Video 65
Bhagavatam 061 : Three Questions Of Sri Krishna
shan okashi annum but the moon of Surrey hm Rashaad harem Goggin Assad regime made a Burnham shoe Hangul Lakshmi condom Kamala jnanam you give he the Anagha Miam bundy vishnu m-- babu-bhaiya harem salaburu their devotees and friends today the sunday discourse yeah discs have the discussion on three great questions to ask to Sri Krishna three questions to Krishna in our last class on this bhagavata on 29th December 2019 we explained the worst tenth of the tenth book and the tenth chapter of the worst in chapter 10 book 11 Lord Sri Krishna very clearly explained to who'd ever that our bodies have been created by his Maya his power now why we are discussing this because this is very important because of this body we are bound to this samsara our samsara our body is the samsara so that is the reason in that our 13th verse of the tenth chapter we are now studying the eleventh chapter the this was discussed the Krishna in the Bhagavata he said as a book eleven Skanda eleven tenth chapter and tenth verse you are so GU no ability to deihi the who I am Purusha sir he samsara stunned me but I am boom shall be just siddharth mana ha Qi dot mana ha this body is created by Maya you are so GU knowing Bureau Cheeto guna means Maya why the Maya at the guna because Maya is the having three qualities and two powers what are the three qualities that is shot to a Raja and tamo-guna Sanskrit says guna to the three qualities and again the Maya is having to power four just to power a Verona concealing and big shape removing so aburana big shape these are the two power and three qualities at Aerojet Amma with this the whole creation this is the power of God the divine power of God and this is known as Maya you are so GU knowing the guna means this truth as Maya beauty to the who I am this body Purusha shaggy samsara sternly but the iron pencil with us Siddharth mana ha and this is the samsara and also the cause of bondage in samsara only self-knowledge can cut this bondage bida bida means the knowledge what is this knowledge self knowledge so this is then the second verse the verse 11 it says the smart G Garcia art monomer are Muslim gay belém pará --m Sangha Mia Neera said that was too good theme guitar drama now that God himself has created this universe out of world out of his Maya out of his power and this power though it belongs to God the God is completely separated from this power this is a unique way that it has been explained the Bhagwan see Ramakrishna gave a wonderful example to make this point clear the snake is biting and the poison of the snake is killing the people now snake is having that poison within its body but the poison is not affecting the snake the similarly the God is having the power of Maya which is that Maya is a delusion and the Maya is accepted on a Roger and Tama these three gunas but the God is not affected by this so this is one point we should remember and then how this body was created with this three guna and the power of Maya that this body is the cause of bondage bondage means we are associated with the creation that is bondage the moment we are not associated attracted we are not bound by this creation again and again we stress on this particular point because those who are trying to develop the spiritual life what is the spiritual life the going beyond the bondage of Maya and this Maya has created this whole universe within the universe I am also belonging and I since this particular body this moment which having to this body and after the death am I free no because the mind is also there the mind is also certain but but again the made of the Maya and this mind is king all the impression desires all the thoughts obviously till it is fulfilled star then again after this body gone when I am dead then the mind will carry me again in another body sweet able to fulfill all my desires hidden desires that this is called samskara this summer scholars so they take us the the other day one lady called me and this was the point we were discussing and I wanted to tell her that samskara what is this some scar impression how do you understand this impression if you put children they are born in the same family growing and the same atmosphere same schooling but to different character when they grow say 1617 they become mature immediately there are some scholars start manifesting and they become completely different two brothers of the same parentage the Sikh growing up but two different personalities why because this didn't samskara one is so good so kind so helpful another is just opposite the parent has given the same education same training same samskara but they're hidden samskara and that proves that we're from the hidden samskara came from the past birth so that also proved that reincarnation theory so this body when the Krishna stealing bhagavata is telling you are so gu no ability to which is made of my maya this is the ferocious cherry Busha this the supreme god mind gods maya and that is the samsara stuck banda samsara banda that is attached to the samsara the creation and what is this creation it is thristy and liya the creation means nothing but the circle of birth and death in between sometime the trees maybe some trees they are surviving for 200-300 years or more than that human being apparently these hundred years there are some instance they will born in the