Video 11
but my solutions be short Hardin governance attrition me today we will study the drug eita is a very special part of the bhagavata now the great thing Ritu about whom we have already studied then he passed away then afterwards his son Wichita's she uh she means the hearts be cheater he conquered that that means he was a very famous in capturing the horses what is that mean that in previously the Kings this to release their horse and they go following the roads in whatever places the horse will go that place belongs to him so he was that type of king who had tremendous power so leadership this is widget Asha became the king but now when we read this fog avatar the most of the characters that we are come across worth meeting here we find that mostly the spiritual the love spirituality they like to go to solitude you like to meditate the two totally different type of temperament mentality but nowadays it is exactly opposite so much of physical and the temperament and the mentality all coming towards the physics only and that is the reason we find the different type of incidents happening all around which we cannot appreciate as a human being doing it so why because a mentality changed the human being is nothing but his thoughts if you are thinking in a positive way it's a good person even a good person the negative naturally you're a bad person so here we find the BG talked sure he became the king and then he distributed his kingdom to his four brothers he was the supreme King but he asked his brothers to rule the east west north and south the eastern part her reaction is another brother Harry Hawk here he was throwing the eastern part then Rica become means the more powerful the colder that bigger the he was given to the western part which turned mr. Norton was the travina and the sudden was the thumb rotation these are the four brothers they were ruling why we are reading these what is it very important because this is a history this the scripture that we are reading most of the part teaching us how to develop our mind our thought our the physical thing so that slowly we can go to the highest goal that Artman physically also he should be pure mentally we should be pure and how it is possible that training is there at the same time this is the three larger ethier shillings the stories of the Kings and the kingdoms Soto pretty nicely categorically all the explanations are there and this King be Top Chef he was not an ordinary person has really well we have already heard his another name was unter Tana antic Donnelly's he had the capacity to hide completely this wound he got from the Inder the he could suddenly make sense and completely hiding from the sight of the others so yoga capacity he was happy so that Yoga capacity he used to use sometimes to go and see how the people are their subjects are and there so heels to go around incognito and in such a way the people could not recognize him so he was named as underdone now he had two wives one is chicken Dini the stricken Denis had three sons another navarre Swati the niversity only one son and his name was of it Tiana this hobby dianna we must remember this name because we have been to follow the hwy dianna the other three sons they were good people but we are not coming in in these pages of the history they are not mentioned this is harini Gianna and he was having but he should the British odd and other type sounds were their protein / he did not the neighbors but he shall he had a very famous on Hwy Dianna had a very famous on his Berisha another name of that was progeny but he why because this Boresha huge he was very perfect in arranging the woman see the social picture is slowly coming previously it was only the meditation and the thorn and slowly they understood that what many people cannot take part into it the Rishi's their intellectual people they are sitting in one corner of the place and then meditating and getting great joy Dean but what the what many people will do so they developed the whom who mum is lighting the fire and slowly slowly that developed in such a inoperative way and present days and we can understand it is impossible for ordinary people to perform that directly so there some people that becomes to either let goes on the completely seeing religion here this petition they say he has almost covered the whole world not that the world the conception now we are having that a country is a vast country used to visit almost in all parts and it's to perform the Jungian so he was leading the name but he shall are branching were he and this Venetia and his wife shutter the routine had ten sons and esteemed sons were the same name and they looked same character also seen so people is to call them all thirteen sons in one name proceeded up the tale sons were not having different names as because they were so similar in everything so one day one name was given for all the ten sons they were fetching dollars now this slowly done but he said and his son sons we can say ten sons this Frechette ups this name brothers where each of them very pious and pure the practice severe austerity for a long period of time look at it with every character that we are beating most of them they're very much interested to practice the spirituality what is the spirituality whereas the practice of spirituality we always talk about this what is the practice of spirituality controlling the senses and nothing else controlling the senses in whatever manner you can not by using the narcotics and now sometimes some people they'll smoke and they'll be for forgetting the whole all-around that is done but by controlling your senses how you can control your senses by controlling your mind how you control your mind sleep the state be controlling your thoughts and how he will control your thoughts by not connecting with those which are disturbing you so that's why they always say Sangha sadhu sanga only company why because the thoughts will be good visit the pilgrimages the visit