Video 2

Bhagavatam 002 - A Guide to Liberation: Five Questions of the Rishis

today again we will study the harder bottom and very interesting the questions that Rishi's are asking to the shooter so we will discuss about that let us begin with beautiful sloka Shanta bhujangasana [Music] but the moon of sireesha we swore our governess attrition me [Music] shabanam Lakshmi condom Kamala jnanam [Music] you give it your Nogami 'm Banda Bishan pop-up al-haram Ceravolo quickeneth on the Lord of all the locust Hindus they believe that there are different spheres are there so I think the next week coming week we will go and we'll have a meeting as a every month year organizing the beautifully when church and the synagogue together describing the different topics from the viewpoint of different religions this time the discussion will be what happens after I die but the topic is little difficult to answer because I am not dead so how can I say what will happen after my death but you can gaze we can discuss from the point of view of the scriptures now the loca loca means different spheres different stages and they go in that now the different type of people the mentality in the world when you see same type of thoughts the people they are thinking in the same way they all club together they become friends so similarly after our drift our mind which is also thinking in the same way what is the only body and the mind body is not doing anything it's just a machine is doing the mind only and the mind is nothing but the thoughts and according to the thoughts it guides us takes us to that sphere sphere means that place where I get my friends now if you bring your young maybe your children they don't like this atmosphere they'll be here and all the time asking when you are leaving when you will go but if you ask allow them to go out there are some friends they'll be playing over there and they'll be so happy and you don't get joy over there when children are playing we don't join in that so you come back you sit in this quietly meditating listening pondering so spheres mine in different spheres sir below click on autumn he is the master in every spheres different echo spheres and who is that Vishnu and his occur quiet anything that comes up anything that we discover in quietness calmness so that is very very important majority of the time we are in that so much of sound the people are going on listening all that music tremendous sounds and constantly they are going on doing that and slowly slowly losing the calmness of the mind and that's why they can't sleep they can't think properly no original thoughts are coming up meditation is very very essential so it says Shanta Karim yoga Shah aalam what is the blue jaga that means the snake the meditation symbol of meditation Buju the snake there's a symbol of meditation because the primal power travels in our body as a snake so that is booyakasha annum but man albums relation the surah surah means the God Asia is the master or the Lord of the gods and he is holding the whole universe Bashar Dharam adhara Aadhaar means container a containing what Vishwa each and everything which word are exactly that thing we will discuss Goggin Assad regime is all-pervading gagana means the sky pervading me govern um shabanam why me governor is take the black cloud why because we are not complete about his knowledge we do not know exactly this much we can infer this can we can imagine but it is far far beyond so his body as if the color of the cloud lakshmi kantam is the source of all prosperity so Lakshmi is the goddess as the Hindu the consider of the world and he the Lord who is containing the whole universe and who is everywhere all pervading is the master of their prosperity also so Lakshmi contem Kamala jnanam having a benign look constantly he's looking he's so happy to see his own creation yogi with the on agamya how could you describe him and the description that you were giving about the God how could you do that because it's not possible to see like this but the Yogi's who have controlled their senses in their calm and quiet mind they see the reflection of that God so from there they have described this that we when they we all celebrate our offer our respect Vishnu again the word Vishnu means all-pervading one and from the Bishnu all this why all-pervading and the only one what happens babu-bhaiya Haram the fear of death and fear a birth and fear of living in this world in different situations all are gone so you know that you are eternal so there will be no fear Papa viajar arms are below he cannot after this we have already studied the beginning of the great scripture bhagavata and today we will read the fast sloka very fast Luca and from there we will go to other discussions and this bhagavata it says janmady asya yatah look at this that indian scripture all the time is trying to give us the idea how the world was created otherwise the problem is if we are not concerned about the creation if we are not very much clear about the idea how the creation came so obviously we will think why should we try now the scientists they are once again trying to understand the Big Bang Theory if there is a big band what happens what are the things how the things are changing particles are changing atoms are changing so that they are trying to study why if they can reach to that they can get the answer to many minions questions in the spiritual life also everywhere the scripture begins with that and they say janmady asya yatah ha the very first look is very very important of the Haggadah Aeneid it errata cha Artesia a business were art it be war that has been used very thoughtfully why this is Indian Scripture if you write anything immediately other people will come and say why you are mentioning like this why it is not like