Video 37
Bhagavatam 052 : "Why do you weep , my friend !"
Sundaram who Jerusalem but mana surely shall be shod our governess attrition me governor [Music] shebang [Music] Laxmi condom [Music] Kamala Lionel you give me Jana cambium bundy vishnu para Sarah below click we are worshiping lord visnu with the prayer that our fear for bartended ba Baba that should be removed but while we are studying the bhagavatam we came across a great sage Avadhuta and abba tutor he says the way you're worshipping God how can the God can't be there there is no - so he says why you crime while you're weeping my friend today's topic is that Tim wrote the Seas okay why we are reaping so the grid says the doctor trail had dressing us as the Kim ruh the see Sokka Sokka means the frame then he was trying to find out why this a carpenter also could be banned also the frame but where's Sokka there is a Sanskrit the poem is there and there it mentioned would serve a bias on a Java doback a rush to be plumbing Rajeswari shoshone deja your dish study sub wonderful when he sees the Banda world Kim Ruth is okay the friend friend is this the soccer with a spring if one who is with us in our happy days would serve a gasoline and also der beek a rafter be plumbing and also in the calamities and in war in the Kings code and finally in the cremation ground that means all true a person who is constantly supporting you giving you the company he is called the Sakata fondue see this is so he is addressing us as the frame the bundle now naturally he is always with us - he is mentioning that I am always with you so - always with means this is the doctor through addressing the frame and he wants to prove that he's always with us like a frame and he is asking why you were crying now I like to ask you can you please answer why we cry dissatisfaction good that is one anyone else fear enjoy enjoy we cry with that we cannot sing cry the way we cry that is in Missouri and it is a expression of joy sometimes some people they the tears come out in joy but that is not crying crying listen Akane in misery and when he was suffering due to attachment then we lost something and lose something and then because of the attachment we cry but we are afraid of in that situation we saw something sometimes we read in the newspaper a terrible nuisance then we are afraid that that that should not be with us and if we are then we cry out of misery out of fear and anyone else oh okay okay we are that is a different table crying yeah but you mean he is asking this our daughter got that he does why you are crying this crime is why you are in misery in the your thinking that you are suffering but you are actually not so that is the way for the save here for the God when you were crying as she also mentioned enjoy me cry it is almost like the same but when the agony you also true the akane to get the god that is also we can say to achieve something and our goal is this we cry now we can I was thinking we can make it in two groups one is the physical another mental why we cry when there is a physical pain the physical pain we cry and what are the physical pain first is the Genma second is the giraffe and third is them breath too Genma means the birth is terrible the child will all the time crime at the time of birth and if he's not crying the narcissus will make it cry so it will cry so this general means cry Genma and most of the time people don't know the gentleman means we are in the circle we think that it is not thinking the little baby can't think actually it is not all the impressions are already there so this janma is also is very very physically painful then giraffe that is the DK and when we find that slowly slowly previously used to go to the playground and when we cross 50 60 most of the time we go to the doctors and hospitals celebrate the act away slowly the general we can understand and you have to adjust with the gerra even if you cry why the jura is coming there is no help so it is obvious and that is also physical pain then comes the myth to the death the fear of death each and every one as I always say right from the and the elephant each and every one is afraid of death this is physical and the mental agony of prop the janitor do curve so when the misery for know achieving something we were thinking to have this we couldn't have so naturally attracted unity I could not achieve that particular goal or the things of I'm sorry so we cry so one lady was supposed to come to America in that our retreat there 120 50 years from which is lecture many they came she went to interview passport visa interview and they didn't allow her to none in a visa officers may be thinking she is alone and what do - I sing oh you think then he will go and sit over there no you wanna keep so like that so it goes on and she was naturally she was crying she was in misery she was thinking that she will come no she will go back but the thing is this officer could not and the result was not achieving the past visa and obviously the tension the cry so approached the genital to Cohen we don't get anything we cry practice to raksha Janita dr. Luka practice to rupture then when we are caught something we like to maintain that and for that again the tension the anxiety whether everything is alright or not for that again the mental pain and finally practice - tongue should read adduction the win we are having something then suddenly it is lost then that is also very painful so physical and mental disturb this Tuukka comes because as this ate very correctly ultimately desire physical because we want to keep the body healthy and when it is not possible and we want to achieve something every time success success and success if we cannot then also the misery so that duck shot now this our great train the Avadhuta he comes here and he says pure Vedanta from the pilgrim