Video 53
Bhagavatam 042 : Maya: The Source Of Misery
huija Shannon [Music] but the mana solution we Swart our [Music] governess attrition me hung Lakshmi condom Kamala Lionel you Dianna Bundy Krieger [Music] today's topic is a very special topic because if we understand this we will get liberation immediately and what is the topic Maya and this is the only one for later world maha that is the cause of the creation and that is the cause of our own suffering so the root cause of misery is the Maya now friends you'll know being the students of Vedanta the Maya is a very interesting subject for the Vedanta does the practice Vedanta but those who are following the path of devotion 14 Maya yes we are reading halliburton algorithm is considered as a book of love algorithm is considered as the scripture of the devotees but the followers of the devotion but no healing we read in the eleven scandal the third chapter how these how the body is explaining the Maya you know the king of the Bedi honey me just to remind you and some friends who have come knew the king of the PD honey me was very happy here the life of the Yukiko be the one of the brothers senior brother of the nine brothers Nava Yogi and also the three the first brother of the nine day yogi brothers Kobe give reply to Kings the question which is the easiest way to realize God we already discussed that and the second brother of the novel Yogi's hurry he answered the second question of the king how to recognize a realized soul this to question and answer we have already done but the king is going to be harder and he's asking the cause of all bondages and miseries and he asked for a submission issues Shanina will be mu him in Maya beauty tune each chavo bhagavata blue moon to know whether the tradition is I want to know in India - we never said like that we want to know though he is asking at all but he is always putting in this way we want to know you know humbleness I told you perhaps before we may first came over here especially it was writing the later we like to then the person who are sitting before me helping me to type there he said no why they were is we you are saying I want to say I want to know like that so this is the culture in our culture it is always we the plural a hammer whale so now nah means we so he says Maya be eaten it Charmander drama - na na means we want to know Raghav and the whole respected one everywhere even kinda of an event like that we are respecting someone we use this word of an old master great master distillers what about Maya Maya be doomed what is this Maya so he is asking for a submission or who wishes their divine power of the supreme love Mahavishnu he knows a person without knowing the basic thing we never can ask this type of question that is for sure so when someone is asking about the wire he must be knowing what is this Maya but not very clear about it so he's asking so I don't know much about deal can you please take me and what is this fire the power of the Supreme Lord here in this father beta the Supreme Lord has been termed as Vishnu but you know the meaning of the word Vishnu be sorry Vishnu one who is all pervading that is business [Music] the pedantic this Abram one which is constantly increasing an all-pervading that is among you there is consciousness and the devotees did the same thing as Vishnu and what is this Vishnu all-pervading and if it is all-pervading how can it have the feeder form only do we help our mind to concentrate so that this Lord Vishnu it is the power of the Lord Vishnu and he says Maya will be more him him and do you - delivers the minds of all the King nimi he knows the basic of the mind but still he wants to get it completely clear from this Rishi the you that's why he's asking what is this power the power of God which is deluding the mind of the whole now we are entering into a very difficult situation and it because we know the word Maya we know the activity of the Maya but there is no one to explain Maya this is the problem just like Brahman no one can give any definition of the brahmana we can define Raghavan but we cannot define Brahman so now to translate this sloka Oh honorable teacher we like to know all about Maya the divine power of the supreme lord maha-visnu so here if we could say bishop that will be sufficient but sometimes they will say Maha Vishnu emphasis on that sometimes if you go to the Hindu temple they will say not only pressure more pressure on what is that more just to emphasis but if you go for leakage we will be there but didn't say Mohammad Javad the MA to keep the expression Tantra girls this Sigma heart means we meet so the maja it mean doesn't mean anything mama means to keep the emphasis this is the prasada so this maja is new now the third question was picked by the third brother of the new keys his name was aunt Alicia now the one picture he is now giving this answer what is this answer it will be very difficult you know even the greatest exponent of the Vedanta Shankar Acharya he also one word should say to define Maya in his first book the very good book Viveka chudamani Christian of discrimination he is giving only two verses to explain Maya but Maya is the root cause of all bondages but whatever the definition addition karijini has given so perfect 108 verse of the Viveka chudamani if you read the review romani hundred and eight verse there in two lines he is giving the wonderful explanation definition of the mayan processes of depth Nandi it is an undifferentiated of pepti reactive means manifested a better are differentiated what is design differentiated you know the particularly those who are studying the Vedanta you know all this creation because of the permutation and combination of the three gunas sattva Raja and Tama peace raghunath's because of the three gunas all these things are happening this is the only