Video 28
Bhagavatam 032 : The Churning Of The Ocean
Shanta Adam which other share now but Mona Solutions which God are [Music] [Music] [Music] you Bundy Creek today our topic is very interesting and that is somewhat German turn the churning of the ocean but you will know that how this very recently in India almost there are so many months it was continuing all people were going to take it deep thinking that then we get at least a drop of that omelet the divine nature by drinking that they'll be eternal but that is the idea there is that Chris test and the wonderful so many hundreds and thousands of celebrations are there the in the Hindu religion but this is the biggest and the best and they always say very proudly the greatest show on the art now we will discuss about that but would that let us try to know who is this knew that the Brahma is dream or just the janmas city in the very first word that he is using about the Vishnu the God or Java janmas city se llaman Maya Anaya devon suka or noir a nolan evening opera garnier omni maja or new pariah namu namaste this is the eighth book sixth chapter and eighth verse of the raga and it says this all the great being you are free from birth existence and destruction so we have to understand again and again that in among the Hindus though they are worshipping hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses ultimately they go to that one and that from that one everything has come so this first one is how it is it never take birth it never exist in that way and it never died so that is involved with two and sitting the birth and continuation of the life and death we are doing that it is our life we take birth we stay for some time then we die but the cord neighbor does life that and it says that you are the ocean of leaves you are the circular of the subtlest again your forms are unlimited your greatness is unthinkable I offer my salutation again and again no more neva now we find that the description of the Supreme Being it goes in a very excellent way everywhere you'll find first it was say negative even not this you are not this and again need to say positive you are this you know the given term ideal Alaura neon motto mignon art Masha Antonio hiya in opening we are reading the bhagavata the book of blah book of devotion but the same words same expression say my idea so why unless repiy we fight because of our ego among the Hindus if you go those who are following the path of devotion even all the time criticize those who are following the path of knowledge oh those people he will stick people are always selected why because you do understand properly so scripture reading is very very essential and when we are reading we should be completely free from any particular ideology of the sect this is important and that is exactly what I wanted Amish not deemed he followed all paths devotion then Tantra then began and then he said on a leading to the same goal and we need read the scripture we also finally they're in the bhagavad-gita which is also the book of knowledge the path of knowledge those were prolly they recovered Gita Benanti book and what it seems Nigeria the real diva kodachi now Jaya presenting for you the two different Scripture one the scripture of the devotion another the scripture of knowledge and what they are describing the Supreme Lord how they describe Nigeria the Maria de Vaca dodging what you need a chateau young barani na hanyate even yamanishi reading so this we find unborn eternal constant and functioning in the Bhagavata also it saves the you never take birth and you don't have any existence and and never die nor destruction you are free from that and what is that changes but existence and death the changes God can never have any change anything that is changing is purely for the destruction it has a limitation so this is how we understand the supreme beings while invoking the divine grace the Brahma you are selling to him Maya are more Australia so Edom did my own mission third promised and because you to understand this line he said oh great beam through your cosmic power Maya you have created this universal existence the universe and entered into this creation who said this other water again we find the same thing in the material condition it says so automata so is that Supreme Being a commenter it desired wished Bohus yamaraja ET Lily be meaning beaucoup Shyama me but who means many Shama Raja Yeti let me be born and by telling that top Syst world immediately the moment it thought it that is not ear she there is a supreme consciousness the moment I thought there was a creation and then taught sister after creation the diva on provision that the even provision as if entered into that and in the bhagavata taught under Provost in the Venetian on the braava he created and he entered into it and creation means and we see so many different types of creation there Jana is also there in earth but still so many things are happening there this our body is a wonderful creation so only things at the end in this body but if that particular thing which is called life or the self is not there it is of no use [Music] then they will throw it so this is the way we have to understand our personality is having two one consciousness and other unconscious both together that we same way the God created the inert and give the consciousness into it this body the mind and intellect everything is inert and God entered into it give the life in it and so it is a beautiful useful enjoyable so that exactly what