pure but on the point of view he removed the fear and he is telling kill you Namrata seasick immature are number two now we have to understand this is Hinduism and highest expression of Indians the when the people they go they will find the people are worshiping the cows and worshiping the trees worshipping the stones and worshipping different type of the images and the same Hindu ultimately when he reaches to that highest truth he says not Geronimo you are not born at all we're from the girag will come Dickey will come what you were thinking about the dead kill Nam or all the C's okay not you remember - there is no decay nor death so he is giving a wire a via means the fearlessness and when you think I am NOT going to die then why should I be afraid of the same thing we here in the second chapter of the bhagavad-gita when the original was concerned for his own teeth and gain he was not afraid of his own death because he knew the no one can kill him he was a great warrior Arjuna in the Mahabharata but he was afraid that all his brothers frames and the relatives and the teachers and the grand Wow they all may be killed maybe that he himself will kill them so he was afraid and he was thinking the second chapter Empire in the Krishna he gives all this and that is the spirituality yesterday I gave a talk in the Utah Salt Lake City and the library's library so there in the beautiful hall and the topic was the search for the self so we were talking about the south and what is this self the krishna is given many of you have greater bhagavad-gita again and again he is telling no enum kingdom dishes Trani Neelam de Baca naturally the tapa the showshare t Malta again he said a cheat to him without you iam up leader Sushil a butcher so like that what is that something which is within us but we are not careful about it aware of it and that you cannot cut with anything you cannot burn you cannot wait you cannot make it dry that means by saying that he says no changes and we new thing you realize that you are that then not you we when we understand that then only we will truly understand the meaning of these Kim Nam rotor see sake Geronimo Kim Nam roll disease okay in a journal mana to come gentleman to come there is no God that all no creation at all then why you are afraid of why you are crying kim nam ro the sea is okay not just a big are there is no change in you so one after another he is going on telling us and kim nam rule disease okay not just a super there is no forum you're thinking about you fall and then only the Baqarah the decay you don't have any form and don't thing you don't have the form means the deform that notes are not there nothing is there the blooper no deform also and not only there Tim Nam wrote us is a key now play on see you don't at the age Kim Nam who the seasick a notch at a monomer see you don't know the mind also and things you don't have the mind where from the fear and the pain and all those things will come there's no mind to bite this way they say it should be fearless show me be weakened under he mentioned the more I grow the more it seems to me the everything lies in fearlessness that there are courageous people they'll be going and facing the enemies in the border some create soldiers the death but that is different table but here when he sees the completely free from all fear and that is pure Vedanta are treating Vedanta and this Vedanta we are just listening then afterwards it says the why I say like this because look at the creation of course the Abba do don't even care to explain the creation he says don't think that I am reading some book and telling you don't think I'm telling you deserve as a poetry as a poem no this is a truth that I'm telling the truth on which I live that is above other the dr. tree or daughter is at that great soul he says like this and we have different type of sages who spoke in this same line it's not the only person talking there are menials the same way that means the truth not that one person only realized its meaning now laters try to understand why a Battuta says that there is no janma nombre - nah DK no form no deform no age no mind why if we try to understand the creation who created these uniforms let us accept it that the universe has been created okay from the point of view of the three T's and at this moment our mental condition our understanding it says that yes there's a creation is there I have my family I have my everything this over here I cannot simply deny that there is no creation yeah this moment this moment we cannot deny the creation but just let us discuss about this who created this universe then they will say this is the Brahman the Brahman created there was only one absolute drummer there was nothing else so they IVA that in the Chandhok Upanishads it says he come that only one was there so they were somya it among cross it he come Eva Aditya not only ego there is no - Aditya to see how they put the words also no flaw ego means conception of - then immediately say he come Eva only one and again repeat a DTM there is no - and where it was in the beginning it an accuracy in the beginning there was only okay if it is only one then how is the creation came from that one and what is that one pure consciousness because all pervading the moment it is having some swarm so obviously obviously it is limited it is not limited is having completely covering the whole universe is the consciousness that consciousness which is which is within us whether consciousness goes away we say get done it's dead so that consciousness all pervading everywhere is the source of creation when you accept this we have to also understand the creation means two different things intelligence and also material if the Brahman is the intelligent cause what is the material Brahman why because there is no - Aditya or means