Video 32
Bhagavatam 025 - A Guide to Liberation Sat-Karya-Vada Of Sri Kapila
let us begin with the below Quicken we're starting the bhagavata and you never lost a lecture last class we were discussing about the satkaryavada this is Sankhya we Sankhya theory everything specially they are mentioning and these are the things that usually the people should understand that how so did they go to understand a thing and then only they are going to the root of the cause each and everything the effect that exists in the material cause even before it is produced a result carry about the sands filter mineralogy the material out of which we are creating something the result of the effect is already there that is the subscribing abroad today we will study how the creation comes the green Saint Kapila was narrating to his mother devotee the brief process of creation system why this is also essential for the spiritual life why we have to study this because if we know how the creation comes we will know who actually we are and what is the goal well we have to that is very important majority of us we practice religion without knowing what actually the goal in different religion almost in every religion they are explaining how the creation came that is very important why because then we will know our route and when we know our route we will go back will try to go back to the root now again in one question why today try to go back to the root because after judging this our present existence presents life and the experiences of the mainly we understood that the present life is very very temporary every time it is changing so we should try to go back to somewhere where it is the permanent so that is the reason the Kabila he said he mentioned two entities purusa and prakruti these are the two entities purusa and prakruti this Birkebeiner and the padartha will say Brahman and Maya but as because we were listening the pagando all the time and not so quickly or repeatedly the the Sankhya who will me mistake so I am repeating so it is a Santa way of explaining and Shankar says it is the Purusha and the prakriti's flows Purusha of the chancre is the same as that Brahman of Vedanta the Vedanta has become pollution now the prakruti the process to which it is coming and the Maya the process through which they explaining the explained that the sister is coming yet developed we want enter into that debate that discussion here it is better to understand this to the purusa is the beginning lays Atman for the pollution beginningless Hartman's don't breathe and aren't attached set the forces to action so that is also very important the purusa is not doing anything but setting the whole instrument for the action how we will come to discuss about that so this is a very interesting way the shankar is and Chandra is the basis now Shankar goes to the main cause of the creation that is prakruti and what is that Prakriti [Music] parotias own circle divine power that is the property Purusha certain divine power is the prakruti that which they are not separated at the scene the power of property the divine power of the purusa is known as the property and universal here however it's constituted of three gunas but at the gunas sattva Raja and Tama this week we should understand he had up to this to understand how things are coming how we will know the prakruti because in the property we find three quality subtle Raja and kama and with the product of property each and every one of us are having these three quality cetera gentlemen so not diving knowledge but through inference we can understand it must be so it must be correct a true inference what is this inference inference means yes so we are imagining not imagining we are understanding a thing by relating with others the here we find in me in you in each and every object of this world having three qualities Saturday and on and we most of us we know what is at origin Dhamma so obviously we're from it came that must be having the same quality so this is property as we were telling that if you out of sugar if you make a sugar doll or a round figure something or different shape what do you make it will be sweet why this so sweet because it is the protect the out of which it is coming the matter the material out of which it is coming is having these qualities so that is the reason they always say and the disgust satkaryavada this has the terms of carrying a bother that from then it has come it is already existing in the material itself whatever you are producing the result of that now the property is having this qualities and he is or she is creative we can se she or he the product he actually the power of God and Cassini's why property why not the boosha boosha and property the pollution can also create because the power of pollution is creating why you are not telling that Russia is creating this is a philosophical question suppose mr. eggox has done this building so obviously we can say the power of the company of mr. X has done the building or we can say mr. X has done this building we can do that in this case when the pollution and his power property is creating why can't we see that Porsche is doing because whooshes power is be that is the question is raised against the chancre so why can't you say like that because we don't these deeper with anticipation of creation in travel is only you are imagining so the no question of that but yet the chancre says purusa and prakruti when they come close the create bar guru sure is not creating white ferocious power is creating it is all the same then they say know why because purusa can armed since Purusha are the self is neither because not an effect of anything so now we can understand the what actually they say in the shank of illusory the Kapila the purusa purusa is an existence it is eternal it is conscious but it can in neighbourly become a cause or an effect mister is is the cause and also the effect mr. X power mr. X