Video 29
Bhagavatam 022 - A Guide to Liberation : How To Know Who Is a Holy Person ?
today we'll be discussing a very important subject topic how to recognize a holy person so that they will listen from our Kapila who is talking with his mother before that as usual let us chant these Sluggers phenomena phylicia rashad harem governess attrition me morena Shuang Lakshmi domina [Music] Yuki P Dianna combien Bundy bishop para ser America and we were listening from the Kapila Kapila as we have read from the bhagavata is the Vishnu himself the Supreme God he is taking the human form and he was the first ball we had gone through that the wonderful description of the bhagavata and this the book the famous book and really a species and very lovable looks for the Hindus bhagavata here it explains about only the Vishnu this Vishnu is the Lord first time the all-pervading consciousness which is not having any form which is very difficult to even understand is taking in form and that form is as a Vishnu we just chanted he's a human and lying on the ocean and the water and supported by a snake he's having four hands and in one hand he is holding the Lotus all the descriptions and all symbolic the water which is the symbol of no form and all over there the lord vishnu is floating the same water which is the symbol of the consciousness all-pervading has taken a form the human form and divine form that is Lord Vishnu that means the formless is taking the fall so that is the first stage and then from that creation is coming and what is that creation he created Brahma the fourth facing person why the four face because therefore ganas that the Hindu they believe that the four Vedas and then it comes down and he asked that Brahma to create and Brahma start creating and so many other creations nothing is actually going how to populate the whole society the art then ultimately the kardama and this day bhavati kardama was the rishi and the devotee we have already discussed that in different time almost all people start thinking the same way everywhere all people to start in the same thinking in the same way in a subtle yoga in the beginning of that area that creation all people is to think about only meditation only spirituality only going back to the source to the Hartman only to know they they got the form the human form but their only idea was to go back as quickly as possible to the source to that knowledge then slowly slowly the present age which is known as sackcloth treati the Opera Colleen and where is the speciality in Kaliyuga home god rere i so much of ego and why this i is that i is in the mind and attached with this body so this is the problem it comes we are coming from the haqq spiritual being where we are supposed to go back or otherwise we will suffer constantly suffer different type of sufferings sometimes we feel sometimes we don't understand sometimes we try to cover two sufferings in a different way but now the suffering is there as quickly we understand these that good for us so we will start processing to go back to the source and that is called spiritual journey spiritual journey is nothing but to understand the real self so this is the whole thing that we are studying from different angles sometimes the parent sometimes the devotion here in the bhagavata is a mixture of knowledge and devotion devotion means the emotion the love the attachment and knowledge mean exactly opposite detachment and giving away and all that combine this to the wonderful the literature that has come is the problem Ohama a vimana with a heel now in the third scandal 25 chapter 16 verse of the battle at 8 says a hamana hamana aha and mama me and mine this of the amount of this ego this attachment this is the root of all problems very recently Raghavan Salama Tichenor he said if you can remove the eye then it remains you and nothing else so we have to understand it because it is very subtle if I remove the high what remains then whether is the everything I and you this is the whole reality this is the whole universe this is me and mine you and yours this is the whole reality whole universe now what you are talking about that is the ultimate thing so it is very subject to understand and that is the reason again and again we have to go to the church to the temple to the places where this knowledge they are discussing after listening I have to sit quietly and ponder over it I have to read those things again and again and think what exactly it means so this 16th verse it says aha mama a vimana with a he what happens when I am mean I and mine mind that of him on that R&S that ego will it comes what happened gama-lobo RDV Malay now , and Luka ah DV etc but the basic the two gamma and lower logo means greed and calm means the last the trade and last why was the same thing he why he is the rings repeatedly by using tours one is very very deep Nova that is the greed sometimes I see I feel like taking there then I can't get that okay forget it goes to something else but the comma is not like that come on the last it goes to the aim for that he will kill or be killed no problem but that is the main driving force that is the last comma so that's why again and again in the Hindu scripture you'll find gamma Tama means the desire tremendous desire this common and over the greedy either the main thing beaten via Dharma not suta when it is not there what happens the mind becomes pure again and again you always say the Blissett that those who are pure in heart that Jesus said the research should be done on that particular world what is priority instead we are explaining in a different way but is purity drinking some pure liquids or eating some good food or wearing every day every moment new