the holy places why because the thoughts will be good eating also in a controlled way why your thoughts will be good so all these goes to the mind mind becomes purified because it is not contaminated with the worldly thoughts which are all selfish and connected with the physical body and slowly slowly it goes in that way the practice that the controlling of the senses for a long long time their mind became very pure and doing the become purified very pure they become just like the child the ton of people but simple like a child no ego so these steel brothers then the father's father told patch in body you better go and practice move the spirituality so that you can realize the Brahman the Hartman so the highest goal is to realize the Hartman the Brahman this team brothers then they started going towards the ocean when they were going towards the ocean they found a beautiful lake huge lake and they were thinking why not sit over here because the drinking water is there in those days naturally wherever you go the first concern is the water if you don't have the drinking water then how can you stay so they thought disreputable place when they were thinking to steal certainly are the beautiful music and some people are singing and the joy of merriment from somewhere it is coming and very wonderful fragrance the smell and they are wondering what is going to happen what is happening suddenly they form then the Shiva the ruler is coming up from that water the is coming out of that water so the Indian problem is the always they use some words then you have to understand the meaning of it otherwise it is very no one can leave inside the water right so how the Lutheran is coming why is coming out of the water indication is water is formless and from that formulas the Great God taking the form of sri Luther thrilled remains the Shiva and the Shiva is auspicious why is completely free from ego so this Shiva is coming up and now this Vidura the famous character of Mahabharata when you were discussing the Mahabharata you know the famous character of Mahabharata Buehler he is asking my three because these two they were conversing mind who visited all this thing went back and giving the report and peculiar told can you please tell me the story so he was asking the Maitreya and Vidura say to my dear Sangha Makalu before she she will Yashiro de nom du lover Munna you the two a salade young of Ishita so this is the fourth book 24 chapter 18 verse of the bhagavata he says embodied being Sri renowned one who is having the body cannot contact sangguk Alou cannot contact sri suta the shiva who is the purity how it is possible he mom or she him horny she will precede the you are a great sage can you please tell me how it is possible then he is mentioning he great Rishi's were completely dedicated to know all this thing and there's so much they wish to convey communicate to see the vision of Shiva they can armed how these thin brothers could do it the game and they were not meditating of Shiva how she would himself came before them that means diverse really really very very pure so practice meditation the two the two means meditation this Sanskrit terminologies is a little difficult because they use different terms in different places to mean different things so this is the way why it is so difficult to see Sri Rudra Shiva is redundant is the purity itself and an impure mind cannot naturally see this is the light and the darkness the darkness cannot see the light the moment the darkness see the light it becomes light when the light is coming in the darkness there is no darkness and when the disturbance there is no light so the unity and impurity is just like that again brothers the what is disability what is this impurity in the hope all the religions again and again these words are used and most of us we are confused we do not know what is purity and then what we do we think that we should eat properly so that is purity in the right time the disability from the right hand some people that is purity and water also from some of the rivers the now design the Constitution and purity that's very wonderfully given by Bhagwan see Ramakrishna he started his life in a very very well in a Brahminical way he never touched anything and slowly slowly he's showed that that is not purity you can start from there very concerned with him not touching anyone not this food not that food not this water not that water not this time not that time all these things but ultimately this Raghavan's Ramakrishna if from in Calcutta he told can you please bring a glass of water from me he was a prominent remember it in the 19th century - is really really difficult for a prominent drinking water from a glass touched by others it is impossible he cannot imagine the conservativeness of this on those days pramanas and he did it on purpose Calcutta and there was a restaura that is water is there why don't you go and bring the water from day only see the glasses nicely clean hygienic that's why what is the purity unselfishness purity is love again and again I see these the Shiva is full of love and full of unselfishness and they're saying the distinction that I have not read over here where the Shiva is coming up when they are giving the description of the Shiva the first word they used that you can see his throat is the blue because he drank the venom why because he wanted to save the humanity you know that story but not that it is not that they were churning the ocean and the the the ambrosia that came and also the venom came not like that the venom means all Cara renal means ego the Shiva is holding over here it has not gone to the heart he is completely freed that capacity she was of you he was having so all symbolic this Shiva he appeared before them completely free from aizen's and ready but there is I there is evil and ego is the cause of the separation from God so hims really not anyone who is having the body consciousness naturally having high consciousness and when