Video 62
Bhagavatam 071 : God Replied " Know me as Vishnu"
ooh Shanta Karim booyakasha annum but the mana serration Rashad harem GOG on Assad regime me Burnham shuhang Lakshmi condom kama Luna yharnam you give EDR Naga Miam Bundy bishan 'm papaya harem cerebral ooh quicker good morning friends good morning devotees so once again this is a Sunday and we'll be discussing about the question that Brahmas killed Hren they wanted to know the day there are four brothers Brahma created them just by thought so mind born sons so the who are the sanaka sananda sanatana these are like this so they four of them they wanted to know a question what is that question this is the subtlest question of the yoga how to disassociate mind from the same subjects because the problem is the mind is completely attached with all the sense objects and the sense objects are also constantly going on developing desires in the mind so these are the two things so interrelated so closely associated how to detest the mind why why to detach the unless we can be test the mind from the same subjects we won't be able to get the liberation the goal is the liberation why we can't get the liberation the liberation means the oneness Ekadasi the oneness the wind there will be multiplicity when there'll be the conception of meaning one cannot get the liberation so that is the reason sanaka sananda sonata etc they wanted to understand this they went to their father Brahma the Brahma thought the also the it says in the Bhagavata Brahma was very much busy in the creation he was working on the creation the supreme the being the acts to him to create so he was busy in that so he told it is better that the one who has created me Brahma is the firstborn among the Hindu that conception Brahma is the firstborn the where from it Brahma was created from the Supreme Being who is the Supreme Being nobody can analyze can give any definition it says that is the the shaitaan' yard is the consciousness reason and it is the joy the Blees all these different type of but directly you cannot say because it is not the object is beyond it is eternal subject so obviously so this we all know the students of Vedanta you all know we as if he created the Brahma about the creation of the creation came the create then gave the knowledge so for read for aids the Brahma then Brahma thought why not request my Creator to answer this question friends that means it is so difficult this is relating the mind from the Saints objects is so difficult again and again in the bhagavata it says the Saints organs are actors to it the Saints objects what are the Saints organs we all know we are having 10 but right this moment we are discussing on the 5 the 5 which goes out to collect information that is the eye the nose the year the tongue and the skin chuck Sukarno Nausicaa juha and tuck an object's Rupa Russia sub dispersed agonda that's a form and the taste and smell all this these are very common for the bed anther student so this 5 and this 5 is so interrelated it's very difficult who is suffering mind whose mine my mind the my mind is suffering and I want to get the liberation so I am attentive to know the answer of the supreme lord he has to come to keep the answer even the Brahma was not that way ready to give the answer to the supreme lord came the win the supreme lord came he came in the form of a swan paramahamsa why the Supreme Being is not having any form and if the Supreme Being is everywhere to whom to ask the question so we need someone so obviously this young the sages the four brothers they wanted to know the answer from whom from the sky from the year where they will look so the the Supreme Being understood he too form of asjuan why Swan he could come in any other form but he took the form of his so on because to get the answer you should utilize your intellect and intellect means the understanding that think properly that means it's called in a one word we can say discrimination which are this again and again you will find in the Vedanta which are a table which are a core table they begin with this what is that bechara what is the discrimination the capacity to understand which is wrong and which is correct and also the strong mind the force of the mind to take up the correct one and rejecting the wrong it's very difficult that is the reason people are suffering so much so we are in reality that God the Supreme Being the param Brahma the source of everything in reality but basta but in practical sense we find we are bound we are crying we are praying in the temples and the synagogues and the churches are closed the devotees are feeling oh why when it will open will go why you feel like this because we do not know that in reality we are dead Brahman for which we are going to the temple we are dad God for which we are going to the temple so this if the cause is Association of all our sense organs of knowledge with the objects now the Lord came in the form of his swan to give them the hint that you should discriminate it what is the discrimination see the Swan it it is in on the water all the time remaining on the water but what I cannot wait what I cannot make it any it is always fresh though it is the meaning on the water similarly a mind should be on this world but without being attached to this world associated with this world so that's why he came over Rome to the site of the Swan the sanat-kumara ders they asked kobani T now you know who are you if you ask that question there's a great problem the last that Sunday we discussed on that the God told why you are asking