Video 38
Bhagavatam 044 : Three Types of Karma
it is beginning Shanta puja Gershom both moon observations visual governess attrition [Music] me [Music] Laxmi condom Kamala Lionel you give me the Garnica young Bundy Vishnu [Music] Krieger now this is the description of the God the impersonal God on pervading God God without form for the benefit of the devotees taking a human form and that form is this that is the description the friends yes we are starting the harwitum a great scripture that is the mixture of exactly this idea impersonal God and personal God and this actually the idea of the Hindus as a human being we cannot conceive we cannot think of impersonal God all-pervading God or something which is all-pervading there is impossible if you close your eyes and try to think and you will see some ideas coming before you I asked one of my a good friend he was practicing the follower of this law and to tell me when you close your eyes and you look at the only a clear the space mostly they're facing a wall and nothing else what do you think they think of cava it all i think of gaba the holy place for the muslims that means some idea something with a frame in name we be in the time otherwise it is impossible so so the hindus they develop this idea the god we'd form but that same God is all pervading all powerful all merciful and they're the same God which is one from which everything has come out now God has created the human being and God has given a special gift to the human being that is the intellect there's the beauty and this intellect what type of intellect that they can discriminate they can understand they can charge and they have very totally they have just that everything including my body my mind is temporary all things are temporary if it is temporary that means it cannot give me the permanent joy so the seekers of the permanent joy that's called the spiritual seekers the seekers of the permanent happiness so what they will do so therefore all the Scriptures the wonderful scriptures the reader is all the researchers and they brought out and from their different type of scriptures so hobby water is also the same devil scriptures and is the question/answer form so the people can understand now let us do a quick recapitulation that we know one great king whose name was nimi and he was the king of the video the police called Videha he was the king and in those days the Kings they were very good supporter of the spiritual research so they used to call invite the people to seek to in one place and discuss about the spirituality the subtlety the mind the consciousness so they used to do like that when they were doing so 9 yogi brothers appeared over there so 9 brothers they came all of them they were Yogi's and King took that opportunity first he served them well and he met them satisfied and afterwards as is the tradition our spiritual questions when a spiritual person is visiting you if you give him food and there are other things he's happy but at the same time if you are not asking questions spiritual matter doesn't feel another happiness so the asking the question is very very important and it's good that the the King asked the question and he got the wonderful reply answers you must be remembering those who are attending this class regularly the first question he asked how to get the knowledge of Earthmen friends we are studying a book which is talking about the Vishnu and the prisoner and the people usually those who are the followers of devotion delete this study this book but when we find the question of the King nimi the first question is asking how to get the knowledge of Hartman Arman is that consciousness which is within each and every being without that consciousness everything is dead so this idea we are having so obviously this is a very interesting question and it should be the first question and the answer was even by a human named Kobe and curvy he answered knowledge of Atman is a subjective experience not ejected knowledge of Earthmen is a subjective experience not objective anything which is objective is very easy for us to understand to discuss to analyze so the researches goes on in the scientific researches what everything is there nothing but the objective something which is in front of me that I can touch I can smell I can taste what is this scientific experiment all these only so they will be touching it and feeling how it is and then the smell then the transformation mixture with two other things all this experiment all subjective well outside to me but we will ask research your own mind research your own soul just imagine how difficult it is because it becomes the subjective - sometimes the people that will ask that why didn't you write about yourself it's become very difficult you can write about others but when they ask you to write about yourself it becomes really very difficult but nowadays you know in the modern time you have to speak all hi about yourself otherwise you get the job but in the interview maybe they will be finding out everything that you have no no I felt that I am like that but you are thinking that I am NOT that's okay but so we always talk like that what is the subjective thing this research are one why one do not realize that this is the question this is subjectivity we didn't mean why I can't understand that because the people identify the art man the consciousness with the inert thing juror juror the Sanskrit word means inert now if I identified myself it is wood with stone and with all these things that I see how it will be how can understand the consciousness so this is the problem problem is I am accepting all these which are jurors to ask me now I am accepting another person as my husband as my wife as my friend as my father as my father relative force all these but that we what I am accepting in that way I am thinking in that way the what happens the chera was to when I am thinking in that way I suffer so suffering why suffering a little bit of jollity and almost two times suffering why and I complain God is not looking at me and then this is not that these people are not