Video 5

Bhagavatam 009 - A Guide to Liberation: Bheesma the Great Reveals Sri Krishna's Divinity

good morning happy Mother's Day what is tomorrow and really the moment we acted the world mother the water if it comes in my mind in our mind a soothing effect love compassion forgiveness all those things come in the mind of a child or everyone the moment I say mother I imagine a scene and left my heart father mother but still the moment every year this Mother's Day when it comes in my mind I remember the incident that happened I was very sick I was young it was very sick and I was bedridden something happened and in those days the medical was also not that good only I could feel after the puja my mother is to come and sit by this bedside and her cool very comfortable hand she's to keep on my forehead and every time I could feel I am going to be alright and I wore the ice to wait for that particular moment the mother day is a great thing for us and we the Indians for us everything mother thank you and truly you have to be mothers those were mothers you have to be truly mother's mother is the power is not just giving the birthday pitch is the philosophy it is the bother is the lifestyle is the behavior is the total transformation and mother is she who is pletely sacrificing her whole self for a good son for the society so that is mother she the only he could appreciate thank you let us start and we are going to study them father with them is the book of love and this book of love this bhagavata is based on the life of shri krishna the moment we see the book of love it is mother again but Sri Krishna in the form of m.l.a Sri Krishna he did so many the heroic things but ina Lee it is the Sri Krishna who is giving the whole protection last time in the last Sunday we discussed about the Sri Krishna revealed by Kunti good diverse is aunty but at the same time contact that Christ side to see you know the contemporary people cannot judge that way they always see who this man is like this this man like that afterwards only people who understand but the contemporary that Kunti could understand krishna a spring god and today another great personality who had a fight with krishna ravishment is going to reveal about this lord so as we usually do let us journey from is the bishop at the Vishnu is Krishna the Vishnu about him it says Shanta Karim pooja Hashanah solutions we are governess attrition me [Music] Lakshmi can't calm her than iron Donna Bundy para sir Alok we the master of the whole universe this is the Vishnu and how he can be the master because he is all-pervading how a person can be on pervading because his b-boom b-boom means the consciousness all-pervading as a consciousness this consciousness is everywhere and sometimes it is manifested sometimes not that way manifested but it is there consciousness is always there this is the Vishnu and that Vishnu that God has created this universe and this universe again should continue in a proper way the manifestation should come in such a way that they should go back to the source to the Vishnu again how it is possible so the god himself the Vishnu himself comes and takes different to perform and this time he came as recruitment and he is teaching at the Supreme God who had rented a Sri Krishna intended to continue as human being and he took only the Blessed Mother of the great Pandavas realizing the true nature of Krishna he pre to Krishna and everyone hard out there god blessed how that is a unique way because krishna wanted to continue the plane so he never wanted to disclose the thing within and there itself and see if it lady realizing the truth telling that to people people don't accept that there so i krishna they're recognized and with a smile he blessed Kunti but totally mesmerised other people they thought out of emotion only they elderly lady is talking like that but he is only Krishna we know him very well so they would not even after hearing could not see anything divine in Krishna the Kunti was telling the last time we were discussing Krishna understanding and he is the inner soul of every being he knows the mind of people that sort of an see ramakrishna saved if you are doing apperently very good job and taking very wonderful philosophy but course ease your mind what is going on over there that he looks you cannot you can deceive each and every one but not God so Krishna immediately understood that the people who are not thinking in that way as Kunti was thinking he blessed the Kunti but at the same time we will learn other people to continue and this krishna yudhisthira came and with a great love he prayed to krishna to stay back for some more days and in the first conduct of eighth chapter 44 verse it says like this preme now Rakhi on Reba Rita Navarro Alma stop me beretta ha stopping Krishna how prema they affectionately please Krishna don't go not like that but the create a fiction Krishna please don't leave me so that the we who have to talk to God so you have to convey your mind in such a way the he was telling them Yudhisthira he was the king but who are they not that he understood Krishna when his mother was telling that he was presented the personality like Yudhisthira was present over there he also heard those things and Yudhisthira is a very high moral person we all wrong but at the same time Yudhisthira could not understand who Christian truly is so here because you dissed you became too overwhelmed with grief for the laws of the most of his kinsmen and we know that aggressive are the son of the Roma Hashanah the narrator of the bhagavatam and this