Video 1
1. Bhagavatam - A Guide to Liberation: Birth of the Scripture
good morning after two months live now again we are meeting and there's a new subject that we'll be discussing today and onwards that is the bhagavata m-- a guide to liberation it's a great book it's a beautiful book and it is written by a famous person Vasudeva it's combining the love and knowledge together we'll come to that and I'm very happy that we are starting this particular subject particular Scripture in a time when it is apt recently all over the Hindus they have observed the holy and the festival of color that is the time when the Sri Krishna manifested he played that so this is connected with the Vishnu and also Sri Krishna so this scripture will be telling about the Lord Vishnu and Srikrishna and this to Great God they are connected the celebrations that we have already done we know that there was a king we called him demon king the bad type of people the neighbor accepted the God particularly Vishnu which means the supreme that is the might ology the story they say and he won't accept it his name was hidden Akasha poo but look at it the divine play of God his son became very very devoted to the Vishnu and his name was Prahlada so many of you know the story of a loud we have small small booklets if you can read that the beautiful stories now the Prahlada he is not listening to his father disobeying his father and he's telling no I am going to worship Vishnu whether you like it or not and the father then ultimately he started giving him the punishment death punishment but nothing worked he threw him there allowed his own son from the top of the mountain nothing happened threw him in the water nothing happened he forced him to drink the poison nothing happened then ultimately he called his sister holy cow whatever's her name and holy cow has a magical power that the fire could never touched her so the brother the King hironaka she poo he said that sister can you please help me take this boy on inside the fire and fire is not going to touch you and the boy will be burn do that for me so the huge fire was piled up and the sister is very happy to help his brother by burning his nephew and she took that role dada on a lap sat over there fire started we'll look at it the Lada was untouched by the fire and Holika was burned to ashes and Holika ultimately he was crying to God what is it you gave me the boon that prior cannot touch me the how is it heater I gave you the boon for the betterment of others that you can utilize that boon for the betterment of others now you are doing exactly opposite so i withdrawn the one and that malika was burned that means anyone trying to harm others are going to get the punishment in hands of God so that is the whole meaning of the story a Holika was burned remembering that people they burned that fire and then think that all the bad things are burned and the holy the color the play it says that Krishna himself played that was the story of the Vishnu and now the story of Krishna in Brindavanam used to play with his frames the different type of colors and this colors this to throw to each other and it have perhaps some of you must have seen or joined the color game in Hindu temple Ahmad they were having that in the Saturday and it's such a big way that foolish was not allowing us to enter so many people they came over there why this color they say the red color particularly is the indication of love and yellow color is a remedy from ailment and blue color is the color of god and goddesses the color of krishna and the color of kali so that is also the blue and green color is a new beginning so with the hope of that they usually play with different type of color so that is the environment now we are going to begin this baba bottom the before restart as is our system let us chant this wonderful mantra I will I will just quote from one line and then please repeat after me Sean Tucker booyakasha UNAM but manam sireesha [Music] Mashhad harem Goggin assad regime made a burnham chiu-hung lakshmi condom Kamala jnanam you give me an atom bond a bishop baba harem serve aloo ke offering the salutation to the great god Vishnu who has a city in appearance chantara karim Shanta means very calm and composed everything is happening by him Oh everything he is doing but very calm and composed that is Santa acara Fujioka shayana this is very special he is lying on the Adi Adi she Asia the serpent over that if you have seen the picture with drawn picture that Vishnu is lying on a huge serpent artesia a de Naga Sri sham he is the master of all the gods vishwas harem Gurgaon Assad regime he is just like the visual harem he is the sustainer of the universe gaga no such tradition boundless and infinite like the sky gagana sedition is giving the hint to the personal God giving a description of a God but at the same time the hint is very clear is impersonal it is like the governor like the sky sky is everywhere all pervading like that boundless whose color is like the cloud that is bluish and who has a beautiful and auspicious body the description is like that and then said Lakshmi contemn Kamala jnanam who is the husband of the Lakshmi the prosperity the Hindus always gives the one god or goddess the prosperity lets me knowledge learning charity like that so Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity and he is the master the husband of the Lakshmi whose eyes are like the Lotus the beautiful eyes and who is attainable to the Yogi's by meditation yoga be the anagha Miam through meditation one can realize this Vishnu bond a fish known papaya harem I am saluting this Vishnu who removes the fear worldly existences the fear of existence now I'll be going to Dallas the subject is the problems of the human being and if solution I don't know the solution but I know the problem but anyway I will think about how to give the