having the eye there's an eagle more or less but that he cannot have the darshan of the Shiva you have to be completely free the Swami be weakened the who was the embodiment of the Shiva he took the human form and Salam o Krishna he told that you have to work for the humanity and you were completely unselfish you have to do this we must go but a time will come when he will realize who truly you are and the afterwards those who have read the biographies Shami Vivekananda he went to Kashmir and had the darshan of the Shiva and immediately realized that he was shimmer from the in other words this no more now I am drawn I am waiting for the last day no more work so that Shiva conception the purity unselfishness and contemplation full of joy this is the Shiva this is the root and here this hat rudra this meeting and physically he has come and he is meeting these the sons of the bar assured you be each other would be eaten and he said I know the T word the son of the parishioners Benicia was also very poor pure person sir the young human evolved build ashada sutra with the sons of the Boresha be eaten I know that so I made you because I know you are free to receive the highest spiritual advisors then director said yeah Barajas a shark shot three do not Jesus indeed armed Taliban Tom Bosley even proper NASA to you email Basu Dean who is telling Sheba about come Krishna to bursting this is very interesting and from here we find how the two great movement coming together and this is the beauty of the Indian whenever there are some differences are coming something will happen someone named they will come and be together and they become one Shiba clan shall guide clan are very strong and wish Nagas were also very strong and they were gaining the grounds day by day so naturally there was complete now here the Shiva and Vishnu or the Vasudeva Krishna they are becoming one how Krishna is great who is telling Shiva so naturally the father cannot announce the Christian so she was telling one who dedicate come lately to realize Bosley the controller of the certain property and Volusia become very dear to me now these brothers they were hatched by their father to go and realize the highest knowledge Brahman and they were doing for them in meeting underway Shiva made them and she were told that you are going to realize the Vasudeva he never mentioned the Brahman in mention Vasudeva and that's very like you he like you all why yung parang Marathas are shot three gunas she was undeterred because those who are trying to understand the property and the pollution what is the property and the pollution so you have to understand the Hinduism the revolution means consciousness and the protein the power of that consciousness and what is happening with that all this creation so the creation is per 30 we have already studied that those who are regularly attending you know that the priority means the creation and who is creating it the consciousness how is doing it through its power and the power and person who is holding the power are inseparable so the probability and the pollution that you are going to understand and that is vast later he didn't mention Brahman why now introducing Twitter that Brahman which is consciousness which is all-pervading not having any form here now taking the human form and that is Vasu diva at the Borgata union Priya stop Joe Bereta so you being the devotee of Vishnu are as dear to me as a God himself the devotee and the god both are a dear to me because you know that this is the uniqueness we love Sri Ramakrishna and whoever talks about the Ramakrishna visit the temple of sedimentation Fiats love them to sing me the Rudra he is stealing I love those who loves Bisutti why the positive is nothing but the Brahmin himself that same Brahmin which is the property and the pollution so I love those because you are going to get the highest knowledge in the next line of the same earth 38c route through stealing another sentence this is also very interesting first he said I appreciate you because you have come to realize the brandman the Brahman which is partial table and now this Vasudeva is having the power of the property and also the conscious I like those who loves Pasadena how would I like the God as I like the God the same way like those who love God this is the status standard second line he is steaming now month bhagavata and chip rayon or never steam the rigid you know those who would be boarded into Vasudeva they like me too and the one else so from here we can understand that's 28 29 30 31 all are the indication of the combination of the two great movements Vaishnava and the Shiva the srevice they are so powerful all over the India under the sheet you go to the cash meat also virus and go to the south side miles north east south west everywhere at the same time you'll find the Bushnell's now you think if these two great forces deeply used to collide all the time whatever have been the society to the grade Rishi's they told in wonderful way what is Shiva is nothing but Vishnu and the visual means the present man so they were Christian and the same boat the route are Shiva Vishnu or the bar so Deva they are all from ultimately so that we the wonderful way they are making him you know here the Schriever and which never does a great war that took place and it's a soui most of the Indians and mainly now the Western world and know that the father of the Parvati Durga he was paralyzing a program which program dear didn't invite the Shiva the husband of his beloved daughter why other than the society the girl's father was a team now the green seas and the most beautiful and fathers to love us so much she managed Shiva and Shiva was not accepted in the high society which she was accepted as a high society and agreed and all other neighbors they were all in the high society so naturally they were not allowed in that so how to do it what happened there was a from the Ganga Singh Ganga a little portion of the Ganga is coming inside