Video 57
Bhagavatam 040 : Blessings Of Nine Yogis
and today we'll be introduced with Nava yogi the nine brothers all of them they were the highly placed Yogi's this to roam around and then the teachings but before that as usual that is chant this mantra Nilayam [Music] but the moon our solution be sure Dharam governess attrition me the Burnham humongous less me condom Kemal aluminum you give John Adhamiya Bundy mission our own server local not Papa paya harem the fear about this world today we will listen from this 90 Yogi's one of the nine Yogi's one brother he will teach us how to go beyond this fear how to be free from this fear this bhagavata this wonderful book is continuing with different type of stories we have come across many many different connectors stories histories and sometimes not to be bored with all the historical analysis and the descriptions we have taken only those parts which are necessary for our spiritual life today we will read that is a biography of Shri Krishna like the Bhagavad Gita mother-tongue Bhagavad Gita and father were done mostly people the confused father but means divine Gita is the song celestial song that is the teachings of sri krishna bava Burton is a completely different scripture and dear a part of it is a life of Krishna now here we will find so many the now this we are coming too slowly to this part this novel yogi the great Moony Narada once he reached the house of vishuddhi is not the father of the Krishna the patchouli was another other working but very devoted very holy person to Narada he was travelling here and there here is - whaddya the Narada was highly respected so pursued a was very happy that in his house neither has come supposed to they asked him to sit and you know when a holy person is going somewhere they will be giving him some food and water and then honor him but the main thing that will happen is the question answer they will be asking questions but in Pristina say well there is a Sanskrit word for a pristine Savior they will serve that only man through different questions spiritual questions yesterday I agreed to a group of people so they practice Reiki and also meditation the mostly from the people from the Gujarat so questions and answers were going on descriptions and of the spiritual life and I gave them some interval from the bhagavad-gita so that mainly is that question so but she didn't he was asking in the course of conversation oh great Rishi I should've saved long ago I practice austerity and then my mistake when I was blessed by the car by mistake I prayed for a son for a progeny but that time I was under the spell of the Maya I couldn't understand that this world is so trifling just constantly passing away I should have prayed for the MOOC team for the devotion instead I prayed the Sun now that you have come please guide me in this so I should pray for the liberation so but should have said I will read the original Sanskrit that is in the inner vent book second chapter seven verse of the Pottawatomie Brotherhood Sephardi preach amo Bromham tatar people channel here the Brahman means the highly respectable one it's not the brahman that we know about the brahman that is the conscious that is not that this brother the respected one that happy preach Amma I have to ask you Herman Parbat estaba the answer to our cert they our motto mucha t.server - we are the fire we just chanted the player the fear what is the fear that I will come back again in this life in this world again I will serve to have this problem so this is the fear I don't like to come back I don't like to take birth so here this fear I am asking you this question can you please guide me so that I and be out of here now who are afraid of this world those who are truly suffering those who have seen the real-life experience of the life they can understand it but some people who are enjoying this life living a very great life they say they will ever think about it but another type of people up there maybe they are the king or a prince or princess but maybe the Queen even then also didn't ask this question and they will follow this why like Meera Bai she was the princess she was the queen but at the same time because of her past part she knew this world is usually very temporary and she wanted to know the truth this human worth about that that knowledge is there we have seen the Lord Buddha the Buddha he was also a brilliance of a king Kingdom and he was it could become a king instead he left a heart and home and he followed this path so here the person is also a king Vasudeva is the other working from the clan of Sri Krishna himself and he is asking this question can you please tell me those things those instructions young should draw by listening wish struck by umberto the people of this world but with devotion just people are going and listening and going back no I attended one the part the one gentleman came is a part of at expounder but instead of the description and all that most of the time he has to dance that's also a process but the dancing is a really very difficult because the people are dancing just before you and all around and they'll be all forced simply throwing their chairs and dancing they like dancing and in the music all this going on but I do what about Krishna and nothing was there so most of us we go we go with the devotion but we don't get the guidance the bhagavad is a pill tunnel and also taking the name of God