Video 41
Bhagavatam 047 : How to Live Like a realized Soul?
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the parable we came across and different type of conversation certainly coming up and this is the beauty and it's also depicting the picture of the day in society we find that the very learning people who wishes they are moving here and they are travelling to different places and the Kings the great kings the rulers they are talking to them asking question to the we party line questions very important questions we mostly we come across the conversation between king a ruler and a monk rishi the seer so this is that that proves that even the rulers were also highly educated in spiritual scriptures otherwise it was not possible for them to get the interest in that discussion and also to ask that type of pertinent questions very important questions and they are no ordinary soul will meet that are tree that partly about water is a great personality and before also we made that another sage here in the Dattatreya mark and piranha we find sounds the references of about the Dattatreya if this is the problem in our scripture in our history they don't mention about who is a person who's the father mother where he was born when he was born they always go that keep the attention of the teaching part of the person so this is the problem then afterwards now is very difficult to find out so we find here in the marking the purana some of the information about that the tartrate his father was a tree and the mother was unusual the father and the mother both of them they were highly educated and spiritual people up tree and dr. Pryor was famous as a great volume this is also a good unique in his many younger days dr. Dreher was very famous as a great warrior he had a sharp intellect and keen observation power now face those who have gone through the microfiber once the ramakrishna you have observed how saddam kishna observed the things and then reproduce that also when he was very young is to go to watch the the village the dramas and he'll be looking at those players those actors and actresses actresses means the middle again so and then he will come back on all the ladies who were not allowed to go to watch that they'll be asking that young boy of six or seven years old in kadai tell us what happened and Baraka team will be coating the conversation how they were behaving everything he'll be so there's a sharp very sharp observation power most of us we don't have the observation power most of us and meaning we have I have a board or dear Tommy Sherman and etc and most of the people that is it the room of the is not that support is there they don't see them maybe notice that the observers are interviewed people there will placed people the observation power is a total once you see you can understand this why a mentioning days we will come to know this young man he observed the nature and from the nature he got all the lessons and once you observe this guitar trio who was a warrior and he observed that Osprey as a hawk efficient hawk there are many varieties at Ephesian it gets the fees and it was flying thinking that he will see somewhere and then we need but immediately attracted the attention of the other birds and the algae is this and how the powerful part is not that was that the time to fight he wanted to save his prey so it was flying here and there but is no use the only ultimately dr. Dre was observing ultimately the hawk given that fish then all other birds follow that living in and then he went and sat on a branch of a tree and happy the Tattler observed and he afterwards invention submission her on jakku Karara means the park the Osprey saw mission Orange Avenue Bolena only nirahari shava tah-dah our mission protector saw sukham sama beam data observing the clock that the Tatra lander bring crow he do kaya is a 11th 1109 chapter first verse and in the Bhagavata it says since objects is the source of sorrow and suffering the recently we found that a lady she was killed by some people these two come and is to repair these and death and you know in our country then we always become very close and we will be giving the serving the tea and then come over here and this is that - it slowly that person he became very close to that lady and she was all alone elderly lady then one day people found her she stayed and she withdrew some money and that also have seen from that person I am going to went to thirty five thousand or something like that rupee and she kept that and naturally out of greed she was killing so all these days it was all arrived the moment the money came this old fellow could not restrain himself and he went to that extent to kill that lady of course he was a state of it but what we should learn must be very very careful when we were handling this so if you are having all these then you are attracting the other people and problem will come but it grew he took Cal Poly a particular particular means you're accepting and when you are accepting you are inviting the problem also the one young lady shows very ordinary schoolgirl Malala now she's very famous now she has commented on Indian Kashmir all these days Indian people used to speak very high about her now suddenly she said something not against actually few people should be careful because when there is a conflict mostly the children suffer so she spoke like that immediately all people jumped on hard and said why you should say like that have you not seen the area the idea why because of your position you are not an ordinary person not so one should be very very careful that is exactly the teaching we learn our goal to live happily peacefully and nothing else better I am the president of America or am i ordinary the person it doesn't matter each and everyone wants the peace and happiness and also to some extent the social respect and recognition that's all now