Video 54
Bhagavatam 063 : Bondage and Liberation
Namaskar good morning dear devotees friends let us begin with that famous chanting Shanta karim pooja guru unum but the moon of sudeesh [Music] vishwanadham Gurgaon Assad regime meager barnum shabanam lakshmi contemn kamal ajnanam you give he are Nahum bundi Vishnu babu-bhaiya harem sorry Balu quicker not [Music] today we will continue the study of the discussion that began the bondage and liberation this is really very interesting that we are bound and we suffer those who feel that they are suffering of course is life with so many varieties majority at the time is the full of miseries but sometimes some Joy's that their happinesses are there so people if they like that those little happiness success that is their life they can continue but those who have understood that Foley that unnecessary unnecessary because this is not truth what my grandfather experienced in his life my father has also experienced the same thing I am also experienced the same thing what is the use of it so this question when comes in the mind then the journey for the spirituality begins the journey for the spirit reality and obviously the journey will begin with the question am I bound can I get the liberation I know what is the bondages but what is this liberation so today we shall follow Lord Sri Krishna his unique answer to his friend and disciple who dhaba and this is the first question how to go beyond Maya this is the question how to go beyond Maya so we have to understand what is Maya the through Krishna he is confirming the NUMMI moksha knob and annum there is no question of liberation or bondage Namie moksha abandoning this is the highest pedantic philosophy so we will come to that see that I am NOT bound at all and what is the problem I am thinking I am bound that is the problem the moment will start thinking that I am liberated I will be liberated so what the difference thought how the thoughts are influenced that this knowledge is known as the tattwa I am NOT bound I am not liberated I am as I am I was there I am now and I will be the same Artman Brahman consciousness all pervading same source of joy and peace but unfortunately I think I am in this so there is a story in the the d'azyr in them and one of the Puranas the Lord Vishnu took the body of a boar and then for some purpose the purpose was over but Vishnu was very happy in that body he decided not to give up that body and he was not going back to the the Holi award other gods they came your purpose is over now you come back the business work no I am happy in this body I don't like to go then ultimately they called Shiva and with his knowledge of Trident he broke the body then the Vishnu got liberated liberated means that unnecessary attachment to that particular body so through this story what did the teaching that they'd like to give we are thinking that this body of mine is wonderful I am beautiful I am LD am these ant that I am thinking the more I am thinking about myself the more am superimposing so many things and I'm hypnotizing myself this is the problem here the Lord says that I am NOT bound I am NOT liberated no question of liberation question of liberation will come when there is a question bondage since I am NOT bound the question of liberation then what is the condition I am as I was so that is exactly called taqwa tulta me is the ultimate truth so Hindus they always say Tata Tata means the ultimate truth what is the ultimate truth I am ever free apparently it is very simple but those who try to realize this truth meditate on this statement know very well how difficult it is when we talk about this that is very simple but try to realize try to understand that I am NOT this body I am NOT this mind these thoughts this world around me nothing belongs to me I am ever free I don't want anything is so difficult very difficult and now the I think day before yesterday one gentleman he asked me a question a philosophical question his question is who is bound and who is going to be liberated and what is this liberation these are the basic three question lot of questions the basic three question who is bound the answer will be then the good question no doubt but the what will be the answer I would say the one who is asking this question who is bound is born because the conception the idea of I'm the binding is in the mind so when he or she is thinking who is bound that means the conception of that bondage is there in the mind so he's both she's born there's no question those who are free they will never ask this question second who is going to be liberated now this is a and suppose I accept my present condition yes I know there is a I am completely free but I this moment can't realize that can't feel that can't think that so I have to get to that situation that condition that sometimes they'll be I think in Spain or where they will play in the Mart you can't recognize who is who so the other day I was reading another Saul fancied funny stories the children they were playing the color in India the Hindus the color is a big festival color festival and the children they were playing in that it was very difficult to recognize who is who then suddenly the one mother came hold a child and started shouting I told you titli not to come out of the house and play because your health is not good and you have secretly come over here let me take you so he was almost dragging the child the child was trying to say something but the mother was not in a mood to listen so she was dragging that little girl then another girl it is difficult to see then I understand her because face was completely covered with color the another girl told her friend whom the mother is taking to home that is not me that means the mother was taking some of the health so it is like this the mother was thinking I am taking my daughter but in reality she was taking somebody else daughter her old daughter was still playing over there so this is the situation in the world we are thinking this is mine we are holding and trying to take but that doesn't belong to me so we had to understand who is going to liberate it the