doing it so many things so the hour this finger goes all the time to telling all these people are bad but in reality and that is called research so in reality if we go back and our consciousness and I identified that very foolishly with his body with his mind so we knew that I said I I do not talk about the consciousness I talk about this body individual body and so we we grew up our brothers and sisters together and then afterwards we immediately think no he is different I am different why why so because of these we cannot think in this way friends we have to understand it this is a very subtle thing otherwise we won't be because the that's what'll religion afterwards we'll come to that they are telling that you go to Temple and worship God and then pray to God there is a one way every simple thousands of people they follow that this good but a technology primary stage very very primary stage you know when you go to the temple and when you worship God and we think that God and protect me really primary stage but an ultimately we find that God within me because I am the cause so it says like this easy way to overcome this problem is to offer all actions as the feet of the God the supreme being so the action that I am taking that is binding me effect is coming on me but if I keep that option at the feet of God what happens if people are praising oh no I didn't do anything is god the people are this I tried my best but I don't know by that way you are completely separating yourself and not suffering so we are free from the that suffering how it is possible to understand that the second question comes how to recognize the realized soul you can remember those who are attending first is how to get the knowledge of Hartman so that was given it is available in our youtube so you can go the total discussion was there and second question came then how to recognize a realized soul that process the system that you have seen is so good but have anybody tried it got the result if it is so often recognized in all people at the same time so then it is telling and another you give very he is applying the nora hartman do not make any difference the nor of our make any difference so somewhat received wa every time have the thing is the same that that is the main thing swami vivekananda so he was the guru of 18k tree in the rajasthan the king was very happy so he invited his guru Swami Vivekananda and in his honor arranged the program in those days program means the ladies dish to come and see so it is not like today in those days the ladies those whose to sing their sannyasis shun them this to avoid them because they were on a different character so show me be bacon and the Wayne to attend the program thinking that the people will be there he will give a talk perhaps but he saw that the one lady with all the arrangement for the singing and the kings and the rich people that was the main entertainment immediately we make another turn from there to go away no I am not supposed to listen to this song and that lady started singing from who maybe hakuna Chetan adhara oh my god don't find fault in me some other she had nam at the harder you the sannyasi the mom you are supposed to be the same sighted how can you see faulting me and avoiding me going away so she was singing from the core of her heart and that touched the Shah Pahlavi began is true why should I think in that way she is also the same Hartmann just because of some customs the social customs I am following this no he broke that he waved and sat and listened and not only that he learned a song and he sang in many different places and saved that was my teaching a sannyasi realized the drum of the brahmana should be same cited cannot have differentiation and the third question was another discussion among the discussion that came the word my on him a why a the for later word that is the problem and this Maya the power of God so the King asks this hard question and interaction another yogi he answered Maya is the power of the Supreme Lord hims has no beginning bart has an end Maya has no beginning because it is with God when the God was created nobody knows he is a self-created then no one else who created God if you ask the question now that is blasphemy you cannot because he is the creator he created himself when we do not know and along with that came his own power so obviously the power of God is also eternal and that is called the Maya we do not but it doesn't aim how to angry then that against how to overcome Maya naturally the fourth question how to overcome the mile this time reporter another regime so he answered and giving prescribing and least you know the last time we were noting down so many practices now two different types of people are there one who are very very intelligent very sharp so the moment they see anything immediately they understand but some of the people there very simple time it takes different practices for them to reach to that level so those who can understand that this is Maya they will never touch it those who have already experienced travelling regularly in the desert they know what is Mirage so they will never be deluded by the mirages but the new one who is travelling in there and if he sees that Mirage that he'll be deluded oh there is water there are people the lead oh let us go over there but experienced people will say no that is not actually you are imagining and your dream is reflecting over there what is me Roger that is managed so that way he said those who are intelligent and experience for them separately but those who cannot so they have to practice a big list was given and sloka 23rd to 28th all these containing a big list of different things that one should practice then only one can go beyond Maya we are all doing that practices not that everything together but those who are trying there to realize God sincerely they are practicing only this so this is the practices to go beyond the power of each God and God is very happy when he sees that someone is overcoming his power and coming near him God is very happy and not only that God comes out to help