Video 50

Bhagavatam 078 : Sri Krishna Eternal Lover Of Pure Souls

good morning dear devotees and friends today we'll be discussing about the lord sri krishna is the eternal lover of pure souls so we we are reading the bhagavata we are discussing on the bhagavata but now today particularly we will dedicate it for sri krishna why because the august 12th wednesday is sri krishna john master me that is in coming wednesday today is sunday so i thought that we should remember this great personality so let us begin with the pranam mantra of sri krishna krishna the name is the krishna hari means the god so haray and he takes our ticks away haran haran means almost snatching taking it away all the bad things from the minds of the people and he's the paramatman he's the supreme self pranather the pranata means i bow down to whom creation are shaya one who removes from the miseries glacier so what are the miseries desires and desires from that when we are free then we are completely happy because no desire and no complaint so how he is removing the misery by removing our desires and he is the govinda who is the govinda means one who can understand the psychology of the people who can see the mind of the people this this is the sri krishna and the krishna he was born in mathura long before lord buddha and krishna is a historical personality are only the through the excavations and that can be proved not like that of course in many places it has been found that krishna's existence were there nobody doubts that he is a the historical personality and shami gambhira nandaji in his bhagavad-gita introduction he has given the point after point how it can be proved that krishna is a historical personality the krishna has been mentioned in the rigveda krishna has been mentioned in the chandragupta and in the buddhism and also jainism so we can understand he was much earlier the krishna was much earlier than all these and not only that the scholars who came along with the first invention from the west to the east that was the greek king so when he alexander when he reached over there some people they visited and they found the clans and the name of krishna they have recorded so all this proves that krishna is a historical personality but at the same time he is god the supreme god so these two how to combine sometimes we think god cannot take birth of course it is true philosophically true god cannot take birth we will come to that discussion but at the same time we find the wonderful characteristics when the human mind is thinking that these should be the divine or godly qualities if we find those qualities in a human being can't we say that he is god that is the argument swami vivekananda has proved it bhagavan sirama krishna he is very recent 1836 he was born his birthplace is there all associations are there no one can deny but at the same time he is god why those godly qualities are very much present we consider hindus to consider jesus as god why the divine qualities are present in jesus we should not judge the jesus the how the people are propagating no it should we should not but we have to find out the wonderful qualities that comes out when the people are talking about jesus writing about jesus expressing about jesus and from there you can find some divine qualities and when i love someone i go on exaggerating that is the problem we can't say exactly because i mix all my emotions all my imaginations and that way we go no it should not here we find that krishna was born let us come back to that particular scene long long before the lord buddha and joins the krishna was born where in mathura still that particular place is there the krishna was born in a prison and many of you you know that and when that supreme lord was born all the gods and goddesses they came and they were chanting you know that when someone is there if you go and tell in sanskrit they always say the astotra and express through those words the chosen words that we know that you are these the first word the gods they used satya bratam now we find in the bhagavata retain skanda second chapter 26 verse it says first word is satya pratham what is this satyabrata one who never breaks his promises as a story goes like this that the earth was suffering this world was suffering because some bad people they came and they were torturing they were not listening uh the following the guidance of the god or the divine incarnations and obviously the all over the society it was a terrible picture then the whole earth taking the form of a cow as if so that is the specialty of the indians they respect the cow because there are lot many good things we get from the cow so that so this and as if the earth took the form of a cow and he she went to the brahma the brahma told i cannot solve this problem let us go to shiva they went to shiva shiva told let us go to vishnu they went to lord visnu and when they were narrating how the people in this earth are suffering then the lord vishnu promised i myself will advent in a human form and and i will solve this problem so he promised so what is dharma i always say and i believe dharma means keeping the promises keeping the promise dharma is sattya bratam means the promise satya bratam satta means truthful to the promises in this present social circumstances if you see each and every one take the oath when someone is becoming the president or the prime minister or the administrator or in the military or judge doctor engineer anyone in any profession when they take charge the responsibility they take the oath even when