the creation is he created them under provision how then in the B Dante says the Supreme Being he created first property property can be translated as nature of the Maya and this Maya through that comes mod what is that mart-mart is also known as bhishma vana with Shimano means universal mind look at this - as if conscious mind as if conscious time thinking cognizing analyzing accepting rejecting who is doing it my mind and naturally I can feel that this is leaving my hand cannot think my other body body parts cannot think mind getting and it takes the decision the one who takes the decision is the master so mind is the master of this own personality the being the body mind complex this mind what is that individual mind and there is a bishop mana with Shimano means and this is a universal mind sum total of all minds there and from there that sum total of mind comes down with the first intellect then mana the mind the other capacities then the objects and also the inner ears now those who are producing the DARS the vehicles they will also try to impress the government to make the roads and not only now they will try to see the people are having the economical power to purchase that vehicle otherwise why unnecessarily they will produce it we have to enjoy there should be somebody could it purchase the vehicle and to drive it and to drive that we need roads now beautiful cars are there but no roads what will happen will have to drag the car in the bullock cart at the back of the kilometer it cannot be similarly the god is creating and creating what internet and what the intellect will do enjoy it will enjoy objects and what are the objects roofer receptors but redundant this is the wonderful analysis of the in the mind there all the time analyzing in this way rupa the form the smell the taste all these are we have to enjoy how it will enjoy so it has created a different type of machines also chip shoe cardinal Nashik achieve and tuck the eye the nose the ear the tongue and the scheme so that we can touch we can understand we can enjoy so these five objects they are collected through five differ census and then it is given to the mind mind is sending for the analysis and who is analyzing it but the the intellect and he said this is not good thing don't go over there this is dangerous don't go over there but things goes in this way so this is how and in the category should also the same way as the company should say the ketubah nation these are all the regulations in the minds of the Rishi's that these are the truths they didn't write it only simply but they revealed it and what they say a Buneary otoku bonham promised roopam Roop until you papa bouba Aristotle said Oh Putin drachma rupam Roop important roopa anish Jeff now is giving an example the fire is burning a chair it will take the form of a chair when it is burning a house if you take the form of hours the fire has no form but when even it is burning it takes the form of that particular thing Preity Rupa Babu's ship and similarly you the god the supreme the intellect you entered into different being and taking that form and this is very interesting the same God is taking entering into a bad person and also a good person in a deal but the person and a beautiful person and seeing it goes like the fire for has nothing to do it only taking the shape of that particular thing which it is burning and the God is also by saying this we will go slowly to the churning of the ocean that is the subject that we are going to discuss about it before that I should remind you the Hinduism is full of mycology stories mixed with history but at the back of it is the truth of spirituality so they always say in a new different way one word that always have two different meaning so we will study that the Brahma is telling to the Supreme Being see I the Brahma and Shiva and other guards also the prajapati's prajapati's the rulers maintaining a separate existence from you as sparks from the fire from here be shifted later another philosophy of the Hindus that took shape taking the clue from here we are the sparks we have fire of course generated from the fire but separated from the fire that is the bishop to adjust I won't go to that philosophy but you know that in Hindus they are having to inter be she stabbed waiter and purity Rita this three viciousness data here the Brahma say Oh God was primping we we means I the Brahma the Sheba the gods and also the prajapatis the rulers we are all mental separation from you as the sparks from the fire we are the same we are coming off from out of you but real it'll separate now we don't have the power to understand you what power of understanding and the expect therefore these instructors what will be good for the world the dealers and people now it is the prayer please instructed because suave sham no tell us clearly instructors this sometimes we do believe the God is living the instruction of it is possible but it has happened in the lives of so many if you read the biography of Shama Vivekananda he was instructed and that way he worked and there was famiiy pre-modern regime he was supposed to go to Bangladesh people have already come if you saw the program was fixed they came to receive him in those days dues to go by boat the country vote from the Ganga and at the reverse the boat was ready the man and the G we did to the shrine in the balloon mode if you go many of you have seen this call or shrine that was the original shrine the event to offer pranaam as we always do before leaving for