company is constructing this building we can say like that mr. X is to you but in case of the purusa has nothing to do with this though its power is doing so little bit doubt comes why we see like this slowly we can come into this the existence of property as the ultimate subtle cause of the world is known by the inferences what are the inferences now we will quote only to the p2 you will go only to first all objects of the world from intellect that is circle to the art that his clothes are limited and dependent on one another now this is how we are inferring all objects of this nature in the world the creation they are limited right from the Sun and then here it dimension intellect interests are to think but even the intellect will also have somewhere stop so obviously the intellect are right from the Sun down to the blade of grass as they always say in with anta so everything is limited in everything we find this why now the same question comes out of what that must be the one out of which it has come that must be having this quality of limitedness it will stop sometime it will die sometime break sometime so that is why so there must be an unlimited and independent cause for their existence this is the logical way of thinking if there is not nothing permanent the temporary also won't count the temporary things can be perceived and understood if there is something permanent how to get permanent only we can compare if that is nothing so they say there must be something unlimited we are all limited there must be something unlimited and there is something independent because we are all dependent depending on something we cannot survive without food and again these animals and birds and all those things cannot survive without our support so you are all constantly supporting each other to survive this is very important why should we not be friendly if we are not friendly with the nature friendly with other things we will destroy ourselves to say always so the nature is the same in the property in the nature we have to save meat you have to save nature for what just returns it is becoming very warm and all those things of course the effect is there but at the same time if we look through the spiritual way we are dependent depending on each other if we are not helping each other we won't be able to survive so they say there must be something independent what is that independent what property so the property is that cause the second in the same things of the world possess certain common characters the oil can they all can produce pleasure pain and indifference the pleaser are the on endure pain the suffering and indifference that is the Thomason condition in everything now they are giving an example there's a beautiful flower is very a young man is very happy a young person is very happy seeing that the rose but an old person who is dying is a that same flower is a no effect you won't feel that joyous in the truth and the gardener who is has no effect the same thing is having the reflection or the result in three different minds and that's why it says another example the see the victory in a war those who are returned for them it is a pleasure very joy the same action for the vanquished who have been defeated it's a pain and for the other people those who are not into that for them indifference so the one action is having these three qualities and that is reflected into three different people different type of so DC he must be there must be something how the widget has come having these three qualities dr. Roger Anton and sometimes the in Vedanta didn't see such cheatin and thus Rupa we that we are actually in reality such cheat on an auditor self-existence and they will see the example you see no one likes to die we're on that working ok we will die no no one wants to die well from that thought King it must be from the Creator the one who has created me you will find that how why it is so important the family lineage because in the factory you'll find that even the grandfather's some behaviors the way of talking and behaving that is reflected in the grandson also it's coming down doctors will explain in a different way but the effect is coming in that way so someone who has experienced these then they will say my Creator is like this that's all family apart from the preacher physical feature even find the way of talking we have behaving everything comes from the family background and that's why have I seen a person you can understand which background from which family background is coming he's just posture talking everything because the theater is like this out of reach it has come so they can immediately understand hero's we find our creator creator of each and every one we are having the three these two qualities each and every one can produce we should not imagine a cause of these ultimate costs for that with leaders in the fallacy of infinite regress now here we conclude but property is the cause and someone may ask what is the cause of purity to produce property such a pro get us a power of the Supreme God then who produce God then that is called fallacy of request we cannot ask in that way we have to stop in some place in mathematics also they will say suppose so why should you suppose what is the exactly we will come to there exactly but you have to suppose in this way so the suppose the value of X is 100 the mathematicians they always start like that and here also in the philosophy that's called the fallacy of infinite regress that you have to stop you cannot go on asking if there'll be a cause of property then there must be a cause of that cause and ad infinitum it will go on on and on it cannot be now as because different type of words are going on let us specific creation according to genre in the creation of chancre says purusa and prakruti come closer and the creation begins then they say the pollution has nothing to do with this why because it is not at all