagabonds Ramakrishna when she felt that the power of God entered into heart the same time the father above all ceramic is now also saw in a vision the God is telling I am going to your home house and I like to be your son so both they were knowing the frames of the mother of ceramic is not they were advising are not to disclose this tube her husband how he will react don't do this but she told no I cannot I must tell the truth and she tell told the truth to her husband when she he returned back and immediately the father Shadid objector but they say I know the God has also said that to me so we have to be very careful so father and the mother both are having this and father what now described the birth of the Supreme Lord but mysteriously she took the form of a dwarf domina now we know when he was giving the promise that I will come as your son and immediately he said as a part of mine is not the fool mean the part of mine will come and that because of that he took the human form but as a door but very attractive so all people came to see him that door up the small boy and from the birth itself he was having all the knowledge of the Vedas and he immediately said that I have to go and meet the bali the king of the assurance bali by that time was having one Jung Kyung what is that junker Donna younger there's a great thing he was doing we were will come Bali was having so much of wealth that he said whatever you want just asked me I will give it to you you know that is also the expression of your ego whatever you want just come to me I will give to you that is the ego and that was the only lacking thing in the body otherwise everything was good and taking Dad that God is coming and he's going over there as a small bomb owner and when the brahmana form he appeared before the Bali in that court and dear also Bali's teacher his guru shukracharya was present shukracharya immediately realized this is not the ordinary boy he's a small brahmana boy and carrying the umbrella and also small water part he is going as the brahmana rises to travel like that but so attractive all people started loving and they fail to look at him but immediately shukracharya recognized it is not an ordinary boy if the Mahavishnu he has come in this form so naturally he is going to punish you Bali listen to me don't give this boy anything but in the meantime the conversation has already taken place before the shukracharya could caution the body the body told what you want that is the conversation I am NOT going to quote from the Sanskrit then the he said see I have heard that you the grandson of the father he is the son of Buchanon he never said like that this brahmana the small brahmana he said you the son of the Prahlada a grandson of the Prahlada and also yourself is a hero and I have come to you knowing that whatever people ask you give yes I am the great powerful King whatever you want don't hesitate just ask every word was coming out not as a humble way but on the egoistic way so that displeased God so - sometimes we receive or acquire the spiritual merit and after that because of the spiritual merit when the people are coming to us and then we can do these and that ego enter into our mind and he gained the fall begins and it goes like that up and down up and down so the naturally that ego that was coming out God didn't ask and he said ok this is very simple thing that we'll ask I'm a small person I need a small plot of land from you only I will walk three steps and whatever I can cover in by these three steps that bliss of that much of land you have to give to me Bali laughed three steps you the small boy who would state how much bigger you can't take no no no no don't hesitate rather you think okay three steps whatever land you want that world I'll give and you want something more he said no I am a brahmana whatever has come out of my mouth dad I'm sticking three steps only so this conversation was going on I don't know where the chakra charger was there and when the bali has taken the water holy water to take the promise you know when the we take the prom we are supposed to give it so before taking the promise usual tradition in in loose they will take the Ganga water in the hand because keeping the Ganga that the Ganga is and weakness Ganga is the weakness so that we had to take the Ganga as the witness and then we will take the promise thank you sometimes you're not becoming hold the so small word slipped anyway so this bajalia already took the water and he was allowed to take the oath then shukracharya came and shouted bali stop it do not take the promise you do not know he is not an ordinary brahmana boy he is the Mahavishnu himself then the bali told but I have already given the world I am ready to then the chakra charge si no no no just by truth you cannot survive in this world this is the word in the bag of a girl he said even a householder you are not a monk monks are supposed to practice those things once you have taken that some oath or said something you must keep the promise that is for the monks but for a householder you can always break that you cannot survive only with the truth this in the bhagavata perhaps our in India the political leaders and all over they learnt this so the this leaders are very happily practising this this is the way you have to then what he saved he said in the when you know that why the God was not pleased with Bali the DOE the valley was really a meritorious person because in the opposition to entry open Isha Shiksha Bali it teaches very carefully to Ramachari do the students cert they are the when you are giving something you must give with respect Astrid tire of the a.m. if you don't have the respect don't give it then sometimes some people they don't have the respect but they come and give it give to the person you have seen to someone one should not accept that because that will harm him or the heart who is giving so always with respect you have to give three are the according to your wealth you should give you are having only 100 rupee and someone asking something you give 100 and then you bake them others no you should not the you may act maybe ten dollar out of hundred so this is the teaching of our Phoenicians they called it three RDM according to your wealth according to your capacity you must give the ones Ramakrishna is also asking for the sannyasins don't go and ask something which the householder cannot give he may give you some money but if you asked a huge amount it will be difficult for him and at the same time because he could not help you he'll be thinking in a completely different way oh I could not help that Swami who came to me so these are the beautiful teachings of the religion what is religion forming the human being so that formation comes truth they are DM s retire at the end without respect you should not give anything Shri RDM according to your world then you should give three are the remains humble when you are giving you must be humble shall me be vacant under mentioned the should kneel down then that is we are the the one of our devotees son was driving that I saw the the the home homeless the person he was there and I felt unless something we should give it will do they have some money he said yeah ten dollar bill I am having the we do give to that gentleman he then lowered down the glass and said hey brother and his Indian said brother is a bro this is for you and that man came and he took that money and thank you brother like that so this is the way one should say brother other respected one that just throwing the money one should not so this is that they say that we are DM with humbleness you should give PR DM you should give it fear why I do not know whether this is sufficient for you or not but whatever I am having that I am giving to you with that fear in mind I am sorry this much I can give it to you this is mine and