
Ask Swami Q&A by by Swami Sarvapriyananda

1.Why do we need to search for the unchanging self?Link
2. Is it ok to pray to God to satisfy our desires?Link
3.If avidya (ignorance) is in Brahman, isn't it real?Link
4. What is Vedanta's view on vegetarianism?Link
5.How can I develop pure love?Link
6.Can pure consciousness change the appearance of reality?Link
7.Can God be both impersonal and personal?Link
8. Is the anandamaya kosha (bliss sheath) really blissful?Link
9.How does the concept of dependent origination map into Advaitic concepts?Link
10.How is the cycle of reincarnation possible?Link
11.Is there a concept in Hinduism about a personal God that can suffer?Link
12.If all is Brahman, what is wrong with Maya?Link
13.How does one love consciousness?Link
14.What is the purpose of professional ambition and duty?Link
15. In our waking state, is there a way to find the unity of pure consciousness?Link
16. Isn't consciousness interrupted in deep sleep?Link
17. How do you overcome sorrow that comes from seeing the suffering of others?Link
18. How has Karma manifested itself to give rise to the universe?Link
19.If consciousness is universal, why aren't inert objects aware? Isn't consciousness dependent on the senses and mind?Link
20.How can one get rid of unwanted vasanas (desires)?Link
21.Can Brahman be equally immanent and transcendent?Link
22.Who is the doer of action?Link
23.Swamiji, what is your daily routine?Link
24.Can art lead us to the infinite? What is the nature of abhyasa? What is the nature of vairagya?Link
25.If Buddhism believes in reincarnation, why not the Atman?Link
26. What do you mean by an appearance in consciousness? Is it permitted to think of consciousness with qualities?Link
27.How can we be sure that this waking world does not occur in our mind like a dream?Link
28. Does moksha happen at once, or does it happen over time?Link
29.Why are there so many different perspectives on moksha?Link
30.Can there be spontaneous enlightenment without spiritual practice?Link
31. How can reality be truly One?Link
32. When a spiritual seeker becomes stuck, is a guru necessary?Link
33. How is it that the self is in all beings from the chit (consciousness) perspective?Link
34.Where is my consciousness when I am sleeping? Can I use sleep as a spiritual practice?Link
35.Will a realized person retain their individuality after enlightenment?Link
36.Why do we call this world false?Link
37. What does Sri Ramakrishna mean by going into the black water (in reference to samadhi)?Link
38.If we want to take up a life of renunciation, what practices should be followed?Link
39.Isn't enlightenment part of Maya?Link
40.The witness consciousness, sat, chit, ananda, the basis of all truths, cannot perform any action. The mind removes its own veil. How can we turn this understanding into meditation?Link
41.In the Gospel, Sri Ramakrishna says to "dive deep". What does this mean?Link
42. What does Sri Ramakrishna mean when he tells Naren "He who was Rama and he who was Krishna was born again as Ramakrishna, but not in your Vedantic sense"?Link
43. How do I know if I am progressing spiritually? How can one recognize an enlightened being?Link
44.Why is there a tradition of fear in relation to God?Link
45. How can I worship God if I am one with God?Link
46. I find it easy to say "I am Brahman", but how can I say "I am Jesus"?Link
47. When we pray for peace, who are we praying to?Link
48. My dream borrows material from my waking experience. Where does my waking reality borrow material from?Link
49.As our identities are ephemeral in dreams, aren't our identities also ephemeral in awareness? How is Advaita as expressed by Nisargadatta different from Advaita taught in the Ramakrishna Order?Link
50.After having our vices under control, what is the next step forward? After having cleansed the mind, what is the next step in mediation?Link
51. What hope is there for an ordinary householder in achieving realization?Link
52.Is it possible to experience Turiya temporarily?Link
53.Why does Drg-Drsya-Viveka indicate that only the avaccheda (limitation) theory explains the appearance of one consciousness as many consciousnesses?Link
54.If there is ultimately no free will, how is Karma applicable?Link
55. Who created the universe, Iswara or Hiranyagarba? Why is it said that Hiranyagarba has maximum bliss?Link
56.How is the witness consciousness really free, if it cannot choose what it wants to witness?Link
57.If both bliss and pain are in the mind, why is Atman described as pure bliss, and not also pure pain?Link
58.What is the relationship between the reflected consciousness and pure consciousness?Link
59.When we obtain knowledge of true consciousness, how is it that we continue to experience the current reality?Link
60.Are the scriptures useless with regard to swadharma?Link
