Video 22
Bhagavatam 015 - A Guide to Liberation : Cosmic Form of the Formless
trains today to congratulate in the beginning why because though the final game is going on World Cup but still we were here so that is the great thing and that proves the power of spirituality all those attractions all around me there in the world so many different ways and some people will think that if I am not observing or attending or listening I am going to miss something but the greatest thing is the self now today we'll be discussing a very interesting point to answer that all the philosophers and the philosophical schools are constantly founding and going on trying in a different way but before that let us start with this mantra please repeat after me Shanta [Music] [Music] [Music] you know this Vishnu with all-pervading be starring the Mishnah mr. everywhere but when something is everywhere how that can take the human form but still it took the human form and you know the windows they always try to give this idea as a excellent idea in a different way so that the people can understand it unless and until you understand this you won't be able to overcome the bondages so that is the reason that wonderfully describing I salute to the Vishnu who has a setting appearance who risked on a serpent who has Lotus on his novel and who is the lord of the divas giving the description who sustained the universe who is boundless and infinite like the sky whose color is like the cloud no the moment we are reading this we always feel hot as possible he at the same thing is hazard and also who is the husband of David Lakshmi just because the husband wife father mother is also having the religion whose eyes are like the lotus and who is attainable to the Yogi's by meditation I sanitation that Vishnu who removes the fear warning existence this is the important of the full-name works the master says baa-baa paya harem paya means fear our miss worldly that is takes away removes whoa here a warning system another question is this world is fine is nice why you should have to be so much afraid of particularly those who are living in America more comfortable way sometimes somewhere some disturbances up there but comparing with other is good very good libraries not everything is good then what is the fear that is the first question I'm asking you to think of it and the another question I will ask afterwards while you were every time you are attending all the time you're happy and you're attending both your the temples and attending the earth the rituals and at the same time we are coming to the baton to society and listening to the the philosophy so naturally this question should be very much clear in the minds of those who were falling particularly the Vedanta in general the in tourism how it is possible don't know all the schools they very much they try to explain this point God has created this universe no problem arose the God is there we are there but really one question how he created bigger the moment we think about the creation immediately time space causation material all these things come into question with what material it created this universe when he created this how he created this universe and majority of the philosophical school they are in confusion to give the answer to this question so this is the very difficult question how God has created how God has created this universe the last class I was discussing about how to face the depth because we know that at the time of death majority of the people not only the people majority of being are very much afraid so when the deer's to see the tiger to try to run away to save the life the same way again but in different fashion we find a different situation we find people and being and trying to save your life we are all afraid of life now here in the bhagavata it teaches how to face the death because the date is inevitable we have discussed that in our last class and in conclusion we say try again and again to concentrate your mind on the divine form of God and the divine form of God try to concentrate your mind and the divine form again the confusion now those who are going to attain the circle yes class there is no form at all he'll be discussing about the God without form it is you it is you it is you there is no creation and conclusion there is no creation but raveling hungry it's possible if there is no provision this there is no cook then what will happen to me all this knowledge that you are teaching said it won't be of any use if I am NOT getting the food if I am not getting some place to rest if you are not earning money to support myself that you are taking there is no work how it is possible certain naturally the ultimate Balanta when you talk about that is really very difficult for the ordinary minds to understand because slowly slowly stiffest in here to go and how about that why the bhagavad has come only to answer that question in the beginning itself it was replied it was given the answer was their knowledge was there but then the great minds the Rishi's they understood which is not for all the slowly we have to develop the intellect in need to bring them soaking the devotion the bhagavata so the Vedanta they say the Brahmin however the sake Bishnu and in the same region is nothing but the drama because the same evidence of the air what is Vishnu all-pervading what is mission of protecting all powerful and full of love and the Brahman that is also single there is also the same rate of ananda is the busy subject Ramana so what is the difference names only in between these two the Vishnu and the Brahman in Toronto and to stablish the Tantra in the modern days world the quran cinema business a whom you call as Brahman I