one who is thinking well my condition is like this I am cover sneered with so many things now I had to take the help of someone whom we call guru the preceptor and then I will slowly reach to that so one who is trying to get the liberation will be liberated now the third question the how the what is that liberated what is the liberation that is the question these is very difficult to answer why because the at Easter realization unless and until the one is realizing the truth he cannot no one can say what is that it is not possible Raghavan see Ramakrishna he is telling a story that three friends they were walking and right hand side there was that wall the big wall suddenly they heard the beautiful music on the other side so when the one boy climbed on the wall he saw that he was so overwhelmed he said whoa beautiful so wonderful and he jumped other side without helping or what actually he saw he could not say that he was so overwhelmed so he just jumped in inside the other side of the wall other two couldn't go it's just like that one who has realized it he has realized the fullness and you know he doesn't see the duality whom he will say after the realisation again and again we find that it is the realization of the one and when the person is realizing that there is nothing but the oneness only one consciousness pervading in everything he doesn't see the difference he doesn't see that there is some money someone else that whom I have to go and tell no that is the reason no one expressed it and moreover it is beyond time space and causation and naturally no one can give it the description in words it's not possible it's a self experience and that is why they say it is joy and joy unspeakable so that is bliss so that is the expression only they can give bliss is so much joy the once you go over there you won't never like to come back and will never desire to get something more of that no desire remains your full completely satisfied so that is exactly we have to imagine but the liberation what is the duration only one who gets the liberation can realize and cannot express it now senior students of spirituality must study I should say the this chapter 11 chapter of this 11 scan the book of the bhagavatam then only they will realize that none is bound and no question of liberation in fact there is no change then what is this creation Maya moolam and day it says that Maya moola we already studied that sloka this is based on the Maya Maya Mulan then what is discretion Maya moolam illusion of the Maya the first chapter 7 verse of the Ostrava class Amita we are also studying the stem across a meter in the Hindu temple so there is a first Saturday of every month like all other classes I'll be giving that talk on the Stuber Kragh from here from my office on the first Saturday morning usually has to give it in the Lamont Hindu temple in the Austin oppressor meter that the great sage estaba Kragh his teaching his illustrious disciple Janaka doing reality you are the one cr1 seer a cadra star ECOD rista see after liberation what is this liberation we will see because after liberation he demand only one whom he is going to say who is going to describe and that is the reason the lord god the supreme god takes the human form and comes as an Avatara and this avatar are completely freedoms but pretend that they are bound like us leave with us and then guiders teachers but the one individual who has realized this he is completely free the austere Bhakra he is telling this is the first chapter the seventh verse of the austere bakra he says though in reality you are the ones here egged rasca but unfortunately you don't see yourself as here but the object drishya hence you think you were bound now this answer is very clear who is bound one who is thinking that he is bound why he is thinking that he is bound because he is ignorant so this is the only cause of the bondage and in reality what is the truth truth is you were a chorister you were the only one and you were this year he was the observer and you have nothing to do with this creation a code the Stars is a reverse' mocked-up Rio Cesar vada I am Eva he T but do drast Arum pasha see it arrum hitler means the the people who that way they are not the mind is not very clear so they are called eternal lower are the ignorant people eater so this ignoring people why they are ignorant they may be a scientist everywhere doctor there may be may be very successful in many other subjects but in spirituality they are just a child ignorant why they see many when you see many then you are not is here so this is what is the Ecotrust are see disturb you Moktar prices Arvada you are completely free all the time star buddha you are always free no question abundant we are discussing about the liberation and bondage austere buckler teaches bhagavata also teaches the same thing now austere bockris Amita is the scripture of the Advaita Vedanta an austere bakra is the highest Advaita Vedanta and in Vedanta also they have the grade because they understood that all people won't be able to understand it take it so they have toned down that particular knowledge slowly slowly they're helping them to go up to that and when you reach to that level of Janaka when one become a disciple become like Janaka then the his guru will be austere bakra and the teaching will be unfortunately you are thinking you were bound and you are not bound so sorry Veda you are all the time you are free so if this same thing the father what are the scripture of the devotion so this is the beauty of the Hinduism for some people they always are goodies and that but actually this is the knowledge and the only truth the truth is only one that one that obviously from different approaches we are reaching I mean like the approach of do it is umbrella tea I may approach the like of that or greater the monism no problem according to your choice according to your temperament according to your liking according to your understanding take the path that's why in India though there are so many varieties of opinions and all are free to express their opinion but the goal is God the goal is God realization