solution and it says the first solution is feed as trusted problem is fear the fear is the first problem that is why fire babu-bhaiya harem baba means this world empire with fear when we are here all the time we think what is going to happen to me what is going to happen to me those who are already on the top of the ladder society they are thinking are we going to have these or not and some countries the presidents they are thinking to make it in a such a way the rule should be such a way as long he is alive if he should continue that post I fear I may lose it and when I am not in that the people will criticize me they won't give me the respect that I am getting so always the fear fear fear everywhere and if we go to the Lord Vishnu that is totally removed and who is the Lord of all the locals locusts means different Spears this this is the bish know that we will be slowly learning through the scripture bhagavata so we will turn this particular every time when you begin and also another stotra in the end since the bhagavata is a very very famous piranha there are 18 puranas they found it 18 you know the Hinduism is a long long period of time they're going on developing so many varieties of scriptures and purana is a special type of scripture and it is combined with the history geography sociology economy all these things along with the spirituality religion this is the pure on and here it says there 18 puranas are there but most famous is the Bhagavata Purana and people they say three month father become three as a respect towards the scripture there is a book but we always give the respect because from this book we are learning so many things so there is three mud bog a bottom and its influence on the people is profound whatever we do nowadays all the Hindus knowingly or unknowingly all the instructions of the mr. Emerson a very famous American writer he read this book and then he commented one should read bhagavata on once old means it should be humble when you were reading the book that is the meaning he should read on one on knees and if you go to the churches there's a system that you have to be on your knee when you are praying on the knee means you are humble before the guard when you were learning when you are praying you should be humble so all the churches if you go that you will see the people are nailing down in our also Hinduism they're also having that Muslim Islam they're having that this is a symbol of humbleness that is called mr. Emmerson he's telling like this like the Gita Bhagavata Purana is a book of synthesis and now the Gita and the bhagavata Gita is the teaching of Lord Krishna and bhagavata is the biography of Lord Krishna so this is the bhagavata these are all book of synthesis they always talk about that all different variety of people can go together it never teach any narrowness in it the word karana Bhagavata Purana karana means ancient and when the bhagavata came nobody knew all this the confusion is there and at present error 18 puranas all are attributed to the same old way the villa's and this is a beauty maybe somebody else wrote and the road means collection of the informations and then composing in a beautiful way but he or she may be never wanted that it should be published in his or her name so it is all gave to with abhyasa or it may be that bed up russia was having a good number of disciples I'm very capable disciples so they all spread it all over and they collected the information and then assembled like that only as they did at a time of the Vedas the similar way they have done the Puranas 18 puranas bahu purana brahmanda mark india vishnu then v come bhagavata dinkum Matsya kurma baraja ginga and Padma Purana Nardi aparna agni purana garuda purana Bramha purana Skanda Purana and brahma muhurta purana and Bishop Arana maybe in the future again so they kept it wish Abuja means that in the future the Vishnu Purana it is difficult to say how and when the Puranas first came into being antiquity many they claim is next only to that of the Vedas in the otago beta the early mention of the purana is there so this is very difficult to say exactly on so and so date such an Thursday it was many people they tried but others are not accepting because suddenly you find that another book which is much older mentioning about the purana so how we go to that conclusion the antiquity the date because the people are around in those days they have mentioned here and there accordingly we can calculate here atharvaveda and we heard our na Upanishad the variants endo literature believed in the secret origin apirana and gave it a position almost equal to the Baylor's you know the hindus in the society the beta is the supreme if the veda is telling then you must have to obey and after veda then all other things comes they say tis almost equal to the withers then come we're honest some made up coming to exist in long before the beginning of the Christian era it is the law books of the mano and Jakob ulka that the word purana has been used though in Hindu society how the marriage will happen when a person is dead what are the things that we should do how we are going to develop a child what should be the rule these that everything has been given in the direction has been given by the Manu they call it Manu Maharaj now people are criticizing thinking the Manu has given some of the instructions that women should not be given education it is wrong it is not correct the afterwards is the brahmanas who wanted to control the society they made some of the in corporations and they said like that Manu is the person from Vivekananda quoted that Manu is telling if you have a boy and a girl then you should try to give better education to your girl and then afterwards if you have the sufficient things then you can think about your boy so that much importance has been given and not only that he is mentioning