Video 14
Bhagavatam 026 - A Guide to Liberation Mystery Of Birth and Beyond
under our main the topic the bhagavata will be discussing about the mystery of birth and beyond what is this mystery of birth with Lakshmi you Bundy shahara serviço the mystery of birth in a capillary but how cupola is thinking about it then we know that Kapila the great ascetic the first God he has given us the idea that one is consciousness and another is unconscious the unconscious he has given the name property and the conscious is the pollution so the moment the Indian philosophy they talk about the capital system purusa and prakruti the conscious and unconscious now unconscious cannot create but unconscious property the power of God it says is having three qualities at origin Dhamma but he cannot work without that situation of the support of the puja the consciousness now this is the whole thing and in the third scandal the third book 26th chapter it described the mystery of birth the whole chapter is describing the mystery of birth those were interested to know clearly about the bhagavata way of explaining the creation they can study this one the third scan book and 26 chapter and this they say the closeness of Purusha creates some disturbances in the prakruti the closeness of pollution it is not a situational pollution closeness approach the purusa is always separated from the priority so this is a very mystical way how it is possible when it is not associated how this creation can come listen no because of the association and a closeness immediately the property becomes activated trouble how it is possible we know in the beginning Saint under Peru Shane callaloo Pena bah he the inside the Supreme Being and by virtue of his divine power pervades everything internally as the indwelling spirit externally it covers the all external thing that's time Carla Carla rupena ba he but he means the external callaloo pain and as the time so this way it goes inside the consciousness and externally the time call of the probability how without Association it is possible they give why it is possible because of the items are getting activated the when it comes close to magnet so when it comes close to the magnet it is not connected but the magnet just coming close to it immediately all the particles ion particles start activating in the same way the Purusha the closeness of that is activating the now it goes in this way then we had a question in the last time in our last class if the Guru sure the Supreme Being is everything does it mean he is bound by property he is everything by he under inside and outside then does it mean that is also bound by the property what is progressing again the this is a Sanskrit term that has been used but anything that is changes that is prakruti anything that is changes property and naturally God cannot change supreme consciousness cannot change again and again all the Indian philosophy they are telling the same thing this consciousness cannot change techniques all the time see then what is changing is the prakruti if again you say that consciousness has become property all these changes all these different type of forms and names then it must be changing no why the answer has been given in the 27th chapter a third Skanda third a book and 27th chapter first verse it says for it is so people show not JD Prakriti to know ye a baqara treat word ninguna Jala our cobalt ARCA means the Sun and Jala means the water when the Sun is reflected on the water we see the Sun complete Sun but it is not affected by the flow or the waves of the water the same way the Purusha is inflicted on procreating and while it is not involved because Russia is having three special qualities one is a beaker art his name changes our country is not having any idea of master self doing and ninguna to ignore quality sattva rajas tama no quality just few consciousness through the Supreme Being even on being located or associated as if in racketeering it's really unaffected because of its real nature which are a vCard without any change or because architecture without active agency and need to not work without any quality now to understand this subtle philosophy we have to understand the country talk all the time we think I am doing even the children if you ask them they would say I am going to school I am reading I am drawing so well from this I can cut return that is completely absent in God but is it possible yes this philosophy sometimes the that Supreme Being takes the human form only to demonstrate in life and we find in the Bhagavad Salama fish 'no no I sense no conflict or those who have read the biography of see Ramakrishna you know in every pages because the uniquely he is doing everything but without getting associated I will do name so that Naruto Shami be weakened and the he was thinking he was sometimes discussing with the American friends over here we had to start to an organization in India because we now the organization one individual cannot do all this work first even if he is doing after him all works a gun so we have to have an organization so jokingly he said oh I am in temptation then the others say who is she there is not she is the organization he said in that way the organization I am tempted Shami she said and this organization how to do naturally all some planning so necessary so the Americans they are very methodical the moment it went into their faith that we have to have an organization things to continuously pursuing sharmaji when you are going to seek so we have to draw all those things planning how to organize who are going to help and Ramsey said I need a plan I do my mother's job whatever she will say I will do this we have to understand just we say oh the when a mother will say what is this mother that consciousness that conscious being given the thought and the idea and everything and things are taking shape but I am doing the Hat