Video 21
Bhagavatam 004 - A Guide to Liberation: Ugrashrava's Answer to the Rishis (Part 2)
every devout Hindu they always feel and pray so that at least in their life they should listen to the bhagavata the bhagavata is so popular and so well accepted among the society why because it talks about the wonderfully blending the guiana and the bhakti the ghana and bhakti that has been blended over here so today we will study that one that particular portion and before that as you always do let us chant this loca Shanta puja gursha unum dominum solution Vishwa Goggin Assad regime me Burnham shabanam Laxmi condom Kamala Jana you give him [Music] dianna gum YUM Bundy Bishnu Bob Arum Sarah below clicker um at this from we have already discussed the meaning of it in our other previous classes from here begins the transcendental God formless God formless power is taking the human form and Shanta Karim is calm and composed booyakasha Arnim then this way they are describing so let us go to our beginning the Rishi's they asked the questions I think you have remem you are still remembering that the Rishi's in great number they were practicing austerity in naimisharanya there's a Aranya the forest named Nimisha and deer they were practicing austerity why because just before that there's a war Mahabharata war and the brothers killed brothers that was a terrible thing and no one survived only very handful about after that even the gods through Krishna he returned with to his own players and he was not also happy he wanted to leave his body because the people they became completely different because the after the war people looses their moral values so that is the effect it was happening so the Rishi's what they will do they cannot control the political movements so they were practicing austerity to bring back the good sense that is the work of the Rishi's the Rishi's always thinking that way the sannyasins they always do the acting Priya Priya Priya Varma Pollan Dharma section they will be constantly practicing the religion and also keep that religion teach that religion to others what is that religion love everyone that is religion what is that religion religion is that a process are different but the theme is the same love everyone that religion the people for God and in the when I saw in our younger days when the India was partitioned a part became Pakistan and the group of people they are coming they were so good people will stablish people some professors and teachers doctors but when they cross the border they were having nothing so obviously slowly slowly all the norms dish to follow kula-dharma as they called the traditions of the family jati-dharma that a group of people they developed some system that was all gun to what they will do only hungry people they like to eat they like to get something so morality broke there's a terrible picture even nowadays in the Middle East we find that that was happening at that time what the monk should do holy people should do pre pre and pre they were doing that and a person came and he was singing the song of God who has come down and taken a human form krishna and he when he was singing rascal suta that story taylor and they tell the story so wonderfully the story Taylor's so he was explaining about that from where he heart another conversation we'll come to that afterwards a king was ready to die and the great monk sukadeva came over there to teach him what one should do when one is ready to die just before the death one one should do that those question answer 20 questions he asked the King I am going to die but these are the queries the questions I'd like to know from you because you were the greatest learner P person so that we will come but today we know the Rishi's asked that suitor who grace raba it is his name and to find out we should not mix the grass over there may be many Oh Christopher so they always said the name of the father of the person was no Marcia these are very peculiar name for us say low low Marcia of grace rava now people don't use these names but in those days days to have that what are the essential qualities that the man should have to get liberation liberation from the bondage liberation from this world so that was the question Rishi's didn't know this world with all its multi various things a temporary and the more we think about that more of our mind is attached to that we are bound by that I want to get these again and again and I get that for a few days few months few years I'm happy after that I lose that again another desire comes it goes on and on and what happens they go on taking the birth sometimes human birth sometimes animal births sometime insects according to the Karma and they are suffering again they are dying again they are coming back this circle is going on a time comes then they say enough is enough we don't want of this how to go out of this with this question there are scheme in reply the suta kukris ever said that quality to generate devotion to the Supreme Being how what are the qualities that one should have to go beyond the circle of birth and death devotion that is the answer you have to develop the devotion the devotion is love and sacrifice what is devotion love and sacrifice so love and sacrifice devotion which is motiveless I am loving you with a motif that you should be under my control that is not love that is not devotion the devotion is that which should be completely motiveless on yielding to any obstacle and which feels the heart with peace these are the three qualities of devotion in answer to the question how one can go beyond this bondage what are the qualities qualifications are recurred