61.How can we keep children involved with spiritual concepts?Link
62.If the universe is continuously rising and falling, is the universe something different from the Atman?Link
63.How can we resolve the conflict between our spiritual journey and responsibilities in daily life?Link
64.Which is correct, Jiva is Shiva, or everything is a dream?Link
65. Is all this philosophy just something that has been fed to us?Link
66.How can we define God for a young person?Link
67. What is the relationship between a pure mind and a scattered mind?Link
68. What happens to the reflected consciousness after death, and after enlightenment?Link
69. What is my swadharma?Link
70.What is the difference between the knower and the witness?Link
71. Where does Sri Ramakrishna stand in the triad of Iswara, Jiva, and Jagat?Link
72. Is enlightenment a gradual process or a “wow” moment?Link
73. What is Shraddha?Link
74. Is there any overlap between psychotherapy and Vedanta?Link
75.If the Self is the only reality, who is the doer?Link
76. How can it be said that Self is free, and yet all beings are in the Self?Link
77.What is the role of psychedelics in mystical experience?Link
78. Why is the path of Bhakti supposed to be dualistic?Link
79. Why is fear of God discussed in religion?Link
80. How can we deal with thoughts of dispassion towards the world?Link
81. How can realization occur in the mind, if the mind is actually false?Link
82. If I am pure consciousness, why do unwanted situations appear to me?Link
83. Is it true that the "ego" consciousness sets the wheel of karma in motion?Link
84.How can we make the leap from the individual to the universal consciousness?Link
85. How is bliss the same as existence and consciousness?Link
86. If Brahman through Maya becomes God, why surrender to God?Link
87.How can I turn intellectual realization into a living reality?Link
88. Can science lead us to the ultimate truth?Link
89. The path of Raja Yoga allows us to "turn off" the world and see the ultimate reality. Is this superior to the path of Jnana Yoga?Link
90. What separates the individual soul from Brahman?Link
91. Can the self be self-aware without mind or object?Link
92. You have said that maya projects the universe and veils the truth. Is this the same as the Samkhya philosophy?Link
93.What is the closest concept in Vedanta to the ideas of the spirit and the soul?Link
94. Is Advaita Vedanta escapism?Link
95.Is Vedanta the same as subjective idealism?Link
96. How can I be sure that consciousness is not manufactured by the brain?Link
97.What is the role of the mind in self-realization?Link
98.How can deep sleep be an experience?Link
99. Is the "I" thought unique? How does investigating it lead to the Atman?Link
100.How can we understand the real nature of the self?Link
101.How can we develop detachment from material pursuits?Link
102. How is moksha defined in Vedanta?Link
103.What is Vedantic meditation?Link
104.How do I choose my ishta devata?Link
105.How do we know that Brahman is the ultimate reality?Link
106.If everything is an appearance, how is karma kept track of?Link
107. Is it true that time and space are illusions?Link
108. How does consciousness appear in all things? What is needed to see this underlying truth?Link
109.How can we say there is consciousness in deep sleep?Link
110. Does the 7th mantra of the Mandukya Upanishad state that Turiya is not consciousness?Link
111.It is said that Brahman is existence-consciousness-bliss. Is it fair to say that Brahman is existence, with consciousness and bliss?Link
112. If the universe appears in consciousness as a city appears in a mirror, is there something external to consciousness that appears in consciousness?Link
113. [Part 1] How do we know if we are progressing in spiritual life?Link
114. [Part 2] How can an enlightened person be recognized?Link
115. [Part 3] What are some practical suggestions for practicing pratyahara (withdrawal from the external world)?Link
116. Is the awakening of the Kundalini and the recognition of our real nature as the spirit the same as Aparokshanubhuti?Link
117. If you are already Brahman, what is the purpose of a appearing as a sentient being and finding Brahman?Link
118. How do I know that this awareness that I am is the infinite?Link
119. [Part 1] How do we have duality in experience when reality is non-dual?Link
120. [Part 2] If Brahman is neutral, why does Brahman manifest?Link
121. If Brahman cannot be experienced as an object, what kind of experience is there in Nirvikalpa Samadhi?Link
122. Why do we believe there is one awareness and not many awarenesses?Link
123. What does Vedanta say about justice in society?Link
124. How do we drop identification with the body?Link
125. Why does the Quran say that Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet?Link