very clearly in on that that particular house where the women are tortured and not honored the blessings of God will never come in that house in the same way the society how can that Manu say that no education for the women I think people should research him more on the Manu because in between some people they have done in that way the lawgiver Manu and another is young give Alka they have mentioned about the purana so we can think is very old Mahabharata also mentioned about the purana and AAPIs number darshan Kouta this is the Talmud shooter these are the books see we present the Hindus we never read those books but we follow these instructions that has come down through generations APUs number another person is the Dharma Sutra what should be the duties and responsibilities of the people in the society human society this is not ordinary thing human society is the most precious so obviously things should be in such a way that no human should suffer first second they should reach to that stage where they can find peace and happiness that was the goal of all these teachers so they were guiding the human being in that way and this APUs Tomba Dharma Sutra his side passages from the purana that proves is very very ancient purana plays an important role in the life of the hindus avoiding the academic subtleties and metaphysical profound 'ti of the vedas purana present in an easily assimilable form and in an attractive girl the essential principle and doctrine of the hindu religion now if you read the veda is very difficult to understand now you read interpreter and when the interpreter is interpreting you do not know what actually he is explaining because you can't go inside the original one in Japan I was giving the lecture and there was an interpreter in reality I was giving the lecture to the interpreter only I was looking at him and going on telly and then he was turning his face and going something I couldn't understand what he's telling in Japanese language so naturally I was only trying to observe if I have said something funny whether he is translating that or not observing the reflection of the smiles on the faces of the the listeners so that weight naturally interpreter means a little difference will be their name it this way we find purana comes straight to the hearts of the people they bring the love of God and the beauty of the God if you say you are the brahman cut to amma see how the ordinary person can understand that the great thing thomas e but even ordinary person that is nothing but the stone see what is that I am God what I am going to do so all these problems comes but the purana it brings those principles in a very wonderful way and present it to the ordinary people so it was accepted in the whole hindu body in the society many of the beliefs and the practices of the hindus are based on this particular scripture most of the Puranas are divided into a particular corner dedicated completely so sometimes they say is a cult scripture they are completely dedicated to a particular God they will be describing about the god or goddess and they will say all the time if you are worshipping this particular God you are going to get these and that that way they are telling but if you look at the Hindu history spiritualist religious history always they will try to present this one of the Hat one as the reflection of the Supreme One this God at that guard one American lady came and she was asking me who is the supreme god in the hindu temple after visiting hindu temple she came to me confused all people are going to all the gods and goddesses who is the supreme god and my answer was each and everyone at the supreme got to a particular person I like Ganesha so Ganesha is the supreme god for me and there is no problem for me I am respecting others also this is the characteristics of the Hindus and similarly in the purana they are giving particularly three gods and goddesses they they are giving Shiva Vishnu and Kali ma Shakti so they are asking people anyone who choose follow that and devotedly if you fall little bit of narrowness comes the reflection we see in the society then if they are following a particular God they own except other that is there but you know the total the society the instructions and the teachings are such a broad way usually people don't think in that way so this what they say from they can be considered as the sectarian part one being is adored under different names and forms this is what is called the Hinduism one being it is accepted and adored in different names and forms being Hindu being a began team we never hesitate to pray to Jesus Christ University he was not in our the list Jesus why because we see the life the Hindu always they named fast they see the character the life the behavior of the person the India accepted then they go for his teachings not the first their teachings the beautiful teachings they are telling and then they are not one great political leader he coated from a spirit spiritual Scripture and then came back and he was asking his friend did I quote that damn thing properly so these are the leaders they always go for their own interest you don't ever care for any respect but Hindus are very intelligent in that way first and foremost are you following what you were telling and then only I will go otherwise not so that is the pure Oh heater you are in the front you are leading me towards God but are you actually following that in the life of a once ram krishna his disciples also used to check and see the whatever he is telling whether he is practicing or not then only they were accepting so this also here we find different type of gods and goddesses because we do not know which type of god or goddess will appeal you and that is the reason there are so many gods and goddesses what see what you like you just and you can develop another God also there is no problem