wonderful way of explanation we are not entering into that but here it says abduct an omni that which is not manifested but the three gunas are there inside that is objective and undifferentiated Polynesia Shakti it is the power of the Lord the Supreme Lord the power of the Supreme Lord for amasian Shakti the surety is the power the capacity through which it works the god is all-powerful how we will know if the god cannot transform these in the god cannot change these if the God cannot do this how can he call God what we call him God he just like us God must be having all power till it is God as governments around business degree someone was telling go that gentlemen is the Raja immediately see what is larger he is not having any Kingdom he is not having anything so how can he call him Raja if you are not having the kingdom how can you call people will call Raja Raja mr. King the God means malabon means he is having six hours its powers definitely Baca van will be explaining about the rubber burning details I think after few days I will go to where is the place Madison I go if you're interested in or bhagavata follow me anyway so this bond he is all-powerful the formation for Amma Isha HM is that God became the partner whatever means the Mohan this polymer Shakti are built an omni foramina Shakti on Rd it is no beginning why because it is a loving God and God has no beginning so this power of God has also no beginning but we shall deal on Rd no beginning but it is a video me science this is the new science the power of God of course but the bad power of God the power of God the people in wonder how can this be God is having bad power yeah God is also having the bad power I see having the good one so this is the speciality of the Hinduism they say this bad thing is also belong to God now even the God is having those bad qualities the god is also suffering because with the bad qualities we suffer God isn't suffering no he is no why this is also answered by the one see Ramakrishna very nicely the pain'll is there in a serpent but when it is biting using the freedom to some other one it dies but that that balaam which it is containing is not giving any bad effect to that particular subject the similarly God is having the bad quality that is of India designs three-unit macabre are three guna arnica if you like to know Hinduism you must understand two three things one is tribunal this is very important Maya this is important for me shudder and the Vagabond etc this three guna is the three different quality sattva Raja and among these three gunas and it is supreme how to understand these we cannot explain what this is Maya this is Maya you have to understand through courier carry on me sudhi whip Amaya Carr yalla bina as the courier effect Garza aluminium alluvium is inference Oman one of our inference that you can infer through that activity how see when you had the dollar what is the dollar is so valuable it is written one zero zero under $8 why because someone has signed over it and there is a stamp so if you take that anyone will accept it as $100 but there's always the small piece of paper and nothing else only one small piece of paper why we are accepting that garage anomia collieries effect oh no Meah that rules we can understand that proves that the power of the signature who has signed in our country usually the governor I remain of the Reserve Bank of India he signs that signature is the most powerful if there is not even if I sign on that piece of paper right 1 0-0 and send in a $700 will the people accept it now Virgin Media through the effect only we can understand it is school now given in our country most of the people in the villages that don't understand what is it ec so one of our vice-president Sharma ji was visiting one part of our shop has a remote place and to see this is very very warm heart so we have to hire an easy little occasionally you will do that you know again as a beautiful country now they give the AC without the cooling event only the family's fan is there so I'm going over there and do an exciting show you we have installed the AC but it is not cool inside the room it is not cool no no this is one way the window they have fixed it and there is a fan it is moving here is green but no cooling effect actually AC means the air conditioners must keep the cooling effect by myself going to the shop and today what you are cheating us give us the correct one oh just a ticket it is you okay okay we never need is not this to Yantra me G that means rank each division Swami's are educated suppose they won't but if someone is coming like that if you don't The effect of it those people they paid for that the parties they installed that us because they were not knowing how it works they were very happy with a false one so car Genovia Pannonian you can imagine you can understand through the work method is the courier sometimes the small little babies with their crying most of the people think is their crime motherly know whether they're hungry whether they want to change whether they want decent at how the same thing applies for our ear is the kind of the baby but for the mother where she knows the change of the sound and she will understand what to do and what not to do her journey through the courier through the action even understand better now me Paloma Shakti on Rd of India trigonometry cara cara mia' suetilley Omaha who will understand this sudhi intelligent one just I told you about this an intelligent person will understand what is an an AC machine but an ignorant person though he wind but she's the AC machine installed AC machine but couldn't recognize that this is not a summation so how you will understand this is Maya not all intelligent person will understand soothingly oh my arm only in clear personally understand now the last world Yaya from where chatter and