clothings what purity that purity the word that is the key word and we have to understand and here we find in the Bhagavata they say if you are free prom , and loketh your pure the white comma and loafer because comma and loop only action from rarities coming from ego what is the ego aha mama that is ego so we go to the loo that is the ego aha and mama if that is not there there is no comma and there is no also the lova nothing is there yesterday I went to search for a new house because we want to have the congregations in that the Hyde Park area the devotees all devotees at the year they are request now we are having a condo condo has a lot of different problems congratulation as the rule so we thought ok let us see I was going to see different houses and afterwards another club also came husband wide family they also wanted to see the same houses their desire and mind is a completely different both of us we are going to purchase that house even going getting a good price okay and my idea we have to have a big room why because the devotees can come and seat over here can meditate and we can have the spiritual program what here that is the idea they also need a big room why because the party should be there frames will be righted so see the same player same thing thoughts are different wasn't it so this is the way we have to understand everything are common with the spirituality only intentions at completely different when you were thinking for the betterment of the others for the good of the others for the service that the others spiritual and the moment you were thinking the same thing for you and yours is completely impure thoughts so that is exactly the freed from the hostile greed that impurities generated by the saints of eye and mind mind becomes pure and rest without reality and equality and the mind becomes pure what is that purity only one there is no to the moment that is to the conception of two that is impurity I and you when it is a I alone that is the purity so they say the mother's love is very pure white the mother's love is very pure because the mother feel oneness with the child that is the reason many of the loves are there different type of relations but the mother's love is always pure in every society everywhere every time for every people mother's love is very pure why there is no selfishness there is only love and there is only one sense it is me my children and just one consolation so that is the world we it says then what happens for the individuals of Gianna that means knowledge by raga renunciation and bhakti devotion see the knowledge and devotion centralized by renunciation tiada Kiba what to give up ego now when you talk about the giving up do you always of course the men people they go but give many other things but the giving up means heart exactly we have to understand this what to give up what is renunciation what is yoga who can be called as a sannyasi who can be called as a pure person only person the person who has given up his ego that's only person who is a sannyasi was a true mom one who has given up his ego may be that he's staying in some building may be that he is doing these and think that in ego is the main thing if he is not Orinda ego one person came to believe not he wanted to me the president of the vineyard it was not present day only in the formative time when the direct disciples of Spa Guevara Mishnah they were there two American ladies they gave the tape actually purchased the plot of land and give it to the bellman so we could form that bill hemmer to a grateful dose to this two ladies the sodium so people have reach but their money had just live like this you know the majority of the time most of the money remains with the bankers because the people that we going on keeping in the bank and then ultimately they don't keep any other person and then they die bank is not finding any other person to give and they really very happy must be their directors are placing those source as many people forget like is good for us so you want utilizing money for what now purpose unless a God has given you the intellect and the energy and he have utilized and earned some money and here comes Robinson honestly is it utilize that for the betterment of others that money you have our money so this way why the moment you can give my money I am giving for others renunciation and when the renunciation comes two things immediately stand in both the sides what is that devotion devotion to what devotion to the hydrology and then knowledge what is that knowledge what is that ideology I am pure as God is pure so this way we have to understand a holy person the moment we talk about the holy person who you always think about going to the church for some holy places if you go to the holy places most of the times and chances to lose your parses lot of the competitors will be there because the pickpocketers also they have also the other researchers and they researched it that when a person go to a religious place most of the time his hands are engaged so the pockets are very easy to make the light so they use their pockets there okay you go to God I go to market with you one problem so this way it always goes as they say when there is a light exactly below is the motion darkness the light below is the term similarly in so what to do how to understand to this how it says you have to go according to your nature you have to understand your nature your nature is very analytical better you take the ganimard analytical way you go and suppose your nature is emotional take the devotional bath your nature is very active if the carnal you about service to others and very contemplative your orders search for the quiet place go for the meditative