126. If I am Brahman, who is under delusion? And If Brahman is fulfilled, what need does Brahman have for power? (Second question repeated at 42:05)Link
127.What is Vedanta's approach to the Anatman of Buddhism?Link
128. Is the reflected consciousness the same as the pramata (the knower)?Link
129. How can the law of Karma explain the sudden loss of so many lives in the current pandemic?Link
130. What is the difference between individual and cosmic consciousness? How can we realize the reality of one consciousness?Link
131. Why is private spirituality not spirituality?Link
132. I am in school and have lost interest in studies. I would rather seek the spiritual truths. What are my options?Link
133.]How can the formless Brahman produce a universe of forms?Link
134. How can Brahman in Sri Ramakrishna's Vijnana Vedanta be beyond cause and effect if the universe is a real manifestation of shakti?Link
135. I was brought up in a christian tradition but have become interested in Vedanta. Is is possible for a person to be pulled into Vedanta by no conscious effort?Link
136. How to know the Self when It cannot be objectified? Is inference sufficient?Link
137.While we agree that waking, dreaming, and deep sleep are experienced in consciousness, why can't we say that they are real instead of unreal since they are indeed experienced?Link
138. If the realization of atman is an experiential reality, then why is there a logical conflict between different spiritual traditions? Does it mean that the realized master's have different experiences?Link
139. If consciousness illumines Maya, then why does it need the support of Maya to realize itself?Link
140. 1) To whom does enlightenment happen if we are already Brahman? 2) How can we be responsible for all the pain and suffering if we are already Brahman? 3) How can Brahman have no characteristics?Link
141. If we have family, friends, and relationships can we also reach enlightenment? Can we have both?Link
142.How can Maya be both real and unreal?Link
143. How to reconcile the ultimate reality with Maya?Link
144.A discussion on free will inspired by the Bhagavad Gita.Link
145. 1) Does the Vedanta philosophy evolve? 2) Do new insights from science get integrated?Link
146. Can you say more about the differences between Buddhist teaching and Vedanta teaching?Link
147. Can we not measure in a quantitative way how much we understand?Link
148. How do desires transmigrate after death?Link
149. A step-by-step examination of the challenges one faces in grasping the ‘Witness’Link
150.The spiritual heaven in Vedanta.Link
151. How to manifest the knowledge of Advaita?Link
152. Who made God?Link
153. Is consciousness present in non-living things? Are they also Brahman?Link
154.What is the nature of bliss? Is it dependent on the mind? Does a pure being experience bliss all the time?Link
155. Does your liberation depend upon your karma?Link
156. Does the presence of Maya imply duality?Link
157. Does suffering bring us closer to spirituality? Can people who are mentally week resort to spirituality as an escape route?Link
158. Is it difficult to stay in the non-dual path when the path of knowledge is considered difficult to follow in the current age?Link
159.Advice for somebody who has experienced a flash of spiritual bliss and is trying to understand and sustain it.Link
160.Explain the verse from the Taittiriya Upanishad: "He who is here in man and he who is in yonder sun—both are one."Link
161. Difference between the ego and the witness. Is consciousness a creation of the brain.Link
162.Difference between the views that the universe never existed vs the universe is brahman. If we are one consciousness, why do we react differently in different circumstances.Link
163. If I do not “exist”, how do I approach the demands of the world.Link
164.How is it possible to attain God while living in the world? How do I choose a guru? Is enlightenment possible without mantra diksha?Link
165. Distinguishing between vairagya (dispassion) and tamas (darkness). How to practice non-injury but still protect ourself?Link
166.Are your tendencies from past life part of a bigger purpose in the universe?Link
167. What is Advaita Vedanta’s standpoint on karmic liability that leads to rebirth?Link
168. Difference between Jnanindriyan and Buddhindriyan.Link
169. Do Sat, Chit, and Ananda refer to the same thing?Link
170.How to overcome the fear of unknown and revel in the silence.Link
171. In Nirvanashatakam, bliss is first negated but then accepted. Which is it? Difference between Ananda and happiness.Link
172. Do negative emotions persists after Enlightenment?Link
173. Should we trust our own insights?Link
174.How to combine Vedantic meditation with the practice of Mantra meditation.Link
175. How can the universe come out of nothing? Does Advaita Vedanta recognize an Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God?Link