then the answer is only one thing devotion devotion to the Supreme Being and what type of devotion the devotion means there should not be any desire completely desire free the first motive less the same and then this should not have any obstacle when I'm practicing my devotion that we lot of obstacle I am creating for others that is not devotion some of the people not in this country mainly in India we all know the great devotion early morning at about 3:30 4:00 in the microphone all over the neighborhood they will go on calling on gods but others they like to sleep maybe the students they have studied after the mid the midnight and then they are now going to be to sleep now they have got up and what you are doing it no no no people should understand that this is the time to call God but you do that who has given you the authority to make everyone unhappy me that way this is a obstacle that we make now we should not do that and the devotion means I am going to somebody's house and then I am Telling I should not sit over here I should not eat that there are many people will do why then you are visiting there so this is the way we have to understand devotion means internal love but that should not create problem for others this no obstacle should be there hand third and the best after the devotion the heart should be filled with joy and peace that is called devotion and if you see a devotee all the time angry ready to fight with others the grinding his teeth is your devotee no the devotee must be very very loving compassionate understanding so they can only become the devotee so this is saboom charm Peru Dharma yeah - bhakti addict shaggy or he took a pretty guitar a heart ma some per CD if really we become devotee whatever may be the God QS krishna you choose the Jesus there someone is choosing the Buddha it doesn't matter at all qualities must be the same qualification must be the same so that is the way if we go how it is possible that I hate you I am so-and-so I am maybe I am a Hindu and I hate Muslim I hate Christians I hate Buddhist and Hindu at all however a devotee at all we have to understand this the devotion transform the heart devotion completely make a human being a human being and human being feels for everyone not only my own people it loves everyone so that is called a human being that this beautiful way he is explaining so some proceed the tea and there'll be no problem then the second question I am just reminding this the second question this they asked the essence of the scriptures what is the essence of the scriptures there are so many scriptures so many and this they use the word bana because the forest shut the jaw l'm Muharram the word that has been used is a hernia as a forest the huge forest and he entered into that entered into that you'll never be able to come out you'll be lost into that you won't get anything no benefit so one must be very very careful those who are really interested to develop the spiritual life otherwise just for intellectual knowledge you were just studying that is different thing but the life is very short since you have understood that this is very important in our life can understand we are mine since you have understood that this is the way I can go beyond the realm of button death joy and sorrow they must be very very careful the time should not be wasted we do not know what is happening of next moment so we must be always ready sit second to see you cassava reply Basu DB bhagavati bhakti-yoga preview jitta now we are studying bhagavata right the bhagavata is a book that's that is for the Krishna the biography of Krishna so all the time they bring this name basu they weigh so here the Basu Deva he mentioned Basu DB bhagavati bhakti-yoga predator yesterday morning as we have started the first hour there's the fragments of Vedanta in the Hindu temple de menthe dear no word of devotion because we are studying the BBA kichul Domini am pure Advaita know nothing about the devotion this book is full of devotion is only helping us to develop the devotion so they say Basu they babe of Abbate the devotion to basu Deva the third question naturally will come with this bus whatever and if you say is the son of the Buddha then naturally question why the God has taken the human form and become the son of son a human being so all these questions will they will ask Genuity are Shibui rajim Ganim sure yet already to come why we should love basu Deva because it quickly generates a version to sensual life quickly generates the aversion to sensual life do any example like that the if I am loving the the Basu diva the son of Basu Dean this is is an example he has meerabhai look at her beautiful life wonderful life she was the princess and she was the queen and she was having everything the physical beauty and the wealth and the power but else one should have everything she was having but she said Mara - Gary Darrell all the Saran Ocoee I want only Krishna and one else nothing else in this world they criticized him they forced him to go out on the street she was very happy then they started respecting hard and everything was for heart never cared so this way when we see Basu DAV bhagavati bhakti-yoga priority' what is the essence of the scripture this is their sense when you read the scripture what for to develop devotion to develop one pointedness to develop high moral values to develop that willpower by which we should try to be out of this jealousy had great malice and all these things that is not human being but it is the air within us we have to go on cleaning every day every moment how by I am aware I am NOT going to criticize anyone and if you go to any