Booker Sabha was describing the condition of the King Yudhisthira who was lamenting in the 47 sloka he says a holy Pascha table jeonnam aho hi like that not English I this is and a whole these Oh what will happen to me so that the aho me or Gianna I could not see look at me I do this did I consider myself as a knowledgeable person Gianni no I could not see what pretty rude Hamura aha because I could not see because inside me is a very real person is living Baraka study her survival this body which is supposed to be the food of the dogs and jackals for that body I have killed a Shalini a tower me up Shalini adhara I have killed so many optioning now I will there is a powered scissor Swami he has even an explanation for talk Shalini I will come alas what a fool I am yudhisthira's daily and from 48 to 52 slokas in the first chapter 8 that a fast Conda first book a 8th chapter from 48 to 52 is describing how we turkey did you teach today was feeling now friends we have to understand when you do some work this is some good work then afterwards we lament why because we are not very much sure why I am doing it so that is the problem so when you are taking up some work and then doing it you must completely free I have accepted the job of a soldier mine Dharma is to just carry on the order if someone is giving me the order go and kill I go and kill the I cannot do anything I cannot stop it all blame Aziz Papa is easy I am just like a machine so in the we will come to those characters I don't know whether we'll be able to because the stories great stories are there one person was great and he was a great donor just to test him how he's that way is a good runner and one God came in the form of a rishi and took out everything from me just for his livelihood she was doing a very menial job like burning the dead bodies and the owner of that funeral at that area he said you have to take one honor for from everyone every dead body and one day his wife the Queen brought the dead son can you remember the beam logical is Chandra this Raja rich gender as because he promised to his employer that I am going to take that honor from every dead body when his wife came and she was not even happy having that much money and she was carrying the dead body of dear son even the Harish Chandra told I'm sorry Christian was crying Christian was turning his faith but at the same time he stood over there to perform his duty that is the thing but the man like Judas Tara after having everything she was lamenting he could stop and you could say all these things before the war so there we have to be very careful sometimes some people are telling wonderful words but that doesn't mean that that is the religion we have to see what the character that person is having what responsibility that person is having and what action he has taken out of that Raja Dharma again and again particularly in our Indian political scenario they always talk about the rajat Alma so what is the DRA jihad man you think she'd have failed to do that and he's lamenting and ask what if who I am and where he is lamenting before Krishna indirectly he is blaming Krishna to whom his brimming Krishna to allows what a fool I am what an evil mind why have I did not think before that I would be killing that eighteen akshauhinis and why they killed so many people para para Keesha the Bharatiya Baraka means this body which is supposed to be the food after death the food of the Jackals and the dogs she envisioned through the shaming giving an account what is this show guinea see in our country in every time the Mahabharata war with increase all imagination not like that so op show any means 21,870 chariots and the soldiers fighting on jagged that is one again 21,870 soldiers were fighting on elephant and sixty five thousand six hundred teen is a cavalry soldiers fighting on the horseback and one hundred nine thousand three fifty foot soldiers and total 218,000 700 total soldiers is 1 akshauhini intuitive so can you imagine three nine three takes hundred thousand and six hundred soldiers were killed by yudhisthira sowed even killed by Judas tidak it did not fall alone total destruction Arjuna and others they also killed the Yudhisthira if Kshatriya whose duty was swadharma was to fight for the right cause Dharma Uther he exactly did what but in his subconscious mind he was feeling guilty Yudhisthira felt guilty why because in the subconscious mind he was not very much clear so whatever the action that we should do should be very clear otherwise we are going to suffer this is the thing then day before yesterday I think there they were taking my interview just from the this Chicago University of course they are part of the department was before and then one hour that interview questionnaire he was asking and also written yes now like that you have to go on one hour zone hundred questions and they they are one point was there do you sometimes feel that you were disgusted with the pastoral job that you were doing now and there was a yes and there was some time that was like that and la for tone was naval without hesitation I went over there and told nail and when I said that also neighbor he was listening from over there he was I think laughing over there I could hear the sound of love so that people sometimes the questionnaire they have prepared for the religious leaders in America they're going to send it out and getting information what type of things in to accept accepted the government's uh sometimes the two I have taken these the this I am satisfied with a nice offer whether I get the praising whether