call as Kali let's go the singing on the different names if you call that particular being sometimes in other son don't say Baba then Papa and in Ashanti will say Delta but sin father if you go to accounting say Delta father means dildo I was thinking the Delta burning the karma means I was thinking this shrine there my son a workman is sitting no this is okay then I understood the father is the same father there's some English to see father and something Papa and in order to save da da then beta then there are so many different names the person is the same and government Saddam Edition also giving the same example from different directions that people are doing and reaching the water but when they are taking the water they say this is money then offer then water so many different names for the same thing so we we are studying these just to help the devotees so that they can concentrate when the person is dying and we are asking him to concentrate his mind where concentrate then you say concentrate on the beautiful the figure of the car so that Krishna is so beautiful Vishnu is so beautiful Rama is always beautiful why because the beauty and traps our mind ugliness never in governance atomic distance telling when you are making given the shape of a writer you must be careful that it must be beautiful very attractive so the people will look otherwise father but other people sometimes they don't understand so in the shrine then you see if you go particularly in the traditional signs of the Hindus you want people to understand what god or goddess is this so much up in the red color or white color they will put on that so many things you can't look at that but just you know the right from the birth we are devoted to you go I mean you're not that very sincere okay we went to that and we have seen something must be god or goddess but that's all but if you are really concentrating on that they must have to have the clear beauty that's why he mentioned about that and divine form of God that will generate devotion in the mind at the time of death do not think in any way now the problem is bhagavata which is asking us to devote our mind concentrate our mind if all Akina needed it saved that the Supreme Being is boundless ruggedized a Supreme Being is powerless against East meditate and for why this contradiction without the form how the formulas could have the cosmic form this is the question and today we are going to discuss about the cosmic form of the formless the formless has taken the cosmic form how that we find the answers were here King Farouk we know that those who were attending this class you know the impression he was the grandson of the Arjuna and he was a great King but made a mistake so he got a curse from a young Roman boy and the curse was on the seventh day he will die and the duck shell a very poisonous snake will bite so this is the story instead of to be afraid or angry and taking revenge on that boy what he did that is the greatness he gave up everything he knew since this boy has saved it is going to happen I am going to die there's some no use now crying and praying and running here and there so he decided that he will die peacefully before that he completed his duty he handover the charge of the kingdom to his son John Major and we met aside the river all along sitting but the great minds in those days the receives they also gain they said surrounding him seeing what is going to happen how the man's can be so fearless and when the date is approaching every day is how it is possible for him and what the reaction is coming if you know that after the 70 I am going to die what will happen of course in the modern day we know Swami Vivekananda he knew the 4th of July he is going to possibly he wrote a beautiful poem on the 4th of July to an educated he gave it to his American disciples it's a beautiful point you can read that and on the 4th of July right from the morning he got ready went to the temple meditated for a long time started singing bhajan and told don't bother about the doctors instruction give me some good food I like to sit with you all and like to eat then like that he was almost celebrating those solid York rising when he was taking it strong he soliloquized if there was another American and the cool then he could understand what this Vivekananda has done so that contribution of the great soul you know this we find he was not at all afraid and when the evening approached then he told his disciple bring the mala the rosary elected and do not come to me he passed away in one time he just remembered mother mother and then you bastard that is called courage this is ready to die he knew when is going to die so this is facing but how this cosmic me took the form about whom they say that you must meditate on him here you find that he asked nearly 20 questions to the Shakur they were and when he is asking the question the politeness the gentleness the courtesy that also is so wonderful if you read the bhagavata you will find the wonderful way he is asking the question to the great sage the sage was Junior then gave my age sugar dingo he was only 16 or 17 but it doesn't matter it's not the age but the knowledge so the king the Parikh sheath he was asking him is very humble way 20 questions and ultimately to answer those thing he said Oh King in this other gotta purana there are discussion on teen subjects is the giving direct answer his again is trying to kill you know that when the King asked how to face the dead he immediately instead of giving directly this answer meditate on God he said what is this world you know let me give you so he said the world is nothing but the creation of God how he created this way this way this way so you are