and then you can follow the feature of the Puranas this is very important friends we are giving in and that about the purana it brought outlook to understand what the scripture that we are going to study of all the 18 puranas only one purana will study that is Bhagavata Purana but how we can call a book a scripture Puranas these are the following the feature should be there otherwise we cannot just anyone can write some books and then they say it is a piranha no that won't be the first is according to the Bhagavata Purana itself it it mentions that to be considered as a Maharana the scripture should have ten topics should be discussed what first is varga words they use the terminology they used is a different first is Swarga this circa me creation and that is primary creation I always say Dan those students attending this lecture you know always I say the three things are necessary created creation and the relation between these two otherwise we are not going to accept that as a philosophy or a spiritual book the purana first give the description of the creation how it comes and it is primary creation circa primary creation that means evolution of the root undifferentiated prakruti into Homme cara and finally grows elements now they are giving an in a story form description but there is a consciousness and that consciousness how you will feel if it is reflected on the ego then you can feel always conscious otherwise you cannot there should be someone something which has ego identity III then only you can feel the consciousness or otherwise this you go and see the wall or the world no consciousness as Eve but then the consciousness is still there the hidden negotiable story the prelada story we know then frustrated the father ax t son where is your God that Vishnu I like to see him I like to kill him myself he could not kill this follower of Vishnu that little boy and he challenged Vishnu himself and then in a frustration in anger he said whether to use God the Vishnu is in this pillar the little boy said yes because he saw Vishnu everywhere all pervading yes in this pillar too and then then if you don't see the movies or the theatre develop on that particular team you won't understand and enjoy I create he will go and then he will give a kick on that immediately breaking that wall that pillar the narsimha comes half portion is the hopper the above portion our upper portion is the lion and below is the human being he comes Narasimha and then killed that so the giving the punishment so this is called circa the primary creation how they'll be telling that consciousness reflected on the ego a little little baby but if you say a what you are doing immediately in react but if you don't do so the ego is necessary otherwise you won't find that consciousness so that is called Saudagar then we circle secondary creation what is the secondary creation after these creation the moment the ego comes that the beings comes and after the beings karma different type of actions so they call it be circa first is Swarga the primary creation then be circa means secondary creation there's a karma of the creatures latent tendencies karma of the creatures Latin tendencies are there and up to 1516 years all the tendencies are inside that mind so suddenly the boy of the girl of the song the daughter changes behavior completely different thinking in a different way then the parents are very confused something happened in the school or maybe the frames there all the time the finger goes on searching who is actually reading my child no one and according to the samskara they go to that particular group they will surely go find out and then they'll enjoy the company of those friends and slowly slowly they will also become like that so that is the they say the Karma out of the creatures the Latin tendency is slowly becoming manifesting the Purana will describe it about be saga it's also creation first is the creation then again it is a another creation by us by me by you according to our Karma just like a seed that is proud similarly our Karma follow our tendencies slowly slowly to sprout third is the preteen britta means means means of such substance how I will survive the means means up sustenance system by rich living creatures leave Lord Buddha has given great great stress on this particular thing how you were earning that is very very important how you're earning the one great gentleman those who are Indians they know he has taken a huge amount of money I don't know how many zeros will be there that he has taken and now he has left in India and living somewhere here in the Europe or America but that money will spoil his old family he doesn't know that particular action will dream his future he doesn't know because it is certain about subtle so we can't see what is going to happen into the future so that is the thing so we have to be very careful pretty how you are ardan how you are sustaining that is very very important the Brittany and Lord Buddha is giving the stress because the if the Brittany is a suit dia if your process of the system of living is bad but cheating others killing others if you are leaving then you are going to suffer in future so that's why Brittany is very important then rahkshi the protection and the first stage for 40 scam Raksha the account of the incarnations of the Supreme Being they they say that Supreme Being again and again come in different form in different places in different times to guide us that is called Raksha things are happening in this way they immediately the God is coming down in the Christian world they say the God has sacrificed his beloved son for the human being only begotten Son of God he has been sacrificed by God for the human being let's call Raksha in the purana they call it rupture the God is coming down we always believe that God Himself comes down not that the whole God necessary the