Video 45
Bhagavatam 051 : A Guide To Liberation
this winter Shaunta forum which occur share known but the moon [Music] serration visual gagana attrition me cover nom shuhang lost me condom Kamala jnana-yoga Hindus they're very special day now this whole month so many varieties of Hoosiers they're performing one after another the greatest poacher this Durga Puja for five days and the same Durga Puja again another group of Hindus they observed as an artery the last Sunday we discussed about the laboratory the nine aspects of the Divine Mother the divine power today a group of the Hindus they'll be worshipping Maha Lakshmi the goddess of wealth at the same time we seem into the same how can I worship the sugar because I am beyond the subject object if I am the subject and Shiva is the object that I can worship Shiva I am worshipping for Instagram that means I worshipping that something object must be daring minds from then only I can consider it I can perceive I can pray but the over daughter he is really confused he's telling her how it is possible how can I ask you to worship there is no nothing else than me when you are asking me to worship whom there should be reality the moment the question of worship comes there must be duality when there is no duality when there is only one summer as they say only one how can I worship so he is telling guna be guna birthday believe in jibt guna the qualities be guna without qualities nothing is there the moment you say that guna there must be Bakula conception of the guna without qualities when you say the light you are having the idea of darkness so this is the problem so the philosophy goes so deep is really really difficult for the ordinary people to grasp and the Vedanta based on judgment based on argument based on the discussion so naturally you cannot simply say it is there just follow know become the cannot do that now here the highest vedanta that we hear from the about the dr.dre or daughter he says there is no guna the list of qualities and there is no big University nothing is there qualities qualities does not exist that is in the first verse of the third chapter of the Alberto Gita and what are the owners the students have been under the orders immediately they will say the three gunas three qualities what are the three qualities sattva rajas tamas very good very bad in between Roger so like these three gunas constantly they are creating different type of shapes now some of the young boys they play where I don't know that damn thank you do we so they will be making different type of shapes big different a I just permutation come here same thing is there white yellow green black now you have to adjust it exactly in the same way we can say if there is God the Vedanta don't accept that the consciousness just with this qualities constantly giving different shapes and forms now the person who has gone beyond that he says guna big university knee back until there is no quality there's no absence of quality the moment you say there is no quality that we Seguin you are having the conception of quality and you are missing that that one of our Amagi I think I told you once he was giving a talk in Bombay Ostrom and the hall was full he was a very good speaker and suddenly one person raised his hand and say I don't believe in God unless I see God and to God otherwise I don't believe he was talking about God then immediately sharmaji they say I bow down at your feet because you are saying that there is no God that means you must be having some conception that what is God like then he said like when I say that there is no cow in this room I know what is cow so I can say there is no cow so if you don't have the clear idea conception realization of a thing how can you say it is not like this it is not there so in the argument you cannot go beyond that the moment you say there is no God that means you have the conception of God and when you have the conception of God that means you know God what is that so this way it says guna be guna redditor is very clever he says there is no quality absence of quality also and what are those qualities SATA Raja and Dhamma if there is no security Tama there is no creation and if there is no security Tama then what remains that is also denying nothing is there the friends we are studying the highest be dr. so prepare your mind to understand this no question of creation no question of who is sustaining no question who is destroying them only I am there what is this I the consciousness he will come to this rutty bitterly 'bageena rutti and be dirty dirty means attachment be dirty non attachment the moment you say that I like this book I am attached to this I give it to anyone and that means you are having their proposed it also and you say I don't want that means you have something else off to which you like I don't like this that proves that you like something else but completely neutral that is exactly called ruddy be dirty be inna I don't have any attachment at the same time I don't have no attachment also so that is exactly attachment and non attachment so this in the lives of the great souls we always find they never see anything and no attachment and not also non attachment there just like that so how it is possible when you know I am only one and there is no to obviously then only to be possible then he said gonna be gonna be enum we have become we should move on need malam disprin jump now he is giving now trying to give some idea about it it is not having any quality guna are big una non qualities but it is need Malone it is this prop engine it is become it is Bishop on some positive things some positive things so need more than the pure nearly mother pure that because is one absolute superiority and impurity means word purity and impurity isn't really a good question we always talk about the purity and always we bring it down to the very gross physical level purity means I have bathed I have taken the fresh washed clothes and these this disability purity means when I go to the temple purity means when I tell the truth purity means that some conception redevelop in the purity but here the purity means there is no conception of - I am only one so no other waves or thoughts at the air in my mind