Association binds even and what is this binding birthed and depth so that is why the mystery of birth the birth and death again and again we have to go in circle that is in reality we are not so we'll come to that but in you interesting way it says the Association is like reflection of the Sun in the water that this line this point we have to keep in mind this association is like the reflection what is associated the consciousness without the consciousness nothing can happen but consciousness it's completely free then who is associated the reflection if the consciousness the purusa is not involved then who is these who says I am the doer I am enjoying I am suffering who is this Jeeva these are the questions comes we always feel that even if thousands of spirituous say no you are eternal but I know that I am mortal I am going to die you just say no you are the part and person of all joy and I am suffering even if you say I know that I am suffering so this practical condition how to solve it when the kabila is giving this idea it cannot be untruth it's not false just the philosophy no it's the realization the truth then how to prove it how it is possible then it says that great ascetic again the capillary says sir aja here he Prakriti goonies avi Vishal Chetty ahankara B mu Atma Carta homme ET manatee the last line mostly in the bhagavad-gita those who have read the Gita they know this is from the bhagavata so once again let me clarify bhagavad-gita is the teachings of Lord Krishna and the bhagavatam is basically the life of Lord Krishna but only the thing the chapter we are studying the third it's the tenth one explaining about the life of Krishna but it goes all with the Vishnu that fast consciousness took the form of a great pool shell Vishnu so in the however the major portion is gone knowledge that we are discussing and in the Kapila he is giving us that idea so this is the background of the bhagavata and this is a look that can give us the liberation Mukti how if we understand only this much who are the reflection of the consciousness and the prakruti and the nature and the reflection of the consciousness so it is not true it is not real the moment we can understand these we are completely disassociated with these all things that god goes on so this is the way sir Asia ear he property guna issue are be a big bishop jetty when the Guru she is influenced a revision jetty influenced that purusa is influenced by the qualities goon issue of property what are the qualities sucked up Raja and Tama they are the very word peculiar was a good and middle and the Lord so that goes on in this race after a gentleman the whole Indian philosophy is based on these three gunas there's all the people that we see and the beings that we see and we categorize the good man is not so good as a bad hardness qualities otherwise my feature they are all saying so this quality is where from it comes involved and this subject AMA must have come from the nature from the prakruti here sometimes people blame the parents so the parents were bad that's why it is not like that he is coming and it's very complicated mathematics you can say sir the periods of course are also contributing but the Jeeva is coming is also associated with some of the Karma's the works that he did but the first question is who is this Jeeva is it truly conscious being if he is a conscious being or she is a conscious being then the basic question the consciousness getting associated with unconsciousness this is possible how the consciousness can get associated with the unconsciousness the obviously they will say it is not possible consciousness cannot become associated with unconsciousness but here in that second verse of the 27th chapter very clearly the same man Kapila he said when it is associated with the property by the gunas and naturally it start thinking that I am the Creator ah hum God our ego comes the this ego where from it comes and in almost all the religions now we are thinking that we should start one the online class about the world religions so the commonality is that we will bring almost all the philosophy of thinking in the same way only expressing in different ways you know some people they are practicing but the expression read through critical form or two songs or two stories like that but they're telling the same thing in different manners that all religions are telling that I am the step Supreme Being only I got associated with something wrong so that the Christians they termed as seen and we said the in the Hinduism we say now it is the false notion Mora Mora AB Guiana Italy so this we find here claim is confusion comes when he said that property is different Purusha is different property is material crucial his consciousness but again he said when that puja is influenced by the property then he start thinking that I am doing and obviously he suffers now let us go back and analyze the whole thing purusa is unattached again the copula see is associated with property purusa is pure consciousness his never connect the property the divine power of pollution now let us analyze once again purity is consciousness never associated with the protein thean what is this property the power of the pollution though it is the power of the kirusha it is not associated here let me remind that Shankar is differ with Vedanta Vedanta also takes the same thing to explain this evolution the consciousness as Brahman that consciousness Shankar says Purusha paralysis Brahmin protein they same Maya the Shanker's is pretty parenthesis Maya is a lot okay now the shankha says property is disassociated permanently disassociated with the purusa the consciousness toe it is the power of that purusa because the C's is the power of the Brahman they have termed it Maya translated so disassociation and association but I don't go to the Vedanta today we'll discuss about this Kapila philosophy samkhya