some place we come and pay our respect and we say to how good we are going to that place so like that he came to see and what happened he was having a conversation with the God and came down and said no he's telling not to go this time and cancelling the program community but it happens and happens to whom the pure mind the mind which is not having any other thoughts so it reveals and the Brahma the purest person he is praying to the Supreme Being because were some no no means us the police instructors not a great sugar he was describing all the chillest rituals being then hard umpires as deep as the under and it says go and join the ocean the harlot among hundreds of this religious celebration that we find you know that very wonderfully the Bangkok Airport if you go this time I visited and I have written that travelogue over there in our recent magazine Chicago calling easing and here with pictures I have given you will see how wonderfully they have sculpture giving that idea of the churning of the ocean and it says in the banker it's called the sue Byrne of Gumi Airport and the Supreme Lord he said and he instructed that they was to take the help of their step brothers assurance nayagan death that is storing them to go in the diva and assured our how it happened the father was the rishi Keshava the pressure bring many of you are having Kasia gotra how many of you have Akasha Petra so any question go through this you're coming from that regime the Kashi of God through the Rishi from a provision we were instructed someone of us and that is coming down so that Kashyap Rishi he was having two wives one is DT another is or DT DT and our deity this DT was a different temperament and she was very much attached to the body that is she told again and again you should not be him like this but she won't listen in those days the women were completely free whatever they wanted whatever they demand a man who was supposed to every maybe the king morally she was supposed to fulfill that because of that the deity she demanded that her husband should come too hard and it was not the proper time etc and her children became assurance the rishi warned hard but he again she told no he must so that is the reason the deities was the matter of the assurance what assurance their mind was not very clear they are all consciousness was a test to the body and very inquisitive that is Ashura and the other wife oddity her children was known as Shura so the Supreme God telling them take the help of your stepbrothers because you alone won't be able to do house a huge thing that is going to take form then the Supreme got saved Sahar in my are they evolve but you both the brothers su-ryeon ashura you should churn then you should take my help otherwise you are not going to be successful Prince this is the main thing here comes that great debate always the people will dip it on to Eva and pure shock are the two sanskrit words he says the god's grace or the self pay forward which is best and which one should do some people this itself a from the parenting they always say self before Shami we become and sometimes he is abaddon thing but understanding the minds of the ordinary people used to say pray to God or not and sometimes he is expressing that view he said I am praying to the mother golly to help me to perform this work and if she doesn't I don't bother Lyman do it so that is called pure God tremendous mental power will never blame anyone successively everything is he stands on his own so that is called the Purusha card DeRusha acara that means the self effort but rather is grace but debate is always there what we should do shall we take the help of God and all we should also try ourselves this is one slow curve in the open issue a seems local in the mundo population and also Catawba nation it says yummy will she bring the the in Olivia the different explanations are there he says that when your mind is in teen to understand the subtlest of the certain that Brahman then you get the place and sometimes it is explained in this way if the Hartman is blessing you then only you will get the knowledge about man otherwise not another one see Ramakrishna he is telling the ordinary people all the time try to depend on God why because we don't have that strength of mind like Swami Vivekananda putting aside the goddess Kali I don't need our L like that how many of us come to that equation we can say but in the truest sense who you will be so that is the reason province around Krishna signals you have to pray Krishna also long before say Rama Krishna Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita of course Krishna didn't say but it concluded by the Sanjaya the great mind and the 700 first the last verse of the bhagavad-gita exist yet remuda sheriff Krishna yet reported a new turret the two way he is explaining God should be there his grace and the effort of the human being also should be there so to win combining tatra there 3bj a booty driven in Timothy Lama this way it goes whenever there is Krishna the god of yoga not only Krishna playing the flute not that the lord of yoga yoga should and where the partner the human but he's fighting builder of the book so that bow and arrow he has taken up to fight so that part there are prosperity victory expansion and sound policy Dhruv RDD some procedures the best policy according to me the Sanjaya Singh but here we find the Supreme Being is telling that you have to take my help and it begins like this embrittle Cardinal Aetna Cretan vilambit are armed with