way but that is only one part so combination of the all the four is necessary for a holistic God so complete growth what is this and that's called so this your esteem Shiva Punta in Sanskrit it says Shiva Punta that is the best system what combination of the poor it is exactly what Xiaomi Vivekananda team in the morning you are meditating afterwards you're coming and doing the worship meditating contemplation and then you are coming and worshiping the ritualistic devotion cooking the food offering to God or cutting the the fruits and offering to God and all devotion then you go and sit in the library read books and discuss with people analyze as I am doing now with you is the guiana knowledge so the meditation devotion and then we go out in different places to make people aware about their device nature constantly we try to do this that is very very essential very very essential so this is we are going out and then Coppola gives the suggestion present on a chair impartial at manoa cover ubiduo so a bizarre Shukra to moksha Dharam about the last time in the last Sunday we discussed like this he says the trossingen means the attachment to the objects present so sometimes the Sanskrit they uses some the peculiar words so that so it becomes very difficult for us so we have to go to understand this through those people who really understand Sanskrit well the grammar etc so what is this the why say that intense attachment to the objects of the world is the cause of bondage what the wise because they have researched it and they have come out of it the intense attachment to the world so that is the terrible thing oh my god sometimes and nowadays you know the media is very active almost in every nook and corner they are present that giving out all the information to the people and terrible type of news is it comes the wife are having hiring a person to kill a lot of husband and this way that we different people Sudha the worldly object so so much of attraction for the wife or for the husband now what happens the same wife whom we love so much I cared for so much our money for her only for our comfort only to see a laugh and smile in her face and man can do anything and the same lady is planning to in this man can you imagine oh my god and this is the worldly object it's only a very very few not that everywhere it is happening very very few but because of the present day are this the newspapers and media they are reaching this type of informations are coming it happens in the history also the Kings were killed by their own wives the plant in that way so this is also the year so it says so the wise people say avoid the worldly objects so it will be good for you avoid the worldly objects and sometimes the even death for his son how much the parents will go to the temple to the holy places and pray God give me a son and son was born what a great joy both of them constantly taking care of that by baby Greenup if the Sun after bringing up and when you are or you can't do anything and comes and says okay old parents go out of my house how you will feel but this is happening so that is why it is so difficult even you can't believe people why so much of ego so much that is why it says Kali Yuga people are constantly thinking for themselves and for others and that is the reason this Raghavan say I am the Vishnu I am came in the form in the human form of Salaam addition in the very modern time 1836 he was born in 1886 he passed away this fifty years he gave us his and teaching and what you say be in the world but never be of the world be with everyone but only matters to that you need not to leave the heart and home the Shankaracharya came and says no you have to leave that otherwise you are not going to get the liberation and not put also the same way thousands of people who are calling lord buddha and treat anima prabhu and wherever we see they all the time till you have to give up but what to give up heart and home and family and money and bank balance to give up that unit have to give up some people are there in our country they're all taking away of the money so you kept the money in the bank and they have looted their money and then you were nothing cleaner to given they appeal to you but after that part so this is not the thing there it comes the father worth of the Kapila he himself is telling only give up the attachment damn so if you cannot give up the attachment what happens suffering and who is suffering you do not deal ultimately what is happening what is the suffering same thought going on brooding in your mind what is the severing them same thought going on brooding so this is the whaler to understand the someone came and told oh that man was actually you and that is terrible it was immediately touched into mind oh he why he was criticizing me what have I done who is he why should you criticize were the people that listen and I go on thinking in there too and who suffers me and that person who commented he forgot put what he say he like I am I am only suffering and the person who conveyed the message to you he has also forgotten and maybe he had it a little bit and then ultimately what happens you and now are you going over there to fight with him these are no use it will be more person then what to do I don't take those words I knew we have I I know what I am dream I have the self-confidence I didn't do all the wrong things they are telling let them say so this is the only best way to become completely disassociated with alters and your feeling and that is exactly what Rami Vivekananda so who is a holy person one who has the capacity to detached himself from the objects and what are the objects not only these things words also so the words are coming