you take become the citizen of a country you take the oath so those oats one should keep that is called dharma at the time of marriage the hindus they take oaths the christians they take oaths that we have seen it is all written over there this is called following and practicing and keeping those promises are called dharma we are thoroughly confused about dharma we think that dharma means we have to make a huge building and then we should go over there and that should be highly heavily decorated that should be very costly it is all your expression of your pra pride that is not dharma and no matter if you can of course you construct a huge building and say here i will place my god no problem but what is dharma constructing the building it cannot be the dharma means only keeping promises so this when we get a job ordinary job in the office we sign we are going to perform this thing that's called promises every step of life we take the promises before taking the promise one should be very careful that's why swami vivekananda said be free like here be free like air but obedient like the grass is the two completely opposite thing he is telling be free like air about the sannyas is telling but obedient like the grasses when you are accepting the ideology of the ramakrishna mission ramakrishna order before that you are free nobody is compelling you when you accept that ideology you should follow it and you should be humble and obedient like the grasses so that is exactly satya bratam satya param satyaparam also the god can be realized by keeping the promises what is the dharma what is god one who keeps his promises how to realize god by keeping your promises satya param and what is god again three satyam this is immediately takes our mind to that highest vedantic knowledge that god never changes it is eternal akshaya amara different words have been used but here it says three satyam three sattha means it was it is and it will be always every time eternal no changes then it says three satya and god can be realized by practicing truth krishna said in this age in the kali yuga there is a fourth that period now we are passing only the practice that one should do is satya satya bhaktiya satya babahara that means whatever the promises that you have taken and those promises should not harm others should not create problem for others that should not be that is not the promises the promises it should be taken in such a way that not only helps you but also help the society so by that one can realize god seeing god in everything and everywhere satyatma kamtam sharanam prapanya the beautiful way the gods are welcoming the human form of the supreme being the supreme being it has no form it is the consciousness everywhere that same supreme being taking the form of vishnu what is vishnu we will come to that the vishnu bino the gosvami pandit radhabinod ghasyami he is giving a definition of the lord visnu babasti prakrita aprakritam serbam biapnoti vishnu everything not a single thing is out of it back north is everything saturated that is vishnu so how what that can be accept consciousness so consciousness is vishnu all pervading but it has taken a form why for us so that we can imagine this when the mother devaki she gave the birth of her eighth child and she clearly saw lord visnu with four hands lying over there it is she gave the birth of a child but it was the lord vishnu that she manifested and the story goes we all know lord visnu advented at krishna to keep his promise as we have just discussed and he punished the demonic people like kamsa he was kamsa jarasandha they were all at that time they were creating problem for the human life so he came in the bidura uddhava sambaat in a conversation between bidura and uddhava this question was discussed why lord advent on this earth because we are born because of our desires sometimes some people ask question after the death am i going to take birth is it that me i'm going to take birth yes how because the subtle mind subtle body shukshma shadida which composed of mind also and the mind takes the impressions and with those impressions the same soul will take another body so that is we go on why all these beings that they are taking birth because of the desire because of the karma of allah so whatever the work that they have done to either to suffer or to enjoy the result of their karma but why lord so this is a wonderful question the god actually manifest and how in in again in the bhagavata it says the god has two aspects one is para another is obara p-a-r-a para bhagavan not born never born the one the born means the moment you are taking the form that is the beginning and anything which is having a beginning must be having the end the god cannot die so obviously how he is taking form para abara these are the two qualities that the god is having then he is using that a pure consciousness is the poorer aspect of the god and manifestation everything right from the hirana garbha down to the grasses everything is nothing but upper aspect of god so god is consciousness and god is not born god is not created so obviously that part is called para but at the same time the another aspect of god is this one arjun how it is possible one which is unborn and taking the birth then it says through though unborn as if born again so we are going to celebrate the birthday of the lord krishna but krishna is god the supreme how god can take birth so this is like as eve so gosvami tulsidasji he was a devotee as a great devotee of sri ramachandra and he mentioned that my ramachandra my