negative DTO means - if there is no - only Brahman was the air then out of Brahman only we have it has been created and what is Brahman again let us remember it is pure consciousness the from the pure consciousness if this world of millions of different things created each and everything is nothing but that consciousness we cannot deny it when we are accepting this theory of creation that Brahman which is all-pervading consciousness is creating then Brahman is the intelligent cause and Brahman is the material cause if the both are the same that means the product that has calmed that is also made of same thing yesterday I saw in the family where I was staying there having a mission and making the chapati is the Indian Japanese and they are given 20 people relieved 1 1 okay 20 then the clean oil then some sword and the machine is called the making machine is making it's not human being but what is coming out ultimately the flower only because that is the main ingredients and by giving that you cannot expect the Roskilde will come out no because the ingredients is that so obviously only the roti will come jeopardy built up from same the Gwenda from the consciousness this thing has been created every genius conscious how can you deny that well God has created okay God has created God has created out of what there is no anything else the moment you accept that there was something else except God after which the God has created then you are in great difficulty why because you are making God limited isn't it so the moment you say that God has created from the art from the wood from these from that that means there was some substance and that is also along with the God you cannot say that we have to understand this the God is all pervading God is all-powerful when you say that that means God is one and non-rural there cannot be two why you were talking in anything because our conception creation means two now I am clapping when I am clapping I need two hands then only the sound will come or I am beating on the table then only the sound will come without - how can the creation comes if this is so in that case we have to understand our tutor is correct he sling that from one only has been so even if you think that you are a created being what you are Brahman then why you were crying Kim Nam are all disease icky wonderfully he is mentioning the product is nothing but consciousness in the venetie dimension in this way taught the switch to our tatoeba be shot in the car top initial which says that the switch to a-- after creation that supreme being entered into it what he created this universe and what is this universe in aren't apparently inner inner cannot work and there is no joy suppose there are today only in the newspaper not yesterday perhaps then the news there is the inner in india in the restorer now it is not human being a robot is giving the food and all that but you don't feel then the robot is coming a hello said but the human being he contained the talking so that the machine may be the air but you won't feel joy to talk you need someone and if the god is creating us in this form so obviously he has given us the consciousness if there is no consciousness you don't get the joy the moment the consciousness is there there is joy as long as man is surviving all his families and the frames and bigger and happy with him in his company when that man is not having that life is dead then what will happen his neighbors and all others won't be able to talk to him so this he says then in the third chapter 38 verse he is asking if you are not that there is no date of birth there is no misery and there is no any change then why you are thinking about wealth we should meet Jessica Tom naturally dinar knee surgeon it you see cotton why you are dear craving for the world there is nothing so why you are craving for the world naturally the money you should you eat you see cotton not your TV but me you don't have the family how can you have a family don't be afraid is only our tutors Italy the wind we understand that that is a completely different knowledge this only intellectually were understanding now then God plays someday that realization will come and that will be the unique we all prefer there we should you see cotton not just a some 80 you told every company what you are asking for the world because you are yharnam written yeah Amrita Amer it means the nectar eternal how because knowledge you are now written summer are some sama Rasim see in the Sanskrit you always tell those things with a great you know in a musical way the practical way so that people they like it the summer are some some erisa means only one grass Russell means sometimes we say a liquid thing but actually no this is only one this one that is summer us only one that is somewhere Elser and you were dead then he is asking us don't be afraid again he is asking us very you want to be free completely you want that freedom you want to get the complete where the fearlessness then is telling Mangia Mangia is samsara tiada mantra is avatar Mangia Mangia samsara the ha ha maan jayegi sarvatah t abba a television shootin am written such undergone Mangia Mangia means renounce renounce this world in every way this world means demand for what is the world only to name and for this is my grandson named and for oh this is my daughter oh that is my DS that is my dad so what is all that Nina nama and Rupa only you are associating yourself and when you sit and then think about it what is this samsara your creation of a deficit a girl and the young man they were in love and these two like each other but the father of the world so he had threatened that boy if I ever see that you are coming near to my house I will kill you so like that the threatening then afterwards somehow he came to know that he is an engineer and acting a lot