morning and dying in the evening their lifespan is that much and they're really happy into that I don't know happy or not but so they're there so this is the whole universe is constantly changing this whole universe is constantly creating and destroying and this is called the my even then understanding these seeing these again and again every moment we are bound by this we are attracted by all this we cannot lick give it up so this is what is called samsara how to go beyond this the God is telling you have to the self-knowledge that can only cut this bondage self-knowledge we will come to that what is that self and what is the self is bound or not this self-knowledge the self is there as Eve in the body inside the body then if we go to the open Isha the pony shirt says the God has created this universe but it is inert what I am going to do with this inert you know that when the children they gate I would call it is not having any life but they are happy they start think that that is having the life Dali's hungry Dada doll wants to sleep so they are very happy imposing all the rimmel taken on that doll and they are playing with the doll we see they are very happy with that now the grown-up people and we respect them very much they are scientists they're also creating dolls but they we call it Robo and it is having the intellectual parts in into it so it will go receive your order supply the food now some like this it is happening in different places this is also a doll while having something special and that has separated from the wooden doll that the small little child is playing with and the same way look at us our body and mind is a made of inner thing Jaya Jaya bestow but still we are talking we are moving like the robot there's something clear within us what is that conscious and this consciousness we call it soul and this soul is nothing but the reflection of the supreme self we have the self we have the consciousness but this consciousness is only the reflection and even with this reflection if we can do so much think that if we can have the original real the consciousness within us how much you can do so this what the god said you can go beyond the bondage of this Maya the children are crying when they lost their dolls but the grown-up why do you know we can go and purchase one they're so hoppity's knowledge you know that this is temporary and we are not actually bound to this we can have another one or if we don't have there's no matter this is not so important for us the same way the slowly-slowly knowledge goes on and on a sannyasi will think this samsara is nothing name fame all this person properties is nothing for me and he's very happy not that he's crying every day he's very happy and when he is very happy why knowledge again child is crying because of its ignorant and the grown-up is crying because of his ignorance but a monk is smiling happy because of knowledge and I think of those people who are completely liberated so this is the point the smart ji Garcia Atmaram art Muslim Gable on Purim Sangam Nia Neera said that both 2-butene your optimum now the instruction that has been given therefore the smart why this the smart why this do I dare to lick there for understanding the temporariness of the world temporariness of this creation if you have not understood it now this is not for you those who are understood it this is for them so this is the way we have to continue why we are reading the bhagavata the bhagavata is giving us the complete saints of knowledge what is this knowledge to this body is inert so we should not be too much attached to this body at the same time we have a consciousness which is maintaining this body and this whole world and we should try to understand that consciousness how Jigyasa ah you have to discriminate the smart G Garcia atmanam at Muslim Kiba lumborum through discrimination realized the supreme self and unified the soul with it you have to unify the soul that is why this meditation and what we do in meditation and also the ritualistic this puja that we do there also the pujari transforming himself as God and then become be united with God and then he said God I like to worship you and if I am United with you how can I worship you so please go and sit on this place and take this particular form sometimes ram chander sometime Hanuman sometime Krishna sometimes Ramakrishna masala Domini so different form we Majan we think we like to see we like to worship but after that we again take bath that particular soul my god within myself so atmanam that self has to be known through the self the self the bigger self and the lower self is me the jivatma and Paramatma the jivatma should try to go and mix with the Paramatma and slowly slowly you talk rahman and this should be slowly slowly we have to work in one go at you today I have decided to march with the forum art man now that cannot be you have to slowly develop how you have to go to that's way but once Ram Krishna said you must have the holy company fast and the holy company that means the person who has already realized God is a holy holy person only a one who has read a lot of books and very intellectual and can put things in a wonderful language no he cannot guide you in spiritual development we may be helpful in develop and erst anding the philosophy but guidance is completely different in spiritual progress is completely different