I should not do in such a way that will create problem for my life so I did not have that and this is the DG who taught hawk this young man and he observed the heart and learned it and it went into his character doctor the practice the nature of a child he started practicing the nature of a child friends slowly we are reaching to that place where we will listen to the the highest philosophy at the Hindus of the humankind can say but how he's practiced he was not having the Guru the formal guru he observed from the nature and the frontal nature he learned and then he started practicing how the character of a child problem on ceramic is to say mostly the highly exalted spiritual people they'll be living with the children to observe them and to adopt that character what is the character of a child if you give something it will work if it is something colorful or making sound it will hold after some time to throw now an attachment or aversion nothing so we get this listen from a child observation each and every one is teaching us so that he practiced the nature of the child used to roam everywhere without Federation without attachment without desire and yesterday we went to somebody's house there was a small gathering of nearly nearly 30 40 to 30 people so a small little boy of two years of two and a half years old and he was playing here and there the mothers are the ladies they were preparing the food for the God he never bothers about that the moment we saw that that he went and started beating them or like that so for he no attachment no purity no impurity nothing that is called a ballute or character the Tatra have solved the mystery of this creation by observing a spider-friends DC that we read so much to under what is this creation and all the different type of religions they are trying to explain what is this creation and this young man that our trailer he understood the creation by observing spider yes ha unagi riyaad una Santa vaca Taha taya breeder booyah stun receptive um nahi sure so this as the spider brings out is we've from weeding itself here the spider always created we all this in the from each mount itself sports in it for some time and then we'll draws it into itself so mostly we observe this and the Tatra also observed and he saw the mystery of the creation what is so touch the supreme being from itself is creating not with the help of anything else forget about the external thing not with the help of anyone because he was the only one so the supreme being creating and sprayed and we draw the universe by all himself the supreme being the absolute reality is known in the media as drummer param param Hartmann or sometimes subtil and many others name they speak in that way is the master of both property and pollution parity means the matter who shares the spirit these are the two things are necessary the matter and the spirit will conclude by that will understand all of these things that we see only two types what is matter and there is spirit and nothing else within us look at us this body and mind are nothing but matter and then we did that we have a self which is consciousness this self dis consciousness which is our that goal we have to understand that and reach over there how to this body so here we he sees the Tatra he realized that this human birth is no precious this human part even after having this human part if we are not thinking about the realization of the truth is a great waste so he is mentioning la da da da bomb Eamon beaucoup some Vivante marushin orthodontic Tom copy Eva dear are told you mutate Allah protect elaborate - yah birth nice fresh Shia be shakalu salvat Assad the human body - whether the toddler in the beginning itself is telling that because of the the God the human body which is attainable only after the countless but sometimes you don't believe sometimes we try to ignore the previous birth after birth we don't believe whether you not it doesn't matter is the truth every action is a reaction and the result and the result where you are going to have I have to enjoy all you have to suffer you cannot wait you know the in our day-to-day life we see if somebody has done some wrong thing at the past in the Second World War the Germans they did something wrong then after the war when they were defeated some of the people they were hiding here and here and there for a long time they were hiding then suddenly when is almost 90 years old then some people they found and he was again he was and that time he could not move them the stretcher they talking to that before the judge and then they said we will put him in the jail whatever may be the lifespan but punishment should be there because of the bad karma bad work that you have done when we find these here itself what about the spiritual what about our life sometimes within ourselves just by God we do something very wrong physically we are not doing anything but psychologically mentally we are creating problem for others I wonder sometimes the newspapers and the media now it is very strong even any one any individual can create a problem for the whole human society tending out the wrong information simply you will send out and very happy all people are liking and millions will be liking the effect will be devastating they'll be killing and then all these things do you think just by doing that quietly he is sitting somewhere the one could find you and you'll not be punished because of the bad work No so the Hindu believes that he will be punished because of his work so loved our cotton jeans this Mirage Alma this human birth but who somehow Bunty after many many many births we get this human birth and now we should be using countless birth in various species the very real blessings and the Raghavan Buddha he has mentioned that he was born before getting the Buddha the five hundred dollars five hundred times he was born in different