this foolish question you know when we are in turning centre so I asked someone I was after bathing in the Ganga was coming back I saw him I don't know why suddenly a ox team usually we speak Bengali but I asked him in English hey how are you and he smiled then afterwards he came to me and told I was sleeping in the noontime or sticking rest he woke me up and said you never asked me this question why you actually this question I will what question I forgot so the you asked me how I am so why you asked this do you think that I am sick do I look like that and say if somebody told you to ask me this question I never knew that he gets agitated if anyone is asking that question so by mistake I acts so this is the problem this sanat-kumara and his brothers also got in that problem he asks that question they asked that question to the Supreme Being in the form of a swan copper on et who are you then is a ray why you are asking this question do you think there are so many I am only one when I am one I am one why you are asking who it cannot be so as the self I am the only they knew their father is praying to the parabrahma the parabrahma appeared in that they are not ordinary people there sages they're supposed to know it why they forgot that why they asked that question not not only the children the father also the Brahma also was there he was also asking cover one so naturally the he wanted to tell them that you should be always discriminative what should be Axton when should be accident why you are asking this everything should be so to make them alert so he told so when you are using these the prisoner the question you are asking why you are not discriminating that capacity should be rising because he is going to give them the answer which based on the understanding so the intellect should be alert first you are asking me if you are asking me as the art man I am the only one if you are asking that I am the body because I am in a swan form okay but then you should use the plural form and K you young that should be the question why in the body it is not the only body there's so many punch americo shells are there and the body is associated with so many citizens are singular it is per work then he said now he's giving the answer he told see okay I understood that you should be always alert the kind-hearted Supreme Being in the form of the Swan taught them the what he taught from 25th verse to 38 verse it is the eleventh book 13 chapter 25 to 38 he gave her at Matata and the yoga Sankar and yoga when it is knowledge sometimes they use the word samkhya Sanka yoga protect bala in bhagavad-gita it says the samkhya means the knowledge what is that knowledge knowledge of one to debt and the yoga application of that knowledge the Sanka and yoga so he will be telling that what he said we find over here in the 25th verse which we have already read but again let us go through that goony shoe obesity cheeto guna cheetah see Praja guna at this is Jebus UD Veeam guna cheetah mutt Atman aha so what is this it says that the mind is attached to the sense objects and the sense objects Ganesha obesity cheeto guna cheetah see pleasure did they are associated here the it says that the mind is attached to the same subjects and same subjects influence the mind and creates the desires due to this mixture the mind and the same subjects the giba the individual self make the body this eyeness that this ego generates from here the eyeness this body and the ego is associated with what this body this body and the mind so obviously it is the Jeeva the individual though it was originally with the God but it is now separating why because the desire so Jebus today who I am guna Chi the mutt Artman are eternally connected to the are the Jeeva with the art mana the Brahman the this way he started telling them about the art man then come in the 26 verse very clearly he is mentioning goon issue Abhishek chittim and eviction 'im guna say via goon hasta cheetah problem ma trooper who I am today now he is giving the answer what is the question how to disassociate now in the 26th verse in the 25th verse he said this is associated and because of the association inez come the eye the ego creates the body and body separates from the Ishwara the supreme being when the moment we think I your thinking so that is the problem Vedanta will always say we are studying the bhagavata but is the highest bid on tomorrow but his teaching and there he says the moment he were thinking the I your body is created that means he was separated and the moment he was separated separated from what from the the source of joy Ananda so obviously what will happen dukkha that we suffering the when we are separated from the Supreme Being which is the source of joy naturally we are suffering so this way now he is giving the answer you wanted to know how to deserve it right now the God is telling the Supreme Being is telling goon issue abhishek Cheatham eviction i'm gonna say we are enjoying the Saints of Jaggu no sabía in the Sanskrit they're telling like this say we are you are as if serving what the gun issue objects going on pondering over that again again and again so GU issue in the same subject Abhishek Cheatham the cheetah the mind is attached he given again enjoying the same subject that means again and again thinking of that goon hasta chit prabhava matru pole boy am touch it then you give up that same subjects and how to detach realize me the self the being identified with me you give up those and then identify with me me the supreme me the one which is beyond that so