thing it is completely transformation of your lower self to higher self it's not wrong to write is the lower self and to higher self so therefore you should go that Sri Ramakrishna said first tape you should go to your holy company and what is the holy company just now we are having the holy company the conversation between hood thava and Sri Krishna what more the that is holy company and here we are understanding listening then pondering discriminating and slowly slowly we are becoming matured to understand this world is nothing but temporary in the beginning energy in America the many of the people who might make they said when we came sharmaji wish to live in a small one-bedroom apartment this called studio apartment and there this is cooking and everything in the same place even to reduce the cost we have we used to have another friend living with me so we could share so that was my starting then I got a good job good salary then I purchase a nice house with two bedrooms or three bedrooms and this portico in sunroom and all this then I get married settle over there and slowly slowly children they grew up and then they also settled now we are two old people it's a two big house for us do we sell that house and go to an one apartment so how it is going on there from small a game to the small why understanding that this is very temporary and necessary is there because when you are married you need some big house so we will come to that one is the Bihari Cassata and another is that spiritual truth eternal truth so these two will come here God said you have to understand the spirit that is called the self the Brahman the Artman understand that and then also understand that you are also the same why there is nothing but the self and then this body this is nothing but the Maya this is an illusion this body is constantly changing when I was a little boy of five years I used to tell that I am now I am 65 again again and I am Telling I am I am to work to this body but the five years and sixty five how much changes has come in the body in the mind in my heart if I just stop and think about it that about it it will be so easy I don't need some courage area to explain it to me I don't need anyone to explain it to me I myself can understand everything is changing and whatever is changing is temporary so I could not get too much attached to all this but the problem is Maya and what is this Maya delusion and what they dilute they will constantly go on telling in your mind hey you are alright what about your children okay children are alright what about your grandchildren so go on accumulating wealth and these people they go on doing like that they cannot deter stints themselves then ultimately next life again they come back again they come back again they come back so this goes on on and on you may come in the form of a human you may come in the fall when animal are the border Riptide no one knows according to the karma fall according to the desire so one should be very much careful about it so this is called path of discrimination is a path of knowledge knowledge that takes the individual soul beyond the realm of Maya by doing righteous work one may reach higher level like Evan but that position is also according to bhagavad-gita is temporary so this is another point to understand majority of the people they talk about the heaven behest Swarga so this way they always expressing and when they think oh and ask for this thought they do so genius thing they'll be killing people thinking if I can kill the non-believers of my faith I will go straight to the heaven think of it so the way they are thinking they are not at all in no way religious but still that is also thought that is also philosophy that is also action and all these things are going on and that is called nice science wrong knowledge false knowledge me TR Gianna this is all Maya so one should be very very careful when he is thinking now here the Lord who is our guru he is telling well you have understood that this world is temporary no you like to go and to a permanent place and for the permanent place some people they have given in the bhagavad-gita also you will find it says that in a Charu Barker they'll be speaking in so nicely oh if you go to heaven he will have these you will have that you'll be so happy he'll go on talking like that and then he says the Krishna's it Tarbert mood that is to again surgery is there heaven is there a place of joy is there but is a big part davit up to that oddity Sergey enjoying all your good works yeah but Poonam samavyapti Union all your righteous actions that resulted good and that will be exhausted and again you have to come back in the boonie shot also that meant the same thing in all the religious scriptures Hindu religious scriptures I don't know many other religious scriptures but the Hindu religious scriptures and particularly we Hindus all believe and Upanishad that is Veda which says that in the struggle nikasha preached at a secretive anubhooti Imam locum Hinata Rambabu Shanti nikasha means in the heaven nikasha priests today you had enjoying and all expending all your good karma then you have to come back come down to this that means in this world and maybe he natera maybe in many other other world so that one should be careful even Brahma the first born who lives to Piratas it's called paradas means ten billion years of human life ten