approaches up to you and no problem no fighting this is the beauty unity in diversity so here Oster bakra in the big antic view is it that you were only one and same thing we learn in the hoggar bottom also we think that we are bound but the truth that we are ever free now the question again why this illusion the illusion because Maya now we have to just is very difficult to understand what is Maya the Maya the source of illusion the Maya and after the you know as the now the coronavirus all over the world the scientist they are trying to understand what is it characteristics so that they can develop the medicine to curb it to kill it to stop it there similarly the spiritual scientist also real researched again and again and again and for a long long period of time not that suddenly they said the Maya for a long period of time they researched on these that the sanatana dharma the hindu the religion the Rishi's the researched on these and then they found out the main cause is the maya why this trouble why people are taking birth again and again why did either suffering or sometimes they're enjoying or what is this life taking birth means sure death and after the death sure birth again why so do you were researching they found out Oh the cause is Maya now Maya is all right what is this Maya very difficult to explain again and the wind the Maya was created right from the beginning of the creation because it belongs to God God's power and God has no beginning so Maya also has no beginning but the difference is the God has no and also Maya has an end when the Maya will end is God's power illusive power when the Maya will end when you understand Maya the moment you understand Maya it ceases that is the beauty and to understand Maya we have to understand that characteristics of the Maya what are the characteristics we find the Maya has two power they say in sanskrit aburana and big shaper what is the average covering and his big sheep removing so dr maya is covering i see something but not the real thing is completely covered something else that is called Maya one gentleman he was looking a pillar only but there was a mist and the early morning the mist was there he saw that pillar but he thought that someone has come to receive him there was a program that you were supposed to go somewhere somewhere supposed to come it was late so he thought that oh that gentleman who is supposed to receive me standing over there so let me go to him she came out lock the door reached over there and what he found a pillar and nothing else who saw the man in the pillar that gentleman why he superimposed this particular action we called Maya's power and that is harboring a power that is not a man human there is a pillar only but somehow it was covered for that particular man not for everyone so the Maya is acting individually and I am bound under Maya so those who are liberated like wagons Ram Krishna Swami Vivekananda MA Sharada for them there is no Maya they soothe see the truth but just sitting by the side of ceramic ISNA the people are seeing the same thing in a different way because they're under Maya so we have to understand these the Maya is for individual now one person broke the Maya realized that oh this is Maya and everybody is pretty not like that it is all individual you have to find out so this is that is the reason it is so difficult and religion he is only for individual person no one can help that's about Shankar Acharya in one of his famous Street eyes Viveka chudamani he said if the father has taken the loan his son may repay back the loan if someone is carrying a heavy load another person seeing the this man under the heavy load can help him taking lifting that load that is possible but the liberation it is individual practice of for the liberation is all individual his father is practicing and the son will get the benefit no it is not if the wife is practicing husband will be getting the benefit no it is not it is a very very individual why because the Maya is covering individual mind so this way aburana and big shaper covering and removing this is the power of the Maya covering we know and how removing someone will come with the light and show a this is not that what you were thinking oh yes the long back the one of our teachers he told us a story in a village the two K dead body to the burning heart in the village you know you have to go a long way by the side of a rivulet and then there will be the burning garden with the air cremation so the wind and wind after the creation they were coming back the young boys were I think seven or eight of them suddenly they saw in the distance someone is calling them as their be conning them like this so each and every one freezed over there out of fear and it was a moonlit night and there was no one around so naturally the environment was also to see the ghost so that was the great beautiful environment for seeing the ghost so they saw the ghost and the ghost was calling them in writing them come come to me it is very difficult then suddenly one told if we run back we are reaching to that burning guard that is also not a very safe place so many people died over there so maybe so many goes to it with their latest phrase this one ghost was standing before us so they hold each other's hand and they came in here together in a body that whatever happened eight of us we will face the wind they came near they found oh no it was a fig tree the big leaf and on that sunlight a moonlight was reflecting and when the leaf is going because of the little here it was the breeze it is going up and down and from distance they thought oh somebody is calling us that they could not see that green leaf they saw the white one because of the reflection of the moonlight what is that illusion and in the illusion they were freezed out of fear then what happened they took up the courage and they came to the illusion an illusion was not there the same way the Maya it shows all that is a beautiful human body we must love and that is a beautiful property I must get there's a beautiful DS there they're dead so many and all the time I am mesmerised I am going