power only suppose I am here and there is another brother who is looking after our Ganges and power has been given to him to look after the Ganges if anyone is going over there immediately he is calling me and telling family these people are coming and they like to stay eisah go address okay welcome them the Power has been given but whose power is these gods whose incarnation is that person mine then similarly when a holy person is coming on this world and telling you should and you should do that he is also living in accordingly so that is called rupture protection by the God coming again and again in different forms for the spiritual salvation of the human being then Mandan Terra timing the periods of the manu's mono is not one when who are many and when this old universe is created and looked after that is done by the manu so that is called the period of that particular mono is Manon Tara is the wonderful calculation maybe that afterwards we will see that his activities and the responsibilities the of the Devers then the song of the manu indra Rishi's for the welfare of the features the Rishi's they are also representing the god ma news one has been the son of the man whose they are also representing God and Davers and naturally the question comes that Deva means different devatas different gods yes if you perform the your work over here in such a way that you accumulate a lot of merits you become a devotee and supreme power comes in you you can do anything you like so the Devers then the manu's the administrator indra why they are mentioning indra usually we know the indra is the king of all the devatas all the gods injuries a post is always changes different type of people going according to the minutes they're having that particular position post this is the Indra Rishi is also the same and they are the main people to look and to see and to take here that the whole period the people are benefited that is calm and antara if you go through these you will see everywhere the only one object how to benefit the human being that is very very special in the Parana then bombs are now it comes genealogy bombs the list of the royal and the priests are taken down then bomb sure Charita the bomb littlest is the history of the different dynasties kings and their dynasties those who serve the cause of devotion to God and the well-being of the human in order all the kings and they will be listed no those who are helping people to develop devotion and also helping people to developed in the society dear list is there in the Puranas then comes some star some means dissolution at the creation and comes the dissolution the manifested universe into final condition it goes back to the final condition and because of the time karma and the gunas it all changes the time is very very important this beautiful story the two brothers they were very poor they were cultivators they are doing a little small place was there and they were orphans so only two brothers had to help each other and one day when they are calculate cultivating the small piece of land the heart announcement the king is announcing the whoever will help to recover his daughter from the ailments she's suffering he will give a lot of wealth to that particular person then the young brother told his elder brother oh if we could somehow get some medicine and could help that princess what could we reach a simple person he told don't bother about all that this is not going to happen to us let us concentrate of the work that we are doing but the young brother was going on thinking and at the time of resting he went and sat under a tree and he was thinking aloud can anyone give me some medicine so that I can help the princess and can get rich become rich certainly from the top of the tree a bard told in the voice of a human hey I can help you I know the medicine but there is a condition whatever he will get from the king 50% you should give it to me and you can imagine that God immediately said yes this is why not he was not having anything now 50% of the wealth that the king was promising is sufficient for him so 50% if he go gives to the bird there's no problem see he went and he said that this is the medicine and truly by applying that medicine that the princess became alright and the king gave him a lot of world now this man started thinking oh half of it I have to give to the bird and half of these again I have to give to my brother but anyway I can manage my brother he's simple but what about the bird he is sitting over there so he hired two hunters I'm told you better go and kill that bird not for me they tried but they failed and this man came and he didn't find a barber it's ok now after few months against the Kings people came and knocked at the door a give that medicine again the daughter of the king is suffering either you come or give the medicine and if it is not giving the correct result we will take away all your wealth maybe we will punish you also and he was terrified once again he went to the village and under that tree and started crying Oh bard Oh bar I was so foolish I was thinking in that way please this time you please help me and saved my life otherwise they will kill me he said the bird came and told okay but this is the last chance okay this time you should not deceive me oh no no no no again he went again the same thing happened and then after receiving the wealth he started thinking how to deceive that bird I will go to some others I will go to some other city and settle over there you won't barb don't be able to find me there and he did that but the Kings people again came after few few months and knocked the door and this time of year to come and it was very factor because King was thinking that this boy for the wealth is not keeping the proper medicine and that is the reason after few months my daughter is once again suffering and he said