also nothing but the same manifestation of the God and date means going back to the source only if you can keep your mind fixed on that particular knowledge after the death day we go over there the drop of water which was falling from the sky where from it came from the ocean he memorized went over there and after that again because of the coolness took the form of the water coming down to the source but we need is traveling down to the source not knowing it is crying oh I am going to lose my individuality death means what was it the individual didn't know that means marching with the original but then so he says I will tell you this is bhagavata this particular group has ten different chapters what are those trustees saga the Circa means creation in general by God I will tell you about that second pieces one is servant and the Bissell creation in particular when from harm the fastest circle which the God the Supreme Being he did a second Brahma was the difference actually God created Brahma out of himself and he asked from man to create and how the Brahma will create he gave that knowledge this way you should do then the Brahma created so circle and be circle now when a teacher he is asking his students to do like this first they are having a meeting and in the meeting he is giving all knowledge that this wave should do these are the things different follow and after that the teacher as if he is not doing anything he'll be separate somewhere and the people will come and talk to these disciples and the students and they will be telling that you have to follow this you have to follow that does it mean the students are actually dictating now something has already been finished here the people are the same the authority has saved the committee have seen in I was in the or natural predation so if you say that I'm telling it immediately if you are telling it you can change it also they would pressurize you but if you say from the committee just kind of it is me nothing else but even there the committee are say of committee where is the committee they don't know so okay it's difficult to find the committee's they will go away so we all resist see committee and we had agreed and another under or natural means the very ferocious tribals and they have only one emotion anger they can't cry they won't cry and they cannot be humble please please they don't understand that and when they come they strongly this is my son at meeting that's all and the moment you say it is not possible they will tear up doctor the soul why why not like that so difficult 12 years it was there you cannot even active so difficult but anyway this is the circle and preserve the circle means that God created someone who is actually we know that he is doing so Brahma Vishnu my shuttle they are the creator and the preserver but the who is this Ramakrishna measure from the same source they're coming so Sarah and we served then Tana there is activities of the Lord from the manifestation of the distance on the study no raj prasanna discussed reservation stana activities for creation and Prasanna preservation after the pollution is over what they will go where all their go and we keep it in their store when you go out for the show over here you know the little fist Chicago every year so we go we take our tables we take our boobs we take our banners and all the manifest over there people come we are talking with them then after result things are over again respective bringing down so Prasanna so the way that God is creating is creating all these things displaying people are coming going on talking after that the last day that will be there we call it the star and you have to go back when you are persona when you are doing bad and there is preservation think there is one man under what is that one hunter monitor is pious mode of living bias food of living so when we are living we don't understand actually how we should live bias mode of living I'm a doctor I'm an engineer I am a profession I'm having this profession I earn money I go to the market I purchase things and then I need in my own way and cheating anyone I am not stealing from anyone robbing of anyone so that is the bias way of living no the bias way of living means you have to be met the depth because when you were born there are so many people that there who were helping you the society the parents and people who are constantly keeping the morale high if you go to some of the countries now even if you go over there there is no morality they don't bother to kill the children they don't bother to snatch away the food that you are having nothing no morality so there should be some people who are considered and that's why the moms and the holy people are respected everywhere why because they are travelling and going on getting high moral values they are practicing in their own life and going on talking so the whole society everywhere in every society they're respecting them because they know we doubt this moral values this will be a place of we cannot say animals they are also rules but at the same time it is the terrible place naraka do you have the conception the L it will be like that so the how to live man another abayas way of living whatever you are earning from the a little portion you have to see to donate for the good people he had to support your elders who actually gave you the life parents and elderly people others and you have to give to the king or the society so that they can perform their duties you have to give it to the family so that your life can can go and then you have to save a little portion for maybe for future these are the five ways you have to spend your money so that is compliance way of living routine the karmic