to guide in the form of Guru he comes and guide this coming this Tuesday is the Guru Poornima Day a very holy day for the Hindus why you know guru is a wonderful conception in the Hindu the tradition and who is this good anyone who is teaching you is a good helping you is a guru guru means the preceptor but the Guru the word is used for the spiritual teacher why the father is a good mother is a good teacher is a good but spiritual teachers spiritual master is supreme guru why he gives the knowledge which help you to cut asunder the bondage of Maya and you get the liberation guru keeps his own power through that mantra to the disciple and that way guru suffers the Lord but still he feels joy to hell so that is called the Guru and this Maya you have to practice is that then the question came the confusion is always there because it's a Hindu another terror all freedom is there so someone told the goal should be the Brahman another told no or a madman another told Narayana is the only goal so if you go to the some temple they will say oh you went to be done to society and they talked about all the time the knowledge knowledge what is that knowledge I was listening to one of the talks of one of their monk in young mom you're stilling oh they talk about the Rahman what is that one I am that I haven't used caricature and all those things there's nothing wrong but he thinks the Narada is the only again and again he was telling attack Narayana and beautiful and like this like this it's not so good we accept that but what is the current confusion you know confusion is only doom and nothing else the Vishnu the Narayana the Krishna the Paramatma the Brahman all at the same so that is why it says and the fifth question the King nimi is asking ìdear any difference between among the brahman paramatma nareul Brahman means the infinite consciousness paramaatma the Supreme Spirit not Anna the divine person at the difference then the yogi people iron he replied another then he said all three are the same but the Brahman and Paramatma very subtle subjective so natural it is very difficult to understand if we ask you go and close your eyes and this what is this brother those who are practicing the path of knowledge do you know what they are supposed to do day and night they should say I am NOT this body I am NOT this mind I am the hot pan and achma is so difficult but they're hungry they're eating food they need clothings there is shelter then it all and everything that the body needs my needs but at the same time they'll say no I am NOT this disassociation of the body and the mind very something very difficult so the sage supreme god takes a form and that is Narayana needle sometimes the South Indian language also and in Sanskrit they'll say neener neener his water one who is leaving a needle on water his Narayana white water because formless and in the fall lessness one who can take the form is Narayana Ayana is a fact and neither is the water so that is the one who is taking the human form in that without from Baba Ram Krishna he solved this problem and he said we you are having the devotion it's cool come so naturally water gets become ice because if you have only breeze of devotion that water becomes eyes formless takes the form I want to see you God as a little baby fish 'no and you should be decorated like this and you should behave like this and many they have seen like that the great exponent vedanta swami vivekananda he took his the western disciples sustainability' McClure and all those to a lady completely uneducated but see used to seek Krishna as a son so Gopala Gopala is the Krishna baby Krishna and Sheikh's to play with that she's to talk to that God and it was so very real that Raghavan serum Disney accepted Salaam Swami she accepted mother accepted and everyone used to call that lady ass Gopal's mother of her money DB it was our name but people forgot that now she became famous as the mother of the Gopala that is also true if the God cannot take the Frog then God has no power that Brahman the paramaatma if it is all-powerful can he not take the form for me why not he can and he should so that is the way the devotion goes complete confidence that my god is my father my God is my mother and if I cry for my father and my mother wherever they are they will surely come and pick me up that is this confidence and it takes that form like their but who can realize that this is the question we should open up data at matata whose heart whose mind is completely purified the pure hearted person again and again if you go and you see the pure Babita at all what is this Ruby Trotta what is this purity understanding the real character of external things including my body and mind when I say the external thing we use body and mind to understanding the reality of it and accept that whatever remains pure that means God that means consciousness the purity means understanding that all these things are nothing the composition of five elements and it except beyond that that power who created these five elements and then the mixed dissolve to create he is the pure so purity means going beyond this but devoted service now he gives a another very simple thing but devoted service to the Lord one can become purified as there is two ways one is understanding another action what is understanding I am sitting in one place but constantly I am going on thinking meditating pondering that I am NOT just listening I am completely free this is one way to do that another thing is I am active I am doing everything but whatever I do physically whatever I do mentally whatever they do with my thoughts all I offered to God so whatever I am completely detached from them I do everything give it and then I am free but one Cinemark is not even the example in the village in the Indian villages the ladies leaves to Watford everyone and then afterwards when all the people in the household have taken food everything is okay then she will close the kitchen door and go for bathing if you call out them she will come back that is at one time she is not going to turn back so that is the way if