there the Shiva came to beat father way and the ladies from this house they took King to be in the same pond and this young lady saw Shiva Shiva was very very feared complex as if like the snow they see just like the white no she lowers like that matted here huge 41 different personality so these young girls who don't wish that person the Shiva I like to marry him it was the that they were free to choose their husbands now the parents naturally we can understand they were going on telling he is not having any Kingdom he's not a king not having any money no social status how can you marry him father became very angry and all things were happening when the father became angry the other sisters also started avoiding this girl and she was adamant now I am going to marry love naturally so she went and married the Shiva she were told she I don't have any a house I live here there everywhere I don't have regular income also whatever the people bring that they eat sometimes and missed most of the time and meditate I don't care about this world will you be able to continue between Shiva was very genuine telling the girl they married they weighed the started leaving but the father felt very much inserted how is it this fellow anyway my daughter has married he should have a comment that my field bill the resident to me because I am the king Prajapati Prajapati means the king became very angry and then another frames also told you invite all great people and have some program over here don't invite that man so he'll be feeling insulted the mother she told don't do it my daughter will suffer but anyways that was happened and the daughter told my father loves me so much if I go and say that I have come rather issue they accept you sometimes you know that the father and the husband they are not going properly so the daughter will somehow do in a nice way just now when I was taking the breakfast cycle observing that watching the press called the News's and there is an advertisement was having a boyfriend inside the room in that suddenly the father came the boy was hiding behind the door but in the meantime the cell phone started ringing the father to louise yet and he found the boy but the boy was holding the cell phone it is so like trapti the father for God that unknown boy how could he come over here he was very happy so purchased that paper cell phone this is a legitimate message the here we find that the daughter came the father was not agreeing and insulting again and again it was impossible for the daughter because she was very devoted to the husband and she knew who she is so naturally she felt insulted and she committed suicide that news came and she returned she were then who was the embodiment of peace became angry and he started sending all his retinues or these soldiers and tremendously yogic power the hall descriptions are there the game and the keel each and every one all the gods they were running here and there the it was impossible for them to fight against those the brutal forces then ultimately all these things changed why because the Vishnu came and told Shiva see we cannot go without this key you please help somehow the Shiva always kind-hearted little okay what to do the young person has already got the aid of that birth man - somehow you have to give the life and I need him and what he need he not only cut the heat of that Prajapati it threw it in the fire Sita has already burned so nothing was available so the other worlds they brought the goats for the sacrifice one field of the goat was there so he put there the Chava bundle so bridge apathy was having so you are a Prajapati but your ideas are just like a goat so that was the idea but all these things happen dad gives but gives him such a way people read is a spiritual story no is a social story socially picture is the whole the two groups colliding then afterwards whatever the same plot of water the branch of the gang guys come to himself just inside the same place has been termed as the hearted Perrine's in DDC her jardines Shiva Jara Jara means the Shiva she was born her ki Pauri and at the same time hurried to our this is the door of the hurry the Vishnu see how they're coming in closely Shiva and the wish never wrong she was a vegetable he was a avatar of Vishnu but we he was going to fight it instead a burner who was the disciple of the Shiva ROM knew I won't be able to fight so the Narada through Brahma Brahma actually through Narada sent a message to Rama Chandra you have to worship the God the power of the Shiva and true to God you have to please the Shiva otherwise it is impossible the Rama he worshiped Durga why because to appease the Shiva then the Shiva - looking comparing with Rama and Ravana Ravana is bad so letting be defeated the power that is coming that the story goes his wonderful way but we miss the social condition in those days that's why I always say we talked about the spirituality about the religion but we forget the history the sociology of the Dean society unless until you understand the society how this alone is coming again and again the two forces they cool but naturally the human mind is said that this is our temple this is our shrine this is our church and you have come from outside okay and I can give you showing this but don't ever criticize about us then always leave our devotees also always think why they'll come and criticize us they have come as the guest okay but this should not say anything about the our church and we need over there those people are also and all good that you have come like that it goes always real the small clothes all belong to us because it belongs to Salaam Krishna is very very difficult to realize even the mums also don't think a cha your asana is good you'll asthma is that this is my custom it but deep Paul is it a human psychology the orders become narrow-minded here also the shameful and which never they were separated and the bhagavata is bringing them closer and they say that this is