176.Which meditation should we practice - Vedantic or Mantra?Link
177. Is the presence of a life force (Prana) an illusion?Link
178.How can one remember their past lives?Link
179.Are we many or one? Is ignorance in Brahman or java?Link
180.Different categories of spiritual seekers as per the Gita.Link
181.Is one’s attitude towards God a part of maya? How is it different for the liberated?Link
182.How can I apply Vedanta to family life?Link
183. How can one be aware of ones desires bubbling up in the mind?Link
184. How to introduce the concept of Atman to children?Link
185. How can I establish my goals in life?Link
186. How do we contemplate and approach the topic of death?Link
187. How does the One appear as the many? What is Maya?Link
188.Is awareness experienced as an object?Link
189.Does Sri Ramakrishana’s Vijnana Vedanta imply dualism?Link
190. Is the Anahata Sound (unstruck sound) same as Brahman?Link
191.Are the universe and the Absolute the same thing? Is the universe real?Link
192.How can I be aware of my true nature at all times?Link
193. Dealing with disturbances during meditation.Link
194. Is faith needed in Advaita Vedanta?Link
195. Controlling the mind and turning it towards God.Link
196.Understanding superconsciousness.Link
197.Need of a Guru and spiritual initiation (Mantra Diksha).Link
198. Thoughts and the Cosmic Mind.Link
199. How do we know if Advaita Vedanta is true?Link
200. How do we know if consciousness is ever-present?Link
201. Dealing with sleepiness during meditation.Link
202.God-centered vs. Self-enquiry based religions.Link
203. What is the distinction between Mind and Intellect?Link
204. Do I have any say in changing my character’s role in the world that is nothing but “God’s leela”?Link
205.How can I determine the spiritual practices in accordance to my temperamental tendency in the day to day life? What are the suggestions proposed by Shree Ramakrishna and the Swamis of Ramakrishna order for the householders in connection to the spiritual growth and God realization?Link
206. How do you think about Kriya-Yoga? Would you recommend practicing this?Link
207. Based on the discussion of Brahman & Universe with the reference of Pot & Clay analogy-Link
208. Why does anything appear in pure consciousness at all?Link
209.What is the nature of thread that connects the samskaras of one “Jeeva” even after death?Link
210. If we are all same, the witness consciousness or God how does the Law of Karma affect us?Link
211.Why do you think Karma does not adequately explain evil & suffering?Link
212. Why, when and how did Karma start?Link
213. Is there any meeting point between visualization of goals or meditation and Karma Yoga?Link
214.What is the recommended approach to teach “Vedanta” to the children?Link
215.Is the concept “Ekajeevavada” connected to the “Hard problem of Consciousness”?Link
216.Since it is a way to reach God by serving the suffered has God created suffering in this world? Is he not biased then?Link
217. Is it the mind watching the thoughts without generating further thoughts (subsiding other thoughts) or is it the witness consciousness? If it’s mind why can’t watch the absence of thoughts in the Deep sleep state?Link
218. According to ‘Mandukya’, when try to focus on the sense of “I” find focusing on ‘Ego’ somewhere in the chest, who is sensing it?Link
219.The knowledge of “I” gives enormous peace, but how to live life in the light of this knowledge? How is it relevant in the struggle of life?Link
220.What kind of tools be needed to lessen the guilt that felt if can’t serve your close people in the way it should be?Link
221. Acharyas repeatedly say You are That Infinite Existence, I am the Awareness Absolute etc. Who is the ""I"" and ""you"" that the teaching is referring to? Whom or what experiences whom or what?Link
222. What is ""citta""? What is the difference between ""citta"" and ""consciousness""?Link
223.Everything we do is prompted by thoughts, which are the functions of the mind. So how does one experience Consciousness in its purity without the mind?Link
224.What works the mind if Pure Consciousness is not affected by the material world, and is only the Witness? What is it that enjoys the senses, the body, or the mind?Link
225. a) Nirguna Brahman is manifested in a body. Who decides that body (as in the case of Sri Ramakrishna, other Avatars/Incarnations of God etc.)?Link
226.a) What makes the difference between the mind of Swami Vivekananda and my mind? If the mind of a saint is pure, what purified it? Did Pure Conciousness purfiy it?Link
227.When the body is damaged or dies, only this body stops working. Why does it lose its Consciousness?Link
228. How do memory or samskaras travel from one birth to another? If mind and body are destroyed, where does the samskara get stored?Link