you do putting and give it to the God then I am totally free I'm not going to be affected by the Karma so naturally the king took up this view and article our question what is the secret of karma said you just told by offering all action the Karma at the feet of God one can become purified and the when one becomes purified immediately he is free from all voltages beyond Maya what is the secret of that work now friends today we will discuss that and that are be hot rod are be water is now replying he is replying in this way karma akarma because mainly be the bother Nanaki God then a very simple subsidy is telling karma akarma and become are three different types of karma be the bother nah look Iike it is with the injunction of the Vedas it is not some the local another system known be the sriracha ishaara not world now what is B the why it is so important because it should Hartmut world it was revealed by the Supreme God so even the surah now Auden action or injection karma you should do this and you should not do that when we were children our mothers and the Guardians they should say you should do this now and you should not do that so one akarma that one should not do and one is karma that one should do so a karma and karma but you know whenever there is a karma we are interested to do that I was noticing a young boy very little maybe two years old he came and he was touching the books and reading the books and then the mother told no you only see the books and sit over here he did exactly opposite all the time Akuma the work that you are not supposed to do and then in a China whenever you were visiting and there is a the city it called that one should not go over there Forbidden City and you know the most of the tourists the first ticket they will purchase what what becomes it anything for way to bus they will go and here the last Vegas they will say you must visit the Las Vegas the city of the scene people are so interested all over the world and now they're not afraid of scene they are interested and then what do they see nothing same hotel same swimming pool same casino everything but advertisement is et obscene millions will go but if they keep that advertisement the Chicago the city of holiness only you and me so this is the problem the karma and karma so these two we have to understand very clearly and another is P karma so it says and in the bhagavad-gita also in the fourth chapter we find Shankar Acharya is writing so many ways to make this understand we will try to go through this the bridges are divinely inspired and is not the composed by the human so we should follow the order now Shankara also is in his Geeta Basra he is asking a question he is asking Carol Manama the hearty gesture no capacity to simple Sanskrit Karuma namah what is karma the Harvey gesture to maintain this body and mind whatever action we do that is karma isn't it see he is asking a karma that of Kriya to sneem arsenal and what is that karma that he is not doing anything here maybe in our country particularly in this place I don't know in our country a son is a college graduate but not earning money sitting and the father will come in in our country the father has all freedom to school the son even if he is a very elderly he will come and say this is karma he is sitting over here you know how to doing anything and heating my money so he'll all that and every time you would say and the boy will say ok ok I am trying so when I get the money I will send it give it back to you like this it goes on what is a karma that he's supposed to earn money now because he's educated is it that so Shankara is asking when one is not performing action we usually call it a karma not action not doing anything and karma or look at that boy he is going and earning money and all that so this is just looking at the movie there's a hero is not working though is an engineer but his neighbor is framed he is going for the ordinary work somewhere but every time he will tell his father loudly before they go by five cycle and before taking the bicycle level father mother I am going to office and naturally the next door his father would say look at that boy everyday regular time he is going to the office and you are not doing anything so one day he came back and bitten him and while you were shouting go to office why you are announcing that you are going to fish so karma and become as constantly the conflict is there but that is not what we are going to discuss completely different why I am discussing this because the moment karma akarma the indian minds immediately they will think of one which is active another which is not active not at all is completely different way so it goes it is that's why it is very very important in other word the fourth chapter 16 verse it says karma akarma ET copper yatra movie da even the kabhi kabhi means those who can see the farsighted people those who can think the thinkers even then they are confused what is karma and what is a karma that the Karma probabiy ami therefore o Arjuna I will tell you why the God the Krishna will tell you judge adapt to our knowing what moksha save a Shiva heart if you can truly understand what is karma then it will be free from bondage and you will have the spiritual enlightenment so this is important moreover friends we all know we cannot sit idle always led to do the work this sometimes we find very elderly people are very active green here there we are appreciate as good but at the same time you know they have not practiced meditation and that's why when they're the more the age the internet comes the control over the mind and the senses become loosen lesson that's why they become so much as if active going here they're everywhere as if to go and attend the lectures now that is not true that is the sign of their the uncontrolled mind that is a sign of their uncontrolled mind we have to practice meditation meditation is the only way that will help you at the old age and when your body is not giving the not supporting you in this country people are very active even in the rapid heat but in our country is not so much