of money and there is a chance for him to go to for him then he sent his friend the go and tell the boy to come and meet me let me talk to him then the father so it's a good plan ok you like my daughter you love her you will take care of her right okay okay so what hey the boy was wondering why then afterwards it was there it every time we see this type of things why because we calculate how you're going to be but that person whom that the gentleman the father of the daughter was thinking an enemy it turned to the a great relatively very close a son-in-law why because change of thought nothing else Ginga thought of course the father of a daughter there are always cautious because natural it is natural but it is only change of thought the same way he says you are thinking about the samsara these these these these how can you move how can I go how can I do this how can I do that whole bunch of munchy some saw one german jelly samsara the argument jelly salavat our theme is a very strong word use using tea akka ATAG efficient no renunciation and non renunciation that is also like the venom what is non renunciation and what is renunciation if you have the conception that I am having these then only you are thinking I'd like to renounce when you don't have that conception I don't belong to anything I am not having anything if you just close your eyes and try to imagine that particular condition I'm not having anything I'm not related to anything there is no question of giving up there is no question of renouncing nothing frames this is the highest or to eat without and this is the ultimate of Hinduism the many of the Hindus win don't believe there are some group then fight against it there are do 18 we should do it in they say don't ever read this thing even in now those who have read that there it says like this here in the fourth chapter first verse third and I have completed the same way again and again he is telling and this is the style of our Scripture the same thing again again again again they will say so that it goes into our head so that we can understand it and from different angle from different way a different terminology they will use and different stories they will tell only to take us to that particular idea here also and in the fourth chapter first verse of the avadhuta gita he says no a vahana non name of the surgeon Amba bush funny but Rani choron bhavanti Diana I'm Indrani cotton bhavanti sama asanam Jeeva Shiv Arjun Joe Shiva Archana and he says no will come nausea you know when they do the puja now our wooden days doing the puja every time you are asking he will be same Hobbit jihadist elitist here sunny day and they'll be showing that their hands also the finger the other chair that you not like that you'll say Giavotella that will create recipe Oh God please come and sometimes you should come and sit in this coordinate and see how he is doing and very clearly he pronounces so you can understand he Harbor changer gotcha come here come here who is calling God and then your history of distr please sit down over here pooja please accept my new job and Who am I I'm also God and so he'll be showing like this you can find that he is showing this both the hands and he is telling I am Salam can imagine this is Hinduism but unfortunately those who are doing the puja don't understand it the even would draw the evil regime when you are worshiping the God you must have to be a god at the Raja cannot worship God God means that purity that love that unselfishness so he always say this I am surrounded is no I'm sorry buddy buddy Vista Dubai ramakrishna Yamaha will be from the head up to the - can you imagine from the head up to the - constantly they will be doing like this sorry birthday with a whistle upaya the embodiment of all the gods and goddesses o Haga bands around Tichenor i believe you in this form please come and accept my and Who am I and also surround Krishna so I am becoming scientist named worshipping Ramakrishna parties there is no God at all why you are asking God come come he says no abhava know if there is no God when you are calling them to be sure general and mr. Jinnah means after the puja you will say now please go back to your own abode with the Durga Puja Kali Puja if you come please come it's coming 26th Saturday is the Kali Puja and you can see how the Kali Puja there will coming and then afterwards the mother please go back to your own abode and what is that about my heart so within my heart you are there now I want to see you in this palm please come out so this is the tweet in Hindu the Hindu in the dwellest they always think in that way the God is read in my heart and I take out my god from my heart to the outside then I do my worship I like it so again I said please go back to my heart as a symbolic they'll smell a flower that means go back to inside in the heart but the opportunity is telling there is no God except you how can you welcome God oh that's why Raghavan see Ramakrishna he was having two gurus there are many gurus the one is the treating another activating the creating the lady the she told to see Ramakrishna bhava means the dear one don't go to that person and he was not waiting and he used to sit under a tree banyan tree well don't go to him you always talk about God later and your devotion will be destroyed by don't go too near him so that is the to Hinduism both arguing so when we are reading the Picanto this pedant always speaks in this way not Varnum name of the surgeon number there is no welcome may be sure why because but Ronnie push panic a trauma Bunty why you need the flower and also the different type of leaves which not necessary Gianna whom you are meditating on you are God so why you should meditate people are very happy nur most of the the wind some of some of the Swami's they talk about these they really