this universe Salim he done pursue what they pursue worthy it is projected not produced projected not created projected and giving the verses of the world projected so he says that is projected the intelligent people can understand this my arm it is the knee science and from it's a faith we understand everything is projected for super team now this I was giving the definition of Shankar Acharya and he is the exponent of the Vedanta and what is it about payal it is not possible to explain mine it is the power of God and it is from the beginning less it is becoming less because it is along with the God which is beginningless we cannot finalize we cannot pinpoint what this is the time when God was created no the beginningless my is also being the power of God beginningless but we can understand via the power of God which binds through the effect how it is the hunter ik the third brother he'll extracted explaining this Evy Putin Putin MA maja booty Maharaja surcharge a woodchopper Johnny Artyom Sumatra Hartman British British history this is the 11th chapter xi book third chapter third verse of the bhagavata and it says if Putin who Dartmouth mahabodhi Maharaja okay the Supreme Being who is the soul of all projected cinema awarded the Pandavas is projected projected all things high and low so that these beings according to their karma enjoy or suffer or liberation liberated this power is known as Maya is any difference in the pot much harder battle and also in the beat hunter we talk about Maya this thing takes pain seeing we'd explain you can put on the fan at least how good our devotees you see methods are there so they won't say anything if it is and always the see when a person cannot differentiate the heat and cold he's liberated soul so I am NOT liberated for you all this is that through the Karma only you can understand and what are the that was friends you must read this few smokers few verses in the pub from eleven scandal third chapter sloka from three to sixteen point is month three to sixteen it came I am NOT going to read the whole smokers and the meaning I'll just get the gist of it but how wonderfully explained whole thing and how we are bound by this it says in the fourth verse it services bodies of the being were made of five elements and what are the five elements city of Asia Naruto and boom these are the five elements the Sanskrit word shitty means the art of amis the water Teja means the fire Naruto means they give and Bluemont means the art if you notice how the Hindu temple the priests are doing the hard thing you will find these findings in the houses also the mothers they do the hearty with these right things and we are having if you want to purchase we are having here because in America it is very difficult to get all these white things if you can if you are interested to do other things in the houses she means the what is this art art mr. flower flower is the symbol of the art Appa Appa bees water in the current shell there is a water then Teja the fire you will see the pancha Perdita or one Perdita the mother is here then dear Fanny and the boom on piece of cloth they will be doing like this ma Luther the bow bow means space sky eater so naturally this father with his five he created the body this physical body was created and then being created there he entered into being entered into team by virtue of his power that created the Supreme God the Supreme Being the pure consciousness as if entered into it and diversify himself as the mind and Dame senses now why it says that it entered into it including to it because without that what is this body body made of flesh boon and all those things so it is not conscious but the other thing that means the mind and the senses are always particularly the mind so how the consciousness can be with the inner thing so the acidity entered into it when it entered into it then punch a camellia unbunch again in real five senses of action and five senses of knowledge car mania and gang in the real what are the gana draya's Chuck su Carina Nashik ah Juba and talk so these are the five Kyani real in real introduced the senses Giada means it gives knowledge it brings much the eye goes out and sees a beautiful butterfly and bring the knowledge and the year it hears the beautiful new the tune of a flute and that also brings the knowledge the touch and taste everything brings the knowledge so Gianna Indian gala means knowledge India means the senses the five senses bringing the knowledge and karma in real action hands feet and other three so this five they are doing the action who created it friends I will request you to understand these very clearly first body was created by God God's father what is that Maya this body the mind in dispenses were created by God's power and it is almost God Himself entered into it and then it provides the giba with the object to injure and not only that look at it this is so difficult the God created our bodies God created our senses and not only that to tame trance he created all these objects so that the beam the jeepers they enjoy and suffer this is really not good if we could meet God we could ask him what is it why the first thing you have created and then when your period is okay then you have created the object and after creating the object it's like a diabetic person is having only sweets before him to eat he cannot doctor is there standing you cannot eat the sweets and he has no other things to eat so there what to do is like that God created the body God created the mind God created the same subject God created the objects to enjoy and also to suffer you can eat but you will suffer who did it and then from this is 3rd and 4th from 3 to 15 from 5 verse to 15 it goes on the G first starts thinking that it is the master of the body and the mind from here begins the problem before that it was