billion years so he leaves to per others can he imagine to ten and ten in a twenty billion for sorry ten thousand billion I'm sorry ten thousand billion ten thousand billion twenty thousand billion years still it is temporary there's a beautiful story the ones the Narada was going to meet the Kree the Lord the Vishnu the two monks they were meditating today when they saw the nada is going they said nada are you going to meet the Lord yes oh good can you please help me the how can you ask that I am going to be liberated I'm also meditating and taking his holy name practicing yeah I am surely there I'm sure that I am going to be liberated can you ask when not other to locate the both of demarks the same question not other way after some time when he's coming back then the first person he asked what the what is my result what he said that then not other said God said that you will be liberated after three birds and other three birds you have to take and practice austerity then he'll be liberated oh my god he broke down again another three own time and the second person came and told what is my result what the God said about me then he showed to a tamarind tree and said leaves that there in this tamarind tree so many times you have to take birth they believe occasion and the man started dancing in great joy oh that is the limit is there it may be the millions of the tamarind leaves but still the meal limited period so I am going to be liberated that's worship the goddess say idiot Lee the God appeared and saved you are liberated so this is the story in story form it says guinea have to come the Brahma who got the ten year few years still there is a temporary the Supreme Being is the only eternal substance except eat everything are temporary this is called discrimination understanding the difference doing real and unreal the students of sri ramakrishna those who are reading the biography of the ramakrishna or his conversation the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna they know the Salam o Krishna also every time given the stress on the bechara what is this bechara the real and the unreal sucked air and Meeta the Salam o Krishna again and again he same first you go to a holy person listen to him then go to a secluded place and then ponder over the teaching third you should do the bechara the discrimination whether all these teachings I can utilize in my life is this the path that I should follow so all this you should and then find out when you are sure that there is God and you decide that in prayer the prayer is the ultimate so when you start praying to the God that means you have the faith in the existence of God the real means eternal ill means unchanging and unreal that is all created thing the temporary now if we mostly the people very educated the scientific knowledge is there now what are the things are temporary if we try to understand then you will find that everything is temporary everything right from the Sun down to that grass and everything a temporary it's a period maybe sometimes long sometimes the medium sometime very short but it is temporary then what is the permanent and when we are summarise the teaching of the bhagavatam we find now let us summarize this God has created us with his divine power Maya our bodies are the cause of samsara this world the me and mine what is samsara some sir is nothing but me and mine this is me and all these things are mine then now the moment day it was declared that the people should leave at home to avoid the mixing and spreading the disease what happened the first all people ran to the shops and they started grabbing everything that was possible for them why I should survive later all dire and maybe in the whole world everybody's dead only I am there can you leave if I am only leaving in this world I and my family peeping out on from the window hey is there anybody there no everybody's dead all these millions and millions of people are dead only you are surviving can you survive no but still we are so much attached to the body we never think about others we go and try to grab this is the ultimate people are afraid this is another thing but everywhere you will find the people are trying to do this everywhere why because I am associated with this body and this body associated with many other bodies so my family I and my family that is all in this whole world but we cannot survive a that way we need the carpenter we need all types of people those who are creating the food they are producing food and giving these clothings the medicine that the safety each and every things are necessary I am associated but you will find I am only associated with me and mind conception and that is called samsara some maturity yes yes all samsara constrained removing everybody is dying in different times but still we think I am going to survive nothing is going to happen to me so that is called Maya here we find the God has created us with this Maya and our bodies are the cause of the samsara and because of our bodies we are bound in this samsara what is the samsara circular birth and death and then constant suffering then finally the only way out is discrimination the clear understanding of real and unreal understanding between eternal and temporary understanding Chaitanya and Jarrah so this consciousness and inert understanding this so this is called discrimination this is called bechara