this why it is not that we will see one or two example how critical their it is not so easy so one who is composing not from the intellect drop from the realization and person like better be Asha who composed this great scripture he's not making any mistake he is mentioning janmady asya yatah ha from whom the creation sustenance and the dissolution take place he who is both the material and instrumental cause on Naya peterotica Artesia a visnu sir art he who is omniscient who is the only one having self mastery sir art we will come to this point why be the be using this world Sharad this is very important otherwise you won't be able to explain why should we meditate on the God who has created this world being one independent entity who illumined the mind of Brahma with the Vedic revelation this is also very important part of the sloka this also questions will raise on that whose wisdom is the wonder even the greatest of sages the sages are great exponents they reveal within their heart so many different knowledge --is even then they cannot imagine the way the creation was done in whom the worlds of manifestation of three gunas subsist in reality without affecting him now this is I like to repeat all things happen through the gunas that the Hindu belief what are the gunas sattva Raja Tama please remember we never say that God is creating and just you believe that no how the creation is coming what we do we examine ourselves we find what is there within us because we are the created being suppose you examine a suite you can go back to the root and can say of which it has been made either from milk or from other things how it has come so similarly the product that we when we are researching within ourselves we come out with three gunas qualities guna means qualities don't be confused with the science kit that we knowledge is they always give wonderful terminology and confuses us so the goodness means qualities what are the qualities sattva Raja and Tama another three names what is that - all good things you love your affection your sublist service and your concern for others where from it comes at the same time in your mind there is other things like anger jealousy hatred all these things are there so in the same mind how can you get different table exactly opposite type of qualities as if the light and the darkness together how it is possible a man who is so good to his wife to his children to his relatives same man may be a mercenary his job is killing he'll be hired by someone he will go and kill whom he is killing he doesn't man never thinks he gets money so he kills say man how can you do it so that is the question the same man having love affection all good qualities and same man is having other qualities also qualities also so we wonder how the man changes and third type of qualities we see lethargy human listen he won't do anything constantly lying down or drinking a terrible people so they are wasting their own life and also creating problem in the society where they are living the satyr Raja and Dhamma so they are identified in those they identified these three qualities and they say the best qualities are termed as Sutra second at the Raja and third the trauma now these three qualities are in one person and sometimes the trauma is coming up oh it is Friday evening I am NOT going to get up in there Saturday morning don't disturb me so they will hang a block don't disturb and he will sleep up to the Saturday evening Danine he will say Oh Saturday evening is over next it is Sunday I have to go to the office again so again energy he will jump up and you'll go run to market purchase things cleaning things and energy that is Raja the first was the Tama second came the Raja and third he when he goes to the office it is a maybe he's a professor maybe he's a doctor maybe he's a judge he has to be quiet calm composed taking decisions the judge taking a wrong decision means the terrible thing happens to the not only the person but to the whole family so that way Roger Tama sattva again and again is going on up and down the here it says that gunas where from it comes from the god the moment the boo knows our theory is supposed to be affected no this is the thing God the Creator is giving those gurus and giving to his creation so that they can act this way otherwise it is everything a software all people are good that will be boring to some extent there should be North Korea there should be these and that then only excitement otherwise water newspaper people are going to do go there should be where people that only and in the movies also you will see there will be a good people heroes and at the same time villains if the villains are not there who is going to observe that movie no one so bad and good and in between is all necessary otherwise what is the joy in the creation so God noon it and he put it all these things but he himself is not effective so that it is telling he himself is not affected just as the combination of the material elements like the fire water and heart subsisting their causes without changing their elemental nature in whose light of consciousness there is no place of anything false in whose light of consciousness there is no chance to stay anything false which was not there suddenly coming up no it is not there so that truth when the induced a called Septon means the truth and that is the truth param supreme they always use this word for my there is a supreme you cannot think beyond this above this extra no that is the ultimate this is the truth what should we do team a/e we should meditate on that in the first thus local only two three lines and their beautifully it is mentioning all these things now if we go inspired by the Narada the great weight of Yasha starts writing about the divine life of Krishna but Vyasa