I am successful that I am failure I am going to stick to this so that first you should take the discrimination then the decision but that is the way one should go Yudhisthira was not that's why I have you noticed in bhagavad-gita when the piston is telling among the Pandavas I am Arjuna he didn't mention original was not that you cannot say that he was a religious man it was a course a good person he had the control over his senses but comparing with the Yudhisthira we cannot say he was a religious man but Krishna said I am original Yudhisthira was in a different we he was thinking Yudhisthira was lamenting so he did the Dharma Yuta that was necessary but the Yudhisthira is telling the shooter is explaining to the Rishi's aha Raja Thomas de cinta ensued on bottom property at penumbra sneaker mumma person guitar slinger Moe this Raja King the Yudhisthira what he is thinking completely deluded move on delusion is more and affection is the sneakers cleaner more in affection why affection my own people are killed them that is direction and that is the moment so this way the tours is kinsmen he was constantly thinking personality like Rio so and also Sri Krishna himself tried their best to explain and console him but you did should have paid no heed to their words here we should remember Krishna the God himself he was also involved in that world and from the beginning itself he was there but the Christian is telling no we have done our job their song while you are thinking in this way some people they will go on thinking routing and slowly slowly they become unhappy me other people all son happy so I remember one lady she was not having the baby and constantly she was creating lot a problem going to this person that person play doctor and slowly I told suppose sometimes it is not I mean there's okay what you are talking your husband is also working you can adopt one or two children and can grow their soul keep the mother's love affection why her creating problem for yourself or the family also but she didn't listen and she was crying crying when ultimately lost the brain what happened now I don't know what she is doing but only I deem that his husband used to feed and keep a lady Rita and from outside to close the door and go to the fish and after coming returning back then opening again the whole life is lost not only she ruined her own life also read the life of the husband and he was such a nice person all true he was with hard only this week see when we read the scripture / what we read wanted to know the stories know this teaching we should apply in our whole life this I tried it was ok forget that strength should be there in the mind I tried my best in my maximum way the the God Himself is tried to console Yudhisthira you digital isn't listen he was going on lamenting oh I am NOT going to be liberated from Al the Judas tira he is lamenting even after thousands and thousands of years because I have slain friends relatives brothers teachers and indirectly slain women and children so that was the the lamentation of the judiciary he was emotionally he was after thinking in that mode yudhisthira praised even guru donna and really wonder the he was Laveau he was a good been evil and killed through yoga know yudhisthira is telling so when a person is deluded he forgets to understand what he is telling him why he is telling oh he was a good benevolent King Duryodhana he used to take care of his subjects I him just for my greed for the kingdom so he was praising even the Duryodhana and then he said I am NOT going to to you O Krishna or rational you cannot run sold me I have not been to listen to the stitcher also scripture also cannot console me with just things but that is not for me i am a sinner man like duty steel and he was going on telling i am a sinner I'm a sinner I'm a sinner solace in the words of Russia and Krishna and even the words of the scripture he decided to visit the great Bhishma so now he is going to the Bhishma the wish mine we know he was lying over there in the brook Chaitra and waiting for his death and they say ET charlo he could wish his death in any of any time the Bhishma was waiting why he is waiting they say because he said that when the Sun will come to this and the stars will be like this then only I will leave my body actually Krishna was a Bhishma was having another part what is that he's God for that Pierre before him before death so we will come to that here he is telling even the hero of the heroes the Bhishma was waiting for his death lying on a bed of arrows that there is a wonderful story Bhishma and then suitable watcher here that 9 chapter his beginning the scandals come the means the book is continuing first Condor the chapter 9 first verse ET Peter Bridget Roja served with her MA PBOT saya the to be now phenom pro-gard hundred the bumper to of attacked d-bob brother was the other name of the wishbone actual name was David brother but he took an oath so the guard said you are Bhishma as a person who can take the step world vision of Richmond so this Bhishma he was waiting Yudhisthira is afraid bitter why fear of L the Praja rohad due to mass killing the judiciary was thinking I am going to go to hell et PETA Pritchett rohad sarva dharma be beat saya what is this vivid saya he said no more of Alderman's it never stayed only Dharma it's a start of a Dharma why Salva Dharma and different situation people are in different responsibilities so all those things all those responsibilities to perform those responsibilities are also called Dharma that means profound this word only to later