and this without the bechara no one can make any progress in the spiritual life sometimes some people did say that we will only go for the according to the Guru Barker that is in the beginning and the children they don't understand what is education so what about the home types the teachers are giving whatever they are teaching over there and the parents also guiding them so they don't have their own discrimination understanding so whatever their they are getting these guidances they continue in that way so that is alright but when you grow up then you understand which subject is important then you understand which subject I should study I am weak I should take the help of the teacher to all that that that students start thinking so this is the way we grow now in the spiritual life when the Guru is telling that this is the Chaitanya and this is the juror the body and the association with the body are all juror and the Shaitan is completely different that is within your consciousness through which you can walk through which you can think through which you can meditate through which you can see each and everything is done with the help of that particular thing and that is consciousness after that we try to understand oh this consciousness again is only the reflection reflection of the supreme consciousness then what is the supreme consciousness now step by step first they understand me then I go to the supreme if you have read the BVA kachou domine and you will find that Shankar Acharya the great that the philosopher Adi Shankaracharya in the beginning is telling that this very very rare to get the opportunity to have this human body and also a proper guide guru and also the desire to know the truth then what you should do he is giving you the guidance and then in one place he is telling about this body describing the body so privately why because we should understand that the body with which we have so much a test is made of bones the blood the flesh and marrows and all the nasty things if you just opened the body the skin then you yourself won't like your own body so that is and we are liking it so much so this is the reality we must understand it this is called vichara and then to survive we have to take the food we have to take the medicine we have to do the exercise we have to do all those things which are essential for keeping the body and the mind and in good shape but this with the beach are we are to understand but at the same time the consciousness is the ultimate that this is the way shri krishna gave that eyes to his beloved friend and follower would double now whatever is asking three questions the very intelligent person and he was a man of religion is naturally he never asked ordinary questions and the questions he is asking so important for each and every one now he would always ask in the first question Ganesha birth tomorrow p.d issue a NAPA uh Nepal written gunite 'no but that a dayi but the Taiba khatam beeboo beeboo beeboo miss Oh Lord oh Lord you say the jeevers at the creation of the Maya the divine power of God so long the jiva's the created beings are endowed with qualities what is Maya three qualities so long the jeevers are endowed with three qualities they are obviously bound by the qualities now this is a very very important question who is going to be liberated me we are my the Jeeva the what is the Jeeva it is the combination of three gunas sattva Raja Tama made out of the power of God the Maya now since I am having these how can I go be all these three gunas only whole thing is nothing but three guna how can I go beyond it again how Anup arbiter Anytus self can be bound cotton but the day now if the self is there within these how that can be bind by now there is a car and the owner of the car is driving the car is there like the our body is the car and the owner of the body owner of the car is the self that J Daniel the owner of the car can come out anytime out of the car he can stop the car can come out he can sell the car he can leave the car and go away what is his own the similarly the owner of this body the self can you do like that this is the begin how enough arbiter on a problem is on at herself Guney Schubert Amano P D Hodge issue this diva this body that is created by the guna GU naina but the te but that they become people if this endow to this quality and they are obviously bound by the qualities they cannot go beyond this and what about the uh no power greater uh nabob rita that is the self what will happen to it how that can be bound let us once again understand the question the body is is nothing but the creation of Maya Maya is composed of three gunas so obviously the product of the Maya this body is also made of three gunas now how remaining in the body we can go beyond this three guna this is again inside the body the body as being the inert inside the body there is chaitanya the consciousness and is that chaitanya which is consciousness can be bound then who is bound actually the body body cannot be bound or liberated because it is made of inner thing it will remain like that that this beautifully is asking shri krishna advice whatever to become free from the bondage of samsara through discrimination to clarify this advice with java is asking lord who is going to be liberated body or the soul who is going to be liberated body is made of three gunas hands body can not go beyond gunas