no other God so when there is no other thought except a pure the consciousness that is called purity so when I am talking about that particular thing is called nearly mala news madam is completely pure how it is pure because it is not having any other thing so it is pure except God accepted consciousness accepted Brahman accept that idea that only that remains a near-normal need madam mr. Benjamin omnipresent and also it says Beumer Obama the odd illusion is the Boomer who is beyond illusion so sometimes we think about it the illusion we think that God is like this if you see that the Greek mythology's so in stories of gods and goddesses they're jealous they're fighting and the Supreme God is there and he is having the power that even can punish the gods and goddesses all this concern however it came from the conception of the king the king is their king is the supreme then the ministers of the ministers are fighting among themselves but the king is the rule and all subjects that they are constantly looking at the face of the king whether he is going to increase the taxes or not these all things are going on the same way it goes when you think about the god it says no it is the plume is a completely all-pervading beyond any illusion so when I am not having allusion to someone sometimes the people the devotees they will ring and say I have seen the God in this form I have that because this is good at least instead of seeing the ghost is better that you see God and then the mind get encouraged that's good in that way but when you are on the top of the whole thing that is called real religion the idea cannot be be sure the moment that you say oh I cannot go over here because this is a bad place show me be vacant under when he was very young he never even walked on that back where there was theater theater Hall because theater Hall makes all these people they'll be the industries they're not good character people and the particularly ladies so the religious minded people they should avoid that look at once around - no I am all the time in coating once around is not unique if you read the scripture the highest pedantic scriptures and then focus to the life this is Ramakrishna if I'm each and everything he has practiced this is vishwaroopam this all-pervading what the consciousness and so we don't remain a cetacean this brahmand switcher is and not hiding with all devotees she went to observe not today this is the beginning of the 19th century and that too in India and you can imagine under the subjugation of the British rule there is no freedom and naturally all performing thoughts in actions and that time people could never think of anything except criticizing others finding fault with others all these narrowness in that situations in our Krishna a leader of the spirituality and accepted by so many people he is going to visit that and he is observing that and then he is crying seeing the movie theater and going and blessing those whom people's to shun even his beloved disciple when he was young Masha how can you go over there you'll be asking ahead how can you go over there ahead how can you visit that person how can you talk to that man ceramic Krishna will constantly say so what is there if the God has created this universe isn't it the God has created him - out of what the God has created out of himself then in that case he is also having the same quality so this is the characteristics that we find that explain everything all pervading and how to worship this Sheba worship means that when it I am that so he says guna vicuna birth the daily budget ratability pagina need Merlin despair and jung-geun a big una página myopic ambition cottony hub and a blue chip only the Shiva the auspiciousness it is not the ship with the conception river with auspiciousness is the priority how can I worship the Shiva cotton yo Pandey what is the Teja which is not having any duality now guna nabi guna is not having any reality how can i worship there this is also Hinduism and again the Hindus if you will go they will have one puja and a group of people they will come together they will give the donation then they will purchase these dad organised then I am going to invite this man I'm going to invite that man that we again they break up another group with one another saying pooja in little distance they'll be and then we constantly announcing our pooja is great at was and people are very happy are you charging not gonna come to you so they're all going without charge we charge with food without food very happy Hindus a same Hindu when they read this book this opportunity eater they wonder my god that's true what I am going to worship who is going to worship how we can worship so this is the highest philosophy in the whole heart chapter the 46 verses are there he expressed the brahman by negating the satay and the subjects and asserting that he realized the Brockman again and again he is asserting if you read their what he says gonna written somewhere some gamma Gaga newborn ha ha I and this what Gianna unbreakable I am that pure knowledge which is the nectar on Britta means existence Amrita B is which never died so the stories of um breath is the many of you must have read even in the children's book there's a Amrita Montana they're getting that one table quad drink and then becoming immortal Exeter Saudi the on British after Umbra the word means this is eternal and how it is some only one Russell summer similar same yourself that is only one summer uh sir and how it is giving an example gagana summer and just like the sky why he is giving the example of the sky so many things are happening on the sky but sky is not a big territory when you do from here the sky their clouds are going sometimes black clouds until white clouds sometime different a class now after staying here in America and now I know by seeing the color of the talk I can see now today there is a chance of snowing today there is a chance of raining the snowing different rain clouds are different so this all but on what it is on the sky if you ask where is the cloud sky on the sky the sky in the cloud will any connection so DC is the thing so I am just like that so many things are happening on me but I am unaffected friends