god maya manusam hareem so the wonderful way all these things are maya manuscrime this manuscript the human form that we see of the hari the lord it's a maya maya means illusion so we see that god in that form it is an illusion bhagavan sirama krishna was suffering he developed the throat cancer and in those days there was no medicine no treatment and a terrible pain and he used to say just like a a child to anyone who will be there how can i be can i recover from it i am suffering then one day one of his disciples young disciple a young boy he told sir shall i tell you one thing what is that they say you are only acting but you are not actually suffering you are god you cannot suffer you are only acting that if someone has taken the human form he has to suffer even in that suffering if you can remember god that is the goal rama krishna smiled and said oh you have discovered me so and in his own language salaam krishna said if you don't mind sha allah he has realized so this is the way maya manusa maharim so what is this arya is also telling when he's explaining how the god is born it is absolutely impossible god cannot that's why in the other religions particularly in christianity it says the god is separate and then the god as if sending his beloved son to guide the human being and he is the god is keeping connection with the son with a divine ghost so they always say trinity the supreme god who cannot take form it is not possible then this in between the spirit coming down and keeping touch with the son of god the part of god that is the jesus so that way they are explaining in their own fashion but hindus they say god of course the god itself come god himself comes our hearts will come we can say and we are using the god the word god so himself like that but the god means it's not he or she it is it why it is consciousness and it is all powerful everything is working just by thinking so dare that being he thought that i will manifest and he manifested he was not born manifested and in that manifested form was known as the krishna the lord krishna was born as a son of vasudeva a king from the clan of a famous yodhu bombshell so i will just give you a little brief of this majority of you most of you know but still there will be some people they are not uh connected with this tradition so they may understand it the yodu from yadava the who is this yadu shankar shukra charia there are two teachers one teacher is a teacher of the gods and he is brihashvati another teacher he was the teacher of another group called ashura they were very good in different activities but they were having some egos of course so they're self-confident so these ashuras shukracharya shukra acharya acharya means teacher shukra charia was the guru of the asuras his daughter was devayani devayani was married to yayati of course in the beginning sukuracharya didn't like it but they ultimately married devojani was having a very close friend and the when the close friend that is said mr and devo jani after the marriage when she was going with her husband she prayed to her father can i take my friend also with me you know the girls they're like that and the fathers had to the what to do because the tremendous that love emotion attachment with the daughters the shukra charge tool okay so sharmishta also went bashar vista was very beautiful so shukra chari understood and he asked the yajjati promise that you will never look that sad mr her friend as your wife you should not he promised jayathi promised so that is the story of the yayati the beautiful stories one after another connected with so many things now this devojani and yajati they were the clan and the clan began from the nahusha the nahusha from then then then prishny then hardika and hardy kasana was shura sayin sensaan so vasudeva and the krishna it comes like this so it began the clan began with the famous many of you know that story of the nahusha and did the shurashin sudashan married the marisha and their son was vasudeva and their son was krishna in the same clan the ugrashin he was from the kamsa ugroshin and his ugroshin's brother was debug devak's daughter devaki now we come to this the kamsa and the devoki they were brother and sister the cousin brother and sister conscious father was ugroshan and devoki's father was his brother ugarshin's brother dee bak now vasudeva and devoki was married not that their only devaki was married the other daughters of the deba all of them at a time they were married to vasudeva that was the tradition of the kings now if a king goes and marry in a family one daughter and if that family is having other daughters so naturally other people will come and marry those daughters this king will be equalized with the other kings other people maybe another daughter may marry someone who is not the equal to this king so how he will accept that so naturally the system was all the daughters all the the young ladies will be married to one king so that was the tradition even nowadays also sometimes the those who are still the small kingdoms are there so when they're marrying they marry all the sisters all the daughters so that is the tradition and they were drito deva you'll be interested to know who are the other the sisters of devaki drito deva shanti deva upo deva sri deva deva rakshita and sahodeva and devaki was the youngest and the devaki all these daughters were married all the sisters were married together but when the devoki was coming now here the story begins kamsa was very fond of devaki because the this young sister so kamsa he