begins with Jan Mahdi the creation of this universe he's writing the Krishna a personal God but he's describing here he he says Basha and his disciples they are meditating on the truth Satyam param the mean there's a plural so hyper because Basha is alone no his disciples are also there so they have used the word roll team ie Satyam that is the truth as we described param the supreme booty money para means Parameshwara param against supreme Ishwara the god the supreme god supreme truth of the universal truth that we are meditating so he's describing going to describe give the complete description the tenth chapter the whole chapter is dedicated to describe the life of sri krishna and other it is 18 chapters of the tenth chapter only is giving their life of Shri Krishna or others 17 chapters the description of so many other things the lives of different kings and the situation the people so many one after another if you can read the book with the stories the problem is in English they have not given what for what meaning that's why it is difficult to read but it's just like a story book if you read the story connecting one after another one after another one after another if you start reading you won't be able to start whole night you have to read the so interesting way they are going on telling so this is september on the money i meditate on the supreme truth but Vyasa you're going to describe about see Krishna why you didn't started with the supreme truth to explain these particular verse the three - warming the Caesar Swami is a great exponent of this he's analyzing this and because there is not exactly nothing has been saved by Asha has opened the scope for everyone those who know the Sanskrit particularly Sanskrit grammar and they will be changing the route and Aniyah this way and give different meaning to each and every one writing explanations on this local in their own way we will be following sridhar schwa me a great name in the be daunting world and he is following Shankar Acharya and others this falling in this way so he is telling cederstrom is telling jan Mahdi is a tortoise talaxian are now friends you have to be little bit attentive to understand you have to prove that there is something truth which never changes unchanging one it is the only consciousness but it is creating which is not changing how can it create that's the obvious thing now from the milk you are creating yogurt it is changing the milk remaining as it is and also giving you the yoghurt is it possible that will be very funny people they say now I have a bucket full of milk and every day I prepare the yogurt out of it again the milk is there no problem I don't think it is possible things will change so all we're sure when you are telling that supreme has created this universe that means he has also changed how you will explain it so the Swedish am is telling we are explanation from two different point of view one is the test election on da Costa that is the world equality is the specific object by separating from others I am telling something that separates others and that makes them like this suppose the last year when two of our my the disciples they are going to visit India alone it mean then I was telling their Americans immediately they are separated from the whole of Indian communities the Americans first second they were two then I told this lady knows very good yoga she will teach you all yoga's in the morning I separated hard that two Americans were there now I separated one from the other how quality this gentleman is not having the quality of giving that training this lady is having so there is called tortoise collection qualities that is separating the object from others but another thing is necessary that quality is not attached to the object that quality is not at us to dr. how it is now the supreme god is the creator sustainer and destroyer of the universe no one else can do this type of work no one else is having these qualities but these creations as tenants and destruction these qualities are not sticking retaining with that object God so this is called tortoise solution tah-tah stop so this is the luxury this is the symbol by which we can understand this is God how is the creator sustainer and destroyer no one else can do so immediately from the whole universe it is up separated we can immediately understand that see that concentrate on that but if those qualities which is Saturday and amma creation sustenance and destruction if it sticks with the god then it is temporary it cannot be so they say in it it is the hottest election ax and latticed election ax the symbol is it separates and separate those qualities also get separated from the object so this is called total selection and there is another system that's called Saru production what is the solute pollution qualities that separate the object but at the same time it is always sticking with the object it's not getting separated those qualities separating the object from others at the same time those qualities are with the object how he's a singer the moment you say that John is a very good singer what happens John is separated from the whole mass but his singing capacity remain with him it's not separated if that is separated then he is not a singer at all so singer that quality remains with the John at the same time the moment you say he is a singer it is separating from the mass similarly when we say that God is such cheat Ananda's rubra and this quality SERT eternal cheat knowledge onon the bliss these three qualities no one else is having only God is awake so God is separated from the others and in these qualities are not living the guard they are with God such hidden under but the creator sustainer and the straddle this three qualities these three qualities are not retaining with