howdini Palumbo without any TV balumbo means delay without any delay you should start the process what's the process Amrita good father name to achieve that immortal please you must try do not delay in the process which ocean to churn and he torture the ocean which ocean to torture the first is do not delay in opening it says he achieved ability - subtilis T not easy evading multi- t here and now in this human form if you are not realizing God is a great loss Shankaracharya also in his book the Viveka chudamani he is telling that at maja Omaha is a committing suicide a human person who is not trying to understand God his reality his self as if he is committing suicide he got the body he got the mind he got the Internet he got all the instructions even then he is not trying and Raghavan Salaam Krishna the beginning of his instruction which is recorded in the gospel of Salaam o Krishna he said that God realization is the goal of human being that you should do and sometimes in his own way he is telling a way you are going to realize God is telling the his devotees when you are going to realize God why don't you cry for God you are doing so many things why not try to realize God so that is the way they always cry chaitanya mahaprabhu going through a house to house Shankar Acharya is travelling all over India Shama Vivekananda is the fasting in - he came all the way to America to split the same with Anton when he came to America he was thinking that he will make an awareness about India but after reaching over here when he saw the people are suffering they are having some wealth but psychologically mentally spiritually very poor so he started telling them I'm Natasha Putra you are the children of the immortal please why you are thinking in this way all positive why because this so the Brahm the supreme he is also asking go and churn the ocean to deliver start arranging what is the arrangement first you have to go near the she does a mantra the Sanskrit word she resolutely means the ocean of milk why you shall not milk now if we go to the spiritual meaning other meaning apparently ocean of milk you will notice even in the Christian tradition in the Muslim tradition they always speak about milk and honey and always they say the land of milk and honey what is the milk kinetic milk means where you get the best thing and sweet also son honey here also say the Shira Samudra and what is that you know that ocean you're carrying we are all carrying that ocean our own mind that is the shirishama it's says in that way but if you can understand it is actually our own wine there's a wonderful thing we do not know so many things are there in our mind so he is telling these and then first instruction is mix some very useful shrubs creepers and medicinal plants apparently when we are reading these what we feel that we should mix some creepers and all that mostly and spiritually if you go to the for cleaning you have to first practice sama dama who purity deeksha sir de semana all before sitting to admit this is the process of meditation actually in the bhagavata the meditation there God is teaching us the first your mind go the mind and then you see the shirishama drug that is a beautiful thing pretty costly very precious Shankar Acharya stealing the human birth is very precious to waste it and what is the human birth despotic not the mind why because the mind can cognize my canteen might mind assimilate ideas the shirishama drugs really very wonderful thing very costly and then add into that sama dama cooperate introduction a different type of spiritual disciplines Frost in the beginning itself when we were putting their Shama dama who put a diamond when to explain that because that in the yoga Sutra and others you will find and we have already discussed that these disciplines when we are having slowly the mind is becoming tranquil the calm and then we should start the churning but how to churn you know those many of you know for the churning the first you need rod to churn the water depth so broad we did Rob Munda bar but the Mount Meru should be the fall decisions is not that mount is a form decision like that huge and very firm decision I am going to the allies God here and now and that is earth mount made that using their butt to churn you need a rope will be the road he said the yoga and in the yoga what is there in a debt at the bottom of our the spinal cord the Yogi's they see this and he travels that is the hymen power and that power travels like a snake so the yoga is symbolized a snake and he Hindus teachers many where you find the description of the snakes and they're giving the girl and of snakes and Musa my god what people people they are know is actually the power of the yoga the Shiva he is having all the body decorated with snake the snake is the only symbol because that our troubles let the snake so that is the symbol and that's me the greatest of the all snakes gossiping Hindus they believe the bouzouki is holding the whole earth so that boskie use that paucity use that snake as the rope and who will churn we need another small that one person can do the left hand and right hand think in that way one side the assurance and another side is a neighbor's they were holding now again the story goes the day was a very intelligent the first wing and they were holding the the sight the mouth of the bouzouki Basuki is having 1000 month months and naturally the day was they were holding that or shooters the Sun the Devas are going fast over there they was was raining over