this is the teaching of the pure or doing the Vedanta how we can implement the knowledge of a Twitter in our life completely detached whatever is happening happening good where I am NOT addicted so that is called because some other some the bad and good are also of the same thing they are only changing and today the bright light is their sunshine and sometimes in the bridge between the brick they say Indian summer Indian summer take a bright Sun most of the time it is foggy all the Britishers they would have all the time two things one is a handkerchief another is their umbrella because if you wait you have to open it and all the time sneezing so encouraging and very nicely they keep it in the pocket after sneezing so the good what to do they don't use like the Americans all the time the paper napkins where to throw all the time so they keep their handkerchiefs so why should like these only the kikuna the coconut examples the wonderful example that means you are untouched one person he used to tell all the time I am like in the sky nothing touched me they used to come to Salaam distant or all the time post I am like the sky and in sky earth and the sanskrit name you'd call the unlike the call cummings the sky untouched then for some reason from the court order came that his party should be taken away by the government and all something happened he took the loan could not pay the loan and augustine dean he was crying it's understood told him why you were affected all these days used to say that you were caught your sky so saying and practicing is really very difficult so this we have to understand kikuno I am like that completely unaffected then he goes on telling Ione to read all the verses almost each and everything if you read the third chapter all the verses of 46 verses almost he covered each and everything I'm not the color and this also he says it is not color leaves it is beyond I am NOT the color sometimes they'll be talking about shade over now the one lady the other day just as she was telling me the pitch new for Vishnu you should not give the red color flower for Vishnu the Vagabond you must give white color yellow color but never red color and for mccauley never give any other color damn late the only red color flora should offer to goddess Kali and to Shiva again white color so like this like this he is mentioning the Tatra mentioning third chapter second verse she the bernard little what is Sheba we always describe Shiva is just know his color is like the whites so while it is not like the any color Shiva cannot be the Shiva the conception of Hiva with all the matted here and the snake and they the bull is sitting near here is his carrier limiting the Shiva means auspiciousness this auspiciousness this Shiva it is the source of cause and effect so this small small world that it says that we have to go on pondering cause and effect the effect the action we can see but most of the time we don't see the cause of it there's the beautiful story by a famous writer popular writer in Ming god shut up Chandra check gravity meaning they know share Chandra and now his book has been translated to instantly into English other languages then he was the village boy and one day these two observed that one elderly lady from the upper and in the first floor of the house she's going on shouting to her daughter-in-law but from the daughter-in-law service side there is no sound so all around people and the building was covered with a high wall people couldn't see so people is too thin look at this how Desai this daughter-in-law she never says anything but this old lady constantly debunking heart scolding earth constantly fighting with her shut up John the door how it can be the cause and effect there must be some cause this is early lady shouting there must be some cause effect is shouting but what is the cause so he climbed on that wall and then he saw this young lady now are they showing this and that and keep making that old lady irritated and then she shouted the cause is this silently doing some gesture and posture that is making that elderly lady angry so cause and effect must be there when you see any effect there must be some cause a person is angry there must be some cause what is the cause because he is angry he didn't get something which you wanted so he is angry see the obvious the cause and effect the in our cunning Center days one prematurely came lost in dirt and there was a shaman who's to teach a Sanskrit he had a very difficuit Abbot he will look at you and you all know that I'm looking like this but he also everything I don't know how thin this Brahma cherry passed he came running entered and then he the chair where he pulled the chair it created the sound and the show me without looking at him he say and please him Ramachari mirage so why you are angry then he said I am NOT angry and if you are not angry if there is no cause of anger why the effect is this naturally you will pull the chair nicely and see it and why you are pulling that you roughly and creating the sound and sitting like that that's all that thing proves that you are angry so what is the cause of your anger so caused an effect when I am loving someone that is it cause liking someone the cause must be there so cause and effect nothing is there then what will be instead of reading them all the book if we only think about it there is no cause and there is no effect then what remains when I am hungry I go for eating food the cause and the effort if I am not hungry I will never eat so cause and effect if it is so then why I am suffering why I am afraid there must be some cause the suffering must be having some cause the mental physical suffering we can understand some ailment some diseases we can understand but after what about the mental disease mental problem mental the miseries that will pass through there must be some cause and if you approve the cause then the effect will also go the cause and effect so this is the way we can apply the pedantic knowledge for our day-to-day life and can become happy that is very strong and we become they again and again he says the hunter can solve these problems and nowadays people are really suffering everywhere different type of sufferings physical