but doesn't mean that only we have to dance we have to understand the knowledge of what is this matter but friends they will wonder there is no difference between Vedanta and bhagavata-dharma this that will come and he is asking that can you please tell me the discipline by following which by hearing and following with great devotion one can get the liberation appreciating the question the Narada and this is the very wonderful tradition of India a person will never say I will tell you never he will always involve everything he could give the instruction but he still even said I will tell you a reference that happened something somewhere that from that he will understand what actually you should learn so always they are very humble nada Amana knowledge were still history so he is asking that a conversation that took place between the Navajo yz9 Yogi's and the King the PT rocking the kingdom the kingdom name of the kingdom was Padilla so that the king of that kingdom they had a conversation in the olden days and that was the habit that was the system practice that the monsters to travel here and there and wherever they will go till steal in some house orders Alice and then they will have the conversation with the devotees so this is the way this was rated the one Swami Vivekananda was traveling and two gentlemen they were the great Patriots they loved the India and the saw Swami Vivekananda someone purchased a first-class ticket so he was very happy lying down and sleeping and seeing him sleeping over there the young man a very attractive this too they were conversing look at this young man they have become parasites they would help the society instead they're living on others this way they were thinking so this their way why and how this sannyasins they help they go to place to place meet different people ditch converse with them and keep them high moral values teach them high moral values this we will learn and instilling that one the novel Yogi's the nine Yogi's they were traveling and they went to that Kingdom and the other King had a conversation but what is never Yogi's here it says we come to know from the the Narada Sian Manu these are the very famous names in the Indian traditions Salman knew his son was priyavrata his son was Akita his son was Navi and then his son was the famous Creed reachable this Rishabha why the chef was so famous because the God himself he came in that form trishul he was a great leader voted Rashad was having 100 children hundred sons but you know these sons means is not as we think that disciples also were considered as sons so hundred sons were there all of them were very perfect but now that time the society was taking form so he said now even after the intestine was Bharata and after his name only the land became famous as part of the worship where the currently is the bharatavarsa so this first son after reachable and the nine others became the king of the nine different kingdoms eighty-one became the teachers of the technique of karma rituals the spreaded out all over and they started teaching the karma karma means the rituals if you are performing the ritual in this way you will get this benefit that benefit so they were going on spreading eighty one of them started counting now there is two hundred so don't get confused first one is the Bharata then nine they wear the Kings then 81 became the priests and balance nine the last nine they became Yogi's and this last nine the Yogi's they became very famous as Nagas yogi now it means nine so this w what is now a human we must know these names because we will have the conversation with them now onwards one is to be hurry antariksa provoke their people I am having water through middle Chalmers and Carib Arjun I don't think the Indians will repeat this name now they will never give the names to their children notice the sons of Arjun no but these were the famous - Yogi's in those days this nine Yogi's they were highly spiritual and they were going on visiting different places till a toda nimi satrom who could you move your dream Chaya never no one invited them they were just roaming around hunters are doing in India say Ram Dass aru I'm constantly traveling they will leave and leave more than three days why maybe 30 you like develop attachment so that is the fear only three days they will leave and then they will go somewhere else somewhere else so they call ROM table they are constantly going on and this sadist this they were also dumped us they will be all the time traveling so we are here for six years the we and I am NOT a drunk asado so what is then me we are we are given that also who teach our club who teacher the means one who stayed one place and leave the library spirituality and also teach that spirituality to others we are called to teach occur and the around us our Boudicca bahu the curve this two different types the pehota girl that Boudicca is the water but who made many that we going on drinking waters in many different places to their skull now the king betray your mom honest are receiving arjun away the indians should write this name you know what was the name of the barbershop Arjun ami our Jahnavi was the first name of the maja menara this nine yogi the king wants the game three satra what is this a track if you go to a sham the eastern part of India you will find chapter this is subtle this what is this subtle subtle means a place where the learning people spear spiritually