there to hold immediately the asuras on the that started doubting that must be the best place to hold so that they was a plane over that then the body came the leader of the shoulders now we have to take the decision fast we are the elder so we should do we should take the side of the mouth of the snake Devers they knew after some time the bar should start vomiting fire so they could okay since you are asking okay they went into the devil so this is the booty the the story in that way making it nicely but these divas and Usher's those who are bad people they are also meditating they are also praying they are also going to the temple they're also offering but they are actually receiving the burnt receiving not the blessings but but the curses that is the idea they go but go with the ego ignorance so the assurance the unfortunate their mind is not clear but the Devers comparing with them they're much much better so they were now the churning is beginning but we in your churning you need a very strong babe otherwise the churning rod where it will go if it is soft it will go on down so we do we need if any strong base what will be the base then the God said I will be the base I will take the form of a taut eyes on the heart back of the top wise you can keep them the hill and then you can churn see everything very so wonderfully described but that means you have to keep the God as the base before meditation if you have taken the initiation what the guru says have faith in God pray to God Oh God come and resided in my heart I am going to worship you I am going to pray I am going to meditate on you the base is the God the first the Supreme Lord took the form of the huge tour twice as if then that was the base frames this is the spiritual meaning of the Sumatra Montana but the beginning the Supreme God is giving that caution to each and every one now eat up young Kalakuta geladas Ahmedabad first thing they are instructing who divas with the ocean is churned Kalakuta the poison will come out but don't be afraid of it then being is going on many objects will come out you should not have any destruction and destruction for them don't feel angry if you are prevented to have them the local car you Naboo Jah - Raja Commerce - was to shoot and different type of things go on coming most of the people when they come to us they always say can you teach me meditation and I always ask what is your goal why do you like to learn meditation not that to control the mind or to develop the spiritual not like that some supernatural power is it true that by meditation we can get supernatural power true of course see here the Supreme God is also giving that God but the first thing will come when you are meditating just try one month he will see your family members will also start respecting you and your frames will also take in the beginning they will some jokes they may and then afterwards they will start respecting you accepting you as a different person Oh easily different take a person is a holy person when you go to somebody's house any visit for the others they say it comes to garage door and for them no Swamiji your Khateeb should come I was also entering from the garage no no no no you should come from the front door and most of the time will be the ladies the first time to go and they'll be showing the light during the aarathi and then they will allow me to enter and most of the time they'll be looking at my field which that right a left leg and putting in they always expect that right leg should be fast you know all these thoughts why why me because they think that I am praying to God that side and what will happen to me them I know what native person going to somebody's house they're forcing me to see them they will wash my feet and they will do what she can imagine naturally the first thing will come what Allah the tremendous poison and that is ego I am superior I'm holier than thou that is the first America those who are trying to practice meditation a little majority of them they are having disposal and that destroyed them so that supreme God is giving the caution to divers and shooters of course but shooters will never listen the full of ego okay and see I know but if divas are listening and the God is very cautious to guide them and he is telling this when we joined in the Ramakrishna order many of the monks this you know the watching happened in I think 1993 the middle part ramakrishna mission headquarters they were celebrating 100 years of the parliament of religion where shall we be becomes deliberated historical nature so theory in Calcutta there's a huge place called Netaji Subash auditorium nearly fourteen fifteen thousand people they come over there it's the biggest place now maybe more bigger places have come that was the biggest of time so I was the last speaker on behalf of the ramakrishna mission there are all great scholars wave the air and almost all the the University Vice Chancellors they all came and other I was the last person by mother's grace that lecture was unique it was 15 minutes lecture but just very good and I came down all people who are breathing and all these things when I came down I wanted to go and touch the feet of the Swami's and the last president Maharaja he was there at most an anthem any of you know him and other Swami's rectly all good good but the moment I touched his feet he said half you have have a cap like the Muslim and singing the rock Rowena I sang one line from the Rabindranath our here are magic ok chill addicted to my plane he