the source are otherwise I won't be able to help you so this is some beta I am and when you are giving we're happily the other one one small boy came I gave two candies to him and the mother told give it one to your sister the sister she was sitting in this then he looked at her and he was not at all happy the mother asked him to give it to her now you would need not to give because some bida I am there to give happily and if you don't feel happy not missing so this is the teachings body was supposed to know it why the God didn't say hey why you are talking like these note instruction why you are supposed to know it now I am a mom I am supposed to know what are the rights made it's demerits in this monastic life I'm supposed to who will come and teach me now all the time and if I made a mistake it is a mistake so that is the reason one must be very very careful Bali being an early person when he was a young boy because in the tradition all the premature is this to learn is he he must have learned ifs but he didn't practice the hip why be go because of the ego I can give to that ego he said I am going to give he refused his earth altar gurus words also this gurus words one should not do not whatever the Guru's say now the cuckoo came with another argument he said you see you tell the untruth that will be alright he is asking three steps you measure that much that much I we do or say the untruth something why because in the scripture five different times one can speak untruth again it says so please give me five more minutes the because this is very interesting first he said being a householder you should behave like these because you have to survive and here he says to please a girl sometimes you can tell the lies the custom so this is our scriptures even helping everyone then sometimes you can tell a lie of course just to please the girl so but suppose you gotta fall some sometimes in the movies this the he took up a flower then the girl came oh this is for you actually he meant for somebody else yes Ben so that much it is allowed so to please the girl and the wife you can say a false and at a time of finalizing the marriage you know the arranged marriage in our society the parents of the girl they will go on telling my girl you do not know a wonderful cooking wonderful singing wonderful everything so sometimes the others will cook for the girl but the girl will take the credit but after the marriage husband will understand how much completion but by that time it is already done so that much falser is possible and third to save one's livelihood and you know that if I say the truth that someone is going to lose the job that time you may say and fought to save one's own life and field to save the life of another person so these are the five times one can tell the lies and he said money to save your wealth to save your property in the country to save your own people tell the lies there nothing wrong in happening but Bali was adamant he said no I am going to give it to whatever I have promised so he took the water took the promise asked for the final dime to that small bow mana that door person what you want tell me finally he said the drops immediately said I only one trainee padang neva bringing creamy butter but our neighbor Pliny I want only three steps then as the shukracharya there was thinking that took shape the that small little boy became huge and huge he was the Mahavishnu and so big that in two steps he covered all the three regions the swagger and the Martha and the Potala this the world this present world and the netherworld and also the heaven all three with the two steps and each and every place was covered by his huge body then he said you promised that that I can take the third step where I will take it where I will keep my third third step then the body sat down at his feet and said and he Bali saw that Maha Vishnu all creation everything was there then they said you better keep it on my head so the Lord kept his the holy feet on the head of the body and kept it over there now this is the story goes another bad generation of the generation Hindus they believed that still that is there the Bali is the Lord's that foot stayed still there and you can see it Anacin went over there is all black stone but it's a beautiful shape of a fit the feet is there you can see if you pour the white the milk you can see that so people they go and worship but volley became immortal having the feet of God on his head but why Halle was punished because of this so one must be very very careful and this is the greatest gift that was given and what is the gift everything that the valley was having including himself that is the greatest game but we should learn one thing whatever we give we should give with humbleness and with prayer thank you very much let us chant this mantra and continue young brahma guru named rudra murder student e DD pls stahp ee b the song but the gramophone isha de guarantee young sama god they are novice Tita that didn't ominous our question the young yogi now Yoshii on Tanabe do sudah asana Ghana the by the Smee namaha shanti shanti shanti hurry you that today is the TT puja of Shami yoga this Swami Yogananda the he was the one of the direct disciples of Raghavan C Ramakrishna so today is TT puja though we don't observe that in a laboratory but he keep the picture to remind it what is the holy day because he was invented and this Yogananda was loved by Parvati Ramakrishna and he was a son of a very rich man of the same locality - nature his father was the landlord of daksha nation his father but he used to come to see Ramakrishna you know that wonderful thing that happened just I will remind you he heard that to realize God one should not Maddie because the moment you are marrying you are in different responsibilities so you cannot completely give your whole heart and soul for the realization of God so he wanted not to marry but in the meantime his mother went on telling you just marry a girl that's all I will take care of that young girl you need not to bother about your wife and he was very respectful for his mother ultimately he agreed and after that mother told once you have married these are the responsibilities or to follow you cannot go to that only man you cannot practice these you have to add money to maintain your family then he understood that he is in a great difficulty and he was ashamed to come to the once Ramakrishna then see Rama Krishna was inquiring why that boy is not coming used to come so frequently we don't know he is now married and he cannot come so the in cinema Krishna told can him please ask that boy to come to me and then he understood he won't come then he say he took one Anna from me only one farthing so from me he has not returned it back what people were using and when that news reached him he immediately felt insulted oh that much money and then this man is telling that I am not truthful he came angrily with that money to give it back to the Salam Krishna said I'm Krishna hold his hand and said or not the money you are not coming as because you are thinking after marriage you won't realize God no not that if I have the blessings on you even if you marry hundred times you will realize God you are not going to be bound by anything you will be in the household but at the same time you will be completely detached and free so that is the blessings of the great guru and when you say Guru Maharaj we actually mean Bhagavad Salam Tichenor we give initiation but we never acted I don't consider myself as guru guru is only God so see Ramakrishna is the Guru and through him just he has chosen me here so I give his holy name so that is the blessings of Shri Ramakrishna anyone can get liberation if the great god Raghavan Ramakrishna who was the embodiment of the Vishnu himself blessed thank you please have the Prashad when you are going down