the learning speed purely learning they will come and have the dialogue the conversation and debate and people need to consider that place the very holy place why from the air and you philosophy will come out from there all people is together over there to listen the conversation the debating and no fighting they'll only explain the three things what is God what is Brahman what is Hartman and also what is this word how do you explain this world different people they will explain in different way the conversation will go and when you are debating you have to give references from the scriptures and now this advocates when they go to the court I have seen their assistance will be cutting all books but these people they will leave her they will never take the help of the book because everything was in their head they knew how to and everything they could code so that was a wonderful so conversation was going on in that place and these nine brothers did his two were there and that place was part of worship Mimi was the king who organized now these people they have come they are debating with them someone is necessary to help now we are planning to develop one place I have given the name home of Harmony we're all different religious people will come and debate they will discuss just like the ancient time a little modern version of that but I need the monetary will help other words how can I build that so that is the way always the rich people is to come forward this to help them this is the King nimi she was very happy seeing the nine they are approaching over there and he saved do la boum on show Diego dehinam Shanna bangura he will come them with great honor give him some food and then windsurfing then the nimi arks said as we were stealing question has to be asked to the holy person and in those days there was no such politics otherwise they would have heard some discussion about the Indian politics you notice Lord many stories that there but now this King will never discuss about anything else except the spirituality but when we go to in some place they last up to collector what do you think whether this the prime minister who has come his good at the previous one they will never ask about the religion I tell what about the religion they don't know but these things they were very well versed and just listen to the question that he's putting before the nine Yogi's to deliver one show do the hina-chan ahankara and the crappie do love a Monday Exeter do legume on show they go human birth is very real moreover the life even after having the human birth the life of a human shun of Ankara very limited you do not know when we will die no one knows when do you die so what one should do can you please tell us something from by following which the instruction with order in which we can go beyond this bondage the birth then depth is circle what is this religion see the religion will never discuss about the society never discuss about the economy never discuss about any other things except ultimate goal of human life we standard religion has nothing to do with all this but after following the religion the people who are living in the society they will take decision whom to make the king and whom not but religion will never say that so this is them that's why Shamim I began to say making a perfect personality what is religion developing the perfect personality what is the perfect personality you were detached from all these things so that you can take the proper decision that is the personality you are not just getting away with that current of the current of thoughts now you stand on your own ground and then you are thinking and analyzing and then taking the decision and here the king is asking sir you know this human birth is so precious you must have heard we have already some of them some of you who have attended our class in the Hindu temple remand we discussed about the bbak to romani the very first verse at the Shankar Acharya he also say do the bomb try me rated the volume crow he - come fast moksha Tom Manu shuttle mo mo mo are conscious Australia monitored 12 the human bird is so precious but you do not understand that why because we don't have any consciousness about our consciousness we are not aware about the consciousness we are only ever this body and the mind that is the wrong thing that happens and then even when we have got this human birth which is so precious which should be utilized for the realization of the truth we do not know when they are going to die so there is no time to waste say can you please tell her man Raghava Tom Ruth you Tina shreya Tish among young present now proper Noah - Shetty Monomoy jaha I have broken all this is from the same book and the chapter verse is 31 the thirty one thirty see who honorable one Raghava Tom previously they addressed a Brahmin now they are addressing as bhagavata means very honorable one you like that God so he says like that please dealers but if you think that we are ourselves qualified to listen another when you are talking about the religion you should not talk to the people who are not attending who are not interested to learn know who better top something else if you notice Raghavan see Ramakrishna when the people have come can I help you young man see however we just put it in the mouth and you'll be relieved from that please take this so I also having the same problem constantly please put it in your mouth and