because of the waiter and all but whatever it may be even if you are sitting quietly physically your mind is going everywhere that is also not good sign why does he look suffer so one should practice meditation and what is the meditation of the mind how you can control the mind to knowledge when what is that knowledge I am everywhere why should I have to go everywhere this official so you quietly see it and take the name of God sitting in one place and that team karma akarma ad what is true action taking the name of God sitting in one place brain sinking loving everyone so that is the Karma we'll come to know about it and karma behaves result the good or bad and both points so naturally the human is in the suffering of the life and death life and death so non performance is not the solution so what to do those who are spiritual seekers should understand this secret carefully first I am giving a graph it's like this karma is the Orden by the spiritual now if you take one line there are two the one is btw karma another initiate the karma is a Sanskrit word between karma means to perform is ordered by the spiritual initiate the Karma should not be done and that is the list is also there that you should not go and heat others or heart others to your world or physical exoteric stir all the shader and the immoral type of work one should not do sometimes some people just to earn some money that we saying narcotics to the school students for students bringing the whole race just for some little money what they are going to do with that money may be that their children also get intoxicated by that affected by their what they're going to do with that money going to five star service bottle and do they think that they will get lot of piece by that no they do not understand they're the people they are sailing the guns arms and ammunitions and encouraging people to kill each other just for money the huge factories they are developing all this killing machineries and they are selling it and they're encouraging those people to find those fools are also fighting and these people are think we have sold those things you have sold the potatoes and all that I have sold the machine guns what is that I have so the productively it is a product and I sold no you're committing scene so me see the Karma this type of thing one should not do then you shade the cargo is days and what is the PT karma you know Nishat the Karma we need not to know we powers understand whenever I try to do that immediately from within our own mind something will come up thoughts will come back we should not do this this is harmful do anything that is harmful thought the people should not be done I have seen people they are giving money lot of money in charity but do you know what they do they're all making false medicine and sailing in the name of the hundreds and thousands of the people suffering because of that doctors are prescribing but no effect they have to selling the medicine but there is no evil but when the doctors are complaining because the long-chain all people are taking pride they're supporting and they're asking the doctors what is there in high in anthem on what doctor to what is their sharmaji these people they are suffering so much all never hurts he's better than let them die and in the process I am getting some money what is the problem and yeah problem is not being problem for me is for you next slide will be exactly opposite position another doctor will give you this medicine okay remember it I don't know whether he was afraid or not because money's totally different thing people are not afraid to do anything to our money but for what that is the question we are very only a few people sitting over here and discussing but you know this is the most important question what am i earning money at the cost of art and the cost of my soul which is going to suffer for thousands and thousands and thousands years at the cost of the Act what should I so this ax to the gravity is coming one is the Karma then two lines are coming down one is VD karma one should do another initiate the Karma should not do what is the PT Karma Nikita Nami tika price cheetah tambien these are the four Karma's bTW karma so in the society in human society when they develop they develop all this and what is culture actually our culture new culture is only song only dance only food only clothings know the structure how they are preparing the human that is the main thing because human is a the many of the people they are experimenting you know the human is the best thing to experiment the very good person becoming bad very bad person then again becoming good how it is possible just thoughts and how the thoughts come because of the practices and this is the practice Nikita karma you will only want to do and then is nimah the karma occasionally you can do like this tuesday evening we are going to observe observe means the discussion about the guru Poornima and in the Guru Poornima day those who have taken the initiation they come and give some gift to the Guru touches the feet of guru take the blessings do more with chanting of meditation and all that this is not regular occasional at a time until kavaja we are fasting or sometimes occasional that's called the car limit limit the means occasion so occasionally we do price jitter sometimes we make some mistake then we understand I made a mistake and all the time within me that thought comes then there is a system is called atonement price atonement you should do something by which you can forgive that mistake how it is possible sometimes we have seen some people they will go on feeding every day 108 for people every day they will cook they will go and they will serve the food for 108 then one day I asked why 108 do you know 108 times I diffused food to these poor people and now I am feeling what I am going to do with this my children they don't care about my money and how there are people they are trying to loose match it with the money and I am really scared with this money so when I am doing this project the different type of thing they do branch it so