the Purusha is completely different when property come close to Purusha then the third spatial qualities of Prakriti satrajit Amma become activated this sucker a giant Tama all that we see is nothing but that when you look at the stone what is that purely Tama and sometimes some people who can't think constantly lying down except that they say tamo-guna sometimes the pundits will say the dissolve of tamo-guna what is this tamo-guna means in artists you don't like to work and moreover they would go against all anything good it is only the separator no it is all clear within us even the best of the people they are also having this tamo-guna but we are having also rajo-guna to control the tamo-guna what is the rajo-guna alertness I should not behave like this I should not do like this so the rajo-guna is constantly suppressing the Tama gunas and angry but still keeping there as a smile in the face as if nothing has happened then afterwards we come and you see sometimes in the stories and the movies some people who are angry they will go outside and they will shout out to give them the vein to bring out that anger but inside there are gentle and sometimes when he is having some pain but cannot express expressed and separately all this present in every being even in the moment you take the you but moment you take the body of these three gunas of death why without these three nothing is there the permutation and combination if the good qualities are more we say avatar bhagavad the Maharaja the great people when the good qualities are more these three qualities gets activated when the pollution is coming close to it immediately gives the activity different changes in the bracket is start and creating different gross and subtle things the first creation appropriate II is my heart as because you are studying this remember this world the first creation of the bracket II is the moment the name has been given mah a diamond and this mod is also known as the hidden agora the golden whom the golden box the same hidden dagger go why that is the wind we are going back and slowly going to the consciousness ultimate consciousness though we find the Rishi's there pre hidden my in a path trade as a tester preheat on mukham that emotion a babalu Satoru Maya three stay his praying the one who is controlling the mind and greeting the last thing that is hindering is that this golden hue golden box she doesn't my own hidden Maya means golden part Rena there may be a metal and that is covering so he's praying to the Supreme God the consciousness I like to see face to face a stand face to face with you remove these in another way is the last after that only that Supreme Being anything else the firstborn is the hidden Raghava this Mahad do cosmic in nature this part we have to remember then only we get the answer our confusion is how the consciousness gets involved with the material with the protein because this moment Kapila see consciousness is completely separate again he said the consciousness when associated with the property how can be associated now it comes to the reply comes here the more heart is a cosmic in nature but as a psychological aspect also that is known as booty there's a we when you think that that booty and what is this put the decisive capacity of the mind mind the mana a meaning that the mana is only swing from side to side or shall I decide so I take this or do this it cannot take the decision that is that particular condition of the mind is called mana in sanskrit and when it is taking the decision it's called but the this Marty's having the booty and good deed this intellect though material is having finest material so having some special qualities two qualities one luminosity it is bright and second reflectivity these are the two so a person who is very intelligent become very successful all other persons are there same group but one become very successful why because of that intellect and this intellect is a luminosity prakasha and that's why when we think what we think actually we discovered when we were thinking we are discovering a clean and again again and again so many things those who are researching there is very sharp and one pointed they're finding out so many things there's only put thee and other people if you say they don't understand because that particular but thee is little lower in that not that it's not there it is there in every human being in every being so this is gravity it is reflecting this is a material god it has the capacity to enlighten and reflect light the glasses now the sunlight is also reflecting on the wall but wall that way it is not reflecting as the glass is attracting the put these like that it is a material like the wall the glass is also material but the glass is different why because it has that capacity to reflect the same glass if it becomes the mirror the reflection will be much more so the great personalities are nothing but the mirrors why the reflection of the consciousness on their body is much more so this is what they say and Mahad again produces on God so what the Mahad the firstborn is producing one is with thee and also a honker aizen's ego so these are the two now the reflection of the consciousness like the reflection of the Sun in the water again and again as we were discussing that reflection of the consciousness when comes on but thee that reflect on Honka the body has two capacities it immediately become luminous lighted and it reflects reflection what a hunk are but this too and that's why when we think I am doing I should do what is that reflected glory busting in the reflected glory that's why from Shri Ramakrishna said why you are saying that I am doing you can do nothing in the talk about Gita when the or Jinnah was telling no I am NOT going to fight for June Christian said you can go to anything I have chosen you to do that so it has already been done everything is