229.Does Awareness always need a vehicle for it to exist?Link
230. How do you avoid pride in the path of Advaita?Link
231.Shravana, manana, nidhidhyasana (hearing, pondering, assimilating). These constitute the method by which one realizes Brahman (if one has good fortune). If that happens, then one should be filled with Bliss. And if a person thinks that he has had that realization, but is not filled with Bliss, then one can conclude that he did not have the realization. Correct?Link
232. What is the exact meaning/significance of ""Om"" in relation to the Mandukya Upanishad?Link
233.a) How can we approach everyday activities at various stages of our life with an attitude of service, and in a manner that avoids undue stress and brings peace?Link
234.b) How do we carry on the daily activities of life without stress, without strain?Link
235.a) What is the difference between ""kuladevi"" (family deity) and ""isha devata"" (chosen deity)?Link
236. b) What is the significance (if any) of various experiences had during meditation (vibrations, sounds, colors, bright light, darkness etc.)?Link
237. a) Is what I experience right now the appearance OF reality, or appearance AS reality? Why doesn't Reality reveal Itself in its originality? For that matter, why don't (or can't) we see the Reality as It is?Link
238.b) Why does the play of Consciousness give so many negative experiences (sorrow, suffering, pain, fear, frustration, failure, boredom etc.)?Link
239. c) Doesn't the experience of Maya run counter to the principle of nondualism, or is Maya also a part of Reality? If so, how?Link
240. a) Involuntary thoughts are mostly negative and bad. How do we uproot them?Link
241. What exactly is meant by the term ""faultlines"" with regards to pointing out the errors in Maya?"" (referencing a previous lecture in which Swami Sarvapriyanandaji had used this term).Link
242.a) Could the Blissful experience of sleep be due to sleep related hormones (serotonin, endorphins etc.) rather than to the Bliss inherent in Consciousness?Link
243.a) In deep sleep, is the Bliss we experience the ""Ananda"" of ""Sat-Chit-Ananda?""Link
244. b) Unconsciousness seems to be different from deep sleep, because it seems to be completely blank. Additionally, after coming up from that state, one doesn't feel rested or peaceful. On the contrary, one often feels uneasy. But ultimately, if it is Ananda, it should be there everywhere (in deep sleep as well as unconsciousness) shouldn't it?Link
245.50:50 -- c) So is it that the happiness of deep sleep is due to serotonin and/or other chemicals that are involved in neurochemical processes?Link
246. One can say that the substratum of human Consciousness is Pure Awareness. How can we extend it to include the whole material Universe, and posit that Pure Consciousness is its substratum?Link
247.Should we assume that each one of us has our own consciousness, and if so, what about events which affect all of us? How do we explain that shared public reality?Link
248.Is Consciousness separate from the brain?Link
249. a) Is it true that householders should not chant only ""Om,"" but instead use some syllable along with it (such as ""Hari Om"" etc.)? Will simply chanting ""Om"" (as a householder) have adverse effects?Link
250. b) Could ""namakam"" and ""chamakam"" (Vedic mantras) be used as worship mantras in rituals, upasana, self-Knowledge, God-realization, jnana etc.?Link
251. How is Consciousness experienced? How do we know/grasp it? What exactly is Consciousness, Atman, Awareness, Pure Consciousness, Brahman etc.?Link
252.The Awareness, or Consciousness (Atma, Chaitanya etc.) is common to all of us. Rather, we are That. Then what accounts for the differences between us (between Vivekananda and the rest of us, yogis who have extraordinary powers, psychic powers, siddhis etc.)?Link
253. What might be the difference between the eyes opened and closed while trying to do meditation?Link
254. With closed eyes I can see the inner light but with opened eyes it’s not the case. What is it that notices the difference while trying doing meditation with closed eyes and opened eyes?Link
255.Does pure consciousness have intention or it is my own realization of pure consciousness that creates circumstances?Link
256. Being the creator of my own dreams why can’t see it from other’s perspective?Link
257. In my dreams do I get the result of my actions or something else?Link
258. How do I get up and say that I slept peacefully and didn’t know anything? Here the active mind trying to recall the inactive mind, how did that happen?Link
259. Who is looking out to the body, what is the ground of existence of it and how the digestion, breathing & other physiological activities are done in deep sleep?Link