keep it there and it will be so if you think that we are capable to understand religion qualified to listen then you place them so that is the thing so we think you just go and all Schrom eg we came over here to attain the one marriage ceremony suddenly we found a rabbit on the society we came we saw you can you please tell us something about the meditation I told meditate on those I don't say I'm just telling funny just kidding meditate on those dishes that were to you which is coming from somewhere Annette's thinking suddenly just in meditation so this is the we have to understand who is capable to listen then only the teacher will teach other is not Dharma Bhagavad amruta please tell us that they're not the spiritual path the spiritual instructions UT na na means we na means plural you did not shreya th mom do you think if you think that we are capable or qualified UE present 'no proper nya the are shoddy at Monomoy jihad not here the Supreme Lord he become gracious on that some of the people they are blessed the God has blessed them then I like to know how they got that blessings so this is the question that by which spiritual practice one can give the knowledge of art Minh we are reading bad about them we are reading a book of love but the question here and there almost all of there are in to this great soul can you please tell us about the Atman about the Hockman about Darkman because they knew Arvind is the source and from there all everything has come Raghavan Salam Tichenor all through his life he was worshipping the god and goddesses in the beginning of his life he was worshipping sin on genre then the Krishna then Kali of course at the end of his life he got that pedantic diksha without the instructions but we must utter the money baby she told because there was a debate amount of devotees Shami me the conductor there should be one place where there should be no picture of ramakrishna and no symbol only on Twitter and they thought it is the influence of the West because Rama G was living over here influence of the West otherwise how can you see that you should not keep the picture of cinema Krishna before for meditation just impossible so he was thinking to the disciple who wrote to show me bananas desire he wrote against his guru to the mother ma do you think it is all good she's asking us not to worship the Stompa she even the mother told you that priest is a meaning this Ramakrishna is enough tweeting and you are all of waiting so look at it all through life Salameh teach them worship the twitter the god and goddesses but at the same time he was full of on Twitter Shammi be weakened also in a beautiful the sloka that has become so on he is also mentioning a Toyota Tercel monitor cheetah product imperative written some other day the maybe in the cinema Krishna would suffer we can sing that song at Toyota but our pretend our Toyota is within but it is activated he's asking about that art man now one of the brothers the nine brothers never you mean the first one was Kobe and Kobe is answering so this is also very spaceship if the senior one is there the junior is not supposed to talk these are also we also maintain in different places the people will go and they'll be all the Shaunie's are sitting and then we are seeing question maybe a very favorite one or a very good one they know the Sharmini will you please tell you what answer you last night if the senior sharma didn't even answer so this is Eva devata propped up we are in our beloved ie now he is giving the answer Kavi the senior among the nine brothers is replying a function of be Dushanbe t-tom hit on 34 regarding the realization of the art man who by are he are cannot tell how to realize the Hartman who fire after fire means the process he not know who pull up to a how to realize that Hartman the Supreme God Himself came again the copies our theory is again quoting the Supreme God Himself say bhagavata broke down were we what he say which is not only good for the educated people learning people but also for the ignorant that is the bhagavata-dharma you must have heard this world bhagavata-dharma because the God Himself is telling the bhagavata Dharma it has some speciality we will come to that but we'll have to continue some two three lectures this part of eternal then the coming is describing the cause of the bondage and suffering first is that cause of the bondage and suffering in the sixteenth chapter of the bhagavad-gita sweet Krishna he said I will tell you what is good and he said that in threes and three smokers and he gave 26 qualities of a good person and then the whole chapter he was telling what are bad things why he spoke about the bad things in the beginning when used to read that what about me the heights to skip that they are talking about the path I need not do not then I came to understand no I should know which are the harms which are the problems waiting for me I do not know one must be very very careful you know sometimes you may be wondering even the children when they are coming the Swami's are not allowed to touch them or take them on the lab not to show that affection why because attachment comes listen man naturally you know what the hard hearted people are not hard hearted actually we are trying to develop the detachment now if we love or give the affection to someone particularly it becomes very difficult the one young boy Ramachari newly joined in the gold Park Ram Krishna