social gathering the first thing they will do criticizing others they will first see if that person is present or not if he is not there then they're very free and by criticizing how you are helping yourself how you are helping that person also nothing but it's a great joy you're the person who is telling and the people who are listening they all is great joy why because the lower nature the more you go to the upper nature is very difficult it was very difficult apart once you reach over there it is only joy all the joy that used to gain by criticizing others and backbiting and all these things there's nothing but when you sit and meditate and see the light within your heart you will feel not to open your eyes I don't like to see this world I don't let me listen any world I don't like to receive the phone call nothing let what go in its own way that is called meditation that is called joy that is called devotion and that what he is mentioning the scripture all the scripture is only one thing they are teaching if you are reading the scripture that thing you should learn according to your choice that is devotion devotion to the path of knowledge good you know sometimes we go for emotion that I go to the India a little bit of popularity was there maybe they don't know why but all people like to travel I like to cook for you and how many people should cook for me and God knows that I love eating food so he made him in such a way I only eat visited boiled vegetable and nothing else no problem so that part is gone so this way that is not the ocean the devotion is to develop unselfish love towards God and who is God will come to that the Basu de haber because our super European Genuity why Vasudeva because if he were thinking about Krishna asou boy European Jannetty look at the word they have used boil argument on God but at the same time when we are worshipping Krishna the result should be breed arghya be Shia Barack be sure the objects belong a detachment from that that is called a Hagia a super-eruption Genuity and develops transcendental knowledge that beyond injure what is that gana transcendental knowledge that is called guiana I am so and so each and every one thinking in that way and obviously what happens afterwards when I think in that way I am bound by that someone is coming and all the time telling that there will be never ship calm Center I am related to so and so you know his name is there in Salaam business book see I am Krishna visited his house that is okay and he was so humble what about you so I think that we have to understand how you are going to soothe that we should not deviate from the goal what is the goal to generate love for God and that whatever blah motiveless I love God well I should go to heaven it is not love I love God so that I will get lot of power position and whatever I am having that should be with me and plus God should go on giving me adding me many many and my 10 it is devotion the moment something else happened that man will say I throw out that god from some other gods if they can give me this materialistic hell no that is not devotion with the growth of devotion the mind is freed from the desire and established in peace this is the fast condor second chapter xix sloka I mentioned this because some of the people somewhere they are all lifestream they are listening and they like to go to that particular slow car to read that this is this look now the question is who is this Vasudeva you are talking about the verses above is this Vasudeva and a wonderful way they are explaining the supreme soul they're explaining the fast Skanda third chapter verses 28 and 29 bhasu teba pura vida Vasudeva para maka Vasudeva para Hyuga basiago para Kriya Vasudeva forum jeonnam Vasudeva paramita Paha Vasudeva Peru Dharma Vasudeva Parihaka thei this is Vasudeva the Sanskrit was that the goal who is the pursued evil is the goal of all bida what is the goal of the Veda Brahman so what is the all the Rishi's they are thinking about the brahman what is that brahman all-pervading consciousness so what is vasudeva all-pervading consciousness but some people they misunderstand and they always go to the narrow way and they think vasudeva means only this krishna who was born in the family of the version label so the order is thinking that way and now we won't go to other people and not only that they will be criticizing others but they have not read or understood these two slokas or the bhagavatam the bhagavatam the life of shri krishna in that taints Iskander they'll be explaining about krishna only who is this Vasudeva he is the goal of the Vader the goal of the beta and he is the ultimate knowledge maka of the ultimate knowledge he is the ultimate goal of the Yogi's yoga and Kriya some people there they'll do the Kriya Kriya means that the young hands and all that in Delhi if you go there is a group of people here and also there they believe that we have to perform me and kill anything they believed in the young kiyah they don't have any images of God only young kiyah so my dad that is called Kriya why I am performing yoga because I have some prayer desire this should be fulfilled so even the ultimate of that career is Vasudeva and Parag ranim the transcendental knowledge the Parag Jana is Vasudeva and tapa tapa means austerity what is the austerity to control the senses that's why in every religion they have introduced fasting you see in the Christianity in the Islam in the Hinduism and Buddhism fasting is always there at least once in a year a little bit of these than that in the Islam that is one month the own dream they won't even eat anything from sunrise to sunset nothing