this is the one line answer forget the world think of me I am the one unchanging eternal source of joy think of me so that is the answer the moment you were diverting your mind towards God immediately all this objects will go away but the ones around Krishna very nicely he gave this answer also he said if you like to go away from the West go towards the East if you go towards the East the more you go towards the East the more the West will be left over and if you are thinking that I will first clean this thing and then I will go it is not possible it is always there every time it is there it is because it is the Maya the way this form of that form it will be present over there it is better don't think about all those things simply start marching towards the Sun towards the light the that's why the prayer is from take me from the darkness to the light light means the knowledge so that when we are marching towards the knowledge knowledge of the oneness knowledge of the god the supreme being knowledge of the art man that is mean the more we go like that the more the other things oh I was the father I was the son I was the grandfather I was this I was that all those Association you know having the I am he the ultimate little go problem comes son God Sanjay Atacama bhagavad-gita they are most very classically it has been explained the problem comes from where sangat Sanjaya T comma from the Association Sangha from there only begins if you don't have the Sangha there is no problem sun-god Sanjay Atacama c'mon crew the variety was the because when I had the desire and the desire is not fulfilled I become angry crude harbor what is some more some more art smithy be Brahma and win according to that crude because of that closer you become completely deluded and you forget all your memory gone whatever the Guru does your seniors they taught you whatever you learned everything go everything only anger anger anger why I must get that and when I tried to get that I make mistakes so that is Sangha son JT karma karma growth of Vijaya t crew da ba ba t some more some more hearts little bit Brahma Samhita bomb shot Buddha not sure but dinner shot prana Scotty if you read bhagavad-gita step-by-step it gay furnish it it is all destroyed because intellect gun the intellect is discriminative capacity what I should do and what I should not do so people get agitated people do mistake why because their booty the intellect they leave them and what is that intellect that booty Lord Himself that's so in the bhagavad-gita itself it says but do come da da mom how the God is helping us by giving us the power intellect understanding so what I should do when I should do this is the correct way so something is happening not that I should immediately react that's the wrong thing okay let it go not that it is all destroying let me wait so this is the way we should understand so now we come to the another thing that it comes over here the main question that the sanat-kumara ders how to separate the mind from the sense objects in reply the Supreme Being in the form of the Swan said keep your mind on me and the same subjects will not be able to distract you so this is the answer so then the is Brahma the father didn't give the answer he requested now this is not an ordinary question is a very very subtle question and the question is one thing who can ask the question how to decipher it because the desire to decisive eight the thought to decipher it has come otherwise why this question when the person is very happy in that you will never decipher it so this is the reason we have to understand when the sanat-kumara brothers are asking that means the desire to get liberation liberated data arising that's called moksha the mamaj suta Mukti it cha to get liberation liberation from heart from the bondage what is the bondage this attachment to the Saints objects so this thing if it is not ready then reading of this bhagavata to understanding the answer of the question they are given by the Supreme Being we won't is of no use those who are completely marched into those things so naturally 14 they don't understand anything of it is it so subtle so this is called the psalm care the guiana the knowledge this is the sound here this samkhya then he said we draw your mind is so easy but is it you cannot withdraw try hundreds and thousands of people are trying to meditate very few they can really concentrate and majority of the people they will be so happy oh I have crossed this I have crossed that that there are seven stages of that hour in the traditional Hindu meditation process that you have to take your mind up up and up and he'll say Swami we have done this we have done all self hypnotized it's not correct the moment you can get that Raghavan Salem Krishna himself told the result did with these result will be DS when the mind comes on the chest and there Anahita then you will be completely different your character will change behavior will change and when it is under contr change it you will only like to listen to God or to talk about God then when it in between the eyebrows then that is time you see the lights the people the imagine that they are seeing the lights they are all in that condition that is not meditation you have to see the changes in the character you have to change the baba Baba Hara the bama Hara that in the in his all behavior complete change will come the law will flow and concentration constantly is not interested in outside world name fame nothing so this is so difficult to apply the yoga gianna and the application Sankar