involved in it then the property is creating how in or the profit is creating because the characteristics of property is present in the created being what are the characteristics of the property three cetera and Dhamma so this is present in each and everything so that way it goes property is the supreme root cause of the world it is sunk away property is the supreme root cause but property unconscious now another question is coming prakruti is not conscious properties unconscious how the unconscious thing can work this is it very lien question they are asking against this they okay after this we can accept but you say the property is unconscious how unconscious thing can work then they say protecting it's activated now this is the main line of the chunkier property is activated in the presence of conscious pollution the purusa is consciousness and the Buddha that's way in and again the same when they come close to each other purusa and prakruti when they come close to each other again and again they are telling and that purusa is consciousness and the pollution doing is reflecting on progressing immediately property which is jarred which is not conscious start activating so all the process of creation begins because of the presence of the pollution the same idea he will find in the Maya theory see idea even find in the Tantra where the Kali and the Shiva the coming 60 today's fault after two days we are going to observe the Kali Puja same idea the image is different the Kali we separated and who is the kirusha the Shiva the Lord Shiva Purusha is completely sleeping or you can say date but still that Shiva is generating the power to create so this is human evolution prokinetic players in a very unique way how it's just like the magnet and either the giving the example the magnet has nothing to do he is not doing anything but a magnet has a power to attract and the island which is completely different the moment comes near to the magnet immediately it becomes activated when you have very young in the school so we have to take the magnet and needs to do like this and all the small small particles the islands particles they'll start jumping the magnet is just moving above and all the particles are jumping over there and in between we have to keep some paper the the transparent paper we could see that they are coming trying to close to contact with the magnet but magnet the moment the magnet coming in close that immediately they are activated the same way pretty is not exactly connected with the Purusha but the presence of Purusha active protein and another very wonderful example the Shanker's the philosopher Steve put forward and they say there are two persons one was a line man and another was a lame man for having eyes but both were sitting and they were thinking how to go out to that city they wanted to go to the city but the blind cannot see and the lady cannot work then wantedly decided friend why are we making this way we become one so you are lying but you can walk I am vain but I can sit on your shoulder can show you the path so the blind and the lame became one and the leap from the shoulder of the blind and started telling you go right and left and these and that there is two over there so the purusa and prakruti when they come in that close affinity closeness then all of this thing and sitar show me you know made many of you have heard the name of the great the swedish army he has some commentary he didn't write the original book he wrote the commentaries and while explaining the fourth verse of the chapter 26 this moment we're studying chapter 26 of the eternal the bhagavata this is a fourth verse and the eighth he explained dr. cha aburana big shiva-shakti with in property Drita he is not in the original bhagavata is the explanation of the sitter Shawnee and Swedish coming here is mentioning property that property all this time we are discussing aren't we the two different why different because of the power now property is having three special quality cetera gentlemen and properties in having two power what is that piranha and pick Shaffer aburana big shiva shakti valina property grid ha what is the power ownership TN bhikshapathi now sometimes when you look at from distance a person if you know this is my frame now you are completely conscious and when you look at a person you think that this is my friend and when you think in that way you go to him and try to talk to even this way you are so coming in close but then afterwards you find no it is not my friend so what happen actually oh I did the mistake I thought he's my friend but what are the actions that they took aburana and big shaper aburana means covering what you cover when you cover that aburana so that is disease our enemies the covering means you cover that person with your ignorance and what is the big sheep you superimposed on that your frame you bring this regularly happens one thing we do not analyze the thing we simply say we made a mistake I was thinking that least my brain but is not so that our honor and big ship and this is the philosophy the Indian philosophy and the other philosophers they go to the root why suddenly I thought that man is my friend the man when I go with the close to him then I found that he is not what happened actually and the Indian philosopher DC you actually covered first the original thing and not only covering you superimpose something over another and we shape when I am covering something the original thing is completely gone from the earth from my mind and that was okay but then I superimpose something and that activated P so hamurana and big shaper these are the two wonderful power of the property in the pedantic in Maya is also having our another and big shape so all is the some care and the return to the GU hand-in-hand a little bit of differences you know a bride explaining but otherwise almost dog same thing because the Shanthi is also Gianna in the bhagavad-gita