species sometimes the PGM the bird and then the lion the elephant and a low human birth like that like that in spite of is impermanence it is very precious as the knowledge of the supreme truth can be achieved only through these human body there is why Shama we become the saved to get the liberation you must have to come over here and to have this human birth and there is no other way so this is the important thing the odd Avadhuta the Tatra is mentioning a wise person should therefore strive for the attainment of liberation strive the attainment of liberation this liberation the Mukti a Buddha means the liberated soul of a daughter the word means liberated soul and this liberated soul he is constantly a patoot oh is a position the Tatra is the knee and he achieved that position above the position or the opportune to position Liberator what is this liberation there is no desire at all and there's no fear at all and no ambiguity no doubt nothing just like a blazing fire so that is culpable Hotel the opportunity is not having a lily boundary is a prevent so this Avadhuta the very entire stage which is neither attachment non detachment it is beyond both sometimes the Sania scenes like hers we are not attached with try to not to be attached we are going on trying to practising detachment overdo the attachment it has meant nothing no problem great because there is no bound he never fear that as mentor detachment those who have read the biographies of Ramakrishna him know that some young people is to come to him and narendra was one of them and serrano pista will keep some sweet some people they have given you know that we believe and most of the religious people they believe when you are offering something if you are offering with some desire it goes with the food and those who will take it you have to share that so this is some problem and it is not possible for the ordinary people to understand but the personal mental like see Ramakrishna could understand it so he understood that some people who are giving some sweets very good slave but with some desire he kept it separately some people there came the young people he didn't give them those then the woman Noren came will not in you eat this so obviously the other people started thinking is a favorite favor ism you like nodding so you are giving the best switch to him not to us see Ramakrishna told no the fire of knowledge is constantly burning in me nothing can touch you and much afterwards almost at the end of his life shall maybe reckon the same do what I say don't do what I do now sometimes because they are about to tow so nothing can bind them but we don't understand that oh sure which is to eat this we should intercept I used to do like that we should not I'm not like that because our condition is not that right so slowly we'll come to what is the condition of the avocado and about who the six nothing and avoids nothing 6-nothing and avoid nothing when I first joined I was in a great Ostrom then one of our senior Shani told and we naturally win the a lot of work we should do this you should do that they were asking me to go out I don't know I like to be inside because every day there will be scriptural crosses I will miss that I told Rama t I don't like to do the external world I don't like to be here so that I can then he said it's a good idea but don't seek don't shun whatever comes before you know it that it is going to be good for you don't seek don't shun and we were seeking something we do not know that will be a bondage for you I learned that from him the great soul his name was from him under neon under sure Anand Anand is he he told us more than one or two sentences the words the wonderful teaching don't say don't shine by following that all through my life now I have almost 43 44 years in this monastic life there's no problem at all whenever they actually you go to the Andaman and all people say we are going to Adam and of all the places is terrible place no money no people are to somebody else to go so why not mean don't watch out for this okay no problem just this two word don't seek don't shun that help me so these are the teachings if you don't seek don't shun night for sure somebody's there will be protecting you but a polluter never believes that somebody he believes in himself so we've come to that Shammi be vegan and he is mentioning about the Sabah duta and he himself was an overdose that still he says me like this keep religion alive mean like this vector Buddha no bondage no attachment no desire no God no see nothing is there and the wonderful life so Swamiji is telling me like this keep the religion alive after realization of the oneness they care for nothing after the realization of oneness we should not start from right now for me to say is a high so we care for nothing not like that so when we are teaching these we have to understand what is my position where am i and then we have to understand and follow the air for nothing feel nothing they sit still enjoying the piece of art man and to read hot coals burn the body they feel them not you in that condition then it is possible and this happened when Donovan see Ramakrishna was meditating in a corner of the room and he was in that house where that our jameelah mathura he took him deal in the calculator jiang Bahji as a place still that is there but he'll have irritated and thus Ramakrishna was we marveled in meditation other people they were going they were priest and the priest you know that their different diet is that business is the job so that they like to earn something their livelihood this puja so obviously they like to always go and tell the person who is observed organising the puja you should do this you should do that so that they can get some extracting money or so some krishna was not like that he never accepted all this but these people could understand so what they did as salam o krishna