is the knowledge Yoga is the application of that knowledge the knowledge is so subtle and application you can understand so naturally he said that you better withdraw to me and who is this me again shark she shark she means witness all is subject and never object the shock she means the weakness all is the subject and never the object so this is very unique always subject when there is an object and I can go to it I can go and see I can touch I can smell this an object but the subject I who is going near to that who is touching who is mailing who is enjoying or suffering that is the subject the how to know the subject we draw your mind and give it to me the Lord said that is the only solution but who that God is the eternal shock she who is that God though obviously how to do that first things taken the doubt how I will know no planes we are studying bhagavata a sea in the bhagavata is completely like the bed Anton do you always say this is devotion is separate and the knowledge is separate bhagavata only for the devotional people is it look over here it says that you start rayak Shiva Chara and that is the main thing of the Ballentine they always say like that unless and until you understand the Abba start RIA the three different condition of the mind you will never be able to understand the consciousness consciousness is there how to prove here also in the bhagavata also it says that through a boost atreya bechara by understanding the three conditions of the mind what is that wakefulness then the dream then the profound sleep anyone can have the idea of the consciousness which is beyond any activity all is the same unchanged and unmoved I will start repeater I mean many of you those who are studying the Vedanta for a long time you have come across and you know it very well unless and until we clearly understand our start Raya the three different condition of the mind with three different condition first is the waking wakefulness in the wakefulness what happens the mind the body and the consciousness all the three associated we can know now right this moment I'm not sleeping because my body is associated I'm talking and my mind is also alert I know what I am going to talk you those who are listening you are also having the same thing so the body and mind of course the consciousness is there though right this moment we cannot put the finger on the it comes that consciousness since there this is consciousness but it is there without that the body and mind on work all we know so this is one condition job gripped in the job that what we do we talk to frames and then we don't like some people so we'd like to avoid those people we like this food we like that side we like this music so many things we do so that we know even a child will know that this is called wakefulness this is a strong association with the objects this is one then second same thing happened when the body is absent because only the our mind is working that proves that without the body also activities are there what type of activities same I am testing these I'm liking this I am disliking that I like this music I don't even in the sleep when we see the dreams are you not having all those things so when experiences are there sometimes is mixed up so we are little confused sometimes it goes just as it goes in the wakeful state same way I am going to my friends house and knocking the door is coming out then we have a program we go like that everything goes according to plan in dream when there is no body but we have a body over there as it is though the body is lying on the bed but the same body I feel over there in the dream and also my friend is coming out the same body then I am holding his hand and we are moving enjoying in the dream the body is there mind is there all associations are there since objects are there but in reality with a dream in reality it is not will in the dream it is not in the wakeful State are they all really real this is the question no answer will be given by the Ballentine why and go to the third stage what is the third stage is their profound sleep the deep sleep dear in the profound sleep there your body is absent because it is sleeping like a log of wood the body is lying over there and then the mind is also not present in that profound sleep in the deep sleep why because we don't see the any dream that is the proof whenever the mind is there and it is active there obviously it will go on dreaming it is not dreaming so that proves that mind is also absent then who actually say that my body was not there my mind was not there but ie was there who is this I that is the consciousness so this way the bed and then they prove it the consciousness is there present in every when we are awake that time also consciousness there when we are in dreaming that time also consciousness there and when we are beyond this dream stage also the third stage that is also the Sioux City they call in sanskrit Shakti they're also the consciousness is there so beyond the Sioux City because Zeus of T is ignorant we don't go there knowingly but it goes because that is the nature that is the habit you know if you take any flight from here from America and like to go to any country suppose you have taken the British Airways first we'll take you Britisher wherever you go suppose you are going to India but the British here is fast will take you to London touching the air capital and then it will go to India the same way all the aircraft perhaps you have noticed so this is the way it goes our mind is going ultimately the consciousness will