and mental so to endure suffering how they can overcome if they can quietly see the humor and can go into the mind their own mind and find out what is the cause of their problem the other day one devotee came she was going on telling whatever so many problems until man can you please write it down if you write down then it will be specific and you will find that that only one or two cause there may be and that is going on fabricating your thinking these thinking that but the main will be only one or two then if you can do that list that then everything will be solved the cause and effect this is really really he sees in the second first and the third verse he says it has no root it means the Brahman the Hartman has no root also not rootless no root and also not rootless so it is it is the even manifest need moon moon Loretta I have taken only those words need moola it is not having any root at the same time mula ether why he's all the time present you can even think that there is no consciousness the need Munna Munna Rita is divided up smoke a smokeless nurse the tuna - mereta they do not do memorator need to mom again - mereta why he is to look like that so that we can understand that it is all free from the dualities completely trimmed from the dualities then it is the light or absence of light kneel deeper deeper Rita these are the words again and again he is repeating almost all the 46 their verses this type is going on denne because desireless or desire how can you speak how can you speak like that non-attachment torture Dutchman I'm gonna speak so the AMA Luthor he is telling I don't have the capacity to explain the brahmana whether it is attached unknown a test whether it is having the desert or desirelessness is very difficult so this way is going on sometimes when we are reading the Phoenicians we come to know about the Brahman the supreme the consciousness but that is only just idea here he says the power to to cease from his own life that there is no duality again and again again and again is the link there is no duality if you see that that's why in the power there are the Hindus majority of the Hindus are very happy and some of the Hindus without knowing they'll be ready to fight with the shooters but do you know we worship or shoot all the five days who shrah is also getting all those foods that the other gods and goddesses has come with good guys getting the Ashura and those who are doing the puja if you ask them they're also sure that this is water I am offering to surah flower i am i referring to surah then that the food and everything you know why because that is also manifestation of the same God or there is nothing if you think that God has taken the form of Ashura and there is also God and at the same time you can think no manifestation to win you think of no manifesting manifestation the that is called our Twitter now the fifth verse he says our Twitter loop ocula bcurtin badami do eaters Konami cotton badami medium Tanita Tikaram badami Jana or thumb summer Assam Gavin oh ha ha is this a or treat rupa ocular ekata Madani is it none well I don't know how can I say I don't know because the moment you say it is not dwell what again you are accepting that reality isn't it and doing the supermarket on the whole thing is is a treatise a looper is it I don't know cotton badami how can I see me Tom tonic them these are also the eternal an orator that also I don't know the moment you have the conception of eternal they have the conception of not eternal so the moment you have the conception of finite then you are thinking about infinite the moment you say it is infinite that means you are having the conception of finite so these two cannot go but I know this the source of knowledge and what is that knowledge somewhere some it is only one and nothing else the many of the religions philosophy most they said on God is only one and not two but here with the Hindu they see it is one can you imagine that one this one means only there and nothing else the when we see how our God is the only God is completely so that means immediately you are ready to fight with the other guards and other conceptions now so here it says somewhere or someone everything that you see is nothing but the same they give the example of the ocean the ocean the big wheel the small small ripples or the CD the same result seemed the ocean same water whether it is a small ripple or the big wave is all the same so this is we have to understand somewhere some ichini says gaga no pom pom I am like that I need this is not separate some city teacher eco homonym Nani Burton optimum no these few one has neither bow not free so can you imagine the whole heart chapter goes ordering neither bound not free the if you think I am free in the one of the initiative says one who says I have understood know it for sure he has not understood he understood what so we used to have jokes on that when you used to read that open Asia particularly there then when did we ask the amount of frames the ultimate aliens we were 18 the big number so you can understand the joy the more the merrier maybe year like that so we were wish to have that hey do you know anything about usually those days used to leave almost hungry you know all the time because young age and the food was not sufficient so used to ask do you have any idea what is that cooking what are the items would be there today and sometimes rich people will come and money and naturally the news you'll sprain among the monks and Ramachari today is a bundle under a new special some food will be some sweet sometimes special curry so whatever they are cooking then they will say if you know what they are talking you don't know because of it belong to that well if you know that that this I am this Atman you don't know why the moment you say I know [Music] that allow in technology ignorant is also there the knowing and unknowing both are they're not named so this is they say some city teacher I am a young naive at the bottom this self is neither knowledge not knowable know the instrument of knowing instrument of doing when we teach without the we say tribute Aveda many of you are trippity means three stages the object that you must know and the process through which