used to look after her and she was he was very much attest to the devaki used to like her very much as a sister in the meantime when the kamsha grew and the let me that is also it is better that we should also know in the haribam shah it is mentioned like this the to perform the bad part the god is also sending some of his people a kamsa was one of them this is that is also in at the time of rama ravana was born and the rabana was a great devotee of the vishnu great devotee of the god but he wanted to go back and getting the liberation and it is said that if you are becoming the enemy of god you get easy liberation quick liberation but though painful and that is the way kamsa on also so we say the bad part they were playing anyway there was the ugrashen but marbati was the daughter of satya ketu he was the king of the bidharpa the bidharbas king satta ketu and he was the they belonged to the bhoj dynasty a famous king of mathura he was was married they were very happy and one day they went to on way to the parental house of the padmavati to stopped in a beautiful garden and where ugrushin went for something maybe and the padmavati was alone suddenly ugrushin came back and as a husband he wanted to meet the why padmavati padmavati was surprised but anyway after the conjugal meeting padmavati was confirmed that this is not uglashin then she asked kasyatam who are you then to her after surprise she found that it was the govil or sometimes it is known as dramil the we won't be able to remember these names but this is the story this trommel he was an attendant of the richest god kubira and he had the power to take different forms he took the form of the ugrashan came and made this pratmavati that sun was kamsa so he was not the legitimate son of the ugrashin but still they didn't kill that child so he was born this kampsha was a very egoistic right from his childhood he was cruel and also very selfish he married jarasandhu's two daughters asti and prahati was another person was very very cruel now the story goes in this way the conscious cousin sisters they were married they because daughters and kamsa offered now i will drive the chariot the devaki is going seven chariots are going the country tour i will drive and kangshu that time was the king and he became keem by arresting his own father ugrashin and he was so ruthless people were afraid of him so naturally basudev though he was a very courageous person but still he didn't object to that vasudev also came in the same chariot so devoki and basudeva sat and kamsha was driving and he was very happy all around music was going on but at the same time so this is how the things the one one of our brahmachari asked when we were reading these when he asked is a divine voice announced or full the eighth child of your sister devaki will kill you then the brahmacari tour why they announced it so that is the way the gods things goes no hiding first give the caution be careful you will be punished so after that only so the this is the story at the beginning of the story the moment comes your heart that day bobani the divine voice announcing that he was very selfish immediately he wanted to kill the devaki then vasudeva told she's a lady she cannot fight with you and according to the shatria system you cannot fight with someone who cannot defend so please don't do that people will criticize you and moreover you love her anyway she is my wife i will be with her all through in a prison you arrest us will be in the prison and all the eight children that will bore will born will give it to you you kill them come shavers was very happy okay in the beginning he was thinking that he will not kill up to the seven children eight children with eighth child only so he said to them no i am not going to kill all the children only the eighth born you have to give to me narada came into the scenario and narada why you know because the lord has taken the form as a krishna he has to come he has to kill the kamsa he has to settle all these and he should go back the narada was concerned about that if the kamsa is generous to his sister so obviously he are merits the punishment will be less to confuse the narada came and told well i heard these and kamsha told yes i am not going to kill all the children but i want to keep them here so that i can count how many children and the eighth one only i will kill then naruto told from which side you are counting from one to eight or eight to one you do not know eighth ball may be the first one how you know the different type of counting is and the confused cancer told then kill all the children so one after another they were going on killing we know the stories and they were delivering after every year that devaki gave the birth of a child and it was given all the boy boy baby and they were killed the seventh one that was taken to the rohini the another wife of this vasudeva vasudeva so that was placed in with rohini and she gave the birth balarama it is said visnu took the form rama and lakshmana and visnu took the form as krishna and balarama they are so close they cannot live without each other's company so the seventh month was taken to the rohini rohini gave the birth and in next year the the far fast devaki gave the birth of the eight child then what happened when the child was born devoki was crying profusely there's a beautiful way they are describing devaki being a mother she saw it is nothing but the vishnu but at the same time she was going on crying oh lord you should not have come you do not know kamsa he's so cruel he will