was loved by that matul Barbuda the landlord other people were jealous when he was meditating all around there was no one this person put a burning charcoal on his shoulder and or you're meditating okay and time to impress our master see how humidity Saddam Krishna was not feeling at all so his condition level was so much he left his body and his mind was soaring somewhere else please try to remember the body is burning the living body is not a big body the body is burning and the burning charcoal is slowly going down inside can he imagine at that moment only the other people's mailing the burning of the flesh they came running to see what has happened they found this on the sadhana Krishna so naturally the doctors took care of some Krishna never mentioned anything about the person afterwards why he said if I had seen that someone has done like this so naturally Motor Club will be very angry and in those days there was no that such rule the capacity to kill nor punish or anything they could elect to do so this is this is Rama Vivekananda's mentioning the city still enjoying the Bliss of Altman unless and until we are enjoying the Bliss apartment this is not possible so after reading negligent objection charcoal burning charcoal and my shoulder let me try now it is thought it will be completely foolishness this unique personalities who happen to live in the body like any other but in reality Lord will speak become the song the Gita this type of people in the speak it becomes a song so when the Tatra of a daughter his spoke it became the song and he expressed all these ideas teachings in 271 versus the highest experience of Brahman these are enshrined in a small book called avadhuta gita it is having eight chapters and 271 verses in our bookstore disorder to Geetha is there some is big with the explanation and some copies are there small only Dori Gina and the meaning of it da ba da da Gaeta the very first verse in w Takata we find a Buddha himself he is mentioning his Chiron God even punch on Arte de Barcelona a twig Arsenal the feeling of the earth Twitter data means only one not two not to this vasana this desire distort this idea it can come only with the grace of supreme lord is sure our granada Anoka is sheriff under cravat evil whom some the human being or tweet about suna Mahad fire perimeter around Mahad really drown out this no fear at all what is the greatest fear of the human mind who can say the greatest fear is the depth suppose all human being becomes a Buddha what will happen to the hospitals and health insurance they'll all that business will be closed and that is the reason very few on the gate there's not that they don't take the treatment because the body is made of the five elements naturally it's all just like us but here they have thought their mind is different sometimes the people they make it totally mistake they always think the Swami's they are not in the body so there should not be any problem in the human body and it is not so one person I don't know why he liked me when I was very young as a prematurely he started following me here there everywhere - what happened to you you were all the time with me now I do very much and that is alright but why with me some other Swami's that there and in those days I was not giving any talk or anything but he liked me anyway one day I came back and he was feeling feverish I he also came so I had to sit with him then I took out the one the tablet and for that feverishness and he wonder you people are also suffering and fever and all this and enough most of the time we suffer sometimes only who we feel he couldn't understand most of the time is we are in the idea of this Jagirdar samsara that is the suffering I meant and he couldn't understand for next day I was free he was not there so mostly they think that the for me should not Shami should not do these and there it is not like that he's only the ideas the thoughts they may be in anywhere but not at all factors are affected by those things he's sharanam Prasad Eva boom song a tweet about Sanaa Montoya but it's Ronald that we no fear at all be proud oopah joy a day they are saved from the great fear so that is now we need talk about the supreme self why didn't he is mentioning the word God's grace this is the question he is not accepting their conception of God and he is a great Hindu thousands of millions of Hindus are falling this Avadhuta but he said there is no god but in the very first verse he mentioned is Charan graha ever only by the grace of God what does it mean my god here what will be the God that consciousness supreme consciousness so when he is using the word God each other because there was no other world blue mana creeper it cannot be that this God why because when there is any action the supreme consciousness never worked and Wayman is working it comes down a little if you have observed most of the the images of goddess Kali is one she / lying down and the Kali is standing on the chest of the Shiva mostly the induced if you go to the temples you can find there is a big Olly the poly temple now nowadays you can go and see the image one Shiva and but in reality there are three Shiva's the fast shiva is completely dead no action and that is called the brahma condition and the air sucked the Raja Tama three qualities and completely in equilibrium and the second Shiva with the open eyes first Shiva closed eyes just like Dave and the body is spill not white completely bill is very real to see images and second Shiva with the open eyes but not active and the card Shiva only is we life as he and white body who opened eyes looking at the mother so first second and the third Sheba activity begins so when the activity comes then it is prakruti so with the in loosely depicted the bracketing as the human body a lady a mother so that way so this is he says because the god means the Supreme Being because