you will know and you is going to so this three when it appears together then it becomes the knowledge the three putti that is three things appear you who is going to know the process by which you are going to know and the object which you have been is Brahman and object it cannot be object means it comes within the purview of the five things I can see I can touch I can speak about it I can feel the smell the Brahman is completely beyond these how it can be so it says now build the beta come Adam be the comida no eople or instrument of doing it is not it is neither reason not one to be reasoned about rubber bands round is not so very unique man personality and just casually he said just casually when the people are trying to know God then there'll be so much of discussion but the God is having ten hands or six hands or four heads or two hands are also many discussions with God but when he will know God he won't speak is fully contented so same way it's giving the example most of you if you are born in the cities you don't know there's a picture and if you put the picture inside the water the village ladies they go to fetch the water from the pond the moment they will put the picture and that the water is them nothing is there only so here going out the water pouring in there's a lot of sound like that sound will come but the moment is full with water there is no song Salaam kids to give that example he said as long as your picture is empty you go on talking and he were really and to find out someone with whom I can discuss and can convince that I know exactly what is God he'll be searching any opportunity why because empty so much of sound it doesn't know anything but doesn't know differently content it nothing will be there it's very difficult to force them to talk please say something please say something show me come here another gene will be constantly sitting in the Xiaomi G please say something then the poops are there read gate you could say the books are there and then then we found out ml metal then you say we read this book and you have translated and this is a question then Indian what what is the earth then you will give the answer now it is not like this it like that so by dadly only we could talk to him completely content always and Minister of Energy if you go to him the he will say why can ask in question all the time can to close your eyes and contemplate on that problem while you're asking you know not get does like these will be saying sometimes only they'll be telling God others are there hey you like to know come to me sir it's the sport difficult then you have to say show me I am going for food food can wait knowledge so it is so difficult so different type why then he says like this then it is neither reason not one to be reasoned about it is beyond the reach of words bojong ago chiral atom bottom of Gujarat freedom then he says it is beyond the mind and intellect friends sometimes one gentleman came and he was telling I am studying maganda nowadays I have heard that Vedanta and that YouTube now I am interested you know we are intellectual people so we like the tundra nothing wrong so this is beyond intellect but we have to use our intellect to reach there we have to use our intellect our reasoning our argument our study our discussion to reach to that point where we'll be completely contented and safe enough I need not read anything to anything even catanduva bottle cationic octo how pain can I speak this truth to you even gotten him a bottle cut a hobby thought taunt optimistic truth talk to the one gentleman wrote in the email what is this thought well you know Dean Bengal after the marriage they say the gift exchange gift the the boy's house and the current south the exchanging gift that also called doctor I don't know why they have gift in hand so this man perhaps was little confused he said what is this that all our reasonings and give to God and then God will give us them not like the thought the Tonys truth taught that the tattwa is the truth the thesis how can he tell the truth against a lamb dish now Sri Lanka she is telling how I really want to tell it about God but the mother Kali won't allow me she's choking my voice now I cannot speak because this is the doctor only subjective you have to realize so Swami Vivekananda says religion is via dies now friends from the 34 verse we see the complete change in teaching of the abadata we will only read one verse and maybe another day some other day we can discuss this is he says every at crispy he is telling Timman Amuro the seasick a natural Onorato king Narmer o the sea sake a gentleman to come kingdom rule the sea is ok not just eat picado why the crying while you were crying why you were crying and constantly you be a crying why you cry friend you don't have the old age you're dead what is the greatest fear fear of death fear of death so kid Navarro to see why you were crying why you are weeping because there's no juror number two this line is sufficient especially we become the same the padartha means courage why because you know the truth and what is that true you are eternal may be that you are gazed in this body in this body and mind but you are in reality eternal so what is the fear of death it doesn't mean that we have to go and commit suicide no we must love this life so that we can live a life in such a way that will encourage other people to go beyond their miseries that's why this sannyasi life is that completely dedicated for the truth they should leave and then also they should go and teach that to others Dharma bother Shiksha these are the only two things for the monks he should constantly practice this religion what is that religion I am pure I am one I don't have any duality I don't have any different choices constantly ultimately two qualities within him that completely comes that is one is love one another is unselfishness the tangible qualities that we understand you can see the love and unselfishness how this love come because of the start constantly up to think and then I am NOT this body so obviously I am NOT going to die anything keep Navarro disease so keen a gentleman to come I am NOT going to take part again sometimes some friends of people to come the one day one