260.Does an enlightened person have any choice to go to the highest of “Brahmaloka” after “Mahasamadhi”?Link
261.I have recently come across the concept of sentient robots. How can one harmonize it with Advaita Vedanta Philosophy?Link
262.Among the two paths of spirituality namely Bhakti (Devotion) and Jnana (Knowledge), which one is the right?Link
263. If I am one with God (according to Advaita Vedanta concept) what is the necessity of worshiping as the worshiper and worshipped are the same?Link
264.We say Brahman is the only reality and the world is Maya (illusion). Then what causes the world to appear?Link
265.What does 'Bindu Naad Kalaa' mean?Link
266.What is the difference between 'Jeeva' (sentient beings) and 'Jada' (insentient things)? If both are manifestation of Brahman, then what Karma makes one thing 'Jeeva' and the other 'Jada'?Link
267.In Bhakti traditions, God is understood to have love and compassion. What is the relation of God of Advaita with the God of Bhakti traditions?Link
268.Why is Advaitic meditation (Nidhidhyasana) sometimes considered better than Yogic meditation (meditation of Patanjali Yoga Sutras)?Link
269.How does one make the mind one-pointed?Link
270. Difference between the mind of a yogi and the mind of a worldly person.Link
271.Do our senses tell us what is real?Link
272.What entity becomes liberated?Link
273.Karma, redemption, suffering, and beyond.Link
274. What is the purpose of life? Why the game of life?Link
275.Can karma affect an enlightened person?Link
276.Who is witnessing the mind?Link
277. Who is deluded by maya?Link
278.When is a person ready for spiritual life?Link
279. Is there suffering outside of the mind?Link
280.Can art lead us to reality?"Link
281.When we are reborn, do we get the same piece of consciousness as we have in this birth?Link
282.If whatever we do is Karma then does whatever we think also our Karma?Link
283.If same Brahman is residing in me and others, how is my Karma my own, why don't I share somebody else's Karma or vice versa?Link
284. What is the point of Karma when the results of the action is delayed and we don't even remember the actions for which we are suffering? How are we supposed to learn the lesson? How do you prove the existence of afterlives, or is it mere a faith or belief.Link
285. If so much of what happens to us is due to our Karma in past lives and our tendencies that we have inherited, what is the need of living within the framework of morality?Link
286.Where does evil come from?Link
287. If the whole world is Brahman, then it suggests the evil is also Brahman. Then how to distinguish between good and evil? If God exists then why is evil more than good in the world?Link
288. Tell us more about death and destruction of universe.Link
289.Why are you stressing more on the teachings of non-dualism of Shankara and neglecting Ramanujacharya's and Madhavacharya's teaching. There are more references of Madhavacharya than Shankara in even Gospels of Ramakrishna.Link
290. (a) How does one select a path to follow? (b) How to recognize a Guru?Link
291.What is my duty in life?Link
292.Is Ramakrishna a 'Shankara Advaitin'?Link
293. In Vedanta, all that we experience are objects for consciousness. Even the sense of 'I' is an object, but it disappears in deep sleep. So, "I", who am not there in deep sleep, claim that 'I slept' - when I wake up. How do you reconcile this?Link
294.Performing duties of life drains my energy and yet I don't feel that I am growing, spiritually. How to make spiritual progress, even while performing my duties?Link
295.In text-based meditation technique, I'm faced with external disturbances - such as - ticking of clock, chirping of bird, etc. and the internal & external get mixed up. What is the way out?Link
296.I am often faced with people who misunderstand me because I am a spiritual seeker & indulge in spiritual practices. What should I do?Link
297. How does Consciousness arise in form from Shunya in Buddhist view?Link
298. I experience compassion for some people, and no compassion for others. So, should I wait for grace, or should I keep working at it?Link
299. How do I prioritize my time & energy to make spiritual progress, as much as I excel at my work?Link
300.(a) Is there any reality in the dream state? (b) My method of meditation keeps on changing because of so many methods I get to learn about; what should I do?Link
301.What is the existence of the universe, and how is it related to the spiritual world?Link
302.How to provide sufficiently strong arguments to mind, to counter distractions, provocations - such as greed, lust, etc. in order to attain perfect chastity in thought, word & deed?Link
303. With advent of artificial intelligence, there have been changes in the job market where youngsters are finding it more and more difficult. What will life look like 50 years from now?Link