that they can to decide you in laters it was written to show against be vacant and there were so famous and what he was doing he was not earning any money for himself he was earning for the India was trying to place the India on the world stage and who are criticizing Indians and they were writing letters against it from him awake another and what was his story that is the beautiful thing to understand when some of the local friends American friends told sharmaji there so much they are criticizing you why you are not replying back some misses it now you see my personality search either you should appreciate or criticize you cannot ignore me and he was very happy and those who are criticizing where they are now only the researchers they found out their majors and they published their otherwise they are nowhere and that - because Vivekananda is there so their letters and criticism are getting some importance otherwise nothing people have forgotten them so what we should learn from a holy person detachment and that is exactly what how to understand who is a holy person a person who has developed a detachment and we should learn from their friends you know that from 13 to 27 that they're our Kapila is giving the advices to his mother why the mother told you see your father has also left the heart and home and now he is going over there the Kurama Mooney for the meditation but I don't feel that type of arch to leave all these things and go away fortunately - son am I going to die over here all attached and then suffer I know this attachment is terrible but at the same time I know I cannot give it up what to do and we in she asked this question and the son the Kapila the great moaning he was giving the advices so this if you read this from 13 to 27 - and frontier how to realize God from 13 to 20 then from 21 to 27 he is going on telling about the holy soul holy people why he said go to the holy people and be with them have their company and he will know what to do and what not to do he is suggesting to go to a holy person now the question is his mother is his mother naturally she was also very intelligent she told but how to understand who is a holy person you are asking me to go to a holy person I can go to a holy person that have to understand that poly person now he is giving the exam going on giving then see Ramakrishna if you read the gospel of ceramic is now Sundays ago though all the stories the tales and fables that he say that in a separate book very interesting and one person used to go to you know that reading the bhagavata is considered as the best holy work so sometimes the pramanas leaves to go to the Kings to rich people to read out some pages and then explain one person is to go to a rich man expecting some good amount from him every day used to go and he will read and he will say King have you understood but king will say but ate all our dead person you understand that first and now it is a very insulting but the person knew that I am talking with the King so I cannot simply go and fight with him so okay say okay to come out and used to feel why the king should say like this I am reading this book I know every single word a meaning of it and everything and explaining so nicely also for every day he should say like this he was putting inserted and what about the money that the king was giving that is also not very satisfactory so but there was no other option so he has to go every day every day every day one day certain evil is too much even if I don't get the food I am NOT going to go to him he sat and started reading the book then slowly he realized oh my god this is the sloka that in one side there is knowledge another side there is devotion in between the bridge renunciation this knowledge and devotion is nothing but renunciation and what to renounce the knowledge they would say renounce the prakruti but this nature this word anything that is changing renounce that anything that is changing my body is changing my mind is changing my family might society may the whole world right from the Sun down to the blade of grass everything changing so that the knowledge people they would say those who are following the path of gana a devotion they will say renounce your ego only one thing you can announce now you go to the mango tree and say mango tree I renounce you so I am NOT going to eat mango but I will read jackfruits then next year you go to the jackfruits as I am renouncing you this year so then I go to the pears I tell you honey you cannot renounce it that way renunciation means giving up the attachment and ego that's all that's over so that's why I provinces ramakrishna is teaching in that way that you have to give up the ego so this man immediately understood it is true this truth had not renounced I'm reading this book to Hindu king only for money and that's why the king very intelligent one he understood exactly what the whole book means and he said you understand he was correct he is my guru from distance he offered pranaam to that King and he denounced then the King came and then he told no from now onwards you are my guru come and give them all these teachings to my subjects to my people so that is the first thing renunciation how to understand how to find out a holy person that is the question we are discussing how a person who is not having any desire so that means he has renounced easily person otherwise not so we have to understand who has given up everything that is the holy person here from the 21 to 27 and he is giving some qualities deeksha Karuna cow surah Dodd cerca de nom but you have to shut through evil Shanta Soderbergh solution are it says that again the tarts can the 25th the chapter 21 verse he says the diction