after the sunset they will take some food that this is the austerity controlling the senses so that austerity why they are doing to break the blessings of God who is the goal ultimate result of the austerity Vasudeva and that is called Peru Dharma highest religion and that is perogative that is the ultimate goal so this is called Vasudeva and it comes to the third questions Rishi's are asking the third question the Rishi's aware why Supreme Lord took birth as a son of Devaki this this main theme of the bhagavata is to inculcate the glory and greatness of bhagavan's Rakesh na when the Rishi's are asking this question so the suit is not giving reply right now here the sutra is very intelligent so he is he would be giving this reply now full not you cannot just say like this in one or two words so sutra is taking time and he'll be explaining the whole thing afterwards that it will come in the answer to this third question of the Rishi's should be given by the sutra in the second Skanda a chapter 10 the some of the people they only studied that chapter the chapter 10 otherwise it is a big very big book what we will do we will make the small small the chapters like this the questions of the Rishi's the questions of the King horik schita so those questions and answer we will study now creation is there they are describing about the creation in the very fast sloka of the bhagavata it's a janmady asya yatah ha he from whom the creation substance and dissolution of the universe take place who is both the material and the instrumental cause this is very important to understand the problem now why we should pray to God who is God is it necessary to become a devotee or to worship God without God we are surviving we're happy what she unnecessarily we should have to do that no we are not happy you know that we always make the mistakes unless we are having that God who is this God constantly conscious within our soul and whispering you're a human being you are not beasts you're not animals you're a human being so that is called God God is within us and that whisp constantly will listening you will see there even the children if they do some mistake they're afraid and they come and tell their mother or the father I am sorry I did that mistake do you know this is the wrong thing that they have done and if they have done something good they are proud and openly comments out do you know this much mark I have God and a great be great I have God of course be great don't then say the hey is alright AE + and all that so they will say they are proud do you know which is good and which is bad something wrong they'll be very shy trying to hide from the father if the father is angry is like that it goes so all we know even the children don't know how because it is within our heart we know what is good and what is bad so here they say in the 30th and the 31st look of the bhagavata described creation the creation is from the God if the creation is coming from the God and if God is the material cause and is God is the intellectual cause then what we are God has created me you everyone and create it out of his own as if the material is God and the God is creating it what happens that is the very subtle question in the philosophy and here the philosophy differs otherwise it was alright because sometimes some people are confused they think if they say the creation means good and bad mixture of both naturally if you say both the things are coming from God some people the shrink no it is not possible God is only the repository of good then what is right from the bad came then they search out you know the anything that is something wrong immediately people are very fond of telling it is not me it is he so they'll be on pointing out someone else I love God and God is Allgood so naturally who is doing the bad thing there's a devil is there where from the devil came and they will depict in the devil with the two horn and the tail and all those things you will never find such a devil with that form never no one saw and just imagination what is the devil our desires what is the devil or ego we cannot come to other terms you know that what I have said that should be done without whatever happens it doesn't matter I have read about the parents you know that too in our country is so difficult and a group of religious people and so narrow-minded the daughter married a Punjabi boy a Muslim girl in Delhi and then afterwards the father's naturally the parents were very very angry and they went to another country this lady over there and after 12 or 13 years and they were having two kids then a phone call came and the father said I would like to see you will you please come the daughter was so happy after such a long time the father is inviting us maybe that he has understood and he will agree the marriage and she wanted to go with the whole family with her husband also but husband couldn't go because some something came up so he - I'll join you afterwards the daughter went over there they didi reached with the two small kid the daughter eased father mother brothers and other people they all killed them and then buried in there itself why because you have not listened to us so you have no right to survive and we are doing it in the name of religion our religion never allows what type of religion is this is a devilish thing any religion can provoke this not so that we have to understand it is not religion so what we are searching for devil there articles in our family as so close relatives father mother uncle's brothers at the not so this we have to understand bad and good both have come from God why this is the taste I always say the teacher