all right but the moment we start thinking that we are the body and the mind so the ego heart functioning so from here the struggle for spiritual life begins the moment we understand this body and the mind it is not me then why should I think in this way I'll do in this way obviously so easy for us to get the liberation but no God has beaded in such a way we start thinking this is my body this is my mind and the ego is terrible sometimes ego because of the family tradition how do you this was my family this is my family then the ego of my society the ego of the country the ego one after another one after another we do believe I went to the villages of Russia then I told that there are all poor people uneducated people all laborers of the tea garden then when I talk can you please bring water from you no I cannot cry now he is lower than that me when I am born in pieces and their body that rest they are lower than me us so I am NOT going to take water from them you came I was hungry both are uneducated both are two both a thought many labor around the tea turn but look at this ego as somehow someone told him he were higher than game like this this is the trouble the Eagle I am so-and-so I am so-and-so I am so-and-so so T C is the same the G will start thinking that it is the master of the body and the mind and getting attached to the and suffer and it goes on travelling from one part to another birth and this is mine now this the Navajo is one of the devil Yogi's who is answering his name is aunt Alicia now under Rick she is answering what is Maya the question asked by the King nimi Mimi is the king of the kingdom budino so when he is answering his answering in this way the supreme power god he has created this world with his own power that is maya the supreme power god created the body and the mind and the senses and the same subjects this is mine the supreme power God has given the attachment of the Jeepers to these same subjects attachment and ego to the body in the mind this is Maya and result of this karma jeepers who's on suffering a little bit of enjoying and suffering again and again in different birth this is Maya till the dissolution Jesus goes on in the circle of birth the depth and this is Maya dissolution is also the Maya through the telling drought now from 9 to 15 verse clearly describing in the bhagavata how the destruction will come dissolution will come the first you know the people are so scared about the environment they are very current of course they won't be able to save it why the destruction comes from drought here in the bhagavata is verse 9 to 15 he goes on describing how the destruction will come the solution will come slowly there'll be no water and one after another the land all will be without water the drought will come terrible drought and not only that along with the drought from the AXA calling the blue the Bible help fire the fire will come and burn the whole land and beat terrible suffering who we were being survived in suffer the terrible suffering with them and the Christian tradition we see Hellfire the team will cease from from the lowest part of the art will come the fire that will burn the whole and dissolve everything all this creation and there will be no rain shall with nothing and the God will dissolve it completely God created got destroyed God was quoting it and God's Spirit everything is mine now the question is why we are those who are trying to understand the spirituality those who are trying to follow the religion and they are intelligent people what do the people will never do it or tell the people are just like any other being they're concerned with the body they're concerned about the food they're concerned about little effort and all that and nothing else only intelligent people start thinking what is this life for I talk to Romani jr. I'm an administrator I am so-and-so I am having so many things but still they will think oh why after this world when the more and more experience comes the age comes we start feeling pain all over the body we start losing the control over the senses we start thinking why all these things that is the big thing so from the beginning itself if we can understand all these things that we see is nothing but the Maya and we have to get out of it now friends this why this discussion is going on this Maya Maya is something which cannot be described Maya is something which we have to understand through the effect of the world and mine is dead according to the other water everything except God everything except God is Maya and nothing else then let us go back to the beginning and analyze it who created the demos who created the beings God out of what he created out of himself out of God and what he created the body what he created the mind what he created the senses what he created the objects and also the attachment to the object was created by him then he suddenly separated us from him everything he gave and then he separated us from him and we are thinking that we are the being we have done so even understand this only we understand this much that will be sufficient to realize God to understand these so parent phase realization of the self and the devotion see is realization of God this is the difference the devotees they say the realisation of the guard and the baton to the knowledge part of it says realization of the self what the initiation only to understand these I am NOT this that's all that what I am if I am NOT this body because it is made of God if I am not the mind because it is made of God if I am not the senses because it is made of God if I am NOT the objects because it is made of God then what is meaning took an answer ha everybody will say even the child is Tilly III so the mother took him out this hi are from deer or till then we go on telling our I just close your eyes and just try to