the God they are separate from the God we will see who is creating that question welcome now this is when ever we are starting the only two lines of the sloka now so much of discussion and that too I have only summarized every word has been analyzed so it is so difficult whole life will go if you study properly with one scripture God ordered so that's why I have summarized it and second it comes who is Krishna because he was supposed to tell us about the Krishna they say he is a supreme truth Brahman about which Veda has mentioned biasa indirectly says Krishna is a supreme truth why from him everything is coming up I am given the name that Krishna why he will take human form so nama Rupa is necessary name and form is necessary when it is a human otherwise how can you identify just the truth you don't do the Krishna is a person personality so he will take birth he will help brother mother family and so many varieties of things we need that name and form I give the name Krishna and who is actually Krishna he is the Supreme Truth in the twenty reopen Isha without the Punisher no other scripture can stand if I say something which is not supported by the breeder which is open assured no one will take it that's why Swami Vivekananda told every tenses of ceramic isne can be explained by quoting hundreds of the upanishadic words jury jury darshan leakage I in Bengal he say Julie Union basket full of so much of explanation can be given so this is your tuba imani bhutani jayante who is Krishna is the Brahmin with that Brahmin from where everything has taken birth taken shape your tuba from where - from where imani this mutiny the beings giant a is taking the life becoming living then in a jar tani Jeevan tea after taking birth they are sustaining if there is no air if there is no oxygen we cannot sustain so the God who has created these immediately has created these oxygen also otherwise how even survived the food has been already given otherwise how can he survive so all these things have been taken care in a jar tani g1t the one gentleman has written very nicely he told someone got an accident make an accident he went to the hospital he was kept in that emergency oxygen was given etc etc the after everything when he was alright the the bill came from the hospital side what are the charges you know nothing the doctors are free medicines are free but only you have to pay for the oxygen charges how much is because for the three days you took the oxygen please $500 so he said $500 for the three three days only immediately flashed in his mind like I am going on breathing all through my life without being anything and now here as because the human being has given me oxygen God gave me oxygen I never cared about it never thought about it never said thanks to God also further that life that he gave oxygen suppose God also charges every 3 day 15 $500 what will happen to me so that we do not calculate how much God has given to us inna jot on eg one thing after being born we are surviving because of the God and again at the time of dissolution margin in it yet Priyanka of his ambition didi so this goes Russia also indicated that the same truth has taken human form but how to prove true sorrow collection are so we know not sorry board is the solo collection the God has taken the human form such cheat on and this Aruba what is that eternal she is eternal he's full of knowledge and full of joy whoever goes to him get the choice so that is right that is called janmaat that's explaining via has used another world on IR the iterative on I am now it was to the test election our solute pollution the test election those qualities which is separating the object from others but at the same time they are not sticking to the object they are also getting separated and Saru pollution are qualities separating the object from others but sticking with that continuing with that this is one type of system of proving second it comes Anja means plus et sometimes in sanskrit called ET r anya it is plus positive and it errata it errata means - nay t- so ET Nettie positive negative so that is the way on Nadi it errata that word has been used in these two line worse there is nothing but the Brahmin all pervading hence it is the cause of the creation a simple way so nothing was there only Brahmin was there now it has been so many things have come so that means God has created it or that which was leaving as created so it could eating one person was in the house and nobody was there now the wife came back opened the frieze and saw half of the food has gone there was no one no one visited but the husband told no I was only sitting over here and looking that TV I didn't need the wife on listen to that because it was proved you are only alone in this house and the rats and the cats cannot enter into the fries only human being can open the fries and you are the only human being staying here so you have it in so many things it is proved like that a similarly skull ET how to prove ET you are the only one and from here that creation came that means you have created at the same time if you create at the time of creation there will be many other things that you cannot do so that is nadine negative how the creation happened now that last how the creation happened we are telling the brahman cannot create because in the creation you need the quality subterra G Tama who created then it says pradana at the parity pro-treaty are the pradhana same thing two different names prakruti we can translate as nature and pradana the mean so made ha pradana are the property has created okay if the pradana at the prakruti has created the shall we meditate on that because you are asking from which everything has come everything has been created melatonin meditate on that let us meditate on that now you say