this fast it to truly purify the mind and another is common that is teaser sometimes the periods the husband-wife not getting the issue and the son through the child so they go and pray that is compañía with some desire so need the karma now let us go to meet determine this neuticle my again the fight need the karma the regularly want to do what are the five regular action one is Deva Yong Yong they call it the again auspicious action a specious action is Korea first is the even young give one asked to worship the god or goddess how you can do it just burn one insensitive showing before God and say God I'm terribly busy you know I have to go to my office but please remember me and you live that's all that will be and then when you come back again you go and stand before that picture and say God I have come back safe everything is all right because of your blessings that's all it means sound some foolish oh there's a picture and I am only doing this but no that will help you believe it so this is the diva younger second come reciate dear Rishi means the knowledge they have given you the knowledge the at least two pages of a holy book one should read the devout Christians are the Muslims and our Hindus also they will never go to paint before reading at least two pages of the holy book every day they would open the book and read one or two pages and then they'll mark it and go to bed and in Hindus also that they will do the same thing I always ask people read two pages of the gospel of surround Tichenor and go to bed you know what will happen immediately after reading those words if you go to Bay in your subconscious mind it will be act and that will die so even when you do not know he will understand someone with very certain way giving you that idea you should do this you should not do this so that is called Rashid yoga the good work for the knowledge Petrey yoga betrayal remembering her father's every day one should do when you are going for a bath for a shower just remember your generation maybe father mother grandfather grandmother if you don't remember them the grandmother grandmother at least say Oh grandfather who grandmother have not seen you I don't know your name and forgotten but please be with me all the time they will be very happy if someone is remembering you naturally you feel happy so this is the way so they became Rishi area and then be tree again then Cambria yard you must help someone every day a little how it is possible I suggested that keep one dollar separately just for the greed yogi I cannot go and find out the weather every day I have to go and find out that homeless and then a bro take this money out but is not possible all the time so okay now and sometime after even after given that I am thinking oh he is going to again take the narcotics I'm supporting him I should not do it's not necessary the better you just keep one dollar every day when you are looking at the god morning one daughter over over they'll keep it there after it becomes $30 go to a holy place and donate it there there's a real key that will also because you don't have the time to go and help them physically it is not possible but these people they'll be doing so you have to choose the proper people and love them buta Yong Yong I have seen in this country that I really liked it the people they'll be keeping food and special food not that like us whatever they exist we throw in the garden and oh now the hands will come and eat not like that puto junkie in the bars and the animals and the hands they have their food in this country have seen and different type of thing you can do Bartz who are having the the long picture they will their system is different food is different what it is also different so thick they'll be hanging here and there keeping food their skull puta young girl helping the beings but they do not know where they will go where do we get the food even the human being you have to serve why because God is also in them we should frames god forbid we have got this human birth but we do not know maybe because of the bad karma we will be there one day as a deer maybe a bar and other people will take the picture and who'll get food what he will think there's a beautiful bird with a long beautiful plumage Carla and all people are taking the picture of Lee but no food so obviously we must have to remember anything around this nothing but the manifestation of the God and I am blessed dad because of my previous good karma I have got this human birth and I have got the control over me now Oh God let me serve you this is the karma akarma as we discussed priced it the Karma sometimes it will feel sometimes you can do Saturdays are very good days so you can take the Saturday I will do extra two hours japa and I am NOT going to attend anything that's also what he was wrong thing that I have done maybe harsh words something I've done everything the God will forgive you for that come here those who are having some dessert they can always do that then comes to personal and also the Gianna what is the gap of the knowledge bring us the Karma as a householder you have some karma that you must do and be be Jesus and Yosef and visited sanyasa Gloucester and sannyas and among the sannyas in there two types one is those who are trying to become sannyasi another those are already there sannyasi what is the sannyasa Dina's are NIC Sanyasi you know they steal nakhon Shetty the neighbor have any desire nakhon chef Noah Concha no desire not tasty and never harm anyone even in the dream they will never harm anyone so some people are trying to become like that so that is called baby Jesus and gas and other is bility of sannyas you know in the bhagavad-gita Italy completed so karma Nia a karma yoga she is in the fourth chapter 18 verse I refused you frame you can read it and in the word Gita and try to understand this and the wavier putting is very interesting karma Nia akarma appreciate in action who sees in action in action who sees in action a curvature car maha is exactly opposite in action action sub-optimal he is the intelligent one Manu she a shoe among