if you cannot cure her completely I am going to kill you and naturally he went once again to that bar and said this time promising promising name of my father in the name of the all gods that is today in the human society please help me otherwise he is going to kill me I do not know anything else and he for after telling that name of the medicine he forgets that maybe that he was not having the pain or pencil to write it down so it was the problem for him the third time the bard came and to locate but this time you have to give me the whole thing that you get he said Thomas I'm sure he went and he said save disliked God all the huge wealth this time truly he came back and to the tree and said please take whole thing and not only that the past have that I promised that also I will give it to you then the bird came down and said you are a fool I'm a bard what I am going to do with this wealth only I was tried to see that whether even it just men are not righteous men or not that's all but I don't blame you know every time I came and helped you why you know because of the time first time that time the whole environment was in such a way people give her all the time thinking to kill others cheat others so you also acted in the same way you can imagine at the time of the war the ordinary people they become soaked will they go and kill they snatched the food from the others very good neighbour also they changes wife time so in the Parana they call about the time and that goes to the Karma naturally the work that we do so the bar told now that you are coming with the full wealth to keep give the gift to me it's not your quality it is the time again now a good time has come so the people are all happy and that is why the spiritual teachers always say utilize the time utilize the time whenever there is a holy day that is the time that time that good thing is all over so go and try to pray so this is the time and the dissolution also have four different categories one is total dissolution the second is partial dissolution noemi thicker and third is neat the dissolution can you tell me what is the neat the dissolution all of us every day we dissolve this world when sleep so the girl meet the dissolution in the sleep what happens no world is there only I'm sleeping that much so that is called Nita the daily and dissolute and then a tentacle dissolution a tentacle means that is the liberation so the salvation of the person at the knee road are look T at the liberation so that is called authentica pralaya pralaya means the destruction the first destruction Prakriti Prakriti pralaya Prakriti means total dissolution and second comes nematic a partial resolutions sometimes the tsunami comes thousands and thousands of people and in Japan wherever you go the majestical way that volcano you can see there and people are always under the fear let it sleep let us leave the volcano should not drive so that all can always commanding so this is called nama tikka partial not that the whole society is destroyed partial and then nuclear daily and not and 90s de hey to the purpose the root cause and the significance of the creative activities Jeeva is the individual soul is the cause of evita now ignorant of it is ignorance and is the effect of karma karma and karma so this is called hey - why we are in this life that is the question why I am here Who am I so that question takes us to that root I had a common desire and then I did some karma action and ends i am here in this forum the karma and karma the hay - so this is the a - then comes the ultimate support a pasta of austria means ultimate support austria asura means I am taking refuge a pasta the God is the ultimate being and the support of all so one should go to God the Piranha also discussed the matter relating to history geography astronomy natural science sociology etcetera then how about the Piranha in quickly we'll do that the bhagavata preaches the highest form above the Bhagavata Purana which does not seek for the fulfillment of any desire and it is unconditional the bhagavata teaches the bhakti it should be unconditional I just love you and I don't care whether you like me or not whether you love me or not so I love you that's all again and again see Ramakrishna he is giving that idea not the part of the raga but how it was created is the beautiful story the great three pion Veda Vyasa he is the editor of the all four Vedas he's the writer of the brahma sutra mahabharata and many Puranas even then he was not happy he was very unhappy and one day on the bank of the Shiraz Schuette the river now the river is not there but Hindus have great respect for the Saraswathi the brahmanas every day at the time of bathing will be chanting the name of the Saraswathi and this ferocity was flowing in front of his cottage he was sitting by this double the bank in front of his cottage and he was thinking how can I get peace I have done so much what else I can do and then there came Narada the great sage he appeared over there and naturally ba-da-ba us requested him oh great sage can you please tell me why my mind is not addressed not getting bees what should I do then the Narada replied beautifully and from there the bhagavata begins it says baa-baa to Nadi tabria baba to new dita prime yoshu Rigoberto amylum he named Asuna to schita money tatar sonim akela so is this bhagavata the first sloka it says first means in the fifth chapter it says you have not idea quickly describe the glory of the Supreme Lord rather the last book that you have composed this is the history the Mahabharata and you have concluded with the killing killing and killing only in the Mahabharata is all war war and war this man is killing that man that man is killing this man and that everything is happening in that way even the children they were killed when they were sleeping with their mothers so that was the history road