were hidden within my heart I couldn't find it so that ain't because I will forgive the line so I sang and by singing one line song and putting a Catholic the Muslim you are coming like this I know I am very humble he said when you are going back to on demand I was that time in posted in on the month when you are doing that too on demonical 710 days no tomorrow you should be first thing he said and then when he was thing I truly drama - mission and a good park is a very developed cultural place so many people they can't meet the Swami's and every free also but our theaters don't nobody knows where it is in a very small narrow lane so is it go two or three doesn't stay there and Toro try to leave not only that call me over phonons and confirm me that you are leaving tomorrow all of my friends they were telling - which is telling like they said then I told actually he's trying to help me the young monk if you give the fifteen twenty thousand people and all the Swami's are sitting mataji's all the nuns are also sitting and all their clapping every five minutes the people are getting up and then clapping the ten actually the ego may come mother saved me from that so that God Supreme God he is also giving the caution to these people in another incident negligee one young Swamy is a very good scholar and speaker also in Bengali so he won Asuma I also a company named after the table as you usually we stand and greet the people he was standing the other all the devotees are coming touching his feet and then each and him demonstrative emoji you spoke so well so well and he was feeling good then the very hold show me the in charge of this place you are standing my side and it was observing his face then after some time he said don't think they are telling you only there to all the speakers whoever comes so don't take it so seriously so the the wrongs but the spiritual people who are trying to develop the spiritual strength dc's the most great problem so God is telling and then different bus to what at the bus to you know the to those who have brain so many things will come one after another but one must be very very capable and prayerful to overcome that in mind example life I have seen the Prime Minister of India will be heavy pacified gene in the under man when I invited him opening that so many thousands of people that they're attending the program he touched my field and if he was a very very humble person and very learning person and he was telling don't say that glory to art will be hurry say glory to Shawn which you are told me he will pass away nobody will remember but the Schrom which is ideology was remain so that is the way so so many different things come but if you think of the yeah so many I was having some I am telling myself because I know that some of the Supreme Court judges of the India they were so close to me and the last President of India he was also known to mean and we think oh I will just pick up the phone and I can talk to and in the northeast India where I was I could directly talk to the Chief Minister of the court natural predation and any ministers what is that so that's why when we're reading I am Telling You friends from my own experience don't think that I'm a great want or the great soul but that happened and it always happen to everyone Weaver is trying to realize God the first thing will come the ego and along with the ego of different type of things will come that you get the name fame these dead and God is telling you have to control commerce to was to show all the different objects of desires will come and divas and the shooters were trying their best still they were not successful then the Supreme Lord hold the rope and started churning when you are try to meditate your brain your crime and sometimes the frustration will come the why I'm trying so much by but the madman my mind is not calm it is not becoming pure I am NOT reaching anywhere know it for sure the God will come to help you only thing we have to have that is the patience that's all and it takes you see if you take one step god then one team staves the god will take ten steps towards you now this hala came ultimately when they were churning the first in the name of the particular poison was Allah Allah and then what will happen all people when great difficulty then they went to Sheba Lord Shiva friends time is very short I will conclude in this way when they went to the Lord Shiva if you read the eighth of the skanda and seventh chapter 21 to 35 divorce that prajapatis they were to propitiate the Sheba they were reciting our Tibetan again the same Hindus they are explaining in the same way as they were explaining to the Supreme Lord the Shiva is also the same Oh Lord of lords the body Deva save us from this poison then you are all-pervading - um Brahma they were they're addressing the Sheba but again they are telling you are the Brahmin - um Brahma when you desire to create preserve and dissolve you as you your power of Maya which is threefold aspect of sattva Raja and Dhamma and you become known as Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh the same power in two different names show me me bacon and earth in his beautiful stotra he wrote three she bestowed he has mentioned parameter karana aya prana preceded the freedom not only on Egypt um neelakantham namaha hastily para the qur'an i for the good of the meaning prana Chi the Pritam happily you give your life were ready to sacrifice your life not an iron on each of them those who are humble and devoted you are