is teaching us and giving us the hint this chapter is very important you should study and then afterwards that teacher is making the questions and giving us that a you have to answer this you said this is very difficult but I told you that chapter is very important you have not studied it now it is up to you I cannot help you so that same God he is coming down as a human being and helping us living among us and helping us to guide good thing and bad is there don't go to the bad take the good one why because he will enjoy it is your life you like to get the joy enjoyment and the enjoyment not only temporary but enjoyment means the social status also social acceptance also suppose you go and do something by that you get some joy but when you come out in the society you have to hide your face that is not joy so you have to understand that too so this way what is religion for to guide us if the religion is not guiding us then why should you spend so much of time for religion to understand that a Sunday every Sunday all over the churches and the temples there will be discourses and they'll be butchers why you go over there to learn these high moral values what is the high moral values not too hard others so that I can be peaceful so deal it says sorry boss over gabon that vagabond Adams ha searcher created this universe very clear how this universe was created sir Eva ah so ah Gabon who is this ah so this Raghavan Vasudeva because we are discussing about Vasudeva so the Vasudeva edom soft serger that is Sanskrit word means creation he created how how he created such asset rupiah as a cause and effect such asset rupiah as the cause and the effect and very clearly is mentioning cha and GU pneumonia ended with three qualities in a sanskrit those who understand try to understand the hindu religion the some of the terminologies they should know as a guna what is the guna three gunas green means qualities and they'll say cetera then Raja and Tamil Sat Raja and Dhamma subtle all good Raja activities with ego and Tama exactly opposite to suck they're constantly criticizing angry with others inveighing others all trauma all the three gunas are within us no you need to disclose but if you go and stand stand before a mirror and look at you and ask why not having those qualities and yeah if somebody is very good I feel jealous oh why it should be good and I am also good and always competiting why because I am jealous even the brothers and sisters even very close people they are feeling jealous so like that who is that Tama that qualities within me who gave it where from it came from the creation the why didn't blame the devil where from the devil game the God has given you good and bad at the same time like a wonderful teacher he is telling these are the things you should give up all the Tama things come to Raja be active and go pre meditate visit the holy places listen to the good words read good books prepare yourself and then jump onto Sat walk all truthfulness all peace all love you go to the citta and from there go and merge with the God leave that too so that is way he says the God has created these cause and effect by the cause and effect anything good that you do good effect bad you to benefit you can write it this moment I go and cheat someone some people they have already done now they are in Europe and America there they are thinking that they are enjoying no they are on this is only a little nothing then afterwards long long life is waiting maybe the polish and other the law-enforcement people won't be able to catch you but there is someone sitting over there you cannot go beyond that cause and effect good good bad bad none can skip the law so why I should be model what is the basis of this ethics because I should not hurt myself anything bad that I do we'll come back to me that's for sure that's right the holy people will never say anything that will hurt others they'll never do that they're very careful and art nemanja using the that his power Maya how the God is creating through Maya there's a long discussion under Maya again he'll come because there's a peculiar force of power that God only is having a little remnant of that Maya has reflected within us every individual mind you know what is that hum God that ahankara this IRI without knowing we are my actually we're from a big crown but each and every one will say hi i I go and ask who are you you won't be able to say they won't be able to answer I told you that one family I went a little girl came I was waiting outside then she came and told who are you then jokingly you know that I told that is the answer I am searching you know what he said then she was very much concerned and afterwards he came back and told can't you remember you don't name also so Who am I that is the question the baton teemed is always asking and when this body I made this mind am i all these things that I say I know it was not there it won't be there so what is remaining that is the continuity of the admin again frames so that's why I read the newspapers you know I get lot many informations the same thing one mother told to her son now say art news in the our newspapers there in India mother told I don't die my soul is always eternal I come back the Sun is not a literate person he is a scientist and also he completed that later technology he was working over here studied in the outside in the Europe it's a very fluent in English now it has become difficult for the for our foolish people to question him because he is giving an American pronunciation English so they are not understanding anyway they can hire someone from here so this is going on is a very intelligent