Brahman has not created property has created the shall we meditate on property this is the question then the replies no because beta it is clearly telling the source of the creation is guiana vana he must be having the conscious being otherwise he cannot create prakruti is not conscious being but to creation for the creation you need a conscious being otherwise from the word and the root cannot come it is not possible now obviously we need a carpenter to have maybe we want it separated make it to carpenter is necessary carpenter is leaving carpenter is having the consciousness so when the prakruti is creating the prakruti cannot create itself why it is not consciousness or shabda Pradhan or Prakriti cannot eat except inna means it is not conscious it cannot see it shut it shut amines can see no it cannot see in the again in one place it brahmasutra see is if shitty now optim-r Shabnam means broccoli hobden means the juror a shop demeans the pradhana so terminology game so any terminal ah geez so like the doctors they'll be having same medicine so many names and you have to go on keeping those things otherwise it's very difficult so here also in the Vedanta you have to keep in mind sometimes it is a shop sometimes it is pradana sometimes it is prakruti but the meaning is same Pro critic cannot create why it is not living being so it is not possible another objection comes ok if you say a living being can only create an individual soul a Jeeva there is a living being is thinking it is creating it is moving can Jeeva create the whole universe this is the another question the the individual soul is also conscious we call it Jeeva then said no Shiva also cannot why only living on - you need the knowledge to create - knowledge is also necessary prakruti cannot create because it is not living then the Jeeva which is leaving can it create no only living on do it needs the knowledge and what type of knowledge or regional knowledge citta Cydia Ghanim Sutter miss original now I am explaining to you all this bhagavata I didn't mean it it on it I have collected from different books yesterday up to 2 o'clock after coming back from the Pittsburgh we reached over here 12 o'clock and then we sat in the book because I knew I have to explain it to you and then perhaps because of the I was so happy that still one our time is there then someone rang me and told just to remind you from today there's a one hour you have to add if it is 9:30 that means 10:30 I jumped up oh my god yes 10:30 so that way it always goes so naturally I am not having the original knowledge the Jiva is not having the original knowledge shut up Gianna their skulls were art in the same slope have you read at least this first sloka you should read breaking small/small that words Sutter Sherrod SATA city Gianna wanna swear art means his saw Rotter sirata means one who is having original knowledge and Raghavan see Ramakrishna he was talking so wonderfully and induced this master Marcia who was Amy from Calcutta University in those days amy means you can imagine he was very highly qualified person he went and he was charmed to be listening to see Ramakrishna a villager only even the pronunciation were not very correct and now and then he used to use very rustic words which the very refined people do not use so that way Ramakrishna was talking but master Marcia a highly qualified personnel it was very much impressed then evening he came and he was including about the person there was a mint and her name was brindis the master masha asked Brin day the gentleman who lives inside the room does it read a lot bring them the maid she said books there is no vogue in his room and then she said I don't know whether knowingly or unknowingly she said everything on his lip all knowledge that you see all the words that you hear on his lip sir our original knowledge you don't need to read anything so that is called the Surratt Sutter City on abana as a last argument now it said the Scriptures narrating Brahma as the Creator should we then meditate on Brahma not Brahm one it is Brahma and a Brahman means all-pervading consciousness and Brahma ha means that might illogical God who is supposed to create he has been given the responsibility for creation in the Hindu the pantheon it is there the Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh Ora and Brahma is the creator that's why he is having the four heads all symbolic and he's red color is read by four heads knowledge Gianna all the four Vedas that is there and he's very active so read the Bishnu who is sustaining administrator and Shiva is withdrawing so meditative his white his complexion is wide so Brahma shall you meditate on Brahma because Brahma is creating this is the last question and the answer is no because Dean a Brahma with the archer are the kawaii' we hunted yet Surya dad he the God supreme placed all the knowledge of the Veda in the heart of Brahma Brahma is was not having the original knowledge it was placed in the heart of the Brahma and that's why Bayda the original knowledge it was placed in the hearts of the Rishi's though the Rishi said it noted it but it is not the original knowledge of the Rishi's so it is said the beta or Purusha while Purusha polo shamans a human being is not made of the human being why the human being only telling human being only noting and you say that is not human being because in the subtle stage if you go that knowledge came from the original one whom we cannot say anything but Brahman all-pervading consciousness without any form that is the repository of all knowledge from it it has come to me and then only I am telling so I cannot take the credit of this knowledge hence the all the bathers are Apollo Shia and here is the original now we have seen the Tata Stern Charu collection through that it