world WrestleManias perform as a mother my responsibility to look after this and then the same lady going to the office and she's the boss over there her duties are different there my sticker and that time he cannot spend talking with the child are talking with the family members now she has to pay attention to the job and then at the same time she is a wife she's assistance is a daughter and so many varieties of responsibilities on a Dharma so this Dharma and everything was known by Bhishma so sulfur we will say ah he knew more and this is going to the neighbor brother who knew all her masa Yudhisthira thought I will go and ask him have I done the right thing you digitally decided to visit Richmond in Kurukshetra his other brothers also followed him then the brahmanas also Vyasa and many others including Krishna Krishna and Arjuna in the same chariot they also went over there and Krishna was inspiring all let us go let us go why that we understand that the Krishna organized let us go all of us what conversation we will have is a great person what he says it is go and listen to that on seeing the great assemblage the pious Bhishma was well versed in the knowledge of duties and manners paid them the do honors so here the culture the some time someone is coming the moment suppose a respected person is coming the people will only give all attention to him or heart without understanding that other people are also coming they don't pay any attention to take wrong so this is the reason the owner or the host should be there and said please come then somebody else will be there to leave and the host will also receive others showing the affection showing the love showing the sympathy according to the relations so that is called the Bhishma who was a master of duties and manners even on the deathbed and the beer was made of arrows she was lying over there where disassemblers game and the assembly are aggrieved Rishi's brahmanas they all came lying over there Bhishma was paying the respect same Krishna Bhishma became exceedingly happy he was a business divine nature seeing him in human form sitting with the partners to listen at discourse about Dharma Bhishma began to shake tears the god he has come to me my discourse on Dharma so naturally the Bhishma he was other could not understand I mean the Bhishma was crying in the gospel of ceramic is not that it has been mentioned or Juna was thinking that he is afraid to die another Factory is always ready to die Arjuna was telling why this great Kshatriya he's crying afraid to die then Krishna whispered bad I don't know why don't you go and ask him or do knowing to ask the wish MA and he said pitamaha while you were crying I was afraid to die then he was telling that the Bhishma thermocol is ma the knower of the Dharma he had the Dharma means the righteousness he had the Dharma means spirituality seeing his Ishta devatha this is the first time the Ishta devatha the chosen deity he was Bishnu and seeing that Vishnu in the form of Krishna Bhishma knew beforehand everything about Krishna but when he was as bhishma he didn't express that he was waiting for the time so this look at is that he's a person who took the oath to protect that particular clan or particular family he never deviated from there so that is my wish man he took the promise I am getting going to protect and he saw all those things that the Duryodhana was planning up doing he was not supporting them but only waiting waiting waiting because he knew what is going to happen and we get this information when we are studying the Mahabharata in the Hindu temple Lamont we came across this our Draupadi when she was looking at Bhishma and telling why you were sitting quietly they are torturing me won't you say anything Bhishma told my good lady wait and pray because we sure knew what is going to happen afterwards all this all this thing that will happen everything in you he was the hospitable shoe but look how calmly he was behaving why because this is the game of God I should not disturb it this is the game of God I should not disturb it in between and coming this is also to learn you know sometime some people who are the private secretaries of their bosses or maybe the chieftain prime ministers and the presidents they know so many thing they know what is going to happen should not disclose and maybe sometimes the drivers sometimes the wife and children they come to know about it should not disclose why the game is going to happen we to go I and about the God what even will happen will so the Bhishma knowing everything was quietly and he was also participating in the game sometimes we think why these white so many people should be killed why vishna could not stop that why the priests nur had to be in that you know the things happen for many many reasons we do not know and many things happen because of the karma-phalam many thing happens because that was the steam we see only those many things other wise we do not know and in hand a group of ant was going and the Rishi came and he was walking on that life others - why you are killing dance we she told no I have been asked to do this I am doing it people who are criticizing the regime Marie she did that and he went away those ants getting the touch of the pure soul that Rishi from the life of and became human being in the next birth the they were good souls in one time and then because of some bad karma they became the ants and they were going on praying to God give us Mukti through the stories they always say like this so the god obstetrician go and do this Rishi was green