I am the Supreme Being a different day it's the question maybe if I and the Supreme Being had a different or the same in the beginning it is years we are different and at the end no we are saying in the beginning means when he was starting and that's why the god is over there nobody is allowed to go over there and like this and then ultimately the thing will happen the God and me are the same I don't need to go inside the temple so that is the ultimate condition after experiencing the oneness he says are whoever gave himself up now he begins he comes to that he observed the nature and he developed 8:24 guru you know 24 gurus only I mentioned do in the last lecture I will give the name the list of all the gurus 24 gurus here today I give how he learned from a hawk or from a spider and like that 24 gurus were there and it comes at me book a vellum cell phone Vida Aveda Nevada they now he has risked to that height was the nasty cut on ruia Bhishma operative hearty meal all is verily the absolute self the distinction and us not distinction do not exist please try to realize it try to understand it all is very the absolute serve distinction and no distinction non distinction doesn't exist at all how can I say I exist and it does not the very thought he says about the very thought amused me at the vestroia pretty hearty me oh you are existing the existing means what I was about the moment all the time every time I was there again I should go back to the biography of insalaum Krishna his physical body he gave up so we called that slam distance no one is dead and the mother the naturally the holy concert of ceramic is not like a lady as like a woman like a why she was crying then the slump is not period before her in that room and today why you are crying don't you understand that I am only from this room I have done to that room I was in this body I was having that I am not having the body but I am all the time there you know it what should you cry like a ordinary person this is the height of India these are Indian thoughts this is the height of the Hindu philosophy so he says that it amused me when you say that you are existing and all the time existing above you two did not bother entered into any philosophical argument this is also very important in our due to gita to prove that oneness of reality in others will be having the arguments to prove about who deceives the statement whether you believe it or not accept it or not follow it or not it doesn't matter to about it because he knew this is this now suppose somebody says most of the beacon is a very founder brush color and in the fridge when they are coming from India in you are and you have you tested your circular yes of course how it is Oh accident and did not doubt it about because he will say from the experience and if you should know I tested to understand over here and the kandra's will read is not that good well I don't know but a trusted Allah is very good it will only be the same because the direct experience even nobody is seated and no argument whether you believe it or not like that he says it annoys me that you are thinking I am not existing I am existing I am NOT these are these no I don't understand it is and the essence and the complete Vedanta ease he says AHA MarkMonitor God of Suburbia V Sabha now the people the light our tweet of Atlanta many of the places and very interesting about the Advaita Vedanta what is the gist of the data returned in one day 190 says AHA Mahatma I am the self meter authority served on the abdomen Sibella battle I need you I am by nature's of Avatar my nature not that I get to develop that not that I had to achieve that by nature so Avatara formless need our God all pervading sort of a burpee I am the self now friends this is Vedanta to the Vedanta society that you have come and you are regularly attending so what is medalta this I it is not that you who and these and these there's only one the feeling for only me oh my husband is different I am different not like that only one is existing it is a high and who is desire Brahman Hartman son book Pepe everywhere I am thinking that in the September that I am going to give a retreat on finite to infinite first away gained the Saturday evening we will try to have the be hunting meditation on this maybe for a little short time every 10-15 minutes the vedantic meditation I am not existing like the so this Almonte ma mère ah God son of Abu Dhabi's abhava Taha I by nature I mean prepare psychotherapy I'm at myself then the doctor trail sealed he's now turning to us the people he said you two are one who do not understand that why don't you understand that the people are coming to them he is looking at them he said someone went is pokémons Ramakrishna is asking about the God and that someone was a very famous person now everyone knows him with a conductor and he went and asked have you seen God what was the answer of selfishness yes I have seen God and I've seen God with much clarity than I am seeing you with a women seeing you an object a person I'm using my eyes my eyes may not be giving the correct thing can a picture but when I see the car I see them in the self so obviously that was there is nothing which can give any other version it's all clear so it says to me ma a come he katana would to say don't even he come here also want you will not do kirtan nobuta say why don't you understand these this so TV even the personality in and again whatever Shani Vivekananda because of his high intellect and understanding this Vivekananda was also confused he was also not accepting his authority he was telling the bouncy ramakrishna apparently when he look at what one says Ram Krishna always we see him everywhere you go he is a worshipper of Goddess Kali and before that used to worship Rama is to worship Krishna then he is a pooja he is the worshipper and these worshiper is a three-team the