very patient a person is very patient patiently waiting for the grace of God that is the first quality of a holy person diksha baat karu nickel very kind-hearted and in one hindi collect the say the heart of among heart a pasar do is just like so something is very soft but even they had to feel that softness you need these but go and tell something about the suffering of people you will feel the heart of the mount is just bleeding so that is called God Anika kind-hearted shall we be weakened under he was ready to set out the property of the balloon what can you imagine he was not having nothing after such a long persuasion in prayer he got that property and when he saw the people are suffering in the plague in Calcutta we decided to sell it out that is called académica kind-hearted Sunita friendly to all shri leadeth cerca de nom and who is the surah de Sarita means one who always wants the betterment of yours that is a sweet the Pandava Pandava means the frame but soon either one dava means frame are the same age group but Salida anyone can be your Sarita he may be elderly he may be junior but if he wants your betterment soory that that is the term they use and that friendliness sarva-dehinam anyone anywhere and not choices but they belong to my caste my religion my language my country so I only help them no that is not Sudha Sudha is he who loves each and every one what you have to know any meeting with anyone some other people may feel that that enemity but he never feels enemy to it anyone ajatashatru Shanta very peaceful and that type of person is known as the holy person so what are the qualities patient kind-hearted friendly to all no enmity and peaceful deserve five qualities if one is having he can be called as a holy person and this holy person saw the functional and endowed with these all qualities that that is his dress what is the dress decoration of that person despite qualities so that is exactly what they say and we find that Kapila also said who is a holy person we were none naina Bobby in a baktun Kerrville dat dog multi that the carbonyl tactus van da ba e means he who has a deep-rooted love for me dear on the ramen Street deep-rooted learn who abundance relatives and claim Klansmen and works only for me is a holy person there is no attachment the only that I will work for my people people I made over here and to come in please help us to help this Nepal Bangladesh oh no she ammiji why should we help them they are not our people I am developing a school in mindless they're good people helping others but not Soderbergh they are not holy person why because they could not come out of that small bondage they love only for that and at the subtle mind when I go back to my place after retirement and after work local people will say see he was such an such he was in Armenia and he has done these years than that that appreciation he is awaiting so that is call is a good person but not a holy person but she studied he was talking with Sri Ramachandra in the Ramayana you don't find much of the other things in the Ramayana we find the bush Easter he's talking with the Rama Chandra and telling lower move our Raja Masha tenuta no dynamo be Luba Mumma guru Shama she'll get us faster be herati sub car Martians are such Janna friends is very difficult to develop these qualities very difficult but if you go you will see that almost all the religious places are crowded all people are over there any place you go how come that we don't find a religious person a holy person all people are talking about God all people are reciting from the scripture different type of scriptures then how come in the war you don't find that way the holy person because we don't care about this qualities now spending our time we are reading scriptures we are meditating we are taking the name of God we are doing all these things but we do not know exactly what are the things that we should achieve we should have so these lower Mumma rushan these three things lower the desired mouhot delusion that this is the word in sanskrit again and again the see and a mohammad girl in Shankar Acharya he says the Mohammed girl what girl means a hammer and muha means delusion to break the delusion you shouldn't need a hammer and what is that hammer frankera Shankar Acharya is going on telling what you have in them but you Govinda Govinda Buddha mati again and again the beautiful song some people will be singing and all people are giving the music and all people all the good this is the entertainment so see sang so wonderful and from India will bring this type of singers they will come and sing and we are also clapping and afterwards there's over a cup of coffee we forget all those things why because we don't think in you seriously but we were attending that and when you come back with help now we attended their religious or function entertainment only where is in life so you have to take the words seriously to inside and you have to be alone quiet and to ponder over there think over there and that is the reason Raghavan serum is a very practical person he said sorrow Sangha only company unaccompanied means this type of discussions immediately near-universal you have to go to a secluded place why if you are going on talking with people and discussing and all that this won't joke this the seat that has gone you have to give the time to come up you have to go on thinking thinking thinking on that Sony the general Asha very quietly alone without anything and particularly as because at the time of ceramic Krishna there was no cellphone so he didn't have had that we already don't take the cell phone also if you go to a secluded place and take the cell phone you take the whole world with you and after