second chapter is termed as named as some carryover some comings knowledge Gyan why this Gianna each and everything they lies and they will explain and this simple thing which happened so many times with us and they are also telling because of these your knowledge is covered and then superimposed now the same thing will be applied to the world then the spiritual person will see as from our ceremony they be saved my son in this world everything is yours everyone is yours no one is stranger to you everyone is yours only thing we superimpose in this way that this is mine and that is theirs and this mine me and mine the time this is the whole world that is creating the confusion what is the spirituality then to remove that but in the name of religion when we always differentiate we make the mistake what is that mistake we are covering the truth and superimposing whatever I am thinking in that way so this is a great mistake that we always do the spirituality means understanding the thing properly not emotional way oh they are also human being we should go and not like that we have to understand the root of these and the root causes each and everything is nothing but that consciousness why because we know the consciousness nothing can survive and covering that consciousness then a different type of forms have come names and warps and nothing to do with the consciousness the conscious when the time will come the consciousness will levers and will be deemed that consciousness which is leaving us will cry who this was my body it was so nice it owned it simply leave and go because it is some other the job to do immediately to go and think of another project and like that so sometimes the officers they come they work and they go that's all when I found some people came to construct this building to the basement and different names of companies they are coming there hello hi hi all these things and then we immediately finishing their work can go and never came back but the project is there my project is this and I go it things goes on this way of what problem comes I get associated and there it is the problem and we we are associated no one young man used to come over here to work we the small little kid maybe he's a single father so bringing the kiddos around with the work the kid will be playing over here for some time and I was sitting in Concord nur and we started liking that key but one day the father's job was over and no kid again so even if I have started already to top that key that affection the love that a problem for me suffering for me so the line is this don't be attached with anything because things are going to change and that's why it says every individual soul giba are in really pure consciousness but due to the covering power of Prakriti individual soul the Chiba things separated and limited this is the belong the fuel under this vedanta is toward or expressed in many many different languages and many many different ways the same thing the what is that individual soul that is in sanskrit called Jeeva in reality pure consciousness within us that is the pure consciousness but do you do the covering power of the property we feel that we are separated and limited this is this covering power is known as a victim now that is the beginning of the class we started telling this the why should you study these philosophy but this is so important unless and until we know what are the program the problems these are all just like the maps we are travelling towards a particular goal and the path is completely unknown so we are collecting the maps from those who have already travelled through this path and they say these are the problems and this is the ability any signs false knowledge don't go with the terminology don't you remember Dorinda no nothing like that are we there is a terminology but actually with the means the wrong knowledge what is the wrong knowledge the original thing is the consciousness within me but I T the cover that is me this is the wrong knowledge discovering power is known as of it there and again he says tatra Oberon instructor the scissor Swami is mentioning Tantra dear Avinash actia saw Eva Jeeva body immediately Tatia Tatia because of the power of covering Sahib achiever that particular soul who party this is a big deal big shiva shakti evil maya / measuring and the big ship of aburana and big shaper what is the overall not covering where's the big shiva shakti disconfirmation that is the supreme god what was that they threw you you see so many different things they will show you the immediately you have already covered out of you ignorance what is the truth now over that having noticed that in the medical sometimes when there is a master in your leg on the plaster they will put some flowers and plastic flowers the pasted over there it looks so good they didn't decorate and the people think it's not the bad that ways but that is a big sheep we have covered the plaster is the cover and now to make you feel good they will decorate that in such a way if low that's good there's no problem the people who will come they will look to that as a bad thing but support it is open and the blood is oozing out and all those things people don't like to see it then inside is all blood is oozing out all very bad condition in the league and the scheme but covering in such a way same the world nama Rupa all these things that we see in the world the same way and if you read the bb2 Romani in the show the Shankar Acharya is very graphic description of the body is giving when you read the description in here you will start thinking why this body and carry but we are so very close to this body so that is so I thought there are burner Shakti the power of the covering saw Eva Jeeva Party of India that big Shiva Sathya and that super imposing power fiscal Maya parameter E and that super imposing power is the Maha mythos of a big deer individual self jiva rooted in the