society was blaming the Rishi but Rishi new white is doing other people who are not knowing so this is the way things goes and shri krishna came over there the Richmond seeing his Easter David are the chosen deity resides in the heart standing before him in the form of the Krishna and mentally he worshiped the Krishna saying Krishna's that provancha asana jeredy theorem he does some pooja aza Maya you but the big gun he is worshiping the Krishna mentally is my god standing over here and similar house of Atomics founders now they are giving the opinion why king yudhisthira was diluted white King Yudhisthira was not listened to it Krishna or we are sure or getting solace console by the scripture because Krishna wanted it then explaining the expounder they're telling it is because of Krishna Krishna wanted that he should go to Bhishma Bhishma should say what will happen two things the Bhishma will be great among the other people so he wanted to because many people are criticizing Bhishma the vishna was constantly citing the bad group the Duryodhana's and others the Carew's so he was criticized by meaning even the history hitting Bhishma as that Krishna knew that he is not so he wanted to replace the Bhishma once again in that wonderful form the Bhishma is great - instead of convincing but the Yudhisthira he asked him to go to the eeschema and here this time the wish man he was still not understanding the true nature of Krishna to deny his advises rather wanted to have guidance from the Bheeshma sri krishna's purpose he wanted to that it should happen while one the pious Bhishma was constantly praying to have instructional the he was doing on praying I will die when you come before me in person otherwise I own dies so that God was in the wing a devotee is praying you know God is bound by that suppose one son is two telling again and again the God is completely free but at the same time God is bound with the prayer of the devotees and this has happened many times in the mother and so many things happened so many we call call it stories well know many times that one of our Swamiji he was telling his junior than we used to have seen this the one person he was sick he wanted to come and touch the loop of the chariot you know the juggernaut the chariot if you are pulling that that means you are blessed and it is also symbolic please remember it putting the Rope means helping the gods world when the god is going he's going out from the temple he is going among the people go and help the people serve the people that is the idea now we all go and touch the rope and then fight with others that's wrong we should understand what is the symbol so that way but that person was telling you know that emotion I should go and I should touch Elijah but he feels so many people they were pulling but the chariot never moved an inch then the priest wait and started praying inside the sanctum sanctorium The Insider car bomb and Edith and then the God say my devotees like there go bring him unless he touches my go I am NOT going to go it happened and this Swami said before me so this is nothing happened the Bhishma was praying to God his God who is Vishnu come before me then only I will die and the Vishnu came in the for Krishna as so many effect happened first people started praising again respecting again the Wishman knowing that he is a very pious man because God has come and revealed himself before the Bhishma all the other times that people were criticizing gun so Krishna wanted to replace Bhishma in that respectable position and this is called the Bhishma and which were also prayed that I should die before the death I want to see my Easter devoted that happened and in the person of Krishna he saw Chattanooga the Bishnoi the vishna is crying and praying and the seeking to make the world know about the truth of divine Avatara remember is a progress in spiritual life Rama never claimed the diamond Oh God Rama so did so many things but never even claimed that I am an avocado in the whole Ramayana whew some other people are talking about the philosophy and our conversation between Rama and this guru there is a passage that is there but not like Krishna Rama has given special instruction neighbour he want to say to his brothers be good brothers two sons be good son are these all that good people because the society was not ready that time to accept that God can come in the human form human society was not ready so Rama never tried that only he was giving the idea the society to be powerful and second Krishna came Society was ready so he was trying to give the idea that supreme god who is all-pervading but he is also all-powerful so that all-powerful God can surely take any form if he wishes why not and he is coming as an abbot Ihara and who was there in that gathering not only Pandavas and he the shooter is giving at least Narada then tomia w is a great rishi para departed about the name of the many people that got raised birdwatcher then polish Rama with his disciples by shisha and Gautama Rishi or tree the famous regime kasha on medicine and Creed suka the son of rasa Raja himself Christopher's also their Pandavas were also there hundreds of brahmanas and hundreds of regimes there there you can understand the huge gathering rod now what the vishna will say that will reach to the whole world through these educated people see Ramakrishna he made a shock generation not all the people there are so many others were also there tu in only two dish up generation and Kashyap Chandra Xin that impressed by ceramic Krishna he was almost converted he was a