spending all those thing I was in a secluded place you can be satisfied yourself and you can post it to your friends but the result zero so that is the reason we have to understand what is that Slama business telling you have to go and go deep into that so first these holy words listening second the ninja NEBOSH quietly thinking on that and the third bechara the discrimination whether these things are really good for me can I practice these or not there are many different things will be there which all are not for you we have to understand that so different type of things at there but all are not for me I have to understand my nature so I will go in this waves okay and then finally comes prarthana when I have already taken the decision deny goat have a failed completely that God is there and I go and pray God please help me I am decided to go on this path please help me be with me so that is and what quality will develop within me when I am practicing first this grid will go a veil over the delusion what is the delusion I am so and so and these and that all this and delusion I am going to do this I am going to do that caller delusion you can do nothing nothing exactly just knowing receive the phone if we're coming over here I have to pray just they receive the call and say from eg please play free for my husband and young man he after taking the shower he came out of death and immediately something happened the doctors are telling black out sort of thing blood suddenly flowing to the brain stop for a second or so he fell down and fell on on the chest and on the top here to take to the hospital we do not know what is going to happen next moment none of us you know none of us so that is the reason we have to tell what is more I am thinking this is me and mine and these okay it has come to me I am taking care of it that much so that is karma delusion don't be deluded and efficient car says Mohammed gara Maharaja yee-ha nagamma Trishna Munna again and again Aziz and then guitar Shastra be hearty sir karma so subtle Jana guitar Shastra by arathi or the shots the scripture injunction that you should live in this way injunction is if you're a household you must perform five European that is the injunction what are the five year gas pipe sacrifices you should remember the Rishi's who lived in this world and develop this truth and give it to you so this you should understand and do how to pay the respect to the Rishi's by reading holy books like the Bhagavad Gita and many other books are there whatever books you feel that is from the tradition coming down at least one or two pages every day sure rishi Rena the depth that we took from them we are paying them back so that is in the Christianity there is a wonderful tradition every day they will read a few pages of the Bible and they will read that and not that and keep it and sometimes when they're in problem they will go back to the Bible and open it and whatever is instruction is there they will follow that so the complete faith this is not the ordinary words words of God and God knows what I need now like that the faith so rishi dinner then peter irina all your the generations of the generation the game will be pretty you should not forget them you have to remember them victory dinner real illa li means the human being all human being all around when I use the small key - to go to the school and have forgotten the face of the teacher but they taught me the health of its and from then only now I have become a big writer but who taught me the alphabets so we should not forget them too so dream and all other people all around they are protecting so that is why then the posh arena and the arena diva means God's you have to go and offer pranaam and assuring all around all the beings that are there they're also helping the dog's the cats the birds the insects in different way they are helping we do not know the scientist if you go they'll wonder even the ants are also helping us in their own way so we have to remember that so fine Rena's everyday little little I have seen in my own eyes the traditional people all they still follow in the early morning they will go and do the little worship and then they will read the holy book and then they will go and pray for their ancestors and then they will help other people at least they will go out and see someone is going and they will call and feed them say you're hungry please come and take some food and that's why there was no one hungry nor the old society people used to get food only thing those who were hungry the poor people they will go and they will stand before somebody's door and they'll open the door and see please come so that was the thing and a morsel of food they will go and take and give it to the animals so that is the way the five so theater Sjostrom bihar a tea this is the injunctions of the scripture you must leave like this what happened if you do that self-control you become a very disciplined person you know our early morning act together then I have to I have to go to the temple I have to breathe this book and our time bounce thing I must do this I must do so things goes on in such a way you want to know when the whole day has passed and then ultimately again the next day you are ready so this way it goes and along with that only does not know so karmasu you must perform your own duties too so whatever the duty the responsibility you have accepted that also so that is the way we can become a holy person so who is the holy person those who are residing in the household they are also holy person anyone can become but they should have no greed no delusion no anger Russia means anger regular daily they are all given away I have seen some people they