mission many of you would know from the location on the jig was there all the mounts were sitting suddenly one toddler that he came and he was looking at us and very sweet and very attractive so one of the barometer is hey come come we are all sitting and he did them is sick he picked up the child and he was scheduled in anywhere from we have come is your mother where's your father location the day he was sitting on the dives he turned his face and looked at him nothing else then afterwards next morning when you remained for the breakfast he has temperature it will become very good uncle you go back the very hard line apparently if you listen to these even thing of what this type of people are but we are very very affectionate Machado means the mind is so pure as because we don't have any attachment to me and mine the mind is very soft when he's read something that somebody has been tortured I really cry I have wired those the news's because it's very unbearable thing so but at the same time very hard why my goal is over there so he is asking these October Usha after pooja means the illiterate illiterate about the spiritual life so they are they will also get the benefit along with the best people and why we suffer in one sentence he mentioned this our cabina is an identification of the Hartman with the body identification of the Hartman with the body this is the only problem this considering the inert as the consciousness and we are so much attached to this body constantly thinking about this body and for the comfort of this body we do all these things can you imagine so this is the data this is the ignorance sometimes when you see the billionaires millionaires multimillionaires they are spending money just for nothing just for the fun at the same time there are hundreds and thousands of people they're suffering just for a one motion of food do you think they can just analyze in this way I have art my money and I have every right to Spain but then spiritual rule no you are making a create mistake to show me become the state to a rich person he came boasting use a young man and he said I am earning this much money and that trauma hitter working to donate some money for those unfortunate people suffering why should I I have tainted it I have the energy I have earned why should I give my money to those people let them die because they cannot they are not fit to her let them suffer then sharmaji perhaps said it is not noted maybe in the next morning even thing won't get your wave that they working something may happen anytime you the intelligent person may lose his brain won't be able to recognize as i'ma something like that we do not know then the next week the man came again and he showed the receipt as a big song he has donated to a church and he said this happened in Chicago and he said Rockefeller they gave their - see - and the sharmaji now in ten 10 millimeter then somebody turn and say you should thank me because I have saved you from the health so this that is the way here he is dealing that identical Asian of the Hartman with this body is the greatest mistake that we always do but you know the moment a person is still his body either burned or buried body has nothing to do the mind is also has nothing that important and something else going about you now how to be free from the delusion could be the great Yogi's TV Kareena barcha Manasa India he would at Managua honest treatises of our cruelty yet shakeela perish mean narayanaya some are great that many of you understood the meaning whatever you were doing you must offer it to God this is very simple and most easy leaving Kareena physically the action that you were dreaming physical action bar chart to the world Manasa way whatever you are thinking entryway all the all our interiors the Saints organs whatever they are having the body mind word and the senses what even you are getting all you dedicate at the feet of the Lord to that much we find the same thing advice in the bhagavad-gita yep Takanashi you just now see just uo see the last year yet the pasta sake on the tack Lucia model economic he have the Krishna sterling much are gonna give it to me what is that what deal will you do whatever you give it to me and then he's asking ma a new smaller you toucher you go and work intensely but go on thinking about me friends this is the very simple way that is in the bhagavad-gita and bhagavata not only that in other scriptures also this is the simplest way will come up today then the copy taught the King nimi that this word which is the objective seems to be separate existence but it is not now this is a philosophy that we should understand now this world we seen as a object which is the object which we can see which we can touch which we can smell which you can understand through the senses to the same organs now make an examination exam what are the things that can be the object now I see through my eyes I see an object you are all sitting I can see and through my eyes is that I is the subject and you object no the eye is also an object because there are some people we with the eyes also when they are looking at a person their mind is not a test with them I decide even some people are walking he is looking back and loop and you ask him Oh have you noticed that person passing through this way oh I saw some people I didn't notice you why eyes were opened in we're looking at but you didn't notice why your mind was not