human being saw you Krishna karma seen and he is a yogi and he is adorable action carpet clean his doer of all action I'm requested to read this particular verse and explanation from the bhagavad-gita because this is really very interesting way than in the action in action only I will give you the actor shape if it is not there what happens after Shiv is not there action in action I am doing action no I am NOT doing God is doing through me whatever in action so this is the way God is doing to me I and my father in heaven are one and the son of God and the child of God that concision whatever I am doing is my father's work show me be weaken the wind they are steam this European disciples shemitah let us make a plan plan of action we have to start a mission in those days in India the Hindus they were all scattered Shankar Acharya made some groups but there is no action and thousands of educated people they became in becoming the moms but they'll not do anything but the society Shami she was thinking how to utilize their knowledge so that is the mission work when the friends they are extreme Swami we have to make a planning he said I never do any planning to my mother's job that is action in inaction and that is the way we do understand and let us conclude by saying the yogi concluded by giving this advice be the amoeba korgano mashenka or peetam is Shari nourish karma levity system root anartha phallus Rudy this 11th book third chapter 46 verse of the saga bottom here it concludes like this if the work is done in a non attached to me and the spirit of the dedication to the Lord that purifies the mind and ultimately leads to self-realization this is the secret of karma secret of karma is if the work is done on attach to me I am NOT doing but at the same time I am doing and doing in a perfect manner oh Hampton gosto I need to take care I am NOT taking thirty so why should I do properly when we are cleaning the carpet somehow we will do sometimes I have seen the people there cleaning the floor and putting all the third of the country that is not the world and one must understand each and everything should be done very perfectly but at the same time no credit completely detached so that's it is if the work is done in a non attached and in the spirit of dedication I'd love to do this the dedication the perfection should come over their mouth to do this so then I am doing it for the Lord for the God not for this manner that might no majority of the time we do for some particular person whom we love and respect and for ease attention we do not that is wrong we do it for God friends I will conclude with an experience that I had in the beginning of my monastic so I wait for marketing I was in a Chili's city that's called chair upon G that is in the eastern north eastern part of India and the five thousand three dieter sit and that tender road was narrow and only one time for two hours all three currents to come down and the two hours which will go up that was that there's two called gate so we've had to remember what time should go and watch and come up we went all down to the go-kart in the big city for our monthly ration we purchase things as I was a Brahmachari I didn't eat outside and we are not supposed to so almost hungry some biscuits and water like that then we came back and we tacked me and very bad G and the driver was also like that so by anyway when you reach back to the Ostrom it was almost 1:30 or 2:00 o'clock in the night and we saw the one plate of food just covered over there it has become so cold and still and that too one plate would the driver believed so I had to share that food again and I was grumbling but there was no one waiting for me I did such a and I did for the shaman I took so much of pain then the next morning the Swami in church called me in the tea table and the breakfast time and he was asking how much that you have purchased this particular thing I told this oh you are a fool you should have gone to different US shops near my other shops are there the you could get it much cheaper rate he was appreciating me that I came to applaud and how food and even half sleep because I went to bed at 3 o clock act together for six it's not complete sleep even and he was going on criticizing me before others so I decided that I would continue as a mom what type of people Dussehra they never know how to appreciate but I decided so I went to trying to sleep but you know that it is not possible when you were hungry so and he insulted you cannot get the sea paws so I just the living on the bay and that I am not happy how to prove so I said in a no time lunch and we're not gonna be 8 so the people will understand that I am not happy but I don't know how many people thanks to it that Xiaomi called me and told Tom sit before me see you were angry not for the food not for the physical level that we have given you angry because he wanted a precision from me right and I had to say yes and he said are you party for me in that case he will never get liberation forget about liberation even peace work for God God is in the picture but is everywhere remember it what for God whether people are understanding or not watching it or not appreciating it or not the Karma we must have to do actually must have to do and every after every action just say to God God I have done to my capacity some people into it a Twitter way but according to my capacity I have done and I am offering it to you and that is exactly the same thing in the other world eita Christian see in the bottom the Muny said do it in an honest way and dedicated way Thank You friends but the king is not leaving he's asking who is good for the human being but what about God God takes the human form right Avatara and he's also working he also found by the same rule this question will answer in the next class please repeat after me young grandma guru named good grammar student undies dig in very savvy be the song but the drama pony shot a guy Andy young saga Dianna was Tita that dignity nomina south question the yoginah yes young dong not me do sudo su they're gonna do that's my early