Lydia Georgie can you see the future what happened because now the next life when I am going to take birth do you think I'd be a human being I'll of course will be a human being but you must be him like a human being if you are not because the mind should be it is the only the thought that the sister says we should not carried out with these teachings this is for those who have already gone beyond this this is that is the ultimate but we have to understand our position when God from there we have to go so these only real in the next life obviously when there is a desire a little desire we have to come to fulfill that sometimes you find the children after birth their time it's really painful for their parents and their close relatives but what the baby procedure even that Jesus also said that the Blissett of those who died young because they are not suffering they are not creating more this carnival ah so obviously there's no karma there is no resulted only little last life he wanted to have something so he had then it goes away and in the if you read the Gospel of scientists and biography there are young people that come to us Ramakrishna and son Krishna saw him that is the last birth and is so bright and he came to the young Krishna and he is Austin's manager are you going to stay long I'm living I'm done with this he is fixing up which they can imagine and Salam Krishnan edited that to others they came and he told I am done with this life I am leaving are you going to continue then you can do this when we read we wonder how it is possible and one young man he was going to visit marshal Romani Devi and own way you know those days they have to walk maybe three four miles five six miles so he was walking and thinking if I could get a company I could talk and then it will be easy but he saw another young man of the same age of his he is also walking so he went and told so who are you what is your name he said I I don't have any name I am NOT this body I am only dedicated for the mother we everyone should go that place tippin's the model marshal wdv the jail mati I'm doing them like this he was talking so this man was scared oh my god is mad anyway this is only the person act indicate so he was going along with him when he reached to the mother's house he saw that man is lying at the feet of the Divine Mother and mother is blessing him by touching his a after that when he left then this gentleman went and told mother you must be very cautious about that man he's a crazy fellow and he was telling like this and there and he jumped into the water in the pond to bring a flower for you is a really crazy then mother told he is this is his last birth and in the last part sometimes some people behave like this you need not bother about it so the last birth we do not know who is going to be free but free is possible when there is no desire even a little desire to eat food that loves bring you down so that's they say but if you go about that and constantly feeling that I am that summer us I am the one man ending note - then we were king Narmer o the sea Sakina gentleman to come you need not to bother about this because he will never born again no misery no pain of birth him now all disease okay not just eat picada there is no change at all in you why you are crying you need not to be worried about because there is no change at all and if we should the what is that because the color is shall be God to some of the students they know the shadow vicar means six different types of changes first his part jayati then a still existing birthday is the growing before dear Motty he is a changing campaign coming the approxiately then decays coming and maria de to the morning i was having some pain in the left leg that means vi at least the shallow Baqarah and the fifth one I've already reached giantic the birth Asti then the birthday the then before niyama t then it comes be poxy ot decreed all naturally and we paint there will be pain and the skin is slowly becoming a lot of what's called creams at there and they demand if you are using that green your skin will be tired what has done you can try but it is going to be so it goes all these the sixth one is be partial T then you must magically clever one should all one has come the last one really you have to die get ready for that I'm not not to be afraid of the death means only change a body not of the mind not on so I should have a beautiful mind very good mind very positive thinking mind constantly taking the name of God that mind man breathing when the debt comes then you can say modern array too more showers along the ravine de Nardi is writing this all dead you were as beloved as my god the prisoner Tom so that is called fearlessness to show me become the same the more I grow in life more I find that the teachings of bone injuries fearlessness what is this fearlessness understanding that I am unchangeable why should I cry that this is the teaching the the thought we are about water so if you're interested you can read from the 34 to the 64 verses there's a beautiful way he is green awning encouraging us don't cry don't cry because you are the supreme being the way we are not associated with this little body and mind but there's no problem the wind we are associated with this body and mind then there is problem so slowly slowly we have to withdraw these from the body and mind now is it only at the age of the old age when I am going to and know I know that I'm going to die then only the preparation know very young age they should do all the time every moment did know this is the limitation is there so they can be there live very happily without any tension whatever is going on it's okay whatever my duty to do I will do it perform perfectly and I know that there is the consciousness in which I belong and I am going to march in it for me now change no coming back no sheriff ekkada no gunas and summary sir and that one eternal please thank you young girl named Ruth drama ruta to none dee dee please that we be the song but the drama Upanishad II guarantee young song the on our Sita [Music] that the dirty and manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes young dong we do Sudarsana [Music] the buyer does my [Music] [Music] [Music]