take it to its original stage the consciousness and there we go always every day in every flight is reaching to that consciousness which is called su su t and because the Sioux City and from there again we come back to the waking stage so it says it is the a Guiana it is the ignorance if we were aware that we have reached over here I don't need to go back to the body and the mind and all the same subject that was done so when you know about it then consciously you were trying you're sitting and all this meditation posture the asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana samadhi all these things only to reach to that condition where we always go in sleep but this time consciously we are going to the when you go consciously over there that's called there the fourth fourth stage that that fourth stage we beyond the soup tea stage so that is the ultimate so he says in this way you have to the Swan said that them is me that is me keep your mind on that eternal witness the fourth stage we go and that is eternal witness and that is culture to the tongue the fourth stage and in that stage what happens now we know the solution they keep the mind constantly on God or the Supreme Being and free from the circle of cyka cyka pleasure and pain this is called the circle okay now we understand our question was how to decisis wait we got the answer our question means the sunnat' corner brothers the artists so this is associated with knowledge and action knowledge is only brahman only eternal consciousness is there alone one and other things we have to disassociate and go this is called yoga Shankar and to practice that it's called yoga do we know this but let us know what is the root so bhagavata now tell us the root of this problem where from it came death if we don't know that what is the root then it will be difficult so it is better to know the root also in the bhagavad-gita also we will find the Vagabond Sri Krishna this is also Sri Krishna is telling to dubba we should not forget that this is the conversation between the Vagabond Sri Krishna and the wood dhaba this that is known as a wood debauch eita and there we find all this and indirect about gita all sister Krishna is telling that this is the way you are always bewildered and you should know what are the bad things so in 16 chapter of the bhagavad-gita first three verse he says this is the best qualities godly divine qualities you should develop and then in the whole chapter he is explaining what we should not do the here also in the Mahabharata that is bhagavad-gita and this is bhagavata the basic thing to this bhagavata now it says the root is the eleventh book 13 chapter 28 verse the Swan explained booty the finest part of the mind gets a reflection of the Chaitanya now we have to understand these very clearly intellect and the Vedanta will explain mind and it has four parts what are the four parts the mind it didn't say that is mana bodhichitta armguard these are the four parts and of this mana bodhichitta arm car this body this intellect is the subtlest part and on that the reflection of the consciousness is coming not that not other things it is also coming but they cannot receive it properly as the booty receive it so that Chaitanya is repeat the consciousness reflected on the intellect the booty and this booty from the moment it is reflected its start thinking or because the power of the chick then a big power of the consciousness then naturally it becomes very happy and becomes proud oh I am look at all others there in Dirk I am giving them the light suppose the the moon is boastfully says or I am giving you the light is it the moon's light the sun's light only reflecting but the moon is thinking I am doing it I'm giving it the same way the ego comes the where from the ego comes the Omkara comes it comes from the reflection of the Chaitanya that is the mistake and bewildered by these the Jeeva the individual self forgets his eternal relationship with the supreme and get entangled with the worldly objects and with an idea to be happy so I think this is the idea the reflection of the consciousness on the intellect body and immediately the that reflection that light it gives so much power and knowledge it forgives where from it is coming that is called original sin in the Christian tradition I think in it can be explained in this way the Christian tradition they say the original sin and there is a story all the whole world knows but if we explain from the pedantic point of view this is the point where ego came where the ego was born when the light consciousness reflected on intellect so from there begins that that is the root of all ignorance all suffering this is a reflection only this is not original again Raghavan see Ramakrishna is telling the the story that all fishes were very happy when they were playing with the moon because the reflection of the moon was there in that pond and the fishes of that pond they were playing with the moon and they were telling this is my friend you know it is my friend so the moon was there when the daylight came they saw the moon is not there somewhere it wasn't it was not there at all and they started crying where the moon has gone in our life also the same thing is happening again and again is happening it is not with us but we think oh this is my father this is my mother well my mother has gone while my father has gone why they should die why this is happening this is my family my home then you leave that family somewhere else and you go somewhere else going on happening every moment in our life