has been explained then on Noah and iturra our top 80 and 80 there's also explained then Sutter's seed the Guyana bond through that also it has been explained no one else but the supreme truth has created so we have to meditate on the supreme truth but how we do not know how to meditate on the supreme truth something must be there before us so that we can imagine now the own Cara has been given as a symbol of the veyron is the Omkara is the Veda him encouraged the Brahmin know a symbol has been given so that you can imagine what is the UM car all the national flags of the countries nations that gives the symbol of that particular nation American national flag is having the starts and the strips it tells the story of the whole America you cannot write the whole story of America over there so it's a single only it has been given and the moment you are applying for the American passport remember those otherwise you won't get and if you say how many stars were there maybe t 40-50 what was their best cancel go so like that you have to understand how many stars are there and what's the meaning of the stars how many strips are there at the meaning of the scripts and that gives the whole history of the America can you imagine the person who thought that way to represent the whole vast American history only in one symbol same way we are really really grateful to the person who thought of the own gara just from the own car the whole imagination of the Brahman oh oh oh and this own car without the support of anything it is coming out some people says no no we use the leaves no if you try to pronounce Oh like this is going on you're not using any of your leaf or the tongue or anything it's just coming out so that way Brahman shatters into not nothing has created it it is already there and it is creating so this way it says now anyway now it is alright now if we enter into the story and our topic of today was five questions of the Rishi's right so now the last five questions what are that who are the Rishi's sonikuh sonico is a very famous rishi in the Veda and he and many many other Rishi's they went to a place called Noemi Sharon is in the in the mother Pradesh in one of the states of India they say it is in the it was in the month of Pradesh the big the jungle why that particular the wind two things one all over India all over India did approached almost every household every family after the great Mahabharata war the whole India lost their banners their heroes almost everyone right from the eastern part up to the west north and south from everywhere people went and joined and in that war and they were killed in millions thousands so obviously frustration was everywhere insecurity was everywhere in the meantime krishna passed away the Lord Krishna was the hope of the people Krishna will protect us he also passed away and along it the Krishna jadoo gong-shil they were all very powerful people so heroes but some some way some did developed tremendous ego we are the best people like that they started thinking in the Second World War the German also it was projected to them you are the best people you are the best people and that entered into their mind and they started hitting everyone and then afterwards everything broke for them too so the ego destroys you do function they also became very very powerful and egoistic and they started killing each other and that way the whole year the bunker was abolished Krishna no more or Juna lost his valour he could not lift at his own that weapon and the Pandavas finally decided to quit the everything and go for the final March so they started leaving the the kingdom in the hand of the only descendent of the Pandavas and the Kauravas so being family only one person was lived and that is Parikh she'd and thus predict schita they give now you start ruling we are all leaving so pandava and their wife and all they all started marching towards the himalaya and this to go this is a swagger actually this to go walking walking walking inside there was snow and slowly slowly they will dark that way to give up their life everyone was ready to give up then who will keep this india united and with the two things that is the development of the spirituality and development of the the worldly things it is necessary for other people who are surviving so the Rishi's sonikuh and a few thousands along with him they all went over there to do meditation because they knew through meditation only we can get the power and with that power with that knowledge we can help the society so we have to imagine the background when things are happening like this when they were there why that Nimisha anya was so pure because that is the place where another great sage was there and a story and again the demons the bad type of people they were attacking the good people that they with us and they could not fight with them so what to do then the brahma say you better go and request the one said god Ichi if he gives his body from that only you can prepare it with the bones you can prepare a terrible powerful weapon the Indra is using by that only you can save and yourself other is not so the deity was living over there when they approach duty the digit said if my life can save so many thousand people okay no problem but request before death I want to visit all the holy places but the gods they wanted immediately because they are all waiting over there we need the weapon right now now if you start visiting all the holy places all over the India it will take years tame the blood all those holy places of at the end that's why the naimisaranya became so holy another explanation is only Misha an omission is one who never blinks that is the Vishnu and that's why the unnie Misha that Vishnu Raghavan has been depicted as jagannatha mahaprabhu that jaganatha