tendency latent and active form this is a this warning can remember UTI routine the karmic tendency what is the karmic tendency when it was very young maybe five years six words constantly going with the mother and the mother whatever the mother says or father says they're listening to eat everything certainly he was six years so good the moment he becomes 16 or 18 he's not listening to me or she is not listening to me and behaving completely different way then very distinct in America mostly they will go to the doctors from the consultation what happened to my son then the doctor will give some medicine he is there actually what happened because after the 16 car with tendencies which were attending that particular person manifested we call it some scholar each and every one some scholar that manifest I still love my mother so much sometimes used to say what is this you are a boy here to grow up you have to go out you have to face the world I don't know no this is okay okay okay then after something mother - what is this why you are living me I mean I was a test to her she was to say what is this and whenever I was living odd and accepted their life of mouth he said what is this now this is the thing it always happened because I also not blame I never planned from the beginning that I mean I will grow up I will become a monk and these and nothing suddenly turn came how it came how I started loving instead of the cricket players of the football players of the cinema artists I started loving the Swami's the white-clad Acharya says to love them so much why I never knew garlic tendencies and that rules their previous life is also there so here the OT means the karmic tendencies Latin and in active form now if the parents they understand this they will be very happy we have tried our best to give our children so that they can help themselves when they grow afterwards hoody we cannot run so then you are completely free and that is exactly what Sudama krishna same understanding vedanta and tipping vedanta time in your cloth go away in this world no problem a drink John actually be the you know that our ladies they wear the shoddy and the impart is called our chilled and there usually needs to die the keys and all and you keep that knowledge over here what is that this booty is there whether we know it or not the moment they will grow up and they will manifest in their own way the one father came and told my daughter left and never came back tears were rolling he felt so much we also felt bad but why it's very difficult to answer very difficult to answer and I have seen the children living over here every day of the moment they're trying to inquire about the parents and they are always careful sending money arranging people to take care of the parents because there in Hoover really cannot go back so that situation also they're very why because this karmic tendencies then ish on guitar mission gotta disposition of Lords incarnation Asia anakata Machado guitar the inclination why we studied the lives of the three-dimensional art asleep Krishna there are the incarnation of God Sri Ramakrishna Weaver comes to me and he wants to know about the spiritual life I always start with this go and read the biography of Sri Ramakrishna beautifully written and if you go on reading slowly slowly we will understand what is spiritual life how this man who was born currently of course in a very humble family grew up and became God of all course how the manifestation came so that is called Vishal and guitar then comes to Nehru the dissolution of the Jeeva retaining the attendances in the the second line second portion of the line retaining their tendencies when you died not that everything is going back no this is not hanging is the beginning of another life and how you start all those tendencies that I am writing over here nobody knew that will go along me and that is why in and again the safe always thing good+ tried to help people and love service sacrifice why do you see like that why this morality because if you practice those things it will help yourself don't think that I am helping the world nothing you can attack the world they will survive the world will survive in its own way we were not here what was there when you did not hear what will be there so there is not that I am doing everything no that is wrong so this is niala and then Mukti the Mukti means liberation from all desires what is Mukti liberation from our desires and the tinged want is very important is called Australia Asura means where we can go and take refuge Australia the source of creation and dissolution of the jeevers and the universe known as Brahman or Paramatma his aspect now they are giving the definition of the Australia what dimension that is the Brahman at the per Hartman these are new terms the be daunting to use how come the tweekly and also using friends will be having retrieved so I kept that particular way the September I having ninety four of our monastic brothers and I told that you have to explain in this way the Hinduism from different angles how thinking why you became like this and it will be discussed on 29th of September in Ganges and next day we will come and we'll have another meeting where we have invited the leaders of different religions they will also speak about their from the point of view of their visions and our Swami's will speak about all of English in the history of Indonesia what in the ism was at a time of the Punishers what individual was at the time of the philosophy like the Shankara and all others what him reason was before cinema Mishnah what English and is after Vivekananda so like that is a very interesting so if you are interested please right now you should register