if it is the soul it is always liberated Guney shoe but the day they he they he under what for the liberation it can achieve the soul is always liberated since the body is made of five elements punch abuta it is Giada and naturally it is in sentient liberation cannot be applicable to it then who is going to be Mukhtar that is our soul soul is always mucked up so what is the no question of liberation this is the first question the very intelligent question second question cotton party to be hurried Cueva guys Lakshmana he went oh da mystery Jade ah see yah Teva now it says in this way one soul is bound and another soul is free how can one can distinguish them now body is there all bodies are almost the same do we look different but the made of the same five elements Tia potato root boom on now even then with this body or some people are liberated and some people are not how to understand who is a liberated person and who is not the boat looks same Raghavan see Ramakrishna used to go and meet different people he was God himself ceramic is new is God himself in that human form but when he is going to meet the other people like Kish of Chandra Sheen with - are there are many other people they are feeding him banning him talking to him and not only that they're also paying as is the tradition of the India if a holy man is visiting your place you are supposed to give his fear also how he will come he has hired a carriage and he has come where you will get the money you are supposed to give the money for pH range so this is the taste is to give that now they are also human beings Ramakrishna also human being how we will know who is free and who is bound so this is the cotton but theta pr8 do they have different ways of living sitting going eating performing other bodily function so this is the question the same question we find almost the same question we find in the Bhagavad Gita Bhagavad Gita second chapter verse 54 the Arjuna is asking to Sri Krishna gain Sitapur against the kabocha Samadhi is touched shaquiesha ba stick o deke improve our schita ki meseta brigitte kim the what are the characteristics of the man of self-realization how you'll understand them this is very very important because how we know how does a man of steady wisdom talk see it walk now I should request you to read the biography of scientists and their the description of day to day description is there how used to leave how used to talk how used to move each and every description you will find and you will get done the answered complete reading the biography of the Ramakrishna we see the man of liberation a god but he is in the form of human being leaving earth but there's a lot of difference in the heart of difference whole light he'll be meditating and he'll be eating some time and sometime not but whatever used to eat with great joy will be talking to people only about God and nothing about anything else and whenever he is going wherever he's going he's bringing joy to the people so that is the way we can understand theta produced the cob Harsha Barcia means what is the definition what is the characteristic now to make this progress in spiritual life a guided Guru is a mast and to understand who can be a real guru a good guru this is also very very necessary how to know who can be real guru he Shankara also is mentioning in his famous book Viveka chudamani as I was mentioning is a very difficult deulim to get the guidance of a qualified guru a simple test can be we can take the Guru is one who is not having any selfish motive the selfish motive is not at all there if it is there he cannot be a proper guru and at the same time a man of joy all the time is very positive it's not at all negative anywhere and then third you can see he has his love is for each and every one no discrimination so this is how we can understand we will come to that we will discuss about that then the third question and we'll conclude the who diverse third question to lord krishna is nick de baak toe-knee tomoko iike EVT me maha is the same soul eternally bound and eternally free happy confused sir can you please tell me if how this can be a soul is eternally bound and the same soul is eternally free addressing the Krishna as a tutor a cheetah means one who never deviate from his decision a tutor so today I said that I don't know I should rectify it should be like this not like that he's confirmed and that is why whatever he's telling that is the truth so a tutor one who is never deviate from the truth with the way is asking and he asking why he asks this question to him and Odawa is also explaining why I am asking this question to you because Prasanna padam para in the eleventh book the taint chapter 37 verse this is the third question of the hood da ba and it says that Oh Lord you are the personal freedom vara you the Krishna is the highest best among the nor hence you can give me the proper reply Swami Vivekananda in one time he was 17 or 18 years old he used to practice austerity used to read philosophical books used to meditate so desire to know God became so strong in his mind he started searching to is to started in different places and to meet the different religious gurus and with one question sir he went to many people the famous people but when he went to see Ramakrishna seriousness straightway said I have seen God more clearly than I see you now and I can also help you to see