fixed only Nimet the matter you just become the doing a seat but in reality has already been done so the DC we can understand we understand the whole of religion spirituality and what happens immediately we become completely free from ego and we are free from ego what it means consciousness we are free from ego means we are nothing but that God in Vedanta game in the same thing they said the Ishwara and the Jeeva assured the consciousness reflecting on the maya the sum total of the ego is assured and consciousness reflecting on individual self called ego on car is Jeeva consciousness reflecting on a bigger risk Alisha it is smaller to call individual being Jeeva individual P now if we remove that what remains on the consciousness so the Jeeva is brahma on the basis of data see Jeeva from me were no opera diva is nothing but that consciousness so we have to understand these a Hungary is again having the three things one swastika were thus opteka mind fine gun and real and five Karmann Ghia this fight Gian Andrea the eye the nose the tongue and the esteem all these things from the Swat ticker part of the Omkara and Dhamma sukha part that ton mantras are the gross elements and what the larger do the only Roger is helping only both Roger is not having any other special quality either having helping disrupt our the Tama and now these ton matters are very something is very difficult to understand us why sometimes some people just to bring food to Bhagwan snobbishness slum kitchen with skipping over there in the corner and windows the left he said go and throw it in the Ganga do not eat it why tan Matra even in that food they are temperament their mentality all that is associated so that's why one is very should be careful when taking food why otherwise you are sharing that mentality temperament which is so subtle it is very difficult to understand is called the tongue math that's why the brown means are very very careful they don't take these and that now you need not to bother about all those things but what we can do we offer it to God a devotional way again and again you will find whenever you offer the food bro Martin Brahma so we offered it to God and then we take part take the Prashad God can understand what is good and what is bad that he will know we do not go on testing but the tan matras are very very present now you have gone to destroy the moment you enter over here you know automatically your behavior is changing you are coming folding your hands sitting on the chair looking at the shrine and then closing your eyes trying to control your mind but when you go to a restaurant you do that no because your mind is completely different about the moment you were entering over there you know that I have to place the order then I have to eat have to chat with the brain and all these things comes you go to some other place you find that all are influenced by that Y tan Matra in sanskrit they say tan Matra means very certain way of influencing the people we don't understand but it influences so this is when a holy man yesterday I was visiting is somebody's house the moment I entered you were having the whole fun and the moment I entered immediately all they stopped talking looked at me and a little bit confused what to do because Swamiji has come they shall you go and touch his feet or nod and these in there and in that confusion he broke the water bottle and all this thing so it goes in this room why suddenly it happened they don't blame for the breaking of the water brutal on me it is a he was trying to do it'll really tan Matra the moment I entered I carried it the matter with me that a holy person has come and we have to be we have to be according to him so they were trying to adjust that I didn't say anything why they did because the tan Matra and the moment the politician is coming and all people are some are shouting again somersault in favor white talmud tan Matra is very important but it is the third part of the Omkara honkala and the third part is thomas occur that is called kanata this is influencing tremendously that is why they say go to a holy place go to the holy person why you invite that on mantra but if the holy man constantly going to the wrong places the eminent all those and then started taking bad place than mathri mean that's why - Raja used amongst did avoid to go all those places because of the Talmud too much of it he will lose and that is the reason if the thing it happens in our life we all know it but we don't realize it so how to go back so it says now we have understood what is ultimately what is this part they say you are not born at all you're only thinking do you believe it he said no so we are not at all proud we are only thinking that we are born so this is the MIT philosophy and truly it is very difficult to understand and accept that's why when Noren do not came sri ramakrishna touched him to taste and neither the not mind was traveling very fast towards that room of the the Supreme Being but this boy was not ready so we started crying what do you have done I have my mother I have my father I have my family what do you have done I don't like to go die now he was thinking that he's going to die salam krishna immediately dust again and said okay the it will take some time we're seeing him narendra afterwards after the practices when he himself realized he is to go to that supreme being any time you waste here even in the chicago and the bank of that Michigan lake used to sit on the bench not that the big asana and these and that just in the range he sat and marched into that supreme that is called Samadhi how it is possible just understanding that I not associated with this body and mind though the mind is very silly though the mind is reflecting the consciousness the mind is intellect but I am NOT associated with this who is this I and the consciousness how then I can say that I am NOT because from