samsara now all these things we are telling for whom those who are truly trying to understand to go beyond this circle of birth and death the spiritual life is completely nothing but the knowledge the religious life is not like that the religious people they will perform something doing the karma karma means uma yoga yoga and all the the worship what white they will do they have another idea that if I do like this I will get some benefit in this life and also the benefit after my death so that is the whole purpose but when you are coming to the philosophy and the spirituality the only purpose is to go beyond the circle of product and death so the words we cannot say in the bhagavad-gita say they will tell you so many beautiful words but I know for sure that it's not taking it to anywhere where every dude is all temporary you have to come back so this is the way they say because of the individual self the Jeeva rooted in the samsara in the suffering of birth and death one American lady maybe some other country you know in European lady she has recited in what Allah supports I am having suddenly you know now it is over telephone if you don't like some people will go on sending you and in the water you get so many wonderful things someone is jumping the cigars is a very very important the metallus of the lady and she wanted become a nun but in those days it was not possible she was married and she was having the children and mean each and every children she used to warn tell him in a the song way you are Shiva you are Shiva you are Shiva and we in the children grew up the left for meditation so there is the mother the famous mother is madonna saw mostly the mothers are very much attached to the children and they think that as we have grown up they should also need the same type of life if the are taking a tree friend immediately do oh my god what has happened to them it must be man but motto lhasa so here also they say there another self who is controlling the prakruti and completely hard to does all the creation world is forming shuara the chancre doctrine of property is based on the theory of causation as we are discussing again and again that terminology sub carrier the father is the theory South Korea Kalia means the action and such means the result that is already present in there the Sankar there in the South Korea border is having the two forms the creation only but in the variation again there are two different types one that is called poori now about this is all sanskrit terminology pre-namib are the means real transformation complete transformation Puri Nam and an example they say the clay that was there has become a fault now there is clays telling the part buttoned up not in the problem that the clay was it's a completely different another example they say milk has become the yogurt with the milk is there of course in the yogurt but it is not the same milk is a complete yoghurt analyse be birth the water one is for enema bada another is be Berta what is the rebirth the apparent transformation and this apparent initial transformation like there was a row and you thought that is a snake but actually the row has not transferring to row for some time you are thinking that is the sneak and you were acting accordingly but after some time you will know so there's some computer they have take taken the first one put in Ahmad Sankar sees the whole world is permanent don't think it is superimposition be done of the Seas here the sunken bonanza they differ because this is no it is only apparent transformation not the real transformation why if it is the real transformation so Jeeva will always suffer and suffer and suffer they can never come back to the joyful state and sometimes in the Western philosophy also they say eternal damnation you have been in the suffering all through eternal but we all believe in there so this in the Bhagavad third book 26 chapter 11 to 14 the versus the copy inherited the process of creation of the universe we will just study that and any concluded the wire from the creation is coming fast according to the capillary pollution and Lucia's power protein-protein though the power of proportion they're inseparable purusa and prakruti the man and its power but that power is creating not the person the kirusha this is the first thing how the power activated started working because of the presence of the pollution example that the iron gets activated when there is a magnet the magnet is not touching the iron directly but the presence of the magnet activating the iron this is the same way protein tickets they activated and the first it creates that is called mahant the first creation is the Mahad the first creation also known as hidden agora this year another is the first creation how that comes the booty from the booty arm Cara and kind of all others now here I mean read only one sloka delivered 214 all the verses explaining in a beautiful way in the one after another the process only in the eleven it's a a very methodical way pancha pancha v brahma totally doesn't be data either total lingsha T comma Ghanim bronica we do we do means no what - no punch every punch every brahma then gentle v the savvy the table this twenty four five fry for and 1024 what the five elements they are not mentioning anything why is that punching me what is the puncher this is elements what are the elements are water fire air and space in another second venture when Jimmy's fight what the second venture tan Matra where the gun Matra the surreal thing which helps to develop now when you come to the shrine here immediately you feel like oh no I should not make any sound because other said 880 Tahu is sitting over here so I should walk very properly not shouting not creating any self why in other places in the playground you don't be like that and one will ask you to do that in the is shrine it is completely different in the temperate is different wherever you go any religious