over there and then ultimately am suffering so this is the Maya then guru comes and says what do you think in this nothing is there so aburana and big shaper covering and with the help of the Guru or the scripture amri booming it this is the to power of the Maya and it is having three qualities sattva Raja and Tama scepter Raja Tama many times we have discussed so this is the three different qualities good and active and very bad so this three combined together the human character if the good portion is more there is a good person and very compassionate helpful and if it is egoistic there's a different person and he's a very very cunning type of person and that he creates or she creates not a problem for others and never ever help others so this why this same human being because of these qualities after the analysis they found out this so to power and three qualities this is the Maya so whatever the things that she is doing the Maya with the people they consider is maybe a the feminine' so she the Maya or eat we can say is doing with the help of these three to power and three qualities Maya is the power of God but the God is not bound by Maya so the question there is a question the argument is we're from the Maya came Maya came from the God if the Maya is from God the God is also under the spell of Maya answer is no why because it remains ins God but it cannot f Victor act on guard Bhagwan see ramakrishna has given a beautiful an example the snake is having the poison in it but that poison cannot do any harm to the snake the same way now Bhagavad three Krishna trying to help the wood double to understand Maya as a dream is a creation of mine so also Barton rebirth is not a reality in the eleventh chapter 2nd verse the Lord Krishna is telling shop no yata art manicotti some city not to bestow be not to Buster be not in reality bus-stop reality now to Buster be how it is submerge a town the first thing the when we are facing this universe this world is creation this phenomena we have to remember that this is not real this is unreal why unreal because it is changing so obviously something real means real and unreal that something which is permanent neighbor changing neighbor changing when he say neighbor say Himalaya is standing over there are alves standing over there were so many thousands of years but even then one day it won't be there it has a beginning it has an end so it is not the truth it is not the ultimate truth so the reality is completely different with submerge atta at manoa kotti and the dream we create so many things in the dream so many creations are there friend is there for is their animals at their births that their sufferings that happiness at their the dream everything that we do in our day-to-day life and you're away same thing we do in the dream but when you get up from the sleep nothing is there so who created that I created and in this life also I created again the Lord said Vidya a bidet Mamata new bt Vidya a BT Mamata no bt o dhaba sharira naam moksha one degree rd maya me be near me t this is the third verse of the second chapter who'd ever know that knowledge and ignorance are my power Mamata new Mamata nominee my power and what is that bitter and obedient knowledge and ignorance the cause of liberation and bondage moksha but Dockery they are the creation of maya maya army bin edema t beam enmity is a I have created it through Maya so big deal Abbot day Mamata no big deal debauchery naam moksha but degree Rd Miami beneath me t I am actually given the class starting the subject not the lecture the lecture is a different they will go on talking about it not much of coating on the original verses that is the studying if you have the book if you're opening that particular verse and reading with me and then he will realize and it will go much deeper into your mind and understanding will be more clear when a person gives the lecture on these bondage and liberation it will be little different coating from different sources it goes on talking so I am breaking it because again and again repeating this verse so that one we sincerely understand trying to understand he will open the book go to that particular words and then study with me so this is the who is this giba or the individual self this is also a wonderful question now who is suffering now God Maya and the Jeeva these three God is creating and through his creation through Maya okay for whom but the Jeeva if there is no no one is there for suppose there was no one around you and right now I'm not having anyone before me there is no one listening in person over here but because of this technology I can reach out to many people through this camara and that the projection so this is the that is the reason I am giving the talk and suppose there is no camera suppose there is no people around me as before me I'm just sitting alone why should I talk for whole one hour on this subject no I will read that's all maybe I'll read so this is the same way we have to understand the giba is very important who is giba lord god is the creator and he is creating true maya we understand for wound if there is no one why this creation why this Maya so obviously there will be someone who is either enjoying or suffering the because of that particular thing the whole creation what is this creation Jeeva now in the giba is India we dueled soul of all this creation the best is the human they all religion they say like that best why discriminative capacity the mind is their intellect is their understanding is there so that God has created man out of his own image the Christianity they say what is that image intellect understanding knowledge the man now is understanding and now he's suffering this is a game going on so the Jeeva who is this giba where from it came now the Lord were it he says in the Bhagavata 11th chapter fourth words because she eva Momo am Shazia Jeeva sir eva mohammed ii he's addressing the cadaver as mohammed ii why mohammed ii means highly intelligent why he had this like that unless you have that intellect the circle capacity to understand the subtlety you won't understand this this is the game