but every moment we are thinking oh we should not leave so that is the main problem association with the wrong thing well from this I should not leave I should have those thing come reflection of the consciousness on the intellect and that is called the ego that binds and the Hat is the original scene that is original mystic therefore the so on advised that is on the twenty-ninth words second line I am coating with duan nvidia some search intim to just attacked a jade withdrawn the intelligent person a person who has already developed this faculty the d all these things that i find is all temporary things so i am not associated with that's called sannyasi Niassa some muck Niassa all giving up no no no no i don't need all these things that is called sannyasi so the whole world respects and yes why because this quality and majority of the people can't do that they are associated so this is the difference why they go to the holy man may be that in education may be the social status may be many other things he is nobody in that society but still the society best people they go because only this quality is there what is that quality understanding this world is illusory and capacity to give it up that's all so this is the way it happens with duan nvidia some Sarich in tom georges theta gadget intelligent person should give up the identification with the ego and rest on the transcendent Toria to the transcendent imminent transcendent the transcendent where consciousness the constantly thinking on that and and this devotion help us because when you are taking the mind out in the consciousness where you will keep it so obviously in the beginning at least if we have a god a person who lived that life holy life if you are having that God or that holy person as our object of meditation it helps so the Hindus they have given bad anta where there is no form at the same time the Hindus have introduced God with form sometimes it gets confused but this is a very good system very perfect system and system for each and every one in the beginning itself it says the world and this multiplicity and the one absolute consciousness are the different then the first question was how to associate second who are you you are asking to withdraw our mind to go back to you who are you the third where from did it came so what is the product is problem where from it came the reflection of the consciousness on our intellect now that they are asking they're not asking this is a one one after another the doubts that God Lord is clearing are the different now this world which is multiplicity and the consciousness we are going beyond this multiplicity to the one there is a whole thing our journey spiritual journey from multiplicity towards the one the if we go like that to what happens so here we find that the multiplicity and the one how to go then the Lord say they are not different this is wonderful the Swan the Swan that that says it is risen and now it is not different beautifully it answers he who in the wake waking state enjoys through all his organs the objects of the ever-changing world I repeat he who in the waking state enjoys through all his organs the objects of the world he who in dream experiences similar to them in the heart Jerrod Sapna and he who we draws them in profound sleep in the sious of T are one and the same Atman the witness now this is the wonderful point from there that's right from the 1980 but once the Ramakrishna if you read his biography and his gospel you get all the answers of this he says first we begin with Nathan eighty North East not this this world is objects it is not mine it is not mine then it goes and goes and goes and ultimately find everything is that everything is nothing but the same and he gives the the beautiful the example when you were going to the terrace on the roof of the house you were discarding the steps no not this is not this is not this is not you are going on using the steps and then you reach the on the table on the terrace on the roof and you find the roof and those are the steps also staircase are made of the same thing there similarly about in the beginning if we think that this world is also God let us enjoy God at the world that is wrong because these are all God's imaginative power Maya is not true this is the it is also created by God but the imaginative power the imagination of God is not true there so again Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna said the magician is only truth but all the magic that he is showing all around on that stage I'm not true he's showing so many things but if you go for those things varieties of thing taking out the flower flower from the Hat or sometimes the many other things from the Hat is all magic only but magician is the truth so that is why we should go towards the magician this is proved Smitty on my odd this is proved from the persistent of the memory in all three stages the memory is present three T on nyaah Smitty means the memory on Maya it is everywhere present jagat schaffner sushupti in all the three stages it is present there so the consciousness is present in the waking stage in the dream stage and also in the dreamless sleep stage profound sleep stage consciousness is there and that consciousness and who is that consciousness now lastly the Swan said Maya a third book Tom Bovie brah Rehim yet some come you yo Johnny ma are Gotham yet young use not Dharma be Berkshire in the form of his swan ma Adam I came in the form of his so on Johnny to you know to give you what is that to explain that Dharma to you juice