happy no no we are following the path of knowledge because there is no problem no meditation no pooja - when you ask oh I'm a johnny'll non-practicing what type of Gani when you find that you are not adding the extension in your visa where are you gonna go they will be running here there no no visa is necessary extension is necessary my job is necessary and Gani the if it granny means he is not having anything no family and no any other things so don't deceive yourself don't cheat yourself so you have to have the condition or this is my position from here slowly I will go those who have already climbed the Himalayas and for them is nothing small small heels I have not all the time using the elevator never climbed to the stairs and if I go and so this Himalayan climb then it's not possible to be Dante's just like that it's the ultimate so you have to understand this is the truth I am that God even the dough it is the Poojari who is doing the he's also thinking the same way but now I need someone before me as my object of worship object a priori object of love object of offering my fruits and sweets to this he sees now above an unnamed vision Amba push Panipat Rani cotton Davonte Dion animatronic cotton Bunty sama samang Java Shiv our challenger the this is the Shiva Archana when I'm having the Shiva as to Archana do to worship he is only one and there is no - he doesn't need the flower he doesn't need any other leaves to worship and in the fifth chapter third verse he says utter hutong rebirth cheetah service among now he's telling you are dead aha Hooten bieber Cheatham service among but he under a bigger cheetah salabhasana jtj iike be Birgitta service imam kim uru to see Mahana see service among wonderfully is mentioning why you were crying within your heart the many of the people me and the majority don't care about God they care about God when they're in difficulty so when they are in all right all the health insurance and all of the policies are working well okay God can wait for me but if there is some problem then contacting all the things by which he can see himself from the problem at the same time go to God and if you go to our country you'll find in the India almost every temple before that there is a tree and they will go and tie yellow rope and this different type of tree is colored tree why do we have faith believe the mother or the God will come and see oh this she or he came and tied it so I have to fulfill her or his prayer like that they will go with a prayer and when the prayer is fulfilled they will go back again with all sweet something and they will go on spreading the mistake oh my prayer has been answered and all people will go with that that is the relation between God and the devotee if the God is not answering your prayer then they won't go you know in our country there mostly the business people they worship Ganesha thinking Ganesha will give all the success and suppose sometime it spreads that this not Ganesha is Kali if you worship Kali you get the success do you throw Ganesha Ganesha can wait so golly why I need prophet so we were God or God has come this is our relation with god and goddess keep your hand on your chest and say how much we love know all this relation so that's why this better hunter says no no no you should not deceive yourself while you are unnecessarily cheating yourself this is the truth that you should understand then you can go beyond all miseries all fear or anxiety and what is there he said you are the only one you are the only one and there is no above below in Hindi they always say oh poor vada another Cooper wala means God and they will show Cooper water and who is under about the in the nowadays the tall buildings on the top of the building no even in the sky all the time so many satellites are going wrong they can't see God who poor Valley means God God maybe niche everyone also god-given below God maybe this side God maybe that side God maybe everywhere God is everywhere and that is you the truth of Atlanta says you are the only one there is no a barber below we dinner without and the God is within me and outside it is not not like that our God is outside not within me that is also not like that not even the saints of unity so then why you grieve in your heart why you were grieving why you are crying within your heart try to understand this the pure consciousness is absolute and has nothing to do with any object so that is on the fifth the chapter it says in this way and I will conclude with another verse from the fifth chapter in the last verse of the fifth chapter and beautifully the vertical way that about of the sails bindi bindi naina yatra sandal action on naina he Tatra Samaras Ahmad no Babita puta Prajapati Tata páramo about hooter the very critical way the musical way he is mentioning been the tip in the tea naina where one knows nothing but one there cannot be any verification Binda t been that the 1990 entre channel deduction of nahi nahi pata Chanda means the scripture the supreme and the free one pure of God observed in the consciousness of the homogeneous being remain above the truth in above the truth summarizes some our sub Magnum bar betta butta some others means the same one Babita puta his thought is pure now again and again I always thought that Jesus said blessed are those who are pure in heart Shami Vivekananda said that each soul is potentially divine what is this divinity what is this purity if we understand these two words the divinity and purity many thing we can solve the divinity doesn't mean that we have to go and bathe in the Ganga divinity doesn't mean that we have to bathe in the Jordan are in the jump jump the Muslim water so nothing like that there's only water but what is the purity it is pure love and unselfishness if you have pure love and unselfishness then only the pure