going on who is this Jeeva me because it is my puncture because Shiva Momo anxious here Jeeva is my part but God is one without any second how can he has the part then he is answering a casaba iike asha eva though I am only one but even then giba is my part how that is possible because it is true Maya again so this proves the God is only one and it has no part so obviously the God is creating Jeeva and then having this game the play that is going on how it is true Maya so God cannot have any part like son if now it is giving the example the how it is now I see so many sons because one person he was keeping a hundred of the vessels full of water one son reflecting on all the hundred and all the hundred sons at just sons so when the people are counting they will come out of one hundred sons and when there is a wind and the naturally that water will also it will shaken and the as if the Sun is also moving but is reality anything happening no the Sun is there all alone but through the Maya through the reflection so many sons that is the way so who we are in reality God in reflection so that is the answer he gave so what is this the first question was and we have discussed that how to go beyond Maya Maya we have understood is nothing but the illusion and we in reality is God that there is no question of going beyond Maya only understanding that I am God myself and I was never having any change no birth no death and nothing so that is the only way through the knowledge as the ashtavakra taught to the Janaka the second question it comes can they be two souls bound and liberated now this we will answer an answer to this question the Lord gives the example of two birds living in the same tree one bird hopping from one branch to another eating sweet and bitter fruits but the other one only observe so now the this is the two souls why the question of two souls scheme because the would ever saw some people are calm and composed even in different difficulties but his brother may be near and dear ones they cannot be that in a peaceful mode they cannot see it so they will run here there and then suffering so that is the main thing I was flying from Calcutta to underman once and the flight was in a difficulty because some strong wind was there gusting wind so obviously it was dropping and the people they got so scared some of them they got up from the seat trying to run and by the way they fell down and then naturally things happen like that I was quietly sitting why because I am flying even if I stand up even even if I try to run where I will go if the flight is breaking and all of us will die if it is not if the the flight captain can manage to land it all of us will be saved so it is of no question so one gentleman was there it was the leader of that community he told how is it that you were idle look at it there is no question of shouting crying running we cannot do anything this is a situation why unnecessarily rather quietly sit and take the name of God and this is not the first birth or second birth we again Wilbert take birth again this thing will happen so this was in my life I could remain calm and composed over there and I saw people cannot so the when we are reading these two birds this is the the in the Mundaka Upanishad also the same way it has been expressed dois super NASA Yuja Sakaya Samana bhiksha precious Jyoti to you only people um sada ot a national anya of Achaia kaity from the Mundaka Upanishad the orichalcos shitty she's just observing why because of the knowledge what is that knowledge things are going to change sometimes the problem comes in the Maya in people's life so many difficulties and we feel you nothing good is going to happen to my life no the wrong thing good is surely going to come when the bad has come good it will become when the challenges have come the remedy will also come so that we should have to keep in mind now the whole world in turmoil and the great leaders in the world leaders they are also a bit little confused there is a human being they don't know how to date rying their best to serve their own people to save their people to doctors nuts this foolish all their working scientists they're all working but it's a sample remedy will come now this problem doesn't mean this is the end of the life - someone wrote is this the doom Diggy look I tell you if you think you can do like that this is nothing like that whenever it comes there bad thing the good things are also coming the bad days the good days are also waiting so this is the way we have to think so the second question are there two souls no same semana brick shape in the same body in the human body same soul is there same mind is there only when you behave like an ignorant person you behave like the bird who is going on testing bitter and sweet fruit and suffering or enjoying but if you quietly understand it you'll be free from it so that is only one but as if through the activity to the Karma as if it is two now there comes another the part of the question - how to distinguish the distinguishing as a question comes how we will know that just tip the simile they have given an example they have given up two words among the human being how he'll understand so the mother we just remember the martyrdom at Davi while answering to the his heart disciple told they were asking how you will know that I've realized God or he has realized God how we will know the mother the simple very simple answer do you expect that God realized person will grow horn on their head no will be just as it is so similarly bhagavata also gives the same answer I will quote this is the eighth verse the hostile P in a D host o the beautifully they're explaining the hostile P not a has to be drawn Sapna Yatta Yatta ha ha d hasta OPD hasta karate-chop not ricotta the wise feels that he is not the body though he is in the body like a person awakened from the dream example I was in the dream and in the dream I was a king but when I come up get up the dream bro then I no no I am I was not the king the similarly a realized person who has realized God what he will think physically no change and then again will come that