place it totally different why Talmud we call it Sin City tan Matra environment because so many people are coming over here taking the name of God meditating worshiping praying whether you understand or not don't not the moment to inter over here that done matter that environment helping you to continue but if you go to Bob Cal matter is totally different even when it is completely closed there is no function is going on I gotta go and meditate over there in the pub you can't because the people they were thinking in a complete different way so that tomorrow the environment are different and similarly the individual people constantly thinking bad about others if they come close to you you will feel this not a good person you will feel friend friend friendliness with him or her while tan mantra from the mind itself that person he or she going on sending out that heart will here includes that tan Matra this is metal they taste color touch and some that these are the dull mantras and they make the whole thing in for psychological categories what the psychological categories the mind the mana with the cheetah and Omkar the function of the thought that is called one the function of determination is the booty function of preserving the impressions is the cheated and ego Nahum Carla so this is called philosophy ego thread after thread and everything David analyzed huisun mind but is it now in the mind there is a part where the impressions are kept so obviously this is different that is the cheetah then there is the portion of the mind which takes decision sometimes we are in Hindi they say that can cut meat Alvia what is the conversion cutter the motion that means I am in a diluted situation confused situation I can take the decision generation later so that condition I can take decision while complete decision and that is called mind the mind cannot occasion just start the process but contact decision to confused then another portion of the same - enough is enough this is I'm going to do whatever happens at a distal to the someone would teach it the anchor the Dasha there should be only the crusher fried organs of knowledge 5 importance of direction most of us we know it that here the scheme the eye the tongue and the nose the fiber than of knowledge right because here bringing information and my organs of action the speech the hand the field organ of generation organ of excretion this is all the eye organs of action the total 24 5 5 4 plus 10 and that is called chattering Shetty Tata the famous turtle wing to the 13 the gospel of cinema krishna even find again and again cinema business daily so how this creation came in this way and this chisel bring each doctor in the past 18 in this 27 chapter and the 26 chart verse 18 now you see is it a beautiful way I'm just quoting one line under foucha rupena Carl Pina Mohini the same thing inside purusa rupena what is the Purusha consciousness pure consciousness so fond of the Purusha rule brainer in reading inside of every being the consciousness even the ant is conscious and because from a Vivekananda giving a lecture on the the in his lecture he said and aunt was crawling on the line train line rail line and that huge iron so that was coming the drill now immediately it failed if something is going to crash it went down from there and safe itself so that is called the and because of the consciousness but that huge Road train will be able to do that though it is so huge because consciousness is not there so consciousness is very important under partial veil in each soul it remains as the Purusha because why pollution inside remaining inside food Buddha means in that house of the room or the inside and Azariah and inside that is there and callaloo Pina bahi and as a time outside why callaloo plane didn't give all the explanation everything is changing that is called time I was a small little boy and then a grown up then became the young then became or what is that time only and the elderly people when they will seek together they will say in our time both panting startling because in their time they think that was all good and in English they will say good old days and even say bad one day also home good old days but when they were at that time that was very bad so I was discussing that when we grow mature ins this thing happened that thing happened now it is a joy to tell the devotees there are saying every emotion will happen like this and that but at that time it was very difficult so that's what I do now I say oh we now put the old days we were so that is the whole thing changes in this way you know school an event will be the bullies will be there bullying the first day when you enter immediately the senior boys debate you have the phone you have got the first day in the school yes company you introduce with the school and they started repeating me from this side to that side is this introduction now then one teacher tour of this nothing they'll you already we help you the only one or two they are doing like that you need not to cry or to complain just be read so this way the whole life goes and Karla Karla Karla that is the time so frames the here the Kapila gives us an unique way to understand inside is eternal outside is temporary now we will again the question is coming against this if the Purusha the Supreme Being is everything does it mean today is bound by property we will find that answer the first verse of the 27 chapter in our next discussion we will discuss about that very interesting way so it takes us one after another to ultimate the knowledge you are there thank you very much and we will charge this month rent include young Brahma born in [Music] duh Penina Manasseh version D mu nu yes young Tom Navidad the boy this mean [Applause] friends many of us who are senior we have stopped taking rice or any cereals the starch and now see the column now I will introduce with that young the child please being in here yes