person he has studied everything even he started the Russian books also and he were telling is a wonder a whole house is full with books different books based on this when the mother has to be he started inquiring about that how to make this body continue and then the soul will come back mother told the misunderstanding wrong understanding so one person he heard the whole Ramayana and after that and the person who was expounding the Ramayana he was closing his book and it was almost the whole day passed then he came and told said can I ask you a question what is there who is this Rama oh my god on the old day I explained on Rama only and now you are asking with this Rama and Sita how can I tell you so this way we should not misunderstand understanding should be very clear and this saw Eber asou Raghavan that Raghavan said assert Rupiah with a cause and effect cha cha means and guna Maya endowed with three qualities Maya that is Maya at Mahayana using his own power not only after the creation of the Supreme God Vasudeva what he did on the promise of hearty entered into them each soul is potentially divine why they say like that because the God entered into every being main mission maximum manifestation is in the human life this is the human form maximum manifestation even the Islam the Christianity all is they talk about that and now one view to see brahmasutra joggin mehta in the vedanta they always say that one alone that Brahman is true and all the many that you see is meat there is nothing there how it is meat there because without God it has no value Raghavan see Ramakrishna he is explaining it in a nice way now I go on writing zero zero zero zero but in the beginning there is no one so zero has no meaning as maximum zero you can put nothing is going to happen you have to put a number over there then only zeros are bringing every zero is giving you the weight value otherwise nothing similarly if God is not present then all the creation has no value what is that God we very wrongly we casually we say prana after the death what happens o his life force has gone it has left him so we body we burn through the bodies we don't take the care of the body we don't preserve the body why the main forces left what is the main force we call branagh that is othman that is the reflection of God and we are not at all careful about that so right from the beginning of our life the mothers are careful about the food so that the child can grow properly then he should go and play he should learn these he should learn that the physically and intellectually so much care we take what about the hot man we don't care but that is the vital so one person who was tailing that is the joke so he was in the hospital and they gave him the oxygen and after that he told I'm a poor man I won't be able to pay you or no there's no problem the majority of the things have been taken care so only we gave you three days oxygen that cost $500 who three days oxes and $500 oh my god and all through my life I am going on taking free oxygen what about that all through our life we are taking the free oxygen that has been given by God the nature we don't care about that we are cutting the trees we're making all these things and people some people are concerned about that we don't care but when we won't be able to take the breathing then we will understand so that is called awareness brahma satyam jagat mithya the brahman is the truth but all these things are nothing but matka mikta means no value but if it is a test with God then it is value is there another view is brahma satyam jagat satyam jagat brahmma pratishta brahma satya the god stood this jagat is also true why because the god has created it and God is within it so obviously all that we see is on resting on the car the consciousness this is the way bhagavati ramakrishna also and show me be weakened and propounded that if you can close your eyes and see God can't you see God with open eyes you see the God hungry uneducated people they're suffering people can't you go and serve them is not the emotion Rozonda philosophy the from the philosophy we go in this country the government is taking all care majority of the portion what they need is encouragement what they need the guidances so here in in this country the organization stablished by swami vivekanand is named as belong to society and our work is only to make people aware about the divinity that is already within them and when that divinity is manifested they'll be blessed not only that those people whoever they will go people all around will be so happy so what we need a good person and who is a good person loving concerned person how it is possible some people apparently they like to show but he cannot continue for a long time anything wrong happening to them immediately the original form will come up hmm it is not possible so it is only possible by transforming changing our attitudes or views how it is possible by studying good scripture because good scripture all his guiders so all the time we have to study one God entered into many this is the question yes then they get they are giving the example just as fire entering into the different pieces of wood manifest as many fires when there is a fire this the building is burning it takes the form of the building a tree is burning the fire takes the power of it tree fire different but all the same fire in different things given that example because in those days forest fire was rampant naturally our Rishi's they are giving the example Agni yatta promised the window as the fire entered into different type of forms and then when burning takes that form similarly he the