kill you vishnu but the mother's heart she was going on then the lord took the krsna's form and told mother you need not to worry about then he told his father vasudeva take me out all the doors will be open and no one will ask where you are going take me out cross the river jamuna all arrangements are made and in the he will reach to nanda's house he was the leader of the cowherds he is very powerful so you go to the nanda's house nanda's wiped jashoda she has also given a birth just at the same time when i was born and replace me over there and take the the daughter of yashoda to here to that verse perform and next day when the child cried and these are the divine things are happening whether we like to believe it or not all the guards they were sleeping and the heavily locked doors were all open and the reaver that was also gave the passage for vasudev to carry the little baby krishna like this old story and then change change the daughter brought back next morning when the daughter started crying kamsa came running this is the time i should kill and when she tried to kill that little girl by holding her little legs she he wanted to trash on a stone she slipped and then floated on the air and said hey you cannot kill me i am the yoga maya but the one who will kill you is now growing somewhere else you cannot kill him then the yoga mayor disappeared here we find the two pictures kamsa released the vasudeva and the devaki told now the eighth child of your is born so now you can go he released but at the same time as because he was not knowing which child is going to kill on that same day the little plus minus age group all children were killed the that the child the massacre that took place at that time now friends krishna the krsna's life if we see we can make divide it in three parts the first is the brindaban mathura part he was born then he grew up with this very simple people particularly in the brindavan he was born in mathura and he was taken to the other city brindaban and he played over there with those cowherd boys and he grew like that but one after another miracles he went on showing this is the first time when the sri ramachandra came he didn't do the miracles he didn't show the miracles when the ramachandra he had to cross the ocean he could make the ocean just like this through the miracle no he didn't do that rather he was showing just an ordinary person ramachandra's purpose was different ramachandra's purpose to make the human society the human way how the husband should behave with the wife with the women in the society with the father mother brother and how they should perform their own responsibilities all that was taught by sri ramachandra so he is the parama purusa and this ramachandra behaved in that way krishna came to establish the dharma but how that god is there unless and until you show them through miraculous work the ordinary people undeveloped mind they do not understand about god jesus had to show so many miracles to prove that god is there divine power is there krsna also had to show the same way so the brindavan mathura part he did the govardhan lila lifted that ill because the indra he wanted all the puja then all the stories you know then krishna told why this is the first time the thought of god that is living in somewhere in the atmosphere somewhere in the sky it came down to the human this is the great contribution of the lord krishna human can also become god god can take the human form that conception was given by the krishna so when they were worshiping that hill why because heel is giving the water he is the pastor our all these animals can go over there protecting so like this and that and the indra will not be happy we and if we are not worshiping the indra so they will kill then he said why indra worship this govardhan hill so he changed the god from the sky he brought it down to the hill and his father foster father nanda raj he used to love him he agreed but when this started the indra came and he was very angry he wanted to kill all of them but then this krishna lifted that a huge hill gobordan and asked all people to come under it and he lifted on a finger to show the tremendous power of god and krishna the indra could not do any harm to them so from the heaven the god came to the nature and then to the human form so he killed the kalia the great snake and also killing the demons sent by the kamshas so many stories are there so that is the part of the brindavan then the time came when he had to go and kill the kamsa himself so he went to that mathura with his brother and kamsa the plan to kill this two young boys when they were coming he invited them under the predicts that there will be a competition of the wrestling so if you are naturally the shatriyas so they were coming in that on the way they sent out a huge elephant and the elephant was drugged before elephant wanted to kill them but krishna showed his divine power elephant was killed then the wrist over there the charno there was a very famous wrestler krishna killed him there were five of them they were killed and afterwards all others the left then the kamsa challenged him and he was killed by the krishna and balarama so this is the way whole story and after killing the kamsa he replaced again ugrashina conscious father was a righteous man on the throne the krishna wanted to make the society well ruled by the good natured people the king should be devoted king should have some religious spiritual practices power and faith on god and at the same time looking after the the subjects