the beginning itself is the reflection of the consciousness on the body and that made me confused so I am NOT of that so this but the getting the reflection of the consciousness and then sending it to the Omkara and conquer the ego since activating and said I am I am now we get the answer right the butcher the consciousness when coming closer to property it is reflected on good team and the finest part of the Mahad that reflection again activated the home car the ego the aizen's and as they say busting in the reflected glory now this sometimes if I go near to the president's White House all around the people are there you say are you work in the White House yes I saw all the time talking with the president I know I am influencing him the busting in the reflected glory and when they back to their own places all people will come I like to go to Washington this year that to me okay meet me I don't have time I will give you after six months now who is he maybe a book in that place so this is the problem busting in the reflected all of us were doing that aye aye aye we always place our hand on our chest and and Beach and repeat but we see sorry this body some people will burn in something and if they like otherwise they will simply throws so what this body that we are associated to it has no value the mind any day god forbid in the next morning we can say oh I cannot understand what I am doing then the people will say and no no you cannot go out to be here the Indies and they're all sighing man so terrible thing may happen I was a very intelligent person now and Nobel laureate a person who earned that novel the prize he lost his brain anytime it can happen then what remains then the body is not remaining but these not remaining then world and we become so egoistic that we are so much so what is there so this we have to understand is the reflection only so I am the toward there's the most funny thing when you say I am doing this is the most funny thing the false thing that you are telling we have to understand this and that's why bhagavati Ramakrishna thought I am NOT doing God is doing through me if we understand this much at this moment God is doing through me to what will happen you will become very model and you become very humble but of course one thing we must remember when you go to your working place but once Ramkrishna again is teaching you must hiss but don't bite and if you go to all your places and say I am humble whatever you say all people are it's a good good one I said all they will go and throw all the things on you now in your place if you're the boss you have to dictate you have to show your power to command but within yourself that is the very difficult thing within yourself we must say not me not me not me nom nom nom not me not me not me but when does they say in America one boy he came from India you know in India he always teased to be humble so in his resume he wrote I can try to do that he can do that he don't know if you give the opportunity and turn no stone unturned - as the Indian languages man I left no stone unturned to do that etcetera etcetera they couldn't understand and they said no you are not enough then afterwards his friend got the job as a you how you wrote he saw only one one sentences I am confident to do this I know this I know that and he got the job this is America they want to do you know yes now if you give me that opportunity I will try to do that is all humbled us in our place not here kill the scuttle drive with a straight ring but inside you should know in reality I am NOT doing through the grace of God some people are so intelligent but that intelligence he has come from the reflection of that consciousness that's why Raghavan Salaam Krishna said we never someone is getting the appreciation in the society as a singer as a dancer as doctors and scientist knowing for sure God's grace is manifesting through him why he said that God's grace manifesting through him are too hard why because the reflection of that consciousness is not clear on the body of that particular person it is not that person is capable but the reflection in that person always remembering what will happen self-confidence will come God is with me that's why sharmaji say don't be do stick but self confidence self confidence self contribute to why these self confidence because I am receiving the grace of God my duty my intellect is receiving the reflection of God so clear so I can do it now beyond we are in the chakra we are in the circle of birth and death again and again now that we have any good position good birth and everything is good so we are thinking always good what is the wrong in taking birth and if you take birth in I am not naming those places nowadays every day is coming in the news suppose you become like that your picture will come someday god forbid in the newspaper that you will lying down on the seashore date what will happen is that life so no so that's why you do not know we do not know so what type of birth we will get in the next life so one should be very very careful and why we are going to pray to God so this is the answer sometimes people they go most of the people they go just because of the emotion but if you understand the philosophy that this is the reflection of God on our body which is again reflecting on the Omkara the ego Saints and from there I am doing but in reality this is not my light if the moon some day fight with the Sun and say hey I am NOT going to take any light from you I will be the Sun you say ok no problem go and what will happen we won't be able to find out the moon because the moon's light is nothing but the reflection of the Sun the same way when a person is telling I am so-and-so then the reflection of that consciousness withdraws and where he goes oblivion nowhere so this is the reason now as an example it says when bullock-cart was going and two strong Bulls they