all the time blessing them and show me Vivek and is addressing the shivers neelakantham navaja I offer my salutation to you the Neelakanta Shiva is also known as the Neela thunder why the story again part of the story is so interesting and if you start reading other words of the stories it will be very difficult for you to close the book please have the page you have to complete and here it says the Sheba was meditating then these people then the Sheba opened his eyes and said I must go and the barber T Shiva's elite wife Shiva is that mother people the why we have to come to my husband so she also was accompanying Shiva but she won't listen no don't worry I have to pull and I am dedicated for that the people are suffering I cannot sit here so they wind and he took all the person in his hand and he drank Sheba but the story says Parvati immediately hold that rod so that the poison should not enter him to the body so all the the poison in the green color it stayed in the throats of the Neelakanta they became but actually what yoga it consumed everything but neither mix up anything Raghavan see Ramakrishna see Vicky Paramahamsa what is the paramahamsa the great Swan he's inside the water going down inside the water and taking deep and throaty but not a drop of water when it gets up the same way the yogi should do everything but the Omkara the poison should not disturb his personality or soul it should be in the contact there itself so this is the way the create churning and one after another things started coming and there's a description then in one place it says Lakshmi also came out of that the Lakshmi the Rama she also came out of that churning we you are we are meditating and the wealth also comes the offer of wealth the Lord of things started coming the will comes province Adama Krishna's life we know at that time a very rich man came from Calcutta and he offered him ten thousand rupees and some ish not work as if he was bitten by the scorpion he stood up and said no I cannot take it go away from here then he started thinking as a mother is there Marshall other Munni Devi she was to live in a separate building that's it to taste our cinema Tichenor say that and they go there is a lady you can offer this money to are his wife his concert but when this man when mother else refused no I won't take that because whatever money I get I think I used that too for the service of the master as the master is not accepting I owned it so that the way all the time a lot of money comes the Lakshmi but one should be very very careful very very careful if you look at the balance sheet of the pyramid the Ramakrishna means the small organization comparing with others but they will not they will be giving each and every farthing in accounts that many others they don't I don't know why but they are dream like that Billy Martin this puja mouth but if you go and you see majority of the Swami's are not having good shoes and one or two clothes they will be washing and cleaning and then but all the time wearing it very nicely they look good and we clean that way personally nothing but in organization lot of money because to the work we are maintaining a few million students we are at the ramakrishna mission of feeding giving education the orphaned children and so many ways you know the activities of the ramakrishna mission the money will come rich people will come but one should be very very careful about that if not that poison will kill you so there is the first thing the churning of the ocean means is this Lakshmi will come Lakshmi means the wealth name fame prosperity the two they were discussing standing in the high place they saw the wealth is entering into the church then one he told the other they are all monks look at this brother our founder the Jesus he was not having in small heart also and now we are having so much wealth and he commented wealth is entering and the spirituality is going out and you know always happened the one must be very very careful and that is exactly the meaning of churning of the ocean Samudra Manthan our mind is that ocean and determination if that hill the churning rod and our yoga is the role and the bad tendencies are shooters and the good tendencies when you are meditating the mind will go to the path thinking and mind we go to the good thinking it goes on churning and you are tired after that after the meditation oh my god so this is meditation constantly mind we'll go these and that but the teachers they always say don't bother about when the mind is going down try to pull it up so the shooters and the sewers of the day bottles they're constantly churning and the result of the churning very quickly will come is the Vayner and if you can somehow with the grace of God save yourself because you are having the tremendous feat of the existence of God which who is sitting within your heart that Sheila Sinatra as at or twice and then overcome that one after another different type of offerings will come to you and finally one person will come and who will bring the small vessel through love Umbridge addicted who is that person [Music] he says that one who was the became the doctor of the Davers right through his head through lakshmi it could be known through dad who was the doctor of the Devers he brought that but who knows then the story again a pseudo snatched it and then the ultimate the supreme god to give the Mohini form and the you did those suitors give it to the devatas and that the voters did drank one Ashura he dressed naked devote hours