very clearly the Lord Krishna mentioning about it there should not be any doubt it is the mental change it is the psychological change attitude that is changing and here he neighbor things that I am I belong to this body that is there Hostel Opie Noddy Hearst though though he's in the body he doesn't feel that he's in the body that means he is bound I and mine body means samsara body means I and mine so I and mine that conception is not there it doesn't mean oh I am NOT the body that means I am floating not like that body is just normal but I and mine that conception will not be there Raghavan serum Krishna could not say I he used to point out his body and is to say this can imagine so this is the hostel peanut a hostel big duan Sapna Yatta Yatta Taha as a breaking the the dream when you come up same like that or the histo PD hasta come OT again the illiterate person ignoring person about the spirituality though in reality they are soul they are Artman they think their body or the hostel there is they are not in reality the body OPD hasta shop not ricotta so this is the difference what is the difference how to distinguish in the behavior now it comes the same idea we find in the bhagavad-gita also bhagavad-gita the third chapter xxvii Luke it says Prakriti kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah ha a home car by murat ma car tahun et Mon mati Carta Homme I am the doer ET magnetic things but in reality the prakruti is going on as a small little baby lying on the lap of the mother and can't do anything in that vulnerable condition if the mother is not taking care they need to die and that baby is slowly growing becoming very strong powerful person and who da whose changes this the baby did the baby thing so I have grown up but in reality it is the nature that is the nature it grew up so that is the way we have to understand whatever we see whatever we do what everything everything of the prakruti this Prakriti kriyamanani the guna is a property what are the Gounod's apricotty cetera G Tama and they are performing all these actions but the ignorant person thing I am doing in the bhagavad-gita it says the same way the raga bottom also the foolish is thinking I am doing the realized soul does everything that an ignorant unrealized person does now in the verse 11 and 12 it gives the full list see how the ignorant and the realized person does everything like lying sitting walking bathing seeing touching smelling eating hearing etc but he is not bound because he remain unattached with other activities okay now this is how we will understand who is a bound person he is not attached to these how he'll understand that he is not a test because he'll be completely unselfish there will be no hidden agenda as they call it no nothing will be there except love love for the other beings nothing so the love and unselfishness we can call that is God love and unselfishness is God and when we realize that the love and unselfishness then what happens we remain as normal as everyone but at the same time is not bound completely free so we have to understand these even G Garcia apart even G Garcia a para Nana to brahmam at money ooop remained village Amano Manya Surve oke now in the 21st 21 verse then the Lord is telling you have to discriminate again and again the I was a little child little baby and I was not having any power in my body no thinking capacity but now I have grown up I can protect myself I can save myself I can starve others if that is so how it is possible that I am claiming that I am doing this is called bechara even G Garcia gigantea means discrimination how to discriminate this is the way to discriminate what will come humbleness nays will come ego will go I am doing I am doing I am doing all this ego will go and when that ego goes away that's why Bhagawan Sri Ramakrishna he went to the root the only thing that is the cause of all these is the ego he said go keep that ego and he he has the Salam o Krishna has made the ego in two different position one is under IP go kochia army and r.i.p go pakka me what is that unripe army unripe ego that I this body and me and mine all that is on life but what is that same ego turns to God what happens then the Lord he gave here in the bhagavata he says hold that pure mind on God the omnipresent one my ARPA surberg a you can give everything of yours to mean the if I give that ego I am doing with the power of God I am thinking with the power of God the constantly that thought is there but is not me is not possible for me it is because of the God and that is the reason eponymous to God because of you I could do it humbleness comes army male Gucci bag and all if I could remove that ego which is separating me from my original self my realization everything will be solved then but if we are not able to meditate constantly on Brahmin or discriminate then the Lord is giving the another option yadi Anisha Daraa Eaton mono brahmani nice Chilam nice Chilam the firmly on the Brahman or is that Brahman all-pervading consciousness if I cannot keep my mind India to be then Mui sarvani karmani near apeksha some archery perform all actions without hankering for the result dedicate those up to me the salah sri krishna the God knowing the God who is this god sri krishna what to give all action whatever I do I give it to you Oh God and then what happened I became completely ego free when there is no ego in me then what will remain God because there's nothing else but God nothing else but consciousness the Brahman so obviously shri krishna is also telling you can't concentrate constantly on God on Brahman okay you are active do all the actions perform all the action only give those actions the result to me Ramakrishna are panama's to like that Thank You friends now again in the next class we will meet an early discuss and now let us conclude with this stotra young Brahmanand root trauma ruta student a debatably BD song paddock ramappa Nisha de gallo NT young sambar Dianna was teeter-totter gatinha manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes tiantan abhi do surah surah ghana the boy toss me namah om Shanti Shanti Shanti [Music]