that you see there is big eyes but no eyelids that is only Misha constantly observing constantly looking at us and that is shark shield this is called a Nimisha and one day after performing all the rituals they were meditate meditation poojas they were taking little rest suddenly the heart someone is singing a beautiful song very melodious very attractive so all they got up and then wanted to see who is singing the maid who grassed revoir au revoir he's a suitor Sutra is a title those who who could memorize the old story see a man might not book such a big one I'm going on writing otherwise I won't be able to remember even the name of Guru surviving forget so that's why but those who could really memorize the whole thing they were given the title Souta so who grows over was a suitor who give the title big bear better be Asha Asha Deva he trained him but he was a low-born person to grow sabha and his father was no Marshall but Liu Marsha was also a very very photogenic memory as they call the both of them has been a father and the son so they've had taught hubris raga he was having a variant intellect and he heard the whole story from the sukadeva the son of the Veda Vyasa suka was explaining it to the skin prick sheet why buttocks eat in the meantime he was the only person should have been careful instead you know the Kshatriya all is that ego comes I am The King I have the power he went to for hunting and he became thirsty in the inside the jungle there were people who wish to meditate quietly small small hearts were there so he went to the heart and when brahmana as a one Rishi was meditating he's a I'm thirsty bring little water he was meditating he didn't listen otherwise you'd abroad now the king was very thirsty and angry it'll all you are meditating in this way and he was proud that I am the son of Arjuna and the descendant of the Pandavas so he took a dude's name and put that on the neck of that Rishi was meditating to insert him to your gate like a snake so like that he left his young boy came though he was very young but he had the spiritual power tremendous spiritual power he came and saw the father is sitting over the father was not aware that the dead a snake is hanging he was meditating but the son came saw and without consulting with the father immediately said this snake again will get back the life and go and bite the person who has put it on that on my the person of my father that is the great curse and that snake was a terribly snake immediately he got back the life and started searching for this key news came back to the king and he was afraid not money these were left in the mean time sugar he came then he asked said what one person should do when the date is approaching and I'm counting my days I know within seven days I'll die what I should do now then the sugar was narrating game the life of Krishna listen to it considered on that and you'll get the liberation don't think about whatever has happened happened you can stop it so that is the whole scenario and in that condition okra Sabha was there he heard the whole thing remembered it he became full of joy came to name is Sharon you were singing all alone this Rishi's found him and told you sit over here and give him the food and drink and we'd create respect Rishi's they were highly respected people knowledgeable people they give so much of respect to the suta why she was also very very learning will afterwards will come and they said the Rishi's are praising him triack a looper on our knee it harsh on each arnica you are completely pure soul why you know all the Scriptures purana and the ET harsha's can you please stand also dharma Shasta please dealers this thing now they are asking the question give me another two three ten minutes what are the questions tell us those qualities which are essential for human being to attain liberation those qualities which are essential for a human being to attain liberation till as the essence of the vast and varied spiritual text there is so many takes that there is not possible for one person to study the whole thing can you please tell us the essence third why and for what purpose the supreme lord to God a son of Vasudeva and his wife Devaki forth he how he the God disand as incarnation please narrate that filled water his noble deeds performed in his special manifestation as the Colossus that means as a Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh era for the purpose of creation preservation and resolution so these are the five questions along it that they added one the last sixth one what is that they said from where did our mother spirituality gain support this is the we can see six questions of the Rishi's to the sugar the Sutra suited at oppressor Abba now next Sunday we will try to give the answers but the vast or ease from there we have to choose you to pick up and then we can say the problem is directly that you see that the nature of the Indians if you ask what is your name and instead of telling the name you will say I am from India and that is that province and what is your name but you will go back to the whole stream that is the system of the Indian here also you will find instead of telling what are the essential things that a person should have to get the liberation he will say the whole history but we have to get from there the salient points the main point thank you for coming let us chant this sloka the last local in then you conclude young Brahma balloon in the root drama Ruta student ii deeply stably be the sangha but the drama Upanishad i guarantee young sama god they are nervous titter that the Catena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah yes Yanam navi do surah surah ghana the boy does mean shanti shanti prince you will know that we published the easing usually the third of