are the big officers and after that they said I am NOT going to live with my only daughter and they still of the daughter so much I saw the daughter Greenham after oh my god you want cooked no no Tommy G once in here I go to the right daughter that is okay now they let the live their own life and once in a year they also visit me there so kiddo grandchildren okay Andrey to learn Lida follow this regularly they'll be going out helping people reading books now both of them they have lost their eyes but then the jokingly did say my husband can't see in the right eye and I can see in the left eye so in closing the two we are having two eyes no problem even then they are reading they are doing regularly sometimes I ring from here and say hello to them but few days I've forgotten now I just remembered so these people and low bar move on rushan to Newton Odin a member we regularly reducing reducing reducing no anger no dilution no breathe and their living according to the scripture and then Shankar Acharya is telling what is the only person Shankar Acharya says he is asking the question who Santa Santa he is asking this question cool because this is very important a holy person is going to lead you his holy person is going to guide you in the spiritual life how to understand that person is really good or not very important that's why see that Kapila his mother asking this question Kapila give the answer and again we find the Shankar Acharya he is also raising the same question and giving the answer and what what was the same answer akela built raga raga means the desire akela completely beat the gong regardez at all deserve God who is a holy person for Santa Santa Aquila beat raga second a past more free from delusion and Shiva tetani star and completely dedicated to God what we find in the position of moon is telling same we find in Shankar we are also doing the same way he is not having the delusion he is not having the attachment but he has the love for God Raghavan serum business a shot okay who can be considered as a holy person shuttle generally say you must have the shuttle Shanga only company and then he saved whose body mind and soul has been dedicated to God moon Brawn hunter Aurra body mind and soul has been dedicated to God he is a holy person so that is the way it goes friends it is now time that you to stop but in the next Sunday again we will continue a little about it and then we will study another question that though his mother is asking what is true devotion the copings mother is asking what is true devotion is a very important question the devotion that we feel without the devotion nothing can happen what is devotion we will study that in the next Sunday game and also a little part of it and some the incidents some of the facts that happened some of the very holy people that I have seen one or two incidents I'd like to share with you in the next class so let us complete this one young Brahma Baroni de Loup de Mer de student e deepest away be the song but that remove Anisha day guarantee young samah the on of a sticker that the patina manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes young Tom Navi do su la da Dada di the speed as you know that this coming Tuesday evening today is the shifty according to the Alma and today is the first day that Durga Puja and Tonga puja it goes for at least five days they call from the steady start counting Shasti shaft ami ostomy nama me and the sami these are the counting six seven eight nine ten dozen instant so this very specialty is ash to me why because that day actually the mother she is expressing her all divine power and the ninth is that she is killing are demolishing all the bad thoughts which we call as a shooter ah surah surah means the light pseudo means that God are sort of exactly opposite to that or means negative so ostomy puja part that is a Tuesday and Tuesday here in America naturally you have to go to your offices the work is there so we have arranged that in the night evening actually that will be 7 to 7:30 our prayer will be as usual then we all will go down to the basement where we are having to the auditorium capacity of 250 people so there were there you'll seat and then have the puja and chanting he will also participate in that but we had expecting more than 250 nearly 400 people so we have to have some discipline to accommodate the 400 people and also to feed them and Indian the celebration spiritual celebration without 14 ever goes there should be always food and not only little food should be some she was nice and then they will forgive their puja they mean remember the food and then for the next year they will plant there so that way so please come but cooperate we need some volunteers and we need your cooperation we are trying and planning because our sitting arrangement over here for the food turning on the maximum hundred twenty twenty-five so naturally it would be four different batches to some people they should come in the first batch and those who are having the children with them and the elderly people they should go but the first and second other people like that we are having the bank's white red and black so the white means those who are coming early and attending the whole puja sopped occur so white man they will be getting the Prasad first and second will be coming the next people and third those who are coming right at the time of Prashad they are black so so that will be their way the number and they will come afterwards of course I our devotees who are very close to the Association I request you please come at the end when all our guests are would have been given so we should that we will have okay then thank you very much and please come on Tuesday