find out who is decide we won't be able to find it out only one thing God has given and is just separated from that and sitting and enjoying what is there see the rule of the game created by some people and the measurement of the field also created by some people then the ball with which should be the game should play that's all so then D I have selected some of the players and people to go and play over there and little Dell they will go and sit in one place and enjoy the game and these players here playing so hard only to get some number and maybe some of the appreciation that's up we're just like that just like that God created this whole universe God created this body the mind the senses the same subjects and also I seems to enjoy then he is sitting somewhere and enjoying that we are either enjoying or suffering if we can understand this much we would simply say enough is enough play frames many of you Indians you know the story that model God she wanted a competition between a two sons Karthik a and Ganesha and ma told and both of the sons they wanted to get that one beautiful girl and was there they were both of them they wanted the girl mother to like and give who will go and circle the whole universe and come fast me Karthikeya was very happy he told fast my elder brother Ganesha is a a B body and he cannot run and second his carrier is the only a mouse so he won't be able to and my carrier was a peacock is a fast runner and he can fly so he said okay I accept the challenge and immediately started and what the Commission did Ganesha circled the mother has sat on her lap that's all never note anywhere when kartikeya came back and he found that this the garland is already given to connection so karthika complained to the mother mother what is it he has not even started from here I noticed he has not come in England the mother told because she understood the truth all this universe is nothing but me circling me as if circling the universe friends today's discussion gives a this knowledge and what is Maya everything except the God and what is Maya the power of God and what the power of God has done she has created the universe including us only one thing that is creating the problem that is the ego I those who have gone through the books of a once-around business he pinpointed this problem he saved in his bank Abadi army morning crew chief agent job where the I the Eco is the moon then all problems are solved but these all go this is the problem only to remove this high so many different types of practices have come spiritual practices spiritual austerities the devotees they are coming and praying to the God oh please please remove my ego and they say it is not me it is you you you Dow Dow Dow is not me exactly opposite the man of knowledge you see I am the Supreme Being but I am NOT the body and not the mind shivoham I have a Dean to it I am NOT the census and I got the body I am NOT the mind and the Shiva and the Shiva and the girl me is saying I am very humble and I had to serve all beings but nothing but the manifestation of the same God and this way all devotees different way they are trying to approach God and the God is nothing but that consciousness who has created this so we have to understand this Maya and we have to get our set free so this year each arm I am at the bottom sunglass sit on the Carini river now Bernita sorry Tim booyah so to meet child here again he sees such is the Lord's Maya concluding from the 3rd to 16 he sees all this about Maya and concluding in a very simple way what is this Maya he says such is the Lord's Maya the cause of creation preservation and dissolution having its three aspects of subtle Raja and Dhamma friends wing we are reading the bhagavata the meaning and some look at our frames they say why in the Vedanta society you are giving classes and bhagavata why he know some of the devotees so because the otta means only their big katana their Betances the three different type of marking there will be puja of course it is bhagavatam matter the study but Parvati is the source of knowledge and other data that to knowledge so teeny the Sinop of devotion in the whole book we find only the tenth chapter which is the biography the life of the Krishna and all of the chapter speaks about the knowledge knowledge and knowledge slowly will come to those parts where capital is conversation with hard modern devotee and also the Krishna's brain would double is having the conversation with the Krishna who the vaquita the beautiful book of knowledge is all source of knowledge ease in the Bhagavata here today we get the answer object interaction about the Maya he concludes Asia Maya our town this is the power of the Supreme God shall Castillo till the colony three partner but inter starving I am it's describing all this what is this saturation Tama now so to achieve anything else is like to this is about it he's asking the kingdom is a very intelligent person when he said we'd like to hear anything about this immediately is asking question in a great humbleness King nimi is asking can you please tell me any one of you you just say that Maya can be understood by the intelligent people why because you have to understand Maya through the work to the effect what many people cannot understand can you please tell me how the ordinary people understand Maya and get liberation that is the question of the nimi and the next brother will come up to give the answer but this will discuss in the next Sunday so how the ordinary person can go beyond Maya understand Maya so this is the question we will understand it afterwards let us conclude with this verse please repeat after me yeah Rudra Malta tsunamis deeply stably be the Sangha but a drama Upanishad a young sister de cadena manasa question diem Yukino yes young Donna be do sudo su da d bye that's my Michonne dee dee dee