so that will be very good and we will be discussing about the I swear then so we should perceive it is the second Kondo taint chapter 13 earth of the bhagavata evil non-atomic on ninja yoga Tulpa Sumati Taha William Hill my and a million passenger treat ha the one desiring to be made to the great Venetian they all know a coven the hoshiyomi the desire of that Supreme Being who just to identify with a Brahmin just to identify BC Paramatma and then here in the Bhagavata the book of devotion those who are reading this book they be constantly criticizing the attractive then he will like a traitor but if they read this verse is nothing but a duet the one desiring to remain why he desired why he wished nobody knows who will go and ask him when there was great debate was going on who is great Brahma Shiva so they were debating say Krishna was listening there then afterwards another gentleman came he was a great scholar density on Krishna put this question to him now they are given for this what is at the Brahma authorship way higher what is your opinion he simply said I was not there in the meeting where that was decided how can you say that you don't know from math you don't know Shiva then with only the conception my god is the bigger my god is the best and I will go and kill you in the name of that thousands and thousands people are dying [Music] what is foolishness then if not this because this is the greatest foolishness so this eco non Adam on medium yoga Talbert someone theta the one desiring to be many non-atomic each and each a means desire on my channel who either one we do not know how to expect that one and why what they could desire nah-nah-nah-nah-nah means meaning I like to be meaning you got al-baath Sumati Taha he was meditating and from there he lost and then what he said what he did bring young leader who I am they he done Miami just to express a joy that billion his energy then his Papa is thought which is just like very costly like the hidden man Devo malam best feature he created three things through Maya what is that Maya power of God the power of God now you and your power now you are quietly sitting over here but if I go to meet you in your working place you had the boss over there it's so difficult to meet you suppose you're a doctor I have to take an appointment I have to go and wait then your secretary will come and say we are having the appointment yes you are having your health insurance otherwise I have come wanting to talk to him and have a cup of tea not for any Jakob fighting health insurance then go away even with so many other people are there so it is so difficult why power the power will manifest that is the main thing why these people constantly trying to be in the power we were is selected as a president of the prime minister King are these they like to retain over the Empire without the power not nothing is there so that billion that is called power Maya through the that wonderful power of God we sleep just redraft he made three things now we're from the creation came we got the answer we're from the creation team from that Supreme Being and what is that Supreme Being is very difficult to express why because it is all consciousness unless and until you are there you cannot govern serum which naked this way this is the excellent if you really read not that I'm the forward of Salaam Krishna I'm telling you again and again if you read the biography and his advices that is in the cost of salon busines he gives the beautiful stories in the story form advices he said one doll which was made of sword decided to go and fathom the water depth of the ocean table made of salt and the salt actually is coming from the ocean and the same source even and it was melted naturally who will come back to report the same way anyone going to the source to the brandman to God cannot come back to the board and even if they come they cannot report properly because if you have to report you have to give time space and causation otherwise you it would be difficult now if you are reporting that you wait to the Vedanta society where is this baton to society then then you say this is the route we went over there this is the society the free parking day none you go to the first floor that is the shrine exit extra soul all most of all this way you are describing but the person if he has not visited the baton to society won't be able to realize will be able to understand what this baton to society is now after visiting the Vedanta so that we solve the people when they come in the noon time we are taking rest and nobody around you know that here today so many people and some of the volunteers but otherwise from Monday to Friday he come there's only a cow I'm the Eco make we're going to take risk nobody's there the doors are open everything is open you come because it is America and we're expecting everything you are right people come they go and if there is a brochure they take the people are so good to others [Music] obviously because these are the first three thing that was created by God supreme god through his own power a deliverer means the special trustee created the Swiss charity then came our Dharma the human mr. Dartmouth the human being who created the God single treating the divine beings single creating the human beings and single Adam who done putas means material so RT doing the table you know David our table Celestia then at the Artemis Artemis the cell to the human being then comes puta puta miss all matter three things he created celestial thing human meaner what is the difference in the celestial being we find all novel purity or power how all that is there in the human those things but limited a little bit but in the puta like the