dualist when he's teaching his disciple be beaten under you want one with God 'but we can under closed his ears and say no don't say these this is blasphemy you should not say like that how can I be God I have so many other problems but that after were same be bacon and so when you are reading things this very moment we don't know that is we are not in that condition but if we practice understand then we can go after that the total teaching art madam satatam BT how we can practice atmanam satatam BT sir Berta I come near on Dharam a very simple Sanskrit most of you have understood know the self always to be everywhere sorry Bertram a come one needle Tehran are intercepted are intercepted there is no oh these people cannot be the God at that people so when some someone in the name of Hinduism they say oh they are they should not be allowed to temple but they have no caste we should not go and eat I really wonder how they can call themself as the Hindu Hindus are completely different he makes of everything everyone everywhere why because Hindu is supposed to know Atmaram satatam bTW instead of Atma for those who are beginner we seek God see coordinate pretty Jamila vision and a beautiful lecture the God in everything so Hartman on Sutter done with the every moment then Sal Bertram everywhere even one middle turn continuously then then he goes and the same ayah still a Hamdi otta param diem uh-huh Mihai data perineum and the object of meditation a condom etiquette on now when we meditate what we meditate so don't take it in a different way again and again I am Telling this is the ultimate truth for those who understood now our condition we are in the very preliminary pre-primary stage not even primary so we are slowly moving but when you are learning the goal what is that goal I am meditating on myself ah-hoo ta da meditation I am meditating on whom on myself and that's why the gyani is they never meditated the camis do not meditate meditation means your mind and there is an object so you're doing and attaching with that object God is object and I am meditating on that god but he says when you are the all and nothing else on whom you are meditating them I am meditating on the moment you are do dividing God separate and I am separate and meditating on God a condom Condit a Adam why you are dividing the undivided one this is the highest condition it says one and are intercepted I to meditate and the highest of gift of meditation is me why do you divide that belief I suppose to leap like a realized soul today's topic was how to live like a realized soul this is the practice which should have to do one must follow the advices of the other 2/3 and he says gentleman will do not the system but Moosa Shuba no you don't have the birth the beginning or the birth means beginning marito dead that means him there is no beginning there is no end there is no birth there is no dead and Cheeta Cheeta means the mind is the store all the recapitulation from that store whatever we have done before all the impression in the mind and we recaptured that the previous memories results about there there's no mind for you there is no bondage and liberation no good or evil that is the reason previously this was realized long long before but the Indian sages never spoke these among the ordinary masses they always think God is different you are different you have to pray to God to develop the attention the devil to develop the concentration to purify the mind and heart but now in the modern days with the society human society and advanced a lot now they can understand very clearly see yesterday in the bhagavad-gita class we were having in the height birth though someone may ask now it previously the Rishi's they would see things just by through meditation but modern days we can have that with the help of the TV and not even in the the smartphone so just fist time and immediately you are making to the thousands and thousands miles of the part and you can talk are you having the same type of receive power at the same they are what the Rishi's is to do only one or two individual so with that capacity they used to develop they develop that type of diversity there is to utilize the nature hardness the nature and they could transport themselves to that please without physically going over there see that and can come back there's a great the soul is therein in Bengal and too used to work but he had that capacity there's a lot many books about that and he could transport himself now he is not necessary anyone can transport from here there one one of my disciple history from eg my mother wants to see my good words okay the mother is there in India so he called the mother immediately and I wished before Wow had it been hundred years before I have been a great Rishi transporting myself over there just because the modern days the credit goes to the telephone and the person who developed that technology the same thing but that is not the ultimate goal what is the ultimate goal ultimate goal is there to get the yourself completely free from fear of death completely free from fear of depth some of the Warriors they are free they go to any extent and they will be killing and maybe sometime they're killed not that when you understand that I am only alone and eternal I'm going to go I don't at the beginning and I don't have the e that is janma mid to nothing you don't have the birth or the dead the mind also not there the mind means they'll be bringing back all the impressions and like that Bunga mock show super or cheveux then the one lady sometimes days now am happy but long back when I was young that in the family they never like me except etc now is that me but still that the soul is coming back why because of the mind suppose you think I don't have any mind so there is no impression you are completely free no part Onimusha and bound and liberation no conception is there