the blessings now the parts 23 to 79 I am NOT going to read all the verses and I just give the gist of the 24th chapter Sheba known also as the revealing the true nature of the wish to the protecta brothers and this is known as good turkey de Gaeta means explanation it's a geeta means the song so he is singing the glory of the Vishnu who route through the drag eita in the beginning it's a is allowed victory unto thee in Avery all these verses from 33 to 79 his beginning with the salutation to Dee all our victory unto thee I am announcing you qualities is a feminine brandman cannot have the qualities the moment you have the quality even finite you cannot be infinite but that is riding the beginning of the worst this is the subtle point that one should note they will never make mistake I am giving the quality arouse in the quality describing the qualities does it mean that he is not true God is not wrong one in the beginning itself is three I am announcing your qualities so that the great universe of Brahman realized the police in Hartman why I am giving you the distribution of the qualities not that you are not Brahman not that you are bound by this quality only because unless and until I say like that they won't get the joy the blaze of Brahman Norman cinema Krishna is dealing there are two types of the fluid superior one type of fruit only singing tune they will go on playing that no changes another type of loops at the s sitting by the side of that because they were go on playing on the seven the holes to Sade Gama pardon e9 nicely they would play a people enjoy attacked that is also someone whom God Anthony no these are dead so some people they constantly listen to that and they are margin that when other people up to some time does a little boring same thing else then they will seem the same what else is here shut up the sound means of God the same own color same shop the same sound now they're playing in seven teams and the beautiful songs and you feel joy in there so the Shiva is stealing I know of wish you you are nothing but Brahman but the Brahman without a bit without qualities that is different but these people won't understand that I don't like that they should be tried they should have the love they should have the joy they should express their feelings soon he is giving the Appetit and thou are the self fulfilled still you are supporting the creation controlling the property the creative power of God he was so fulfilled nothing about that but at the same time you want that people should come and give the presentation to you see how the social things happen this tendon 24th December is approaching the Christmas tree Concepcion has gone Jesus never knew about this tree Jesus never knew about the gift this is only knew about the father in the heaven and he gained anything told people you must also know the father in the heaven but then the people thought only father in the heaven is okay but little body actually let us place it three and the three should be decorated and the top of it there should be a star the people should remember that is the highest point but below you should keep some gift further your friends and the frames will come and do you think the religion introduced that do you think the founder of the religion he introduced or she introduced none who introduced it automatically then the social body it comes and it becomes part and parcel of the religion isn't it the same way people like it and for the people that God is also taking different form so here the Shiva is stealing I know that your self fulfilled you don't need anything but for the joy of the others your creation you have created and you are in different names and forms you are enjoying so you are coming ahead boss of the Eve I shan't I could describe salucci say nama sankirtan I sucks my doodle time and hijae nama here the nama means you know to begin with in this way they called puta namah namah this humbleness and this too is giving as a sang twist with so many wonderful qualities what is there to you have taken the form as the boss of the boss of the barrio to you who has taken the form as the boss'll diva who is Shanta a peaceful who can be peaceful who is not having any desire the only one word he has used but explain the whole religion if you have to desire any type of desire your mind can never become tranquil really they don't deserve and so Shanta the moment he says it is Shanta the peaceful the thing is the person the Vasudeva is not having any desire and then who described Buddhist remains unchanged he never changes whether you are insulting the God or kissing the God praying the God who changes the same kutis area and then he says self-effulgent solution a self-effulgent Charu she say means no one is coming and show sometimes if you go to that tradition of in the temple particularly the southern region of India they have not changed that traditional is a government being so you have to enter all other places our electricity is there a beautiful lights decoration inside will this move Italy laughs and you have to be very careful to see the face of the god or goddess over there and it to go and lie down sweating small so you have to like almost go bending your eight humble sitting over there and the moment you are entering from the oxide the clear so for some time it is all blank you cannot see anything so we wait wait you then your eyes become clean and you can see that the God is there and the little light but you can see the face what is the why these can be provided a land they can but they own why because traditionally you are supposed to really for anybody concentrated to see the God and to see the God you don't need any light solution because he is self-effulgent you can see God because it is light so this we we have given on description salutation to you who has manifested an incursion the four names they would say first is Vasu the dead Shankar chana Bosh liver is peaceful unchanging satisfaction with Shankar sure