animals and insects or Muslim and they're the plans and the stones the three type of things were created how just you will how to what he created what is the material he himself the God and it is why in traditional way the with the Hindus they go to dub in one place they will also do little worship me pooja you always say when you go to start building we will always go and do the worship what point will worshipping because this Mooney is also the same God this land is art is also the same God we are going to take it we're going to build it over here so we go and say please forgive us we need this place when the people to go to cut the trees every time they will offer flower to that cleans it I am sorry I know you also belong to the God so that is the way the Hindu is supposed to leave and that's why Aravind initiative in the sea Hinduism is not a religion was a way of life they always leave in that fashion if they're always leaving that way and before the marriage the viewership after the marriage when we worship before the birth after the birth constantly remembering that supreme god so that is a day diver or the ACMA a diva these are the three and then what happened listen to me the shoka is telling to their king okay listen to me untouched arena arkasha guru shishya vicious Tata who just saw belong Yankee that of brahmanas ooh he said with a beautiful way the second chair cooked in chapter 14 verse from the exertion because the desire that win that he desired then the great Lucia Lucia beaches Tata she stopped histamines some activity was driving to do something so BJ's data her be she's of the church to the priest he was the God was the supreme being was trying to do it perfectly in a special way to pollution Shiva chased after her what happened under Sharia under Sri de Icaza first what was created from the space in the heart of the cosmic being Akasha the space game and this is Margaret and then arose the vitality huija then mental power saw and physical power Bala so we know Bala Bala means the physical power and mojo is the vitality from everything that vital it is necessary that skull youjin and the booty the mental power you scold Sahab is ch8 visually so this saga is the mental power Bala is the physical power and this is activated by Pujols who would you see you Jemaine daily in the day prep praise to God oh please you are the source of all eternity give me my dignity so that's why the prayer it goes in this way the word first created arkasha space and in Vedanta if you go they say Akash our bio bio agni company hahaha adverb pretty big poppy are also there also they fear I'll drown so slowly from the Akasha that again in all natural produce there are 26 tribal groups I used to leave it another the group the worship Akasha and the air if you go to their temple there is a big picture of the sky just sky nothing else the one day they came to me and told the sharmaji are we Hindu and you buy this doubt because we are worshipping the Akasha new people are worshipping different things I don't know from you are worshipping the root of all of this what even we sees coming from the tar culture it's not this space that we see that is a different space which is full of puja this is my charity and that we call as God sometime Brahman or Paramatma a Sutra mom but from these subtle sources of energies originated the principal consciousness called prana this prana that is the creation that is explained by the bhagavata this prong which is also known as sooth drama and the trade of all vital energies that collective self running to all when the bhagavad-gita also we find Nami / tastico diplom three should okay shook engine God is creating now when the collective self words the active tendency of all being is roused when the collective self is working all individual self is also working when that is not working then all being become inactive what is that we working the flywheel Eva we offered food to God we say please take this food and let everybody be happy and satisfied why you just like a child that we are praying to known because the sutra of man that cell is connected lead each and every one physically you are all different our looks are different our knowledge is different our identity is different part in all that is one that's a trade is there which is connecting each and every one of us that is called the art man the sir the prana the living source each every one of us are having that I always gave because it is modern time it is so easy to analyze the electricity the electricity is there in everything though different operators different names different what they are doing Namie particle depth on 3xi location in China in the bhagavad-gita and the third chapter xxii verse say Krishna sleep I don't have anything to do in this world because I didn't want anything and not that I am not having anything everything ever but still I am working why you know because if I am not working at the people on work so the constraint that working is happening when the collective self works all become active now because the Sutra is there and there is a important question what is the important question I am going to ask you I told you this the question I ask now Sutra that sir is connected with all right like su3 monoghan our ego girl and all the flowers they're all in the one trade is there burning we don't see the trail we see the flowers only one after another as if they are all hanging the one after another how they're hanging because this is trade and God is giving that example all these beings are surviving because I am there in them that is consumed three monoghan I've got money you have is maybe definitely we just take the simple example as the flower is a