at rest with that so what is an object and what is the subject if you go on doing like this I am looking at my hand sometimes some people in the morning they would see the palm that is a system the same the when they were looking at muting your palm is an object and you are the subject so this way we have to analyze this whole world that we see we think this is the object because we can see it and subject is dead about which no one can understand the moment the subject will also be understood by something subject will become an object so this we have to understand object means something which we can analyze through the five sense organs and this same circles again working because of our intellect and intellect is again working because of the consciousness that is there within us and that consciousness is something which no one can see touch smell or analyze that is dissolved so what is the subjective consciousness and we did consciousness so here the kabhi he is telling so by mystic you these are the objects and you are the subject wrong you are also an object subject is something completely different than how to overcome which says why didn't you think that this is a simple wheel of the which neighbors simple we have the bhagavata-dharma it will come true who will come to that in order to gain such control how to control the mind because the mind is making all these differences how to control the mind let the person move about in the world without attachment for anything and constantly chanting the holy names and pondering on the meaning see this is the simple ball go to the world live in the world be in the world but don't get attached to the world how you have to keep the mind always away from the world how by chanting the Woody mean holy mean of God and constantly monitoring on the meaning of that lead we say Sri Rama Sri Rama stood up that won't help you you're going on chanting the name of Shri Rama but do you know what is this Shri Rama what is the quality of the Sudama No so many years is there are many many people will be going on taking the name of God if you have read the gospel of Salaam o Krishna Raghavan's de ramakrishna he entered into a devotees house and very rich man he was a gem in the landlord and his father was seeking our name he was counting the beats sitting in one corner of the room Sudama krishna was there he came and he saw and then he said to other devotees these people are going on taking the counting the peels but no development in spirituality why did he say he is only counting the names but not thinking about the quality of the God Association that we are counting the name and then we are not associated with the qualities of that God so here we find Gita in Armani the curved easy starting guitar need Nnamani you go on chanting the name holy name rahdert akane that art akane and the meaning of that Gayan which i read a sangha witcher it means roam around a sangha completely unattached and go on taking the name of God and thinking the meaning of you what is Rama Ramayana ET Rama is Rama gives joy to everyone what is Krishna Kersh a Tahiti Krishna the Krishna is there who takes away all the bad things from us and gives us all the question how person takes away and that is the God is the moment time chanting Shri Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna and all my bad thoughts bad deeds and all going away going away greenery if you are thinking in that way they indicate the purification is not so but once I Rama Krishna also seen God nam not written now name in turn guna his quality curtain you must repeat why nom nom e at the name and the person had seen Shri Krishna in the bhagavad-gita is also telling Jeff Gianna Jabberjaw Gorge me around all the yucky on the sacrifices if you dig the name of God that is the greatest again camp constantly you are controlling your mind and third mass are accompanied ABC the about city apart city apart City who is afraid of the bondage of some sort now there is a Christian who is afraid it says who sees the samsara as a separate object but if you don't see the samsara as a separate object then there is no problem so this we have to understand and what type of fear now there are two different types of fear you can know to wonderful that mention about the fear fear me is fire and what type of wire one is people Jaya be purged ayah means considering the body as the conscious thing rascal be purged a completely the destructive way of thinking and a possibility what is the opportunity the forgetful about the soul forgetful about the soul is the opportunity and be Berjaya these are the two fear one should be very careful now he is giving and wonderful idea this our cabinda rishi he's telling come by you igneel Neelam mejia Judaism Satori tissue Duarte sarita sameer injera sridham yet in Bhutan prana made an onion the very simple meaning the 11th book scandal 2nd chapter 41 verse it says the sky the year the fire water art celestial luminaries living beings deshou the porters and trauma three that means the trees river ocean all of the features of nature should be recognized as the body of the Supreme God as the body of the Supreme God now there is no fear the moment I go out of this shrine I am afraid Who I am going to the world and this way majority of the people they all is going to the seclusion thinking that that way they can survive but it is the mind only the world is not outside it is the mind