properly that was krishna then we come to the mahabharata this part is the most famous in the mahabharata we find the krishna is a great organizer in the whole india that time india was undivided india right from afghanistan up to the java bali burni all those places where india the huge india and from each and every part of india the kings the shatrias they came and the offer was either you joined the pandava or the kuru camp the kuru camps they were not righteous people though there were the people like bhishma dhruna kripacharya but they were not righteous because of different reasons in this short talk we cannot discuss but the krishna was supporting the pandava and you can join on the that was the beauty of the indian the culture when they were going to declare the war just before that they were facing each other just before that announcement was made why we are going to fight this part of the group the panchapandavas group they are these these these this and their claim was these so as because the other group didn't comply to those demands so we are forced to fight and the other group they are having these qualities etc that was announced out of the 100 brothers the 100th one the last the youngest brother of the duryodhana he crossed and went and joined with the pandavas that was the system in the mahabharata we find that and who organized it it was not a small thing thousands of the shatriyas they have come and they assembled over there it was krishna but the krishna he promised that i am not going to fight why he is god if he is going to kill then he can kill anyone any number so he said no i am not going to fight it is your karmapala either you are supporting the good or you are supporting the bad it is your karmapala i am shakshi i am from the eternally witness i am not going to take part look at this so in the in the bhagavad-gita we find this another thing here i like to mention now because of the kovid 19 the people are losing hopes and in the minds of the youngsters particularly students they are thinking what will happen where you will get the job and those who are alone the depression is coming into the mind the what is going to happen the future is blink future is dirk i should request you friends read this small the slokas of the lord krishna when arjuna the person like arjuna depression is natural so some sometimes we feel depressed because we think oh no friends are there around what i'm going to do etc depression may come that is nothing but another one of the part of the mind but the medicine is encouragement that is krishna said when arjuna he was depressed and he was denying that i i am not going to fight with these people the psychological application param tapa he said you the sculpture of your enemies paranthapa you are not an ordinary person you have tremendous power tremendous knowledge and naturally you should rise up how you must help your mind with your mind with your own mind you should help you otherwise no one can help you so friends at this moment this is the greatest teaching we learn from the sri krishna so this shri krishna he again and again is going on finishing quickly now in the bhagavad-gita again it is in the part of the mahabharata he gives us and tells us what is the purest thing gyana what is that knowledge i and god are one that is the knowledge the moment i think that i am separate from god i become weak but when i think that i am the part of god i become powerful suppose a river which has gone out of the main course of the ocean but always connected with the ocean always if the reaver thinks oh i am so narrow and not much of water and maybe that i will dry it up sometime no if the river i'm just giving an example river is constantly thinking my source is the ocean the river will never dry because the constant supply of the ocean water will make it so powerful and forceful the same way the human mind also constantly think where from i have come from god so i am always connected with god maybe that for some reason for some time i have deviated from that started thinking that i am separate started thinking that this body and mind is me that is mistake that is ignorance so sri krishna he is there is nothing so pure pure as the gyana the gyana of unity unity with god how to reach over there then he gave the other three the traditional ways through karma through unselfish work we are serving the people thinking that they are also living gods and not expecting anything in return not even a clapping not even any thing from that just i am giving like that if we can do through that karma and also devotion we have the emotion we have the love so one young lady she is my disciple she came from all the way from michigan to make something prepare some food for me why love respect then i will cook something for my guru and that is love that is called devotion that is called bhakti that is already with us and when we are applying that to god i realize the truth i and god are one and also the yoga we drawing the mind withdrawing all the senses from all the outwardly things god has created this but those are all temporary things sometimes the mother gives the doll to the child and child is very happy playing with the doll as long as the child is playing with the doll mother will not give the attention to the child the mother will go for some other work but the moment the child starts crying and thinks that this doll is not interesting not into i am not interested at all the mother herself will come so these worldly things this name fame and all other things that we