came and sat in sign of the day with us and he drank and he trained up to this throat immediately the beastie would understand he is not devoted his a shooter is a bad mind and the immediate cut the throat and that constantly because the Chandra the guard children noticed that and wanted to death so he goes on this all study goes and going on trying to kill the Chandra and every time the Eclipse will come it will go and eat the jungler but the jungle is come come out of that this is all stories to go but actually the bad people cannot take it and digest it why because they are always deluded with so many things the Mohini is nothing but the delusion so the ultimately the raft of this churning when we get that unreal two different things come one our physically we become very very strong maybe they can be stealing if you are practicing your pious would be very good you look will be very good your personality will be charming so that as a symbol the person who was caring there is a doctor here's the medicinal person so as if all this physical thing from see Ramakrishna when he was practicing the austerity his body became so lustrous like the gold then all people is to come to see that see him all the time then he breathed to the divine mother put all these things within my heart I don't like to show it Shami we become the words also having some problem because of this his personality and the beauty of the board mashaallah the money all the time covered at body so these things always happen but ultimately what was that omelet what is the nectar the nectar is satisfaction complete satisfaction but that is the way the satisfaction is the omelet what I am going to gain all this outside the satisfaction comes from inside why I have realized that I am NOT this body mind and I don't belong to this world I don't need anything of this world so there is no desire and when there is no desire your mind is very calm but because desires the mix the waves inside the mind and all the time pleasure and pain goes hand-in-hand when there is no desire completely out of that your mind is calm you are living in this world mixing with people seeing everything but not affected by anything that is called jeevan mukta of a star while living enjoying everything but not attached to anything that is jeevan mukthi and that is the unbreakable wonderful peace happiness tranquility and fearlessness in different way different words in the Bhagavad Gita in the phoenicians this has been explained but we can say quoting modern martial addabani TV if you don't have to sell you realize God here and now this moment if you don't have desire but it's the completely desired free again she say if you want peace of mind my daughter the peace of mind is the ultimate goal that is happiness so what is ombre is the happiness how to achieve it - first in the faith of God and myself effort and when I am going to receive it I am going to receive it in this very life itself that should be the determination the latest offer ever to another the Supreme God who is the meditated by the different sages young [Music] buddhu need [Music] student e d place that we be the sound but the grammar initially guarantee Young Saeng God they are now estiga gotta go Tina Manasa by Shandy am you mean ah yes young Tom Navi do Suda a pseudonym the buyer the Smee namaha Shanti Shanti Shanti [Music] early you sir as announcement when is this 2019 calendar we are having only 10 pieces 10 calendars at the earth so this time every we take a team and on that we prepare the calendar to the date Satya but the mainly be different information you will find you can preserve it this time we have taken 120 V peered offshore may be bacon and this historical lecture the part of the religion so how many talks Tommy G gave when he gave him all these details are here so if you can procure one from our a bookstore and this is the one I was talking about the Chicago calling and this Chicago calling is our easing electronic magazine we gave different type of articles over here and this time this picture is that the fire see Ramakrishna why when we do the worship and the fire that we leaked in the name of Ramakrishna the one brahma colony she has explained very wonderful way coating from the words of the ramakrishna YC ramakrishna sapphire you can go to this and this is if you want to listen very bad songs without any proper music this one is there no I used to sing from over here and someone recorded and sent it to Calcutta and the Calcutta people those who have not seen me and I have also not seen them put the music at the back of this songs but they're all bring all the devotional songs I usually I sing in the temple today it is the 25 songs so there you can try and please have the Prashad and say with me I never thought that I will learn singing you know in my family the people is to seeing them brother sisters and I used to all the time criticize them why you are sitting like this and singing disturbing all the neighbors and even liked it I was little boys type like in a horse riding and said the gun the shooting practices and really all those thing boxing these were all my sports and now my record my songs recorded sailing I don't know if they come to know what they would think when you become a mom the best thing is the songs because you can under time meditate so you have to take the help of the songs to express your prayer to God so I just did that so that much I am NOT a singer at all so don't think I am selling it if you like a pentacle nothing else