were because it is a very heavy card and they were pulling one dog stray dog he was also working on the same street and suddenly he noticed that the shadow of the food fallen the dog and dog felt that it is pulling the god and he also started working very seriously I have to pull the cart bull perhaps just glance at that dog smiled and went away the dog was thinking the card same way we are thinking we are doing all these things but in reality is all that God is to him to us so be humble and be submissive to God so that God will give you more and more light and you will be getting the respect and all success in this world that's why Shani Vivekananda said unselfishness is more pain but we don't have the patience to practice it what is this unselfishness divinity the lab is divinity the moon you are manifesting of God the Bible art ma car Taha metamagnetic the dog walking in the shadow of the bull was thinking why is thinking be more Atma he was deluded by that oh I am pulling the cart no one would say well he was thinking I am doing this sometimes some people would say before me nothing could happen after me nothing good will happen I am the only person okay continue and then you see then after that will be nowhere only for the little time some people that they become the bosses and became so egoistic you see when they're walking the nose and the sky parallel the normalcy goes away why ego I am so-and-so who is thinking is thinking but the other people suppose even the King is walking in him in a marketplace what are the people don't know nobody announced don't think they were the person only then someone will come why these all VIPs always take so many the the cards and the police and people only to announce the time somebody if they go all along then nobody will care so that I am thinking I am great but nobody knew so one person came and toured okay oh you know me then all they were sitting in there so who are you you don't know me I am a great singer doesn't know I choked anyway sing and then let me let us know how you sing that person he was a very famous man but it's a very bad experience it was the place he wind is in Andaman now unknown people they don't bother about all that and this man was very famous he went okay what song I'm saying you know me they replied but who are you I am singer the singer we never heard you anyway saying that let us see how you see that gentleman came and told I never be humiliated like this anywhere I told the before words he were going on the stage why do you think that people will know you send someone to announce about you so-and-so is coming these and that then only they will understand a okay somebody has come so this is the condition I am I am somebody but people don't know what doesn't know they don't bother about so this is the thing um gotta be more Hartman that we always delude when we touch something now it is the booty how the body is reacting we are touching something that sensation goes into our mind and the booty decide in their own way right but we are touching this would immediately the fraction of a second it goes to my booty decisive Faculty of the mind and zinc to the wood then I touch this this is aware then I touch this this is a book like this we get the knowledge but to use it all the time true there was a great personality till she dodged you must have heard the name he used to love his wife ratnavali so much every moment the lovely should be before to see does until she does never go out anywhere constantly looking at not normally not tired then one day where chance considers when out then someone from grad novelist other sales team his father was ill that nominee without informing Tulsa - wait and to her father's house and two cheetahs came back and he wasn't from Han when it's not novel II and he ran to cross the river to go to the other village whether at novel but there is no port and it was a very nice Torme evening total nine he started swimming he crossed the river in that way and there was then finally here is to that house and he saw the in one room the light is burning and he thought novel is waiting for me she knew that I will surely come then he noticed that from outside the window one group is Oh animal is so considerate she is giving a rope from the outside so that I can climb so he holds that rope and went over there and our Tilly pound is not a row is the snake and the snake perhaps was thinking what is going on what this man so what happened the touch of the snake became a rope to that Tulsidas deluded just for tremendous love attachment for that lady the wide that normally the touch of snake also became the touch of a rope and he climbed being of course that story ratnavali rebuked him and said the love that you are giving to me that touch meant that you were giving to me a little part if you give to God you will realize God and he were a Brandon how come that you were associated with this body 2008 Italy is that you are my guru and to from today I have understood I have realized that is a another story but when we touch when we see when we hear it goes to our mind but it will deceive us so how to believe that flick all these our senses whatever the information they are bringing a correct is not then buddy and Ankara and the gate entangled with the prakruti what happens the our booty and ahankara entangles with the prakruti what happens this is the last verse and read that is the third verse of the 27th chapter now the samsara tina samsara pada being a bersia a beauty Britta brushing degree karmadoll she suffered a sir mr. Leone issue process Rossum going through the identification with the property this ask it is totally little different Prashant eager and usually the reference no it is Prussian dieter means the identification identification with the proc 18 Jeeva becomes the helpless of Asha and miserable on in Peter and gets involved in the cycle