God so this is called the straight question why see ramakrishna knew it very clearly he was confident because he was God himself so to see in God he told years I have seen and again he added more clearly than I see you now when I am seeing you the not in the young Vivekananda and looking at you with my eyes you and meet as a distance there's a different light Sudhir so there may be some mistake but when I see God I see the God within myself so the more clearly so there is no mistake in seeing God but when we use our India's our senses our sense organs there may be mistake - Salam o Krishna clarifying that act our God my own heart and I saw it completely clear I can teach you also there is the process Swamiji was satisfied so this is Krishna be damned bara Buddha were also asking Krishna the eva the best person to give the reply why would the manu krishna who would ever lived with krishna would ever has realized that Krishna is the god though in the human form so this is why II thought me bru he personal please reply to miss these questions brew he was numb so these are the three questions I am asking you please give me the reply to these it is said that when you are asking a question a disciple asking a question to the master his teacher the master is very happy why hearing his question the master can understand how much he has developed because the question you are forming is very clear that why win nor in the naughtiest to go and used to ask question to sri ramakrishna other people they used to say why you are asking him whatever he has said you must accept it but Noren do not want to be more clear about it Sri Ramakrishna appreciated his questions and he was very happy to reply to him this is a beautiful all these anecdotes up there so if you are reading the biography you will find those and at the same time slowly slowly he is giving the ship to his disciple and Narendra became the Vivekananda in the eleventh Skanda 11th book 11th chapter 11 or die Raghavan Sri Krishna wonderfully replied to these questions and he began with these but Mukhtar et becca-boo naughty Mina was to taha Ganesha Maya mullet nummy moksha no bun Dunham we will discuss it afterwards in our next class next Sunday the answer of three Rock Shri Krishna but the Moktar et waka do not Oh Mina bestowed on duty my main means my and my means the god it's gunas sattva Raja Tama one sees the soul less bound or free because of the gunas because of the Maya you are thinking that you were but the the Saturday morning we started over here usually that class is taken Yin in the Hindu temple the amount because of this present situation and giving the live stream and deer in the austere bockris omni that we find the Ostrava crystalline after the realization the Janaki is telling yeah I am NOT going to meditate because on who will meditate for meditation I need an object I am dad I know that I have realized that so how can I meditate it is not necessary for me and when I am going to chant the name of Lord and that is me why should i unnecessarily tell my name every time that is also very funny it's not necessary and I am NOT going to worship also because I am that I cannot worship myself so this is the highest Vedanta but here is a Toon Town 'but anta see Krishna is giving to the hood double and the hood double to in his reply he said you see a person is bound and you see the person is liberated it is the effect of my power the Maya because that through that power the people are deluded since the gunas at the creation of the Maya there is new science the false knowledge gunas the Maya moola toward me according to my opinion na moksha knob and Onam there is neither liberation nor bondage so you'll discuss it and in our next class thank you for attending and we be very careful and as all these systems they are constantly giving indicating we should follow those because the coming two weeks as I am reading in the newspaper and hearing in the news these are very very crucial time for the human being all over the world we should all be very careful as maximum as possible and the best way is to dedicate our mind to God the supreme to listen to his word to meditate on him preying on him coming down our mind and giving up all our desires because we do not know what will happen the next moment so these is the great opportunity if you notice the great Geeta was delivered in the death field the to the groups they were ready eager to kill each other and in between them standing it between them the great guru Sri Krishna and they excellent to the student disciple Arjuna they had this great dialogue which is recorded in the bhagavad-gita so when we are facing the depth and in the bhagavata also the whole story began with the king who was supposed to be dead within seven days and when he was waiting for the death then the monks they came sukadeva came and they were talking about high spiritual values not about depth that similarly now the present situation whole world is facing death everywhere and the worst is in America we pray for these souls who are suffering and we pray for those souls who are helping them to get to be to be cured we must pray for them to the God and we must pray to God give me the knowledge give me the true light because this temporary world is enough for me please come and hold my hand and take to the path of knowledge Oh Shanti Shanti Shanti he Hardy he that's it