the master of ahamkara icings now the Vasudeva the supreme come from the box of the separation is coming what is the separation I the momentum honker ego comes I'm separated from the God the Son kahshanna and Shem Krishna is very subtle and infinite this eye is very subtle you will find some people that all the time in India if you go there all folding the hands and then bowing down who's so humble people not at all humble it's only showing so that is why a hunk Allah is very subtle inside is such a way to sleep definitely Ramakrishna say if you can remove the Omkar you have got yourself but it is very very difficult to remove the uncle so that is the last barrier for the monks also did he now see everything but the final thing that Ankara something or other will come they won't get the final liberation because of the little Ankara so one should be very very careful and then he is explaining again let me read this 35 and 36 verses nama Bishop revolt ayah pradhana under Othmani namun about an entire education in the art money nama Parameshwara porn i repeat our money i am breaking the slow Kherson reading just to make you an idea how it is celebration to you as the predominant you know this names most of the Indians they have are the starter all famous characters that Shamgar Sharna pradhana he's the controller of the internet first his varsity with the Supreme God his car tranquil peaceful second sangharsh an armed guard ego why is separating from the Supreme God third controller of the England Pratunam now from the Haggadah I intellect has come the booty did salvation to you as an adulterer the Shiva is telling you are a Linda you are Shankar sana you were do not why because the same God has manifested in different forms the you are the controller of the minds swappable the diraja victim shaquiesha de lama sanitation to you because he was the gateway to heaven and salvation to words have used one is heaven another is salvation and he sees the image reason if you like to know about hinduism the hindus never considered the heaven as the highest the heaven is a place where everything is good nice it's very close to God but that is not the ultimate God is far away from that so salvation Mukti heaven is also a desire most of the people majority of the people they only have this desire this I have enjoyed now oh god please be kind not me so that I after death I can to heaven why did also I can enjoy here I have enjoyed there else I should so this way and this is the desire desire of enjoyment I am offering the pranaam and being respected the God why he has given me everything over here I am satisfied girl and for the next heaven that is not the ultimate God Liam take you to heaven he will go to heaven because of you good deal but that is simple early again you have to come back because anything that you are achieving through the Karma through the world temporary and what is permanent revelation that this is not a karma we will drink the Jaffa taking the name of God or bring charity doing these doing that all karma and ultimately with those things what happened mind become completely free from desire and when that might become completely free from desire there is no I sense the desire less means I sense no more sense when you are completely free from the aizen's what remains you and that is the Hartman so that is the ultimate of the Vedanta but become the approaching through the Twitter here he says you are the Gateway of heaven and also salvation both of you so wish never scholars who are journalists be daunting you know in Vedanta there's three the bit under the end part of the waiter but doing the mister and on Twitter the are dualist balantine they considered the supreme brahman as baffled evil Raghavan Salam Krishna he said whom you mention as Brahman I call that as ma come on I want to call them what is that that to you if you don't like you don't but I like to call the Brahmin as mother so they say this is the varsity with the ultimate knowledge of the Vader then they explained the creation as the four parts of the body being creation and four parts of the varsity level what is that first is gardenia positivists paramaatma para means highest Hartman means the soul and also the property again the highest nature second Shanker tional who was the Shankar Sharna the beings in sanskrit it called Jeeva the beings and in the ring what is the speciality mana the mind that is breath Doudna his terminologically they have just given the name pretty to none so the mind the mana waimana because this is the mind which is reflected on the mind only reflected the Hoffman sir mind becomes very active as it conscious the consciousness is reflecting on the mind and giving us everything all activities so mind is going out collecting the information and making our different difficulties and who is finally this mind all these impressions coming where ego what is that Eagle on in winter tsubasa daya shankar shala problem the four names they have given because they were very famous so people understand that they may forget if you see the mana with the so they are given in this way so what we should do from the lower data we have to go to that we have to go on from the opportunity shankaranna Shankar Shantanu Basu table how we can do that by charity best spiritual study by that holy company and devotion to the Supreme Truth God one can give reader ego the subtle of poo this is poo hobbies another in ancient time with these to fight this to win the war this should have different type of circles and the soldiers did be trained in a nice way in a circle so that from there only they can find one after another disculpa become is the circle and then actually the designing the soldiers in the war field this first is donna moonda what is the very root the ego and second is there to purify the mind when the ego gone what happened purifying the mind so second is the predominant and third comes understand the nature of the prakruti this reality is