some people they have kept something over there just to show now you get attached to that oh I like to get that now suppose you were travelling you saw I saw a building huge building all the water glasses inside they are showing right ease of the cards there's a showcase and the people are passing they're looking at it and maybe god forbid when they are looking at it and they are not careful about driving if they had an accident they will go and purchase a new car maybe that is the idea they are shipping over there I don't know how but that distal be that they were tear not attracting youth they're only showing while you are getting attracted because you decide now if you change the whole thing to the sky the year the moon the Sun but ocean the river everything is nothing but God you'll notice that when the Hindus the devout Hindus they like to take the part in the river before putting the feet in their water they will touch the water with the hand and first thinking on the egg and they will offer the pranaam this is the teaching this is about the Dharma this bhagavata-dharma exactly teaching the vedanta they will take you to the Atman but in a very different way et et 1980 these are the two ways ET means this this this this is all belong to my god my father and by that we eating eating and 1880 not this not this not all negative negative negative then you just become avoiding everything - Salaam occasionally say why should we afraid of this this belongs to God enjoy it is so this practice will help you in three different ways and we'll we'll stop over here these three practice this practices three different actions in one action that you were taken three different results are coming what is that first is devotion to the Lord when you are sitting over here that is only spiritual life when you go out that is the mundane life so most of the time we are in the mundane world London life and then only sometimes we are getting an opportunity to call on God how can you think that even realize God know what even we you are doing suppose we are cleaning this outside and making cutting the glasses at all cutting the glasses but if you think the Lord God will come and work on this that same action will completely transform as pooja as worship you need not to sit over here to offer the flower stat action you are cooking you are just cleaning the floor you are thinking that God will come so I should clean it properly that must just turn me same action thoughts are only turning so when you do that what happens devotion increases devotion to the Lord develops second detachment to the world also come why you are not thinking about the world you are thinking everything the God only and then finally fearlessness and the police no fear when I am going to Delhi I'm not at all afraid because I know my soul is going to meet my beloved that fearless and also please all the time in green jar I with the Gordon Lily why should I be afraid and why should I be models the bliss and the joy that calm so if you are practicing bhagavata-dharma what is this bhagavata-dharma transforming this world into the existence of God and nothing else seeing everything as the manifestation in the existence of God when you do like dad then what happened three things love for God detachment for the world and also you gain fearlessness and the please now this King nimi is asking a question we will just listen to the question but the answer even listen to our next discourse the knee me is asking with great humility atop a local town Ruta yet - yeah - only non yet our charity yet routine yay lingering bhagavati aha now there are very practical type of people so you have seen the philosophy but can you please tell me anyone by following this philosophy following this instruction really achieved that grace earnest can you tell me how he lives how he talks how he sleep how he behaved it all that so he is asking this fourth question how he live what distinguishes him among other people how does it behave what are the characteristics that make him dear to the Lord so if you are interested to listen to the answer you have become so let us now turn this mantra and include young brahma Beruna indra Rudra monta student II deeply sorry be the sound but the drama initially guarantee young saga on our system that the Gardena Manasa question the young Meena yes young Tom Navi do sudah Organa the buyer that's me [Music] Thank You Prince now please go down and have the Prashad and as you are aware that in this month we have a retreat in the Ganges those who have not registered yet you can this register you can of course in a walk-in you can go and register but if you register online that helps us to give you the rooms alerting the rooms keeping everything ready like that suppose you are late Friday Saturday Sunday suppose you are late and Friday just inform us our volunteers will be waiting for you they will show you your room and you learn the Ganges those who are new when the Ganges they were separate the cottages up there every arrangements of their food will be there and you will be spending three days two times three days with the very wonderful people who are all trying to realize God so that is the best thing that you can gain and the Swami's will be there this time Thomas Albert Ivanovich is coming from Hollywood he'll be speaking about on the topic is the two drops of nectar so that he will discuss you thank you please register