thought means thought completely free from world and world means name and form the when there is no name when there is no for when there is no desire the selfishness that is the pure mind and one who is thinking that I am the supreme god all-pervading he will never ever go and compete with anyone else because for him I don't want anything should I compete I don't need anything so that is the mental condition when one reaches highest truth cannot be expressed it is only feeling so he says Babita puta puta means the purity Babita means constantly thinking in that thought only dispute property tucked up brahma-bhutah this is the highest truth the Avadhuta is giving to you after this today maybe never next but the next Sunday we won't read this bhagavata and avadhuta gita under this bhagavata which is known as the book of love and devotion disapper to the gita can you imagine the book of love is also having the highest knowledge but some people didn't hide it and you say no it is only love the love the life is okay but this is also true there's a from two channels that is taking us and it depends on our understanding and likings so if our sentiment if our powers that can go along with this Avadhuta idea that I am God then you are pure because you love each and every one the moment you accept the Avadhuta idea or the ultimate vedanta then you have to understand from that very moment he cannot criticize others you cannot hate others he cannot feel jealousy you cannot feel the sorrow nothing because you are somewhere sir you are one and absolute that is if you had that mentality okay that's why from him we become in the only guard the pedantic teaching from his guru vaak once mr. he was having that capacity for the others duality but is also good and what is the duality my god is residing within me and I worship my God in every other being and different names and forms if you go to in the temple amount you'll find so many ways the Hindus have expressed their love for God so many ways Durga is there Ram Chandra is there and so many gods and goddesses it's also true there's also Hinduism I like that that is my mental condition so why should I not do that this is also correct but here it says if you are thinking you are some other Samana bar with the Buddha remember this if you like to follow the path of knowledge some other sir you are the only one how can you criticize others there is no one else to criticize and if you are criticizing means you're criticizing yourself it is just like standing before a mirror and criticizing look at this man so this is just without the means just like that you are only one and no one else and Parvati boot are your thoughts are completely pure and what is this purity there is no iota there is no point of this world the only two things are there consciousness and this world when you think of what you are detached from the consciousness and when you think of what your ego comes and when the ego comes you always feel associated with this body and mind and nothing else and slowly slowly you are going away from the consciousness from where you came so going back needs this next Sunday is because the saturday 26th will be the Kali Puja next Sunday luckily we are having a group of people who will be presenting beautiful music and songs so we are inviting them to come you please come on that day next Sunday eleven to twelve and we will have as usual our prasada and instead of the view of weight with and immediately up to Kali Puja we have to give time for people to certain then only so immediately after the Kali Puja we will have the musical the musical prayer that will be the idea so please come and thank you and this is what the opportune to teaches us and what love each and every one and that is the teaching above and Selam additional don't criticize others follow your own path and never even criticize others the moment you are ready sizing you are criticizing your own God because everything has been created by God so you ready sizing God now in the Oracle in the school another two three groups of the players were there there because in the same school the Group a group B group C Group D they will be computing each other and each group is having different type of color uniform and the playground and who used to always criticize and the teacher who made that decision the group age should have the yellow color and Group B will be blue color like the before him one person was telling these blue one I don't know who created them and what is this alright then is right are you give them the blue color you could not criticize like that it is my decision you're a group is Yolo is my decision you regroup the blue is my decision it's just like that when you are in the school the teacher came and told you should not complain because of these and their blue color what do you mean by blue color I decided that the B should be blue girl God decided that they should follow that path God decided that they should follow that part I cannot go and complain to God and I cannot go and fight with all those people isn't it very simple that's why polka bands around Krishna Sayed all paths are leading to the same goal you are a player you like to be successful no success in your own way you are a Hindu you like to be successful to realize God continue in your own path why you are unnecessarily wasting your energy and time criticizing others it is not your decision your God he has given them that path worried you to criticize God God's decision no you should not so that is called religion religion always teaches love understanding sympathy prayer and in the hadoo - if you go he says there is no - there's only one thank you very much Oh Shanti [Music] shanthi shanthi he's her de oh that's [Music] please have your Prashad lunch and it is acting it is ready oh thank you very much