brahmana not excepting the Hindus the image worship but then he understood no it is true becoming in touch with Sri Ramakrishna these bishops started writing about Sri Ramakrishna and all the educated people in those society they started visiting see Ramakrishna very quickly the ideology of Sri Ramakrishna spread it all over the society if you go to 1000 illiterate poor people your ideology enrich the society but if you go to educated people then it will immediately reach the swami vivekananda same he should have spoken the whole thing in Sanskrit you know Sanskrit was the language of the little people his body the body for the ordinary people so it took so long almost 500 years after Buddha to spread that that to in the Shaka came excetra but Saddam Krishna cytology immediately spread this is only 100 years 1886 he passed away and see within almost 100 years and 135 years all over the world so that is the way here Krishna he took the whole gathering of the great big personalities and there he provoked the original to go and ask and to distiller to ask the question and who is telling the see Krishna the incarnation of Vishnu the Supreme God wanted that these great minds should understand and exhibit and also propagate the conception of divine avatar the constitution of God is clear in he's of rod if we see an avatar you seek God y si se llama Krishna same why because his life you see them look at the life is love his affection so one boy used to come to Sri Ramakrishna and cinema Krishna had a great love for one householder devotee he was a rich man this young boy he was also reached but he thought because this person is in German da lot of money is there so Salaam Krishna's attention is more to eat than me you know that always devotees to think in that way and they feel jealous but he was a good boy some Christians to like him but when this person is coming why Saddam Tichenor is to say because he was egoistic person this is a rich man who will stablished in the society so whenever he is coming terminus ask come come when this young boy is coming he looked at even to say okay there you will come and see so this boy became very angry and he stopped visiting Salam Mishna though one days son Krishna - why he is not coming till someone told because he said when we like so-and-so fabrica that means reach another they not have it come one day he was bathing in the Ganga and he saw it what is coming and on the port cinema Krishna and when Saddam Krishna's looked at even sir I have gone only to meet you then it was impossible for him to control he went and fell at the feet of Salaam additional this is God the way they always behaved and Shri Krishna he is doing these and you have to understand avataras so that you understand God Jesus sailed he who has seen the Sun as in the father same thing the Avatara a whole custom aho an area yet you young Darwin and Inara GB nah aha Kristin we put her more at judo as Freya and in the 12 verse the Bhishma is telling addressing Yudhisthira what a tragedy aho custom aho I am and it is travesty also but it's not right also is not justice dad you who have always had only mean theremin on Donna he Wallace in the path of the Dharma the law of righteousness big brother MA he followed and the Supreme Being himself a tutor Austria ah he were there but you got him as your guide but still you suffer so much fun of us they were suffering all through their life so Bhishma told I cannot understand why you were suffering why then he himself said I could not understand Krishna all his divine play though the ease the Supreme God is with you you are IQs people he then he was waiting that you should understand him unfortunate thing is these living with him in his company for such a long time you could not understand him and you thought that he's an ordinary person you have come all the way to listen from me I worship Him so that we indirectly he was rebuking scolding Yudhisthira then Richmond consoled him saying O king it's not your fault none can know the wind up that supreme me no one can understand how things will happen show me be makin the way to catch me and another personality and that very popular people started visiting him in the next the very near it was another sannyasi was there 14 he was there he was having some 1012 devotees these devotees are visiting Vivekananda folk he became angry then he one day came to be vacant and told I am giving you the curse when our people who are sitting over there to show that he is more powerful than Vivekananda he said hey Tommy I am giving you the curse from tomorrow you will have that so much pain in your belly that you have to go back from here you can't stay and truly be with him to smile but the next day onwards truly he was willing to Mendes pain stomach pain he could not stay he came and then he reached Calcutta went to master the money DB and complain is this used a machine he could not protect me only from a little that's that four key it give me the and before everyone I have to come down then the mother told for kill all through his life practice for charity he has also gained some power and spirituality why you disturbed him sitting by his side you go somewhere else he was so popular so naturally people will be attracted to you and the little group the poky was happy why you disturbed them you should not have done that so this way if she consoled her then she said norine your pain is stopped good spin do you think you were suffering noticed our suffering so that is the way we should understand even the personality like Vivekananda had to suffer