by the way the Piazza how people will think in the future people wind will be reading the Mahabharata they'll be thinking oh these people are so cruel all the time killing you have not done anything where their mind can rise to the higher level do that you have not adequately described the glory of the Supreme Lord I consider as imperfect those philosophies which fail to please the Lord because of the lack of devotional exuberance which alone can give full satisfaction to him so you have right that we do amo P Cadabra shooter mr. Tom Bravo Sam a PRT in Abaddon boots item Prachi do kemo our department some cliche near Varnum Michonne Tina on Utah and in the Bhagavata in the same it says that all basha the Nara distilling you were the master of the scriptures engage yourself in the description of his unique glories to him operated of Britain that means even the master of the scripture please write the glory of the God which alone can satisfy the questions of spiritualist parents there is no other panic here for the O's with which men are suffering again and again in this world the Bhagavata Purana is divided into twelve Kunduz and thus candace means the chapters and contain 18,000 verses more than 18,000 is the narration by the chuka chuka is a great sannyasi son of Yassa when he is narrating sugar the pure-hearted man with without any desire he was not having even the body consciousness that sugar is narrating bhagavata to whom to king pariksit was supposed to die after few days you can imagine the man who was ready to die naturally he was also not having any desire and why he said bhagavata because of the question that the king asked to this sugar he said what a man should do when about to die this is a wonderful question what a man should do when about to die but once the Ramakrishna's ate if you go on thinking about the death your boy lab gear dispassion will increase not for the young people those who are interested to realize God for them if you really think tomorrow I may not get up so why should I have to do all this thing I am fighting and doing these I am doing that you know whether next tomorrow I won't be here at the best you can have a big nice picture so that people will hang it to remember him so if you don't have the good picture there a bad picture will be hanging that much I'm fine I just this is fun then this is the thing that we must constantly he is asking the why doing the people are suffering they are really going to did what they should do then it goes on telling that Avatara here Jean Chaya hurry certain about the jaha the different avatars comes and the guide you must follow that taints Condor 10th chapter of this book is giving the life of Krishna the cult god of the hog avatar the very waters God is Krishna not Vishnu Vishnu has another purana Vishnu Purana and they are the followers of the Vishnu they'll be only talking about Vishnu but here only Krishna and who is Krishna the power of Vishnu but there's some very devoted I thought I should say narrow-minded the followers of Krishna the denying that Vishnu is bigger than the Krishna no no no Krishna Staubach Avance am Krishna is the only God there is no other bigger garden than him so anyway Krishna is the cult god of this particular scripture and our ramanujacharya who is a follower and the devotee of Vishnu has great difficulty to accept this Brotherhood why because it always talks about Krishna and he's God chosen deity is Vishnu so he has taken puncher atre another scripture then the bhagavata though the bhagavata is the scripture of the Mishnah verse many bush number six developed on the teaching of the bhagavata chaitanya mahaprabhu whose the birth anniversary was in i think yesterday or day before yesterday he has taken Haga vada promoted bhagavata and he's chosen god is the prisoner now I will conclude with a beautiful anecdote that happened in the life of sri ramakrishna many of you those who have read the great master the biography of sri ramakrishna you must have read this particular portion see ramakrishna was listening to bhagavata you know the devout Hindus wherever the people will be reading the Raghava they will go and listen whether they understand or not because they think if you hear those words you are becoming pure so that is the faith that's the belief Ramakrishna of course he understood everything he was listening to her uberta sitting in the Bishnu temple abduction Asia and when he was doing that suddenly he saw Shri Krishna appeared and the person who was reading the bhagavata the teacher he was reading the book was open over there and Krishna came stood over there from his holy feet a light came out touched the bhagavata and then came touched the person of Sri Ramakrishna it became a triangle Krishna then the book bhagavata and ceramic richness cinema Krishna afterwards told again and again Bhagavad bhakta Bhagavan well one is the God Bhagavad is the book from where we are learning who is learning student is the bhakta so the bhakta the student after learning bhagavata if he cannot or she cannot transform himself or herself as chord then is of no use reading bhagavata so we had to try to transform ourselves to become God well we will be reading the next class we will listen to the five questions that the Rishi's Arc's very interesting questions the five the five questions were asked by the Rishi's - a person will be describing in the next class now let us chant this mantra and conclude the Great God whom everyone is bowing down will be chanting his name yum Brahma varuna indra Rudra Maruti student a deep least away be the song [Music] paddock Rama open Ishod I guarantee young sama God Dianna was little tardy gatina Manasa bhishan diem yogi no yes yawn Tom Navi do Sudha Sudha Ghana the buyer this mean [Music] shanti shanti hurry you that's earth thank you friends for coming and please have the banish please