not Dharma be Berkshire what is that Dharma what is the righteousness what is the religion then to disassociate the consciousness from the unconscious thing that is religion the religion is realization from we become the sate in one line definition religion is realization what is the real a realization the consciousness that is the actual original everlasting all the time and whatever you see and find in this world is only the reflection of the consciousness in reality it is not true but as long as we are in this world as long as we cannot really understand this then so long we have to go on practicing who told it then it says my are a tad oop Tombo vipra all sages be pro vipra means that you have already given up many things and you are a knowledgeable person and that is called B preform the bit brother brahmanna in the Hindu they have the caste system in the caste system is a brahmana Kshatriya Vaishya who is a brahmana just by birth no that is wrong by an understanding this knowledge the God is everything and only God remains and nothing else that is called vipra so you have reached to that stage so that Swan now addressing the sanat-kumara and his brothers that you are the beeper you have wished to that osage's I have told you what is the in most secret of the Sanka and yoga what is the samkhya that is knowledge what is the knowledge one only remains and whatever the multiplicity that you see it is not true that is called samkhya now this is the knowledge that is the giana application of that knowledge practicing of this knowledge kali yoga so samkhya and Yoga goes together that now the Supreme Being is telling I told you that knowledge and also the yoga the action I came here in the form of his Swan to enlighten you on religion now the last line he says they asked him cabrón who are you to the Swan the artist now in the last he is giving the reply and this is the 38 verse he says know me to be noon I am that Vishnu the Bhishma that we have all the time praying there to the Vishnu before you begin we say we've always said that that is the Vishnu the Vishnu shankha chakra God our part Madara Vishnu is a Shankar gives the call chakra he cuts the bondages gada he breaks all the things that is binding us and Padma he is the devotion he is giving us the love that is the Vishnu and this water is Vishnu the air is Vishnu the skies which knew the Sun is Vishnu everything everything is Vishnu Vishnu maíam jaggerth there's nothing but the Vishnu and the three Krishna that is also the power of the no the Sabu tada sri ramachandra avatar of the same vishnu sri ramakrishna in the recent time avatar of the Vishnu and you know that ceramic and ceramic Krishna before his birth his father saw that in the dream the Vishnu is praying to him he wants to come as a son so this a Bottari art is nothing but that Vishnu Vishnu maíam jagat so we were wondering who is this one now the answer is this is the Bishnu there any question our trans the separating the ego means going to the trans transcendental not trans doesn't mean there is a another conception of trans the sometimes the people they'll smoke and they go to trans now that is not their transcendental means when this world worldly things that we see and world is having what rupa russia shop dispersion ganda these are the five things when you withdraw the mind where the mind goes to the consciousness and the moment you go back to the consciousness he was separated from the ego and that is called sadhana that is called tapasya that is called austerity spiritual austerity separating the ego who is I this body constantly changing how can you say I whether you wear the small eye when you were a baby lying on your mother's lap and now is the grown-up man now your elderly person all this continuously I is there but the body is changing how can I say the body is I so naturally it's the same way the mind the thoughts are also changing in the thought process when we were children we used to think in different way now when you grew up our thoughts became different when anything is changing that cannot be the eternal but I was thinking in that form I was thinking is this way now I am thinking in that way so I is eternal that I is not the eye of the ego that's a government sadhana Krishna said Gacha army pakka me that unripe ego says I this body I this mind i these associated with this and ripe he will see i the god are the supreme and I don't belong to this world that is that plane and Asia the beautiful very good question so in deep sleep I am conscious that moment we don't understand but the moment we come back to wakeful state then we say I say oh I was in a dreamless sleep in my sleep I didn't even dream so if the body was not there if the mind was not there what was there that came back and reported that is consciousness that is called the there to su sub T condition and beyond that when you go beyond means when he go knowingly what is the meditation I forget to my body I forget my mind so slowly withdrawing the consciousness into that and I become the conscious and that is go beyond su su t it's called Turia to do many excellent transcendent that is called to do so thank you friends thank you for the good questions that you have watched let us chant this mantra and complete young Bramha born in the root drama root our student ID based abui be Sanga pogrom opana shoddy gayangeum Samaha novice teeter-totter gatinha manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes tiantan Nibiru Sudha Sudha gana the Varia toss me namaha om shanti shanti shanti hurry he owned that