of birth and death and this bartended goes to high that is godly and middle very human and low the species different species according to the effect of karma so that's why I they always say since you have got this human bird and a desire to know God or higher spiritual life has come into your mind don't do it's time go straight forward and get that idea otherwise you do not know in the next birth very we go god forbid again so we mean the punishes they say naka sophistication pretty on wood way among locum he not remember be Shanti Nicosia means the in the heaven after spending in the heaven for you in exchange of your good work you may come back to this life or you may go down again we do not know so then the fifth verse Kavita gave the hint how to go beyond this the the mystery of birth what is the mystery above the reflection of the consciousness on the booty and Ankara this is the whole thing and that get entangled with the property and the property naturally mixed it in satrajit AMA and the saturated AMA again with you result of war good that you are taking birth in different form and he were thinking that you have taken the bar and all these things goes on it's continuously going on you are thinking in that way sometimes the crazy people a person is all the time having the ill inclusion Asian you say that you are truly not seeing it doctors are telling friends are telling relatives are telling he said no no I am saying it so that we so much of attachment and delusion that we forget we even the God comes and says that you are in reality pure a mothership autre you are the children of immortal please miss dad maybe some others but I am NOT why because that confidence is not there because we do not understand this then what is the way out what is the beyond then Kapila in the fifth verse he says that by to gain the liberation the mind has to be slowly with drawn away from the involvement with nature property the in the Hindu society the made in this way first they gave the idea Dharma first that idea that is in the rain we were very young student then they kept it in mind but the property the nature for having all the name fame and physical comfort they started Driskell Brahma chorister and then afterwards retirement comes then you are getting little slowly slowly disassociated the friends go away there is no what much work then we try to get entangled with some social work and this and that that also slowly goes away then physically also we become unable to do and the incomes the sannyasa at the time of sannyasa when you learn those things as a young person that comes oh yes Sonia some is giving up what I am giving up only my ego because only because of this ego and separated from God let me give up the ego that is Sonia Sonia some insomnia Niassa the other what is the terror ego so that copy distilling sunnysean I slowly slowly we have to be drawn they do things are there the United with the Supreme Being through bhakti-yoga now united with the Supreme Being how bhakti-yoga nur why not ganna you again we are discussing all about the gana what is this rock te but E is nothing but one pointed devotion to the idea the moment we talk about the bhakti we explain in different way here the bhakti yoga na yoginah means one pointed devotion one pointed mind to the title I am going to realize that I am NOT this body and mind because this body and mind is the reflected consciousness I'm going to go back to the consciousness so Who am I this type of topics the shamans will be speaking Who am I the brahman the consciousness the pollution the how then I mean because of the reflection and I mistook that reflection as a real now I am understood that this is only reflection so I am going back so this way but the Yoganathan trail tip tip promised intense one pointed devotion I understood it now I am going to practice it and one pointed devotion with detachment the moment you are going towards God you are leaving something what is that this world the Raghavan's round his name is very simple way he said the more you are going towards the west east will be you need not to push the East at your back we still do all the time at your back to go to the west when you are going towards the ocean all things should be left behind and it will feel the cool breeze so this is the way we have to go and then he is explaining about the very famous estranja you got the Eightfold yoga Yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana and samadhi then most of the people they come and tell can you teach a samadhi and there somebody is all right but you have to jump over there before that if you don't have the steps best if you don't go from here you have to jump how can you do that the Samadhi the dianna all the people they are talking about right for sure simply bluffing and it's not possible never even possible this is Yama means you have to practice I am saw satya asteya brahmacharya aparigraha I don't have much time to explain in English so when jnana means again the future santosha containment Papa swadhyaya is sharpening Donna are you ready with that these are the first two steps then our others will come friends devotees people we have already had a discussion on that about that meditation and there are some CDs are there why should we meditate a very elaborate discussions are there we all got into that in our next class we will touch different type of devotion the bhakti-yoga what is this bhakti very different type of devotions are there we will discuss about the Kapila Muni is telling on that we will discuss now let us conclude with this local young Bruni no drama student the barista boy be the Sangha butter crumb Upanishad I guarantee they are now estiga that the Catena Manasa question do you know yes young not be do sudah pseudo Ghana d by this mean chandi shanti shanti you thank you and when you go down please have the Prashad and then you can