always changing if we understand it truly you will see that you will become peaceful why I am just having this because all these things are changing I don't need anything so that understanding of the of the property that is her Shanker Shoshana and the moment you can do that it becomes basu diva and who is this boss the devil he is the issue of the god of the bond vasudevah sarvam he's the each and everything some Mahatma Sulu level that people understanding this God is everything and he is this Vasudeva that clear understanding is very very rare and he said this Vasudeva is having the six qualities trust his knowledge gana second is Shakti power butter stretchered strength knowledge of all sorts of wealth then the real tremendous strength in the mentally and DJ DJ mean if you don't have the video and Asia you cannot practice spirituality very difficult because so many people will come the temptations and you have to go beyond the temptations people are coming and offering you so many things you have to go beyond - it is not so easy I told you in Hanuman I was in that temptation there was not a single farthing and fifty orphan boys I was becoming man how to hit this fifty children and suddenly one person sent me three or four I've forgotten food big bags suitcases very big and into only fifteen days then afterwards we will give you one so it gets full of money thousand dollar the bills everything that I don't know I don't think that I don't know how much actually money was but it was lot of money only if I had said yes I could get that money a problem was solved I could make the big temple I could make these and that makes me I was thinking how to send someone through market because I was not adding any money and this same patient came in the evening I said no the cursed even if we die we will pay but never accidentally step of money actually what happened you know in our country sometimes they raped they say the people will go from the I hear the iris that take economics of this thing they will go the police will go the one person they doubted he is having unmounted money and he was true he was he was having so he said it to me thinking no one will come to me then no one will doubt me so the money will be saved that was all right for in thinking to save his own money but what about me I was so hungry and the food was there I had to restrain myself how it is possible this is barrier and danger and who can give you that billion who can give you that danger on the god - that's why if a true devotee constantly praying to God then the Shiva he's singing the blue D of the Basu Deva this little Gita ultimately saves the is one but only we are calling in different names and the God is the source of everything you can call it as a Brahmin you can call it as a boss of evil you can call it as a ruler and whatever is only the same and for you what actually you should do you have to practice austerity what is that austerity control in your senses the senses are constantly taking you out so we have to control those senses how you can control with what sorts power God again so they give it to a child a free mother is shouting yielding and the child will go and hug the mother only because he knows that mother can only save me as similarly we should also go back to God and say give me the string give me the power did you see did ye there is a prayer give me the danger give me the supreme power so that I can deny this world and I only can understand you and you alone so this is the teaching of the Rudra Geeta and it has changed this monitor young Brahma although named brutal drama soon and the the bass we be the sound but the grandma bunny shadowy guardian [Music] Dianna was that nicotine ominous our Bush indium yogino yes young Tom dabba doo soon as the buyer just mean oh the [Music] - this the TT puja Shami preeminent the G is the director said love a bouncy ramakrishnan we don't do much of rituals but we remember him and his wonderful deeds Raghavan Salam is nice to see that he is the purity in the human form there's so much purity and we have seen two things love and unselfishness in him was the one example of love the people this to go in a country vote you know just by the side of the Bitterroot mother's account are flowing so people is to go poor people the whole day they're going on rain the board heavy board the owners of the boat never thought about those people the bottom eight but the Swami used to sit better on the pan to say come here start the boat for some time take some food other people used to say paddy you don't know that why you are feeding them can't you see they're hungry they cannot row the boat so what is there we have we can give that love and without anything without expecting anything sometimes of course is to say I don't give food lightly Prasad so the prasada which has been sanctified by the God that I give to them so they also in their next life will become devotee that was one and he was so popular you know the purity that attracts people so he was very popular so all people is to go to he morning and the Raja mother he was and he was very good-looking the two things people always act that is a good looking he was very very good-looking the preeminent purges the people is to go to him but Raja modest I was not having that good you can moreover is to shun the company of the people and he was the president Shami be beckoned the called him and say and he was a senior the Vivekananda's called him Babu Rhonda Tommy's in Bengali the senior brother brother you should not give an initiation and you should not mix with people whoever comes to you you should direct them to the Raja Raja means Shaunie brahmananda he never said why people are coming why you are jealous University okay no problem then honors without any hesitation whoever is to come is to direct them to them tomorrow there was no self selfishness to the what is the oddity love and unselfishness this is the embodiment the Swami pramana thank you [Music]