I don't bother though that not should go and then he say why do you shed tears my child and beautifully is mentioning cut am Road easily but sir but Sir he's addressing us at the child children cotton row disagree but Sir nama Rupa naughty nah me nah Rupa not the evening and from here I will get - I'll take another extra three four minutes that is what is this nama and Rupa in the Hinduism in a very sharp they keep the profound philosophy and sometimes they will give picture and through that they were teaching us the philosophy a steve harty priya LuPone nama cheating japan Cheeta Cheeta unshod cheating she means cheatin our consciousness the consciousness has as he five bars as he in deities known five parts cheat on Japan chicken they're having the Pipers in another famous book Grisha BB it mentioned and the first three a steve harty real bra model for that is the indication of the brahman and the bath to root for men nama that is of the world so we began with this discussion there are two things of the time one of the matter another is the consciousness this matter and consciousness constantly and that is mixing up and we are confused the more equal to the matter because it is so close to us very easy to perceive easy to acquire we are in more problem but somehow if we can tell my towards consciousness we are free and both are cheating sure because there they are also the part and parcel of the consciousness this table and all this thing that we see at harm and we think oh this is nothing they are not leaving of course they're leaving they have the consciousness but they cannot express it as we can express they cannot very subdued but they are still why because from that same consciousness all these things have come now the condition is the mind condition if we go to these thing if you go to a rich man's house so if our teachers so many they don't use but full the furniture here they are everywhere furnitures a very costly thing and afterwards when the person died what will happen to those were teachers one day some people will come and purchase that then we great bargaining nature like that only his ancestors will lunge out some money with those furnitures actually I've read those permissions this man he spend his whole life to have will need that furniture this is not fun so that is the thing the moment we learn from there nothing is permanent I am having one sword one someone I don't know I have got wrong American boy he got it from someone but is the mother or grandmother told the soul should not be in the house me with his Indian thing Hindu thing give it to the shaman they brought it here at so also do not belong to astronomy but anyway I'll keep it I came to secure the soul belongs to and Rajputana so someone maybe some King one days to add that grave now the sword is lying over here where is the King where is the pride nothing left so by this way if we understand nama and Rupa name in the form they're all temporary and what a Steve Artie Priam must've Artie knowledge and existence knowledge and please existence now that can be please I am I feel that I am sometimes people they are in great difficulty when someone in coma but still surviving that the doctors will be asking do you like to take out the life-support there's a great confusion the man is still living the shall we take out the life Spore then you'll be dying are you not killing the person and if we allow him then he is suffering so naturally sometimes in this paper situation comes the Asti I am there that man who is lined like there he feels I am there carnation I am each and every one would say I am that is a steal and the party this is the knowledge and Priam is the police the joy on under there was the hottie Priam the distri we should go not the nama and Rupa name and the fall because it is temporary so we will conclude when the Tatras is and you have to be courageous to listen to this because the Hindus the naturally anyone is very difficult to accept this statement that actresses beta na no connoisseur Alya young Burness ramana kola Najah t now to Warka natcher Dipti margot remain kerubim per mark tacked on there is no vida can imagine the whole Hindu religion is based on the Vida and this man says the into the great Hindu he says there is no Veda and there is no world at all and there is no God there's no sacrificed or other things there is no cost no stage of life no family no port there is neither the path of small not the path of so this is a long discussion maybe next class we will begin with this and there is only the highest truth the homogeneous Grundmann the I am the Brahman is the sutra all these things nothing nothing nothing but this is Hinduism when someone puts the finger of the reason criticizing their caste system they don't know they are actually not criticizing English but some system which has got wrong not the Hinduism and ultimate ism is these who never cares for the beta also why I am that Brahmin why should I have to go to the book to read it I am that if someone comes and saying you see please read these and what is there now Shami sharpen and the why should I be so you remember your name the idea which are going on them what should I have to go to the book to learn that it is like that if I have to learn that I am Wishart Miranda of course sometimes some people they forget their name then maybe the doctors the hell but when is a normal person if we don't to go until you you go on reading like these you will learn because I know where my just like this just like that and Ramon and I don't need the book or vada or any teachings to learn that thank you very much this adapter me young buddhu Nina you traveled stunned these deep bass Hawaii be the song for the drama punished at a guy Andy young Sawa darn our sitter that de cadena manasa question DeYoung you know yes young Tom Navi do Sudha Sudha the does my Chandi hurting you