get from this world are all temporary but who has given it god why to make us just like the child the mother gave the doll so that the child will be playing with the doll for some time the god has given us this but no we will go on crying to the god we want you and the third part of the krsna's life the last message of krishna that we find in the bhagavatam so the first part that we find that is the birth and the growing up of the great eternal lover why i say lover you will always find that krishna is having a flute and the flute he is playing the moment he is playing the devoted people they are all running after that it's not the bad people the krishna is god the touch of god can transform you give you trend love the unthinkable but didn't krishna touch the kamsa kamsa was dead krishna touched the charno charnov was dead krsna touched so many bad people who came to krishna to kill krishna the baby krishna child krishna young krishna they tried to kill him and they in return they were killed why god doesn't give anything in whatever the mind we are carrying whatever the thought we are having with that when you got approached to god thousandfold that comes back to us that's all so that is why in the bhagavad-gita krishna is telling nada krishna i do not punish anyone and i am not rewarding anyone it is your own karma what is that karma my thought and how the thought is coming because my association with all these things the only five things are there rupa russia gandha so with that we are collecting and then making the thought should be pure and with the pure thought with the love and affection when he approached god like the the mother joshua approached and the touch of that baby krishna made us so happy so we should be careful that is the last message of krishna in the bhagavata last part and the uddhava is asking the question and krishna is giving that that is the knowledge the wonderful way the lord krishna gave us the advice and that advice is sarva you need not to worry about just believe me and depend on me give all your karma to me i will take you i will hold you i will take care of you and one day you will merge into that which is the source of the creation so we remember the lord krishna the most popular god and avatara of the hindus and we seek his blessings and particularly in these trying times and the challenging times we again and again pray to that supreme god the lover of the pure souls let us be pure the purity means love for god purity means guideless purity means free from ego and attraction of god will come the sound of the divine flute of krishna we will hear and there will be no fear there will be no misery there will be only joy there will be happiness and there will be peace oh lord please bless us thank you very much friends once from from us she is that is the exactly i told that in my talk i told this is the part only they are going to play so the kamsha was born in the judokula either also that they are also bhoj we can say the bhoja but wherever it may be in it is the same thing someone is behaving like that and that is to teach us the kamsa was born in a good family and his father was uggoshen mother was padmavati they were so good people even the child could not learn anything good from them rather from his demonic nature he arrested his father and tortured him isn't it so even if we are born in a good family our nature that comes from the past life makes us look like devil so though kamsa was born over there he could not take the benefit of taking birth in a good family the next question is it possible to [Music] realize keeping promises means you are always alert about the truth the truth that i have given this promise and i must keep in the different the puranas actually the history and the imagination club together gives the beautiful story so that we can learn there is a king shibi and he promised that whoever will take shelter to come to me i will protect as a king and you know that to judge these promise the indra and the dharma they took the form one as a as a pigeon another as a falcon and they chased each other i mean the falcon chased the pigeon the pigeon came to the shebi and told please protect me and then within second the falcon came and told king it is my food and i am hungry you have to give me food here begins the story the she be told see i have promised that i will protect anyone who will come to my refuse and you want meat isn't i will give you the meat from my own body from meat i will give you then he said the falcon said no from your own body then you have to give either the pigeon or the meat from your own body the story goes the they kept the pigeon on a that balance and it was becoming so heavy so he'd be so heavy the king was going on cutting all from his own body the meat and he was almost on the verge of death then these two gods appeared and told she be we were really examining whether you keep your promise or not isn't it so they realization of god is possible only by keeping the promise and when at the time of death or before that depends how intensely we keep the promises but if we keep the promises then the whole world will transform each and every one of us wherever we are in whatever responsibility if we are keeping the promises then this whole world will become heaven isn't it so thank you friends uh we say three times shanti and we conclude today's talk again in the next sunday we will continue because this august 30th the last sunday we will conclude the bhagavata then we will go for another subject let's say o mushanti a you