and why because salado Krishna Williams Ram Krishna wished though it is very very difficult to understand the course will today you are not accepted by people next day again you were accepted by people do you think because of your personality no God will that ourselves so I can tell you see the I was searching for little money for the donation because you were suffering so much in and Amma not that thing was there I went to so many ministers those detained ministers in India you have to go to the minister's or Department in their health and everybody to go from you don't worry we will give and I could understand that simply they are telling like that they won't help only one person whom all Cigna is majorly and that was only person left in the whole ministry Poonam Mukherjee I told I have tried my hand with everyone let me go to him also what why not I went and I saw the Swami Vivekananda's photo everywhere in his room of his room and Vivekananda quotations also where the understable glass and then we I felt oh he loves me we can the may be that he will listen to me and truly this man who has been accepted by all others is a minor you never held but I found known he follows the rule he said I am a minister I have this much capacity I cannot go beyond this other people they feel the breaking the law just to give a favor to somebody else he is deceiving some someone else then this man was right choice he said I'll never do it so he was not very popular but at the same time he was right to us and I wind I made and then he also was very happy I made hardly came 15 minutes I got one crore in the in those days I could build us to my Exeter Exeter we became very close the Pranab Mukherjee began afterwards president I met before coming over here I met in there so all these things happen do it in for me no it's only for God God wanted you should suffer you to see how people suffer have love for those who are suffering compassion for those who are suffering so unless and until because from right from the birth I never knew what is suffering what is hunger I never knew in on the money he felt it so the great compassion King the God help so he's telling Oh King none can know the will of the Supreme Being even the farsighted Rishi's who have tried their best to fathom the divine mind could not do that then afterwards a hastily issue a vagabond saktia Ardea narayana Puma mammalian Maya and oaken gurus charity bristly shoe is pointing to the Krishna now the grave Bhishma declared openly before such a wonderful gathering he said issue a vagabond this is that God whom you see he is the Narayana and he is the origin of all our dear are demons the origin of all this is the Narayana but no Who am I and who come from with his own power of Maya he is deluding the whole society and living as a pristine living is that the other world that he is the person one of the members of the Java clan no he's the original and Bhishma is crying and he's telling sarvatma na sama Trisha II Artesia hungry T dark Rita motivation may need about gastronomic AGID he is the God the soul of all serve admin admin server server art mana is the soul of all summitry shows aims I did so we should understand these if we are Li just people we should not discriminate only the doesn't belong to us he's dead he's dead because of food because of the culture because of something we are making now she should not come we cannot go to the image do not touch them wrong because our God is somewhat richer and all gods some attrition that these religions people should not have these divisions other people politicians surely they will have in the society and many other things happen at least religious people should not have and without difference at the Asia on a holiday without ego what is God these qualities what is God realization developing these qualities in one oneself that's all God doesn't mean that he will come and the light will come and there will be four hands he is placing and so moving on me at the back that will be conscious blowing and then flower is coming down flower petals it looks good but I don't know if the God he want to see God in that way God may come in that way because but what is actually God serve God mana I am reciting every being how can I hurt others so that is the first somewhat richer same sighted then entire cell without difference the he's rich he's he's ignorant he is educated no difference and on a hungry day without any ego freedom all the work that he does and he never make any difference in that bhishma crying enjoy walking did you notice just to fulfill my prayer my lord has come to me in person as krishna then the krishna was paid to the the Bhishma was going to preach none please be there till I die and what Trishna say to duty steel time is very short it is going to give up the body you better go and learn Rajat Allah no one can reach that except Bhishma so in the next chapter we will find the logit alma that was taught by Bhishma it is Raja thought but doesn't mean that should be only what the Kings is all leaders thank you very much in the next class we will try to love that let us chant and then conclude young Brahma ballooning Rudra murder student II deeply stably be the Sangha but the gamma initially [Music] Gandhi young Sangha the on averse theta that the gotten ominous ah passion the yoginah yes young thomna be do you see Antonov not be to the end of whom is not known yes young thomna we do the test Minami [Music] you this you know that in the next week our first retreat will start at Ganges if you are interested please register