garland of flowers and in the in-between that is the trade and similarly I am surviving either God the consciousness or a survival now the question is if that is so then why when one person is dead others are not affected the same thing happened suppose in the garden which is connected with the Train in one place the trade is just cut what will happen the hole and the hole the garden will be affected in that case if it is true that the suit Rodman is running all to us and that why we are surviving when someone is suffering or dying why others are not being affected we don't understand that how it is so this is the questionable in in with you this moment you know to answer right this way interesting and afterwards we will discussed and we find that in the lastly in the second book 10 chapter and different verses particularly from 16 to 33rd different parts and the census of the cosmic being described taking fall I'm not going to take details you won't have the patience to listen to that how the mount was created in the tongue then the eyes then the fingers in the hand just one example I can tell you first oh oh oh - specia na na karma cheeky Shia dice to Allah God Indra Adana Rubio Astrium when the twenty third party says desiring to do many works we have to do the world so the cosmic person developed arms her stone and that is the faculty that is the strength because the hosta is the attractive stream the source of strength hasta la casilla Nana karate his chair we have to do many work so the hosta so one after another that great cosmic soul TT and different different forms are coming taking shapes when he desired to move legs originated getting jiggy Pardo after describing the gross form of the cosmic dream now the sugar mentioned different form this gross body of the Lord there is another flaw you see the gross body of them and then another from what is there the cause of the cross from which the unmanifested to the senses sukshma taman beyond powers of speech and mind up there town without original than an RD without existence and cessation eternal indescribable and incomprehensible we determine a chaperone so two different forms a final one is the gross fall and it is the subtle form we understand the crust from very well not the suck it wrong but that is also the god and because of that suffering from this gross form of working now the reply to that question if the Sutra is slapped somewhere while others are not affected and the third verse sugar is giving the answer tartly 34 verse only bhagavad rupee my auntie he a new birth deity who will be in a green tea - tea because cheetah I just like to remind you we are reading validated and in the Bhagavata we hear the words like this both these forms the growth of the circle of the cosmic being at the projection of his Maya so it is a projection of his Maya and until the wise therefore do not accept him as final but go beyond them those who are going to August retreat and constantly Queen requests are coming I like to go electrical and the one lady she told sharmaji I told one seat may be available okay will be given to you this is known not only me my husband is also now interested and my mother would never understand any English still she said what if they are going there may be summertime did electricals okay no this is the thing that we are going to understand you are the students of the Delta and the pedometer approaches this way whatever that we see and in the moon recognition that he is going to teach over there that is being stressed he would be explaining in more beautiful language but the subject is this there's more nation then what is this then this subtle and this gross what we see Maya that is the projection that is happening so in the 34th earth the sea sukadeva you see this is the projection of his power mire and when we read in the bhagavad-gita the God has taken the form to analyze that the great philosopher Jean Claude surely have seen Eva Eva means as if it is not the God has taken the form let me conclude this just by quoting an incident from the life of a once-around Tichenor he was having them throat cancer and he was just counting his days because doctors told it is not possible to your and he had also named you knew that and he was lying on the bail and he was so much so imaginative the people is to help him to turn even on the bed then certainly one day Masada Mona Devi who was there to serve him Sir Absalom Tichenor almost jumping state after state and running crossing a big in a courtier of the place I am reaching today the distance there was a small forest type of thing they did he win and did something came back running and again lay down on the bed then the mother went to even say is it you incidentally we have seen don't tell others because our young disciples they are planning to go to that particular place to get some another juice of the tree palm tree but there's a when the stake is there by wind and drop the snake out now this boys can go and enjoy how you'd explain this happened before everyone Maya that the car is taking this form the God is suffering the God is crying is nothing but the Maya so in the next you try to explain a little bit more baby what is this smile it has to do with this now we started with the personal God and we concluded with impersonal God and that is the whole of Hinduism young you die student e debatably be the sangha butter crumb open Esha de guarantee they are now versatile 13 13 ominous odd question t young yogi no yes young domina be do sudah the shanty hurry you this Trish and E are the devil at the admin an idiotic so this is the member these are the three things that was created by the Supreme Being first thank you please have the pro shop