protector of the world's exchange his grace and help by descending to manifest himself as divine incarnation this is very important for the Hindus because we believe incarnation and the Buddhists also believe in incarnation in the primary in the beginning of the Christianity this to believe the incarnation then afterwards in the 5th century or so the Constantinople he changed the whole thing but there it is already there so this call the himself as the divine incarnation born among diverse animal and mean so where he was taking bath and the diverse animals and mean in the bhagavad-gita you know in the 10th chapter Oh Matt McGorry acacia suribabu Tasha s theta and he says RT Tiana uh-hum Vishnu Joe tisha Rob young human be Dhanam sama Vedas me and continuously is going on telling bhagavad-gita and it says I mean the animals also and when among the animals and these and these are shipped on arm serve of ikana then with cheese rubbish of Oceania austerity is a dream and with Chester Basha is a horse I am in that horse I am in the tree I'm in the Rishi's I am in the gods I mean the human being also so by that way he is trying to tell us the God is in everything and how it is possible it says poverty sateen Lucan boy Luca Baba Nara Lila Vitara Onorato Maharshi young Narada shoe that D Bertie David simony God diversity means the God and young means the animal and Narada shoe the human being this way in everything he protects why he is coming taking the form to protect local Haven aha the Vishnu the protector local Havanna is Vishnu how sateen because of his grace just he loves that's why and leucon and this is called Leela Avatara the manifestation of the leela divine play one person who was asking ceramic krishna why we are suffering the people are suffering then the sale krishna tell totally this is divine play differently the God is playing and we are suffering then his answer verse a question sadhana Krishna asked a question to give the answer who are you you are suffering who are you you are also the same God you manifested in this way the friends if you study in that way we are all just acting according to the will of God someone is educated someone is famous someone is not someone is suffering all according to our karma he has given that we are going on doing so this how it says to give the reply to the Rishi's of the naimisharanya the shooter explaining the process of God descending Avatara now we will study this in our next class how the god the supreme god all transcending god all-pervading God all powerful God taking human form and coming down over here and helping us why helping us why I am taking the human form he said in the bhagavad-gita very clearly those who are bad people I like to stop them over there and those who are good people I like to help them and to protect them so what the good people unselfish people a little bit of unselfishness not the complete and selfish it is not possible only God can become the complete unselfish a little bit of unselfishness also we can practice isn't it when you are purchasing that the winter time just before the winter we are going and purchasing because we know that these are the things we are necessary so we purchased do the warm clothings suppose we purchase one warm clothes and give it to a poor person and suppose we take care of the children they are just loitering here and there and help them in that way Lesko unselfishness not that you have to stop food not that you have to give away everything a little bit we can't do always we can do in the olden days our mothers there is to save a little bit of rice and the other things that the whole thing they have brought out from the store and the kitchen to cook just before cooking this to take out one one just little bit and that after three months is to give it to the temple so that in the temple they will cook it so many people are giving and hundreds people can be fed over there so this way little bit unselfishness and if we practice that the leela Avatara avatar of the god who has manifested in the human form sometimes as jesus sometimes as Brum at buddha sometimes as chaitanya mahaprabhu sometimes as Shankara in different time he's going on manifesting and healthiness and what is that help love thy neighbor as thyself that much he's not asking that only few people who are always ready for think the Cawley's burned the boat at your back and follow me there's so few handful people who can really do that they're not having any bondages in this world so bottom the boat at your back and follow me Jesus gave the call and they are the apostles they are the direct disciples why they are also just like the light helping others to understand things but the God when they come they come to help each and every one how weak iding only what else thank you friends let us turn this mantra and in the next class we will discuss about the creation and other questions also that was the very interesting how the Narada came these are all very interesting things the books are available if you like to read the whole bhagavata you need not to read the Sanskrit but if you read the English that will give you and you won't be able to stop you know the story after story it will take you from one story to another to another tool in tuk why this why that it will go on and on this is a really beautiful young Brahma [Music] balloon indra root trauma Ruta student ii deeply stably be the song paddock rama Upanishad IE guarantee m Sarna was stated that the gatina Manasa bhishan diem Yugi no yes yawn done Badou sulla Asura Ghana the by the Samina Oh [Music] Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry you that's it